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hey guys down here welcome to what could be my favorite game of all time because it's based on one of my favorite movies of all time welcome to the lego Incredibles game now I've been waiting for this for ages because you lucky lot in the US have already had this game and movie for a month already which is insane hey I'm done being salty it's out now and you know what I just thought we'll jump in and play it I've been reading that it's a pretty good game it does have this is just a spoiler warning that's right if you haven't seen the first two films then please don't please and be warned that there are gonna be spoilers because I think it starts at the beginning of the second film then goes back in time to the first so the Underminer should appear any second now I've always wanted to be an incredible and now is my time and the lego games are always have always been funny always been good and there's his ugly little face why why do they always declare war and peace and happiness can't we just all be fine well deception really accurate just like a spider like a trampoline spider you messed up you messed up real nice and this is where she gets spotted kinda yeah you shouldn't have just you should have said nothing it wouldn't have known anything parts the mustache looks really cool there he is stealing on the money my man's down here with not even eating his burger and his teddy has been stolen and his pants oh this actually happens in the film as well get him get him [Music] it's just let go you can put it back together it's fine this is such a bad oh he's out he's gone only I remember this now is the last to go they're amazing arms I can't wait to be Elastigirl and those are real voices it's like we have company those guys on the surface world you'll never stop us did donita's work in front of me I'm putting subtitles on I couldn't do it beforehand so I'm doing it now okay we're playing is mr. incredible of course as of any lego game you get to collect all the bits destroy almost anything but this looks incredible look at the side that looks mad and then we can also switch between mr. incredible and alas to go I'm gonna take the last to go for this one real quick and see what happens I've actually taught me any of the controls yet but looks like we work as a team which is cool person a big old square button to smack some face as though some vehicles up ahead as well that's for a 5 car mr. incredible I have beaten every single one so far pick up and throw 3 miners oh so that means mr. incredible how do I pick them up though Circle Circle Square oh yes here we go get out of here boy ok Circle Square is throwing I'm literally mincing them out get out of here out of here defeat three miners using airstrikes so what's that gonna be X square okay that's pretty cool it's like like a flying kick here they are we're at helmets but they're helping at all oh my goodness elastico is an absolute beast love it gone the screen cradle has been useless here we're gonna do a slam attack now there we go that's kind of like that's an Incredible Hulk move right there and he's got a flurry attacked as well this is many tall guys old square Who am I doing what am i doing oh my goodness the ultimate Slav attack that was sick I wanted to quit till the studs he's where the monorail you'd save the motor out why it's always the monorail it doesn't sound like they're real voices I'm not sure it's Frozone he's one of my favorite characters nicely done buddy we play as him apparently does oh I can I can oh man this is sick hold circle and aim oh that's so close you aim at the bottom then drag it up oh dude this is nice the ice looks cool as well pun intended I love how he moves around like he's throwing his ice down and stuff it looks sick my goodness the frames look at it oh I love the way he moves right this switch to mr. incredible and then we're going for a big old charge through beautiful who are these guys why doing what is dead so bad Lauri this pose it looks so good it's just a Lego game but my goodness we're going super incredible right now get out of here so that that pretty much kills everyone everyone in sight look all these bits it's so satisfying it's so satisfying oh the Third's night they've heard dynamite please no I'm gonna go whack to the face but that dynamite down please thank you only players Frozone for his sexy where his moves are oh do do you see that I can hold scrap is super attacker 12 that's gonna be we it's max almost Max and his is pretty much the same as well judge of ice I can dig that this is cool guys good idea hopefully I can find the controls it's the last two girls job I get underneath that meant I can crawl in and look for a way to stop okay we need you smash that puppy now we need a last to go she's stretching oh boy hit us haha she's proper stretch in we are to controlling her as she is elastic that's great I love that I can't quite see what's going on cuz the frames are so bad I'm doing something this is insane look at the money grab the money you can take it you can pocket a little bit right we're soubiros let's get paid for this okay I'm gonna take some what we building a launch pad now we need to be Elastigirl you're gonna stand here and then I am gonna get first heat up see the football oh my guess this is great thrower this is crazy I mean the Lego games have always been crazy they're cousins don't Frozone