Spidey's NEW SUIT! (Spiderman PS4 #2)

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well looks like I'm committed hey guys how's it going at Dan here and welcome back to spider-man Marvel's spider-man spider-man ps4 Edition I don't know what to call it we're gonna go is straight spider-man now you guys absolutely love the first episode of this and I'm so glad because I have been just chomping at the bit ready to play this game again and I'm glad you liked it so much because I'm gonna play this from beginning all the way to the ends not in this video that'd be crazy but I'm gonna play this beginning to end with you guys I'm gonna try and make it as often as I can probably not every day but at least every other day a day when I'd normally skip a video I'm hoping to get some spider-man out so apparently got to meet a captain right now and let's just take in how amazing this game looks again it is it's just a phenomenal piece of videogame mastery look at that building over there as well I love it right let's get out here let's go Spidey we're actually pretty high I think are at one of the highest places right now is this Madison Square Garden let me just take a look real quick oh do you know what honors the square station to not be amazing if I could find I'm a Broadway where I did my show once I did a show on Broadway if I know if I knew what that was I'd go and find it right now but for now when he's had 2,000 meters in that direction and at an attempt our next mission now again I just want to thank you guys so much for the support on the first episode if we could get to knew that throughout the series that'd be great I didn't think you guys to like it as much as I did I'm not sure why I guess because it's like a traditional let's play kind of game but you guys are up for it I am most certainly up for it and let's head to our destination almost there to the top of the building come on spider-man do what you do best and just run up the building you know you don't need to do anything else just look cool here we go let's start our mission fair enough so why'd you call need a date to the policeman's ball you got a black and white suit no ball this year anyway we spent too much integrating Oscorp surveillance tech worth it though right it was until an hour ago system went down Oh citywide every tower oh you tell me someone sabotage the central server and now all the towers are offline mm-hmm inside job maybe I'll figure it out later right now we need to get the towers back online fast and you called me oh that's sweet I called someone I could trust plus the signals are scrambled and we have no idea how to fix it whoo I love a challenge you break it you buy it spider-man you trusted me spider-man we need so quite you scuffed suit buddy is it still scuffed pretty scuffed right let's repair the Tower apparently spider-man is now tech support let's do this is this another gonna be another one of those puzzles match the wavelengths okay perfect easy modes so I have to do that for all the towers is that Who ahead to do come on guys you got a place somewhere fit really but just so you know I had to sync up with the tower to fix it I'm seeing all crime data in the area now looks like there's a break-in happening near me great let's go let's go I'm on it need to be a superhero press r3 to locate crimes in progress crimes crimes you know what I mean bad things bad stuff hello did someone cool the spider-man I think so because they're in hoodie and masks what are you doing punks my back he's got a crowbar classic this looks shifty at all there's like five of them six six of them just hanging around in alleyways didn't forget their keys hit first yes enemies with melee weapons block most attacks but a vulnerable to air launch attacks webs and throwable is good to know just gonna have to make sure these are in the air and there's the Smackdown I forgot to dodge that's gonna be a that's definitely gonna be a theme for while I get used to the controls again let's just web you up you know I'm just I'm sick of your nonsense what kind of break kinases anyway this seems pretty intense for just like petty criminals you know oh I can do that as well I forgot and I can apparently escape the action whenever I like okay that guy did not have a crowbar so I didn't need to send him in the air this guy though get out of here I keep the gang to dodge enough to use my focus to heal hello sir how are you I love how you could just I thought I could just run away from them if you really don't want to fight them they'll just chase you come buddy it's a little bit faster you're almost there he was there come and get me fine you know what has come in stop robbing whatever you were going to rob and I put him on the sidewalk as well hello what do you what are you gonna do someone just asked me for the autograph no I'm busy look I'm busy I'm leaving the mission this dudes leaving the mission break-in stop okay so we can kind of do like petty tasks on the way that's kind of cool stop crimes down crime tokens we can be spent to craft better gear there's an assault which we definitely need to solve and has shown us the police department there must be a lot more of the map that we can unlock as well let's go and find this this assault what are you doing oh geez look at this big dude Bruce will block your melee attacks use webs and throwables to make them vulnerable okay there's a lot that needs to process in my brain right now I'm guessing he's a brute because he's absolutely massive let's dodge that attack let's take care of the little small guys first I do like your oh jeez almost got smacked I do like your outfit the bright red tracks you I can dig that actually very nice but it's gonna have to get a little bit dirty oh my goodness he's punching my lights out stop that and I've just webbed up the wrong guy this dude just like smacks me I'm I'm almost dead I'm on one HP and type 1 HP in the chat oh my goodness yeah I need to put this guy