The Eleventh Hour S14 #8

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[Music] there's a harvest coming through the earth [Music] of sickness it's coming to the children of the wicked one sickness but the lord says it will make the earth tremble but in your life the curse has been reversed see some kind of i think it's some kind of sickness some kind of plague but this is an international thing and we really need to pray against this we really need to pray against this right now it's a it's like a plague trying to develop in the world [Music] but it is a disease it's some kind of plague some kind of i'm searching for the word it's not quite a plague it's a something it's like a pestilence almost an epidemic maybe yes coming is trying to develop people are going to take great advantage of this this is not good so we stop it where it is right now in the name of jesus hallelujah to unleash the full power of the federal government did this effort today i am officially declaring a national emergency [Music] i saw an aircraft disaster but i saw a missile blow one in half fox news alert now a ukrainian jet crashing in iran minutes after takeoff yesterday killing all 176 people on board it was brought down by an iranian missile according to u.s sources who were talking with nbc news the lord said to us meet me in the temple at the 11th hour [Music] hallelujah we want to welcome you into the 11th hour today the place where we make 11th hour decisions in the prophetic realm amen [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are the way [Music] you i wanna live [Music] my [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm gonna praise you [Music] [Music] by the way the truth [Music] oh [Music] from the north [Music] the [Music] to the west [Music] [Music] from the east [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the praise brings the glory the praise brings the glory the praise brings the glory to the red sea praise brings the glory the praise brings the glory praise [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] so [Music] [Applause] the praise brings the glory the prince brings the glory to your red sea [Music] if you need a red sea parted today go ahead and begin to praise go ahead and begin to lift your hands in a tahila praise let it come from deep down inside you and begin to come up big on the inside of you and to the outside of you out here the scripture says in habakkuk when the children of israel were backed up against the red sea they were facing the red sea and pharaoh was charging down behind it said that as they began to praise begin to fill the earth that his glory started filling the heavens and that his hold his image was seen by the mountains and they began to shake and the curtains of midian shook and the land trembled as god began to walk through it come on lift up your voice and praise whatever situation you're in right now call of duty [Music] [Music] so [Music] now [Music] bless the lord start singing whatever's in your spirit yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not going you're under [Music] over there [Music] we're not going down [Music] hear it it's the sound of going to the other side [Music] [Applause] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to the side [Music] [Music] for you [Music] come on and declare i'm not going under come on declare i'm not going [Music] i'm not going number [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] going over the top [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the lord wrote that whole song standing here didn't he praise god hallelujah to the lamb of god i want to welcome everybody in to the 11th hour today this is a good place to be on a tuesday hallelujah tuesday at the 11th hour this is a great place to be right now hallelujah everybody from all over the world welcome in thank you for tuning in today this is going to be a good broadcast a good program it already is because the lord has come by your house today to tell you that you're going over you're going over there's something about this today this is a something about this is a personal day it's a it's a day that god is going to speak to his people personally now certainly if the lord has prophetic words for the nation or any nation i will give them but today i sense that this is coming to everyone personally the lord is is teaching his people how to not get caught up in the trap of the world see paul said that we're not ignorant of the devil's devices said that he of the wiles of the devil he talks about the wiles and the or the cunnings of the enemy he has a cunning about him and he he he plots and he schemes and he plans and he has to constantly do it because he's a fallen dark being he has no light in him therefore he has no truth in him so every time he speaks he's lying and he cannot tell the truth he don't know the truth and so the lord is coming by today i believe and that i'm supposed to tell you these things i i want you to look with me at genesis and let's go over to genesis oh let me look at this where we want to be hallelujah let's look at genesis 3 and watch this in we'll start in verse 1. now the serpent was more subtle or cunning than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said unto the woman yea he says yeah hath god said making her question something that god hasn't told her you shall not eat of every tree of the garden but the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god hath said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for god doth know that in the day that you eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil now i want you to keep that in your mind just a minute see there is an ability in every and every person when the bible talks about you being created in the image and the likeness of god when you're created speaking of this how you're created in the image and the likeness the image and the likeness means that he gave you an eye something or one of our jobs is to reveal him we are to reveal god we are to reflect god we are to reveal god see we are to reveal him to the world we have a we have the capacity of revealing god of reflecting his image we have a we have this kind of makeup and god did that on purpose now adam when he sinned his eyes were opened open to what he was open to see good and evil now he could see good and evil now before he only knew good now he knew where evil was lying at and he knew what would happen if he did it so that's why adam was not deceived he committed treason but now watch what i want you to watch this now adam began to see good and evil his spiritual perception was lost at that point that he sinned he could only see good and evil and he judged everything according to it now i'm not this is not i'll get it clear in a minute if i can say it right then you can hear it i've got to say it right see adam when he sent his spiritual perception shut down he couldn't see in the spirit anymore he didn't have spiritual perception he began to look at everything and judge everything by good and evil that's all he saw was good and evil and the first thing he did was judge his wife that way the first thing he said was he told her when he named her eve see god didn't name the woman eve genesis 5 2 says that god named them both adam in the day they were created audam in other words both had this same covenant with him but when he adam and his wife's eyes