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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to doom eternal we're on our way to rip the head off of a priest so that should be pretty fun pretty excited about that that's gonna be great also I've got a bunch of weapon points that I probably should use but am I going to yes I'm gonna get fast to reload on this 50 demons of the super shotgun while using the meathook I need this because this is gonna help me get a lot of armor I want it I want that really badly and I'm gonna use this anyway just because it is whoa whoa okay we're right into it okay you Oh No oh there we go I'm try I don't know why I'm trying to do that whoo that was dumb oh yes yes yes yes that was really dumb of me okay you okay you owe me this doesn't seem like a machine oh this seems like a mini rocket launcher which is even better I guess ah no all right well that was sloppy but you know whatever oh I wasn't chainsawing anybody why was I not doing that because I'm dumb oh that's what it is sure I guess I could have just unhooked it I know I'll punch it I'll punch it off it's fine oh that facility the one I should have been looking at oh right yeah the big glowing thing in front of me the one that anybody could have noticed but I did not for some reason man they put it in a lot of work in these environments these are just big sprawling cool places like really legitimately cool Oh huh is it time wait no I need to barely that's what I need to do okay you I'm gonna get I'm gonna get this meathook mastery up sucks for you it really sucks oh you guys you poor fellow's okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a fight that's fun as is plain old fun that is really fun right there I love that this is gonna hurt oh no it's fine oh okay oh this of course oh there we go man climbing things really clunky in this game whoo this one she could it don't leave me behind don't leave me I am dumb take two okay there we go all right am I just getting to that is that what I'm going for I think I can make that if not I'll have to oh my god I thought I wasn't gonna make it nailed it though because I'm great boop boop link Oh didn't see that hello thank you yes please all right let's get up here I love is just the pulsating music it seems like prep for a boss battle can't exactly do anything else I guess I could get a heat blast yeah maybe I should do that because microwave it's nice and all but also it prevents me from like doing other things whereas this probably is just like punk I don't have any heat built up that's why I let's do this this is an arena Oh kill its tail you got it Bubba you got it I'm ready you love it whoa didn't see you there my tail back no tell-tale nah you know I'll just do this oh right in the gullet oh I forgot I had blood god I gotta get used to that it thrusts me upwards whoo nope no I know ah [ __ ] oh god no I'm doing it all wrong forgetting all the things I need to do Wow I marry you there we go know what I got to remember 2-2 that is another thing I need to do hmm tail tail tail man I really got a I got to learn how to do that okay you there we go marry you come here you oh there you go all right there we go you punk okay oh there you are okay you what no this sorry meant to do meant to set you on fire no thank you no thank you no thank you what oh this guy he's such a dick he's such a douche you really he really wants some of me all right where are we where are we oh oh yes that really gives you the business are you is that oh I thought your thing was still on your head hey you're gonna get a face full of full-auto that's what you're gonna get where are you are you bud listen all right I'm gonna do this and then I'm gonna do this all right five what do you got buddy yeah nothing being stupid I know but I'm having fun oh don't lose it right at the end here there we go there we go there we go that's how you do I just discovered that I'm really not that fast is the thing okay oh yeah you are you incus set your fire kill you there give me a Moreau no I didn't need to do that you're pathetic why did way set on you okay where's that big monk above weird the monkey bug oh oh yeah you're gonna face full of ass and that's oh there's the monkey ball all right desi desi desi desi oh wow where'd you come from where'd you come from stop it yeesh Asst yes you see sheís all right stop being silly Billy oh I'm still in full auto well good I wanted to do that anyway really silly gameplay here I gotta admit very silly stuff okay get you there we go 15 towards that goal oh that was that was a little crazy for me that was a little silly a lot of silliness was happening there but that was fun because I'm starting to get the groove of like movement playing around with things realizing that a lot of these demons are faster than me so I got to use these tools to my advantage to get distance so that I can just start scrunching on their faces and that's most important to me I'm guessing this big yellow bar at the top right he's