The Easter Bunny is HUNTING me! | Murder House (Scary Game)

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right i'm also clicking on them to like in the hopes that one of them will like activate in some way or like this is a ball like this is locked but it's like nowhere to be found okay keep going and then go to your right to your right i know i'm looking for the bunny man okay i'm looking for the deaf and murderer that i'm supposed to be looking out for it should be one of those on the wall clearly clearly are you kidding me get no [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt live where we're not live but it is scary games friday i think this is going up on friday math is supposed to go up on friday right it could it could let's make it happen we just spoke rea we just spoke it into existence ladies and gentlemen isn't that amazing yeah we manifested yeah we we we secreted it to ourselves you say manifest you know the secret right more or less okay that's fine uh again man we're doing all sorts of like retro throwback conversations lately uh but the secret was this huge huge book just like crushed um back a couple i mean back when i was like what in in middle or high school or something everyone's like oh the secret you gotta believe in the secret and everyone was talking about like the power of this book basically it was just like the power of positive thinking and like visualization like i visualize myself succeeding in this meeting and i will succeed in this meeting and that was it that was that was spoiler alert for the what was it 200 300 page book or whatever that was the secret and you know to be fair like i i don't think that's wrong i think you know you can manifest stuff like you said manifest stuff to yourself by like speaking it into existence uh so yeah i am visualizing that this video will be used for the next scary games friday will it will we have willed it into existence let me know down in the comments below what do you think matt did we do it i think so you think so yeah watch watch us push this to monday just just despite ourselves we could have made it easy for ourselves but no stupid past matpat we're pushing this to monday uh so anyway hey uh speaking of old retro things um and nostalgia bait i guess um blockbuster i don't know if many of you have ever had the experience of you know or were fortunate enough to be able to walk through an old video store and just stumble onto something but one of the tricks of the current day and age right is discovery of new things is a bit hard right because you know you're kind of railroaded down paths algorithms show you exactly what you are programmed to like you know they know your likes they know your dislikes they know what you engage with they know what you don't and so they funnel the stuff that they suspect that you're gonna like into your eye holes and they're like here's the next thing that you're gonna like keep consuming the thing that you're gonna enjoy and one of the cool things back in the day of like going to a movie store was just wandering through the aisles and looking at the covers of things and being like oh this looks interesting or oh i'm curious about this and you would pick up the box and just look on the back and there was a sense of discovery that is harder to come by i feel like nowadays and i don't think that's just old man matpat talking i think like i because i like to expose myself to new stuff all the time um i'm constantly trying to find new rabbit holes to go down um for instance uh shangshi we were we do we're doing a film theory on shangshi the movie i think was last week and um and it's one of those things where kung fu and martial arts movies so well that i've never really explored and so i'm trying to teach myself more about like old kung fu old chinese action movies things like that that aren't really in my wheelhouse and aren't really stuff that i'd be super excited to to really watch but i don't know right i've never seen them before i've heard good things about them uh and so let me expose myself to them but you know i actively have to fight against the algorithms to find them right like it's not like google tv or you know any youtube tv or any of these subscription services that i belong you know hbo max whatever that i have are like you've shown yourself to be a guy who likes kung fu so here's a bunch no i actively have to search out this stuff in order to educate myself um anyway that's my long what's up real quick what's a rabbit hole mat that you would like to go down or are looking to go down that you haven't like educated because i think that's that's super important like from a personal standpoint i think if you're a creative or just if you're a human being in general it's fine to stay in your lane and have this stuff that you're comfortable with but you should always be pushing yourself to explore new ideas new content whatever just to see like does it resonate with you does it not what do you like about it what don't you like like i think there's value in everything and so exposing yourself to that just makes you a better more well-rounded human being so i'm curious do you do that sort of thing what are you looking at i i've been reading a lot more books great that's awesome too and i do think that books are the last frontier with algorithms because it's like you still have to walk into a bookstore you still have to look at the covers yeah you still have to make like an educated guess as to whether or not you're gonna like a book yeah and a lot of the times like i'll just pick a book and if the cover's crazy