out stop I need to get you out of here put the crowbar down please sir oh my goodness definitely need to get back into the swing of things if you know what I mean I think the brute is down but not out so let's do this he must be like related to the no I messed up okay I messed up he needed three punches on me and got me down to one HP this guy's insane let me let me try this again ah that's the stuff get the little guys out the way and web up the big guy I've got this you're all going down I don't know what you're attempting to do but it's not cool on my watch okay oh jeez okay you as well so when we dodged this guy we actually send we send webs into his face and we can put it took two down at once these brutes have so much so much health my focus bar is for I could do the Smackdown but I don't need it this time way now oh okay save the hostage before times run out use the L to aim at the target press r1 to disarm them okay nice easy mode gets smacked Punk put HUD down don't use guns okay and stop eating so much you're going to the gym jeez I knew Jamison was wrong about you you're a little weird but you got a good heart yeah I'll take it you got somewhere to go I could take care of myself I'm sure you can but just in case there's a place called the feast center seen it I don't want charity they got the best wheat cakes in the city hands down yeah mom used to make those spider-man giving out food tips a long time I'll check it out Thanks spider guy it's spider-man spider-man see we connected or this should be able to spot the next a kinetic level I should be spider-man if spider-man is ever needed in the real world I'm your man I'm your man Oh Ellis was a will impress our two to wall run there is oh okay definitely doesn't work in a hallway let's do it on this graffiti instead I think you can just run with r2 anyway yeah there you go and that kind of gets you started for swinging not too bad right second tower should be here modify these towers to track me more than just crap more than just crimes wells do you want freebies on Amazon coupon codes any of the above come on that's close the right height but not the right length hey spider-man the tech guy at it again so these are all in like certain vicinities we keep unlocking different crimes I'm guessing let's see what happens what is that score citywide activities RFID I wish I knew what that meant I think it just means to go and um fight crime and be the hero which I could definitely do it's up here somewhere is it this giant hose athletes locate citywide activities I'm pretty sure I'm there No hello oh here it is webbed backpack Wow one of my old backpacks from high school what forgot I attached tracking dots to these spider-man you don't need to do homework now I think you passed it I think you're good why did I need that oh sweet so backpack tokens and something else we collected as well we can craft better gear there's loads absolutely loads where is the crafting though benchmarks oh these like challenges I guess which is very very nice I like that makes the game so much longer if you're into that kind of thing and this is just like 100% completionist stuff not my deal unless the game is absolutely mind-blowing and I want more after the story first date menu reward one backpack token thank you we've got another robbery let's go let's not mess this one up those this time Spidey because little embarrassing when you're going to save someone and get your butt kicked you know what I mean old cheese okay this is uh this is the real deal right now what's happened to New York spider is shooting okay I am going to wait for you to shoot and web you up I wet the guy without the gun amazing uh combat so it's fluid so I think I made him shoot his friend oh you do you have a gun okay you're gonna have to put that down please sir and I will take one engagement ring thank you they called back up what kind of dad and I swung him around as well fantastic this dude has like some kind of cool of jewy gun put that down please look at these guys armed robbery stopped ha you'll think again won't you when you think you could put four knight into real life nah-ah these guys are cheering me well they were a minute ago they were clapping I love how you can just leave them hanging here like forever but you see what I mean about this gun that's some serious firepower there buddy and this dude on the floors this like take me I'm sorry right next tower and then we should be able to get some more crime to fight and then we just figure this out [Applause] done towers reveal collectables challenges and side missions as well but I think that's our mission done and we should have some more points to spend as well more melee damage increase as well I like it I'm leveling up spider-man like you to Pokemon can't have people taking pictures of my three chest hairs load for super repair at the lab Oh duh that would be uh that would be bad when aq met him front page spider-man three chest hairs only we thought he was some kind of man spider you know what I'm saying you don't wanna you don't want to see that oh my goodness is that is that the news guy is a baby that's great the spiders a mean on his uh on his bib I mean that's the best piece of artwork I've seen so far right let's go and repair this sue shall we I wonder if it'll give us some kind of smart minigame to repair this suit I'd be well up for that let's go good choice of flannel pizza you are rocking it right now well it is on your wrist is that like a like a Smart Watch Apple's new Smart Watch maybe right let's go and fix this suit this go we'll add in a mode on this shall we I should review what ducks been developing and double check his work double check your boss's work when you're when you're smarter than your boss oh wow this station allows you to work on circuit projects and XP no rewards for completing projects more circuit projects will unlock as you progress throughout the game okay but what it I don't know what these