do your job you got this buddy I'll snip your 20 if you stop it just the 20 though no 50s nice [Music] I love Jack Jack although he's good though lose the baby please your one job [Music] we good no wait oh good I'm gonna play his dashing by that now looks like we've got a little bit supersonic check this out it's goop everywhere though alright Frozone - and violet rescue the free civilians I don't quite know what I'm doing right now oh no I'm so sorry - that's you okay - I'm sorry I'm really sorry okay she needs to do some work here we go that's cool so oh we can pick people up as well nice pick these guys up think about hey there we go that's better here we go - is going I pressed the wrong button don't worry I'm going back to him for another try that's just about to pop off oh my goodness save it as you say save the granny don't knock her off that'd be terrible no problem which is the say Eggman what is that I'll take this first thank you he's just chillin under here that keeps the side okay let's do that right so I need to head over here and do what she was gonna do something with our force field right oh I have to break them first look at that make sense and now I need to roll over it okay go into a ball grab all the bricks I'm not quite sure what's going on here but I just knocked out Frozone I didn't mean it buddy I'm sorry what is happening for some kind of crazy mind powers to build bricks as well what do you even is that this is crazy it's like a flower that's the last time I pick up a delivery from out of state thanks for saving me I thought it was a goner no problem I'm not quite sure how I did it but I did man these weren't in the film you get out you just try to get your 15 minutes of fame on I don't think so don't get down the suit your wife will not be pleased man there's so much going on I feel like my mind is just melting a little bit as always oh-ho get slammed I love pie they've all got different powers Frozone is definitely stuck though Oh oh my goodness odo no what is happening this is so random how do I help this man I need Frozone president come here why you so he's legit stop I don't know how to get out of here I might have to kill him I don't even know if I can he's stuck inside here yeah I'm gonna have to kill him I'm sorry I'm sorry this is not what super isn't supposed to do but today this is what's gonna happen there we go I killed him hey he's free thank goodness geez that wasn't long slide down my friend the superior is here I like how he made it like a swirly slide not just a normal one he made it fun for the guy as well thank you no problem buddy I accept donations in the forms of hundreds of thousands of dollars you know all kinds of grains Vegas the Town Hall will isn't it man frozen's powers of the coolest cheese I didn't see you look at these dudes this guy digs underneath we go I'm using my special attack legs go up to five did it this time please leave everyone thank you in creo blah but I'm throwing - go - go dad I did don't worry let's go I collect these things first can everyone just calm down for a second he's really fast I love the effect on him - we need to build saying we've got four of them let's go you need to find the poor bricks to build something special to complete the level that makes sense oh my goodness it's like so extremeness right now good job pass it on to violet come on violet I'm finally living out my dream of becoming incredible oh we have to keep them build up let's see hey I didn't realize you had to keep them and built up together what are we building what is that that's a circular saw we're just gonna chop in half I mean I can deal with that so cheesy I love it I need to get all of these bits I've already got 80 mm so satisfying all right what do I do here trying to push this towards it I think I need to be mr. incredible come yeah he's actually gonna lift it look nobody Tama tapping let's go man imagine being not strong cut that puppy in half here we go this didn't happen in the film it's gonna cut this bad boy into we're still moving that's in the film gonna go in and override real quick I'm pretty so frozen yeah saves today how is he good the baby we see the baby to save the day that's taken from the film - I love how they got little snippets from the film but it's still a slightly different at the same time I'm just smashing things a little wine smashing but I am Elastigirl we need you extend Oh dude she connects to them that's kind of cool she makes a bridge that's mental whoa - no I killed - how do I do this without dying okay let's take Sony I was gonna say it's gonna be hard no can do I want to see what - this special move is he can speed Braun pretty quick and hit all the enemies like one at a time there we go super effect what is it that's for the hob and geez he's gone super sonic sonic definitely has a move like that call these studs as well insane how'd you say I'm gonna switch through mr. incredible because he's a little bit slower I'm not sure what we're supposed to be destroying here I'm guessing it's the boiler over there that's what they do in the film you overheat the engine that steps on trees actually colace prehistoric plant man making me learn stuff goons no need to know stuff oh geez I thought they just like fell in and died there knows a bit about they grab this so we break these revote in to call careful all this machinery looks pretty dangerous oh we could just smash it up like this