spiritually closed and they couldn't perceive the world of god any longer then they started judging by good and evil what they saw good or what they saw evil and they could only see that and he turned and looked at his wife he named her eve which dropped her below his status so he was judging by what his new vision told him to see are you listening to me so he was judging now about what his new perception was good and evil and he was judging out of fear and he told the woman he said now your name is eve because you're the mother of all living he wasn't just petting around with her saying oh mama you're the mama of all living i'll just name you eve more than likely he was mad at her and said you're the one who gave birth to all this mess we're living in now so now i'm judging you according to the way i perceive things good and evil now oh come on now this is this is really something if you catch it i'm judging you now according to and i'm naming you according to what i see now because he couldn't see the way god saw anymore so he's going to judge her now by the what he perceives now good and evil so he drops her name to eve see in hebrew the numeric value of adam is 45. eve is 19. but the numeric value of jehovah or yahweh is 26. so he immediately turned and pulled 26 numbers from her name he dropped her from her tried to push her from her covenant that she had equal rights and she and he removed the part of god from her name and so he dropped her to 19. and so now she has become below him because he judged her by his new perception of good and evil not for the way god saw her see if we don't watch things like that in the body of christ what's happening is is we begin to judge in the body of christ only by the fallen what we see see god what's happened to the body of christ is for the most part they can't see anything spiritual so they only see good and evil nothing more this is called the law how many of you are hearing me now this is see that's all the for the most part a lot of the body of christ all they see is good and evil they're judging by the fallen perception of adam now to if you don't watch this now watch this close so the body of christ for the most part judges by good and evil not by the perception of god being only good and knowing he's absolutely good they don't judge that and they don't look and see what god put in a person they're only judging the person by good and evil so they look at someone who says you know that someone who may not even be living for god and all they call them is is a dog sinner or whatever else you know they say well you can't you can't hear god you can't do this but notice after adam's sin god still called him adam it's because he stepped into his future where there was no sin and he began to call him toward the cross the seed of the woman will crush you know the enemy's head and the enemy will bruise his heel so he god is already at the cross calling adam by his same covenant name so the body of christ instead of looking they're they're following adam's pattern and this is how the enemy's beating us see the enemy's beating us a lot by following the enemies uh i mean adam's pattern after he fell and judging everything by what we see is good and evil i i'm i'm trying to make something across here it's not that you can't hear it i just got to say it right i've got to say it until i know i released it so so the the enemy knows this so what happens is when the body of christ starts to call people by what they see is the fallen perception see perception in the spirit is huge when you can see the way god sees i remember one time i was preaching in a in a camp meeting and uh and some of you may have heard me tell this but i was preaching there and and i was just walking across back and forth across the the altar area preaching and i turned and looked and a man with stage four cancer was standing there and he had stood up and kind of walked toward the front and i turned around and looked and all at once it looked like you had taken my your hands and done like this and if you put your hands up to your eyes like that you'll see the way i was seeing and i'd never done that and when i saw him through that it just zeroed in on him and it was like a tunnel like i was looking through at him and i said to myself lord what's happening what am i what's going on he said you're now looking at him through my eyes he said you're looking at him through the eyes of jesus and so when i did i turned and walked toward him and as i began to walk toward him and i was going to put my hand out like this and put it on his forehead and his skin was almost a color orange he was just he was dying and i when i went to put my hand on his forehead like that i got about a foot from his head and another hymn leaned out of his body like this from about this high a neck and head and all looked just like him but it looked better than him and he leaned out of his body and laid his head in my hand now my hand never touched his flesh it came right out of his body and laid his hand but when that spiritual head touched my hand his whole body started going convulsing and shaking i thought for sure he was going to fall but he never fell he just stood back there and if you could have been watching it you would have saw my hand didn't get to his head it was like and so he just started shaking well i was looking at with spiritual perception through god's eyes at what he saw he was looking at the spirit of the man which is well which was whole it was the flesh of the man that was suffering well the man didn't die after that he lived couple years after that rode his harley around and everything i mean they got to where he just you know they were even screaming we've seen a miracle well he should have died before he left the service probably or he was close to it i'll put it that way but spiritual perception changed everything everything so adam lost his spiritual perception and instead of looking at his wife as the image and the likeness of god bone of his bone flesh of his flesh help me brought along beside him to do the will of god to project the image of god to reflect the likeness of god to reflect the image of god and bring it forth to the world because he was the father figure she was the holy ghost figure the mother figure and the seed was the sun figure that when them together all three of those together could bring life in this earth he didn't see her that way anymore suddenly he dropped her immediately when his perception went from the spirit to the flesh now all he could do is judge by the law and god had to give the law in order because that's all man would look at does that make sense that's all he would look at so so he named her eve and the body of christ today for a huge part of it not all of it but a huge part of it religion has taught us and more than likely religion is what taught it without directly teaching it but taught us that enclosed our spiritual perception and only identified us with the suffering and the sickness and the death and when it did we judge by good and evil we don't judge by the god's perception we don't look jesus said when you judge judge righteously he's talking about look at it through god's eyes before you say something and so there it is looking and so the body of christ for the most part stopped doing that and only judged by good and evil i was in a meeting not long ago and a young man came