Spider-Man vs Mister Negative! (Spiderman PS4 #6)

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better check up on MJ in Central Park yes we better do that hey guys how's it going welcome back to spider-man where we need to get inside this place I'm pretty sure this is the what are they called sable this is disabled headquarters where MJ is because she's snooping around trying to find the guy with Devil's breath there's only one sample in the world right now I spoke to Miles his mother and she loved the idea of him working here Hey the poor woman's grieving herself while trying to be strong for her son she needs some time to just grieve and he needs to see that life still worth living exactly that was a very thoughtful suggestion Peter no problem the kind that would have made Baron proud look the feels all right my heart last time we were pretty busy we got a lot of background on Devil's breath mainly because we broke into Oscorp I'm found out about it so well further ado let's heads can I head over here can i grab it no I'm just gonna fall down and almost kill a lady I didn't mean to I'm sorry okay I said up here MJ what kind of trouble you getting yourself into this time we played as you last time when you almost got crushed by um Tombstone Rams I think it was all really really really that that's happening already and the Golden Gun is always just kind of like this is the region very very quietly gotta go partner stand is just somewhere there time to see if these lures paint gave me work I knew you'd come in handy he's like just in case take these laws when really of course she's gonna use it yeah this is the the sable base where the guy with devil breath is hiding just need to distract the guard mmm L to tame the law we don't want to put her over here yeah right here how did he not see me the stealth is so questionable in this game I mean it's always questionable in any game you guys he's here somewhere but um this one seems particularly particularly sketchy and they couldn't even afford to put a floor in here from the stairs let's throw this one all the way over there how many do we have I don't think Peter Parker gave us that many is that we're not gonna work fine I'll throw this one over here and he's also not gonna be wedded that came from nobody oh man if this is real life would definitely be cool by now and looks like what's that demons are killing anyone related to Devil's breath Oh real danger yeah definitely because he's the only one with the sample find Charles Standish time to mouth oh my goodness how are we gonna and I know this ends up badly though I knew it I've got to get to that tent man MJ needs a super like a superhero name and a superhero suit and everything she deserves it by now right how does this guy not see us as well am I just yep just jump in down here okay maybe not I don't think this is the way I was supposed to go but I'm gonna rock with it anyway this is the way man you know mean the stealth missions doesn't always go great look Eve just conveniently standing the wrong way around I love it stealth missions in video games everyone where do we tattoo now Elise there's no one cardboard boxes around here caught me didn't win no cardboard boxes gone run run run run run run I think that was risky but I think that's what I was supposed to do we made it oh I see what's going on here yeah I thought so is that a gun on top are you kidding me wait what oh I see I thought I was going the other sides this works though boom convenient do I get in the box I don't think I need to get in the box that would be a bad idea here we go we must be getting close by now this thing isn't even that big it look that's the Oscorp building I love how they fit like the whole fake world of spider-man inside the real-life New York I will not be responsible for pandemic dude now nobody's done don't care how many men sable has she won't be able to stop Martin Lee he's a little bit psychotic and also has the power of negativity as the spider man you know what I was saying about the cobbler books is not being there turns out they just came out the corner and just invited him straight towards me I didn't appreciate that cardboard boxes you are definitely my nemesis right now I don't even see them I was like that's a solid object it's fine turns out it's not silver sable boxes as well I like how they're on brands though the silver sable boxes are actually silver in color I do like a strong brand let's throw this over there I love our just sneaks towards it like it's some kind of a animal that's threatening his life or let's go someone almost saw us then rather evidence standish might know which one when despite a man coming to play while playing this game is gonna be tricky I think afternoon where we're on the other sides I love all the conveniently placed generators is fantastic okay this might not be too bad actually I don't know drivers so they can't see me nice nice okay yeah we're fine oh no he's getting that ten he's like staring right at me lot go no you haven't you haven't you haven't seen anything you haven't seen anything haven't heard anything oh no oh no no just get in activate the cutscene quick we did it but this is where it might all go wrong so you must have a guard they said they're gonna up it by two as well he's just got a coffee maybe he's in on the whole thing Charles where is dr. Morgan Michaels he sent you didn't he no oh oh no he wants to kill me it's all him - do it do it himself I'm not with the demons I'm not with Sabol I'm a reporter and I want to see Li stopped just like you what I've heard your violin Sibyl won't listen to me she has Michaels in the Bowery they're moving him to a new safe house tomorrow at noon but she's totally ignoring Grand Central Grand