and get our studs alright I think we need was do incredible to push this there we go so we're gonna overheat it by putting so much coal in it is insane I love how all this stuff just appears violet help us out here I wonder what you need to do now how do I get in before I can remember come in buddy this is cool this is this is like from the first film as well it looks so good I remember playing like the older Lego Harry Potter games and they were on older consoles I'm playing on ps4 right now but this looks so cool right the graphics even though it's Lego look they look pretty good to be honest with you but I need you to throw out did not mean to do that I'm sorry I'm running people over all the time I just punched mr. incredible I'm so sorry get up there I can't work out who's my favorite so far I think - just because he's faster but Elastigirl as well mrs. incredible she's my favorite too what do you want huh what do you want you want to be down huh I'm gonna be down get out of here all right what's gonna happen now I completely missed what you're saying I just want to smash up some of this stuff so one of the things about the Lego games is you really want to just you really want to collect everything developed 100% this game is just it's insane all right let's build something but so I'm magical I love how she was build out of nowhere oh it's a tip that up okay round around we go get in there but if it's gonna explode we're kinda in here at all so it's a mean to chill out we'll get out with that very quickly here it is here it is it's almost there okay it's that dude oh my goodness it's so epic I love it it's like watching the film all over again you scared are you scared cuz I'm coming for you not sure what the safest way to get down is but I think I can glide yeah I can glide is mrs. incredible which is quite cool right I'm leading with a last to go let's go I think you know what you do I let you get them a little bit dangerous with that thing to keep running us over - please be careful there he is bye - mismatch some people yeah - is really really fast she's a super attack as well get these punks out of here that dude was look at he was like blankly staring knowing his fate was gonna be smacked in the face how unfortunate for him they look he'll these guys do it just killed me let's get these guys out here come on this Bluff get in the back get out of here all right let's go violet you're kind of annoying me with his ball of energy you've got going on how do I get rid of it there we go all right mr. incredible I think we need your strength right now so let's go money to get those yeah I feel good eat this I Chi feel like a superhero it's amazing so if you just stop you just stay there for two seconds to incredible just gonna grab some stuff real quick and then oh wait at least got here man this is teamwork teamwork at its finest I've even played this two-player as well if any of you are interested you can play a two-player which could be quite fun and you do really feel like you're working together but mini kit as well I'm not quite sure what that means I kinda want to get up here though let's leave this to the adults we need mrs. incredible anyway he's going this way imagine me though this stretch that'd be so sick when you got this you must be able to play as Elastigirl like original original miss is incredible because she's a big part in the film that kind of stop becoming the incredible is for a bit alright that's punishable with a twerk it us again right missus incredible super attack let's go oh dude we will use that one yet that's cool okay when you mr. incredible mr. incredible let's go is it this bit look at the boiler oh here I see it they see it oh my goodness please survive [Music] nice I thought the baby was doing that and I was like he doesn't have that power does he I mean it could have been worse to be fair it could have been way worse [Music] good job guys with a kid and my mask [Music] haha oh this is cool so action pass undermined mission complete goldbrick rewarded as well thank goodness I got mini Kaiser I don't know what that means oh we were close this is the mini kids I don't know what those are I would have to discover those later on mr. credible in Elastigirl I guess we should call Errol has to go from now there's a hundred and thirteen characters whoa violet and - been added to the collection as well I think we've got Frozone - white skipped up accident completes the eighty nine point five percent that's not so bad wait well that's ten mini kits in that level that'd be crazy would be ashamed don't shame him he's just a baby we throws meats we do something wrong superheroes are illegal whether it's fair or not that's the law perhaps you'd be interested in changing that law please get in get in you know you want soon there it is the ice cream is massive it's once the never good the fire wince endeavor you can call me win and this is my sister Evelyn Evelyn let me ask you something what is the main reason you were all forced underground ignorance perception if we want to change people's perceptions about super ground we need you to share your perceptions with the world how do we do that we you to share your perceptions with the world we embed tiny cameras like those into your super suits oh so that's I mean all we need now are the superest superheroes it needs you three come on help me make all supers legal again this sounds great mr. Dever it's