little purple things are so far I'm gonna skip it just for now unless I need them down the line because at the minute I need me a new swap I don't need the new suit I need to repair my suit and I'm pretty sure you can get new suits throughout the game as well new outfits and stuff I definitely seen that anyway and I'm pretty sure there's a different one at the beginning of this danger screen dr. Octavius I got their Chinese well you'd be here I would have what are you working on oh just a side project well all good [Music] of course not it's you III don't know how on Parker it's obvious let me explain I only wish you'd told me sooner I wanted to but I was afraid that if word got out my family might be in danger huh yes I guess if you design his equipment you're bound to be a target too yeah yeah oh I see I see don't worry your secret's safe what if Jonathan to the fat guy though I'm pretty sure is going to happen I'll leave you to it couldn't even you've just said he's a cosplayer he just wants to look like spider-man and does pretty good work of it I mean that seems like it would have been a better option instead of falling asleep with a post-it note on your heads check your email I wish people did that to me because I forget to check my emails all the time we work on the spider suit or it doesn't look like it does it maybe he's gonna give us a new one Peter the revelation of your second job as spider-man suit crafter is that the right term is a reminder of the good man and partner you are no matter how hard you work you still find time to help others I hope you don't mind but I noticed the suit was a bit damaged I read ahead of Liberty of sketching up some of my own improvements attached to a few ideas I had on how you could enhance his suit and help protect spider-man who does so much for this city looking forward to the incredible work that we're doing and changing the world together your partner and friend Otto okay so he's using the UM the friend card just in case we do become like rivals and big enemies he's gonna help us out with our suit so well spied spider-man suit not mine I'm not spider-man I swear open attachments pider huh white spider yeah is that the one that's I'm pretty sure that's the one on the title screen right now I can use your token to create the advance suit that's what we were doing complete side-missions the citywide activities to earn tokens dude he looks like he's got skeletal hands as well all of those like perfection hold extra craft the advance suit so we had one back back token and three normal ones can you unlock the that the ripped one crafting a new suit also equips the new suit power hydro bio-memory rapidly generates focus for a short time holding the two sticks to generate okay use a suit power menu to swap back to any previous suit powers you've unlocked suits can also be upgraded with super mods this is so deep I'm actually my mind is blown a little bit unlock an equip suit mods here complete side missions and activities one suits super powers and super mods use tokens to create suit mods okay that's quite cool because there's an incentive to do the side missions then because in most games they're just yeah do them if you want but this actually helps you in the main game as well use tokens to create suit mods and then increase your ability and boost your offense and defense you can equip three suit mods at a time to start do it cool Hey look at those spider-man upgrade I like how it looks a little bit skeletal as well when he can grind like Sonic Adventure oh it does look cool I must admit and I like how he's so smart he can just do this straight away from the plans he was given don't get run over please that would be a bit embarrassing right now let's go I love how it seamlessly integrates the cinematics very very nice what a touch there's loads are just like little touches just drizzled sprinkled throughout the game that are so impressive and important it makes you just sit back and go wow yes suits so you can just do classic suit damaged if you really want to oh my goodness how do you unlock that you need to backpack tokens and one base token that's insane when does he do that he's got a gun spider-man doesn't need a gun but we could go full fooder with spikes blasts enemies with waves of righteous sound I mean I wish I could wait I have it cuz i pre-ordered the game amazing I also have the ions Oh Mike spider-man's never looked so good wreak havoc with four articulated arms made from rapidly grown mono atomic iron alloy crystal what this is cool as well velocity suit micro gyros allow for faster sprinting and real-time momentum transfer knocks down enemies they will have different I think they all have different stats as well what's this one find all the backpacks to unlock this - it looks like it's some kind of hoodie I'm kind of liking this one right now I want to see what happens with the the four arms that sounds insane and look how good he looks whoa and we can choose the different powers as well because as long as we've unlocked them we can choose them on anything we'll look at the top right I'm choosing that right now and soup mods as well we have a gadget attacks generate focus okay reduces incoming melee damage nice and a long-range scanner increases the range on the AR scanner to show items enemies far away I'm going to equip equip every single one oh I have to craft them I need a crime token I can I can do this one so I've got that gadget axe generate focus for this I need backpack and crime tokens okay cool I understand this I think I have yeah have one of these to spend as well what do I want oh this could be quite good hold triangle to yanked small arms like pistols and batons right of the enemies hands how long is that going to be helpful for though when they start bringing out those massive assault rifles that they were using earlier improves focus gained a higher combo yeah I think I'm gonna go pistol and baton yank we can get skill points