came both nights to the meeting and he had and he had been plagued with this homosexual spirit since he was eight i think he said or maybe somewhere around that age he remembered when it happened and he he came this is what he said i have come to be delivered now you think about that i didn't he said it it was the most precious thing it was the most precious thing to see a man stand there and say i want to be delivered well god had given me insight to a homosexual spirit is actually a spirit that is taking and seizing on an evangelist call it's it's actually the person is an evangelist and that spirit will grab that pervert that and start using it to be an activist for that and so now watch this close people go oh yeah that's going to get it mad well you know you got the same britches to get glad in that you got mad in this man was precious standing there asking for deliverance robin and i were praying with him and i turned and looked at him and listened to this i said you know you're an evangelist right he said yes he said yes he had known it since he was a child see i didn't turn and start talking about every ungodly act he had done every sin he had committed everything the bible says david said my sin is always before me you don't usually have to tell people what they're doing wrong they know what they're doing wrong but i turned around and spoke to the gift and the call of god that was in him when it did man it changed his it started coming up and pushing that out and i i remember i got down and looked in his eye and i said now i'm going to tell that spirit to leave you and all i saw it run in his eye dancing back and forth trying to hide and then suddenly it was like one of those f-15s when they lock onto another plane you know you've seen them the videos of it and they lock on boom boom boom now they got him they've got there's no way it's escaping now once it's locked on man it's locked in and i looked at him and i told him i said i got it i caught him and he locked in he couldn't move and i told him to leave him he left him when he left him and i led the young man in a prayer his whole countenance changed and then the lord had certain instructions for him to to go on and walk on into full freedom well i if i'd have turned and judged him by good and evil instead of seeing him the way god perceived him to be then that gift would have never come up to the surface and it crowded that demon right out of him it crowded him it gave him no more space to run it caught him where he couldn't move he couldn't go right he couldn't go left that evangelism spirit that evangelist called in him that god brought to him at the conception at his very conception sparked up and and sprung up on the inside of him and crowded that demon of homosexuality into a corner and it couldn't move and that's when i stopped him right there and locked in on it and told him to leave this young man and now the man has a new life because we perceive it the way god perceived it once you can see into a person the way god sees in that person you will quit criticizing the person and you start looking at that place where god can bring redemption to that person hallelujah that's what the prophetic is is about that's what the prophetic does is it locates the gift of god in that person and it sees something you know i heard one prophet say said even a a stagnant pool of water that looks stagnant just a stagnant pool can look beautiful if the sun's reflecting off of it it can reflect sunlight even if it's stagnant see if you look and you look with through the eyes of jesus even if someone's in sin standing stagnant they will still reflect his image somewhere and once you can see the sun reflect in him or her you have found the place that you can reach hallelujah i hope this is helping people today i believe it's a personal thing today i really believe the lord wants us to know so we start looking at this and if the body of christ see when you only judge by good and evil and you only perceive by the good and evil in the flesh world now you're dealing with law when you can only see good and evil then you will begin to judge watch this you will begin you will begin to call something something different than what god named it in the beginning see god called god called adam's wife adam adam called her eve because he judged her by good and evil so the minute you start your perception to the spirit world closes and you're only perceiving what's around you in the natural you're going to change the name of something god named differently and when that happens it can be devastating from that point on women became worthless in the eyes of men they were just worthless for years and years not in the eyes of god in the eyes of men looking at only good and evil in the flesh it was a good person to dump their their mistake on so women began to be traded for cows and camels and oxes and men didn't have one wife they had two three four five seven hundred but jesus called women woman he called it the original name man with a womb womb man woman and so you have to remember if you only perceive by the natural then you're going to end up naming something god differently than god named and you have put yourself in the place of god changing the name of what he called it god must have still saw something good in adam because he called him adam because from the cross god could still see adam stagnant pool reflecting the light of god he still looked like him and it was enough to work with hallelujah now so if god couldn't see anything else in adam but a reflection of himself in that stagnant pool of water then that's what he used now adam still had a reflection of god in his looks so god looked at that and did not rename him although we've got to we've got to see that see you know if you came up on a on a mud hole we call it out and but the sun's really bright and that mud hole don't have life in it it's just stagnant man i mean you could just you could before you know it i mean you know there's tadpoles in it and everything else that's the only life in it and it's just wet and it just it catches everything but it's still wet and when the sun hits it you can say man look how pretty that looks that looks so beautiful and it's dead but when the sun hits it it looks great so it looked well enough adam still looked like god he was still reflecting his appearance so god did not rename him he still called him by his name well what about all these people what about all these drug dealers what about all this what about all that what about them if you can ask god to give you spiritual perception you can see them the way he sees them and when you see them the way he sees them he sees the gift and the call he placed on their life from the day they were conceived well they're just beyond reach really really i have news for you you wasn't you wasn't beyond reach i wasn't beyond reach you may felt like you were but god saw something in you if you're not reflect if you're not doing anything but just reflecting his image that's enough he'll call you evangelist to the day you leave this world and and i don't care you may be a prophet most of the people you can tell people now i'm not talking about faults i'm not talking about fake but i'm talking about a lot of people that operate in the occult and fortune telling and things like that now some of them are just just ridiculous and all of it's ridiculous