Black Spider-Man vs SHOCKER! (Spiderman PS4 #3)

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hey guys dan here we're back in the world of spooderman we're actually 12 through the game and considering you won't reach 100 just by playing the story i feel like we're making some good progress level six let's continue i think we're just about to fight our first well i guess technically our second super villain which is the shocker we unlocked this suit last time which i have been informed is from the new avengers film i think not 100 sure but that's what most of the comments were telling me and thanks for all the insight on where all the different um all the different suits come from and stuff because i'm not the most knowledgeable about the superhero marvel universe just about spider-man that's literally it so let's wait for this to load in and it's loading in right now it's going to wait for sure this time and shocker is in some trouble so we're going to stop him we're not going to get him out of trouble we're going to put him into more trouble and i think 2 000 meters this way and we're good actually i want to check if we can unlock wait do we have any skills we've got one skill point available yank and throw her yanked weapons back at enemies that would actually be quite nice what can we but it's it's two points i want to see what else we've got last stand combo booster i think combo booster would be nice or we've got quick zip weber second time without losing altitude air attacks do additional damage i don't i don't know if oh my goodness he's doing a barrel roll are you kidding me that's kind of cool uh what do i do i think i'm gonna go for this and then when we get another one i'm sure yeah we will definitely get another level today new missions i want to go into suits and see if we can upgrade anything right now we need some more backpack tokens what would be good to unlock gel padding would be good but then we have to collect some tokens i'm just gonna play some more of the story for now so let's swing our butts out of here no um no tricks to be had right now but i'll meet you guys there hi mr muggins uh if this is about to rent mr parker it's called sir oh third and final one picture proceedings wait wait i get paid at the end of the week i can even spider-man has uh landlord issues you don't get paid to be spider-man you get the suits and stuff but you make them yourself you can't pay for rent with backpack tokens unfortunately that would be that would be nice also learn this little trick where you can just kind of wall jump while you're gliding through the city which is cool can you imagine being able to do that real life that'd be insane right then shocker let's do this looks like he's um he's blowing up a hot dog stand which under anyone's oh jeez okay he is insane but by anyone's standards you can't just blow up a hot dog stand unacceptable throw in a chase gonna catch me oh i'll catch you buddy oh my goodness he's literally blowing up the city how much can new york take dude i'm just web sling right into your life he's using electricity and fire just like blow things up this is crazy dude activate my superpower i don't need to do that just yet but i can do okay we probably have to keep fairly close to him otherwise we'll fail i don't know oh geez ears oh i can i can web zip him now let's talk gotcha punk out of everything spider-man can definitely take a beating like a severe beating but i'm coming for you buddy you know the police are watching your every move exactly is he rubbing dumb but i didn't think you were this dumb of all the crimes you could do why are you robbing you're not just stealing for yourself or for someone that makes sense maybe he's working for fisk even though fisk is behind bars uh i am really trailing i've lost my momentum because i hit a fire escape no come on it's gone red i need to catch up with this dude i think he's waiting for me in a high speed chase he's actually waiting for me no no no come here there we go much better i need to get my diving on because that makes me so much faster come here buddy it's really testing my web slinging skills i don't know how close whoa okay we can stop that please gotcha both got really cool superhero suits it doesn't like my webs are gonna do much either got you punk that's like zero personality wow but your suit is awesome can we talk to you was that the boss fight i was expecting something super epic but we've just we just webbed him to the floor amazing i was expecting some major fight but we got our web swinging on in that uh scenario did you learn anything about his motive i tried but he's not very talkative plus i think he hates me you have that effect on a lot of people wow yuri you love me right yuri i tolerate you wow that's a double that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me no one likes spider-man why and shocker was surprisingly easy tonight i did yeah were you impressed anyway thanks again for dinner what do i owe you how about a favor you still have that mask from the gallery yeah i'm actually on my way to the feast center now to ask martin lee about it martin lee why he has a degree in art history if anyone knows about the origins of that mask he will just keep me in the loop like i said i think there's a bigger story here and i plan to be the one to break it up sure she's using it i can call you like whenever yeah whenever whatever hmm she's using me for a news story cool but at least we're we're talking we're on talking points okay new suit oh my goodness i can already tell this one's gonna be great secret war suit discharges amplified emp build up to stun enemies and disable their weapons i actually love this suit uh can we unlock it now we need two backpack tokens and two research uh of all the things research tokens i have to do those little mini games to unlock those but this looks so cool look at the blue spider on the back as well backpack tokens backpack tokens where are you i don't think backpack tokens are gonna be too hard to earn because they literally show you where they are but it's gonna be those um those research ones that are going to be annoying i don't even want the ability i just want the i want the cool suit let's continue playing through the story see if we unlock some research tokens or have the opportunity to unlock them on the way and then we will go through and um get the backpack tokens when we've got those so that's a deal mr lee will be here soon okay i could use a snack ooh can't get any hot dogs shocker exploded the hot dog van not a fan of that shocker that's so good he's got donut coffee imagine just how does he drink it how does spiderman drink that coffee huh how does he eat oh it's a bagel i thought it was a donut how does he eat it needs a needs a mouth slit i'm not sure i've ever said that before he's usually in his office now right let's go talk to him it must be really annoying for peter parker when he's not spider-man because he can literally he could just web up there as spider-man but no he has to walk as a normal human being that would be frustrating if i was spider-man i'd be tempted to just bust out the webs at any point because it's so much quicker is he in here yeah director what's good mr lee how you doing buddy peter what can i do for you i'm sorry to bother you mr lee i have a friend mary jane she's a reporter she's doing a story on art imports and she found this piece she wanted an