The Tragic Tale of the Heretic Leader & his Faction | Their Betrayal, & how he Weaponized the Flood

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hey guys welcome back today we're beginning our celebration of the second re RiRi release in the Halo franchise halo 2 the only way that we know how by taking a deep dive into his law to mark the beginning of this dive I thought we'd conduct an incredibly thorough investigation I think quite possibly the most thorough out there right now into one of the most interesting and actually in hindsight most cataclysmic elements of his story that covenant heretics their leader their accidental use of the flood how they ultimately fractured the covenant and how they inspired others across the galaxy to mush their palms against the hierarchs so if you're new around here and you want to stay up to date with all of halos law in the run-up to Halo infinite then don't forget to hit that subscribe button and also go and follow me over on Twitch as well we've been having so much fun over there fun I'm suffering but mostly fun if you don't then maybe I'll know accidentally weaponize the flood as well so the story of the heretics and their leader begins long before the arbiter was sent to quell their heresy during the war an alpha halo that takes place during halo combat Evolved the arbiter or as he was known then fell Vlada me was the supreme commander of the fleet of particular Justice that followed the pillar of autumn to the ring however all was not well with in this glorious fleet a power struggle was underway upon the discovery of the halo the profit of stewardship a minor profit assigned to the fleet attempted to usurp fell claiming the mission was now a religious matter and attempting to claim total control of the war effort something that fells spent most of his time at the halo trying to prevent as a part of this usurping effort following the release of the flood on the halo the Prophet sent an expeditionary force to an ancient foreigner gas mine in the atmosphere of threshold the planet of which alpha halo orbited this team would be led by two elite warriors Luca band Olli and one Caesar Rafa may now fell wholeheartedly disagreed with this and even attempted to stop the team from going by issuing a transmission that demanded all military forces be concentrated on the human threat posed to the halo but nonetheless the expedition went ahead but little did the Prophet know by ordering it he just set in motion events that would bring an end to his beloved covenant Sasa loca and the Covenant would spend some time on the gas mine exploring it investigating its terminals and consoles and gathering whatever artifacts and knowledge they could find that their gods left behind to bring back to the higher-ups and tell something absolutely cataclysmic happened out of one of the windows of the mine the halo the holiest most sacred relic in the entire covenant was obliterated shattered into a hundred pieces its carcass left drifting through space fearful but knowing they were deserving of the retribution the hierarchs would undoubtedly placed upon them Sasa loka and the rest of the Expeditionary Force awaited their pickup from the gas mine before ultimately returning to the holy city of High Charity with the fleet but to their shock no evac ever appeared and worse they even witness Fell's fleet depart the system without them leaving them alone forgotten stranded on this ancient mine with no means and thus little to their knowledge the seeds of their heresy were planted some time after the Halos destruction is monitor 343 Guilty Spark made his way to the gas mine where initially he was actually met with hostility from some of the jackals and the Caesar and locust command this was however quickly brought to an end when an elite recognized spark as an Oracle and took him to say sir oh yeah and the jackals that survived yeah they they had the hospitals yikes when the leader met with the Oracle he was told of the true purpose of the Halos that they aren't holy relics but rather weapons designed to destroy the flood and to be activated should there be an outbreak they serve as expected a completely snapped back at the Oracle telling it that their religion dictated these rings were their salvation but Spock only came back with more truth saying that those who said that are quite frankly mad and that the halos are designed to destroy everything the flood might feed on beginning to realize his life had been dedicated to a total lie that his brothers had fallen in battle for a lie Sasa quickly shut down all communications to the fleet the Oracle protested suggesting that all communication mr. both covenant and human forces should remain open in light of the danger posed by the flirt but Caesar and you nobody was coming to help they'd been forgotten and now anybody who wasn't on the gas mine was a direct threat to their lives anything still alive in orbit is our enemy the humans have very good cause to kill us on sight and the knowledge you shared with me cast doubt entire purpose of our covenant if any of our ships remain above us they are not the help you seek over the following days Sasa informed spark of the history of the great covenant hegemony from the origins of the elites and their war the profits to the eventual signing of the writ of Union and the formation of the covenant the history of the role of the arbiter and how other species were assimilated into the religion one by one over the