The Dominion Holy Spirit | Dr. Emmanuel Ziga | Sunshine Church

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i said good morning church and welcome friends of sunshine church watching on tv and around the world can we thank the chariots of fire for that worship come on [Applause] you know the holy spirit's looking down and going i need to be in that place hallelujah well you can be seated thank you we have a couple of brief announcements for you wednesday night here at the sunshine church we have a special guest speaker from russia don't miss it it'll be a terrific night next sunday we will not be here we'll be in the maiden bower center we met there a lot in the past it's a wonderful venue and there's a lot more space so we can fit some extra people in so please please please don't come here next sunday maiden bower center in bellevue and if you have any questions about getting there you can speak to one of us we'll help you out and then monday october 4th we have another smart leaders meeting we heard from our friend steve mcdonald welcome steve and we heard from his uh his compadre and now we're going to hear from mitch sull three incredible smart leaders chris venti i'm sorry i didn't mention his name and then saturday november 13th we will have lady spring and the speaker will be winnie bonoff we heard her husband here a short time ago he was amazing i'm sure she's going to be amazing now um let's take one minute is there anybody new here today show me your hands okay we have one gentleman let's get up and say hello to somebody you know and let's be sure not to miss this gentleman in the middle stand up and let's just take a minute to say hello to our friends and our new friends [Music] oh [Music] [Music] an overflowing [Music] foreign [Music] now we always take a quick look to see who's last we think they're probably the friendliest and my wife is still dragging back to the seat so maybe she gets the award this morning what do you think no my daughter's still up in the back way to go family [Music] now at the sunshine christian church we make a declaration every week of what we believe as a church so if you look to the screens stand up please i took that greeting out of out of uh out of order messed us up a little bit so if you'll repeat with me at the sunshine christian church we believe one jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever two jesus is the way the truth and the life three jesus is lord four jesus died and rose again five jesus paid for all my sins six is the fullness of the godhead made bodily seven jesus is the head of the church forever eight his mercies endure forever nine jesus is the chief shepherd 10 jesus christ is the most anointed one 11 jesus is the son of god and the love of god and 12 jesus has given us his holy spirit amen who i believe is with us today i could feel his presence during that worship amen you can be seated thank you and pardon me and uh now if we could welcome elijah who will take the offering and tell us why it's a good thing to take an offer amen amen thank you for the introduction good morning church who's happy to be in the house of god this morning come on yes i'm so excited for today's service but first let's continue our worship by giving our tithes and offerings if we can go to acts chapter 2 i'd like to speak from this ma passage briefly this morning and we see here in the book of acts in chapter 2 is the day of pentecost where the holy spirit came powerfully upon the believers in the upper room and i want to speak from verse 42 where it talks about the believers and how they formed a community and it describes the community after this amazing supernatural event and it says here all the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship and sharing and meals including the lord's supper and to prayer a deep sense of awe came over them all and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had they sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need they worship together at the temple each day met in the homes for the lord's supper and shared their meals with great joy and generosity all the while praising god and enjoying the goodwill of all the people and each day the lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved amen amen church what we see here in this passage quite literally the the characteristics of this community that was led and filled by the holy spirit and we see here it's detailed that part of these characteristics the fruits of the spirit that we see in galatians chapter 5 verse 22 how many you know the fruits of the spirits we see the actual result here in this description of this community where they shared and gave and acted out of love kindness and generosity to those who were in need they didn't have to get together and form a council and vote hey should we do this should we not no they were just led by the spirit they were filled by the holy spirit and they led and acted accordingly in other words their actions were a result of what they believed in what they were filled with on the inside of them and we see here in verse 46 it says with great joy and great generosity what an awesome attitude to have that's an attitude that all christians should be led with with great joy and great generosity that they give out to people that they serve people that they love on people that they they serve other people in their jobs and their careers whatever field they may be that they do it with great joy and great generosity and the final point i want to make here is in verse 47 where it says in each day the lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved by acting through the characteristics through the fruits of the spirit out of the love kindness and generosity of course people see that you see someone loving on you acting kindly to you giving to you being generous helping you you want to hang around that person you want to be with that person and as christians in the earth as representatives of god in this earth that's the type of people we need to be that's the type of people that we want to be like so that when other peoples who aren't