quite easy by levelling up we're almost at another one actually we've only got just under 500 to go oh man I am looking pretty phenomenal let's go and try out these crazy spider arms whoa he's like he's doing flips and stuff as well he feels on top of the world right now and I don't blame him he is looking amazing right we've done another tower so he should be able to find some more crimes I really want to try out these spider arms because they look insane we're really close to unlocking another skill point as well let me scan and see what happens stolen vehicle where is the vehicle though did it disappear it must have disappeared does not let me do it oh no way it's behind me 250 meters let's go I don't know how we're gonna stop a car I guess we can web it up and then we just water win let's find out is it here yeah it's here oh dude you do not know what is gonna happen all this is a drug deal actually guess Matt are you ready am I gonna take up guns as well how do I use the spider arms press l3 and r3 to activate oh okay you guys are so dead oh my goodness can I just use these all the time I'm guessing not but they have powerful bonus objectives I've got two crying tokens that that's pretty cool what are these can I take the money there's a lot there's a lot of money there what about this wish there was a spy diem nope I've just I've just revealed all the drugs fantastic wait what where did this guy come from do you want to taste my arms Punk what do you do it why are you aggressing on me use my new power on you as well but that down it's gone so much more powerful as well undercover Fisk Fox will attack spider-man on sites and they're just jealous of my new outfit right just look at me I love how we just leave all the criminals on the floor or just it just chilling looks like the arm stolen vehicle and got away which is a shame but we've got more important business to deal with Yuri I'm at a fist construction site and there's a lot of guys here aren't exactly constructing where's the secret base I want to go find out oh look some Goods huh just got a text from Doc looks like he attached an idea Fred Spidey gadget hey this guy is helping us out alive and he open the gadget page whether he unlock with the plans from also you can our craft the impact web powerful web blast instantly webs up enemies oh nice it's almost like a grenade hold extra craft yes do we have to equip them a lot of new gadget with tokens or parts yep yep got it so we can just use them all all of the time spider drone oh this is cool this looks like it could work I hope so let's see what happens how do we use it though el ones bring up gadget selects are okay and I want to fire six waves of enemies this guy is like the spider drone you know I'm just gonna kick all of your butts I feel powerful enough to I feel like Spider Man's learned some new moves and he is way quicker with this crazy suit I'm not sure why what is that a bomb I could throw that if I was quick enough yes use their own thing against them that's great I love that come here come here little punk oh geez okay he almost threw him off the building that's fine he's a bad guy and I think there is a pretty crazy gun around here there's so many people but the Dodge is very very powerful so as long as you hit the dodges on time I think you're pretty much good - powers ready let's go spike oh my goodness oh it's a flashbang it's not even like a crazy explosion do these spider arms are like one shot and you kill everyone there Opie but I don't even mind that guy has a lightsaber he had it he had a lightsaber anyway before I impact webson into the ground can I grabbed this off you okay I can't grab those ones my dude definitely had a lightsaber he's dropped it and he's kind of gone to sleep because I'm just I made him fall asleep inside some sticky webs no no no oh I was meant to grab the mine not gonna lie but um grab the barrel instead which seemed to work your new suit comes with a soup pot soup hours give you special abilities I've already used this what's my eight armed well four arms eight in total come out when does he have this remember I'm not that clued up on the include up on the film's not necessarily the comic books would I feel like this is from all this is just some kind of next-level power just for this game it doesn't even matter that my man has a shield I just wrecked him I told you this guy's a lightsaber put that down here we go flashbangs square to the face shields ain't gonna save you now buddy oh he blocks I completely forgot I think I can get the always app me this is not good okay I'm in bad shape this is my final wave I think what's weird the Rockets come from okay I need to heal I need get out of here and heal no not a chance oh my goodness one HP again okay I use play this really really carefully used to dodge everything grab that use that against them especially the shield guy cuz he's super annoying heal up real quick grab you you look a bit dazed and confused' let me wait that even worse for you buddy Oh grab it grab it grab it I love these they're the ones using them they're so useful hello friends you're gonna need to put that down please when they like firing burst rifles and bazookas at the same time these guys are insane why even the Dodgers make you feel amazing come on guys come down from there or I'll come up to you either ah doesn't really matter you're gonna regret putting those rockets in my face get out of here kick that guy right in his bald spot or I can heal loads don't got a big combo then is everyone duck are you not done yet huh you're not done oh that was close come here buddy okay see you later that was cool I didn't show you all of it so fluid so fluid even though there's so much going on lockdown captain usually Webb down well it's been late now work it's a little bit late now performing ten finishes oh yeah I've been using the finishes properly and we get base tokens as well to upgrade our suit and powers if you see anything