wonderful but it's too generous nonsense that's the least we can do hey check out that key [Music] looking sick ah oh that's awesome I love this slide of the Incredibles as well it's like sixties vibes but also just like super modern at the same time so the problem is we have now caused issues where we should have just left them to minor to do what he was doing as weapons in the film anyway and now some guy wants to help us make soup arrows legal again yeah he bought it off some eccentric billionaire definitely beats the motel we can all have a bit more space and a waterfall so just relax and try to make yourselves at home definitely let's explore the house so this is one way to conduct moving day just smacking the boxes until they explode and hopefully all the stuff goes into the right place I'm not sure that's a tried and tested tactic but worth a try right some stuff is falling all over the place probably shouldn't break the bookshelves but I'm gonna smack it in case the money comes out the guy who lent it to us is what was that he is a billionaire after all this is so many in free play you can select characters vehicles mystery bags or red bricks mystery bags is that what we just got oh at least to unlock the soubiros with this bad boy open we were frozen we already had for his own no we didn't customize the parts unlocked as well okay let's try this out this seems pretty cool there's so many though and there's like special ones at the bottom as well I wonder what they are is that our next mission to exit the bar home I'm not sure if I want to do that I've heard this is open world as well I'm not oh my goodness probably should do that hey hey mr. credible calm down please Robert Robert calm calm ourselves there's a pool it's a piano not anymore haha yo this place is cool I tried to just walk through a window you didn't see that we need any of this stuff we got dinner where you going huh oh I just just to get a blue stud I mean that's okay so much stuff is that you hidden money in everything it's cool to get like a 3d perspective to be able to explore the things you see in the film you don't really get that perspective normally now you can get the whole perspective that's the car from Toy Story that's cool oh the baby's there didn't you just see that before Chuck Chuck are you good I'm gonna carry you missing incredible I tried to carry the baby it didn't quite work right let's get out of here let's see what happens and also I just want to quickly try out their customizing oh you can buy them for fifty thousand studs that's quite cool silver set God set red bricks here you can switch your red brick extras on and off so this way you get extra power-ups and these are your characters kind of shows all the super abilities that they have and at the bottom agility bulldoze oh it just kind of shows you that's kind of cool you can filter it by what you need I like it I like it a lot it said customization those some where do these like Frozone let's get out of here I don't be ruining the story about unlocking different super errors by accident there it is look off family house Oh would you look at that looks good alright it's not New York vibes I like it [Music] I'm gonna try and have that mr. Dever this house is incredible [Music] it's open world it is open world that is so good press the touchpad to open the map you can replay levels from there okay cool I want to visit Edna's house the new crimes detected this is like the opposite of something like GTA do you remember about lego undercover game we play it it's kind of like this I guess place marker to drive to get to drive yes I get to drive I didn't mean to punch the car can she get in it's not that roomy okay his neck is underneath the thing I kind of want to go to Edna's house though I want to go here and you can fast travel if you want but I don't quite 1 2 oh geez driving is a little bit difficult I've just run over mrs. incredible I'm sorry I'm sorry oh the driving is so awkward okay I think I've got it maybe don't do it sorry alright I love that it's open world you can kind of choose what you want to do right hello sir I would like to get in please [Music] I love it it's like playing the film I've always loved can I get out now Edna and then we need to talk I wouldn't show up on my doorstep darling I heard you were after a new suit and you have certainly come to the right place let us begin darling I'm very busy and do not have all day is that a little pencil I thought was a lipstick for some reason so this is pretty incredible right supersuit so oh geez um yep whoops did not mean to do that shouldn't have done that should I I'm gonna open some packs as well and we're done here so step on this let's see what creates a hero no way so much potential almost ran away from me and I am ready to make art it's cool we can make our own superhero I'm going for the rabbit for now looks good what Hey I don't think it really matters oh I couldn't wear a hat all hair makes sense that's how Lego character that you work just make a rabbit what kind of head we go in for a is birdy crop it's the teacher Oh he'd make a great bunny rabbit oh dude so you this is when it unlocked things right when it I'm not went out and like froze down and knocked his head to use as a superhero toxic farmer violet they all kind of look the same yeah astronaut carrot suit guy toxic farmer we can go for carrot soup I mean wow did not expect that to be honest