Central the demons were talking about it when they held me they're going there to get a huge spider what are the demons need to get at Grand Central Oh No stable guy definitely gotta say okay sorry Charlie dang oh yeah he's not the one who holds the the sample is he now he wakes up Chapas the tech Standish to send us a message please did what you were gonna say that'd be great but he's not the one holding it is he it's the other guy I'm terrible with names Michaels man we were so close but talent turns out something big has happened at Grand Central which is it's not good well that was maybe the most awkward swing in my life maybe J is not happy I'm not surprised you ruined the whole thing but that might be our stealth mission for the day which might be quite nice MJ sorry Charlie you knock a man out destroy my background research and the best you got is sorry Charlie is everything a joke to you what MJ no I heard up it was a tension breaker tension breaker right exactly oh no don't go yeah we broke up so you can focus on your career don't do this too dangerous MJ you don't have super spider powers but I'm not made out of glass you snuck into the middle of an armed military you know what can we not do this right now please did you learn anything about dr. Michaels fine Michaels is in the Bowery somewhere staples moving him tomorrow at noon awesome anything else was he saying something about Grand Central before I jumped in Peter that's how you know she's still mad why is she why is she hiding the Grand Central stuff dad's dodgy because it sounded pretty intense to be honest with you like it is that know where their next attack is going to be I know she's mad but still you got to keep that aside when there's potentially a big terrorist attack happening right let me just park my butt right here I want to check out suits yes there's a new one the rest of the suit are throwbacks this is from the first spider-man film web for enemies without having to Web them up the backpack tokens are base token and research tokens I like this outfit ID I need a bass token there are base stations base tokens take ages to get I need a research token as well which isn't too bad but that's another mission that we have to get we can't afford this one man oh we have some new suit mods as well let's take check out these full charge capacitors increases damage when your health is above 100 threats senses slow time after a perfect dodge the only thing we need though is just yet what do we have already battle tech oh yeah we can probably exchange that bullet damage is good because we get shot a lot I need another base token for these ones well we got a challenge token now let's grab this requires three crime tokens though let me see how much the suit is the wrestling one okay we don't need crime tokens for that okay I'm gonna I'm gonna buy that where is it won't quick a focus and then swap it in sweet was the next one ballistics and web attacks generate more focus okay cool gadgets we still got one more gadget to unlock spencer matrix oh my goodness that looks insane skills we have three skill points we might as well use them swing kick cornell knock over shield enemies i'm gonna buy that it's to air launch attack knocks back nearby enemies as a short recharge time hole triangle to hurl yank weapons back that cost - i'm gonna save that one but what is this Oh err tricks I don't need that just yet man is getting real intense I just kind of want to I want to wait until there's another story mission I know it gives you dead times you can do with the bonus missions but for now - and please call me Peter mr. Parker is probably someone more together than me I'm the same way oh let me know and I'll make sure I'm there his first day thank you again no problem I really want a new suit but do I want to do those other missions because I think we're gonna get a story one in between what did I need we have a crime we have a crime one second changing the clothes she tried out my negative shockwave attack have I I still feel like this is the best one we could at least change it to something else that we've got let's do this one for now wait we've used this one we've used this one let's go this is the one I wanted to use let's try this one it's kind of like it's like Iron Man but blue there is the other there's the other suit that's kind of like Iron Man but this one's got a blue spider on the back and since it's nighttime I think we're gonna rock this one for today I'm about to get another tip oh sorry my bus broke down and there were no cabs but I'll be there as soon as I can or I was fighting crime got myself a it's a drug deal going down so I thought I'd intercept that because I was really close I've also just realized I've got three focus bars now which is both awesome and scary because one that means that I can now regenerate focus a lot quicker thanks to the upgrades I put in a minute ago but can also use a couple of them for finishes and then also to heal me that also means whoa what is this okay I need to sort this out what's going on why am I on a fence what is happening hello friends rocket launcher guy you've never been my favorite you've never been my favorite so I'm just gonna deal with you first just grab this there we go man there's so many of them as well I eat remember the red bullets aren't actually coming for me I think we're fine though we just need to get this guy at it oh no you could get out of here too I was just absolutely fine I'm gonna take this like I knew not i was just filed by a lamppost that wasn't fun true how do they get them all where are they oh that life right here what is happening they're right next to each other just try to beat each other up this is weird Dunn's uh I think that's all of