because it's all wickedness it's all dark and evil but it's a spirit taking hold a lot of times of a gift of a prophet and seizing on it like balaam and doing it for money you see see a real prophet won't take ecclesiastical favors he won't do that he won't trade the anointing she won't trade the anointing i've had i've had people try to trick me to do that and i told them to their face i can't i'm not bargaining with you with the anointing i can't trade the anointing but when you see prophets gone that never have come to the realization of their gift and who they are they're like the they're like that evangelist that the homosexual spirit covers they'll just go somewhere dark and they think they're practicing their gift and that's why some of them can be fooled thinking it's from god hallelujah so we have to gain a spiritual perception to see the way god sees and not the way adam saw after he sinned he couldn't see right anymore he didn't know what he was looking at anymore he couldn't do he only judged by good and evil he only saw good and evil he never saw spiritual perception for the original call god placed on his wife as a help meet instead he just made her a slave and that's what the lord was trying to tell them when he said your desire will be to him in other words this all of this is brought about him dropping you down making you this this and this and the scripture was plain to say that the woman was deceived the man was not he lost his spiritual perception so we have to begin to ask the lord to show us give us his insight give us his vision into people's lives what we're looking at if you can ever see it the way i did that day if you could ever see it the way he wants us to see it then you will not rename them that's why it's so important to call people you know there's people you can ask uh you i was talking to a man who was as just as he wasn't living for the lord at all and when the more we talked suddenly it came out of him he said you know i'm a preacher i've been a preacher for all since i was a young person he just wasn't doing his call but he was called to preach and knew he was called to preach but he wasn't doing it but do you know what from that point on i saw him really i guess you you you have to start looking at him now as a preacher what god does and god will call him preacher preacher so and so you ought to just start referring to him if someone you know is bound up in in homosexuality and they're really looking for a way out then you ought to start calling them evangelists you know you're an evangelist it's good to evangelize for the lord isn't it and start addressing the gift in them is that scriptural god called adam adam after he sinned he kept calling him adam he was calling him what he called him to be he was speaking to the covenant in the man so start talking to your your drug addict children if you have them don't call them drug addict children they know they're on drugs they would probably love to be off of it more than you would want them off of it but it's a demon that grabs hold and pulls them back pulls them back they'll do good for a while then it'll hold on and pull them back and they'll cry and weep it's like the man in the in the tombs cutting himself crying day and night what do you think he was crying about he wanted free he wanted free but nothing could free him except the one who could see him for who he was hallelujah and the bible called him unclean and one account there was two that were unclean and then he sent him back to evangelize his neighborhood that ought to tell you what spirit was plaguing the men and he went back to evangelize see an evangelist i don't know why i got off on this but the lord led me there but an evangelist is absolutely powerful an evangelist is if you're looking at the the five-fold ministry the teacher the pastor the evangelist the prophet and the apostle the evangelist is longer than all the others reaches farther and goes between all of them the evangelist is the one who carries the anointing to go out into all the world and they can just give an altar call and it's like with no effort people run to the altar and get born again it's that gift in them satan wants to seize that gift he wants to do that and he he tries his best to get hold of that gift and when you can recognize the gift in someone and speak to that gift it'll start crowding that spirit out it'll start pushing it out and it'll push it up to the forefront where you can see it and tell it to leave and it'll finally won't find any room now you understand what jesus said when he said when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man it walks dry places seeking rest and finding none then it says i will go back to the house i left and when he comes back and finds it empty swept and clean then he says i'm going to enter back into my house there's room in there but when someone starts doing their call it fills up every part of it furnishes that house completely and there is no corner for that demon to come back and hide in hallelujah so we want to you want to begin to ask the lord show me through your eyes is someone a teacher are they a pastor are they an evangelist are they a prophet or are they an apostle or if they're not in the five-fold ministry say lord let me see them the way you see them and he will show you what their giftings are he will show you because there's not enough darkness and hell on that's been ever belched out on the earth to hold down one flicker of light that you can't see it you could turn off all the lights in a big coliseum until it's dark as the inside of a dinosaur and you can't see nothing but you could flick one spark over in a corner somewhere and there's not enough darkness there to hide that so they're they're gifting i don't it don't make any difference how much sin they're in start looking for what god placed in them and there's not enough darkness the bible said jesus came into this world light came into this world saint john 1 and the darkness could not comprehend it it means it couldn't hold it down and seize on it there's not enough darkness there's not enough drugs there's not enough meth there's not enough crack there's not enough cocaine there's not enough dope there's not enough pot there's not enough prescription drugs to absolutely douse the light somewhere that will flash out of that person and when it does you should have your eyes tuned to it especially if you're the parents of those children and let it catch your eye and turn and look and say that's that light in you and start addressing the light it'll start shining big in them it'll shine big and sometimes you'll get to the place so bad they'll call up their parents and say are you praying for me stop praying for me stop praying for me i saw i know you're praying it's because that gift is coming up in them and it's pushing that darkness out of them so that's where we need to be that's where we need to start looking we've been redeemed from the curse of the law we've been redeemed from that life when jesus came to live in our hearts that he made you a brand new creature that never existed before let's put up ii corinthians 5 17. let's see that before we close today i'd like for everyone to see that second corinthians 5 17 and and let this scripture begin to sink down deep inside you let let it be let it show you uh and speak to you it says therefore if any man that's