the boss battle and I'm really hoping that I'm getting a boss battle because I am excited about that hello doom hunter base the UA C's polar cult this facility is built around the ruins of an ancient argenta settlement constructed over 60 million years ago during Argent dinners extraterrestrial expansion frozen carcasses of the agra don hunters have been located in the glacial wastes surrounding the complex though their DNA structure reveals them to be indigenous to earth there is no fossilized records of these creatures beyond the frozen territories of the Argenta settlement carbon dating of the remarkably well-preserved beasts suggests they are nearly 80 million years old predating all other known forms of complex earth-based life continuing the cyber demonic experimentation that began on mars the cult to study the AGGA Dawn's potential for resurrection and cyber augmentation a similar program occurred at this location millennia ago when dag priests often cited as hel priests bred the creatures and genetically modified them to function as doom hunters if you're some mutants designed to battle the doom Slayer and his Knights sentinels during the unholy Crusades on Arjun DeNooyer Sentinel records corroborate this through their military tanks with many reports of these creatures among the ranks of the demonic forces assaulting the armies of the north during the Argenta Civil War once the UAC cultist movement publicly announced its intentions for Earth the cyber demonic program was revealed to be the focused on updating the doom his schematics upgrading their combat prowess a new assembly center was constructed near the cultists facility and a powerful graph tram allowed UAC workers to safely transport the biological and mechanical components needed for the process the resurrection of the Agra dan hunter requires cutting-edge technology to be used in conjunction with occult rituals conducted by the UAC s necro surgeons now in the holy fusion of science and sorcery great stuff good but literally messing with things beyond your understanding that's what you want to see and what is this giant beam what what is this what does this giant energy dick shooting up out of the ground what is that supposed to be at whatever all the music oh sorry just had a moment there what happened oh wow thanks for the compliment I guess you know that was just like really nice of you to acknowledge how huge my dick is and it meant it is massive thank you oh okay I get you yes I see okay let's see what this boob hunters all about all right what if I missed I've probably missed a ton of stuff whoa okay wait no this place is huge okay I barely tapped into any of this oh there's the boss damn this place is big damn oh I missed that I forgot there was something down there ah is it worth going back to get can I even go back and get it I can't okay let me go back and get that that was not too far ago I remember seeing that and then I got distracted by my own awesomeness yeah there's something here so there's got to be oh I see it's a down okay so something in here must lead down all right where are we Oh got it easy enough yeah I don't want to miss out on those because I think those are gonna unlock a lot of things on the ship all right let's do this who else is here huh a big dip big big big doom guy or girl or pretend that was cool what I said nice coffin you gonna bury yourself in that all right what am I supposed to do here haha thanks for the ride but Kirino oh ah man I thought you were being nice I thought you were being nice to me you know what I don't need you I think I can make it just to this one without your help yeah ooh hey-yeah so you know you suck you know I know I know a big point that they were talking about when making this game is just making the in-between levels between the wrong thing I'll just do this no I won't is all miss was making the in-between travel between battle set pieces more interesting and they did I'd say they succeeded in that because the levels are quite a bit more intriguing and just like from an eye candy perspective looking at in all this and just seeing all this one of my favorite things about the original doom that I don't think a lot of people talked about it when I was a kid when I looked out at the Vista and if you compare doom to now it looks like garbage but when I looked out at the levels beyond where I could travel I would look at those mountain ranges and I'd be like this is so cool look how huge this area is it really feels like a world and even back then it looks like you know crap but compared to compared to now but to be perfectly honest oh hey bud oh hey bud hey no that's not right boring I need to farm up some of this oh yeah I can afford it oh why do i it's so instinctive reloading is so engrained in my brain all the time what are you you look like something important and there's a secret up there well damn the old dusty dry oh there's some there yeah but just seeing those vistas and seeing them here again it's just so