them can you guys that what they were like five against one and these guys couldn't even handle it I don't like you guys at all you're terrible at your job leave it to spider-man please as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted because it's given me three focus bars which is quite good like quite powerful it worries me that I might need to use them at some point so things are gonna get a little bit more difficult here we go this goes to work on man this suit does actually look really cool that's awesome let's see what it looks like in some of the cutscenes as well because that's when you get to see it in action the most I guess most of the time you're looking at him from the back but let's see what um I see what Otto's got for us always plays the same cutscene it's kind of funny it was like oh no no it's always gonna have hat hair with that spider-man costume what's going down Octavius hey sorry I'm late morning Parker or is it evening that doesn't matter what's you got in all sensors would you we need a faster response time you wanted me to do your homework for you and get it under three milliseconds under three milliseconds this dude he's like terrible at this current response time target response time wait is this different Kay looks like I could optimize this power relay no it's exactly the same so I'll get voltages one and we've only got how he's supposed to do that can I just put these anywhere I can and I can't rotate this so how do I make how do I make power go through this oh I can rotate it okay we're good we're good it's fine this one is done easy mode that one wasn't too bad nice okay I'll put it down we do another one okay give me some time guys this is gonna take a while me neither under three looks like some impedance in this neuro sensor circuit of course there's exactly what I was going to say oh my goodness Wow um yeah give me some time done we had to bypass some unfinished need to get it under six though right that's not quite enough under three even did I say six under three see math is this not my strong is out of whack a new signal processor should reduce lag of course oh man this one looks intense okay managed to get it to six can I change this to a - yeah changes from - to and there you go neural processing done if only it was that easy right without the 2.8 milliseconds success see I've done the hard work for you now Otto come on buddy step up your game so now this is where we get what we were using with the control last time to work I got it great I'm pretty sure like eight milliseconds just running this show myself oh he's gonna test it again no just in case whoa what that's not you crazy it kind of stretched as well hold on a second if he turns around its intent yes dude this is impressive okay really impressive you just showing up now haha oh my goodness when does it all go wrong his face energy put them back here I'd call that a mass success I call that unbelievable it stopped do you need to know yes Oh cuz of his hands is that right doesn't he have a prosthetic doctor what's going on has become that obvious my doctors call it a degenerative neurological disorder no it's uh probably caused by over exposure to toxic chemicals in my reckless you what sorry is there anything I can do you already are the worst part is it only affects the muscles the mind continues to work but it can no longer do you're the only one who knows Peter I'd like to keep it that way of course if you like to seek a position with more of a future right I came here to work for you because of what you've got up here and that's not going anywhere so neither mine how did he get the headset on his head but couldn't take it off huh that's why I want snow okay before I forget I read the most fascinating article outlines possible next steps for the neural interface I'll take a look thanks doc so I might quickly grab I can grab research points here right doc loves these things use them in grad school when he had to manipulate radioactive isotopes these not seeing them keeps him humble and these not the goggles that uses when you become this dr. Ock Doc Ock know there's always get research points down here without having to do another mission but I can't remember where it is oh wait it might be getting us to do it right now direct interface with the basal ganglia while citing risky I don't know doc you'll need a gallium silk array to make it work even then odds of injury are pretty high no no I wonder what's going to happen to you what is that oh that's like full Haziq at this rate he'll lose control of his motor functions within a year if we're not careful an intracranial implant could make things even worse no no Walter his personality is coming we need to proceed carefully it's happening slowly is slotting everything into place two sets up for a big character only thing is starting to suspect he hides it but I can tell he's seen my twitch notice the decay of my fine motor control well I'm the one who wanted a genius for an assistant of course he knows I just need more time my work and improved millions of lives save millions of lives it could also save my own yeah let's just need more time yeah there we go I told you he's doing it for everyone but no no no stop stop does this look familiar to you ha more flexibility extendable it's got a traditional hands no it's gonna claw hmm indeed hmm indeed that's a big home for me I'm outta here what can I do the research projects oh oh yeah I forgot um doc I'm sorry my aunt just texted Thanks I'll be back in a few hours what is all this stuff is love really print a web shooter can't believe I've never tried that why have you not I'm trying to find the computer for the research use spectrograph Hey here we go I just want this one I'm just