i'll read it right that's awesome that's cool uh any any good book recommendations that have surprised you um i've been getting into like super long books because i used to i used to be in this ulysses by james joyce very that yeah i used to think that if you if a book couldn't say it in like 200 pages it shouldn't be said wow really yeah that's a that's a really so so harry potter uh part five order of the thing they're concise certainly but yeah i've been reading like 500 600 good for you thank you that's awesome game of thrones at some point write this one down by the way write this one down for one of these episodes i want to do the hypno there's a online hypnosis thing that gets you to forget that you've watched a show and i want to put it to the test with game of thrones okay because i you know i usually i'm like i don't want to forget things but with game of thrones i'm like what am i really holding on to that one for maybe i can forget that the ending sucks and i can re-enjoy the beginning again um anyway i'd like to see if it works live with you guys i think that's fun content anyway reason i bring all this up is that today's game uh murder house uh is themed around old vhs's that you would find in a blockbuster or in kind of and i did this as a kid right i very distinctly remember i would i didn't like horror movies i didn't like scary things and so i would always like sneak into the scary section of blockbuster and look at all like the gory box art like you see here with like the spooky eyes and people on hooks and like blood dripping and i'm like whoa what's that and i would read the backs of them and they would just spark my imagination of what these stories were like and it was really cool uh and you know it was it was as close as my little young matpat brain would allow myself to get to like the rated r spooky stuff uh so anyway this is uh very reminiscent to old nostalgia bait from matpat and i'm curious so what is murder house uh well we're gonna find out together i like this please do not rewind after viewing which is anti any recommendation that the movie uh stores ever gave you uh rewinding well cassette is warm tends to stretch the tape that's interesting i did not know that i don't know if it's true but here we go murder house they came for the story the story went after them oh oh all right oh geez already it's horrific oh this sucks oh no evil easter bunny start a new game yeah oh oh yeah this is and you got your tracking bars here oh great this is gonna be fun murder bunny is already creeping me out things look different old photographs so terrifying all ripped straight out of the 80s okay kid you're next thank you oh no no oh and it's like old tank controls too where i have to like oh man hold up who's using this like old dagger type camera get out of here we're not that old come on kid get your ass up there oh my gosh wow hey smile kid here we go say cheese there we go beautiful easter 1985 the scariest of holiday uh that bunny costume man you don't think they could have afforded slightly longer ears come on it's like a hamster he's the easter hamster i must have fallen asleep where am i what happened am i still in the store what i fell asleep in the photo booth okay that's it's an odd choice but sure why not okay i can run mom oh no is the mall closed oh man if my mom left me in the photo it's a weird place to fall asleep also a weird place for uh you know for a parent to like just lose you like if the parent was with me the whole time you never got lost in a mall no that was like my favorite past time wait really oh yeah yeah as a kid you would get lost in the mall no really that's like a thing though i think a lot of kids get lost in the mall that's why there's like mall security oh that's i'm sure there's mold security for multiple reasons but yeah that's terrifying that's fun no the closest thing that i remember to getting lost in a mall is chase jewelers is i was in the food court and i hugged the wrong pair of legs because i thought it was my dad classic and that kind of freaked me out but other than that though no well really you would just like lose yourself in the mall completely well my mom would like let us go play and then i would wander out of the the pre-established boundaries of playing yeah and then and then she just wouldn't see again yeah oh my god and then i'm all security would come up to me that would scare me your mom's looking for you and i'd be like yeah no way oh wow no that's that's horrific it's closed okay oh okay so i can interact with space can i this is so on one hand being in a mall after hours seems like it would be awesome because that's super fun but on the other hand i also see it as being just like super creepy oh god these camera angles are driving me insane um okay this is closed is there is there i feel like that other gate that was half open was the way to go but now that i know i can interact with things with space maybe that's where i got a head too i've also got to really wrap my head around this this like swinging camera angle because i'm just losing track of all locations and like what the layout of this map is so i'm gonna get the hang of this in the meantime i'm just gonna act like a like an elderly 60 year old mall walking around the stores before they open up all right this is okay so this is the oh this is the entryway so this is where i enter the mall i always found that odd the mall walkers it always seemed like a pleasant thing though my mom's a mall walker is she really no way she's got like a group they go they walk that's incredible uh security gate looks like