expert opinion on it and i know you have a degree and this might be the first time i actually get to use it fair point interesting spider-man she finds that i'm really not sure why what is it a replica of an antique chinese opera mask i haven't seen one in years it's a replica though this symbol here roughly translates to demon demon my father read me ghost stories with that mask and symbol in it when i was young scared the hell out of me peter listen that mask it's it could be connected to dangerous people i know mary jane might want to find a different story do you think she's in trouble i don't know why take the risk hmm not the uh not the response i thought he'd have to be honest now what okay he's gonna ring hey the symbol inside the mask means demon it really spooked mr lee never seen him like that he even said you should drop the story fat chance do you think mr lee knows more than he's letting on no i think he just had a weird flashback or something i know his childhood was pretty traumatic yeah that makes sense demons huh catchy name okay gotta get writing see you soon interesting so we're working in cahoots that went about as well as i could have hoped yeah well what were you hoping for maybe his childhood was ruined because his uncle or dad are coming which one it was read him those stories with the masking pretty terrifying if you read those especially is a bedtime story i mean i wouldn't want to be read those especially just before i go to sleep but we obviously knew they were connected to some people some nasty people because we we punched them in the face a lot in the previous video but we just need to find out what they're doing and why because they wanted to steal that file which was about i think it's about the statue and the art imports but let's see back in action ready to go we need to decide what we want to do next i think we leveled up as well at the lab let's do a little spidey workout in the city okay you know what let's do it now explore the city to upgrade your sorry sorry new side mission unlocked can we view them from here no currently unavailable i want to do some of the research missions so i can unlock this new suit right let's activate one of these towers so that i can find these apparently there's research towers so we can unlock this suit because i really really want it i think we've got to wait for the next story mission to unlock anyway this is a financial district stolen vehicle failed i wasn't even in that mission come on the police have got to do something now guys come on so that didn't unlock anything that i wanted which is kind of annoying um we got the backpack ones the research ones definitely can be done at work because we had them before but i can't go there yet so let's go to this side mission and see if the main story mission unlocks in the meantime let's do it hello oh wait he's ringing me octavius oh hey what's up lance corporal texador is here for a fitting i totally forgot i mean i mean i didn't forget forget i just uh i'll be there soon sweet okay his tardiness is starting to become a pattern come on parker you're better than ah that's this how did i lose track of time let's head to this mission and then we should be at work which means we can kind of sneak in some research points unlock that super cool black spider-man suit and also progress the story as well let's do it are you into something dangerous no oh it's just a story mary jane's investigating don't worry i'll make sure she's careful please tell me you two are back together i'm talking again baby steps i hope i didn't upset mr lee he's just concerned i was actually touched by how concerned i knew he liked you he admires how dedicated you are to helping others i think you remind him of himself when he was younger both orphans both so smart well the admiration's mutual you've got a good boss mate i'll tell him you said so love you peter love you all may so apparently mr lee is really suspicious of me which is making me really suspicious of him actually for some reason but let's head in here get me some research points i mean continue the story remember to change peter you don't want to reveal that big secret you almost did that last time you idiot we should be fine i think he would accept it but i just have this sneaky feeling he's just gonna become our enemy at some point that's just standard for superhero films right it must be let's head in i think we've got some visitors right now yeah here we go how does it work oh he's just like a natural arm he's trying it out and pick up the cup pick up the cup you know oh i think this is a real thing like i think you can actually get arms like this but it doesn't react to your mind i don't think it reacts to your your muscles hey hey what do you think you're doing this site's been declared a safety hazard what stop that right now this is highly sensitive equipment that's it i'm calling the mayor's office directly peter parker it's norman osborne what's good mr osborne oh please how long have we known each other it's mr mayor he's the mayor it's norman norman norman what do you think you're doing the grant agreement you signed has strict safety provisions this isn't your first violation those were excused by me we should have confiscated this equipment long ago but but i've had a breakthrough thank you for your great service to our country these folks will escort you to oscorp robotics where you'll receive the latest in prosthetics no charge this isn't about safety infractions is it sneaky i'm trying to help you otto you're free to continue your work in a secure environment at ozcorp you always were the smartest guy in the room you haven't changed a bit [Music] neither of you i i i sense some awkwardness harry will be coming back from europe early next year maybe the two of you can start that business you always talked about this is opportunity knocking the lady in the background looks so angry for no reason he's easy easy they didn't take everything maybe we could start over peter there's no we without the grant from the city i can no longer pay you i need some time to think if i were you i'd look for a new job man i didn't realize we're getting paid for this i thought it was like a side project but it's actually a side job so now we don't get paid from this we don't get paid from being spider-man spider-man should carry a heavy paycheck just saying just just to put on his outfits i don't know how much those are gonna cost and now it looks like we might not even be able to get them research points from work so i should have grabbed those when i had the chance unless can i sneak in now i wish i could do something to help doc oh wait maybe call harry go to research stage we should talk to his dad okay we might go there instead the story seems to be helping me out a little bit maybe i'm just getting a little bit ahead of myself stations hey one of those stations is nearby i should see how they're doing while harry's in europe so this should be able to help us to get that new suit which is not what i'm in this for i want to defeat evil and stuff wait a second our back theater that looks really similar to where we did it where we did that show unless they've changed the name it looks so similar that's kind of cool i love this i haven't had the chance to properly look around but i need to so hopefully this should help us continue the story but also get us that research point that we really want just to