Overcoming The Spirit Of Fear | Cathy Duplantis

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[Music] hello and welcome to our youtube channel you're about to be blessed by this video so make sure to like it subscribe and hit that notification bell you don't want to miss any of the great content that we post enjoy and know that jesse and i are praying for you [Music] well i hope you still have your bibles out i want you to turn to second timothy chapter one second timothy chapter one my title of my sermon the lord gave this to me earlier in the week and i think it's so appropriate for today it says the title of my sermon is overcoming the spirit of fear overcoming the spirit of fear sec we're going to turn to ii timothy chapter one and we're gonna read uh beginning in verse one as soon as i get there excuse me i didn't put sometimes i put all of the text in my ipad but this time i was a little much i'm going to read the first seven verses in the king james bible y'all can read along with me they'll put the scriptures on the screen let's go paul an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god according to the promise of the life promise of life which is in christ jesus to timothy my dearly beloved son grace mercy and peace from god the father and jesus and christ jesus our lord verse 3 i thank god whom i serve from my forefathers with pure conscience that without ceasing i have remembered remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day so paul was really connected to this timothy he was his spiritual son he was his he paul was his mentor they were very close and at this point timothy must have needed encouragement so listen to this in verse four it says greatly desiring to see thee being mindful of thy tears that i may be filled with joy when i call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother lois and thy mother eunice and i am persuaded that in thee also so he's reminding him of who he is you know we need to be connected with people who will remind us who we are and what is actually within us too often we stay connected with people who just want to pull us down but that will keep you on a religious treadmill you need to be connected with people who will speak spirit to spirit and energize you and fill you with in fact build your faith up and by acknowledging every good thing that's already within you celebrate that amen hallelujah we don't need to be looking at the distractions or the things that maybe didn't manifest yet we need to think about who jesus is and how big he is we know that hallelujah verse uh i'm at verse 6 right wherefore i put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of god which is in thee by the putting on of my hand so timothy had a responsibility right here paul knew what he was encountering we're going to get into a little bit of that in a minute but paul wanted to remind peter excuse me timothy right off the bat that he had a responsibility to stay stirred up for god say this with me i have a responsibility to stay stirred up with god for god that's why i'm at church today give yourself a handclap i know some couldn't be here because they had to tend to their houses some actual staff members that are tending to things around here that had to be tied down because of the the forecasters that were in there and we're praying for them and for god's protection on them but we're here amen to give glory to god in this house first um 7 is where i really want to get to says for god hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind whew does that excite you it's been already given to you say i have it already given to me now [Applause] hallelujah you know when paul wrote the book of second timothy it was a very difficult time for the early church as pastor of the church of ephesus timothy faced difficulties inside the church and out some thought that he was too young to lead that big church and believers everywhere were being persecuted by nero who was insane and he would take special timothy knew that nero would take special pleasure in torturing and even killing him if he could paul wrote to remind timothy that god did not give him the spirit of fear it actually we know where it came from it came from the pit of hell and he had an assignment to take him out the same thing is true with you anytime fear wants to invade your heart it actually comes from the pit of hell with the assignment to take you out but you can stand firm on the scriptures the way this guy timothy did and implement the things that paul said that day and come out on top anybody listening are you ready to stay on the top you know even when the winds blow and the winds are contrary jesse preached that a few weeks back we even when the winds are contrary peter was able to walk on that water why because jesus was with him when jesus is with us no matter what the winds do no matter if it blows or it rains we know that we're going to come out on the other side victorious hallelujah i'm excited in this church hallelujah now let's look at timothy second timothy chapter one verse seven but we're gonna look at in the amplified bible classic edition it says it's so much clearer it says for god did not give us a spirit of timidity no no no weak timidity people here that's that doesn't come from god for god did not give us a spirit of timidity of cowardice of craving and cringing and fawning fear but that's important buts are very important listen change is everything he meaning god has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control hallelujah so a lot of people don't want to hear about how we have a responsibility in this that we need to take hold of our mind we need the mind