fascinating there's so much detail in the world like around us and I love that I really do I really truly honestly appreciate that it's one it's it's something that may not seem like something that would affect gameplay but it is something that affects a game experience it makes the world feel more grounded and it it enhances your appreciation for the kind of world that you're in and I think that's equally is important [Music] all right where am I hey bats how you doing what is this what it would what the hell can I blow that up oh yes I can all right so what's your what's your objective ah oh man you guys are you guys are gonna get a face full of rocket what are you doing sonic shooting your rings I'm just farming up for the mastery my dudes does it count for two if I kill - and what what the hell just happened there was two I might here there we go and a headshot Wow pew let's let's count that as a headshot hey everybody everyone agreed that was a headshot I want this mastery real bad I don't know why I keep thinking I can reload okay there's gotta be secrets up here oh there's death look oh wait this secret ah this place looks literally metal yeah just like you even being here looking around it's what I said about environmental story tone looking at not around and just appreciating the level design and all the different details in here and everything that's baked into it it's it's just really cool you know what I mean so cool I love you I really love you oh god damn you to hell onward mighty steed I gotta go I'm appreciating the level design so much I'm not playing you know what do we got here dig ranek dark Viceroy to the chaos throne and supreme [ __ ] of hell ranek has long served as one of health emissaries on earth how long are we talking here laying the foundation for the planets inevitable invasion how inevitable are we talking here secrecy erratic has prepared the hell gate awaiting the omen of the sixth seal that which signals the age of Wrath sure which will cleanse earth as foretold by the maker prophets ranek worked closely with Olivia Pierce during the development of the original Mars project and since her death is taken total control of the UAC his promises of wealth power and everlasting life have corrupted the organization from within absolving its employees of their moral conscience accelerating the sacrifice of Earth in exchange for the lure of Archon energy and the promise of undying union with hel D grunick previously served the king of origin Donora as a sentinel priest guiding the art tent to spiritual growth as a hallowed figure after the betrayal he abandoned his homeworld working on behalf of the Khan maker and personally overseeing the transformation of viewable planets ranek has constructed a veritable fortress and the polar caps to protect him during his dark work okay sounds like this guy needs to die whoa what is that why can't I go in there all right fine ooh ooh speed boost after glory kill that actually I think is gonna be very useful because that's one of the things that I noticed I'm kind of slow on my feet when I don't have a - ready so I would like to be able to glory kill and then move faster I also got to use my blood punch way more what is that oh that looks fun this old place looks fun oh all right uh any other secrets that I missed nah I just got to go for it and not be squashed right that's how you get squashed oh I timed the gap I thought I was gonna get squashed what point nerds we're gonna get squashed is that two-for-one kill oh you think you're gonna get me ha okay oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh boy I missed hang on Han an ant ant fish oh my goodness that was a big boy a big boy touka blew me I could blow me the big boy what are you doing what are you doing bye-bye no no your hands what happened to your hands dude you should pay attention things are happening around you I was doing that over there oh nice block and your heads gonna be blue and your heads gone did I just go in a big way did not bye bye mana you know if these guys actually like coordinated they wouldn't have to worry about fighting each other so much and they wouldn't have to worry about me picking off their weak points from a distance a very safe distance point oh my god headshots work up in that guy man he did not move that guy he was steadfast he was he had orders to hold his ground and boy howdy he held them alright let's go for this oh boy oh boy it's getting tight here alright uh we're okay here okay here hey stop that stop I'm low on health cuz I don't know what I hit oh stop well he died how what all right what am I looking for there's something in here hello ah punchable are push a ball portion punch those are my two actions all right is this my coffin oh my hello hey there was a big version of that that I punched okay bye well glad I did whatever that was why did I do that mom oh there's a dude down there how do I get down how do I get up ooh all right well interesting so there's got to be a way to get up