course of 2,000 years and spark revealed that the prophets hundreds of thousands of years prior to the formation of the Covenant in the foreigner era of the galaxy were excellent manipulators even back then and that it was clear that that part of their species had never changed he even went on to allude to see so that the prophets had lied about the divine power they claimed for an artifacts had artifacts such as himself that were almost certainly of no divine origin when asked why no warrior even the highest-ranking and most intelligent ever questioned the prophets word say sir simply replied questioning was what brought shame to the word arbiter of long ago Oracle and just like that Sasa ref amazed devout beliefs or wouldn't devout beliefs in the Covenant faith were dealt their final blow but as per Hawk didn't stop there he even made Caesar questioned the covenants review on the role of the arbiter saying how convenient it was that those who were made arbiters and sent on missions that would almost certainly guarantee their death were warriors with extreme political influence influence that on some occasions was already being used to question the decisions and beliefs of the hierarchs realizing now the prophets have skewed this once noble an honorable traditional elite goal of arbiter into one that is simply used to dispose of those who could potentially reveal the truth of the religion and expose the profits for the liars they were Lisa became enraged the prophets had treated the elites like fools desecrated their traditions and their history with no respect nor regard for their life and yet still his brothers were too blinded by their faith to see it he considered discreetly contacting fel his former supreme commander the only one he could trust with such world-shattering knowledge but came to the sad realization that by now the prophets had almost certainly silenced him for his failure to protect the Heylin this only furthered his belief that he had no more allies beyond the gas mine and that he would have to be the one to act upon this knowledge but I will begin our fight make others aware of the lies the prophets whisper in our ears and soon we will find the more who will take up our cause however Caesar and his men were fighting arguably the biggest uphill battle in the Halo universe since the foreign flood war they needed the fast gear they could get and when it came to audio they looked no further than recon he wanted a sponsors of this deep dive into their faction the Recon every day e25 air birds are my era of choice for just about everything from vibing two-foot music - well I mean what else would I listen to you why would I listen to anything else Mikey listen to good music especially especially considering the e25 s amazing audio quality seamless bluetooth pairing comfy compact design and six hours of play time if you want to get a pair for yourself in vibes of flood music with me then just go to buy recon comm stash hidden exterior and get 15% off your order just click the link at the top of the description and the best part is they start at about half the price of other premium wireless earbuds on the market so go to buy recon comm slash hidden exterior to get 15% off your order remember you can just click the link at the top of the description thank you to recon for sponsoring today's video now let's get back to our tale of heresy a tale that's about to turn into a nightmare in their efforts to spread the truth of the great journey across the galaxy ceases message was intercepted by the Covenant when the hierarchs were informed they quickly brandished him an enemy of their cause an enemy of the entire religion and made him the most wanted heretic in the galaxy placing a bounty so big on his head it was fit for no mercenary or bounty hunter this bounty was one destined to fall on the blade of an arbiter and what a coincidence it was that for the first time in over 20 years the prophets had just appointed a new one hmm almost as if Spock was right I'm starting to fear that you're not very smart I need no offense I'm not talking about you I'm talking about your species says's worst fears were confirmed the only person he thought he could trust was now a puppet of the hierarchs and his first mission was the silence is heresy the arbiter was sent to the gas mine as a part of a special operations task force led by commander artists of Adam II who previously served under fill' as a part of his fleet but now viewed his former supreme commander wherever little to no respect thanks to his colossal failure when they reached the mine an aggressive Maelstrom was forming in the atmosphere surrounding it which provided the perfect cover for the team to infiltrate the construct and begin silencing the heretics with ease when they reached the hangar where ceases personal Seraph was stored they were met with sentinels the holy warriors of the sacred rings siding with the heretics something that almost certainly begun to sow the seeds of doubt in the arbiters mind regarding who the legitimacy religion as they fought their way through the facility the arbiter first encountered Caesar who ordered some of his elite warriors to deal with the strike force while he defended the Oracle as they fought the zealots the heretics were heard shouting his truth must not be silenced but it was no use the arbiter follows a set in flight to another arm of the mine and it was here where this simple counter heresy operation would morph into