THE DOOM HUNTER | DOOM Eternal - Part 2

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to doom eternal now first things first I should have fixed the recording issues last episode you may have noticed that the screen froze a couple of times and my voice went in and out had severe issues recording the last episode but it should be fixed I don't know we'll see what happens but I didn't want to have to scrap the episode or rerecord it or anything like that so you got pure unbridled jacksepticeye in that video it's also part that I forgot to edit out that luckily I got to end out in the YouTube editor any of you who saw it shut up tell no one but also if my voice sounds weird it's because I started Invisalign today invisible braces for any of you wondering I've had an appointment to get them join them for a long time that I got sick so I didn't get to put them in yet but now they're in today my first time trying them so I might have a a small bit of a lisp in my voice but uh still same old good ol jackaboy alright we're going down in here they go was telling us a bunch of nonsense Sentinel batteries insert Sentinel batteries into sockets within the forces of doom to unlock items yes please [Music] what are we getting reestablishing power to core and supplementary systems acquire ice bomb I forget what this does alright it's just another grenade that lets you okay it's another grenade to let you slow down enemies basic modification to your equipment launcher has been completed thank you [Music] gotcha oh I'm with you chief now we're going down here this is a big-ass ship I'm very fortunate oh is this where the arena is there's a training arena in here where you can go in and just practice stuff on bad guys not sure that I like that it's on gee I always miss click G and hit F and F is my weapon points I need to get some air strafing going I need to get my midair control upgrade the repertory Oh great name it's like my rip and tear Colosseum yeah the demon prison demon president allows you to practice fighting demons without dying or permanently losing inventory such as I'm on extra lifes which I have lost to money of already what up what up buttercup oh and rip and tear is even playing in the background oh [ __ ] best song in the soundtrack well PFT division is pretty good to ngl so this is just like a little practice zone where I can mess around with stuff what I have to do it for this tutorial oh dear you very dare you - how dare you lads there we go all right I know how to slay demons okay I am the doom Slayer lest ye forget alright where are we going now send me back in coach a crier a pray tour suit point okay Oh over here sprint pray tour suit points to purchase pray tort suit perks trader suit perks and hence your abilities or unlock new abilities and I'm pretty sure you get them in around you find somebody who has a thing as well that helps this is a suit tab at the dusty a dossier I can't even say it anymore here you can upgrade abilities and unlock new abilities hmm so I have what select an available category so environment rad suit takes less damage reveals the auto map station location on the map faster ledge grab a monkey bars this is probably what I'm gonna go for I like mobility I like speed grappler purchase review your health armor and ammo capacities and bonus upgrades to plan for the Sentinel crystal upgrade okay I can do that later thank you very much how many points we have here - can we do a whole lot here what is the other one here yeah this is what I got the microwave beam which is cool but it kind of slows down the the game too much yeah I don't really like this gun it's good against shields and stuff but I don't really like it personally I don't like how it feels this one has like great feedback and you just see faces and blood and goats go everywhere that's what I'm into as a pacifist you know god it's so weird to have plastic [ __ ] over your teeth constantly it's such a weird thing to get used to I keep like sucking on them I'm still gonna my teeth and like an old man I really am a Boomer come on Sarah gate thank you all right yeah this this level I played as well and you guys saw some of it it's the one with the snakes they're like Medusa look at fellas if you know what I mean okay coldest base I asked you guys as well if you wanted to hear more of these and everyone seems to be of the same mindset that it adds to the Lord it adds to the series in the video so we're gonna do it led by I just sorry that I have a list to do it now led by the elusive help Rhys dag Roenick the cultists operate from a remote facility located in the Arctic tundra as overseer Roenick exerts absolute control over the facility and it's legion of possessed acolytes instrumental in sowing the seeds of the koltes uprising ranek worked briefly with Olivia Pierce at the Mars facility before departing to earth with orders to prepare the groundwork for the imminent hel invasion they knew I recently Declassified UAC biography for Roenick indicates that he is a surviving member of the original order of the dag the ancient argent clerics he now serves the forces of hell and is rumored to have personal knowledge of the dooms layer which one that I kill I took off someone's head in the last episode like I don't know who was suggesting a shared history between the two wielding total power over the closest under his supervision he uses his growing influence to advance the consumption on corruption of earth so again I didn't finish doom 2016 so any of you who didn't know the story and everything from that I had the same character from that one I'm the same doom Slayer from 2016 to now built over the ruins of an ancient mmm argent a settlement the closest facility has been designed as both a gothic monument to the ancient architecture and a state-of-the-art science facility tablets and memory banks found at the settlement indicate that the order of the dag discovered earth millennia ago and found it to be populated with powerful primeval beasts they named these creatures Agathon's great name Jews that are similar similarity to the mythic cyclopean giant from argentinos pass they a guardian whatever lights it's all mumbo jumbo gibberish gibberish to me mission challenges mission challenges are optional trials that can be completed at any point throughout the mission completing the