i can crawl under it yes but apparently crouch is not crawl so what is what let's let's play let's play the game what is crawl oh apparently it's just click click was crawl good i'm glad glad to know that uh wait really so how long has she been mall walking a couple years really how old's your mom 50 something okay a woman never tells if you're not gonna expose her on youtube yeah no it's totally fine um i don't want her mole walking buddies to find out off of gt live it makes sense though because it's like air conditioned yeah oh no absolutely and it's you know you don't have to worry about the elements or anything like that it's great and it's if you walk the full mall it's a mile is it really depends sure i'm right two laps around the mall you're good that's pretty great for the day easter bunny's chair guess he went home for the night he didn't go home for the night did he that he didn't go home for the night oh god this is oh no these turn styles this q this q is trapping okay where are we going i hear something spooky happening i hear scary music it's not making me feel good about myself not loving it not loving it games like i can't crescendo anymore another security gate this one looks locked yeah the music's making it real scary can i really is there no way out if you're locked in a mall like there's got to be a way out if you're locked in a ball right it's got to be oh oh hey what's this will you take the key yeah i'll take that key thank you you took the key i can use inventory items by pressing the z key okay oh hey oh i'm justin and i am fine you know it justin's looking fine um it's locked i can't get out this way what if i use the key i can't use this here okay okay good to know oh my gosh this this camera is is so great i love it you can change it you think yeah can i change it because that would be that would be nifty but at the same time i think well i'm stuck in the game now so we're just going with it this doesn't i mean the thing is though too this is also like super retro and like that the early playstation aesthetic so like i kind of hate it but i also appreciate what it's doing here because it is that old old school like cameras on a dolly following you from a far distance the controls you you run around like a tank because you have to just reorient your body the whole time and it's really uncomfortable wow this is a huge mall huge ball my let's see where can i use the key what do we think friends also the the high-pitched squealing now just sounds like you know someone using a buzzsaw in the back of the mall or someone who's doing just really bad karaoke uh where can i use this key can you open one of the stores you think so yeah that's what keys do i i guess none of them are like flashing or indicating like this would be a thing that you can do [Applause] unless i've got i mean and here's the thing i might have missed it because again like i'm just like wandering around through here it's closed like but you would think similar to the key flashing oh wait does it say a key i wonder what yes i i too wonder what it opens it looks more like a locker key or a bathroom key to me that would be my guess but what about jay's jewelers maybe jay's maybe jay's is where it's at it's one of the few places with an actual sign can't use this here or the entry like again entry doors strike me as a place to do things i like that matt's like it'll take us an hour it won't you know that we've gotten like one step into this process and we're still running around like we haven't even gotten to the spooky part we haven't even gotten to the gameplay matt i'm i'm running around the food court right now do you realize this it's just a photo booth i am out of change i have run around without encountering anything scary for so long that the game gave up on the scary noise they're like you know what this kid is hopeless let's give up on the spooky noise he's in the food court where he started all of a sudden see i just need to follow the spooky noises i think i need to hang out near the easter bunny area i think that's that's the true spooks that's where it's all happening right now or it's in dollar quest one of the two let's see this is also uh you know this is also very reminiscent of early resident evil games fun fact resident evil uh just sent us a care package to promote resident evil village the new one that just came out and the care package is literally like two just giant posts and i mean absolutely enormous posters that that were like one don't know if we want these two even if we want these we don't know where they would hang they're huge they are just huge they're the sort of posters that they would hang at like an e3 event from like a coliseum wall or from a coliseum roof matt when you walked in today you saw him hanging out on the floor yeah i was like cool right they're enormous though aren't they yeah no they're like the size of the wall they are literally the size of a wall which you know i also appreciate like the one is of the like main vampire woman who's like canonically eight feet tall and everyone's like please step on my face you've seen her like she's everywhere everyone's so hot for um which you know in and of itself interesting internet uh but our poster of her now is absolutely life-size like it is definitely life-size and so i was joking with stuff last night that i'm gonna hang it over our bed so that way i can just you know see her every night before i go sleep okay it seems like in the dark corridor corridor oh there we go got it see see i used the key to unlock a thing oh oh there we go the spookiest column of