suspicious certainly will so we have a look we've unlocked two lots already today which is crazy hideouts backpacks just random crime around the city new Spider it's just insane we've got a new level up as well so let's go to skills Oh rifle shield and launcher yank I need to I'm gonna save up for that because that would be so helpful anything new in the suits Department Oh The Scarlet Spider sued I'm not sure I like the mask on that one experiments way our tech spawns multiple hollow decoys that stunt attacking enemies before decaying that could be good I'm still loving the spider arms though so I think I'm gonna keep the spider arms for now what is this oh oh I can we try to get more oh that's cool I like that so you can retry to get more of the tokens yeah I like that as well that's cool right where are we heading to now and you take a picture of a landmarks we can make our map more accurate so wonder where we're going I don't know what's gonna get me off of this suit because I think this just looks the best here we go Empire State I've been to the top of that if you live in New York around New York you're going to visit New York definitely go let's equip the camera hold l2 to aim and I forgot Peter Parker was a photographer should get landmark tokens as well okay so we need to collect those as well a lot to collect into do guys look at these landmarks thug crimes construction things as well and now my suit matches the orange glow of the sunset or sunrise you know we need a little extra time to get set for may's party oh I guess the cake delivery is stuck in traffic oh sure thing can we just grab this let me know when you're ready and I'll swing by great I wonder how many people don't realize he means that literally so we got some time until mais party which I'm guessing we're going to because we're the most important person in her life and we did just unlock our second skill points so I am gonna purchase this because that's gonna be so helpful I find the shield's more annoying than anything else so that's good we've got the spider drone as well will seek out on fire an energy blaster at nearby enemies back around the top right is gonna absolutely destroy it by it I like that new suit as well whoa these suits are blowing my mind are you kidding me he looks like he's like he's ready to be on Tron or something bulletproof magnetically polarized armour plating makes suit temporary bulletproof against all enemies even snipers that's where the research tokens come in from earlier those are the purple ones doing the little one skill minigames well I'm still liking the iron spider so far it glow is it shiny and I like shiny things there's a crime there's a crime happening is it down here sorry guys I did not mean to land on you I love how he doesn't manage to kill people even though he lands directly on top of them where's the crime where is the crime what is this littering is that the crime what's happening up there oh oh okay yep break-in okay break-in how did you guys even get up there okay I'm literally sending that guy off the top of a oh man I need to know don't get hit do not get hit I'm still confused about how you guys even got here you know I didn't die did I no I need to run round the corner here a little bit and smack you off the building if I kick them the right way they just leave the building and I almost left the building as well coming up can you yank that off you now which is good and then just kick you in the back don't make me use my iron arms [Music] is this all work I feel like it's close to our work goodnight friends one of your friends did fall off the building are we so over there he didn't fall too far at all for she's a jolly good fellow for she's a jolly good fellow I'm guessing that Aunt May's birthday party so let's go show our face man you save so much time being spider-man just because you can you can zip around the city no ubers you're even faster than a plane or a helicopter going around New York let's go and pay some this pay some attention to Aunt May we've doing a lot of crime-fighting eating our own suit but that's let's give may our own supersuit that'll be fun I mean normal pioppi commodes mr. Lee's probably in the kitchen getting ready for the party this is like a homeless shelter that's cool yeah food emergency aid shelter training this is cool does on may work here wait a second oh I thought you were Stan Lee for a second man stop standing around looking like him is this our guy it is hey Mark what is our site just keep her distracted while we get everything ready you got it please let me play this hey is my favorite aunt hey on man what a nice surprise need some help ah yeah sure oh there are some heavy knocks no no I mean I'm not yet I mean I came to it's a thank you I just wanted to talk okay you're doing great fantastic um Peter are you in trouble I was by Matt no no Sam a little behind on my rent but no no no no I'm fine girl problems again huh oh that's Chris I still wish you and MJ could work things out she's a great girl she is but the two of you would make some beautiful baby Peter what is it come on think of something good you can tell me I'm spider-man just say it it's better than ruining the surprise years you helping me through college and working here sacrificing so much and asking for nothing I just wish there were more people yeah he set this up perfectly five years ago you walked in here and told me you were inspired by my mission to help up now it's you who inspires me thank you me for everything God so cute mr. many more years of service I love that I want to clap once you late haha whoops man the cake everything looks good but the cake what's going on thanks again for setting all this up no I just wish I could do more well maze always told me if you help someone you help everyone maybe we should send made a City Hall to have a word with Mayor Spidey oh I got to run um thanks again for the party and everything it really means a lot you can't