mission challenge rewards prayed or sued point Cabrini all mission challenges reward a sentinel battery check your progress in Jonathan's hand does Jesus Christ you're gonna give me a heart attack I also didn't realize that I can't he skipped over the map thing last time and the comments were quick to point out as you do that it shows where I haven't been it fills in green for where I have been so I can find all the secret stuff that I haven't found which is pretty cool again I am just here to kind of played the game and go with it you know keep the speed and the momentum going sawing lads in half and drop an arm animal [ __ ] oh this place is cool there's a giant there's a giant thing over there am I looking it again let's see you humming it down here oh nice see it I want to know what that is I want to know what the [ __ ] is going on with this thing it looks like a giant microwave that doesn't look anything like a giant microwave whoa careful now there's a [ __ ] spider monkey hello secret secrets on top of a skull he's adorable to eat gargoyle yeah no easy [ __ ] oh yeah I'm trying to reload again hi didn't know you were gonna be showing up like that can you cook this one thank you Dottie Dottie oh hey stay alive for me to do cool [ __ ] to you like this don't you [ __ ] dare punch me I'm the doones layer [ __ ] are you lads zombie cultist they'd be wait this is the same thing okay thank you don't do that bunny has to get over here man this it's badass I want to see this thing like fire and [ __ ] up a planet Death Star style that's just the kind of player that I am the mystery [ __ ] scare should I should I even intervene okay maybe it should actually kind of [ __ ] me up and I won't make it kind of embarrassing if I'm going to be perfectly honest all righty I need a cultist feed who wants to give me the key anybody come on now in my time enough to survive this first pretty sure I'm going to be strong enough I'm pretty damn strong for everything else it's your animation classic off with his head a classic move can I have all the armor please Oh [ __ ] okay okay lymphedema pity off with your head again classic do this whirlwind has arrived all more doing challenged personnel please be advised all mortally challenged where we going what oh go back here just do that edge much better hey y'all open says me okay the man cubis 'yeah his weak points i'ma find him and I'm up [ __ ] him off his chest let's there you go that's more that's more my style thank you very much I'm gonna mow [ __ ] it don't matter excuse me excuse me I need to saw one of you an app does that even work dance that's very cute here let me help I'll get you tonight the hard place that you're in out amel you just never let me have the phone that I want do you okay come to [ __ ] down there Jimbo Jones yeah now I'm gonna come up and [ __ ] you up eat it could be worse could be Burger King that your ear all right I think I've made my point I think I [ __ ] those guys up enough Hey thank you right this is going is probably better for this Oh belly lad did you all come out for my big day thank you as I did my birthday or Christmas but I'm it's good to see oh god it's all a little bit too much of you sometimes I impress even myself oh he's already dead geez they're just dying all in front of me back away not today disco lady I'm going up here okay he had the same idea you can't copy me you [ __ ] and you just die instead eat it God the character models are so [ __ ] good good job developers I love this game everybody should be playing if you're not playing this game then you're just not a gamer you're like a phony baloney game I [ __ ] did it again got it holds a ski confirm step into the zone lamo shady greatness [ __ ] and again you guys come this way it's a lot more fun if I can kill you over here god damn it you're too eager [ __ ] eager beaver over here need help Nelson eat Emily Oh sketch in half there Johnny Oh insufficient fuel that's epic I thought I had fuel that's okay you don't need a head but anyone out there is telling you that you need a heads to do things in life they're just [ __ ] lying to you see that they have heads know that they still try and [ __ ] me up yes yes yes how do I access my map okay where have I been and not been there's a one up here how do I get to that something over Jesus every night it looks like a place that really wants me dead ah found it secret phone well not yet oh yeah extra life everybody else playing this game has like [ __ ] five extra lights I'm over here surviving me the skin of my teeth it's okay at least I look good doing it okay so yeah these guys if you shoot their shields with this one they cause them giant explosion and a pretty damn good one at that Oh what the music back do I get to fight snake [ __ ] yet oh this music it might be a blood-borne music did I say that already [ __ ] goddamnit I ran out of extra joints ooh ah [ __ ] won't be doing that to me yeah son of a [ __ ] yes let me in let me in besides besides Rockets I have you twice you don't need these stop at your big [ __ ] hands with you no one needs that much hands see you serve a perfectly fine with a tiny bit look at me while I tell you I don't like to be looked at in the eyes oh come here that's a bad friend yes he's taking a fair few lumps now I'll tell you that okay okay okay I [ __ ] died like an auntie I need this I need this he's my friend we go to the same school I should've just kept using the rocket launcher I like the shotgun too much that's my phone God I'm all out animal for everything I have a way of fixing that though it's when you patented technique called saw every copper in half thanks I did it I should have been using these whoa health please thank you pull the crystal okay let's look at challenges ignite four demons with a single blast of a flame belch can do hold the crystal acquire one Sentinel crystal okay I need to find all right I think I can do this yeah just walk that my oh [ __ ] dare you there we go alright what do I want next in midair to Gymboree slow down time that's a good one is this where I could get my my midair yeah that's very useful yes more control in the air is always helpful especially for a game like this because I'm I'm in the air and I'm mobile alive oh my god that's such a huge difference Jesus I feel like a new man Rockets please thank you I see