gonna do this quickly because I need the research point for something I'm pretty sure and the spectrographs graphic oh but the structure is super unique I thought it was gonna be easy but turns out it's not that one works Plus yes no it needs it needs to on the right turns out that doesn't exist okay maybe that's not it hey that's the one patent found what did I get graphene nano lattice awesome it's been nano latticed yeah that's wrong could be a great structural element for a prosthetic all I did it for was the research point thanks buddy right on mate she needs me let's go I'm come around to this suit you know it actually looks really nice ah we just went up a level awesome I think that gets another skill point right nope I'm actually on my way now have you heard from Myles daddy was coming so good I'll be there soon bye as I was saying I need myself a oh wait a second that's nuts quad damage assistive nano muscular temporarily deals massive damage what it with the things on his arms he's got on Skyrim on us that's insane actually insane we still go out one two three four five six seven eight nine suits left that one's crazy that requires six challenge tokens which I'm pretty sure is all to do with the bomb stuff that we saw before but what I wanted to do now was I'd only one of these deny him how come he which one I wanted it was it was was it this one yeah that's why I was trying to use before I turns I didn't actually buy it one seconds was the one underneath it press ah you could throw Rockets back at enemies yeah we definitely need to get that that sounds so good right that's at the feast let's do it what are you doing here wait what hold on a second what is happening you just made your last mistake pong I don't think so does it seriously take this many guys to rob a teenager yeah that's true actually very true you guys gonna be easy as well mind you I just saw loads of people run it up in the background so this could be a big problem put that crowbar down you don't need to see you can barely see through the battle over anyway man it's so good easy lows miles are you good you're spider-man you're the amazing spider-man I like curtisha spider-man a few other choice adjectives Jameson uses look that was really brave but next time leave the fighting to the pros okay okay but what if there aren't any around well you can't just go swinging at someone twice your size I mean don't get me wrong I fight guys stronger than me all the time but when I do it I have oh like that time you fought right on the Brooklyn Bridge that was so awesome example if the other guy is bigger you got to be quicker okay okay but that's it it's easy for you to say sorry I just can't do what you do it's a fanboy I like it all right put him up seriously come on first thing don't let the adrenaline get to you breathe slow breathe deep relaxed hips Square to your opponent let them make the first move I use your feet when they go off balance look for an opening boom yeah yeah that's it okay only this time just let me have it right on the jock okay I can yeah sorry no no no it's all good keep that up and you'll be fine all right lessons over gotta go hey thanks you know anytime yes vitamin see you in a sec just fat man I love phasing out how his jaw is so strong oh do I place him now can I get a hot dog should be just a head or a pretzel that pretzel looks good bro you're not gonna believe this I just met spider-man what that's crazy I totally forgot yeah I'll show him next time I gotta go I promised my mom I wouldn't be late cool later keep moving keep moving what is happening here okay packing our unlocks I cut through there hmm hacking app seems pretty convenient to this story actually I wonder if miles is actually gonna help us what is happening now Oh stoppin searches oh my gonna hack it a mother turn it on - hi oh sweet that was Jesus I think I'll stay clear those guys all I'm doing is trying to get to a homeless shelter guys not trying to leave the country more stealth hacking app fail me now [Music] this is cool I did say that MJ's would be our only stealth mission today but turns out that isn't the case he's going this way quick quick oh I didn't mean to do that I thought you were going the other way let's try again I just want to get to the homeless shelters to try and do sort of extra work I don't have to do this he's so extra he was what okay he's not got his light feet as MJ has so the other guy was supposed to get distracted by that alert signal which didn't happen last time so we should we could at this time jeez now why are you coming over here hack this the alert comes up this shouldn't be that difficult he just turns around go get out of here geez okay those guys do not behave in the way I thought they would let us go there's boxes as well we go over the fence please thank you go under the gate on the left over the scaffolding to the right Oh ask Eunice choices let's go let's go our scaffolding will work yeah he's shown that he's been pretty athletic in gymnastic before a perfect understudy for a spider friend like blind them you know just hack them czaja mounted guns can't let them spot me yeah definitely not miles this is uh no I thought would be happening today just trying to get some extra work done for this hacking app is pretty insane be so cool especially with guns like wow I didn't mean to come down here no go go go no I was I didn't see I didn't see the gap I said it 500 times stealth is not my thing and as you're finding out now that is definitely the case it's gonna let me do all this again right see you guys in a sec okay hey made it was way too intense you said I know I gave you a choice yeah and I chose this over more therapy I mean it was helpful the guys that everyone grieves in