saved see us they want to see they see something different they see something distinctly different on the inside of us and that's what attracts them it says the lord added to their fellowship those who are being saved because they're acting in the nature of god in the fruit of the spirit amen amen so church as we give this morning let's go ahead and act on the fruit of the spirit let's like put into action what we believe and what we hold on inside of us amen amen amen let's give [Music] i thank god [Music] [Music] like ashes in the world welcome here [Music] from is amen amen church well if we could go ahead and stretch our hands towards the offering as we pray father god we thank you lord that you are our provider you have given us the resources the finances to be able to give back to you and bless your holy name and father i ask in the name of jesus lord that these finances would be multiplied lord that they would be used lord to increase our fellowship to increase your fellowship lord that you would send the people that these finances lord would be used to reach the nations to reach the loss and save those who have you called lord in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen amen amen all right church well let's go ahead open our hearts open our minds get those notebooks and pens ready as we receive the word of god and dr zika comes to share [Applause] amen well we have been handling the subject of dominion and uh open your bibles to the book of genesis genesis chapter 1 and i read from verse 1 genesis chapter 1 and i read from verse 1 say amen is it good to be in church say amen genesis chapter 1 and i read verse 1. in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth let us pray holy spirit of god that which has been planned and purposed in heaven for this service be released lord thank you for giving us the riches of the glory which you've given to us by christ jesus this is your holy grounds have your way lord everybody praying the holy ghost for once again just give god praise just give god praise give the holy spirit praise give him praise for your life for your salvation give him praise give him praise for what he's done in your life for what he's brought to here for giving praise for the gift of salvation in jesus name amen so in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth the first announcement of god in the bible is that he is a creator the first introduction of god is the creating dynamics of who he is and it's amazing to understand that the book of the bible is the syllables of creation creativity and performance we see the nature of god we see his ways in the bible we see his resolve we see his strategies his approach and how he produces results i pray that everybody who is a student of the bible will also begin to connect to that creative dynamics of this person and to see the ways of his greatness and majesty for which cause you can produce results if you can follow the formula of god i pray every member of this church shall be great and mighty if there is there is any prayer i have been praying that god will cause you to exceed your expectations to exceed your dreams to exceed every expectation from the human realm and even from heaven upon your life because one of the nature of god is that he exceeds himself the bible says he's able to do exceedingly abundantly so whatever god says he will do he has the potential to exceed what he said he would do amen so many times when you hold god by his word alone you can limit him lay hold on his word and believe that he will exceed his promises so if god says i will bless you that i can say lord i receive your blessings and more because he's a giver more than expectations say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah somebody i speak i speak exceeding blessings in your life i speak exceeding blessings in your life that is his nature see hallelujah somebody now god god god came to to abraham in genesis chapter 17. you look at genesis chapter 17 from verse 1 i am handling today the dominion holy spirit says the dominion holy spirit and when abram was 99 years old the lord appeared to him and said i am the almighty god walk before me and without perfect walk before me and without perfect now this is the god who creates all things now visit a man called abraham and he said i want you to walk before me i want to do some awesome things with your life i i really want to teach you some great things i want you to bring you into the the the original thoughts i had before i created you which is that you will walk in dominion abraham walk before me and i will teach you how to walk in dominion he said walk before me and without perfect verse 2 please it says that and i will and i will make my covenant between me and thee and i will multiply thee exceedingly so the word exceedingly is in the vocabulary of god because that's the way he functions exceedingly he exceeds his own plans for your life that's why i see god who is the god who speaks little words but do great things out of his small words he does awesome things receive the all of god receive the all of god may you expand to the north the south the east and the west may you have dominion say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah somebody i pray when you go home maybe for for this week if you you promise your your child i'll i'll get you uh an ice cream you get him too just begin to to to to to process your children to understand that god is a god who exceeds if they can get it then they can also learn to exceed their own potentials don't ever say to yourself i can't do this i'm tired that's not the the nature of god the god who created us never gets tired he's always always full of extra energy receive the anointing today say hallelujah back to genesis chapter 1 verse 2 please [Music] so the bible says after god created the the heavens and the earth the s was the earth was without form and void something went wrong which we understand that lucifer fell upon the earth and and that which was created in absolute beauty heaven and the earth went among us things went wrong the bible says that and there was a