is very much oftentimes the battlefield where the enemy attacks and we need to put down those you know cast down those imaginations we need to take authority over those thoughts and speak instead of just saying no to the thought replace the thought with words words that come straight out of the bible out of the mouth of jesus out of the gospels amen out of the word of god that will bring strength to you paul understood the tactics of the devil he knew that god gave us a spirit of power of love and of a sound mind to overcome the spirit of fear that's why you have that power that's why you have all that love that god gave you that's how you why you have a sound mind that's been given to you by god to overcome the spirit of fear and we're going to look at those three points this morning number one god has given us a spirit of power god has given us a spirit of power write it down and remind yourself of that throughout the whole week when the enemy comes with a with a bad report of any kind whether it's a weather report or a health report or a financial report that you're going down no you could tell turn the tables on him say no i'm not going down you going down hallelujah [Applause] so let's turn to luke chapter 10 10 ver and we're going to read verse 19 in a few minutes just turn there and be prepared because power listen to this power is the ability or strength to perform an activity or a deed power is the ability or strength to perform an activity or deed and that's what god has already given you he has given you the spirit of power courage it all and competence to get the job done has also been given to you and you know power is sometimes used with the word authority now if power suggests physical strength authority suggests a moral right or a privilege one can have power to perform a tax a task but maybe they don't have the authority to do it jesus christ had both power and authority and he bestowed those gifts to his followers that's me and you we got the stuff we got the we have the goods hallelujah let's read luke 10 verse 19 in the amplified bible he says behold whoo that's a good thing when he said behold he means look pay attention to this is what it's saying i have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and listen to this part in the amplified it says and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you hallelujah i don't know about you but that stirs me up nothing's gonna harm me no matter what storms rage no matter what attacks come no matter what uh bad reports get launched we have a battle plan to change it amen you know sometimes when you hear a bad report our our tendency has been before we knew god was just to shriek and want to hide in a corner but once we know god it changes everything it's almost like you roll your sleeves up you say okay let's go to battle right because it doesn't say that a weapon will not be formed it just says it won't prosper and when it pro when it does get formed it's our responsibility am i talking too loud [Music] it's our responsibility to do something about that take care of that thing god empowered us with authority in the earth to exercise it and walk in the earth the same way that jesus did when he was here his disciples the bible tells us in the in the new testament gives accounts in the book of acts and the epistles of those that did it so that we know it wasn't just jesus it was all of them they stepped in even raised the dead and spoke and people were healed and provision was made god took care of business amen with those that he empowered with the spirit of power but you got to learn how to tap into the power of god instead of shrinking back you got to walk forward towards it like like little david did amen he grabbed that stone and he slung it and he ran toward that giant god will give you the words the stones the rock whatever it is that you need in the weapon bag that he has for you to speak life to those situations to pull down those strongholds to enforce his plan in the earth today amen you know i just thought about something years ago i saw this i used to watch a lot of andy griffith sometimes i still pop him up on my ipad when i want to look at something funny remember the andy griffiths show anybody they still have reruns out there i think but anyway i remember this one uh episode where barney five you know y'all gotta love barney he was so funny barney five was um he saw he saw i think it was goober or somebody like gomer make an illegal u-turn in the middle of the boulevard now there weren't any cars at all on the street but here barney came up to him to give him a ticket and um uh gomer was so upset that he got a ticket well that's when barney starts giving him this ex explanation he says you know he says when you do something illegal you need to get a ticket he says now even if i wasn't even a deputy if i was just a citizen and i saw somebody doing something illegal it would be my civic responsibility to go out and perform what we would call a citizen's arrest and so gomer says like you know was so impressed oh okay well he took the ticket but not too long after that in fact i think it was just right after that uh barney five gets in his police car and does the very same thing that gomer did he made an illegal u-turn right in the middle of main street and so of course gomer's waving his hands i think i'm telling the story correctly if you and it's close enough anyway the principle is that he was client he was throwing his hands up running after that police car and saying citizens arrest citizens arrest to give barney a ticket well as citizens of the kingdom of god we need to enforce hallelujah we need to enforce the word of god in the