their own way this is my mom yeah just cuz I don't want to talk about it doesn't mean I don't love you I gotta go I'll call you on my way home you got this miles I believe in you buddy I love how the city feels so alive just like this guy is just live streaming these dudes on his phone and there's so many people around he's put a shopping bag this guy almost bumped into me rude right let's get in here hopefully there's no drones waiting to shoot us again that'd be awful sorry I'm late now oh no I'm just glad you're here alright so um what can I do to help won't you start just by getting comfortable with the place meet a few people you know what everybody loves coffee coffee coffee mini-game and i'll be back in a little while to check on you is that cool yeah oh don't worry about mr. Hodges he doesn't bite much you sure I'm really intrigued by this character like what markers were bringing to it now these got the hacking app as well a fee thanks need help not unless you know what the hell a quark is it's a subatomic particle you know the building block of protons neutrons hadrons atomic he's smart as well it's the one kid he detected like a junk you mind if I take a look oh we have a couple of CRTs at school I know how to fix these what no no you just got or could be a loose coax cable all right be my guest how long have you been beating that sound out of breath tributes continue to pour in for officer Jefferson Davis the hero killed in the City Hall bombing as reports emerged that he used his own body to shield others in his last moments of life hey new kid empty hero man didn't do nothing heroics up get himself blown up uh hey Ernie I see you've met miles he's gonna be helping out around here you may have heard of his father Jefferson Davis pretty great that even though he's got a lot of stuff going on right now he decided to come and volunteer don't you think yeah yeah take that you punk Thanks listen kid I'm um sorry about your dad mom I'll see if Aunt May needs a hit in the kitchen I feel like I can make out that everyone's a supervillain I'm like he's next the homeless man he could be homeless man as a superhero brought some help for you miles nice to see you grab an apron wash your hands and I'll show you around hey Peter thanks for that back there of course almost noon hmm Siebel should be moving dr. Michaels better get to the Bowery and locate him I love how even when he's talking to himself he moves his hat his mouth that's great see you later guys have a good time I see you can talk to them be careful out there I will yes they certainly are right I need to get out of here let's do this I got a lot of experience even for the tiny missions which I guess is great oh so close to a new level as well this is the Bowery but I'm heading to the Bowery to make sure Michaels gets to his new safe house you know safely sorry guys yeah well what's he gonna do shoot me honestly 50-50 chance yeah fine I'll be in the neighborhood but not too close just in case so I'm like actually here already I didn't mean to be here it seems like I know New York like the back of my hand huh looks like I just need to head up here oh you know global pandemic into the world that kind of thing because it's even asked this woman's like what what are you doing here I'm just trying to save the world one pandemic at a time okay yeah that would be bad that'd be really bad and does kind of have similarities with the major spider-man film it's called gr 27 not just be careful in the wrong hands this don't worry he did I to have a hank up to him I feel better already this is gonna go bad right this way dr. Martens this you know what I've gotta hand it to your buddy I didn't think you'd actually have it attached to yourself I've definitely seen something like this before yeah that's not gonna work just go they've got energy missiles as well okay yeah you're done even though you have sick armor you're just getting destroyed oh these guys oh no oh no good in the briefcase give him the briefcase oh it's still attached to him so he has to take him with him wasn't such a good idea now huh there is Martin Lee welcome aboard doctor that is one one piece heavy machinery right there is that what they were building before it must be right yeah I like it oh nice that was cool that was stylish I like it stylish uneffective [Music] let's do this fighting let's go I'm in pursuit of Martin Lee I think he's got dr. Michaels and The Devil's breath Michaels a lot so that's good whatever how do I stop it though it's huge I know I have whims but how am I supposed to stop it Wow he almost got them these be careful not to fall off oh dude that was sick I love how it even changes the moves depending on what environment you're in look at that that's so cool no be careful be careful I know right yeah this isn't the best idea this is so intense that I love it need to clear the guys in the truck before actually see ya later seamless I'm not even looking at I just pressing square maybe I should be a little bit more um oh no these are the guys that don't actually like being um well you can't do rockets that close buddy are you kidding me why are they doing this it's make me so much more difficult here is Bella's place one oh my goodness dude just so Sickler chose the outfit for this one can even smash through almond glass that's cool spider-man GOG whoa come on what because insane I don't even know if I'm controlling is I'm pretty sure I'm not right now oh there's no brakes this is the brake fluid just breaking whoa can he make me feel negative he must be able to I must be honest I was hoping to bring you here my abilities lend me a certain persuasiveness whoa I've been watching I was waiting for you at City Hall you never turn where were you this is