Kent Christmas Prophecy 🔥 Words of Light a Sudden Deliverance (Sep 20, 2021)

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how's that [Music] um you know what the difference between secular singers that are really good and christian singers that are really good anointing demons don't like anointing because it breaks the yoke you know and i'm i'm looking at what god's doing and um i have people say well it's amazing what god has done in the last three months this didn't happen three months ago this happened years ago we planted the seed and i have been pastoring you by faith for a long time amen so if no white-haired old pastor has told you today that they love you let me be the first amen amen i want you to really understand what you're in this is not a church we are in the middle of the god portal this is a god portal in the earth and what you're seeing of the individuals that are coming from all over the united states this is going to increase i really believe that god told me this is going to be another azusa before it's over and the miracles that are beginning to happen hallelujah is just going to increase by the power of god and so all of you watching around the world in the states i release upon you today the anointing of god that may the holy spirit just reach into your house today reaching to the countries around the world that demons are ruling and reigning in fact in the name of the lord we bind every demon not only in this nation but we bind them off of every nation in the earth hallelujah for the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and right now by the power of the holy ghost i loose hallelujah an apostolic move of the power of god in every communist country in every muslim country in the name of the lord hallelujah by the spirit of god we take back this earth for the glory of the lord may the faith of god that's resonated in you today begin to move by the spirit of the lord make god the boldness of the lord begin to rise up in you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god god is raising up men and women that are just wanting to be used by the lord i don't want our church to be built on prophecy i know i stand in the office of a prophet but i always come to preach and then if god wants to release a prophetic word then he will but it's really dangerous when you come to every service with the intention of prophesying because then you begin to fabricate things and that's how people get off center and so the lord didn't choose the foolishness of prophecy to save the lost he chose the foolishness of preaching but i want to talk about prophecy today because of what i believe the lord showed me of something in the scriptures and so um i'm here today not to talk about the political side i want to talk about ultimately prophecy is about harvest and it's about the church it's about souls okay and i think that we've become distracted in this nation in making everything that's political becoming prophecy and it's not about that we're going to let god take care of the election we're going to let god take care of what he said because he's god hallelujah and he does not need any help from us to fulfill what he has to say but i want you to uh really get a revelation today about the power of the prophetic word and um out of second peter chapter 1 and verse 19 it says this we have a more sure word of prophecy that's this book right here it says where unto you do well or in other words your life will do well if you take heed and i'm just kind of putting it in my own words here it says if you will take heed because prophecy as is a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arises in your heart so what the lord is saying is the most sure prophetic word that's in the earth is not what comes out of the mouth of a man but it's what comes out of the word of the lord for we as men and women we only know in part and we prophesy in part and we do that by our element of faith but the word of god does not have to be added to and it does not have to be taken away because it is forever settled and i have people say brother kim where do you get your thoughts and this is where i get them i hang out with the holy ghost because the bible says that the men of old were moved on by the holy spirit and they wrote what they were hearing the holy spirit say so the holy ghost wrote the bible and so if you want to know what the holy spirit means when he writes something then hang out with him and you ask him what does this mean and the spirit of god will begin to unveil to you in layers what god is saying so the lord is talking about that prophecy is it's really like a nightlight until the real light shows up and that's jesus the word prophecy here in ii peter means to proceed or proceeding from a prophet then if you dig it deeper it literally means this prophets declare hidden things concerning future events given to them by the spirit of god you may not know this i didn't know it but i i did a lot of research on this there are 1239 prophecies in the old testament there are 578 prophecies in the new testament 26.8 percent of the entire bible is prophecy prophecy is in every book of the bible with the exception of three books one is ruth and there's no prophecy in there because it's a story of a lady the other one is philemon that's another story about a slave that paul took under his wing and he ministers to the third in the bible that has no prophecy in it is song of solomon and saul and solomon is an analogy it's an allegory talking about the love of christ that he has for the church in every other book there is prophecy that god has put in there so first thessalonians would be a good verse for many