kind of recap the story it looks like norman osborne who's the mayor of the city obviously runs oscar which is a robotics company and then you have the guy that we're working for um who is also making robotics at a much faster and more successful pace and oscorp has kind of caught sight of that and is trying to just take credit for it all i guess by shutting down his program harry left here we got a message about these before he left pete hey i need a favor my mom's pet project was research stations that could benefit the public this is what we're looking for i launched them but now that i'm away oscorp's gonna shut them down unless they prove their value i was hoping you could watch them i left details in each one thanks man as long as they're here it's like a part of my mom is too it's exactly what i'm gonna pay the bills but it sounds like it means a lot to him oh there's loads of them as well but i can't help sweet okay is there anyone near us where are we over here yes look research tokens times two that will give us what we need to be able to do this so let's access the console should give us a mission there is another of our air quality stations monitoring contaminants in the surrounding atmosphere super important for the city and its citizens but certain corporate overlords are less than thrilled by the prospect of pollution output being publicly reported not sure how spider-man can help this but we need them tokens for that suit that's what i'm in there the idea is to catch the um what's the word contaminants before they reach toxic levels okay between you and me i think oscorp wants this to fail because it might show their polluting the amount of polycyclic hydrocarbons in the air is way too high it's what i've been rising if it keeps getting worse people could die okay that is that's actually tragic what what are these companies doing in trouble spots like mini clouds of smog collect contaminants okay interesting so we need to collect these little clouds man the days of being spider-man have definitely changed do i need to go up though i might need to go up run spider-man run how do i collect them there's one literally right above me i can see the clouds but i'm not quite sure how i'm supposed to collect them it's kind of odd nasty as they are oh okay right through those clouds that makes sense why would i swing through them when they're blatantly pollution that could kill someone i mean spider-man's got to do what spider-man's got to do even if it means swinging through pollution clouds we actually need to spin rounds there we go okay there's eight of these let me fly through them all and then i just need those three search points boy hopefully this doesn't poison spider-man that would be awful he manages to defeat all these bad guys and then dies because of pollution that would be um that would be awful and not funny he's coughing this isn't good he's got no gas mask on you should probably go and get one this is terrible spiderman it's disgusting dude and also this is in our environment right now but now inside spider-man's lungs please just don't don't let this affect you too much buddy you're a fit healthy individual who is now filling their body with smog uh how do i get this one i've got two more here we go one more there it is there it is grab it there's not much to swing off around here that's the problem but you can run all the way up toxins perfect two types of cars and a faulty smoke stack we better get photos oh my goodness i did not think that spider-man was this um this involved in pollution you know but hey superheroes got to do what a superhero has got to do it's not all about fighting bad guys all the time it's about taking pictures of cars and inhaling drastically dangerous pollution i think i need to photograph a car right now there it is there it is i need to wait for a stop light equip the camera oh my goodness it just ran me over take a picture great light on that that's perfect you ran me over the punk i guess if you're not a fan of spider-man it could happen that's so bad all right the next one is just here let me try and get ahead of it got this new point launch thing that i've discovered that i can do uh perfect gotcha let's go you lot need to get priuses you know save the environment and all that prius tesla any of those cars we need new york to stay safe and apparently we need to be here best smokestack picture i ever took i mean it's not great environmental protection will take it from here maybe i should make a green spider costume for earth day that would be sweet there we go sweet got our two research tokens now we just need is it two or one backpack tokens let me have a look uh oh this one's got a star on it oh cause i can afford it now oh that one's bulletproof that would be good but i'm liking this one too much i need two so let's go and grab some of those well i'm really far away let's go here or not okay yep let's go here spider-man shocker has escaped now he's robbing a bank on east 31st what happened i thought he was behind kidding me he was but one of the guards just walked up to a cell and released him then gave him his suit back i knew shocker was working for someone what did you get out of the guard wish i could ask him but he's dead whoever made him release shocker didn't want any loose ends damn looking at the security footage the guard was in some kind of trance and it might have been the lighting but it looked like his eyes were glowing okay it's creepy very okay i'll see what i can get out of shocker when i get to the bank see i thought that boss fight was too easy way too easy i love how he just escapes out of prison super easily and now i'm out here just grabbing backpack tokens don't worry shocker when we fight again i'll look even more fabulous than before don't you worry established a power base in a vacuum left by fisk a vacuum i created by putting fisk away jameson was right demons are my fault what were you supposed to do let fist keep god bothering are you okay you sound even mopier than usual i'm flying around the city the city norman actually pulled our funding oh pete i'm sorry if harry were here he could talk some sense into his dad you'll find another source your work's too important thanks mj talk to you soon come on harry come back from your holiday buddy i'm not quite sure what you're doing there it is there's number one it's a he discovered his own selfie love it i just need one more now this one and number two collected oscar visitor pass that could come in handy actually for the missions right now we can unlock our suit there it is beautiful and craft i forgot they have different stats as well what's the suit power arms race oh it discharges i think that's actually pretty cool you know what did we have on there before battle focus oh the iron arms those were cool let's try the emp see if it's good but here is our new suit looking phenomenal let's try the photo mode just to have a look at it there we go blue black and red looking dark looking spicy and let's uh let's carry on we need to get to shocker his second little appearance but now we're gonna look amazing trying to take this punk down we were discussing designers last time we met and now he's gonna want to know which one i have here we go police helicopters oh dude this is a decent bank as well i don't know how i just went through the blades of a helicopter but i'm spider-man in my new suit so i don't need to explain