any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new so this gift of being in christ is available to any man any man or he wouldn't have used the word any therefore if any man be in christ if he if he's in christ if he's made jesus the lord of his life he's a new creation one translation says that has never existed before old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of god the next part says so you have to begin to to see that now if you're in christ you're a new creature everything old past now that means that you can perceive on the god level that means your perception has went from the earth the good and evil level to the god level in the spirit now you perceive there i'm telling you if you don't stop looking at what they're doing and just what is happening and start looking at the gift in them and what god has called them to be look for the spark of light and address that then you will lose them because they're fighting their selves to get out of it they may not look like it but a lot of them are they're just doing everything they know to get free so if you can start addressing the light there's not enough darkness in them to seize on it is anybody with me today i mean yeah yeah so we have to begin to be to hone our perception in to sharpen it in other words begin to to let our perception or spiritual perception you know if husbands and wives would do this arguments would stop they would just stop hallelujah and love is the key for this and see parents you've got an advantage that other that rehabilitation centers don't have i remember years ago uh robin and i had first begun in ministry and we went there was a behavioral health center in in the major city here uh close to us and we went down and did an outreach program for them we did dramas we had youth doing dramas and i preached and we we sang and everything and at the end of that i think it was um something like 16 of the the patients got saved it was out on the lawn some of them were i remember one girl was crawling across the grass she wanted that wanted that freedom they got saved and i think it was four staff members got saved that day well the man called me into his office after it was over and i sat down he said you know we have a wonderful program and he was doing what he could do you know to but they had him locked into this program and this man knew the word and it was a wonderful program he said but it has no power in it he said would you be willing to come down here and if i gave you the classes would or the authority or however he put it he said would you be willing to come down here and minister regularly to these kids i said yes so we had four units we took over four units teaching them for about four years i think it was man there was amazing things happened and uh people got delivered and so we went down there and we showed we started looking and preaching to them what they were who they were and it began to change their lives to change their lives so you you know even i remember one of our teachers one time went to uh there used to be a little restaurant called shony's down here and uh not far from us and he would he went into there one night late to eat and there was a satanic priest would come in there he wore a long uh long black uh robe like a big pentagram on his hanging around his neck and when he walked in the room everybody else would get up and move to the other side and he enjoyed the whole side of the room more or less by itself and so one of our teachers that that headed up the behavioral health ministry there walked in there one night and uh and i had i i knew his words because i knew where he learned it he walked in there and he said he saw him over there he went to sit down on the other side of the room with everybody else and then he looked over there and saw that satanic priest so he just picked up his tray or his and walked over there and sat down beside him that satanic priest was going and he just looked at it but smiled and he said you're not afraid of me and he said no you know no. he said why he said because what you believe is inferior to what i believe and he sat there and had that man's attention then from that point on he he he didn't go over there telling him you're a dirty satanist he just went over there and told him what he believed is inferior to what and he showed him that he had no fear of him well that's got that man's attention see you you have to start perceiving spiritually not physically you have to look at the way god sees things not the way adam saw them after he sinned amen amen now we'll close with this a sin consciousness is is that it's after the fall only knowing good and evil not looking at mercy and good so do we ignore sin then god forbid but that we look at all things the way god sees them through his eyes through the eyes of god hallelujah and that's the message today through the eyes of god hallelujah so i hope you enjoyed that today i hope it helped you i want to make a difference in what i say not we we want to make a difference not just to play and sing and all that's wonderful and god works big through it but there needs to be a difference made something you can take hold of something you can use and and something you can use as a weapon in the spirit against your enemy the devil so that you're you see through his cunning devices and all that hallelujah hallelujah we get a lot out of that today man i believe that's a personal word to people families today i really do i believe it's personal and i believe it and listen this is not limited to the usa it's not limited to the south in the usa or the north and the or the east or the west it's it's not limited to anything god made the whole world and he meted out the heavens with a span and he held the world in his hand like this so the whole world these things work for everyone everywhere makes no difference start asking god god let me see the way you see and then start reading his word through those kind of eyes you know i used to wonder jesus called those pharisees and sadducees he told them he said your mamas were snakes he called them uh vipers i mean you know what was it john the baptist called him a brood of vipers well that kind of viper when the mother had the babies inside they eat their way through her stomach i mean we're talking about some stuff and jesus would call he told him said you generation of vipers he talks about this but he never said anything that wasn't in love so why would he say such a thing i used to wonder that i thought lord you you said generation of vipers and then when you keep reading you find out you eventually come into this scripture how can you escape hell he didn't want him to go to hell and they were so close he did not want them to die and go to hell hallelujah so we need to start perceiving the way you now you know how he perceived that religious crowd what he saw the danger ahead of them so start looking at things through his eyes judging things righteously that means seeing them the way he sees them hallelujah father i ask you today to to create in all those watching a consciousness lord that perceives the world of the spirit a consciousness that can see the way you see that thinks like you think let this mind be in you i hear the lord say that was in christ jesus that thought it not robbery to be called equal with god well how could that possibly be you are not supposed to call it robbery to be called