green I want to punch here they come you ain't [ __ ] give me that neck dumbass Oh Oh there's a lot of people coming to my birthday okay okay okay I need I need to just you know cooperate a little bit yeah [ __ ] you that's what that's what I said no pick the [ __ ] good but does that not work all the time okay maybe I need to get better at using just ready health yes actually do this get airman what am i doing why am I being a [ __ ] stinky brain there's so much going on in my changes doesn't want to focus on it but at least were having fun right II remote detonate lock-on bursts and micro missiles heat blast what does this do firing the plasma rifle builds up excess heat that can be released as a powerful blast by pressing Mouse - ah I feel like my brain is just not gonna do that for me let's do the lock-on burst it's pretty damn hopeful okay I need to get better at using these now for weapons I'm certainly I'm certain to accrue quite an arsenal I've been a not bit this is little swords what does that mean it doesn't say great I'm swimming that's like a challenge area or just a fight in a sentinel battery up there that I didn't get we're doing ok in this level so far I mean again I don't really care if I miss some stuff I don't need to get everything nice they didn't last piston time [ __ ] out of my way honey secrets pretty bleak Ritz hello oh yeah that's nice secret that's just actually the way forward oh I remember this being severe to me my brothers and sisters have money this week your hate [ __ ] no target what okay let's do this there are those [ __ ] first okay you want your time gentlemen one at a time there'll be plenty of time for [ __ ] biscuits and treats afterwards okay got it I'll break the shield break the shield nice Hey yup [ __ ] sorry I'm probably getting a bit too into this game though to know if you can or nothing for you sir it's at the [ __ ] kick in the jaw okay oh that's oh that is so worth it that guy okay [ __ ] missing focus you me up here show her wankers alright time to get some health and [ __ ] which is located all around this beautiful arena have you guys seen this place it's very nice during the summer oh [ __ ] alright there's a lot of [ __ ] land around here you I do not care for don't remember inviting on TV [ __ ] [ __ ] I need health health thank you Jesus Christ [ __ ] are everywhere I get you I didn't get you Mikey said let's it's plenty to go around you know just [ __ ] wait your turn you need more you nothing really worked in it [Applause] nice oh this is kind of sloppy but we're survived nice [Music] off your [ __ ] arse can we do it ready to burst [ __ ] awesome there's somebody left oh hey love it so many things that I could have used and I didn't I just used proof pure raw animal power just pure brute force I'm just too angry to die she's a pain in my talking record the one up there do I use these to get it interesting I will get it I need to get it Oh and then you grab that and then you grab this and then you go over there it's pink alright wait for the boosts yes boom baby your salvation lies in his destruction the middle of the Slayer strength is exposed now to us can you see it brothers because you lost the result to continue so I must survive protect and you secure that works nice way to cheat the system and then acquire one Sentinel crystal of it where'd he go yeah see he keeps all you guys around to make himself look cool and then he [ __ ] off into the ether raise up fellas fight back how many of these were have four I need six sticky bomb explosion sighs see I'm I'm upgrading this straight to the end immediately unless what can you do for me well converse recharge rate I'm increased by thirty seven point five percent what a weird specific number lock on speed increased to 50% oh that's very useful as well you give me too many weapons that were shotgun is nearby a relic from your past the priests have kept it hidden from you in this remote location super shotgun is [ __ ] Joe hey fakers dirty bastards super shotguns the double borrow one from the old game oh look at it oh squeeze my nipples and call me Judy hi-yah I can hit these guys oh yeah much be inside your mind I'm about to [ __ ] you up seven ways on sunday [ __ ] what up attack boy I'm here to [ __ ] your mom and talk about it wildly we you yeah [ __ ] that would hurted me nice to get him did I get I hear them more of these cue boys in my life it is sucking a big old fat one right now give me em give me out okay clean it up oh eight Ball corner pocket you just [ __ ] off with that just an annoyance [ __ ] that's all you are no one likes you [Music] say why am I so mean but they're demons [ __ ] any big boys yep Oh a lot of them Oh a lot of [ __ ] I wasn't paying attention ass too busy looking at my cue balls my aim is on point but make maneuverability is lacking let the site down you know give me that heart open ye suck it up eat it gain its courage simple never even doubted for a second I saw you doubting though I saw you getting worried that I was sucky oh I need that that's the thing I need can I have no I threw around first of course I do yeah so this lets me know what I've missed oh god there's a lot oh god wait this is probably all the areas that I haven't been to yet oh here we go I covered a good deal of the map hey that makes me nervous I don't like being nervous hurt I should do a shock on the only playthrough with this game belch Armour booze napalm belch Newton magnet zombies your max health all health pickups on your max ever resources drop get pulled away from much further so what do I want to get armor or ammo don't know having a super-heavy demon stay on fire longer Oh give me health yes right yeah I also had a praetor soot point at four of them faster weapons switch and mod swap - refills more quickly oh that's good - refill Don glory kills I don't know if they need that one there's probably some stuff in here that's really really good he Steven killed by a grenade explosion spawn scatter bombs that's really good barrels regenerates barrels barrels barrels barrels reveals the position of the progression items larger autumn a prey Deus reveals a progression and I want yeah I want the - I like the maneuverability more than most other things how fast oh oh oh that's very fast so it can be like what Poosh Poosh is the same as always but Hey