because that tells me to go over there but there's also got to be a way to get down that's what that tells me over there okay is it whoa-ho-ho almost fell down almost went kaboom Oh nope definitely not that way I'll lose all my health just to falling in fits ah see I see I see I see I see yes uh-huh okay oh I see interesting but also what about getting down below hand before we commit to this let me back up a bit ah there's also that there but how do you open that puzzles puzzles peas auras posers oh there's a secret in there too Oh on the other side oh I know I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do I know I said that I wasn't gonna try to get all the secrets but for some reason I'm really incentivized to do it I don't know why hooha yes yes this is how we do it this is what we do this is what I do anyway oh [ __ ] look at me oh my god Commander Keen oh hell yeah alright what did that do for me oh [ __ ] I can go over there now yes yes yes what did this do what does this do why am I here probably the logical way that I was supposed to go for this secret out there - okay this is apparently there's a secret up there ooh what if I know that wouldn't make sense oh wait this would make sense oh hi Oh one-shot kill on stager oh hell yeah oh and hell yeah oh hell yes I'm getting all those regards of yay for me Oh a portal huh all right I got those nice Oh all right let's do this Oh nailed it hey dude we weren't even looking at me you don't even know I'm there all right oh yeah yeah keep fighting nerds how you almost killed me just from that whoa oh no you know stop bad bad kako demon bad cackle Badcock otaku right ow ow ow ow two can play at that game oh come on oh that killed it I mean the super shotgun is immensely powerful I just want to say that in case anyone was doubting here yes it seems right ooh what's that for a secret I think yes oh definitely that secret territory I don't really need a boost here whoop maybe this isn't secret maybe this is just what it's supposed to be here's something clacking up there okay yeah we're getting flame belch boost oh hell yeah oh hell yeah Oh punch it off just like everything crush it so what am i doing with those crystals am i shoving them inside me I don't know why that's my first instinct but I'm assuming oh oh sorry yeah yeah you guys should get more security ow No something tells me those guys are pretty pathetic okay seminal battery Oh fancy I like dude there's one thing I gotta say about this place is they have a sense of style whoa what did I get oh I was supposed to get all that oh sweet right finally not really a secret but hey it was fun okay so you saying that makes me think I'm more of a betrayer type than I was wait no then Who am I Who am I what am i doing hey bud you're gonna do this for me okay hello logo bye hey whoa you suck hey stop boom soup right in the head okay you stop that number 100 gone didn't even get to glory kill you taking all the fun out of it alright let's do some plasma stuff that I haven't done let's switch over to the first wave mode and alright so there's something to the right here the coin I there we go that's nice I feels good I feels real nice there's something here up oh I see you but BAM fist bump bro alright thanks for the coin the dude sneak attack sneak double shotgun attack never saw it coming oh I'm very close to getting that mastery these pools of blood nice they are to be perfectly honest they they are pools of blood all right oh hey bud try to hit me try to hit me you can't you can't you won't you oh whoops I'm out parently out of ammo so I'm gonna do this Wow whoever's nice love it come on do you think you can mess with the legs of me hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey stop point your everything here all of you just your control unit man by that I mean your brain well that's big that's cool that looks neat am i fighting that oh that was just what was that what was that just decoration that serve a function link what does that do okay whatever you say buddy boo nice pools of blood all right cool what are you what do you do but purpose to serve the music okay sorry I just needed that love it love it so much I know they're gearing me up for a boss fight right now but I can't help but be anything but underwhelmed by this pathetic display they have here hello I'll or I thought I had the keys don't I have keys oh oh I see this isn't actually the fight here the fights are common pop nice nice well just throw my head right into that that that felt good that felt good got that I really want to shoot that but apparently it doesn't die where am I going ah here we go coin kiss okay man they really should think about setting those up somewhere else they're very convenient for me oh hi you good-bye you so close I did it again oh wait but I know how to do this boom two for one alright we are looking at a coin over there so let's see about getting you're not even hitting me my dude not even hitting me whoa hey buddy I see you what ow dad's