darkness which was upon the face of the deep the reason why it happened that way was because so long as god would not cohabit with lucifer in heaven anymore because of his rebellion state when he fell upon the earth god also uh disconnected from the earth as well as god disconnected from him in heaven so he disconnected from him in the years and god's absence of the earth make the earth go dark and deep and fruitless and void that's why it's never a good thing for you to separate yourself from the presence of god you'll go wrong everything will go wrong the bible says and the spirit of god moved upon the surface of the waters look at the the amplified of this two place the amplified of verse two it says that and the earth was without form it was it was it was out of order in one language amorphous so ugly and the darkness was upon the face of the great deep the spirit of god was moving hovering brooding over the face of the waters the explanation here is that the spirit of the lord moved in dominion he he he he dominated the atmosphere he hovered he brooded upon the face of the waters just looks sounds like a huge eagle flying over the the oceans and and just doing war all he wants and and and doing all the the gymnastics and and taking the dominion over whatever he sees and when he sees a fish in the in the in the waters he moves right in there and takes any fish he wants the bird flying in dominion gives us a little understanding of how the holy ghost came down upon the earth and moved upon the surface of the earth watch this see hallelujah somebody when he moved up on the surface of the deep he did not just move upon one little small portion he moved upon the entire universe the entire planet at the same time with so much power and effective glory you can imagine the dominion of the holy spirit the the weight of his glory came and literally sat upon our creation and and and he shook himself brooding upon all creation say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah somebody may you take dominion over creation may you take dominion over every industry the the the reason why god made you and i is for the only reason purpose of dominion otherwise he could have used angels to do whatever he wanted to do the angels don't have that kind of dominion god designed for you and i say hallelujah somebody keep this in mind because this will be the silver thread that will move through this message that the holy spirit moved and hovered and brooded oh it sounds like influence to me it sounds like like like monopoly to me in the spiritual realm in economics he just monopolized all creation that's what dominion stands for dominance so the first expression of god is that he's a creator god and the first expression of the holy spirit is that he's the dominion holy spirit i mean these two together you can never go wrong if you are a partner to these two he creates and he moves into mania you will create and you will move in dominion sunshine church i pray that god will will grow dominion people here will grow movers and leaders and shakers men who have no apology for success for glory in god as a matter of fact if you are successful and extraordinarily successful there is no reason to be proud that's who you are that's what you were created for say hello somebody i wish we would not even use the word success just be you that's who who i am say hallelujah somebody that's who i am and and and imagine the the the skill of the creator god and imagine the dominion of the spirit of god look at genesis chapter 2 the verse the seventh place the bible says that and the lord god found man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being now that word breath of life is the holy spirit so the same spirit who moved and hoovered in dominion in chapter 1 verse 2 is that same spirit that was pumped into mine god god god created the man in the image and god put his mouth in the nostrils sounds like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but this one mouth-to-mouth transfer power and god went what did he do he just pumped up the man have you ever seen a ball been inflated have you ever seen a balloon that's one the breath in you ballooned the balloon and when god put his breath into man he pumped the man with his dominion spirit so that as the spirit moved and the world which was out of form came back into form so god made man that we can change anything so long as that spirit of dominion is within us we are we become god's dominion beings on the earth guess what god can do when he finds a man he can work with guess what god can do when he finds you in partnership i i i told a friend recently i was in his office and he was doing something uh for me and in the process i i i heard god speak to me and he said and it's like emmanuel i am your senior partner and i didn't tell him till yesterday this was about six months ago and i said you remember the last time i was in your office yeah i said god spoke to me and this is what he said he was surprised and i said god knows your office got this in your office i came into your office and i heard the voice of god what kind of office do you have what kind of future do you think you have the voice of god is in the office i came in there and he spoke to me sometimes it's not just as much as he wanted to speak to me i'm glad he did because i needed to hear that confirmation but also to let me feel and to let me sense how he's able to do awesome things when we when we allow him to be in charge of our offices can i speak this morning please i really i really i really i really feel like like like preaching say hallelujah somebody when when you see me in the cream double breasted there you are then you are then you are in trouble [Applause] when i look like an angel on sunday morning you know you're about to be raptured say hallelujah clap your hearts give god some praise give god some praise say amen so here the bible says that god said let's make man so look at chapter 1 verse 26 let's do some serious bible study today because you are leaving this place pumped up for god and god said you know on wednesday we we found out that god's