Never STEAL From A Ghost! | House On The Hill (Scary Game)

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oh what is that what is that what is that shadow oh no no no no no no oh yeah totally oh no oh no we're not going to go i think we just have to do it hello i knew it was coming i knew it was coming and it's still damn it hey guys and welcome to gta live round two yeah we lost the intro the original intro for this video so you'll notice that in a moment we're going to change clothes completely we're going to look fabulous in this other video my hair won't be dyed yeah that is true for a second we couldn't have faked this if we wanted i was actually going to say that i'm like for a second i'm like oh we could dress up and just redo the intro but you know your hair is completely different now yeah you did the new hair stuff man what were you thinking i uh i was thinking i'd like some new hair well congratulations all you witty banter haters you missed out on the witty banter nobody banned so to be fair and i do remember we had this conversation and it is worth i wanna this was a good conversation oh my god house on hills what is it about houses on hills that mandate that they're scary i don't know matthew what i mean i could go through the joke which was it's the pricing it's the pricing structure mortgage mortgages because land ownership you pay with a lot you want to go mid-hill you're such a dad if you're if you're buying a house go mid-hill don't go bottom of the hill this was important information in the original intro to this video so congratulations woody banter haters that's it cutting off it's important we're gonna play the game don't buy houses at the bottom of hills they leak here we go why hello there oh you know it's a quality horror game when you got the appearance of the fan first thing right also the creepy bunny do you hear me good hi this is frankie are you ready for our new job yeah i know i know you are not a fan of rush work but our payment i am not a fan of rush work family needs money so well oh man make an exception okay are we a hired gun a hired hired burgle my job is to guide you through this so you can avoid every possible problem do you understand great excellent okay ooh some good graffiti going on here think about that spray paint attach it to your shirt okay this is okay attach it attached to my shirt yes that's it now i see the room not bad okay you also need a flashlight it's in the garage behind the next door what do i need this what are the bunny do i need this bunny what about the bunnies this is the first toy oh man oh man our family is counting on us to be a a proficient burglar i was gonna say yeah the most proficient of burglars all right all right so which way do i go okay that is not the way i go i'm already do you know the way no i do not know deway [Music] and just okay around here hey you still working in the dark it is a cheap but bright flashlight ah excellent the best the best well the flashlight is good first of all inside the house you'll find an alarm system it's an old one but i want to be sure you'll be ready find the wire cutters and the screwdriver and i'll show you what to do next okay screwdriver is in one of the upper cabinets okay great family photo we look happy i hope in the future we will take more photos like i hope i survived right now that's confused life goals look at your look at your well quaffed hair look at that he's got he's got the hair smooth going on look at the cabinet i'm observing my family okay i'm observing how happy of a family we are leave me alone so what do we got we've got a bunch of spray man we've got a prodigious amount of spray i was gonna say you're you're not really a burglar so much as just a tagger i'm gonna go around town we are a shepherd fairy that would be amazing if i would ship or fairy i would uh probably not need to burgle other people's houses probably not simple the nippers they hang on the stand on the wall nippers nipper looking someone needs a car wash it's that baby all those fingerprints on the car it's so true small children fingerprint windows like a mofo huh there you go it's almost a perfect copy of a real alarm system and now you're gonna turn it off almost so where's that at that is oh god this is the scariest thing that's going to happen in this in this game looking at these car windows it's disturbing there you go oh look at look at this perfect replica i need to see what's inside on the camera okay great okay this guy is uh okay i don't know what his relationship is to me i have a problem with the picture ah ha here it is grab the cutters and carefully cut the blue wire don't touch the wire like that you get it i'll repeat cut the blue wire i mean i think we're i think that's foreshadowing interference interference that's going to happen or something so you can follow basic instructions congratulations thank you okay now we are ready get into your car and i'll tell you where to go great all right do i have to gross can i swing do we have time to swing by the local car walk in 1996 metro are you shading my vehicle wow i'm disappointed 89. he's so harsh all right i'm just going to pet the back of your head thank you please do it's so it's so nice anything fun around my car now i know it's very satisfying it was like when it was this is like when it was growing back last year last year