there we go there we go okay let me do this Oh baby hell yeah that's good that's good that's good so doing these things gives you points for everything else it gives you like weapon points that's good okay so there is a good incentive to actually do them where am I going next did I get everything in this area that I had seen I think that'll crush you that'll kill you hello dad get you this is where they midair maneuverability comes in handy they think wait to show you that make those remember yeah so I can jump into the middle of that that didn't help at all cuz I supposed to do something else okay nevermind oh wait secrets completely [ __ ] mister can you back that health you just stole yeah 393 yeah radar suit noise oh it helps this like that's tiny let's do this there we go nice there we go didn't that's right jump sooner take off so much armor that I [ __ ] lost immediately switch weapons and we need to get used to using my numbers to throw whole that was nice so weapon wheel is really unreliable you don't need that hey boy and you don't eat the top half of it you also go away giving the old one-two punch there Jenny won that way I kind of want to go this way I want to go the way secrets nice yeah all ready to actually pick it up oh yeah right where am I going next hello there's nothing over there okay Zach a little here I did it never mind then move past it we're good I won't [ __ ] people up more walk in grab those nipples oh it's fun time so now we get to be the monster I mean no connection successful you are now in control of Ella's Mouse - jetpack left shift to activate your afterburner Mouse one twin rockets after launch of rocket barrage hey my friends yes oh come on there's no way you guys I could fit you perfectly that's ridiculous superheated watch what is this I thought I was a superpower being another little [ __ ] get off me god that's funny rocket brush rocket barrage so this is as far as I played I think I got to here and then after that I didn't get to play whoo that was nice shits I played like this area and then my time with the game ran out so anything after this is gonna be brand new I think you remember what the big boys out again Cappy it it's not it nice that's it oh yeah cuz I didn't get the super shotgun hahaha oh that's really gonna ruin someone's day it's gonna make my day my day is gonna be much better after this I'm gonna stick a chocolate up someone's hole and just launch them to the [ __ ] moon with the feet green muscular man now use it to kill him Oh buddy Oh buddy Oh Oh my heart is happy and my dick is hard okay um what can we get for this general improvements is the super shotgun meathook recharge time meathook what super [ __ ] reloads faster oh I'm a sucker for a shotgun put a shotgun in my hand and I will mess things up the super shotgun is a devastating close-range weapon that features a meat hook mod when in range press Mouse - OH oh my god I can grapple around the environment are you crazy oh it's way too much fun [ __ ] you doom for being the funnest video game ever mains who give you the right okay you leave something for the rest of us actually don't I love it I should have saved him [ __ ] I'm too busy killing and too eager tough [ __ ] [ __ ] up okay if this this needs a different tact stick it on his foot give me those [ __ ] wobbly knees [ __ ] that's not a need beginning to think you don't even know what a knee looks like I missed a beat thank you thank you very much from downtown Johnny you dirty four-legged [ __ ] yeah hey guys Annette I feel amazing look at all this shotgun ammo they're giving me so that's what's five see my [ __ ] fingers can't reach number five that quickly okay it's not the best on these types of guys it's just crazy damage but so does that you know you see what I mean you see what I'm all about if I make a noise your bed I'll keep you alive for the next guys catch oh what a dumbass I'm just gonna shoot you and what do you go dirty faker so afraid that's attention oh no no don't kill me I'm very fragile now hey hey this is gonna kill you for me thank you Thank You Saul Bates whoa they hit me ice you let me say anything else back here how Oh little toy soldier I was you guys yeah now you're dead does that feel one would ask if you were ever alive to begin with let me out him folks Simeon I got invisilite now I can fight you I won't do any damage but I'd wake him the hell is this music badass though oh okay how do we get through there can I climb this okay okay I can see this platforming stuff getting real annoying for some people I personally really like it I like that traversal I like feeling fast and maneuverable and bouncy like a panther hey guys thank you for the giant pancake quick quick refills on my - a really nice I am sensing secret somewhere here is their come on spider monkey is it up mm-hmm yes hell yeah we grew up even higher oh wait these are just whatever God every soul everyone in hell is so angry all the time oh but I'm angry turns out this is exactly the way you were supposed to go anyways so I didn't find any secrets I just found the way to go that's cuz I'm an expert gamer okay nice block over that what are these okay I need a super shotgun now [ __ ] this isn't going the best these animations are slowing me down as well Bock Bock Bock Bock Bock I didn't do it at all and I lost a life for [ __ ] I don't have the ammo for it around out of ammo and my shotgun real quick oh I see what you're up to I see what you're doing to me well I need to gonna like 33 stinky keep it light up earthly knocking on photos oh hey you're supposed to die immediately and make them look cool yeah I should actually be in there that's how I can just stay nice damn it I knew what was gonna happen and everything oh this is where I came in wait is it you go there you know this is where I came in oh wait and this is another thing oh oh I miss you nice into Sandy City Nova is that Metallica doodle of Metallica look [ __ ] well I [ __ ] that up I see green I hit I'm a gamer [ __ ] off nice the sniper those [ __ ] water got him I was hoping that would look cooler guys all right you're not did you see how cool this was very cool these guys are my least favorite pop insult big dirty blasts wait hold on to him let that's not who I wanted whatever do you guys remember those grenades that they gave me a while back