word goes ahead of his actions god's word goes ahead of his actions and therefore creating us in his image he's expecting us to function the same that our words must go ahead of our steps my steps are not going ahead of my words because god's words did not go ahead god's death did not go ahead of his words so god said let's make man he said it before he he made it what he said in chapter one he made into the two am i making some sense here so what are you saying will determine your steps and what are you seeing today is because of what you said yesterday and what do you want to see tomorrow will be determined by what you are saying today so my question to you church is what are you saying what are you saying what are you saying today be careful what you say today because it will give you the vision for tomorrow what are you saying today what i what do you want to see tomorrow you don't want to see it that's why you've not said it and because you have said it you will see it and because god says it he sees what he says so he's careful as to what he says see how they live somebody say hello somebody am i making some sense here church receive the grace of god receive the power of god receive the anointing to produce results to rule and reign on this earth say hallelujah god said god said god said so god what are you saying now let's hear what he said let's make man in our image plural are you with me please watch this let's make man in our image so the father the son the holy ghost three people and they said let's make one man and and let him contain the three of us [Applause] three three free people in partnership said we want to build a partnership business in this case uh i would say let's go a little a little uh let's get into business a little bit so if three of them say let's form a company and and let's have uh uh shares each so uh three people into 100 shares sharing it is 33 and a half percent each so god the father said let's build a company let's call him man let's let him have dominion let him rule let's give him monopoly over all creation and and and the father said well i'm the boss but i'll share equal dividends with you so i'll take 33 percent jesus said okay 33 the holy ghost said i would in dominion take 33 percent and they all gave each other a high five let's do it so you are you are the product oh man of the three most powerful authorities in heaven and yes if you are not moved by this time something is something good is about to help happen to you i will not speak negative things say hallelujah somebody if you don't leave this church today changing the world you need serious baptism by tomorrow morning say hallelujah somebody see i receive see i receive i'm handling the dominion of the holy spirit so so so when they breathe when god breathed into man he breathed the dna of the three into one god in three persons living as one decided to to create a man out of the three persons as they are one he made one man and he said let this man have dominion of course he will have dominion he will have influence of cross he will function above all other creatures because angels were not made like that angels are servants they are tools they are they are a means to an end but as for god as god he made man as god i can imagine i can imagine when adam the word adam means adama the first man the first man don't forget that the first man or in my teaching this morning i would say the first image of god i can imagine when he rolled off creation table and put his feet on the ground for the first time he remember that adam wasn't born at the baby to grow he was born he was created in maturity all his intellect firing full swing and he rolled his eyes he saw his isolates his eyeballs his pupil his cornea my goodness he must have been a majesty of a being he took his first steps he looked around and there was an eye contact the father that signed the holy ghost and i can imagine jesus christ the papa i'm jealous he looks like me indeed and papa said that what do you expect he's in our image he said hello the the if i will use the word dangerous but the most spectacular thing about this whole thing is that they gave the man their own mind their brain so whatever god the father was ever thinking registered in the mind of adam if there was any conversation between the father and the son adam had insight if the holy spirit was thinking about something adam had inside it's called discernment it's called knowledge it's called understanding they design man to be like that because of the purpose of the man was to rule the earth with the mind of god that he wouldn't do what god would want to be done so they made him to sound the mind of god to hear god to know god so they can he can function as god say hallelujah anything that has reduced your your intellectual capacity ability and performance is removed today in the name of jesus say hallelujah somebody say hello somebody i declare a surgical deliverance this morning that never again will you paint below your standards never again will you point it below your standards then nothing else will have dominion over you because you are in dominion in god you are a supreme dominion you are a supreme partnership you are in supreme relationship with the most high god the most high god the most high god the most the most the most high god el elyon cambodia about satay oh jesus oh jesus receive your receive the anointing receive capacity receive ability receive endowment of power receive inspiration to rule and reign with no apology hallelujah jesus somebody saw man created and the person said man god what have you done what have you done what have you done my goodness what what have you done my god what have you done this being you have created is a super being more powerful than the angelic world what have you done somebody got provoked in jealousy somebody got provoked in mv in some states oh i have so much so much so much to share say hallelujah somebody psalms 8 o lord our god how excellent is thy name in all the earth who has set thy glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and cycling has thou ordained strength