people to get a hold of today verse 5 or chapter 5 and verse 20 it just simply says this don't despise prophesying because if you do you will remove an element from your life that will stop you from hearing the word of god this is why it is so important for christians to stay close to the lord because it's the only way the gift of discernment can work in you all of us can look back and realize that we have made some major mistakes that we wish we had not made because we did not discern at the time what the spirit of god wanted and it will keep you from being taken in by people it will keep you from being tricked by individuals who seem to be spiritual because discernment will rise up in you and it will not necessarily give you proof but it will just simply say there's something not right here be careful and there brings a balance it brings a safety in your life and so the lord is saying this despise not prophecy everything that god did started with prophecy and it ended with prophecy in fact when you read the bible and you open up to the book of genesis chapter 1 it starts out with god prophesying he says let there be light but at that time there was no light but he was speaking something in fact in romans the bible is talking about abraham and he said he knew this about god that god speaks things that are not as though they were that god prophesies and so creation begins with the element of god himself invoking prophecy and all through that chapter god begins to prophesy and he says let there be and then you'll read and know saying there was let there be and there was light let there be and it happened let there be and it came to pass because when god gives utterance hell cannot stop it and can i tell you today you can't shut me up you can't shut the church up we're not gonna sit down we're not going to be quiet we are not going to be embarrassed you cannot intimidate me i'll preach today we'll preach next sunday we will stand for the word of the lord we are not moved by what they say in the other world because there is an authority of the holy ghost that is in you and me and we are declaring thus saith the lord you don't have to let the enemy make you embarrassed [Applause] in fact the very first book of the bible i think i'll just turn over in genesis it starts with prophecy but it ends with it revelations chapter 1 verse 3 blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep them so prophecy is so paramount with god that god starts the world with prophecy and he is going to wind it up with prophecy and the prophecy is not to build up man but john said the revelation in the book that we read is a revelation of the lord jesus christ so god steps on to the edge of nothing and he begins to prophesy and i love prophecy because prophecy number one prophecy only works if there is god already speaking you know i've been around places where they say well you know uh just prophesy by faith well you i believe that's an act of faith but i can't speak you can't speak unless we hear what god is saying because prophecy is not the releasing of something that you're thinking you just become the mouth and the utterance of what the holy ghost wants to say so there's a balance there and so the lord starts it and he ends it and in creation when god begins to prophesy and he begins to bring adam into being adam was not born he was created and the scripture says that after god had spoken everything into existence he creates adam and he wants adam hallelujah to walk in his likeness and in his image and the scripture says he gets down i love this man is the only being the only creative thing that there is that's ever brought god to his knees and he gets down hallelujah god gets down on his knees and he he looks at adam and he looks at him the bible said he got down and he put his mouth on his nostrils and god will and he breathed into adam hallelujah the breath of life there was an utterance that came out of god and when that utterance came out of the almighty creator this lifeless form that looked like god but had no movement the moment of the prophetic word of the lord came into him the bible says that adam became a living soul he came into existence when god almighty got down on his knees and he began to release a prophetic utterance into adam and adam rises to the occasion and he is powerful now in god now what i want to go to the book of luke because this whole message today came out of this particular passage of scripture that i was reading and i really didn't know what i was reading and then i went to prayer and it just began to come up in my spirit isn't it amazing how when god reveals something to you that you think wow that's so profound and yet it's so simple and you go how come i never seen that before how many have you ever said i bet i've read that a hundred times and never saw that some of you are going to leave your goal today and go how come i never saw that it's just god chooses to reveal things for the moment we know that that adam was created in perfection there is no sin he is in he's created into instant fellowship with god can you imagine what it must have been like to walk in the garden and god just come over and hang out with you what did they talk about i believe that god was giving adam understanding and he was teaching him and he was revealing himself unto him and adam walks in this perfection in this great health and he's he's abundantly wealthy he owns everything on the earth and it belongs to him and everything is under his authority he can walk by a cobra snake and a thing just sit there of course at that time the snake had legs because the bible said that when god cursed the serpent that's when he defeated