real we're in my mind this is bad it was a shame so many had to die with no heroes to see well that was your fault buddy this is creepy it's kind of cool at the same time though dropped out of here yeah like here it is look at the rock floating through the air as well oh man this is weird but also very cool would you got to say to me mr. Li that officer saved your life didn't he he was here I mean kind of and Norman wanted to use a futile gesture in the end and where was Norman during all this slinking away like a rent he knew what was going to happen and he fled Norman is a hidden cancer on the city he must be excised with no trace of his Cobra to return Norman hide behind his mask of lies I will break it apart drag him to the light so what's happening to the truck while all this is going on are we just driving into oblivion right now put on the mask become one of us join me are we in a bus fight my goodness I think we're in a boss fight oh dude what are these guys the souls you lost the innocent victims you couldn't say yeah come on buddy the so many bodies I think he's trying to make us feel as negative as possible this kind of his job there's so many of them though may actually hit lead or is it all of this yeah I think this is a dream so I don't think we can die here there's so many and he's like causing these massive energy waves at the same time I need that mask to come back I don't know ever I'm wasting my time hitting all of these guys I think I might be yeah okay maybe not yeah I'm gonna get rid of these first I think I can I think they're going down come here oh dude but he's not doing that much damage only things so anyway I do anything to you wait it's after he attacks his knees one of those no you I think you already have a little bit of a hunch anyway right destroy the bad I won't abandon you in the darkness Martin I will break it and be great gotcha that wasn't too bad I was a little bit worried then when it's getting a bit intense but he was throwing masks to us that we had to then revert back to the big mask snapping out of it dude let's give you a swift punch to the jaw I'm out of here that is some strength you thought the Hulk was all that strength no it's all about spider-man he's got it all he's got it all that was quite love that negative scene that was sweet good work with the armored suit on the negative one isn't isn't armored so good job I got this one good choice for today did you get away no not even a scratch did they take it yes how worried should I be very no man why do people insist on creating this stuff our silver sable you did good you did good well done well done where's the serum I'm gone oh yeah so-called superhuman I think you save people but you just make it worse this is your fault hi ho he was under your protection you really need two of those bruh stop we need to brief mr. Osborn now I'll go with her thank you I'll remember this yeah don't say it huh buddy I do not like one bit I feel suspicious about them still I think the game makes you feel suspicious about them and for good reason did we just go up a level as well Yuri tell me you've got a lead on Martin leaves location black sedan great you're a good cop Yuri I'm on my way we got this I was gonna say black sedan you look just working dr. Michael how are you Paul II borrowed I want to Sables radio simplicity transit hubs are the most likely release points for Devil's breath airports bus terminals train stations it'll spread like wildfire from there why the hell is Oscorp developing a bioweapon in the city shouldn't this be in an Arctic bunker Devil's breath is personal for Norman it's been his obsession for decades the project breaks every state and federal regulation on the books he doesn't care if the city finds out you can just reelected by election we tried in the hate crimes why are you telling me all this aren't you just as culpable as Norman completely but these actions have been a wake-up call we've ignored the project's risk for too long I trust you spider-man the only one trying to do the right thing please protect the city from our mistakes they're pretty big mistakes to fix the guys are crazy all right where we heading down here one denieth sleepy sneaky doesn't like sedan damn Devil's breath is gone I should call MJ and Warner Oh No Oh No what are you up to now MJ exactly what are you doing always getting yourself in countable amounts of trouble she's just she's I was gonna say she's not smart she is smart but not together in self in positions like this Grand Central standards that the demons are looking for something at GCT but what could they possibly need here should probably call Peter and let him know what I'm doing actually scratch that you'd probably just tell me to go home and chain myself to my laptop I'll just check things out quick and let him know what I find mmm so this is what they said so it just so happens it just so happens that there's a otoscope demonstration here and Martin Lee just absolute just by the same place so good can ask tech Expo yeah yeah exactly oh no that's what they're gonna use isn't it mr. Lee another friend this will be easier for everyone if you remain calm and do as I say okay what did he just say - yeah they're gonna take that that's how they're gonna distribute the devil's breath [Music] and J wife she did say Grand Central Station to spider-man though so he should be okay I'm not a hundred percent sure though I don't know that big plan well we know what that big plan is but how they are they're going to do it now I would like to speak to Mary Osborne calling the man he is looking for what do you want I want you at Grand Central Terminal in 30 minutes by yourself hold this showdown there'll be more blood on your hands we crushed the phone