because of the enemies that thou might steal the enemy and the avenger vestry when i considered the heavens so this person was very analytical he said lord i have seen man you have made and i began to develop some considerations i have considered the stars you have made the galaxies i've seen neptune i've seen mars i've seen the sun i've seen the moon i've seen jupiter and the endless galaxies of the stars beyond human comprehension i have considered all that on one side of the scale [Music] invest four but on the other side of the scale what is man a god mindful of him and the son of man that you visited him so i am considering this like a scale because what i am hearing in some age is what i call a tabulation a case study an investigative study of the man made by god this person must have some very intriguing investigative mind of analysis and when he put all things created in heaven on one side and put man on the other side man wade outweighed the balance am i speaking to some genius here today i'm not speaking to somebody here today am i speaking to somebody who is against failure are you following what i'm saying this man said this person said oh lord how excellent is your name so that we get it you are sovereign you are hello early on but i have a consideration here i have some analysis you have beat my imagination i put all creation on one side and i put man on the other side and man outweighs the weight and the glory of all creation what have you done what have you done the most i have seen so far oh god is that all creation on one side and the angels on the other side the scale is balanced then you made mine and i i can't balance the scale because it looks like man is much more weightier than all the stars and the creation i see something is all right god what have you done do you know what you've done why are you so so mindful of this man sounds like a jealous guy it's believed that was lucifer because of how he fell and lost everything and adam was created after he failed and god designed adam so much more superior so much more spectacular so much more glorious because lucifer was called the son of the morning he was a beautiful angel and when adam was made it made him look like he he never existed [Music] he said not only have you made him weightier than all creation you are always mindful of him number two and he is like the son of man and number three you visit him every day lord you dominate his atmosphere i'm jealous have you ever been in love and your wife didn't call you in six hours after she went to the mall [Music] if i were barren i'll be i'll be concerned say hello somebody yeah i'll be confident [Music] my wife goes somewhere after one hour no phone call no takes two hours if you win when i'm in the spirit i come out of the spirit hallelujah in other words something got the attention of whoever was talking look at number four number five verse five are you listening please receive the anointing today for thou hast made me lower than angels in actual fact it is the other way around and you and you have crown him with glory and honor the reason why it's the other way around because angels don't wear crowns so this man cannot be lower than angels if he had crowns of god the person who wears the crown is the epitome is the boss are you listening please sunshine church you respond more than this see earlier somebody tell a liar somebody you know today i look like an angel so you you better go wild on me say holy hallelujah somebody say amen so somebody here must have been very very very very concerned that this thing you you have made is too powerful it's just too powerful i mean it's too powerful i mean too powerful i i have no words oh god what have you done and you have put your own crown upon him also my god and the worst of it all is that you gave man crown without a fight normally after you you have knocked out joe fraser that you received the crown or something man was made and without any job he's done he was given a crown so why because man was supposed to function from the place of sovereign victory before any fight before man ever said something he was already a winner in in in other words god created man not to fight at all but rulers don't fight they dictate they give instructions they speak and it comes past in other words when god made man he took the fight out of mind say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah somebody say i receive see i receive say i receive you are leaving church today never to fight again just to speak to determined to to declare and it shall come to pass because that's how dominion people think that's how they function that's who we are no need for argument and complain and quarrels is the part of your dna no wonder god killed everybody in the wilderness who complained never saw the land of milk and honey because this is not my nature i'm giving you a land of milk and honey you must function like i am i am in your midst everybody who who complained was disqualified because rulers are not complaining they are doers dominion people don't complain they make things happen they determine the outcome man was made and crowned from the first day when adam fell we lost the crowd [Music] the sixth place i listened to church that has made him to have dominion oh my god that's the word that's the word i i can't get away from this word these days ah i can't get away so if your pastor can't get away you can't get away either you get ready we shall eat it and drink it and breathe it and leave it till we become it somebody must say amen the sunburn must say amen every lady must say amen every gentleman might say amen all the global audience must say amen you will live in dominion you know you don't want to get to heaven and not having the testimony that when you were on the earth you dominated so what did you go to the earth to do i said what did you go to do look how somebody else said what am i doing here say hello somebody am i making some sense here dominion people don't argue they don't debate you are like a king in your rulership in your dominion in your domain you decree you are a monarchy not a democracy