that I just don't use me to remember all those things that they gave me and it was almost too much at once so I bear to use half of them yeah me too what I can I'm gonna go down here to see what something wait is this just where I was oh oh and you doesn't be reason I went up liar oh okay are you really tired no break you are you guys going tired I'm I'm good to go I'm zone in this is what I do baby wait all right what do I do here though oh I have to pull this key okay a lot of lads just showed up which is [ __ ] fine just let just let me catch my breath oh yeah listen whoops no I like I like it my hands dirty I like it in stuck in peloton Dean firemen do the work for me I'm gonna do myself okay now maybe of the title in the environment do some work for me thank it down the effect easy check I got you come here okay I missed that it's okay we're gonna try it game hey worm good job I fight wait does everybody I love die Oh priest fell priest high priest [ __ ] Oh Maria are you hiding behind your altar again well holy break this I can't do that I'm just a small boy there's more than meets the eye here okay so there's walls to time down here got it sometimes he doesn't land on it nicely like I press E but he doesn't grab immediately and that really freaks me out look I've been here all right No Oh a slayer King Slayer gay time where was yeah let's do it so these are like the little challenge arenas and clearly I'm talking amazing so let's do a shot right the ammo for this no I don't make kills um well I like purple something in there yeah I'm okay strap on your big-boy pants it's time to go to work Oh okay run median Android vice oh nice gonna get it no oh thank god give me that to use my super shotgun wait what's up lads Oh but I just do that works I don't even know who you are but [ __ ] you up all the same I should be killing these guys to get ammo I should killing you to get help needs weight pop pop [ __ ] okay anyone want to follow me down here there's going to put in yourself that way before you are way stronger than I gave you credit for holy [ __ ] okay we've recuperated a bit give me health please where should you how many enemies were left okay let's sort em out if I got that this is intense [ __ ] okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] so many of them [ __ ] this is a step above what I'm using yes I also need to start get used to do this this is where you actually have to learn the mechanics you can't just [ __ ] around with it sorry okay oh mama okay that was very sloppy and I'm glad that I have the bonus lives but good god I should not have died there empyrion keys you have acquired an Imperium key acquire all six Imperium keys to activate the maker device in the fortress of doom which unlocks the only time the own maker I'm not like regular oops wait what didn't I don't have to get the key but I didn't you get anything else out of that area like to do something here was rephrasing else in there sis tearing it's too much boosting for a small bike ah okay how do we get up there there's lots of questions and I have no answers to any of them so I hit that it goes over hits that and then breaks this made you figure out how maybe there's something down below this oh I didn't see you hi changes everything okay I'm up late nothing has any ammo oh that doesn't it all do what I thought it was going [ __ ] [ __ ] I used my double jump oh that was supposed to look epic that's a little pretty cool not gonna lie ngl hell yeah literally where am I now double hell is not one take the train into the terror dome the terror dome hell yeah I'm gonna call my bedroom that the terror dome and then Hawaii I just like how it sounds okay my friend stock me up until I can go on offer I don't know what that means craters two points I have three I think these are my frozen four longer that might be helpful just to get out of situations or maybe I should wait to get quarter [ __ ] anyway I'm just gonna freeze demons for longer I do you think that gives me like a window of time to catch my breath and keep shooting as good oh nice oh yeah we should be trying to get those guys near other ones this so you can do extra damage but it doesn't always work out I wanna thing what other ammo facts oh nice I forgot to take a chainsaw those guys once I got them low enough oh [ __ ] big Bubba's in town after they pick up the health kit I thought I just wasted [ __ ] that was an opening damn Oh nails you're in the [ __ ] face right on the gun nice oh that guy hit me I need that slow down time thing soon when you're in the air i'ma lifting that as well and I share shotgun I'm a damn that sucks I mean makes sense [Music] [ __ ] don't have an extra life Walker is doing a lot of damage see I'm an alum [ __ ] what everything the hell is that - secret truck cool and the middle of a July find secrets that's epic okay thank God turns out just remembering to chainsaw somebody to get ammo changed the entire course of the battle got so fun though I was lock-in signal now what did I just get Oh speak oh man that would have been helpful a second ago [ __ ] I should have looked around who me oh that was it damn so I missed one enemy encounter and three exploration things that's not bad got almost everything place always a secret combat encounter so that's even it was out of the way so it wasn't just something that I missed randomly god I love the low times in this game I think the developers deserve so much credit for how fast and how well this game runs [Music] there we go little oh I was going to end the episode here but he wants me back nice try this is a fun arena oh yeah oh it's off dare you yeah little Becker that's a tough now are you yeah no one no one's really that tough under chopped in half as I found by and his guardian is somewhere in the facility oh this looks awesome [Music] dude this looks so cool are we going up Oh I mean shortage oh I just fine got it ah good job me thanks me oh Jesus and flame on and look like it was more to explore and this is the zone yeah look at that one up playful [ __ ] sake sometimes he doesn't and it scares the [ __ ] out of him I probably get all the way over there I can't make that coming Oh me of little faith sure can man I keep using all my extra legs for like the the simple [ __ ] - I'm not like dying to boss fights or anything well the last time I lost