nice place but it's just in the back i'm glad you have hair on top i'd live here too so where do i go uh so we're burglaring this person's house that's great pay no attention to them we only have one evening to find our goal a piece of jewelry called the heart of fog i read that as heart of the frog i thought so too like art of the frog what a weird family heirloom name i mean i i understand maybe like they're they're a quirky bunch hey you know frogs heart of the frog it's a green it's actually a green emerald it's great that would be i could see that that's not that far fetched right the entrance right next to you you'll find a fuse box this is the alarm clock i think i see a doorbell i think we just ring it and take our chances hello wait what's this oh just a nice patio set all right can i steal this patio set instead come on let's ding dong ditch okay have you ever done that in real life no neither have i i was just asking i thought maybe you were adventurous who was i kidding just cut the blue wire and you can go in cut the blue wire okay matt did you ever ding dog ditch i hope not i just like say it don't do it i mean don't do it i don't want to incriminate myself on the stream no there's also no blue wire here is it is this one no that's purple yellow green white where's the hold on are we missing it white green yellow purple what about next to it a little set what color is that one that's great green wait no wait there's another one there there are two wires i know that's the shadow just shadow it's the shadow wire cut the shadow wire am i supposed to just cut that i think it may be this is a trick i think when we just cut off this or am i just miss blue wire oh shoot cut cut everything cut everything okay i checked the line there was no signal to the police move on there was what no blue supposed to do get out of here get in oh hello is there a key under the matter the wave is fast and clean you enter you take what you need and then you leave fast and clean the ground floor inside the office move quietly okay ground floor no one will ever know that you were here all right first find the kitchen if my blueprints are correct you need to go through it to get to the office okay so find the kitchen okay find the kitchen get to the office not this way this is a window this is not the kitchen i can't open windows okay i'm just looking what i can interact with all right but he said to keep it clean yeah so i shouldn't this house is not very clean though right there i don't know i think you can touch you probably like are we fingerprinting it no i'm not going to fingerprint things i'm only touching what i need to touch oh it's a magic door what evil ceremonies are happening back there oh no oh yeah some weird stuff going on ah look at the right there's a light behind the door we should probably go there no we should probably leave look there's a fire they're home they're literally home yeah very odd you don't leave a house with the fire roaring right they just stoked that thing yeah this is a freshly stoked flame my friend i don't know whose game you're playing here look at this the logs haven't burnt down they're not just embers right no this house is either gonna burn down or or there's definitely someone home yeah this is a bad idea can i leave it's a freshly stoked fire have you noticed that there's not a single knife in this kitchen i wouldn't even know this is too is he afraid that someone will get inside and kill him what's the paper i'm curious well you are here but anyway he needs to lose some steam go to the dining room you'll find a corridor you really gotta wash you gotta wash your stomach come on shabby basic sanitation seriously receipt for building materials this is strange the owner of the house has bought a bunch of building materials and signed the order with a fake name and sign the order with fake name yet okay so wait what huh it's on there hardwood facade face hardwood-faced plywood i guess interior door [Laughter] [Music] i'm just gonna build an extension to my house it's a vr room okay that's great uh what do we got okay oh oh and maybe it was a murder touchdown you might have been right about that one good call well speak of the devil oh what do we got over here we don't need to go up the stairs yeah he said it's on the first first floor maybe it was that other room that door at the end of the corridor you should go there the door at this place is like a maze just don't get lost wait we're back okay and i can't run i i'm trying to run or pick up the pace here just a slow a jaunty saunter not even jaunty it's just like a leisurely stroll now i'm just breaking into someone's house no rush though you know nbd just slowly moving through it at my own casual pace we're totally fine with this no dining room there we go literally they're home though because they left their dinner oh maybe they left it out too long sorry oh come on the owner probably did you don't forget to clean up your literal organs i was gonna say dinner those aren't just leftovers those are rails what is that what was that what was that what was that doesn't break a window oh jesus oh great god i felt like a maybe a teacup shattered it definitely sounded like a window break i don't know i guess that's sooner or later this home is going to burn unattended fire means someone was here to attend in recent history get