him and there's a play on words there so we know the story adam falls him and e fall and they lose their position with god i think what god missed the most in that whole horrible scenario was being in the garden without that fellowship he had no no i i there's a great book i'm trying to remember the name of it but i think it's it's called delighting in the trinity and this man has is one of the best books i ever read and he made this statement he said we've heard preached for years that that the only reason god made us is because he was lonely if that's true then we would have to say then god was incomplete he said god wasn't incomplete he said he didn't met you and i because he was lonely he had eternal fellowship with the son he was loving the son for god so loved the world that he gave but jesus said this i was existing before the foundation of the world the father the son the holy spirit fellowship together god just wanted hallelujah he made us because his son needed a wife what's jesus after he's coming back for a bride without spot wrinkle or blemish and so i don't um somebody just gifted me with the most amazing watch problem is it's too big and i got to give it size so now i don't know what time it is so um on the back wall okay i see it no matter don't matter okay because i got a really good word today and um i've got about uh i got about 48 years of preach and 49 years of preach stored up in me waiting for y'all to show up so there ain't no telling how how long it's going to be [Applause] so we know adam falls the fellowship is broken but the beauty about god is just because there's a hiccup doesn't mean he quits so god starts the process of redemption now when we read in genesis we really can't see this but there is a thread of redemption that's in this story the lord tells adam and eve he says be fruitful and multiply and so after they they never had any children in the garden evidently because the bible says it was after that that adam knew his wife eve and she gave birth to twins because you go back and you read the scriptures whenever they would have a child and then later on have another it was and she and her husband knew her again or whatever but not in this all theologians almost agree that that kane and abel were twins they were in her womb and so she gives birth to these two boys now remember we're talking about prophecy and the power of the prophetic so i want you go with me to the book of luke verse 49 out of chapter 11. i apologize for not being able earlier to give verses you're going to find out something about me sometimes i don't know what i'm going to preach till i get here or you know i'm working during all morning so a lot of times i cannot give the sound people the overhead people my verses but anyway it's still going to work luke chapter 11 verse 49 therefore also said the wisdom of god i will send them prophets and apostles and some of them they shall slay and persecute that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation from the blood of abel and to the blood of zacharias which perish between the altar and the temple verily i say unto you it shall be required of this generation the first thing that god does when he begins to start redemption is he goes back to how he always started something with prophecy because the scripture here says abel was a prophet how many see that he said all of the prophet's blood from abel to zacharias so god says jesus says this about abel he said abel was the very first prophet why because god cannot start something again unless there is a prophetic office in the land because god uses prophecy to redeem to restore to bring back into fruition his ultimate will in the earth and it is the will of god that man's relationship be restored with him and so god allows eve to bear twins one is a prophet and whenever prophecy is loosed there is going to be an assault from hell to kill it and she births two boys one is a prophet and one is a murderer because any time prophecy is released there is a murderous spirit that is released from hell that's going after the prophet that god releases in the holy ghost and hell saw in the womb of eve that god was bringing a prophetic man loose in the earth who would declare the righteousness of god in fact in one of the scriptures let me see if i can find this i think it's in um hebrews chapter 11 says this by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which he obtained witness which literally means in the original to affirm that one has heard or seen or experienced something by divine revelation what was it about abel abel saw something as a prophet that was going to happen thousands of years later so the bible says he was a keeper of the sheep he was a man that watched over the sheep and the scripture says he took one of his lambs and he came to god and he was testifying prophetically that i see another lamb of god that thousands of years from now will be sacrificed for the sins of mankind no wonder when he came unto god and god looked at abel he was looking at the very first prophet that had ever been birthed in the earth and when they looked at him abel was saying i'm prophesying that though we have fallen and though we are messed up i am bringing this lamb as a type and a shadow that there's another lamb coming hallelujah who will take away the sins of the world and that day hallelujah god loosed it now we are in another dimension in the earth where god has loose prophecy in the earth he used this election in different things to begin to bring prophecy back to the forefront he raised up prophetic men who were declaring thus saith the lord and any time god releases hallelujah a prophetic word in the spirit