is in that big arena fight I feel like I keep losing my legs to dumb [ __ ] yes I want I can't upgrade my super thing micro missiles no I don't know what I want human zone exploded on death bigger demon bigger explosion good finish her for a heavily damaged demon so you damage the demons a lot and then you use this to finish them off and it does a big explosion to do more don't know micro missiles I guess those do come in handy shooting the ass oh the the hook on the gunner on the pinky is a heavy demon the charges at the player with its front armor its tail it's a weak point they jump over TV or - out of the way see you know we just say you trigger this out I mean I can turn off the toriel as a favor but it's initially just being like hey do this okay if the wait for you to actually charge first I straight up your arse how does that feel for me not so good I'd say and the way she Rockets on small enemies but whatever as a second that would have been cool got him got him remember could you shoot behind him then yeah it worked I know it did I thought I could just shoot a grenade on the ground behind him and it would have [ __ ] him up completely [Music] you took a lot of damage without losing your guns [Music] oh I just have no fuel at all and be a fuel for you though Oh God through the vise hijo hey Soph right here ah [ __ ] Becker's okay let's focus this dude nice what can we do to her Oh stabby stabby in the belly hell yeah we're just stringing it together now Oh God Oh God Brittany go god I just love how so much is happening all the time and I have to like switch weapons be like okay BAM and then just keep going and going and going you are a strong dude [Applause] I really think the sniper mod and this is one of the more useful items in the entire game I thought I had the rocket launcher out for some reason oh mama this has never ends does it mammal are you pick it up that's what I need that is what I need eat your greens like wasn't there doing right here I've been so mad that you smacked one [ __ ] with himself dude guy has the particular sum in yourself oh yeah that feels good there's a boost e here all along anything that would have been cool where is the the dude he might be in here the doom hunter base the ua sees polar koltes facility is built around the ruins of an ancient argent a settlement constructed over 60 million years ago during urgent urgent DeNooyer zextras austrial expansion frozen carcasses of the agra Don hunters have been located in the Glacial wastes surrounding the complex and though their DNA structure reveals them to be indigenous to earth there is no fossilized record of these creatures beyond the frozen territories of the argent a settlement carbon dating of the remarkably well-preserved beasts suggests they are nearly 80 million years old predating all other known forms of complex base earth life damn continuing the cyber demonic experimentation that began emerged occultist study the Agra Dawn's potential for resurrection and cyber augmentation a similar program occurred at this location millennia ago when dag priests alpha sailors held priests bred the creature and genetically modified them to function as doom hunters fearsome mutants designed to battle the doom Slayer and his Knights sentinels during their own holy Crusades of Argentine or Sentinel records corroborate this through their military texts with many reports of these creatures among the ranks of the demonic forces assaulting the armies of the north during the urging to Civil War so I'm guessing I'm gonna have to fight one of them now in a second because even me a lot of information on it once the UAC koltes movement publicly announced its intentions for Earth the cyber demonic program was revealed to be focused on updating the doom hunter schematics upgrading their combat combat prowess a new assembly center was constructed near the koltes facility and a powerful gravity workers to safely transport the biological and mechanical components needed for the process the resurrection of the agador hunter requires cutting-edge technology to be used in conjunction with occult rituals conducted by USA's necro surgeons an unholy fact a fusion of science and sorcery so one of them in here what I see one fight it was not easy to fight an opponent worthy of me damn that's cool-looking okay we stopped a lot of level to go okay I have to fight one of them a weapon to surpass metal year for Pierre gibeom I'll mess him up but what that I grabbed that oh you gonna move Oh what the [ __ ] he just fell off oh I can't stay on a Trevor I thought he was gonna move or something and bring me to another location nevermind my bad hi you okay you can you just hanging out there are you saying anything okay thanks did he miss anything probably hey guys what a dumbass come on I want a flame you had to do I need a lot of these y'all enjoined the music in the game because I sure as hell am [ __ ] awesome so far the ground over there there's a lot of very risky platforms around yeah oh this looks like something for sure mr. Tate is a bastard hey puttin up shields all you want really hoping you though oh god okay little buddy HUP now that those guys showed up but that's [ __ ] cheating got it got it okay yes dice oh he looked right at me [Applause] I'm oh please this is a game where hyper-focused kicks in I just I just go quiet every now and then it's so [ __ ] awesome to speak oh let me up there oh wait maybe not yet I wanna see if their stuff back here ooh secret [ __ ] if I messed it all up let's do it that way right I don't think I can get up there too easily No well that may be they say God Almighty Jesus I'll just wait around the wait fruits come back thank you are you [ __ ] serious we just fell off and it incline we didn't jump why am I so clumsy but can I claim on this Oh put it just on that Oh Mercy Me House wait again if that's one thing I love doing and I came all about transversal and mobility and moving around it's just waiting around booking love doing as I listen musics I don't know if it's a it's a lot different but it has more of an industrial kind of feel to it sometimes now the hell are you guys making okay slow down time midair oh that's gonna be so nice that's gonna come in real fun push it get a doom guy get it job you making [ __ ] for bad guys they don't want that I'll wait for the