them all see we might we might actually be getting close to putting ourselves in peril at this point get excited get hyped friends oh that that siren in the background is getting louder i thought that this was a a murder house game not siren head and this is just the prologue if we could get through the prologue that'd be nifty oh speaking of nostalgia games that we never played we never did play anything with siren head we should do that so i've got a strategy now my strategy is run to the right there's got to be a way out i'm assuming the fact that you're telling me this means that i'm not going the right way oh oh wait exit yes get out of here get out of here yes oh classic classic resident evil door opening animation oh man missing oh missing children oh no oh no it's going to be us oh it sucks that one's locked what is that authorized personnel is no okay this is terrible this is this is like a worst nightmare of mine locked oh this is spooky this is too scary also this this uh playstation 3d model style game hasn't aged well like i know it's it's nostalgic but you know this is not an era of graphics i'm not much of a graphics guy but this is not an era of graphics that i particularly miss this like playstation one era like kind of awkward 3d models shall i hide no i have a feeling i'm going to have to though something tells me that one's also locked oh god the bunny man's going to chase me into here isn't he uh i don't like that i don't like it don't like it i'm just getting like anxiety just from the anticipation of what this game is going to ask me to do i'm also getting anxiety from my inability to navigate through these hallways with my tank controls your stamina kit is great i i gotta hand it to you everything's locked wait did that open did it open behind me it looked like it opened after i either that it was weird okay okay okay okay no [Music] no no big old note oh jeez and screaming something oh this is terrific oh this is so scary also this windowing is oh my gosh this is so uncomfortable this is so uncomfortable go go go go i like that the game's telegraphing where i'm supposed to go it's an interesting visual style huh oh i've got like goosebumps i the screaming is just so horrific yes yes yes hide in the gas where else am i gonna go this seems like a good hiding place i could peek out with the action button get a closer look with the look button when i'm finished hiding i could exit with menu nope [Music] i don't know if i want to peep oh god oh oh geez oh geez no oh no oh i don't like it this makes me really uncomfortable i don't like this at all is he gone the scary music ended but that could just be setting me up to die okay i think i'm safe oh god that was terrible man what an inefficient killer you know he's literally walking sorry i gotta i gotta knock you a little bit easter bunny on this one easter bunny killer let's let's have a heart-to-heart you're chasing this kid right you very clearly see this kid running down the hallway it's a very linear hallway all the doors are locked you see the bathroom into which i go and then you check two stalls like how committed are you really to murdering me in this moment ask yourself that easter bunny murderer ask yourself that are you really because i don't think you've earned it i don't think you have earned my dead body at all just saying leaves much to be desired i thought this guy was supposed to be scary really he's just bad at his job the men i gotta use the menu button and the menu button is what is the menu button what what is that menu button what what what is that menu button see the the true horror of this game is figuring out how to how how to get out of there i thought the menu button was z because z has used the thing hmm the controls are so uncomfortable i don't know i don't know what you want gay you know what i'm just gonna stay here until morning you know you're fine this is it this is our game this is my choice i'm not making the dumb decision of you know hiding out here bunnyman clearly doesn't think i'm in this room so i'm good i'm good oh geez okay well i hit a button that somehow got me out i also may have permanently switched the camera okay obviously t switches you into first person mode g switches you into this this uh dolly mode so that's good to know i guess i still have no idea what the menu button is though if you were to ask me i would say it's z but it's not z okay and also oh my god oh it's wait oh no this is locked now oh shoot you locked the door oh no oh no i don't wanna i don't wanna do this i just wanna i just wanna hang out in the dirty restrooms just let me hang out in the dirty restrooms for a little bit oh okay okay oh soda vending machine great i like that this is called murder house but i'm in a mall i'm assuming part two of this the part after the oh there's a keypad no i don't have the code i'm assuming the part after this is where you enter the house part of it this is just setting up what the the tragedy of either oh i hate this music so much rusted boiler oh it's always in the boiler room does a mall need a boiler really what's what's i'm all doing with the boiler right now oh jeez this is so this is oh this is so complicated hmm holding the floor it looks pretty deep is that what i'm supposed the music on this one is just a jam this is this is the sort of stuff that matt listens to in his free time isn't it right certain there's a certain genesequa to it it really it's it's great man i really i'm really digging the vibes [Music] oh poop well i'm here's the thing i'm totally dead like if i have to navigate through this there's