three of those took away all of my health so ah no not like this please I'm very sad now I'm very sad hope you know that very sad I'm all the way over here now that's very sad for me I've been very sad having coin man hey how you doing hey good to see you I should spend these but I won't not right now anyway I found a secret what do you mean to found a secret I thought that's where I was supposed to go you telling me that was it what I was supposed to do ow oh yeah I can make that hi hey how you doing hey hey good see it nice chain saws double chainsaws actually I like that that's good why am i doing am I just building am i it's like a build-a-bear but a demon it's build a demon I'm building my perfect demon that I want to fight because no one else will give me an actual challenge I see I get you okay well now I did that feel good about myself yeah how do I get out this one never mind that's how I okay lore once a race of beasts like hunters the doom hunter creature was known to the Sentinel warriors in ages past as lethal stalkers of the metal age extracted from the frozen depths of the polar tundra the doom hunter belongs to an ancient race uncovered during cultist excavation of the remote Arctic so you're telling me this thing this right here is from Earth before even humans get here that that's that's nuts all right sure I believe you do monitor ceremoniously systematically resurrected and rebuilt great high degree of mental faculty a sentient brutal hunting instinct augmented with the armaments of a tank division great that sounds good I'm glad for that there's some kind of a secret here not sure how to get there but I can tell there's a secret my my nose really can hunt out any secret anywhere I just have to figure out how got it oh oh god it's so cute oh that's very cute all right I'm low on health you got some more of those there we go that's what I'm talking about I do i I think you're expecting this to be not just a trivial encounter where I just absolutely destroy everything that you know and love and I thought you would appreciate the century a true aha news a great bargain on hunters from the camels rare right long thought to be extinct created an army a slayer is not sitting US during the unholy crusade some improvements on the design of it may enjoy what is undoubtedly my finest work okay cool all right you're gonna die ooh weak point oh that makes it easy oh yeah you know actually that's not a bad idea okay how about I do that hang on let me get some distance I got to change out - oh hi didn't notice you there can I have some thank you all right I'm gonna change out to this we're going full auto ba-bop ba-bop doing exactly what I was foretold I'm a whole ship ammo oh yeah oh yeah okay all right here we go cluster what that's not what I meant to do this this is what I meant to do yeah The Heretic I don't think you know what heretics all about if you think I'm there to hear is to be perfectly honest I think you might actually be you the heretic hey bud hey how you doing you look at in that double jump there you're unlucky I'm here now can you hold on a second and then oh he doesn't freeze interesting whoa okay let's dance baby let's dance whoo oh I'm so close to getting meathook Master well shouldn't get close to that guy that's for sure whoo all right let me wash it missed a [ __ ] okay hang on let's Oh goddamn it not what I meant to do there we go that's more like it Oh caught you midair baby all right how about we do one of these discs uh-huh nice ah okay alright now I got to take it seriously because I'm low on health you look like a capable volunteer yeah ha now I'm entered nonetheless okay thank you for your contribution to the fighting efforts yeah yeah yeah let's see is this gonna affect you now well not if I miss oh oh oh oh all wait don't go don't go guys so sad they didn't want to play no mo oh oh wait maybe there's gonna be like a stage to down below I don't think it's over oh yeah oh yeah oh this feels like stage two what are we doing they're not done yet huh oh now I gotta fight two of them okay all right point okay can you not get in the way of my big Rockets then you not lock on to that target smash the heretic okay alright sure whatever you say I will I will Bubba [Music] oh god I just killed myself I I actually almost devastated myself there that was all me although God do not do that to me sorry bud you you get to die you get to die very very very horribly oh yeah hey none of that we will have none of that in this house I will have none of that in this house thank you thank you what are you doing buddy get out of here a blood punch baby oh yes yes yes yes yes oh my goodness yes oh man oh mama did I get the mastery I might've oh I did I got the mastery oh yes yeah I got the mastery oh I'm so happy Oh what that I thought that was a pit of doom all right you are right you are right all right let's let's settle down here let's settle down let's settle down oh yeah now I'm getting into the rhythm of it oh yes all right oh my