just stay for five minutes dude is there a picture of him in the background a picture of himself on the wall that's what he was looking at from URI that's hilarious I don't have any pictures of myself on my wall do I not I'm good URI needs us we can't open the door in such spectacular fashion but we can at least just open it up normally ah new loading screen as well that's so I did not know that spider-man had this suit if anyone knows where this is from or whether it's just for the game let me know in the comments section that'd be great oh nighttime all nights I'm voicemail from URI state sale just tripped Oh could you check it out quietly I don't want to make a scene if it's nothing fisk estate sale sounds fun wow that's fun the kingpin had hidden in his closets all new suit mods combat analyzer increase XP from defeating enemies it's just standing over like a knocked out body a bit weird discharged power sellers perfect dodge temporarily increases damage reduces incoming bullet damage now that's a good one I can't afford it actually which would be good and silent step enemies take longer detect you in stealth I don't really need that I might yeah I'm gonna craft this I think let's take that cuz we can have three in total we can't afford any more right now but I think that's gonna be a good start still got our spider drones but which we need to try out and oh oh we can get upgrades on our upgrades so much fun to be had increase the gadget shock capacity so we have three of these instead I like that I was gonna I was going to look at something else Oh what I want photo mode oh my goodness guys you can add stickers this is like a proper Instagram that's mad way so if I'm swinging through the city can I just put it in photo mode whenever cuz that would look sweet I can you can put it in photo mode whenever you like I want to put it in a arms mode I can take a selfie while I'm swinging through the city that is an amazing super suit I mean spider-man has gone from here in my in my superhero rankings to get oh man wait a second wait a second spider arms are here I can swing with them as well man I'm gonna have way too much fun the self he gets rid of the of the arms but Wow you can add frames as well that would put him on a billboard insane that is a phenomenal picture and I'll probably use as the thumbnail that's how impressed I am with his suit the city and night looks even better I didn't think the game could look better but especially with this suit because it's got the glowing eyes and just the shininess of it the game just went next-level love you to our May that was a little bit more of a predictable sentence but still me and spider-man like this and here we have a guy's Central Park again look spectacular at nights it's definitely one of the best looking games I have ever played and I've played a lot of games in my time but this is definitely one of the best looking ever eats my destination I think we need to okay let's head in here that seems uh-oh the auction house I was so distracted by the side missions I completely forgot what I was doing I wonder if the glowing eyes would ever be a bad thing I'm guessing they would be I am losing patience what is this where is the file there's someone else here they must have taken it just masks who are these guys I know right and superheroes there's no one here but uh samurai we will find the file or you will die Wow they'll kill her if I alert them need to pick them off silently oh dude stealth missions Yuri the silent alarm is legit massive gunman in a single hostage looks like a heist in progress copy that sending units your way keep the situation from getting worse in the meantime can do easier said than done I'm terrible at stealth missions and way too impatient I just want to mash the square button and punch him in the jaw so what I want to do at least spider-man is very inconspicuous shoot webs at services and objects to lure enemies oh okay so we lure him towards us and bam get stuck to the ceiling buddy nicely done no one's gonna no one's gonna hurt that okay yeah this is this is super stealth these guys are trying to claim kingpins territory I was hoping for at least a weekend of R&R should weapon from above vent takedown I can do one of these we did one of these before I love how they just they just happen to be standing underneath the vents which is nice nice and convenient for Spidey get behind an enemy for a stealth takedown was a very stealthy you punched him in the face I heard the sound it was loud someone's coming just see me out here yeah okay I need to go up that quick get in the vent spider-man spending a lot of time in the vents right now oh geez what was the actor here did you shoot r3 to show enemies that are safe for takedowns enemies of danger icons will cause you to be detected by nearby enemies if they are attacked you can lure enemies by webbing nearby services or objects to cause a distraction there and then I can take this guy out he was it wasn't Japanese right it's like some Japanese samurai or something maybe some kind of Japanese gang oh my goodness I was not expecting that I just pressed triangle and he launched hey could we play piano no we can't play piano store everybody we could just take their masks off and find out who they are but spider-man's ready for the the hard way hello are you in this box sir a camera totally lost don't move is that mine buddy if I had a nickel for every don't move wait what hey it's Mary Jane what's good didn't expect to see you here what are you doing here same with you working at least it was oh she loves says she's the other person yours yeah Thanks so Robbie's got you covering a break-in for the bugle well Robbie doesn't technically know him here and it wasn't a break-in until a few minutes ago true uh-huh let me explain 15 minutes early has given us a little flashback I like it some context and then I can kick some butt I want to know what happens here excuse me hi Mary Jane Watson I