it's impressive there it is that was breath I like that but how are we gonna get out of here spider-man man fine just hurry as fast as I can I'll explain later listen Lee's going to release the devil's plan you've gotta get out of there he's not gonna do it until norman osborn responsible the devil himself I see in a twisted psychotic way okay I'm here coming into the terminal now anything I should be able to look out for Rose looks like he's got some drones patrolling guess he's prepared for you don't worry I'm in the ventilation system of course can you see a safe exit point on my way going Spidey there is I love this is from like a different person or stealth mission this is the stealth episode but how we get up okay guys guys you're gonna need to help me out here how does he not hear er they're not gonna take me without a fight it's not it's not relax listen I'm a reporter I have a direct line to mayor Osborne I can help make sure he arrives on time how first let him go he isn't so Jesus or NASA Dawson what's happened to me don't you talk about for guy thumbs up that's good but you didn't get yourself the tablet did you my Jew spider-man can now rock in right you knocked over a golden bin here we go oh I see what jump over this okay it seems like she's got some gymnastic skills as well no bag stay there okay I need to get to look here just hang it up there gutted mind you spider-man should be able to help us right okay I chose the right path perfect man why is this the third stealth mission that I've done in in one video [Music] [Applause] okay sweet good job now let's get you out of here about The Devil's breath I'll come back for it now what partners remember can we argue later yeah if we don't help those people they could die so could you I can't let that happen no no I got myself into this I'm getting myself how do you mean you got yourself into this yeah I remember I can aim the law I can actually throw at him which obviously isn't gonna be goods haha this is cool like proper teamwork this is perfect he's got all the way down there okay this is my kind of stealth mission I think before I said that I wish I had some kind of super powers as well now I've got it so this is much easier I knocked him out of his own gun I like that too now I'm gonna get this guy as well come on Spidey get him how has no one noticed yet just sticking it to the ceiling or despite a mango afterwards he just disappears no one's supposed to look up you see apart from me I'm that guy hey Partners trust each other Peter what do you mean I trust you yeah when I'm sitting at home behind a laptop oh come on can we please get back to saving the city here yeah come on now we don't need to bicker over pure evil there's bigger things at stake here matter how I'm gonna separate these guys can I throw it all the way over here maybe I'm just worried that someone's gonna come from the other side behind you he's gonna see that though I take him out yet I could have taken one of them down then how did they not see you where these are covering from slow funny okay call that one now I should be able to get this one I was bad man how many a touch stuck to the ceiling this is great look at the ball actually looks like a spider's nest is great I think my good now made it naked soon nice start the timer two minutes classic okay I did not see check I just ran keep them busy I'll take care of the toughest breath you know what you're doing no that's never stopped me before okay I see four wires oh okay looks like the blue is connected to the battery and yellow to a fan the red one has a little exclamation mark okay trace the wires to the other end and unplug them from there okay unplug the wires from the battery there's one that goes to here oh man is that she 10 second one goes yeah yellow goes are so here we go and then and then the red one was the red one here yes bomb defuser let's go no let's get these people out of here I could use a little Spidey help you ready I think I'm ready to kick some butt now stealth is over right I'll clear a path trying to do it no that stuff is not over I don't want to do stuff anymore we've done three stealth missions get out of here get up get up get up we should be fine now right whoa where'd I go I just want to activate the stealth mission again come on get up spider-man no this is not gonna happen okay this is bad take me out this time buddy I've got three focus bars that's true okay let's kick some major butt I'm gonna leave this uncut so that we've got some major action in here I think that hit I'm not too sure as long as we've got no thugs then I'm sure we'll be fine these guys as well these are the most powerful ones that are here at the moment but a golden bin pseudo I mean treat the golden bins with respect and you'll get respect back okay yes I'm kind of saving these focuses at the moment one to heal and then two to make sure that I've got enough to be able to take down anyone that gives me issues in the future so I'm sure this isn't gonna be an easy one yeah go on your butt son man this is intense there he is there's the brute come on now so I need to make sure that he's all wrapped up and ready to go come here come here I need you there he is there he is there he is come here finish you ha ha it's funny how the masks don't come off it's like they're attached to their skin so I guess isn't completely out the realms of possibility intense I'm losing a little bit of health right now just need to get these guys with guns they're the ranged attack you're giving me issues come here oh we're at you miss done here nice Rockets as well fantastic ok did you know Grand Central has the largest basement in New York City so many air attacks I'll just practice in ok the bridge down there do I