goodness okay I'm getting hurt bad you know how about we don't hi bud oh whoa what the Frick what do you just hit me with okay I got to be careful I'm getting close to epic destruction here oh I love that that's good yes please yes please [Music] oh yeah now I'm feeling it oh what's that oh what's that this perfect perfect no talk no nothing straight to the point and the point is that you're gonna die and that was feeling really good towards that that last battle towards the end of it I was feeling the flow the meathook the fire the fodder the ammo the armor I was getting there what punch shockwave is now more powerful that's something that I don't use I don't use enough blood punch I know that for a fact hey I did pretty good what challenge didn't I do Oh fire in the hole I didn't even realize I needed to do that oops hmm all right let's move on am I going back to base because I got a lot of things that I need to upgrade at the base the fortress of doom Oh game [Music] [Music] the super gore nest are you telling me a super gore nest because I rip out the heart of those gorgeous I remember the name of the gore nest back oh I remember that which means that I get to rip out our super big heart from a super big Gore nest also what did you say I need to grab what am i grabbing yes yes yes in every way yes yes yes yes yes and yes and then I want that the unmake er do i'ma get you Oh imma get you okay so I need to decide what I would like to spend my central batteries on wasn't there something the doubt fit oh how many central better giant hmm I've six Oh what else do we have what up what else we got ooh that I like those those are good okay definitely a contender okay so those are good if I spend on anything it might be those uh what do we got on your sludge nothing can't go down there so we got sludge and - and there's something up top oh yeah oh oh my the classic outfit oh oh me oh my I think I must ooh I feel as though I must mmm I do like the current suit I don't know if I like it as much as the suit from 2016 but there's no way that I can't not do the classic suit I'm not even one for customization I'll tell you guys straight up I'm not usually one for that but but but but but but but look at that but look at that but what what what what what what what but how do I change it I think I gotta go back to the main menu I think and I'm just gonna go well that's not me that ain't me that ain't me at all are hanging Flair there we go oh that's what I'm talkin about well that's what I've always been talkin yeah cuz the current suits pretty cool look classic Oh classy classy oh that's classy oh that's classy ho that's climbing wow that's classic I'm having so much fun I really not joking I'm having so much stuff fun the story is losing me a little bit the story is like going off on a like oh hell heaven God's sure whatever to point me in the direction and tell me to kill something I will kill it and that is frickin fun hopefully I'm wearing the thing but there's two other items that I'm going to get I think I think mm-hmm I think these are definitely worth the money that being said wasn't there wasn't there some other like outside area that I need to do them before I do that before I'm stupid let me go see something this what is this I forget what it said it was oh this is just another outfit I'll screw that noise who needs that I've got the only outfit I'm ever gonna want oh that's club that's boom 2016 suit ooh it's awfully shadowed in there but yeah that's 2016 oh I do like that one but I'm good I've got classic I'm gonna go for functional over prosthetic sovereign also take note that on this suit that I'm wearing it said the tagline was it still fits so I think they're really trying to connect to this character that I am too that doom character but I don't know how those timelines line up is the thing I really don't know let's do the armor one because I want the armor in ammo combo armor health um is fine all right let's see how that do I do have a tendency to run out of armor more but if I'm using my meat hook properly than I should shouldn't have too much trouble with it and then nice okay cool give me that thank you all right I'm gonna need to spend some of my points on some of my suit upgrades and my gun upgrades but for now Oh wrong way but for now I'm doing pretty good I'm gonna go find a super Gore nest and I'm gonna punch the tits off of it because that's how I do where is it let me do my suit stuff first oh yeah faster weapons which that's it that's a must I need that let's do this personal yeah definitely okay cool all right we're good there let's go I need to go find a Gorn esque to explode we oh no I got a feeling I'm gonna deal with a lot of buttholes oh well at least I'm going back to earth oh [Music] they just blew and that was the respawn hi bye all right cool good mmm don't be silly hi bye hey bye hey uh there you go you'd think that a grenade would blow up a wall but apparently not what's going on here Uncas dinkus then did I catch you in