out of here get out of here you are such an idiot can i get a poker to defend myself here let's move on okay this [ __ ] they have a vcr with a power cord that goes through the wall couldn't they make a normal socket called closed circuit tv my friend a power cord yeah there's something else yes okay great thank you so much appreciate that okay so we gotta figure out how to turn on the tv well i think we turn on the tv just by clicking that right oh i'm afraid to touch it because they don't want to activate things but oh i think we need a tape yeah probably alright let's go let's get it all right what do we got i'm surprised actually the i keep expecting the paintings to be spooky wait no it's all right what what what did you see what an idiot my partner sucks this guy is so dumb oh there's a little bird out there great spooky face there it is there's a spooky face there's look around maybe you'll find something useful okay baby oh yeah here we go oh yeah here we go this is okay yeah and he leaves his radio on get out of here yeah no come on he's home he's literally just in the shower probably left it working yeah they'll create cleaning lady probably yeah she the cleaning lady has not been here let me tell you really remember ring looks cheap either she left him or just disappeared what's behind you what's the door what what is this a ring it looks dusty maybe it hasn't been worn to look okay okay oh the bathroom no one ever cleans the toilet and horror game let's all get ready for the spooky bathroom right didn't i tell you to do your business before work by the way i'll be right back you'll be welcome no don't leave don't leave that's not a good sign right that's that's not a good sign that is that is suspicious yo that's spanish foreign spanish that is so not spanish you're a terrible person sorry i took french okay and i'm trying to learn japanese well then what is suspicious in french or japanese [Music] go figure on those go figure that's not something that you learn in lower level french and definitely not duolingo spanish suspect yeah way to be offensive there stephanie you're critiquing me oh my gosh i was moderately close you don't know french or japanese word for suspicion i i don't i'm sorry it's not a word that comes up [Music] here we go where are you at where are you going to pop out of i'm ready for you all right all right so i got a key i'm assuming it unlocks what okay the tv is going to unlock that door so it probably unlocks one of these earlier boys i don't know okay great yeah the bird's gonna fly away birds wing is also getting glitches apparently uh so where are we going can i leave can i just leave don't use the key okay that's locked of course so i bet it's this room that opens okay all right where are we at come on storage room who is gonna get me where apparently you can touch nothing right hello i'm surprised there's a decided lack of sporting in this game there we go vhs okay old cassette i think it has something nice blurred out okay okay keep waiting for something to appear behind me right this is like the ring now what an idiot thanks for showing up again was your bathroom break okay yeah why is everything dark what an idiot this is the guy who is the voice in my ear coaching me through this why aren't you here why am i the one who's you know risking my life for the heart of the frog heart of the frog heart of the fog part of the cards stephanie part of the cards all right where's our tapey right and when you turn around the entire thing has changed there's like a hallway behind us play play cut old school vcrs man oh yeah here we go 1996. july 4th oh the fireworks very patriotic yeah he looks like a patriot i keep waiting for it it's not happening okay pretty weird i have a very bad feeling about this oh look they were wound oh that's nice be kind rewind okay yeah i have a bad feeling about this go figure you know what i had a bad feeling about this this task the minute the minute i walked into the house and there were fires going like come on dude let's go into this room you seem to know a lot about this house and yet at the same time when there's fires going in the fireplace you're like god it's totally fine that looks like a meat roll it does look at that look it looks like it looks like a sausage roll it's like it's rolled up a bunch of sausages it sounds like you're just hungry this is a parchment step it's your casual everyday parchment what's gooping out of it there at the side look at that it's it's this is the parchment roll it's the it's the wood it's the wood it's it's like corn cob you know corn cob holders so you don't get your hands all corny and buttery definitely looked like these are the corn cob holders of parchment stuff okay let's go into the room then stalling at this point okay all right we're here's a study now you need to find a safe okay i will do so that's like that that longhorn skull behind you one of those always reminds me of um what's that po what's that um painting with the two the two ambassadors i think it's called oh yeah yeah yeah yeah classic one of my favorite paintings of all time oh good one look at this guy look at him smiling he's so cute he's like hey i'm dead but i'm proud of myself uh paintings a former soldier i heard he came back from service all in chemical burns oh there it is maybe that's why his wife left oh no you're