no chance oh god oh everything's so gross and dirty and raw oh this art style is freaking me out that this is ah well at least it's quiet now i do appreciate that oh no is there somewhere i can hide i heard i heard a door open just some lockers can i hide in the shower oh god no oh no what is this garbage what is this garbage oh god oh no oh oh hold on oh i don't think this is this is so uncomfortable for me on so many levels ah here i'm also gonna you know what i'm gonna switch to first person mode cause maybe then i'll have a chance at being able to maneuver through this world in a somewhat confident way but even with this the like controls are like super you have unlocked it okay what should i unlock every time every time you open the door just okay we got so that's to the boiler there's that deep hole so there's got to be something with this deep hole right back to the back of that classic boiler room ambiance that i love so much it's super dark and it's super creepy and there's just like scary pipes everywhere oh everything about this everything about this is just just unfortunate okay i'm on the other side of it so now i should be able to get it right come on just reach just just reach yes i know the the path is blocked by a shelf what is this thing what it is not the hole in the ground and it is also it's it's right there the hole in the floor it looks pretty deep just just reach climb a little bit so it's the problem here that the the hole in the floor is preventing me from getting this shiny thing do i need to find something to patch the hole in the floor okay what's this this could be useful will you take the screwdriver yes great i i hate everything about this spooky tv okay i've got a screwdriver what have we seen that requires a screwdriver maybe like prying open a locker somewhere in the locker room you know bunny man is gonna just like show up in one of those shower curtains right like he's gonna be hiding in the shower and just jump out at you and it's gonna be the worst thing ever and you're gonna be so sad and upset and murdered with his giant bunny hook the giant easter bunny with his giant easter bunny hook easter's supposed to be a happy time okay it's not okay to make the easter bunny like some some creepy mall killer i don't like it easter bunny the easter is is ollie's favorite holiday okay you're ruining it ruining it with your evil creepy bunny mastermind murder clown ugh can i pry open the this door has a lock can i pry it open sure four three yeah that was done with me i know and can i nope oh there we go great well that was that was useful uh let's see screwdriver maybe screwdriver for the vending machine can't use this here screwdriver for this guy i can't use this here all right can i get out of here maybe oh but this whole section is locked off so i'm kind of trapped back here aren't i with bunny man trapped with the bunny man bunny man i can't use it though yeah okay and this is still locked yeah so it doesn't mean that i'm kind of stuck in these back rooms okay so we've confirmed that at least the fact that i need to be back here should i open each of these or does it just hide in all of them no we don't want to hide we want to find something to patch that hole in the floor so i can grab whatever that shiny object is that's the problem and i've opened so that door's open that door is so we've opened kind of this loop so really i really i'm just missing something in here right and i feel like it's is this it see and this ladies and gentlemen that's why you enter first person mode sooner so you can actually navigate around the awkward geometry and grab the thing that you're supposed to grab great we got a flashlight well that was helpful i may need to see where i'm going okay so now presumably uh flashlight there we go so now presumably i can get into that big hole right is that the that the moral of this story here into the bunny manhole because clearly he's back here somewhere and since i haven't seen him it means that he's down in the deep hole holding the floor it looks pretty can i nope still still deep hole still unaccessible okay yeah no bunny man i use my screwdriver on the tv on the tv you see that tv that's why i was gonna try to use it on on the tv i could use the screwdriver on the deep hole that doesn't seem like it would make a lot of logical sense though something tells me you should check the showers again yeah so bunnyman can kill me matt are you trying circuit breaker i know what you're trying to do i know i know that the bunny man is going to kill me in the showers isn't he i can't disclose whether or not the bunny man is in the shower i checked the shower it's not my fault that i didn't pick up the things anymore all right yeah i know he's in here right and i'm gonna have to run away fortunately i feel more competent now oh yeah you hear it see this is not good oh hello there's something below see okay i will say this the the viewpoint of first person makes all the difference in the world like i was trying to keep the third person perspective for like authenticity but this is so much cleaner and like it's so much easier to navigate in first person that this is definitely this is definitely the right way to go yaki took the key nice right well we got a key what can we unlock can we unlock the authorized like there's only one so there's one lock door that has a code and then there's one locked door back here so it seems like where i should be using this key is on that authorized personnel door or the uh entryway to the bathroom door right because everything else is either big hole or here we go