have enough wait a second do I have enough skill points what one second tier do I have enough skills for this No I'm so close only need like 300 more experience to do it as well could have done the rocket thing not even amazing you're up here huh put the Rockets down how many times do I need to tell you guys huh Rockets are not cool ok that kind of cool but not when they're flying at your face like my feet are flying towards yours seemed to find all of these guys this guy can't even he's like canoe before night he doesn't have any idea what he's doing apparently I don't either perfect putting a train he's escaped managed to use the train can't let him get away train platform is open that must be where Lee is where is it where is it where is it come on I don't even used my negative shockwaves yet where did that come from I was in there if I hide binary shouldn't be able to get me hello sir gonna need to take that from you oh I forgot you could do that as well that's great scoop a scoop I've never actually been passed to a train in on Grand Central before there we go are we doing a train fight now finally sorry I'm late it's kind of my pink yeah oh no oh no fighting in a very confined space right now I don't use a finisher on him that'd be amazing this is it mr. Lee I'm taking you down buddy he's not very fast dizzy considering I'm a spider-man need to be a bit quicker about them they're nice of course there's goons why are you doing this paying off an old debt hmm they must have known each other before maybe oh dude he feeds off of other people's negative energy as well I didn't know that we didn't know that the man's insane well well well Oh dodge to the side I think I need to wait until he's kind of like run out of energy okay yeah definitely not don't do that again the opening must be obvious it's destroying this train oh my goodness hurt I need some focus man this is odd should be pretty crazy can jump at the ceiling as well man here's got some intense news that you get me how look at this train though this train is destroyed and the Mauri Mauri does this the more it gets wrecked hey I've got this though this is intense these came to the back of the Train good two shots in there oh my goodness what [Music] that was nuts hmm BRR which ones which so two hands to the floor is jumping two hands to the side is this one what was that you doing some next-level thing a minute ago he's got it right now he's like destroying all of these things no no no no I'm doing it all wrong come on I kind of do he wants to hurt you catchy take too long to power up buddy and you're gonna be in trouble oh well lectricity can hurt you though quite badly actually they're like wait what that can't be it no brakes no problem how many times is spider-man stopped a moving train of speed huh it must be thousands yeah exactly oh I thought that was a clicking halt uh-oh he's gonna are quick thinking I like it you got some down your pants buddy the white suit wasn't a good choice for a fight underground next up prison is that do we actually need to feed him no I was not expecting that I was expecting like the fitful sick get away from this man so nobody happens this doesn't it I'm impressed that was cool I like that I thought I was dead I thought that white would be doubly as long and I was gonna die look at him look they're gonna take the credit as well aren't they MJ's diffusing skills hmm so mr. Lee isn't the biggest threat if he's off to prison unless he's gonna escape again this is interesting I'll get back to you as soon as I can uh hey it's me let me know when you want to talk that was sick not ready to talk yet texting isn't talking no no not that kind of over no what are you done oh quit please say no please say no Oh No yeah okay okay and not okay what is there to figure out oh you think busted these are up can save the world makan save his own relationship bless you spider-man bless you the one that got away so we're not done to the raft The Devil's breath is safe with Sabol how do you feel how do I feel how much time do you have not much heroics for you means paperwork for me but I just wanted to say good job thank you thank you I kinda needed that okay is anyone else gonna call us because I'm going with Lee I've been ignoring the city guys gonna give us some rest by neighborhoods fighting I don't think this is it guys this is not over cuz otherwise it would have told us but we are we must be close we must be so for now I'm gonna start to outro the video and maybe a phone call will come in I'm not too sure I hope you enjoyed this and do stick around for this series guys this is not the end it's the end of Martin Lee but I feel like there's more to this story we don't know why he was trying to take out Norman Osborn Norman Osborn was part of making the devil's breath in the first place we to find out that nonsense but thank you for joining me again for another episode leave a like if you enjoyed that we greatly appreciate it and most importantly we need these guys to get together it's too cute and it's it's not it's not going well right now so let's just take a break come back and hopefully everything will be fine so guys thank you guys so much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new to keep up with this and any other videos I make and I'll see you in the next one good bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,563,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spiderman ps4, dantdm spiderman, spiderman dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, negative spiderman, mister negative
Id: ECDbvWwxZDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 2sec (4622 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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