not taking the medal oh yeah is that where you show your that's where you draw the line great awesome okay wonder what he did to earn it probably killed a bunch of people oh short note in a cheap frame it looks like notes my father started to write when his all-timers began to take hold okay keep repeating to not forget we've been married for seven years i served four of them when i returned she destroyed everything in three months and i was left alone family of one okay so we're looking for the safe yeah like birthday okay nothing there fox hey geez you don't have to give it away where's the painting i was i'm working my way through the room it is a dark riyadh okay thank you captain obvious would have gotten man here is where our trinket lies okay open the safe and grab it and you can go oh yeah yeah um seven seven four three one good four three seven three yeah there you go yeah that was a knife nailed it look at that skill look at that skill bam speeder under the skin where you where are you at right where is it where are you i know as soon as i reach into this thing oh look heart of the fog it's very expensive if i can sell it all the way it's looking a little roughed up around yeah i gotta say for this being a a jewel that i have broken into someone's house for i'm not that impressed yeah as a fan of the four c's carrot cut clarity and color color good one carrot cut clearance this is included this is clearly included yeah the occlusions on this are really lowering the resale value here this is not a high quality gemstone this is unacceptable i'm disappointed right come on right like for this being a family sure the carrots yeah it's impressive it is a large diamond rock but i don't know come on when i was shopping for stephanie's uh engagement ring actually i was really focused on getting the purest diamond possible with no occlusions occlusions are just so you know yeah all the specs and kind of like um it being beat up or cloudy yeah yeah that's what gets it cloudy and so that's where you really suffer on the clarity side so i really wanted a like clear diamond for stuff and i think it got you like a 99 clear diamond like it's so clear they're like they're like graded and stuff yeah they're they're like certified at different grades and stuff we got to talk about a good one it was really fun that was it because that was important it's like the last piece of jewelry i bought was like 10 years ago i thought you say that i constantly ask you if you want me to get you other nice things i don't know you're just not a jewelry i'm not a jewelry person but i really like that one ring that's all that's the thing that's all i need it was such a nice ring that that was the only piece of jewelry that i needed oh come on i like i like let my guard down for like three seconds oh wait what oh jeez oh wait oh geez oh we're being gassed out okay what is this this is weird okay another way out okay okay okay uh yeah find a trapdoor at the fireplace or uh up there oh it's definitely shopping okay it's a little bit weird because i'm locked into this viewpoint that's unclear what i'm doing oh god oh i think we're dying oh there we go there we go go go go go go go go go oh no oh it's the murder den i totally called it oh god go did you get it oh my god what was that go faster are you serious come on i need to get you out i'm serious come on what it's a very it's very narrow stephanie okay my coring 20 is really slowing me down right now okay go go go go go go go go go go oh jesus we're good there's new there was an extension button i never thought it looked like this what's its purpose ah jesus oh clearly murder oh don't even come close to me no don't open doors it's over wait it could be a way out open the box let's see if we can open the door open the box the box [Music] do i hear dogs yep yep nope nope not opening the doors not doing i'm not falling for your tricks game not falling for them we have to let the poor dogs no stephanie we have to let the dogs no who let the dogs out us not us we let the dogs out the fuses are down okay not a big deal we're the dogs them no no eyes on the prize stephanie and by prize it's living they're little puppies no i'm not opening any doors although i think i might have to open a door wait their chins are kind of quivering stop i don't care about shivering quinn i don't care about any quivering chins no chin quivers they just want they just want a little love they just yeah and they're not getting it from me they're getting it from a spooky gas man you're a heartless monster you're worse than the man in the gas mask oh god that's a meat locker let's see this is see this is not how you stop no right look there are all these flies dry age you have to dry age this is not yeah this is this is your steaks will not be tender your steaks will be rancid yeah this yeah you've made the meat rancid like i get what you're trying to do here also this is just a lot of meat guys okay so you're following the wire right okay okay okay yeah this is too much meat for one guy right how are you ever going to eat all this even with christmas presents this doesn't make sense hey have some meat have a have a side of time maybe he does his own jerky for christmas you know and he gives it to his fellow war veterans oh there we go oh geez oh the other way okay fine don't worry just go to the door insert the