that got spidey sense spidey sense to dodge everything i don't know why this is funny to me long time no see hey i'm no lawyer but uh i'm pretty sure that's a parole violation it kind of looks like a transformer they must have to do all of these cut scenes with every single suit you can unlock oops i guess we're stuck in here for a while want to play 20 questions tony wasn't the best idea okay face punch it is nice whoa your gauntlets are all digital now aren't they have it your way you wanna fight here we go here's the boss fight i was asking for man can't wait to put you back behind bars so we can talk science here we go let's go okay yep that's bad i was listening to the dialogue too much well he's still hurting me i dodged it i wish there wasn't as much talking going on i'm dying here come on spider-man stop chatting stop with the chin wag spider-man shut up exactly i kind of agree with the um super villain this time uh oh look he's run out of energy okay maybe not i think i need to um not die and also uh try and grab those rocks see what happens spider-man when you keep talking nonsense while i'm trying to do a boss fight you die and that's completely your own fault let's try this again shall we oh my goodness he's insane come here boy so i need to throw uh what i did there was i threw one of those rocks at him and kind of knocked out his electro um whatever he's doing problem is he's firing so quickly but i can't really keep up there we go get wrecked son okay that's much better i need to heal though sorry not gonna happen i wonder what he needs the money for is he got debts for all the all the suits that he's made come on smash him smash him smash him here we go second stage of the boss fight we made it this time guys nice well this worked last time don't use banks anymore you're lucky you found actual cash stick him to the floor they want to rob banks try day trip it's all the rage okay he can get out of them [Music] dude that's insane can you tell me who you're working he is powerful they made that very clear oh my goodness okay i'm trying to figure this out [Music] i'm gonna spin this round okay i need to wait until he stopped doing that crazy spray before i can grab anything i think it's three well come on hit him you missed spider-man i'm trying to work together everybody i'm dead i'm so dead did my emp it didn't work i am so dead oh my goodness this is mad actually matt i should not have said that it was too easy last time at all okay figured that out now i should have a chance right yeah okay figured it out now so i need to wait for him to do his shock wave attack and then we're good so dodge these which come directionally towards us leave the the debris alone and then you should jump make shock waves i did not mean to do that and then i should have uh my chance now yeah here we go cause he gets kind of stuck doing it oh that was nice i like that i need to charge there we go we got it what do they want the money for no no my god it's kind of hard because you're trying to follow a little bit of the story while they're talking but also trying to concentrate at the same time there we go leave me alone i love how they just try the same thing anyway even though it doesn't work come here let's have a little hug and by hug i mean foot to face it just looks amazing though still all the boss fights when you actually figure out what you're doing the boss fights are incredible oh got him in midair yes you done yet need to watch out for them working for someone stealing all this money to fund something incredible but what is it whoa okay did not mean to get hit by that come on get up spider-man get up what are you doing get up i better not have to do the whole thing again please please that was so unfair okay yeah i'm back where i was before that's good he has gone a little bit crazy which i don't mind it's understandable i just need to watch out for what he's gonna do next oh actually okay i think i got it i think i got it i need to make that thing collapse but dodge everything else he's doing waiting for an opening the opening should come now where is it where is it spiderman come on i can't aim for these things like when i aim for them come on just dodge please oh no there we go much better it's really hard to aim for these things there we go now he's gonna hit me though sorry herman oh my goodness we missed oh no we got him we got him we're good you brought this on yourself did he just explode wow okay that was a lot to take in that was really hard to keep track of when i was trying to aim for those things but then he he kept firing those zaps super quickly that was difficult again i will never complain about a boss fight ever again and this time dudes keep it behind bars please he was scared and desperate these demons are everywhere all of a sudden we goods we should get some xp and stuff as well have we gone up a level we once went up two levels all yours now good work we have a special cell waiting for him at the raft we'll make sure he stays behind bars this time got a melee increase and we've got two points let's spend those in seconds pretty sure he was working for the demon gang demon gang sounds like a daily bugle headline hey the bugle is a perfectly fine news organization i'm not sure i'd call it news fake news some really good reporters anyway have you had any more reports on demon uh guys with masks let me get back to you by the way how much of a mess did you make inside that bank you probably don't want to know i shouldn't have asked nobody likes spider-man everyone's moaning about the mess that he's making and everything else but they never pick up on them actually saving the world they're all like you made too much mess you're costing too much money oh wait whoa wait what there's a demon i see a demon i can hear them oh they're right there he just shot me with something these energy things all right come here buddy i got involved in this now haven't i right let's do this you want to do it this way buddy talk guys this destroy new york stick is getting old i need to throw an object perform combo hits oh they're using the emp grenades as well that's what it is so i've got that in my suit now guys using your own technology against you well that was some insane damage i have a plan yes i'm not listening to you also i'm sorry the indomitable ottawa that's great news i hope this plan works oh he's shot his own guy whoopsie give me that give me that right now do not throw things at spider-man please got a crime token perfect no worries guys see you later see no thank you at all i just spin off into the distance hey so i looked into reports of demons i knew you'd come around they've been pretty busy tonight hitting a lot of fist properties they're going after fisk damn what i'm thinking brewing gang war let's try to get ahead of it are there any fist properties that haven't been hit tonight let me see patrol reported a bunch of activity at one of his shipyards in portside thanks yuri i'll check it out okay there's been a lot of talking in this episode so far but i guess we were missing a little bit of kind of story before so it looks like instead of working for this which i thought they were doing yuri any idea what fisk uses that shipyard for no idea let me send an officer to meet you there his name's jefferson davis that's his beat he's a good cop been working the fist case for years if anyone knows what's going on at that shipyard