next one or the Justino but anyway just stay down okay be careful okay I did it have no fear doom guy is here eat [ __ ] dick lips not you I'm talking about the other day sorry oh that's really nice be able to stop time in midair or flow down time I want to do some too you go right up your backside how did that feel probably not so good I imagine you don't need those guns they're too big no one needs that money goes there you dumbass yeah seems like it right in your mouth there's a taste it's very aggressive play this could be I love it what's he shooting those drone you're such a weirdo I'm not even doing anything okay I'm doing more though oh go lose in your head there fella kill the FISA guardian okay is that my next job woo yes please go [ __ ] him up nice nice anything else I can [ __ ] up from here probably god [ __ ] did it and will yes now you can just do this oh it's really [ __ ] let fields and overpowered honestly I was over killed for you I'm sorry all right listen the other night I'm [ __ ] greater than I thought I was okay how many weapon points I have I have nine I could have been buying this bigger boobs bypassed the mastery challenge destroy 25 Iraq Neutron tourists using sticky bomb I had been doing that the spider dudes at the brain and the gun you know that the brain and the gun you get it the corner the brains [ __ ] them seven ways from Sunday okay what else okay subtract alone meathook recharge time is decreased I don't really care about the meathook recharge time this one lock-on bursts bursts Kat sane also I have to pee be back in a second hopefully I don't forget to edit this out okay I'm back that I ended it out I hope so I also wash my hands and sang happy birthday twice cuz you know you got to be careful nowadays all right give me your big bat that does not like it now with the boss okay that that is him that's part of it why did you trigger this it's about to kick off very soon listen Boop this level is gorgeous I love the Reds and the oranges with the blues so pleasing to the eye that's why you have red and blue back here there's such complimentary colors to each other they look so nice or contrasting colors I don't [ __ ] know somebody's gonna be like actually Jack oh those are thinking I know everything I do is steep so what I made for babies so hyperbolic so i giant vise that feels like a place where there were secrets and I just missed one yeah right on top I thought that [ __ ] was gonna come back oh I got a cheat code one-shot kill on staggering that's she cheat should be like big head home and you know like antigravity what mass in your eyeball oh oh oh I got a sticky I got a sticky bomb this nice [Applause] I saw I'm one this is that where-where-where I completely misread all over there ah that feel that felt very far away I didn't think I could actually get here friend the key card killed the priests card okay put the priests card and it seems to be a thing that I've been trained to do a lot of for a long time now and haven't even seen one up seas oh and one of these yes a heavy and super demons stay on fire longer demons drop armor at a faster rate yeah maybe I should do that get some health and [ __ ] out of it crush it with your bare hands one of these challenges in this area kill three demons on a single frag grenade Oh fine and collect find a collectible album I guess I gotta quit freezing are you guys doing I did it are that's cool are we seeing them being built as we go that's kind of neat but also you could just shoot it there and not have to do I got the key card Thanks oh this game puts a lot of faith in your ability to traverse the imperfects not bad I was pretty cool 175 health now hell yeah right here oh you yes we need you now we can do this and really just lock onto it so cool locking though seeing everything it's so much fun pretty badass oh it hasn't are you doing up here stinky - happens and you need those shields around a [ __ ] them up and kill all your friends um alrighty where's the way forward that way ok I'm on this one emily's yeah so I like to see nothing else in here yeah maybe I come so here in a second you stay right there now I need this that works Rini just filling up you know hey I thought you in a Slayer room recently you went don't like a soccer sports or a [ __ ] Hill yeah feeling good about that water locket shouldn't mean locket Oh God oh that gives a lot of lock on time actually ye turned him into a suit oh I was Layton for that one that's one of my favorites those guys so much harder in the Slayer room are Amy's just harder in there [Music] good go is that part of it hold on a second Oh you know you're taking the piss okay I got a weapon thing out sunny one all right give me all my ammo let me see the map all right what are these a parade or suit point oh dang I miss Donna I miss the codex entry as well no biggie is this it are we ready are we gonna do it okay okay go with that [ __ ] scared me dare do that to me I don't know if I should be here it feels wrong all of this so forcing it's enough to drive a man loony now let's go around no I wanted that help okay we'll get some out of here a lot of armor hey hey hey buckets Oh God Oh God all the way back here to remove them omens for you just get mad at yourself no matter the gain about it yourself you know what [ __ ] off I don't care I'm going all the way around to find my little hoodie over here what's up dude thank you for the pancake take that way I can't make it over there can i although I keep saying that and then I end up actually being able to make it over there so they just look around here for a second to see if I've missed that Oh [ __ ] I think I just jump over no I don't believe it I I think this is a fake oh it's a thing that makes it a lot easier to get over oh look at this dude hell yeah can they fight him already I think you showing them to me and not being able to mess them up shall we go back doom hunter there is once a race of beasts like hunters the doom hunter creature was known to Sentinel warriors in ages past as lethal stalkers of the metal age Moreau extracted from the frozen depths of the polar tundra the doom hunter belongs to an ancient race uncovered during cultists excavation in the remote Arctic preserved below the frozen ice for millions of years the unearthed remains of this creature were deemed suitable for