fuse into the panel and get out of here okay great oh this is this is no good oh oh no i nope nope i ain't falling for your tricks game no i'll see you no no no no peace out no having none of it definitely not is he behind me okay that's really concerning no no no absolutely not some dogs just yeah absolutely not just one dog just one dog nope one little dog absolutely not come on maybe they'll be on our side i think i think we could tame them [Music] i think we could so that they're on our side and then let's look for oh god see if you would let them out maybe they would have killed him oh geez oh geez are you okay i'm working on it and these boxes are very suspicious i need to push them out oh god go push push push like your life depends on it because it does go go go oh geez oh no no no no no okay okay go go go go go no let's go back in here go through the door fast yes i'm working on it okay [Music] no no no we'll come back for you later next what why is there an axe on the right other way no no no no no no oh jesus oh uh get out of here get up nice and there's did i miss a bell yeah where are we supposed to go where's oh classic obviously i've said it to explode are you okay no no i'm not okay i literally lost an explosion on myself get out before they climb out the window oh that was fun okay okay okay so now it's window window is it gone what's going on here i don't know that's him oh that's totally over there on the box i'm glad that the uh the guy in the gas mask certainly did not survive uh but clearly oh yeah oh oh we're getting right up all in his business oh no oh i just feel bad for this guy his wife left jesus i mean grant okay actually i don't feel bad i forgot that he actually murdered den remember the puppies matthew i like that you're like remember the puppies remember the body that was hanging upside down so wait do i did i win did i do it that's it all right yay me do we make it out i think i think we should get back to our car i think we do see if that piece of junk will start again yeah the kitchen wasn't a safe path the kitchen wasn't a safe path clearly we probably could take the other path what oh it's rewinding wait it's no way decisions do we get to do so do we get a do-over was there something else we should have done is it like a choose your own adventure like could i have gotten in a different way that's was there another option is it i'm so confused this this seems really awesome wait so are we at the start of the night oh cool do you hear me why have you stopped anyway so we need to find an old necklace oh it's a necklace now oh in the master bedroom one second i have one attempt huh you can't go back if something goes oh cool so it is kind of like a choose your own adventure sort of like there's there's multiple people different adventures within the same house that's so cool that's really interesting which makes more sense because of all the doors we passed and like the one with the chains on it and stuff like i was like is that that's yeah yeah so [Music] so wait is this the door this is the door that i got in last time or is this a different door wait i think this one doesn't have a security system height near the entrance so it'd be pretty easy could we have done this last time no no because it's different it's different this time cool this is awesome i'm so excited about this wacky so it's like going through different stories in the same house that's awesome okay huh maybe that's why it's generic house on a hill because it's a lot of different houses on a hill maybe it's all the houses but the furniture is the same yeah the house looks the same the master bedroom is on the second floor look for the stairs yeah this is the same layout oh yeah huh huh that is interesting wait what is here well now that we know i can touch things hey this kid looks just like yours i'm not implying anything but maybe your wife knew this guy who is anybody here photo of a young family a husband is tense seems like his wife is afraid of him really can you tell that in this photo i'm not really seeing that right seeing that you know yeah i don't get it seems like they were doing all right i think we're expecting something being behind her so wait so this is not magic door around yet no i'm excited for magic door right what is the magic door i wonder what magic door is going to do oh this is cool i love this okay my house can fit in here or the hole of yours okay well we saw the stairs last time yeah we'll just wait so can i is it possible for me to go back to the the kitchen then i'm just curious like can i go back to the room in the kitchen just yeah so like here's the kitchen huh can i do this again the stuff isn't there no the stuff is there this is still here there's nothing interesting here oh i'm like oh what's the behind me huh so so they kicked me out so i can't do it that's really interesting they kicked you out yeah yeah no they physically turned my character around and i'm going no way out of here yeah spooky lights flashing uh oh jeez so upstairs what's here oh no spooky basement there's a downstairs oh spooky basement no one wants spooky basement so we need to necklace it belongs to an ex-wife of the that's a gas again start from the bedroom [ __ ] where's the static coming from oh oh it's static oh i i'm like am i getting gassed i know i was like it's like is that the gas