say a thing it shall be done an uncle of mine uh had had a motorcycle accident he was riding this this motorcycle in the deep of the night and i don't know what happened but there was there was a rock on the road whether uh uh a query a query you you you you have queries here yeah so maybe a whole a big rock fell out of a quarry uh semi truck or something like that because the accident happened around a place where there were several queries so big o rock he didn't see and riding this motorcycle at night bang into this rock on the freeway summer sorted went off the highway both the motorcycle and the man and so nobody knew all the cars were passing by at night no sign of accident until a pedestrian was walking in the night and had someone growing and growing so he went in there to see this man near death and the motorcycle on the other side well he he pulled him to the roadside and flood the vehicle who took him to the hospital they took him to the number one top hospital in ghana and he was my uncle my my father's last born their last born called call elijah elias well we got so we were called and my mother been a nurse as well we we rushed to that hospital he was in the in the icu we got there and he could hardly leave he had such a terrible brain injury and he didn't have much time to leave so i got there we got there as an uncle all i could see was his eyeballs his his eyelids opened so my mother took the medical report read it and the holy spirit said go back into your car take an anointing oil and come back and anoint him so i always have anointed oil in my car somebody take my key go look into my car you see a lot of oils i suffered when you walk into minion you handle annoying to oil see i get it look at somebody say take note on that one the lord said go into your car take your anointing oil coming anointing so i went came back into into the icu and i anointed him as an uncle and the lord said lead him to the lord so i said i said uncle would you like to receive jesus he said yes at that point he will i'll tell you so i led him to the lord i prayed and i broke the curse i bound death i declare him perfect and made whole and i declared and decreed that he's not permitted to die before his time sometimes when i pray i don't pray suggested prayers i pray in dominion if prayer loses dominion stature is no more prayer you you've lost the key i say you've lost the key if you are suggested in prayer because prayer is not fought for for debates is for authority so i declared and and then then he began to speak a little bit he began to cry he began to cry and as uncle white cry he said i'll be here for three days whatever people come and pray for other patients nobody came to pray for me and i said i i i have just prayed for you be at peace i'll see you soon we walked away the report is that well he's still alive by the way i'll clap my hands to hallelujah somebody number two the report is that after we left the hospital in the we got there around 5 pm after we left the hospital he said a huge beast walked into the icu a beast a mixture of an ape a gorilla a dinosaur the worst you can imagine he's a walk-in and came right to his bed and said to him have you been anointed with oil he said yes the beast began to freak out why did you a lot allow them to anoint you with oil he didn't know how to answer that and the said who came to anoint you and he said he was about to mention my name and an angel appeared and blocked his mouth and the angel told the the prince of the demon that the person who anointed him is on his way to jerusalem i was in ghana but the angel said i was on my way to jerusalem in in other words if you like follow him you'll see what happened to you but my uncle said the demon freaked out and freaked out and fit out like a little boy who has lost his toy fit out and and and and and and and and pouncing around the bed and said the man who anointed you have spoiled all my assignments in in other words that was the moment they were coming to to kill him the spirit of death was coming in there but it was blocked because of the anointing oil folks folks folks we are designed for only one reason dominion you can determine the outcome of nations and cities businesses and families by the word of your mouth if only you understand dominion receive understanding of dominion as a receive revelation of your dominion folks if you understand dominion there are certain things that can never happen to you even if the devil desires it it is too late what did jesus christ say to peter he says simon peter simon peter satan has desired to have you that he might sift you as sweet but i have prayed for you in other words i saw the conspiracy of the devil and my dominion anointing kicked in and blocked him from today your anointing in dominion will kick in and block stuff and close doors that shouldn't be opened but open doors which must be open say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah somebody say hello somebody may god give you understanding of your dominion [Music] especially in the days in which we are folks i come to tell you that we are in the days where it's not about church stop playing church you better get hold of the world if you want to finish your assignment and get out of here it's not about being part of the joneses get the job done and get into your oil and be fed with the world and arise and shine and walk in your glory i forbid anybody in this church to fail under any circumstances you are not allowed to fail look at someone i say i heard him clear and clearly you can fail say hallelujah somebody you cannot fail you cannot die before your time you are undiable you are unkillable if only you understand your dominion oil it's time to turn a new page the man said thou made him a lower than angels that has made him to have dominion the phrase there is to have is to have is to have dominion which means dominion is a conditional gift anything someone says you can have it simply means you can also decline so if if if i have a pen here and i said austin you can have this pen he can say no thanks can i hear something man like i can see his eyes