realm that is going to declare revival hell will bring at the same time a murderous spirit that is coming after the prophetic auction of god and there is a cane spirit right now that is loose in the earth that's coming after an able anointing that says no no no and god says yes yes yes as it was back then so shall it be now by the power of the holy ghost you cannot silence god you can put a mask on us you can social distance us you can lock our doors up but you cannot lock up the word of the lord and the auction of god for god declares it [Applause] god hallelujah testified that abel has seen or heard or experienced something by divine revelation and you think well the devil won because cain killed abel but god said this you can kill the man but you can't kill the office because he looked at cain he said your brother's blood is prophesying to me from the ground see all these idiots think that if they can just discredit prophets that they can stop prophecy i'm not the issue hallelujah you're coming against something that was implemented instituted by god to start the very existence of man you can pass laws against it you can rewrite it you can discredit it you can put us in jail but you cannot stop thus saith the lord and before it's over god is going to perform his work so the lord says this he says his blood is crying from the soil god institutes something in the 17th chapter of the book of leviticus and he carries this theme on through the bible and he says this the life of the flesh is in the blood it's in the blood he says life is in the blood it's not in the body it's in the blood and that's why you always told israel you cannot eat the blood because you are taking life that doesn't belong to you even if it wasn't in the bible i wouldn't eat blood pudding there could be something wrong with people that eat blood pudding i mean when there's banana pudding available [Applause] or cheesecake from jay alexander's why would you eat blood pudding it's not natural so the enemy takes things that are not natural and he makes humans want to do it that's why you're seeing things that are so unnatural right now in the earth being pushed being lifted up because the enemy listen the world hell only wants whatever's opposite of righteousness [Applause] doesn't matter how much it hurts him how perverted it is how unnatural it is they only want the opposite of what god says but when it's all done and said and the dust is settled it will not be a perverted church and bride that god comes back for but it will be a glorious church without spot wrinkle or blemish because the lord prophesied hallelujah that in the last days saith the lord i will i will i will not not maybe not i hope i can pull it off i will pour out of my spirit on all flesh your sons your daughters are gonna prophesy your own men are gonna dream dreams your young men hallelujah are gonna see visions in the last days the whole earth saith the lord shall be full of the glory of god [Applause] my god y'all are turning into pentecostals [Applause] now i just will say this we want to be a balanced church i want to be pentecostal but i just tell right now i'm not really into flags and streamers and shofars i just want us to be a good balanced house hallelujah is that all right with you amen and you know if you feel the need to get in the back part and do it where nobody can see you we won't stop you you know funny though how so many times you get these people that want to be real boisterous and demonstrative but they don't want to do it back there they also want to do it right here well if you're doing it to the lord do it back there because it's distracting see i can get away with that because i'm the pastor [Applause] so the lord says this about adam or about abel he said you may have killed him but you didn't kill my intent and my purpose because you didn't realize the life was in the blood and he said i hear his blood crying to me you remember when the scripture says that when god started perfection and creation that he breathed into adam the breath of god now god raises up abel as the start of redemption you know what his name mean you know what abel's name means means breath god gave him a name that would declare what he was doing that he was by prophesying he was releasing the breath of god again prophetically into the earth that all the way into hebrews thousands of years later that hallelujah the writer in the chapter of faith reaches out and at the very beginning of that chapter he bypasses moses and he bypasses david and he bypasses some of the prophets and he first starts to reach out and he said abel abel abel why because abel had the breath of god in him and so the enemy was after the breath but god said you can you can silence him verbally but you cannot silence the life that's in him because the blood hallelujah is in the soil now hell really messed up with abortion because i promise you there is no way that you can kill 60 million babies and some of them not be prophets so when they put them in that sterile white room and they pulled them out and aborted them they thought that cain was killing abel but there are some fetuses hallelujah that been anointed by god as prophets and though the enemy says we shut them up god said i hear the blood of these aborted children crying crying what are they doing they are prophesied they are prophesied they are prophesied what are they saying life life life revival glory no wonder god says out of the mouth of babes and sucklings shall there be release that beautiful praise so hell had this very didactic plan that said we're going after the prophets and the psalmists and the preachers and the utterances of god and we're