it's him as i was saying i think they're working against him not with him as i thought was the case earlier so we need to interrupt this gang war that's now feuding between the demons and fisk i'm guessing i could be completely wrong but i'm pretty sure that's what they're trying to get across at the moment before we get there actually before i forget let me just go into skills oh we have a new suit as well don't be cooler than the one i've got now oh wait maybe we don't have a new suit he said we have a new suit no it like oh it's new um new abilities what we got we've got scavenger finishes generate bonus gadget refills increases the rate focus generates these all challenge tokens i haven't done any of those yet i can't afford any of these i don't think i need some more crime tokens to unlock these ones so we'll get those eventually it's skills i wanted to look at vengeance when below half health attacks generate focus faster that's actually kind of cool slows time just before you take a fatal hit i feel like i should be doing some of these but they feel like they don't actually do much in in combat which is where you need the most help i don't want that i'm going to do this vengeance and then we're going to save up the next one so that's going to help us a little bit all right let's get to our next destination and kick some more butt let's go okay i have no idea what's happening here someone just shot at me what what nothing like an rpg to wake you up why is this happening to me right now okay you guys asked for it i'm coming for you hello friends how are you they have like some crazy shields going on you good let's do a finisher on him wrong guy but fine absolutely fine so these are some of the ghosts and they actually shot him in the back then so you can dodge them and make them shoot their own um their own kind which is kind of cool rocket launcher guy you're not one of my favorites so you're gonna have to get out of here there we go i wanted to finish this guy because he's got the shield there's another guy with a shield as well whoa there's another guy how many are there maybe i'm not finishing them off properly get out of here focus bar is full you're in trouble come here shield don't block your face did it definitely not got two crime tokens for that so we can actually unlock some more things demon crimes have unlocked now no spider-man hold up a second you get into um getting too ahead of yourself i just want to see if we unlocked anything else then we'll do gadgets as well oh the spider drawing apply a spider drone which will seek out and fire an energy blaster at nearby enemies good we always have that equipped don't we but i forgot which one we have there we go let's get the spider drones out i think we can craft these as well increased xp a perfect dodge temporarily increases damage what else i don't think we need any of these right now we got some more backpack tokens we can unlock these ones yeah one challenge token which we haven't actually done yet continue playing the story to unlock challenge tokens is where we can increase our offense which is obviously much better than what we've got now but for now we need to get through the story before we can unlock those let's go i don't know what we're walking head first into swinging head first into we're just about to find out and if they set one toe inside the vault i'll have your head that's fisk from prison tripling security demons won't touch a thing yeah demon versus fisk i get it now listen up demons are making moves on all our caches lost two tonight already boss may be in lockup but that don't mean his hardware is up for grabs comm check eagle two you up eagle two reporting in ice on what caches are the demons after i need to take out fisk's men and figure out what they're guarding whatever it is i don't want it in fisks or the demon's hands snipers everywhere i need to deal with them first a lot of junk scattered around here a well-placed webshot could make a great distraction okay scamfor i hate i just in general i just hate stealth missions but let's see what happens we can lure them with this no no no no that wasn't what i was supposed to do talking about spider-drone what does fisk spider-drone where you go in he's off just pinging him stop it that's not no that's not good that's really not good there we go distract them with that and pull them somewhere else what are you doing i've been spotted i've been spotted okay this is not going well at all i'm just gonna try and take them out i'm done with this oh there's snipers everywhere though i don't think this is gonna be easy let's heal whoa yeah these are big damage massive damage actually yeah we're in trouble guys big big trouble wow it hurts so much i want to get up there how do i get this guy this guy's just chilling um just gonna creep around the edge like this and no okay if i get shot by one more thing i'm pretty sure i'm dead so i just need to be super careful yes who needs stealth missions huh when you've got spider sense you don't need to do anything you can just dodge and then you're good i can heal as well so i'm i'm perfectly fine i just need to get these snipers out the way dude they're really powerful oh no i've been bombed i don't actually know what's happening oh i'm in big trouble no no no one hp one hp how do i take out these snipers i'm dead i'm so dead yeah i just got shot at the head i tried to snipe him but he snapped me square in the face maybe we should um we should focus on stealth shouldn't we i don't quite grasp the concept of the stealth though that's the only problem we can do distractions but i think as soon as we move around we're gonna be dead i don't think my spider drone helped last time uh let's head over here let's take down this guy because we can a lot of junk scattered around here there we go easy mode what are the distraction objects that's one of them there's so many people around though i need to drag them to different places and then use the takedown to be able to take them down which obviously makes sense okay here's a guy here's a guy right here he's safe hey we're learning but where can i go now i need to just take them all out is that my mission i need to be so careful it's the guys in the sniper towers that you need to worry about because if you don't take out them they're gonna shoot you square in the face and it's not gonna be fun i might actually switch over my suit power because that's not helping me too much this one though will definitely help me it increases my um increases my damage output by so much okay there's a sniper down there what are my distraction methods can i use there's a sniper right here he's safe sleep it off get out of here i just need to take out the snipers then i can i can destroy the rest by myself because they're not too bad it's just the snipers that are really really hard i want to go down there it's good that i'm in a black outfit actually for this stealth mission this guy this guy right here is going to be really tricky i was going to use the ladder then i'm like i'm spider-man i need a ladder come on guys how do i take this guy out maybe all the way to the top spiderman you kidding me you're frustrating me today i'm not sure why all right let's make our way up here instead he's sniper has a guard watching him okay may need to divide and conquer i need to distract him okay quick move move oh my goodness what are you doing spider-man i mean should