on the page i better put it away [Music] so if if if god says that he you have made him to have dominion which means he can say no when it comes to dominion it is you can have it it's amazing how god showed me that anytime you see dominion from god it is a consideration of choice let's do some examination here look at genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and then verse 28 and then we can go into a few others don't miss the the second service because we will go into the dynamics of how to apply your dominion and god said let us make man in our image i work with with me and after our likeness letting what have dominion is that right look at verse 2 verse 27 please it says and god created man in his own image in other words god made man in his own image which means god the creator created a creating being he made man who can also create things because that's the image of god and god and in the image of god created he him male and female so both the male and the female also have creating our creative tendencies verse 28 please are you being blessed today please verse 28 and god bless them and god said unto them be fruitful number one and multiply number two and replenish number three and subdue it you see color and have dominion so you can be fruitful be fruitful that's automatic that you you have no no choice in that you are born fulfilled born multiplied born replenished bound subdued but when it comes to dominion you can choose half dominion it it almost sounds like the there must be a progression of intellectual maturity from fruitful level to multiplication level to replace your level to subdivide level then you can understand how much you would need dominion to ask for it to receive it say hallelujah somebody the the first four attributes you are but the fifth one is a choice is it possible that at this point god is telling you and i church you are now ready for all the things you have gone through in life the challenges the testings and how you have prevailed both the good and the bad and the ugly and the sweetness all put together but your resolve is still for the lord you are ready to not have to dominion say hello somebody because both your failures and learning from your mistakes and learning from your errors and transforming your your your the information of failure to a mindset of a dream to succeed is in itself a qualification like if god gives you dominion you will not mishandle it because you know how to fail and you've learned how not to fail because of the experience of your past but now that you are ready you are saying god here i am send me onto my dominant walk and i come to tell you this morning you are ready church sunshine church you are ready grace for all nations you are ready don't forget the past of your failures forget the stories of your past now step on to dominion stage and lay hold on destiny your destiny is dominion say hallelujah somebody say hello somebody am i making some sense here well in conclusion i'll touch the a little bit of the next service subject the holy spirit is the dominion spirit and the first manifestation of the holy spirit in the bible was that he hovered and moved and brooded he kind of spread over all creations and that's how powerful he is he it wasn't like like a little dirt that flew a little bit a little bit it took nearly years to cover all the earth you are talking about the span of authority he moved upon all creation at one time and took authority and based on on his his sovereignty creation which was out of beauty came back to order the earth was without form and void and mufflers there was no life nothing nothing to look for in the earth but when he boarded there was light there was an atmosphere there was seed there was time they were buried in the sky waters were filled with fishes and the land with animals the holy ghost moved and as he moved god spoke the first day second day that day in the sovereignty of the holy ghost so he is the spirit of dominion when you have him in your life you rule and reign so you can imagine what happened on the day of pentecost it was far much more than just taking the tanks it was dominion came upon from heaven the dominion of god was released earlier came upon man and man who was a loser on the earth stepped on dominion stage by the holy ghost so man will also begin to rule and broad and and and cover the earth and subdue all creation by the spirit of god that works mightily within him what adam lost the baptism of the holy ghost [Music] we are restored with influence of the divine kind it tells me that dominion is transferable [Music] dominion is transferable because god transferred his dominion in heaven by the holy ghost upon mine and man became a beauty again like in some age what is man that you are so mindful of him thereafter the testimonies of man shifted even the shadows of peter were healing the sick a man walking into media even his shadows were healing never happened in the old testament they began to speak languages that no one ever learned before then every language you speak you learn but for when the dominion spirit came it was an indeed a transfer of heavenly language because every power has a language say hallelujah somebody every authority has a language every rulership has a language and every kingdom has a language receive the holy ghost folks it's time to allow the holy ghost the dominion spirit to move out of you he said it's wanting to lay hands on the sick it's another thing to release the holy ghost out of you to do what he wants because he's in there he has made you his sanctuary the issue is how do we move from lay hands on the sick to recover from just releasing the holy ghost that's releasing him like god released him from heaven and he hovered upon all the earth you can release it from out of you and he can hover over all your circumstances because he's in he's in partnership covenant partnership in the image of god and he has brought you to the level that you lost so those who are in the spirit and who walk by the spirit we are we are above and above only we are the head and not the tail say hosanna somebody say