earth we don't have to wait from sister kathy past brother jesse we don't have to wait for somebody else we can step right on in there when we see the enemy violating what god has promised us when we see him trespassing onto what belongs to us and we could say like like mr t i pity the fool that tries to take what i got yes you can tell my generation but we have a plan of attack that when the enemy comes against us like the bible like a flood the bible says we raise up a standard again it's like a flood the flood is actually the word of god pushing him out he's not the flood we're the flood with the word of god pushing his tactics out hallelujah hallelujah god has already given us all the spiritual resources we need for every trial and threat hallelujah god has already given us all the spiritual resources we need for every trial and threat hallelujah i gotta catch my breath so that's good preaching sister kathy divine power is effective productive spiritual energy to win in life i must say that again divine power is effective productive spiritual energy and i got that rolling all over in my heart right now to win in life hallelujah and it belongs to everyone that is born again say it belongs to me because i'm born again and i'm a child of god he has given me weapons i have the blood of jesus i have the name of jesus i have the word of god at my disposal and i inflict it on the devil every chance that i get and because of that i'm victorious hallelujah [Applause] i gotta spit a spin on that one boy hallelujah boy am i glad i wore flats today number two god has given us the spirit of love god has given us the spirit of love simple sermon i'm just going to break down those three things this morning turn to romans chapter five romans chapter five god has given us the spirit of love the greek word for this kind of love that we're going to talk about is agape you've probably heard of it god is love and he loves you as much as he loves his son jesus that is humbling when i think about that god loves us so very much in fact jesus prayed that in john 17 we don't have to go there but he says lord i know that you love them as much as you love me and he loved jesus loved us he loves all of us as much as he loves the father that's the quality of the kind of love that we have that's the spirit of the love of god it's it knows no boundaries it knows no limits his love encompasses everything that's why when he when he looks at us he just swallow he surrounds us with his love and when you get into his presence you begin to get a taste of that you begin to get a glimpse of that the more you're in his presence the bigger it gets amen jesus loves us as much as he loves the father this same kind of love is supernaturally poured out in our hearts by the holy ghost the moment that we believe in jesus as our savior i'll say that again this same kind of love is supernaturally poured out in our hearts by the holy ghost the moment we believe in jesus as our savior we're going to see that in this scriptures we're going to read romans chapter 5 verse 5 through 8 and i'm going to look at in the amplified as well verse 5. such hope never disappoints talking about the hope of salvation such hope never disappoints deludes or shames us for god's love has been poured out in our hearts through the holy spirit who has been given to us think about that for a moment the holy spirit is at work even now pour in a deeper measure of that love of god making you aware of this deeper measure of love that god has for you verse six he goes on to explain it he says while we were yet in our in weakness power to powerless to help ourselves at the fitting time christ died for in behalf of the ungodly so he did this before we ever turned to him before we ever heard of him before we ever knew him he gave it to us verse 7. now it says it is an extraordinary thing for one to give his life even for an upright man though perhaps for a noble and lovable and generous benefactor someone might even dare die but god shows and clearly proves his own love for us by the fact that while we were yet sinners christ the messiah the anointed one died for us that is so powerful you know when god sent his son to the earth to die for us his great love for his creation was in full display right did you ever see something in full display you know when people put out that maybe their best china it's all the meal is out and the food's out or maybe you go have you ever been a really nice buffet on new orleans is known for the buffets or buffet some people call it the the big buffets buffets they have in uh the city they used to have that believing they're coming back but they would have the buffets where they put every kind of a food out and would be dressed out so beautifully depending upon what the holiday was and it was in full display of what was available and then my challenge was to be able to get as many plates filled from that as possible i mean i had a strat there's always a strategy when you saw that beautiful display you checked in and you walked past it as they escorted you to your tables anybody been to a buffet even if you've been to the golden corral you see the display and all the food and it's hot not quite the same but it's there when you're hungry it's good and so uh we see the big display over there as we walk to our seat and i'm thinking i have to have a strategy okay i'll start with the cold stuff i go and get the seafood on a cold plate then i go and get maybe a hot gumbo and then i go back and get a full plate of food and then then i have to go back and get the plate full of dessert i see chrissy smiling back there she can really relate to this anybody share that that memory