a nightmare it turned out that this facility was in fact not a gas mine nor had it been for a very very long time eons prior Guilty Spark had overseen its transformation into a secret flood research facility and following the firing of the halo array it continued to harbor samples of the parasite but strictly for research however its nearest inhabitants cared little for that it's unknown whether he did this intentionally or by accident but Sasa unleashed the flood to try and slow down his pursuers inadvertently forcing his elites to fight in a two-front war pushing their victory even further out of reach eventually the arbiter caught up with Caesar who was mere seconds away from escaping the facility now almost entirely consumed by the parasite in his cereth and he demanded to know the truth proving he's still respected his former supreme commander despite the armor he was now forced to wear say to declared he would rather die by the arbiters hand than have the prophets lead him to slaughter as they've done for so many of his brothers and for nothing he ordered the Oracle to reveal the truth about the great journey to the arbiter sadly deep down Satan knew that fell was too far gone to accept the truth at this point he was basically another arm of the hierarchs and so while he was distracted he opened fire on leader using two hollow drones he attempted to take the orbiter out but these drones and his Ranger harness proved useless against his extreme combat proficiency and the arbiter won the battle and so say Seraphim a met his end in the same facility his faith died and what little remained of his so-called heretic brothers were sent plummeting to the surface of threshold however the words of heresy cease to refer me announced across the galaxy created a legacy that far surpassed his unfortunate death the most notable case of this being the orbiter of course after being told more or less the same information about the great journey from the grave mind to chief and again from Guilty Spark fel realized that he and his entire species had been forced to fight and die for a lie a lie that Sasa had tried to reveal to him but believed he was too far gone to listen as we know this man inspired fell to fight in the Great Schism form an alliance with humanity and form the swords of Sang Helios purely to put an end to the Covenant once and for all however like I said that wasn't the only instance of syriza's words creating an impact outside of a gas mine within the expeditionary force he led to the mine was an elite who sadly we still don't know the name of who was secretly transmitting the newly encountered truths about the great journey to his brother who labelled an elite Ranger who at the time was serving the Covenant with honor and distinction however upon hearing the messages from his brother his devotion to the great journey very quickly waned and he was one of the first elites to turn on the prophets at the beginning of the great journey following the schism and the fall of the covenant the arbiter actually met personally with Cola to inform him of his brother's death at the mine and that it was carried out by his hand while his vision was still shrouded by the prophets lies as an act of restitution however he offered Cola a position in the swords of Tseng Helios allowing him to carry forward his brothers see and to continue the fight he started to bring about a bloody end to all who broadcast the prophets lies as long as warriors and the swords of San Helios continue to draw breath no covenant warrior in the galaxy is safe from their blade and that's my friends is the deepest dive they're more than likely ever will be into the life of Cesar Rafa may the heretic leader his faction the truth they try to reveal to the galaxy and their legacy a truly if you ask me tragic tale I mean if Sasa had just held on to his faith in fell for a few seconds longer there's a high chance he'd still be alive and be a high key member of the swords of sang Helios and maybe even the Great Schism would have kicked off earlier and done a different way I mean who knows if only he didn't pull the trigger you hate to see it so if you enjoyed this video then don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't done already I make videos like this all the time so if you don't want to miss out on any iconic halo law then you really you've really just got to hit that subscribe button I mean come on it's the only way also don't forget to go and follow me over on twitch twitch or TV slash hidden experior thanks again to recon for sponsoring this video and I think that's all for today I'm pretty sure I want to give a massive thank you to all of my amazing patrons for the continued support over there as per usual and thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll catch you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 461,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo lore, halo 2, halo 2 anniversary, halo 2 pc, halo 2 anniversary pc, halo 2 elites, halo 2 heretics, halo 2 arbiter, halo infinite, halo infinite gameplay, halo infinite news, halo covenant, halo mcc pc, master chief collection, halo 2 heretic leader, halo 2 legendary, hiddenxperia, 343 industries, halo 2 anniversary cutscenes, halo prophets, halo flood, the history of the arbiter, halo flood lore, halo elite lore, halo 2 heretics explained
Id: Cvbisq58Pt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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