hosanna somebody i said say hosanna somebody am i making some sense here so receive the anointing so the baptism of the of the holy spirit because the word baptism simply means submerged when you are submerged you know what it means it means the water has had dominion making sense immense is that right you are you are you are completely lost under water so the baptism of the holy ghost simply means the dominion of the holy ghost upon man we we are lost in him he moves in rivers of our lives that's why you can do all things through christ because the dominion of god by the spirit is moving it's moving it's moving you it's moving you so the prophets did great peace because they were moved by the holy ghost say hallelujah somebody don't miss the next the next event because we are about to move into how the holy ghost moves you in dominion if you have any dinner appointment bring it early or cancel it tell them i can i can i can i can fulfill this dinner appointment i'm going to to a domino class you can always reschedule dinner but not dominion lift up your right hand please my god my god holy spirit of god holy spirit of god i know you are here you are the dominion spirit you move upon the hearts of men you move upon the body of men you move upon the countenance of men you move upon the heart of man you move upon the industry of men you move upon the families of men you move upon the dreams of men you move upon the visions of men and you establish kingdom you establish a rulership you establish victory you establish exceeding results release your glory now upon your people release your glory release your presence release your intellect release your anointing release your power release your glory release your weight release your wisdom release your knowledge release your lordship release your understanding release your counsel release your might release the fear of god in here oh holy ghost move [Music] and hoover and brood upon your people ruled upon sanctions ruled upon grace for all nations brought up on the global ministry you've given to us lord brewed and brewed brewed and brutal holy ghost brewed holy ghost brewed up holy ghost brood and move shake and move the bundle of messiah take dominion take dominion take the median holy spirit take dominion have the million over our lives have dominion heal the sick raise the dead let the blight see let the lamb walk again let the death hear let the dumb have their their tongues loose transformed and righteousness to righteousness for the bible says jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me and he has anointed me to do the impossible we take our dominion states [Music] we take our dominion states we take our dominion place we shift into dominion no more to complain no more to be lost in doubt but to be overwhelmed with glory with glory [Music] change the northwest move upon america again move upon africa move up on south america move up on australia and new zealand move upon china move upon singapore move upon russia the continent of the earth receive your dominion activation thank you holy spirit move upon industries and businesses move up on the marketplace give command heights back to the saints lord move upon families marriage schools and industries move upon the judiciary the executive [Music] move upon the legislature move upon the human race thank you lord move upon banks and finances [Music] move up on our stocks move open our dreams jesus [Music] move upon the tombs you moved up in the tomb of lazarus you brought him back you move upon the tomb of jesus you brought him back move up in the tumble of our lives the tomb of our dreams [Music] thank you holy spirit move upon everybody bound to be in the music industry move up and worship move holy spirit move upon all our musicians our worship team move upon leadership [Music] come holy spirit [Music] you have given us dominion [Music] and we release dominion back into your hands teach us how to handle dominion [Music] fresh anointing for new songs [Music] teaches how to handle church how to handle ministry [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you see the wave of the holy spirit [Music] like the waves on the oceans [Music] with the billowing waves of his glory [Music] receive power to prevail [Music] in jesus name thank you thank you i see failure run out of your house i see failure and fear run out of your mind [Music] i see fear of the unknown disappear i see dominion in christ step in the light is on the dominion light is on [Music] walk upon the waters of your fears crush them under your feet and prevail you were designed to prevail prevail in dominion let your words go ahead of your steps for your words are dominion words given to you by god receive [Music] in jesus name [Music] pray after me lord jesus say lord jesus i receive you as my dominion lord my dominion savior my dominion redeemer i repent of my sins take over come into my heart take dominion over all my affairs in this world and in the world to come write my name in your dominion book of eternity i thank you for giving me your dominion holy spirit i confess with my mouth and i believe in my heart i am born again and i receive [Music] dominion eternal life permanently i am saved forever saved always saved doing exploits doing exploits in your dominion in jesus name amen thank you thank you thank you and for those of you who are around the world i believe god has given you keys today to rule in your world to rule in your continent to rule in your churches and industries move forward take the mountains and give god a good name in the land of the living he's made you in his image after his likeness perform accordingly and all shall say amen the lord bless and keep you let this constantly shine upon you and give you peace and lord shall say amen look at someone and say you are a dominion blessing you
Channel: Emmanuel Ziga Ministries
Views: 53
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6Agnn5fRGW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 15sec (5535 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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