with me lots of people in the house but that just see what's all in that means it was all on full display well god just had his love for all of us on full display when he put jesus on the cross for all the world to see and that one display shows us that everything everything that god has created belongs to us he created the earth and all of its fullness for his children and he wants us to know that it's all available to us and should that doggone enemy come in and try to take anything from you he tells you exactly what to do in fact if you read the book of job you'll read in chapter 2 where he god confronts satan and he says i see that you have come to pros persecute my servant job without cause and she's basically telling him that riot i tell him get his hand off he had first because you know when you read in chapter one it talks about he had a hedge around him but god has a plan the enemy may come in as a flood but god always has a plan to bring us victory that old job had a hard nine months but i think he got double in the end so god has a way to not only restore what the enemy has taken or stolen but give you more job got double i'm believing for seven times i've already served notice on the devil i'm bankrupting him priests out years ago bankrupt the devil i told him go set your court date i'm taking back everything that you've stolen from me hallelujah says in the bible i think it's proverbs chapter 6 he says he says if you catch the thief he has to restore fold and all the substance of his house so don't give up till you take back all of it god has even more after a while we tell him he gonna get too expensive to be messed with don't get happy when it just comes back no no no you need to get more at least what job got which was the devil god has a plan to restore everything that the enemy has stolen and he when he is great love for his creation for you was in full display at the cross when you just think about the cross and what jesus did that should remind you of everything that's available for you so don't shrink back i mean i know right now i can't i've been just and i've been working on it i lost 10 pounds 10 of the 20 10 of the 20 that i gained at covet so i'm still on my back jesse is like a little social butterfly in case you don't know it he just likes to go even though he's always telling people we eat out all the time because he likes to go he's so used to going all the time when we're home he can't sit still so he says can we go somewhere i said okay let's go and sometimes many times i'll have food in the house but i've learned to start buying less and less because i just it just goes to waste and so my daughter came to the house the other day opened my refrigerator and felt bad for me because there's hardly anything in there other than a few little essentials mostly cold drinks like perrier and soft drink soft drinks and so um where was i at so we were good i gained the 20 pounds of coven because we're sitting home jesse's like a butterfly thank you very much so he he says kathy can we at least uh so well let's get us a we're at work so we're thinking we need to grab a little bite to eat instead of going home which we could have gone because my daughter jody right not long before that had given us gifts for christmas that was just a bunch of delicious food that she had frozen into small containers because we could thought i said yeah that's good but but i need to get out i said well i can go get it for you and bring it back to the office oh no no no i want to get out so here we are we're going through drive-through drive through different fast food places we hit wendy's we hit chick-fil-a not at the same day the different ones you know and got things to go and it would eat it in the truck because he wanted we'd eat it in the truck with him when we went and uh so we would go through different ones and mcdonald's in fact we did like our own little survey to actually say that we believe mcdonald's has the best fries so what happened was we drove through we got a little education after a while but then we just stuck with it they would say would you like a large and we'd say well you know we were thirsty we thought yeah sure we'll take a large thinking it meant a large drink but that meant that the large fry came with it and because of that we ate all of those fries and jesse was saying even his toes were fat but they're not you got skinny feet skinny skinny feet anyway uh but we've been both working on it and i've lost a little bit so it's important to know that uh today i probably would not take five plates if i went to one of those big buffets but i would be selective and get what i want but the point is that there's no limit with god and he has so much available for us and never let anybody tell you you're not worthy or maybe you're not holy enough because it's not about what you did it's what he did amen what he did gives you access to everything that god has for us as believers each time his love is received this god kind of love is reproduced in the world each time we receive all that god has given us and and let it be a display in our own lives it shows others how good our god is when we display the love of god to other people god is glorified his love is reproduced in the world amen number three third and final point are y'all enjoying this today god has given us the spirit of a sound mind god has given us the spirit of a sound mind let's turn to first corinthians chapter 2 verse 16. first corinthians chapter 2 16. we'll read that in a moment the phrase sound mind is taken from a greek word that describes a mind that has been delivered rescued revived salvaged and protected and a mind that is now safe