joint heir with jesus you should not think you're taking one thing doing any damage to the godhead to say i'm a joint heir with jesus christ he made you that he made you a joint heir with him he's the head but you are the body and so you have a right to think like he thinks hallelujah and so now lord give them the perception lord our precious partners they have their they've struggled with their families and struggled with these things around them give them lord god the perception that you see people through their eyes that they can see through your eyes and lord god i ask you to let this become a reality in them that when they pray their spiritual perception and when they study they'll begin to see the way you see and i give you praise for it in jesus name amen amen well thank you so much for tuning in today to the 11th hour it's been a good 11th hour hallelujah this was just today the way the lord said he won't i just was supposed to tell you these things and uh you know because i love you he loves you and therefore we love because he loves you are going to make it you will make it you're going to come out over the top god will get you out of that situation if he has to blast you out over the top he can do it hallelujah hallelujah come on christa and and and tell the people about how god will prosper them and you know because prosperity is not limited to here prosperity it it works as a matter of fact it seems to work better in poorer places than it does in wealthy places because god can get it to them their faith rises to reach and grab it hallelujah i see miracles of finances coming to a lot of you this week i see a lot of that coming the lord is going to show his word a lot of you that have children that haven't contacted you in a while they're going to contact you this week let us know when they contact you when they do contact you remember what we said today what you heard today look at them through the spiritual perception of the eyes of jesus through the eyes of the lord jesus christ who absolutely gave everything for them hallelujah hallelujah i saw a chunk in a and uh i i don't think it's i want to say todd but it's not todd i don't think it's it's chuck and it's maybe maybe a in a terry and a joshua and uh josh and the lord is going to reach out for these people and if that's your children or that's your loved ones shout now and say i received that i receive them coming in and if that's you that have children whichever aisle it falls on step up and say in the name of jesus i receive it done in my life that my family's whole again amen amen amen i'm searching for a name and i can't seem to hear it playing right this second there was a name i don't know if it's konar uh i think conrad konar conair something somebody said see there's people all over the world watching so i don't i don't know how to pronounce a lot of the names i'm hearing but i hear it god has located you he has located you and he wanted you to know he heard it and he heard your prayers hallelujah hallelujah somebody got healed of aids somebody got healed of aids right then somebody got their healing from aids hallelujah that is awesome awesome there's an evangelist watching in switzerland and the lord says yes you yes you evangelist rise up rise up and start doing your call the lord is going to start a bible study with you and people around you will gather around and it'll grow from there so go ahead and begin hallelujah there are people watching right now that that got delivered from homosexuality hallelujah hallelujah now you begin to step on out walk away from whatever you were in walk away from those people walk away from that lifestyle just start walking away one person told me when they got delivered one time i said walk away a person told me he said you don't understand they won't let you out well i'm going to tell you something when you start to walk with the anointing you get out you're just they'll just back away then when when they let that man that crippled down through the roof and when jesus was ministering and they let the down because it said that everybody from all the decapolis had gathered around this one house they jammed up the doors they jammed up the windows that nobody could get in nobody else could get in there they had this whole crowd whether you could not get in to see jesus and the this one man who was a paralytic his his four friends got him up on the roof tore the roof off the place and started letting the man down we need to start first of all tearing some roofs up tearing some roofs up don't let religion and get this it says that it was religious people that blocked up the windows religious people blocked up the doors it was those steeped in religion and it says the power of god was present to heal them so it was the blind and the lame and the maimed they were the religious crowd there that was they were leaders they were pharisees preachers they were sadducees there were leaders there baby scribes and lawyers they were all there and they jammed up the windows so nobody they wasn't getting healed even though the power was there to heal them but nobody could get into jesus and jesus was preaching healing you know it was because the bible said the power was present to heal them and then suddenly debris started falling down on him and he looked up ahead as it came down on top of his hair and around his feet and he looked up and here come this man his friends there don't you know they heard something that none of the religion heard they heard his message and when they let the man down on the stretcher and they let him down into the middle in front of jesus as soon as they did he looked up at the religious crowd and he said what's easier to say your sins are and he looked at the man and said son your sins are forgiven you and they judged him and said who can forgive sin but god alone and he said what's easier to say your sins are forgiven you or to say rise up take up your bed and walk and they looked at him nobody's saying a word and then he said but so that you know the son of man that's a term for the messiah that the son of man has power on earth to forgive sin i say unto you rise take up your bed and walk the man rose up got up rolled up his bed watched this walked out of the room but wait a minute nobody could get in and nobody could get out religion had clogged every door and window but when the man got healed religion had to step out of the way and make a path for him to go go out and so nothing no matter what lifestyle it is can hold you in not once you rise take up your bed and start walking toward the lord i don't care what it is it'll have to move some of you in a motorcycle gang you got born again but they won't let you out yes they will too start walking out just walk out and everybody will move just leave when i got saved i gave my heart to jesus fully in 1988. i went up to that nightclub where i was playing i was leading two different bands there i was the head of both bands and i went up there to get my stuff and leave and i just i i didn't know what to expect i was giving no notice i was just leaving i had to go and i remember the bouncer tiny was standing there he was a big boy he was six one three hundred pounds maybe six two i don't know his i was thirty pounds smaller than i am now maybe and his hand just engulfed mine and i stuck my hand out like that and i said tiny i gave my heart back to the