we hide down here that's all we could do hide you're wearing a black suit you're um you're in the water you're in the shadows this is not going well i misplaced one of my web shoots and yay there we go all we had to do was uh get in the water spiders can't swim by the way but this one can oh did that guard actually leave i think he did he's all the way over there now isn't he says fire up here yeah we can take this guy down and now this guy be quiet no one needs to know a thing it's just that guy he's really well protected needs to defies a plan to get this guy out of here can i shoot him from here maybe i think if i do that'll be a bad idea but i'm going to try it i didn't even reach him that seems accurate there we go yes now we need to get up there oh he actually looks so good in the black suit as well you can't see anything my sniper tower now buddy you can wriggle all you want but you ain't getting out of that um how many of you got left two four six we should be able to take those guys out right surely nobody you know what i'm just gonna go in it's time yay the energy swords are annoying they keep turning around really quickly and you can calm down too please buddy right he's out of here his swords out of here yankees gun off him oh he shot his own man then see i've got that ability where it actually hurts them if i swing it round almost did the wrong thing there let's focus bar this guy because he keeps shooting me and it's frankly quite annoying let's swing this round as well get smacked oh i wasn't meant to grab that guy but i'll do that heal up a little bit get you out of here are you done you're done you want some more there you go square in the face i think we've only got one more left this guy's going up stop friend you need to move around more so i can't hit you as easily okay just the words of advice give me that gun thank you sir you mad we did it okay that was a bit stressful but in the end we got there before the police did and solved the problem but are the police gonna be nice to us that's the question [Music] i think we're about to find out oh is this dude that we're gonna talk you can't have vigilantes trespassing or doing illegal searches i know which is why i brought a war hey so what do you say we do some perfectly legal searching i like the sound of that finally someone who likes spider-man officer davis call me jeff hey jeff you are i'm uh just messing with you my name is john's a big fan so that won't cover breaking down doors not without a lot of extra paperwork okay i'll find another way i can get pretty much anywhere to be honest any place this rundown should have a hole in the wall or a broken window should do all somewhere let's head maybe down here there's got to be somewhere in through here surely ah there we go trusty old vent perfect now we just need to find the way to unlock the door from the inside and then we're good i feel like i'm in a horror movie this is cool any fisherman with a grudge and a hook for a hand hey where's that locked door this is sweet but why were they trying to get in here there's like nothing here it's an old boat that ain't gonna do much for no one though jeff you there i'm doing my best to refrain from knock-knock a junction box jokes the door yeah got it if we can overload it that should force the door open smart but i don't have anything that packs enough current try this stun gun genius give me this visitors in this are just what i need for an upgrade i've been thinking of oh what i'm gonna modify the stun gun to modify my suit with the stun gun you can now craft the electric web hold x i mean let's go so i now have the electric web and i charge i change it using this hey electric web for the win that's gonna be so handy you remind me of my son started taking apart the tv when he was five now he's unlocking his friend's phones nice sounds like he could teach me a few things a future hacker okay nothing illegal in plain sight kind of anti-climactic huh at first glance let's look closer the house looking for something specific this yard's been here a long time bootleggers used to use it back in the day gotcha those guys love their hidden rooms check it out sound hollow to you like the one on the door the conduits lead out the back look for another junction box let's see if my mask lenses can pick up the conduits oh nice there's literally a hidden door we're going full traditional super villain on this and we should did that must not work the right box keep looking well there's another one upstairs there's one here as well not there idiot just here is that the one oh is this hey i doubt i would have found it without you nice looks like it's all been stolen though i got a big fat nothing well there's one secret room that could be more true notice anything about the floor they can hide the doors but not the scrapes they leave this guy's smart you can tell he's done this before or he's watched a lot of um superhero films so like a pretty snazzy looking safe ammo boxes i'm guessing there's like weapons and money in here which seems to be what they're after in general now that i know i'm after scrapes i should take another look around yeah i don't want to get stuck on this boat though it seems like i just have here we go got him hey dirt scrape no door none i can see anyway great be right there can i just can i just not web him straight up sit tight i'll pull you up yeah we can oh we can lift the elevator could we not just you know grab him second floor rusted machine parts big honking rats careful the bridge is out i got this one go and jump it jump it i thought i stuck the light we thought he was gonna slip and we'd have to save him what you got for me another secret door i'll read the lock let me know if you find the junction box it must be all the way up there that's a fan isn't it oh no there's one behind it found one but i can't oh i have to time my zap [Music] there we go nailed it all right let's see what's behind magic door number two shall we what you got for me i'm the one with the superhero strength but i'm let me like open the door nothing i'm starting to feel like this is fisk's way of messing with me but look at the walls they kept guns here yeah they wouldn't have moved them to the front door got to be a passageway we're missing check out the wall this might control access to another area fisk's man we're talking about a vault maybe we're close bet on it looks like a dual circuit see if we can find a second junction box more junction boxes follow the yellow brick road follow the line oh there's loads can i not zap these if i were a junction box where would i be here found it oh i need to lift it first there we go i can do it from down here as well what's it gonna change oh dude this is like proper superhero stuff super villain stuff outstanding think you can help me out this thing's heavy i mean i was just saying that i was leaving you hanging a little bit let's not jump over it let's not make it harder just tap the thing come on one two three i was expecting to tap a button well that isn't spooky at all probably an old bootleggers tunnel and it looks like no one's cleaned it since al capone it's like a mine big chunk of concrete in the way i can't get through let me see how it looks from the top this guy got room to maneuver here hang on easy mode subway maybe that's hustle place is unstable oh dude please do not get trapped down here okay that definitely wasn't a subway