and secure i'ma say that again the phrase sound mind is taken from a greek word that describes a mind that has been delivered rescued revived salvaged and protected and is now safe and secure that's the kind of sound mind that god wants you to experience every single day now i recognize that all of us when we get born again we're not quite there yet with some of our our residue of the way we used to think in the way we used to act still wants to dominate our thought life that's why it's so important to renew your mind according to the word of god and find out exactly who you are again see you may know who you are growing up before you met jesus in one way yeah i know who my mama my mama grew up and her family all them grew up in dulac louisiana all cajuns you know they were my some of my uh uncles were fishermen my i know some of my heritage i know some little french phrases that i learned growing up you know my mother spoke fluent french still does but we weren't learned taught french when we were kids because the schools of that day discourage kids for speaking that language i know y'all all know that but i would hear my mom say a few little phrases here and there that i learned over the years and it always seemed to be when she was upset with us she had like six kids so sometimes she got paula mo did you and i learned later that that meant for the love of god boy jews she'd say that was good god so i knew that i must have been doing something wrong when she was she mentioned in such a she i didn't know she's actually crying out to god or she's just afraid she learned but anyway it worked but we learned a few things growing up and now i know myself in that natural way the way i was and how i grew up and the things i did in my life but i had to relearn who i am in christ the moment that i got born again i knew nothing about god when i got born again i was just a young girl remember about 21 years old and i had read the bible for the first time after i had said the printer's pr sinner's prayer while watching billy graham on tv many of you already knew my testimony but i had to read i had to learn who i am i had to learn who god is i had to learn so many things and it took a while to understand it but in my heart i had a i had a knowing that god was a good god i had that that i had experienced his love his love was on full display in me and because of the power that that jesus what he did on the cross what it gave me the ability to live an overcoming life and and i started seeing all the things that were available for me i wanted my whole household my family to know jesus and i just started i remember i just had different ones with a like a target so i had put them across them in the crosshairs one at a time amen christine and ricky were jesse and i's first converts but jesse was my first convert i stuck with it and i remember it was not an easy battle uh the wind the winds were contrary many times but i had to stick with it and stay with it because god had a plan amen but god was had to teach me what his word said i had to renew my mind according to the word of god so that i could stand on what his word has said and it was wonderful how he would lead me even though i had didn't know where to read in the whole bible i started in the beginning i remember jesse's i went to jesse at one point i said man what's all these begats what's this all about so he told me that i need to start reading in the gospel of john i think he must have heard his mother say that and then he uh so i did and i started reading and studying but that's how i started renewing my own mind it takes time but it's worth it but i found it so wonderful that even during that time before i knew very knew much i had known very little god would lead me to just the verses of scripture that i needed at the time he was so good to lead me and help me in that way a sound mind is characterized by safe thinking good judgment disciplined thought patterns and the ability to understand and make right decisions you know each one of us every day of our lives has have choices that come before us we could choose whether we'll do the right thing or not because even within our hearts even if we haven't read the whole bible or if we've read very little we know by by the way god created us we know right from wrong even children know that but we learn more and more as we get closer to god but god god gives us a sound mind when we seek him when we realize that he has already given it to us then we we come before his presence and we say lord show me what i need to know about this situation show me how to stop acting that way i know this pattern of behavior is not pleasing to you what can i do to change that you see that's how a sound mind thinks a sound mind doesn't just plow through and say oh well that's just my personality you know and they mess up everything right a sound mind recognizes the truth sees what god's plan is and adjusts accordingly that's what repentance truly is repentance is not just being sorry or sorry you got caught repentance is actually a a changing of your mind to stop doing what you're doing because it's not pleasing to god and go the other way and when you make that quality decision god empowers you where he gives you the spirit of power the spirit of love and the spirit of a sound mind to to uh excuse me to do exactly what he's calling you to do hallelujah so a sound mind is characterized by safe thinking good judgment disciplined thought patterns think about that for a moment how often have we just sat there and let the enemy dump crazy stuff in our head tell us who we're what we can't do and and how we messed up but no we have to have a disciplined thought