am covering the Fiske estate sale hello Craig said we do this tomorrow I like to get a jump on things well I don't know you'll have to come back tomorrow right just okay what please I'm sorry let me alone that was some shady look hey Craig no sorry it just it looks like we're gonna have to run something else on the cover Wow maybe the expressionist piece she went there I think I can make today work make sure you're here no moment like the present thank you there's no one on the phone Craig never mind we're good let's get started it's good the DMV I like it well we can do we can play the back story oh I like that I thought we just gonna be shown it investigate the swords sausage with this the first time they fought Pete got away collapsed in my yard half dead and I had to steal my dad's car to drive him to the ER the first of many nurse MJ moments where he didn't ask the guy we fought in the first episode cuts him in half how is spider-man still alive the guy's an absolute unit looks like that for night skin I know that's bad because it's it's definitely to do with history boys playing dress-up getting into fights yeah that it says the person dating spider-man who's dressed up like a spider let me know when you're ready to begin sounds good should we just start I think we should just go starting with the prize a one-of-a-kind car game on Baku beautiful so beautiful correct mr. Fisk has exceptional taste did you know him well before his arrest in a professional context I handled many of his sales let's move on please so this is all his memorabilia and that makes sense so the samurai stuff was outside his office in the first video we did can we take pictures of something else please maybe you the traditional Tasha Comey puddled ink affects the to me okay I just want to take pictures of you liked this piece definitely his style he loved the duality destruction screams but creation toils in silence was there ever anything irregular in any of the sales you handled for him no no of course not not that I was aware of notice the intricate gold inlay on this ceremonial tea set Oh friends in the DA's office mentioned that Fisk used art sales tool under stolen goods ah sure I wouldn't know anything about that you sure oh I know I was taking pictures just arrested evidence you never noticed I guess strange you know what I'm actually running short of time why don't we grab the cover photo while we can when I told my DEA friend I was doing a piece on you he mentioned your name was familiar she's suspicious photo please stand right there are you sure there's nothing you'd like to say may be off the record regarding Fisk's activities I don't think your readers would have any interest in that's a yes it's definitely yes come on wait here please so she's in on it as well and this lady is basically working with Fisk I guess to launder stolen goods didn't get him properly back Jack there we go better look how she left the door open so suspiciously as well Oh fine follow me thank you be right back be right back go into the ladies room I'm guessing this is where I get stuck after the highest right there we go game play oh he's gonna sneak around downstairs right funny you should call because the reporter you sent is clearly not working the puff piece we agreed upon no she's here now I've got to get into that back room this just turned into a huge story what do you mean some people are suspicious a question mark will appear and they will investigate if you see exclamation mark then you've been spotted okay no no no no no no no [Music] she has no idea around turn around Thanks can I get in now I mean that's super obvious he's right there told me about this excuse to hide evidence whoa why didn't the cops take it I don't crazy statutes we what we can open it behind the pain thing your behind it looks different maybe it's a fake oh the arm need to press the arm yeah here we go we can examine this I think it's arms in a different place statue can move whoa common poses latent power mouth closed left arm down right palm facing forward hmm is that what it looks like now no it's not it looks completely different face forwards I can't move that hand no it's not like that it's like this wait what does it look like oh maybe it does he's going his head to the right and and the other one moves down right palm facing forward oh so close what has happened I got it right but a piece is missing I'm not good at puzzles as you've just have you just learned hmm which piece to be needs it's none of those I guess I'm taking this for research purposes okay that's not right okay that's no right at all I'm gonna take it out this that looks a bit more Samurai like yes I told you Devil's breath this is this is gonna go bad so the statues defillippo vertically like and they can speak Japanese oh that's the fire they're looking for and then she tried to snitch on us I get it now it all makes sense I was on my way to the exit when I saw you you're lucky to be alive I know there's the guy I saved five minutes ago sure listen whoever these mask guys are there after this file but I'll never get it out of here well the place is swarming with them I'll take it right okay um you hide back there I take out the bad guys you make a break when it's clear simply simple easy as that good to see you Pete you didn't you - not exactly how I pictured us meeting again now honey it's exactly how I pictured it she's a charmer let's get these bad guys bad I mean it's bad and does whatever oh I did not mean to do that whoops okay whoops try again shall we yeah definitely mess that up stealth stealth stealth I said we need to be stealthy Devil's breath build a secret research lab for it but it seemed to scare Fisk he compares it to Pandora's box no much shook Fisk we need to get you in that file out of here hang tight there we go sweep it off okay don't know if I should be doing this right like this or let's see I think this guy is coming round now haha you didn't see anything