nope guess not hmm circuit breakers what do you what do you usually use keys for wow lockers hmm man thanks matt thanks for thanks for thanks for babying my way through this appreciate it it's the least i could do i you know i gotta say my ability to play games definitely plummets when i'm put into scary situations where i don't want to do things and so like my initial impulse is like don't look around don't don't linger just keep moving just keep moving i don't want to hang out here because this is the worst i can't can't use it here all right so matt says that it has to do with a locker you would think it would be like a blinking locker or something right but i'm not seeing any of the lockers like looking all that differentiated yeah i think it's locker hover over the key in the menu okay it says oh god 10 24 which is really helpful when there's no numbers on anything 10 24. even though even the killer's gone home at this point he's like you know what you know what this isn't worth it the key says 10 24 well considering that there's no numbers on anything matt are you sure it's a locker kate yeah really yeah it's not in this locker room though is it no it is are you effing kidding me right now trying to find which which specific locker where you said 10 24 as though that was a clue to help me well i thought they had numbers on them right i'm also clicking on them to like in the hopes that one of them will like activate in some way or like this is a bubble ball like this is locked but it's like nowhere to be found in my defense right i can't use this here i need to fight no i'm i'm i'm i'm finding something to use this on where's locker 1024 i can't use this here maybe it's bathroom stall 1024 or it's in the boiler room there's really only three rooms it could be in are you sure it's not the circuit breaker yeah try come in from the main door from the main door like what this one yeah yeah wait this one we're doing great we're so good at this game we're the best at this game okay then go back into the locker room do you realize how good we are at this game come back into the locker room yeah it's one of the lockers are you kidding positive i skeptical i am okay i've come into the main room okay and then go forward yeah and then to your left like in the middle okay yeah keep going yeah okay keep going and then go to your right to your right i know i'm looking for the bunny man okay i'm looking for the fn murderer that i'm supposed to be looking out for it should be one of those on the wall clearly clearly are you kidding me get no 5534 is the code great what get no no no no no no no no five five three four get out of here no no here yes i'm gonna try the keypad it's five five three get get out i'm i'm done that's it i think we're at time anyway but come on oh wait there's a friendly janitor the friendly janitor you've got to help me the eastern eye is trying to kill me no calm down how did you get in here wait jacksepticeye's in this game what what a janitor jacksepticeye top of the evening to you janet jackson [Music] he's been chasing me we have to call the police hold on there's a phone in here let me go check it out and you wait here oh man don't trust janitor jack no janitor jack i i need to come with you janitor jack jander jack is dead he's going to get you yeah i'll take care of him you'll be safe here unlock the door i'm i'm jacksepticeye [Music] oh no he's totally dead look out the window sure which is probably useful foul cabinets i wonder if one of these needs a key [Music] look out the window nah you know i'm gonna listen to janitor jack i'm gonna stay here and not go out all right so after waiting in here for an egregiously long amount of time uh finally the lights i better hide came up so um can i hide under the desk yes let's hide under the desk is the jam is jacksepticeye really an evil murder money see made a huge mistake it's gonna jump scare me isn't it oh yeah he knows i'm in there it's totally jack oh no oh no oh no oh jesus oh it was not our greatest gameplay moment today honestly i recognize it i'm sure you recognize it these live streams these videos are not really well known for our progress through games but um today was a low bar you know we set a very low bar today uh we got through the prologue that had like three puzzles if that even if they can even make cold puzzles so yeah i don't know what's scarier honestly i don't know if it's scarier the murder bunny that was chasing me through the abandoned mall or my inability to play through this game in my defense a lot of it wasn't super well telegraphed in terms of you know and once you figured out the first person mode it was great hey present day 1988 there we go so fast forward to where we are today and the actual murder house that's what we're seeing on screen um will we continue this one who knows maybe i swear i'll get better that's my promise to you even i recognize that i should be ashamed of this one so i will get better anyway i will see you guys next time in the meantime it wasn't a video but it was a video for you check you later friends [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 161,640
Rating: 4.9734769 out of 5
Keywords: murder house, murder house game, game fails, scary game, murder house gameplay, murder house puppet combo, murder house trailer, murder house ending, 3 scary games, jacksepticeye, murder house jacksepticeye, game theory, game theorists, gtlive, matpat, gtlive murder house, gtlive scary game, gtlive scary games friday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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