going to kill him but god said you didn't realize that it wasn't the actual tissue that the life was in it was in the blood and you can't kill the blood no wonder at 2 000 years ago they killed a man named jesus hallelujah and though he was dead his blood has never never never lost its power it reaches to the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valleys why because there is a prophetic able utterance there is a breath of god that's being loosed see prophets prophetic people should always take care of the sheep and right now what we're seeing in the earth is it looks like abel has been killed the enemy thinks he has suffocated the spirit of god god said i am he who was dead but i ain't anymore and he said let me remind you i have keys i can come in and i can come out i can come in and i can come out and there's nothing you can do about it so it looks like for just a little while because the lord looked at cain and he said um where's your brother i don't know you know what do you think i'm my brother's keeper you know i'm not his dad god said oh yeah he said i can hear his blood right now in the earth there's this glorious sound what is it it's the blood of azusa street it's farther back than that though it's the blood of the inquisition where 11 million christians were put to death by the romans because they didn't want them to talk about jesus you know why rome quit persecuting and burning christians at the stake i studied this because they said we every time we kill a christian some roman runs over and takes their place and their death is converting too many romans and so we're going to stop that and we're going to come after them a different way and they did they brought in a different way they said let's just do a little bit of mixture you can keep on being a christian but let's bring in a little bit of the catholic uh reverence and some of these sayings and eventually they got this mixture of stuff that today they have the form of godliness but they have no power hallelujah if you come to this house we will not whitewash it hallelujah we don't apologize for talking in tongues we don't apologize for telling the gay community we are your best friend because you come in this house god will make you happy god will set you free god will bring you back hallelujah where you don't want to commit suicide and you're not tormented but we're going to love you back to jesus christ we still believe in god the father god the son and god the holy ghost we still believe there's one lord one faith and one baptism we still believe that the bible has been written by the unction of the holy ghost that it's not fables that part of it is not true but we believe from genesis 1 to revelations chapter 22 and the holy ghost wrote it we still believe in a heaven and a hell we still believe that one day an angel's gonna put a trumpet to his mouth and sound that trumpet and the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout out and we shall be caught up to meet him in the air just give you a couple more things here see i told you that was a cool thought didn't i that abel would be a prophet see god had to have a prophet to start it and that's why prophets right now god has brought them to the forefront in america is because it's birthing something not religion it's not even politics he's birthing something in the spirit um it was a brick it talked about last year it was a very uh difficult year for a lot of people i think maybe in four or five weeks is pentecost sunday and we started back having church on pentecost sunday last year so we've almost had a year of being able to come back together and have church and god's been very gracious to us but i think that all of us would say this has been the most unusual season that we've ever seen and that there's something going on in the spirit to some degree thank you when y'all pray just pray that god will touch my throat for the last year i have just the enemy has come against me with just i don't know something i bind demons and everything else and i believe that i used to be able to sing i can't sing anymore and i'm jealous i like to watch if i could get my throat healed i'd sing to you but i i need god to touch me but it's a very strange time but at the same time we can sense something in the spirit we just can't define it the word breath that abel's name meant means if you look up in the original if you go to the one of the meanings it means this a woman in travail you know where we are right now and what's going on with a lot of you and me and the church god has released a prophetic breath in us and we are in travail that means that there's something in us that's why you come from st louis that's why you come from montana and oregon and washington and maine why because there's something intangible in this place hallelujah and i don't know about other places and i would never be first to think that somehow we're special to god and it's the only place that god moves because it's not but we are a god portal a couple three years ago i think it was god begin to speak to me he said i am raising up god portals in the earth and i i said lord what are god portals he said they are specific geographical locations that the glory of god is coming out of heaven unto that place and it will have an opening under heaven where the majesty and the glory and the power of god will be released pretty soon we're going to start a thursday night service for healing and deliverance pretty soon it'll be another night it won't be that long before every day we'll be gathering together and seeing the glory of god we're going to watch what a.a allen did and oral roberts and kathryn kuhlman and god's