you didn't see anything buddy buddy don't say a word what oh my goodness okay yep this is bad come here not you other guy other guy come here give me your gun and come here don't say anything thank you got a salad understatement woe betide me oh I got them all really MJ no no no she's got him she's got him other way around he's got her hey coming to save the day let's go I wish I was doing this bit though oh I am I am my wish has been granted right here we go epic fight scene and these guys are cost something crazy fists they do like these blue things that's nuts they're like oh no okay we'd be a lot more careful okay so what is this weird blue stuff that they're using and they're using like the Japanese language as a weapon as well okay I need to not mess up I've just healed which is goods I will grab that thank you sir and use your own blue goo against you thank you for the gun night-night buddy see you later is that everyone are you getting back up I don't think so you stay over there thank you and what's all this blue like in Charmin he's got a pickaxe it plays minecraft or he's got a scythe either one that is pretty scary I will take the off you easy mode get in the air so I can deal the beatdown okay these sightings are actually a little bit terrifying so if I can take that one as well please that would be great right let's do a takedown show we haven't done one of those yet oh oh that was spice a lot of spice in that one spider-man I like it I like your style buddy I like how when you dodge as well you give like an extra second because you usually would like Webb up there face as well how do you check everyone dead everyone knocked out asleep dead or otherwise I think so who's that please be a zombie huh looks antique I think I know someone who could help track down where this came from a job for later yeah maybe later you too late guys I just talked to Craig you are not the reporter he was sending you don't even work for heritage art so he said I did hi Mary Jane Watson Daily Bugle yes you will not write a word of what you saw the record what do you know about the file those masks been busted I what about the long history of stolen goods Fisk has laundered at this auction house so your editor will be hearing from our attorney so he's using these art pieces to launder money and do illegal acts it's so cute 9 they go the file like the last six months never happens he's taking her on a date and she said yes all I had to be was an amazing superhero and save her life multiple times and she saves us multiple times seems like a balanced relationship to be honest I've been playing this for ages now an hour and a half I should probably depending on where this loads of sin to she'll probably end it here this is gonna be one ok maybe not no idea but I just took go ahead mix these fries totally fries so how's the grind the bugle yeah well I just got an all caps text from Robbie about my so-called antics tonight hmm so it looks like I'll be meeting with a legal team again as soon as he reads the article you're gonna write guaranteed promotion yep so creepy mask guys what's your take just another night in the city it's your take I feel like there's a your story there let's not make this all about business house how's it going with you did did you get that promotion no but we're on the cusp of something really big you know ask corporate hi are you in a heartbeat right one phone call the hair shirt but dr. octavius's work will help millions I'm right where I wanna be right where I should be almost sounds like it's more important than your other job I've never heard you talk like that before Biderman James at 6 months why did you ask me here Pete because I love you I mean - just just wanna hang out friends friends is that what we are I mean who could be you know you Davey that's what you wanted there's a lot of baggage here no yeah sure but is that so bad I mean baggage can carry good things too like big money and keys raspberry lip balm do you remember why we broke up this is a trick question isn't it yeah oh no saved by the siren was it something to do with that I think it's something to do it asking her out on a date and then ditching her immediately not the best look pizza and she has to pay for it let's see you two together again you always were my favorites love it absolutely love it I love thee has a cameo in every single thing he does that he's helped to create amazing I was looking for you earlier buddy where were you because yeah I think this is going to be a good place to end it so let's hop to the top of a building got some more experience as well we can spend that at the beginning of the next episode but I feel like we did a lot today me Yuri Yuri Sochi units third shocker didn't he just get paroled take no worries Herman's just a big cupcake I'll have him back in Rikers by bedtime is that a new superhero supervillain even after saving her from masked criminals now I'm gonna go beat up a maniac who uses shockwaves throughout people what a perfectly normal life you have Peter Parker yeah that's me not the life that you should be leading buddy but I'm gonna have to leave it here guys we're not new super suits new everything I'll go through everything that we unlocked thanks to that mission just now in the next episode if you're enjoying this please do leave a like could be greatly appreciated thank you for being here I hope you enjoyed and I hope you're gonna enjoy this series again thank you so much for watching and leave a like subscribe with you're brand new to keep over this series and the other videos that I make over the next few weeks and I will see you guys next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 7,350,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spiderman ps4, dantdm spiderman, spiderman dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim
Id: AnWetBFEquI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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