dude no sounded like explosives and that sounds like demons i can hear people hurry i want you to aim oh nice i didn't know i could do that let's go let's go let's go yeah there's definitely tons of weapons here damn demons are already gone how'd they beat us here must be a bad door see if you can find it they're making weapons whoa got empty crates here and it looks like they took the ones they didn't clean out that's insane they blew the locks to get it there there they are demons bring out a normal gun dude not a stun gun stay here hell no it'll take both of us to stop him oh please don't die in some of these please don't die this is no good find cover yeah you need to get out of here buddy press r1 to fire an electric web take that take that take that out let's go these electric webs are sick give me that gun i know you stole them so they're not yours are they really can i have this one too thank you sir goodbye is that the guy that's supposed to be helping me it's kind of not helping me right now you can't go and pick up the gun again buddy this guy's using stun grenades as well your timing is impeccable where are the others oh there's one he's been zapped already oh he's tasing them isn't he oh my goodness and i was saying don't bring the taser this man's rocking the taser right now what are you doing stay near the truck and i can slam you against it back up man there's so much fighting in this finish you thank you i should have finished this guy there we go there's so many people though oh dude that was a sick combo watch out finish that guy off and who wants uh you want to focus you oh is this one where they snap him oh that one makes me feel sick not gonna lie get out of here buddy i love when they stick them to the walls as well you tried it this guy's insane he should be a superhero we got some spare suits i like these chase scenes as well and the way it seamlessly integrates i think i've said that every time it's time to hang up the web but it's so cool like how it seamlessly integrates love it this is exactly like the mission we did earlier but they're gonna fire rockets because they stole the rockets makes sense i think i need to utilize the um almost got caught by that i think i need to utilize the dive a little bit more when i'm a bit higher spider-man oh no not much better these guys are all over the road they'll kill someone if i can't stop doing my best to catch up but you might be on your own dude i can feel it coming i know he's something bad's gonna happen to him isn't it how am i not catching these guys up no no no come on spider-man sort it out buddy i don't know what i meant to do when i catch them or if i'm when i'm even near them this keeps up bystanders will get shot i gotta get in close oh no i was so close then especially when they're firing rockets and stuff civilians are definitely gonna get hurt let's dodge that yes i'm close i press triangle there we go how do i attack them though okay like that fair enough i don't know what the circles were but i took them out anyway it was square we need to be careful though there's gonna be civilians everywhere no oh dude okay we're good it's like i knew it was gonna make me do something you could just feel it these webs must be so strong great now the three decides to run on time oh we're good oh the subway i wonder what he was talking about [Music] don't do it what is this the same dude he goes in that was so dangerous no this is this is bad this is so bad i knew it ah he just saved my life as well is he okay please be okay yeah clap the man please be fine i think he's okay oh my goodness almost had a heart attack now identified the officer as jefferson davis we're being told he has minor injuries and is expected to make a dead recovery let's go jeff i was worried for you buddy excuse me miss are you supposed to be here more than you after that auction house thing the bugle put me on the city beat which means i get to focus full-time on real stories like this and the demons you know the closer you get to them the more you become a target right the closer i get the better chance we have to stop them we yeah where's your superheroes davis mary jane watson daily bugle no comment i like your stuff i don't blame you but these guys are going to tell their story with or without you and they thrive on controversy so what's your name i don't have one i just listened okay hop in that was easy she's good like a little crime fighting duo now i like it that was actually difficult some of those fights were very hard man i'm beat time to head home and get some sleep yeah spider-man you know what you've been working hard let's go get you some sleep show everybody we've got two skill points we can spend on something else now fast travel locations oh yes thank goodness let's do it oh i'm so glad they added that in because the swinging's cool but when you're trying to get through something quite quickly it's it's a little bit annoying especially when they're like 3000 meters away um wait he's on the subway that's the fast travel okay i'd rather swing i love that he lives in chinatown as well if i if i could live anywhere in new york chinatown would be it i'd be a massive individual though hugely fat right oh new suit stark suit spider bro causing a sprite what causing a spider bro to temporarily aid in combat we have to try that we need a base token though we've got the rest spider bro we have to try that next time that'd be amazing we've got more skills we can unlock um last stand we should probably do some of these actually air attacks do additional damage to generate more focus i think quick zip might be quite good what's this one a massively oh that's cool let's buy this come on buy it and then buy this as well so we got ourselves web zip in a second time so we can website even faster and further and this one increases point launch we've been using a lot in this episode he lives in a monkey house um i mean i dig it i like the graffiti actually kind of matches your suit your aesthetic let's get inside we need to sleep oh my goodness i'm tired please don't let a mask be in there oh no is he gonna be homeless they'd have changed the locks i oh we talked about this earlier come on you took all your stuff call mj call mj [Music] well this isn't good empire sanitation this is eddie yeah hi uh i'm trying to track down some items that were accidentally picked up from a dumpster outside my dumpster number uh uh hang on uh six four four seven six that's round thirty three trucks already left at shift man you're out of luck wait wait please this is important can you at least tell me where the truck is let me check wait whiz all right looks like it should be at the municipal garage at bahrain grand there's a backpack there got it thanks eddie can i grab this backpack quick valerian grand not a problem i swear i just saw one unless that was just for the cut scene might have just been for the cutscene any spidey suits in there if so that's awful oh there's that boost i don't care i'm so much better but i have to find my spidey drive oh dude it's like losing your homework but even worse finding a tiny flash drive and a 30-ton garbage truck i think we've got time to do this we have years of research everything i've worked on since high school i am excited to try out spidey bro though i don't know whether that means it's gonna be like an actual person because if so it's either a robot or someone else who have