the tuchus get you in the nog if you in the nog damn Oh oh my god what the hell literally how what oh that's so cool and gross but cool damn that's bonkers ah caca dubbins no beer yeah bruh you you bricks ah they're not real you're not real I tried to reload again but you're not real what's going on guys who's fighting or teef how about I am Oh your head is gone dude your head is so gone oh my god oh my god I love it how about hey how you doing had gone damn these these monk of us is they they doing too good on the whole killing me Department wah-wah but oh who's doing who is making the floor electrical who's doing that don't wear missiles oh hey bud that blast wave does knock off knock off their uh their rockets and stuff which is very nice oh my god just just having the mobility of this device is so nice oh hey welcome to the party pinky I wasn't exactly where you are right now but oh you're too tough from the front I can't I can't hit you but I can do this oh whoops no I can't nice okay there's a couple secrets here that I definitely need to get there seem to be a couple secrets floating around hither and thither there's this one hey cutie Mecca zombie very cute very cute and I can definitely get in there here oh no oh you dick do not block me I want to go in there let me in there let me in there I'm a baby let me in now that's a meaty penis all right fine I'll move on why did suddenly I want to know how to get all the secrets what did I get I got it some kind of a codex hell growth the growth exhibits certain predetermined qualities in the consumption of our ecosystem it creates environmental conditions more conducive for its own continued formation in effect employing an organic method of terra formation the resulting environment is hostile to terrestrial life producing atmospheric toxins and a multitude of environmental hazards although it is understood that the growth accelerates the arrival of demon life on earth it is not clear how the growth stem self is originated or whether there was some sort of catalysts that created the conditions necessary for their existence it is believed that if the source of the grouse can be identified there may be a means of uprooting the entire formation you're being like a super Gore nest you got it buddy come on the job you called doom guy you get doom guy and doom guy knows how to deal with you rapscallions a comfortable one you say uh how about no all right what do we got for this charge up particular that embeds and demons and explodes destroy our blade oh I mean the árboles is pretty cool I gotta go with uh if I have this it's like to take out big things from a distance I've got like the sniper for the machine gun which I might at some point change out to micro missiles but oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah hey bud you want to die all right went right through him what a Wimpy baby hey guys hey you mind if I cut in yeah I'm funny point what miss me sorry wow that sucks for you I am having a blast oh you you still a threat to some people Wow who's hitting me who just hit me oh you oh you [Music] oh yeah oh yeah there we go well kicked all their asses show them who's what now what who there's a secret up there a weird yeah god it's so goopy yeah but there is a secret up here oh so I knew I was gonna go it's gonna be oh but you you suck oh I knew it was gonna be all butthole all day long it's gonna be the level of butthole but that's okay I've dealt with it before I'm fine why is it gotta be undulating that's what I don't get it's it's just all undulating off Totem increase the speed and damage of nearby demons buff demons will endlessly spawn until the buff totem is destroyed well I guess I gotta kill the buff totem then back you are faster oh my god you're so much faster what the hell whoa whoa that was no joke what the hell that was no joke what you didn't tell me it was gonna be like that all right fine where's the buff totem I'll kill it Jesus Christmas where is this buff totem jiminy crisp oh my god this home honey what the hell you guys suck stop being asses oh my goodness gracious gravy where's the buff totem and I'm not seeing no buff totem oh how did I not hit that holy crap oh it's in there jiminy Christmas oh man that that's all whoa whoa Wow Oh oh my hello friend ah I should have known buttholes no it's butthole heaven I can't die die oh my god let me get the coin please don't kill me honk honk honk oh my god did I rip its heart open give me a card thank you I just need thank you hmm all right cool thank you aah who's there stop being there yes okay uh yeah yeah yeah uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh you know what I take some of this and one of these and where does this go ah this was a mistake out no out no out we're even oh my god you I think I got you on your teleport Punk skewed how did that not Oh God here it is kill it destroy it there we go okay got it now you suck and you J Sims Christmas that is one way to do it yeah that's one way to make it