right it sounded like yeah oh gosh all these paintings are great up here it's an artistic sensibility to this place for sure right just really into extreme close-ups oh hello oh jesus that's an intense one hi hi hi hey skeet thanks for joining us here for moral support we got here yeah don't get scared stuff right what's that this is like a surveying thing or oh no we saw this in the controls yeah a couple of shots i want to see if it's working okay see the camera see again put it away oh cool oh i like that oh now it appears okay cool oh this is really neat wait there's another blank picture there's another one okay i'm observing the scenes i'm excited this is cool oh man that's cool what if we do the eyeball if we take a picture of her oh yeah there it is yeah can you pull that off no okay no nothing okay weird okay uh oh it's gonna make the doorknob up here there it is wait i didn't see it there is it again ah cool oh this is super fun oh i love this it's like a bunch of different games in one this is so so cool yeah right this is like a completely new mechanic that's so neat right it's it's a bunch of like mini ideas that first one was kind of just like walking through a haunted house here take more take pictures of more pictures take pictures and open the door to the master's bedroom yeah we're gonna make them all spooky this one oh different different she's got we're cool she's got her jacksepticeye oh right dyed it green for the thank miss livestream all right try that one okay what else we got this guy pictures of all of them to unlock whatever oh creepy mouth oh sinister mouth see that i don't know i don't know if i'd want a picture of a sinister mouse hanging in my i was gonna say that just i think it sends the wrong message to guests personally but it's just me i don't know i don't know what you're talking about what do you mean this says hey welcome to our happy home hungry hungry why wait oh let's see what else we got going on we've got nothing that's really nothing in this whole thing try to take a picture of it maybe something will appear is that a hat oh it's like a spatula to the attic yeah yeah yeah yeah oh the old pull down no that didn't do it right it does feel like there should be like a maybe a door or something around here i'm just activate door i mean the door knob was outlined but i think that was only to just get us into the idea of the camera making things appear so maybe all the other things that we have to do are actually just oh tortured souls yeah good old-fashioned tortured souls classic what you got that wasn't what i was expecting for that one oh yeah she's just genuinely happy she's just very excited i mean granted she's got a little bit of a crazed look in her eyes a little bit but look how happy she is look at her look at look at that nice beautiful smile great teeth i know she had braces when she was 12. all right oh here we go spooky room okay okay where's the spookiness okay okay take a picture of the picture yeah a picture of the picture oh oh oh no oh no that one is really not that one's that's no no smile for the birdie can i activate the fire or was something say turn the fire on it doesn't oh i wish it did i wish that would have been cool i think that would have been fun make it a little bit lighter there should be something on this table oh okay yeah there's okay uh newspaper newspaper from six years ago one of the articles is circled it's about the disappearance of a famous artist and her son the name is blurred i can't read it okay so this is clearly about whoever lived on the top floor yeah oh we need to make that yeah it should should make it appear right yes more random vhs tapes okay insane okay what else what else we got in here we've got what is this i think that's a mannequin oh i see it yeah that's odd okay who's behind me right again i'm waiting for you here can we pull that off yeah there you go oh there you go there we go that's it oh i saw that face outside and i thought it was a person on tv all right i'm waiting for you i'm really paranoid about these tvs ready yes play what we got what is this 1990s artists and photographers we are still waiting for an official statement from the police representative in the meantime we express our condolences to the husband of mrs hmm oh yeah clearly clearly we want to go into the room with the uh the bloody ghost that entered it okay let's see it's gonna be yeah i have some connection problems here clearly okay let's look in the other rooms okay the necklace should be in the bedroom great sure so that door's open now so now that it's just like last time we watched the tape it opened the door okay this guy is so useless well wait wait hold up what you see oh oh what is that what that what is that shadow hello hello shadow oh no oh no no we can't go out there oh no no no no no no oh yeah totally oh no oh no we're not gonna go i think we just have to do it hello i knew it was coming i knew it was coming and it's still damn it i'm sorry skippy oh it was still really scary i totally smashed my shin against the coffee table i knew it i knew it was there oh i saw it and everything oh man that was a good one that was good because i could have also seen us just like walk i don't think i would have noticed the shadow i think i would have just walked out well i thought it was i i'm like oh maybe it's going to be like