reconstruction becoming the subject of cultists natural regenerative bio experimentation pulled this necro regenerative bio experimentation within the remote cool - citadel a hi-tech ritual altar which towers over the Golgotha and ruins the Doom Hunter was ceremoniously and systematically resurrected and rebuilt while the majority of its components are now cybernetic it retains a high degree of mental faculty a sentient brutal haunting instinct augmented with the armaments of a tank division Wow well I've got a cool shot anything about that this has to be okay fast traveler not cool so just come back here and keep trying oh this is definitely a here we go baby hope I don't die I hope I don't die I hope I would appreciate this century enjoy what is undoubtedly my famous tea ware this is our first proper boss in this game oh [ __ ] yeah oh my god he's so cool Oh God okay The Dude's just immediately you wonder is a heavy demon the specializes in long-range lock-on rockets it's shield and sled our weakness gotcha destroy the shield with the plasma rifle to briefly disable and destroy the sled to permanent disable its protective forces okay well come up come up come up there Johnny okay okay any help I need help already oh nice okay just take your time feel it out you know just do what you need to do I don't that much I'm gonna do this fired fired fired now [Applause] music oh yes okay let's let's let's regroup back off jack off and regroup I didn't even see it how to [ __ ] help Carl 20 mini dudes I can kill yes oh and there's stuff over here where is he oh so easy not having sled anymore oh jesus [ __ ] christ holy God Christ they suck holy God me have a good punch okay wait tako your chuckle the big one that's and damage oh my this is intense yeah you kill that [ __ ] with their shields Rosie nice okay need ammo so intense where's big boy no that's happy damage I just want you to turn into mulch okay that is the head that didn't last very long [Music] peace yeah baby hate it oh nice [Applause] now [ __ ] cool Oh what I'm sorry you're sending [ __ ] two of them after me oh god I think they're weaker though she pays us price okay there's a [ __ ] rain but it pours [Music] no those match the heretic be nice to the heuristic the heretics awesome I love that guy oh mighty I my ass is clenched get up get up get out of it I am they're much weaker than the first guy okay okay I need rockets [Music] not against him pretty [Music] so helps summer no no no no there we go I just need to get rid of the shielded versions but those guys really suck great yeah I eat like a little [ __ ] baby typical [ __ ] baby fighting coward coward where's your other friend I eaten as well yes yes eat [ __ ] shield [ __ ] somewhere nice thank you for the shield Rick where is the she'll do don't know [Music] I suppose these [ __ ] like open-heart surgery in the middle of battle found him found him kill them Dedham denims okay or not ah my thing doesn't last long enough he thinks you're gonna die [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] mr. Haley told the heretics nice you want to be his friend this is gonna be dance for you [Music] is there another animation I can do now it seems to be the same one every time [Music] no no I see heads in return come on there we go [ __ ] [Music] toss a coin to your necromancer what punch upgraded the blood puts on a vis now more powerful hell yeah the hunters became the haunted achievement oh that was so much fun hell yeah horses do my back baby system is being corrupted reward knows that behavior this hub was a maker design she knows the systems well finally priest but they move to a more discreet location so why don't you continue the third hell priests ignol is no longer visible to us there is e3 1.3 percent increase of demonic activity at the Nexus of the initial invasion that is the largest core nest on earth I will set the portal coordinates for the super gor nest now epic I love going to super Gore nests let's breeze oh all right well that does it for another episode of do me turn oh my god what an excellent excellent excellent video game some of the most fun I've had in a video game in a very long time the game loop is so addicting flying around figuring out how the systems work and then you finally start figuring out how to string your weapons together I'm still learning it I'm still a little sloppy here and there but I am surviving and I am doing it and I am powering through I'm not getting every single item in every level because again that's not really what I'm doing with this playthrough I'm not trying to be every single thing to meathook will set enemies on fire for a short time causing them to drop an armor for a super shotgun blast oh that's pretty good or lock on speed yeah let's do this the Rockets are really useful because collecting all the secrets and everything in the level has helped me do that but I feel like I'm getting through the game anyway and I like keeping the pace up because the game is so fast that it whenever you slow down I say no I want more I want to keep killing things but that does it for this episode thank you guys for watching it don't forget to leave a big old fat like on it if you're enjoying the series and subscribe and ring bells and all that stuff if you want to keep up to date with it because I'm going to try and keep uploading these episodes every single day so the whole series will be out soon for you guys to watch so to keep up with it don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next episode [Music] Ireland let's go to Ireland
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,538,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom, doom eternal, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye doom eternal, doom eternal glory kills, doom eternal part 2, doom eternal full version, jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye doom, jacksepticeye doom gameplay, jacksepticeye doom part 2, jacksepticeye doom eternal part 2, doom eternal steam, doom eternal walkthrough, doom eternal lore, doom eternal campaign, doom eternal walkthrough part 2, doom eternal gameplay part 2, doom hunter, boss fight
Id: rpDd-Xbc6EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 43sec (7003 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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