let's sit I thought it's gonna be like you know like a battling in fortnight definitely not Cape normally no capes though right cape I said power super intelligence is not one of no capes we can go red or we can go blue I kind of like the blue let's see what else you've got we can literally just go full rabbit this is bunny suit guy is coming in here we're gonna go hippie arms I thought they were gonna be pink they're kind of not pink I think we can keep them white yeah let's keep them wipe this is cool this is such a cool feature I'm glad they added this in can we do pink hands we can I want a brighter pink than that though hey watch out let's do this one this is cool hips these hips don't lie ice cream guy I like it nice and pink let's do what powers do we get by the way so we have to choose the power swing do swimmer I'm keeping those yeah you can upgrade his powers so you can choose a few of them so I super give some ice agility extinguisher sharp shoot electric super is electric agility fire strength water oh my guess you can let you choose anything and I'm always flight let's do animal he is a rabbit after all we're gonna name him and he's gonna be cooled the I was gonna call him the almighty let's call him the almighty bunny the almighty bun I can't fit anymore let's find save and exit so we get to play as this dude as well Bernie if you know you know saved it oh those are them at the bottom they're all customized I thought they were special well they are because they're they're customized very cool guy changing gym now and Oliver would not get this from that gender there's the almighty bun dude he can actually fly as well this is so cool you say no capes but he's looking pretty good in his cape trouble at the water balloon that what two rich guys fighting over who paid the most for their yacht well we won't know until we get there come on that's great I love that you can do that I didn't know you could do that at all so can we now like oh my goodness guys you can literally fly anyway I don't know why I just don't I switched hello it's Ari sorry to interrupt you can take any cars you want as well so I can literally just fly to my destination as super bun-bun or ever his name is when I can do a big boost of energy as a super fly it that's sick and then we've got loads of cars and stuff we can use as well let me grab this car this one looks a little bit different Oh miss incredible is right here do you want to drive doesn't look like you can drive this that's fine I want to drive a different car when I go for this bad boy right here yeah we go excuse me this looks like a bun bun car the yellow one was just incredibly old wait a second wait a second it's switch to bun bun what's this oh are you okay are you okay I don't know who can do this one it might be mr. incredible actually it's not mr. incredible I'm sorry but if you can have to be stuck there for a while nothing I can do about it apologize man the driving mechanics are so weird but how beautiful is this game you can literally go wherever you want I did not know it was gonna be this good guys I would be like this cuz I can see myself getting addicted to this is there a a handbrake I guess there's a normal brake that's not too bad I keep crashing the car is terrible really bad we go over the bridge I think that's where we've got to go anyway let's head over to the bridge and see what happens then we're gonna fight some crime nice it gives you stats for these different places as well um I'm pretty blown away actually the price of the game I'm not gonna lie is pretty steep but it's looking good I'm just gonna fly now oh but it's like flying around New York it's so cool let's get to the what's the tallest building here it's gonna be this one over here it looks so good there's a brick up here as well that we can grab can I have this please thank you incredible building right actually before we go I wanted to come over how I did it I wanted to open a pack didn't I I've got 100 and how many of I got 172 thousands let's open one of these and see what happens do we get a we've already right injur that's hilarious so now we can use his parts to create a new tube arrow in our customizer let's bite one more and I'm gonna save the risk so when I make some I want to get some more bags oh you have to collect them and then open them okay that makes sense that makes a lot of sense guys I hope you've enjoyed this I am thinking about I'm not sure how long the game is I think it might be like seven hours ish so I'm thinking about streaming this until we complete it just super chilled out super casual then upload them afterwards let me know what you think is is too enjoyed then please leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new to the channel for daily videos and I hope you want to see more of this leave a like if you do and I've got to be an incredible for a day and create my own weird soup bureau and a bikini and a rabbit costume what's not to love about this game guys thank you so much watching you hang out with me today and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,136,732
Rating: 4.881381 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, the incredibles, lego incredibles, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, dantdm incredibles, incredibles dantdm, incredibles 2
Id: PPlo8PzESG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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