lord i started to say i went back to church but i thought the devil goes to church so i said i gave my heart to the lord and i stuck my hand out like that and i closed my eyes i didn't know if he was going to hit me you know what i was saying i don't know how i can get out i remember sitting at a table one night and an 18 year old boy snuck in came in with this white les paul it was absolute no no it was a stratocaster it was absolutely gorgeous guitar oh he came in and the band was sitting around the table on the break all of us as miserable as a people could be hollow-eyed not so much for what we were doing but for the hopelessness that had settled in them and he looked around and he looked around the table and he said i want to know how to get in like you like the you the big boys i want to know how i can get in here and play like you guys play how do i get in and a 24 year old bass player was sitting there one of the most talented men i ever met was sitting there and he just stopped and looked up at him and he slid his chair out and he said he had tears in his eyes he said it's not how you get in it's how do we get out and he walked off they didn't see any way out we couldn't find a way out and so that night when i said tiny i gave my heart back to the lord i closed my eyes i didn't know what to expect but that was my step out and when i opened my eyes tears was running down his cheeks he said you're doing what we all ought to do and he said you want me to help you load your stuff i said i've got it he said i said you want me to wait till the other boss gets here he said no no one of the other bosses said no don't don't you just go on and go and i drove out and when i went out that parking lot and i went to grab second gear and that little car i drove i went to pull it in second i reached up to adjust my rear view mirror and i heard the voice of the lord say don't ever look in that again as long as you live and i grabbed second gear made a left turn out of that parking lot and i was gone see i turned like the man on the stretcher and everybody had to move and let me out and the same with some of you in gangs some of you in in mafia type situations mafioso is a covenant they lock you in you can't get out but i know someone who's a waymaker i know someone who can open a path for you to come out how do you get on that path you do what the apostle paul said you believe in your heart that god raised jesus from the dead and you confess with your mouth that he is your lord and you will be saved and then so you simply pray this lord jesus come into my heart be my lord and personal savior i believe god raised you from the dead and i believe that you are now my lord so lord i confess it with my mouth jesus is my lord hallelujah now say forgive me of sin and cleanse me and now start your walk out hallelujah and then once you get on that path man there's power being baptized in the holy ghost there's all kind man there's things waiting on you a destiny that you only dreamed about hallelujah praise god and if you prayed that prayer go to my website look for jesus why it is the way it is it's a free download just click on it and you can download that and start there if you can't do that write to us and we'll send you one through the mail absolutely free amen come on christa praise god praise god hallelujah well he's also our way maker out of poverty and he's also our waymaker out of of being so aggravated and stressed and depressed and frustrated and embarrassed because we don't have the means to make it through life every single day he's your way out of that you know i'm i'm wearing a shirt right now from from victory that says jesus is lord he is lord and speaking of victory thon you know i was watching uh as as jesse duplantis was standing there with his wife kathy and he said you know he said i he said when i married kathy she got my name she got my name and so therefore she has access to everything that i have she has access to everything i own every everything that all because all because she has his name he said well god gave us his name and not only did he give us his name but when you made jesus the lord of your life his name was put inside of you it was put inside of you and so therefore you have access to everything that he has you have access to all of it and so when you made when you said that prayer and you made jesus the lord of your life struggle is over finance trouble is over it's done with and you need to start believing that every single day that my my financial struggle is over why because i have his name so therefore i have access to every single thing that he has to offer and that includes not only eternal life not only your health not not only these different things not only your family's salvation and and go down the list but your prosperity is on that list too and he's not poor get it out of your head that jesus was poor he had a treasurer in his ministry and the treasurer was dipping out of the treasury and he didn't even know it nobody even knew it why because it was overflowing it was overflowing and he gave you his name and put it inside of you and so therefore you have access to the same prosperity not only that jesus walked in on this earth but you have access to everything in heaven right now and so you can call on it and have heaven on earth and so the way that we loose that and the way that we activate that the lord told us in his word that when we give it's given back to us and he tells us all the ways it's given back to us then he told us that if we tithe and we bring all of our tithe into the storehouse that he would open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing now listen open the windows of heaven heaven he didn't say i'd open the windows of the house down on the corner down the street and pour you out whatever was in that he he named the place that he would open the windows to and it was the windows of heaven well there's no financial trouble in heaven there's no struggle in heaven it's overflowing you want to talk about the land of overflowing that's it and so he told us how to do it so today as you give remember you have his name activate it put it into action and let's start living our life well let's start living it the way that he designed us to live it and let's start living in the days of heaven on earth amen amen so as you give today you can give through the website robind you can hit the donations tab at the top of the screen and follow the links from there if you're watching by youtube click the link in the description and follow the prompts from there and also we have text to give and the number is on the screen it's all easy all safe and secure and we just want to give you the opportunity to sew today so as you're doing that as you prepare for that i just want to pray those words of the master over you today luke 6 and 38 he said give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured to you again you say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now if you're tithing today we want to speak that promise that i just talked about over you right now malachi 3 10 it says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine castor fruit before the time in the field saith the lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightsome land saith the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name amen so be it hallelujah now you tell them how to