a mannequin or something or yeah oh shoot oh god oh i didn't see that one coming well done game well slow nod of appreciation game recognizes games right this is very good this is fun i'm really enjoying this game this is really fun for the most generic title in all of history this has been really fun so far uh okay okay so what do we got here pictures so we're looking for the next necklace all right is that the clock ticking yeah boy have you noticed the number of pictures someone was clearly interested in photography or he wanted to capture something specific there's like a little glow yeah so we got spooky spooky glow there we go nice spooky glow going on what else we got god is the door locked yeah of course it is okay great cool maybe oh picture there are pictures on their pictures on the desktop nice i mean the composition is great honestly beautiful silhouette all rainy little grainy yeah wow it's a polaroid it's a point-and-shoot i know the iso is a little high what yeah so it was a little high oh yeah okay so it's a problem it's a problem with your camera setting we've we've we've done a a fair share of uh nighttime photography we used to do would you explain what the iso is we used to do long exposure star photography where you turn the f-stop way down which opens which basically opens up the lens of the camera as wide as it can open up opening up the aperture and then you have to turn the iso up but not so high that it gets grainy sure so there so so he has that your is that your critique of what's going on yeah yeah the iso is too high great you should go for a longer exposure on a lower iso matt is she right she knows the stephanie was always the one who did the fancy photography she is correct is she correct okay great thank you matt what does iso stand for i do know i actually forget i totally forget what is it okay okay you're the best oh yeah i called it i called it i knew it i knew that would be important the hatch so i'm assuming that opens the hatch okay um what do we need to take a picture of in here that's the thing to take a picture no there's a picture above the bend what do we need to take a pic is it oh no oh it's a picture of the bed here take a picture take a picture of that okay did it change no is there a door there there's a door there in the picture so there's a door in the picture and there's also a door here like so if you look at this right so there's a light it's a shadow yeah they're just standing in the doorway so it seems like there should be a door there how do we open the door wait this is really strange matt how do we make the door appear we know we know we need to make a door appear so in this play through it seems like they open they look at the attic photo they walk towards the door and then the door appears look at the attic photo so they look here yeah this one comes with the outside doors without looking at yeah like that over there over here and then they shine their light over at the corner where the door should be bam nope certainly not can we restart it just in case it's like a loading issue or something well restart this section yeah i mean i don't know restart no i guess not restart here let's try restart so matt said well house i'm assuming isn't it yeah one so let's do house first someone was clearly interested in photography or he wanted to capture something two three three and four walk to the door walk to the door turn turn nothing i don't know i feel like we're missing some sort of trigger or something so okay we're going to figure this out and we're going to come back this game is so fun we're going to get through this and we're going to come back for more this is really fun yeah this is a really really good game maybe we just have like to update the game or update the game i love the multiple pathways i love this is so good yeah i'm actually surprised that more games haven't really taken advantage of like let's do different branching pathways through the same kind of like narrative it makes so much sense it's really cool saves you a lot of programming yes i love this idea i'm curious where else it's gonna go because obviously there's still the magic room obviously they're still the chains the chain room there's the basement so already there's at least i would assume three more two i would say maybe two i don't know we'll see i think it might be three three more routes we'll see maybe there are five total yeah i'm assuming this one's gonna take us to the attic so i don't know like it seems interesting we just got to figure out i guess what we're doing wrong right or what how the game's broken or whatever so anyway uh we'll be back for more of this later this is providing we can figure it out yeah in the meantime though guys thank you so much for watching and remember that wasn't a stream it wasn't a live stream but it was a video for you see ya bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 174,992
Rating: 4.9717507 out of 5
Keywords: house on the hill, house on the hill game, house on the hill gameplay, scary, scary game, horror, horror game, house on the hill all endings, house on the hill trailer, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive scary, gtlive scary games friday, house on the hill horror game
Id: J2H9UnOfSIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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