a lot more difficult guys you found it out there it's so much faster when that's like that oh so scared good god oh my god what are these oh my god oh I love it I love it but I hate it I love it's so pulsating draw buttholes all day long guys I sure called it on this one is all butthole all day oh how do I get to you oh I have no idea how to get to half of you I don't even know what anything is anymore I miss industrial looking places all right good that armor would have helped a while ago or really helped oh now you're open all right yeah I'm completely out of ammo on pretty much everything let's definitely do this all right what do ya what are ya what do you what are you yes please gimme you I need you thank you very much thank you very much I need you whoa not the big guy oh my god not the big guy that's not what I wanted all right take two all right you freeze you go there you go there you give me you and then you go there you go there I'm gonna blow up your armaments donkus are good good good oh no time I forgot time ah I was very close though least I got some ammo for it em'ly man glory kills take up too much time for those I think the trick is Oh God out done I think the trick is not to do glory kills in those because it is just too much time alright alright what did I do there's something else in there too there's a power e power up but how do you get to that yeah it's behind there but how would you oh there's some kind of down there okay interesting so somewhere industrial leads to right there I'm willing to bet it'd be back there it's probably when I go through the teleporter there'll be a way to go up around cuz I don't think in this big ol hall of meat here that there's a way yeah cuz I can't even go back okay cool let's go through the teleporter let's see what happens I got the yellow Gork heat and I'm not happy about it and I well I'm gonna remember what pocket that's in and I'm never gonna put anything in there ever again okay okay bouquet nice okay do I need anything else I mean the faster glory kills might actually be nice because they do take a while you know actually I'm gonna replace the the UM blood Bunch room because to be perfectly honest I don't use blood punch enough and there usually aren't enemies to get caught in the shockwave anyway it only is marginally beneficial oh my goodness when you said super gore nest I didn't assume you meant that super can I get some ammo seem to be missing some ammo here you can I thank you they also punch what blood punch oh my god there we go yeah faster get the speed up there we go that's how you do Oh what are you doing whoa hey bud Oh God Oh God okay house dumb of me oh come on what the heck what the heck give me something to shoot oh yeah cut you meet everybody punched you oh yeah now we're getting it give me something to shoot hey how you doing friend Oh from downtown from downtown oh do not block him from my glory oh look at you oh is that a quad damage that is Wow whoa whoa God they hurt so bad no do not block me from my glory you guys suck and you're going you're gonna get sucked are you oh there you are run I'm runnin oh no I got quad damage right at the end there definitely it's most useful point I'm very proud of that and I'm proud of myself as all of you should be the secret down there in the whole hidey hole decide you knew this hidey hole oh but it's closed but there's something on the other side there we go there we go infinite ammo whoo yes please god I'm the worst about getting power-ups aren't I okay what are we facing next ooh there's something above me wow I didn't notice that that is pretty crazy not gonna lie that's pretty nuts that's pretty ridiculous I got locked on target okay so there's got to be a moment when that thing comes close enough to be able to jump on it oh no nevermind it doesn't go nearly high enough what I wanted oh no it's something else okay that drops down okay so it's definitely not here at least not here right now so that just leaves this big Mamba Jamba right here whatever this is it looks cool it looks really cool like that's pretty sick but unfortunately I'm all out of time for this episode thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you're enjoying this I know I am I'm getting good and I'm getting kills so thanks again stay tuned for the next episode in just a couple days here subscribe if you want to see and ring the bell if you want to know when it goes up and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,504,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom eternal, doom eternal game, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal part 3, the doom hunter rises, doom hunter, doom eternal markiplier, markiplier, gaming, awesome games, best game 2020, doom eternal glory kills, doom eternal boss fights, doom eternal playthrough, doom eternal walkthrough, doom eternal lets play, doom eternal review
Id: kbj7bTRgyGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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