spiderman abilities which i am um i am interested to find out all right let's open this of course it's going to find a needle in a haystack people stealing garbage oh man how do i get in look there's got to be a vent there's another way in come on show me the vent where is it find the trash oh there it is i knew it trust event system can people actually do this in real life if they know where all the vents are if i don't break anything right you can just use vent systems to get into any building you want maybe they haven't dumped the trash yet if it's in here that'll be amazing okay time to panic no no empire sanitation this is eddie sorry is there any chance the truck wasn't at the garage sure i guess just means it'd be somewhere in west chinatown great i'm headed there now so it's near where we were already that's not that's fun hey it's a long shot but sometimes the guys stop for pizza before they drop off oh of course i'll check out the pizza shops any idea which one one of the mom and pop joints i think jerry's no that's uptown i mean original jerry's oh right now started with an l i think larry's that's on the east side larry's leos that might be it man i love leo's sorry taxi pick you up a pie wait i think i see the trucks thanks eddie is this the one that would be some trucks close by nope stuff's not here awesome there has to be another truck around here there's one this is the weirdest mission so far no sign of my stuff what an interesting smell don't tell the teddy bear it stinks buddy come on my only either hope are you sure they were around here well the guys might have switched roots due to the upcoming osborne rally man can you tell me this beforehand they'd be dropping off at the incinerator right now oh no incinerator over by manhattan bridge better hustle my goodness this is so much effort landlord just like destroyed my life he didn't even know he's destroying all of spider-man stuff absolute punk obviously you know what he's well within his right too because we didn't pay rent because we lost our job which is awful and we don't get paid to be spider-man i keep on reiterating that point but it would be a little bit fairer give me that grant that you gave uh gave otto incinerator hope i'm not too late let me guess we need a vent to come in all right come on spiderman no messing around now time is of the essence looks like trouble oh take down buddy i didn't even mean to do that but i did why am i trying to take these guys out are these at the incinerator trying to steal my stuff who steals trash buddy come on the guy just got out of the dumpster what are you doing where did he go is that all of them excuse me sir i need your help yeah thanks this gang's been terrorizing the whole neighborhood the last couple of days there's probably more of them on the way keep an eye out hey mind if i look around for some uh some personal items sure have at it i gotta go file an incident report there's something there well there it is gotta move these bags out of the way oh there's only one way i can do that i think that's it as if as if it's right there video games everyone pick it up no one noticed please be here yes it seems like there's old suits in there as well hope it still works it's got loads of trash in it looks like everything's here hey look an old gadget prototype oh a bomb looks kind of awesome why didn't i ever finish it finish it now i can make this work now craft the web bomb let's go that looks sweet actually proximity triggered explosive that instantly webs all enemies oh that's good that's really good got it i want to try that out look it's that guy spiderman oh you poke around spiderman there's so many people l1 oh it's gonna let me use it isn't it i'll want to fire a web bomb oh my goodness that's amazing you're gonna get a focus bar to the face buddy swift uppercut kick get out of here please oh it's so good so good completely forgot i could slam the enemies as well get out of here is that everyone everyone got what they wanted oh you want some more come here come here right now all the way over here please buddy dragging him slowly come here come here come here you get the rey mysterio so epic dunzo okay well this night isn't quite going as planned where am i gonna sleep oh yeah i guess i could try mgs of course buddy of course go to mj's apartment let's quickly swing by there all right how am i gonna talk my way on mj's couch just tell the truth buddy come on she knows you're spiderman at least bro there's no way about it this is going to be super awkward yeah i'm just gonna have to suck it up and again i thought maybe okay that just sounds pathetic bro you're literally homeless right you have no choice you show each other's couches all the time it's not weird or anything it's just a couch mj's couch oh what am i thinking whoa she lives high up pizza parka where is she up here oh in the window the classic let's see if we get in wait that's a copier that's not the right place just got a web alert looks like mj's story just got published hey i think i'll find somewhere else to stay she's probably busy with work i just traveled all the way over here um i wish harry was in town i could crash with him where are you gonna go that was the easiest mission so far spider-man you're in you're in trouble buddy level someone left here numbers more focus bar as well sweet hey there's spider long time no see miss me come to this address catch me if you can uh i think i know that voice should i know that voice who is it i should probably know that voice anyway i think that's probably a perfect way to stop for today i'm still loving this game there was a bit of the beginning where i wobbled i was like this is too much i'm not understanding what's going on but i think it made more sense in the end we got fisk's men we've got the the crazy mask guys who we're gonna call demons butting heads and trying to steal something so this gang between the demons and fisk is really i was just talking about this even shocker's a part of it got roped into running jobs for the demons these guys are serious do they just want to replace fists is fisk like trump be bad enough hope it's not something worse because that would be weird but anyway gang war going off popping off which means lots of crime for either side and there's loads of supervillains being involved as well i'm gonna i don't know who the person is that rang us we're also homeless and that's not good for spider-man but we did get this super cool looking spider suit which just looks absolutely amazing can we zoom in certainly can looking good buddy that is that's my favorite look so far when you try out the spider bro outfit next time which we'll certainly do go and find out who this mystery woman is but apart from that thank you guys so much for watching i hope you're enjoying this series if you still are please leave a big fat thumbs up a like i'd be greatly appreciated and hopefully i will see you tomorrow for the next installment of spider-man see you later guys good bye [Music] is
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,059,522
Rating: 4.8954425 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spiderman ps4, dantdm spiderman, spiderman dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim
Id: 4wnX7vlcoq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 42sec (4422 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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