give you tell them okay about where they can go to and okay i've got my mind thinking on something else the you know there's something when you said judas was the treasurer and he he was uh stealing out of the bag well now let me say something here no one knew that was happening but jesus now you think about that jesus knew it because it said he knew who would betray him from the start but his disciples didn't know it or peter would cut his ear off i mean you know you could just imagine peter saying what what but jesus chose and he was perceiving what judas should be and people wonder how did he let him go that far it was what we were talking about perception in the spirit and and when he came to the garden of gethsemane and he kissed jesus on the cheek he kissed where he had been sweating blood and jesus looked at him and said do you betray the son of man with a kiss friend the word friend there is a covenant word it means the covenant of strong friendship it's a covenant that's absolutely and judas knew that they all understood covenant and when he did that he gave him the opportunity to the end peter did about the same thing when he denied him but peter went out and wept bitterly and judas hanged himself and even the tree he hung his cell phone wouldn't support him not even nature would help him and he fell off down in a ravine and burst open in his middle so he is jesus looked to the end at the betrayer so he's not asking you to do something he can't do or he wouldn't do he did it hallelujah hallelujah we have praise reports come and give some all right all right we had a couple um on chat today um a lady said their six-month-old grandson had open heart surgery back on september 7th the 11th hour team's been praying for him and his recovery has been incredible hallelujah yeah how old was he he was six six years old um one said uh since my husband and i have sown into this ministry we've seen a dramatic increase in our life and finances and also we got one the other day that said i've received a new car and a raise at my job yes and that's awesome we had something come through that that caught my eye someone wrote in and said i am cohen rod from south africa and i was trying to pronounce uh conrad yes yes and it says conrod and it said we had holy communion last week as a family praying for specific things my family and i received the word god has heard our prayer yes he located him that's right he said he located him hallelujah come on y'all that's that's that's shout and stuff isn't it hallelujah praise god i mean really that's shouting stuff yeah well i want you to know that the uh the the prayer ministry will be praying here tonight if you go to church you can you can join in the prayer ministry tonight and you can chat in with your prayer requests and different things like that and they'll be it's uh 7 central time here in in the u.s and so whatever that translates to where you are you are very welcome to to come into that time of prayer and let the ministry pray over you amen praise god now you had a prophetic word earlier okay you want to come and and just somebody i just uh i heard the name candace when you was given those names and uh the lord shared with me that she was dealing with shame and what you preached the lord's going to take care of that hallelujah and i want to share a story if that's all right go ahead my dad one time took us to a gas station and uh a guy wanted to buy us candy in the gas station and he he kind of didn't didn't want that to happen because the man was known as the town drunk well the holy spirit spoke to him and he said do you see me do you see me spoke to your dad yeah he spoke to my dad he said you see me i'm in there i'm in there but i just wanted to share that because your message today that's spiritual perception that's what that is and your dad was called he was a call minister and just so that they know that and he was able to see spiritual perception and that's something you know that makes you one or two that was flashing out of wanting to give give give that's good stuff man and candace dealing with shame remember that there is now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus hallelujah hallelujah well father we thank you today for the 11th hour we thank you lord god that you have given us words to say you have given prophetic utterances you've given prophetic music lord you have walked into our future and saw us where you see us to be that we may arrive there and you've told us the path there so that we may arrive there lord thank you for revealing destiny today lord destiny to those in other nations this nation wherever they may be they are your people and lord god thank you for giving us words today that set us on that road to destiny i give you praise for it now angels of the lord go forth and begin to minister for those who are the heirs of salvation those who are the born again go forth and see to their lives and their children in jesus name amen amen well it's been a good 11th hour and until we gather together right here around god's word you know write us and tell us write us and tell us where you are i'm praying over you every day if you're our partners i'm praying over you every day every day i carry your names with me and i'll update it today because new partners are coming in i want you with me so i can pick you up in my hand and speak the word over you and i'm speaking that the anointing that's on this ministry and on us and this ministry will come on you in your life that you'll be a partaker of that anointing that you'll be able to walk in it and you and it operates in your life like it does ours your partners you are partners you are a family do not ever let the devil tell you you're alone you're not alone we are with you god is with you most of all but you have family right here that's praying over you hallelujah and when you give and you want to give an offering don't don't don't be so concerned about the amount just do what's in your heart to do be obedient if it was two quarters if it was one and that's what god said give then it's more than enough he's moving you into a position of prosperity and he wants you prosperous somebody watching me right now you've got a small fortune in your backyard in your backyard the lord said you haven't discovered it yet but it's out there in your backyard somewhere out there you have a small fortune go out there and let the lord walk the ground and pray in tongues and let the lord show you i sense that the lord is going to bring prosperity into a lot of your lives through unexpected sources i mean like right away it's going to start coming through like almost like cracks in the air opening up and prosperity coming through from unexpected sources and when it comes don't say oh no i can't take charity the word charity means love it means love and it's god sending you his love in material form hallelujah man i could stand here and they would words would keep coming but we have to stop i guess at some point until next time we gather together right here around god's mighty word i want you to remember never forget that god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Robin D. Bullock
Views: 94,391
Rating: 4.9591727 out of 5
Id: k3c39qv0304
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 50sec (6230 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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