going to give us the fullness of that i saw myself years ago sitting in a chair and watching them come by and laying hands on them and seeing god heal them by the power of the holy ghost in the name of the lord from side to side right now i breathe on you divine healing to those that are listening around the world under my voice i release upon you i breathe hallelujah upon you divine healing i go into your rooms and into your hospital beds in the name of the lord i command every demon spirit of hell every demon spirit of cancer and heart disease and arthritis and depression hallelujah of every kind of sickness every demon of sickness loose him and let them go in the name of jesus for god says there's coming a time now very quickly without the laying on of hand across the world i'm going to begin to heal men and women and it simultaneously says the lord from all ghana hallelujah to australia from there over to the philippines way up into russia god said i'm gonna heal my body because i will not bring back my children sick and afflicted get ready says the lord for there is a baby in the womb of this house and the travail that you are feeling says god and the pain that you are feeling is declaring that it's on its way there's a prophet there's a prophet in the womb of the church that's getting ready to come out by the spirit of the lord so from the blood of abel down through each century as hell went after with a cane mandate and began to kill the servants of the lord what he did not know was that the earth is filling up with blood that is prophesying how long says the lord they cry will you come how long will you not come and avenge the blood of your saints no hallelujah from the prophets down to the ages that are dead right now from all of those that have died down through history in africa and different countries nigeria hallelujah the muslim countries for the saints that have been killed the enemy does not realize that but you have a loosed a voice that is getting louder you take one voice that has some volume you put another voice with it it gets a little louder now we've got probably close to a billion people since creation and their blood has formed this great choir of blood song that's coming out no wonder hell hates blood songs because the blood hallelujah will make god stand up faster than anything else and when he hears blood begin to cry to him saying avenge me avenge me avenge me in this hour god is getting ready saith the lord to avenge this nation and as i begin to avenge god that which you intended for my church i'm gonna reverse it and i'm gonna put it back on them stand with me today hallelujah [Music] take a deep breath you know what that is that's an able anointing and on the day of pentecost [Music] suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a rushy mighty wind you know what that was that was god the father coming down to the earth and hovering over that room of 120. and just as he did it to adam he went and tongues of fire set upon them and they were filled with the holy ghost and begin to prophesy because the bible said that they were nations from all over that were present and they said we hear them singing and talking of the wondrous works of the lord right now hallelujah i loose on your house i loose on your business i loose on your marriage i loose on your ministry hallelujah a prophetic utterance of god that god begins to speak something over you right now by the power of the holy ghost breathe hallelujah the breath of god the prophetic ocean of god be upon thee [Applause] [Music] hallelujah it's my prayer partners coming across the front [Music] if your ministry today pastors you come from out of town you want to come pray with us if you pass your church we invite you to come we need all the prayer partners we get hallelujah for those of you that feel like the enemy killed something and that it's gone forever quickly get out of your seat and come to this altar because there is a release of something by the spirit of the lord in the atmosphere [Music] and god today wants to speak things that are not as though they were hallelujah they're coming from all over from the balcony come on there is a resurrection anointing in this sanctuary by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah slip your hands up across the building come on come on we'll pray for every one of you if you know how if you're filled with the holy ghost you have a prayer language raise your hands begin to pray in the holy ghost because we're going to take we're going to lose something right now in the name of jesus hallelujah in the name of jesus hallelujah god over our children god over the spirit of autism hallelujah and god over add in the name of the lord we bind that thing in jesus name and we begin to lose hallelujah we command help give us back our children in the name of jesus now lord over the warriors that are in this building right now god we begin to lose the power of the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in jesus name in jesus name now if you need healing come on hallelujah you need healing in your body come step into the waters where god is releasing something by the spirit of the lord oh i thank you jesus lord i thank you hallelujah
Channel: God Loves You
Views: 7,614
Rating: 4.8847008 out of 5
Keywords: Kent Christmas, Kent Christmas Powerful Message 2021, Kent Christmas Daily Prayer, kent christmas, kent christmas prophetic word, kent christmas prophet, kent christmas 2021, kent christmas powerful prophecy 2021, Prophetic Word 2021, New prophetic message 2021
Id: VvxxgIAjbDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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