pattern and when the enemy comes in to enter our thought pattern to tell us what we can't do we need to have a disciplined thought pattern to find to tell him what god said we can do and if all you know is god says nothing is impossible with god and i am with god then then you got it right there you can do all things through christ who strengthens you that's another thing and the enemy comes to tell you can't do it your sound line will say what the word says a sound my will reject what the enemy is saying a sound mind has a discipline thought pattern and the ability to understand god can give you the supernatural ability to understand exactly what you need to fix your awesome situation you may be in it may be really beautiful but it may be pretty bad but regardless of where you are at god can give you exactly what you need to help you to come up on top amen you may be at the very bottom now but god has a plan to give you words and instruction and wisdom to start thinking the way he wants you to think bible often says how god's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts but he also says that in the new test that's an old testament quote but he also says in the new testament that he has given us his holy spirit so that we can know his thoughts so that we can know what's on his mind so that we can do exactly what he's calling us to do amen a sound mind i got to say it again is characterized by safe thinking good judgment disciplined thought patterns and the ability to understand and make right decisions you can make that your confession lord i thank you that i have the ability to understand and make right decisions for my life so that you can be glorified so that you can be lifted up amen you can god will give you the exact words that are maybe not exact scripture but they're in line with scripture and you can put yourself right there in the middle of it i love that let's read first corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 in the amplified bible it says for who has known or understood the mind the counsels and purposes of the lord so as to guide and instruct him and give him knowledge but we have the mind of christ the messiah and do hold the thoughts and feelings of his and purposes of his heart think about that we have the this scripture tells us that we have the mind of christ and we can hold his thoughts his feelings and the purposes that are in his heart in our heart that's huge i know it anybody grabbing hold of that that's available amen we have been given the mind of christ to understand the word of god and apply the ways of god in making sound choices i'm going to say that again we have been given the mind of christ to understand the word of god and apply the ways of god in making sound choices if you're like me you think back in your life you realize that some of the choices you made weren't very sound maybe we you sometimes we rationally step up and make a decision before we thought it all through or prayed about the whole thing and but god wants us to learn from those situations and realize that he can give us the word of god to help us to see his ways amen and make sound choices the spirit of powers is my last statement the spirit of power love and a sound mind will overcome the spirit of fear instead of being overcome by it i'm going to say that again the power of love the spirit of power excuse me the spirit of power love and a sound mind will overcome the spirit of fear instead of being overcome by it that's what's available to us as a church today amen everybody bow your heads father i thank you for this this word that we've heard today lord i thank you that your words are spirit in their life and that it has helped us to prepare for the for the life that you have for us in this earth lord i thank you that you have given us power you have given us your love and that you have equipped us with the mind of christ so that we can live as overcomers victorious in every area of our life today in jesus name we pray thank you for that we thank you for your word hallelujah everybody just be staying in a spirit of prayer right now father i thank you for your presence that's in this place oh hallelujah i just sense with the spirit of god just hovering over each one of us imparting his wisdom his strength and his courage into you hallelujah so hallelujah the lord is declaring that he's calling us to stand firm stand in the place that he's put us take our positions because he has not given us that spirit of fear that but the spirit of fear is subject to us we have authority over it and today he says you have been given new instructions new uh battle strategies to live victorious so we'll go stand up he says and walk in it and see that i will show you the things to come here because ways that you know not of new paths new instructions new articulation how about call center new opportunities have a kosher favors coming even he says so and when the favor comes he says expect to hear the words from heaven hear words from my bible from my heart from my spirit that will transform that situation strategic words that will turn situations around and i say this by the spirit of god in jesus name amen amen hallelujah hallelujah hi i'm kathy duplantis thanks for watching our youtube channel remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date with all things jesse duplantis ministries god bless this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited [Music]
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 4,675
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis
Id: KrEvtloOk60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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