What if Black HOLES were in Minecraft?

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there's a black hole loose in Minecraft and it's tearing this world apart Lisa strangest thing about it though it was made using materials found in Minecraft super rare materials that we've pinpointed as the origin this destructive force similar to these cows there are a lot of rumors flying around that they're made fact be away to harness the power of this thing we investigate further alright so if I was a black hole what would I be made of what in Minecraft makes me think like dick gross total destruction oh hey a swab I'll tell you what I don't think total destruction but I definitely think it and it makes sense slime to do spawn and swamps something a little odd about these slimes though in particular huh well that's because slimes in and of themselves are kind of already an oddity for Minecraft mobs they're made of slime and I don't think there's really a major slime equivalent that's natural like this in regular real life so there's a chance if we kill enough of these maybe we'll get our hands on something one special just kidding we do every fifth giant slime like the one right here in front of me is prone to spawn in a very unique type of slime let me see if we can find one right now oh there it is look do you see that oh gosh what is that thing look at it it's some kind of weird flying entity just going all over the place in the sky and it's dripping some kind of particle yeah what does it mean well maybe we should just get a creative mode and get our hands on it huh now you don't want to get too close to it other than to kill it because it can do some serious damage to you although it's stuck all the way up there I might need to get my hands on a bow and some arrows get it come on kill this thing it drops what we need can you guys stop already there we go doing the thing I think I hit it once or twice I don't know how much health it is there we go yeah we just hit something yeah baby oh can you die there I got him okay so hopefully he dropped what we need okay no not this time it's alright we're just gonna spawn and more until I get it don't mind me while I just do the rest of this in creative mode we got things to do guys there we go look it's right there it's a very special scoops oh man I should have grabbed it oh my goodness finally I had to kill one before I could give myself a bunch in creative mode this is known as radioactive slime and the reason it blew up before is because well it's radioactive if you don't pick it up after too long it will automatically explode in and of itself because of the elements around it causing it to react in such an interesting way which means if you are keen enough to collect a whole bunch of these you'll essentially have landmines that slowly go off with time like listen to this listen yes yes good keep the explosions but we need them for more than just their explosions if you don't pick this thing up fast enough when it's nearby you it will actually cause you to deal poison well rather to be dealt poison you're not seeing that right now because I've got on to spent oh there we get we got rid of my region now you can see I've been poisoned poison too and it will eventually catch up and see see it look is bad but that's the only item one the next item is gonna require us to head to the nether I've saved you the grueling trouble of watching me slave away and getting obsidian because I just I just went to create a moat so anyways here we are if this loading screen ever finishes loading yeah thanks in the nether now we do need to go deeper like the advancement says in fact we need to head to bedrock level and I don't mean the ceiling oh dude are you sure what the heck just happened dude right as I entered it like put me in lava anyways down to bedrock oh great more lava actually we should probably just start down here by the lava pools that's gonna get you to the fastest bedrock it's a long long way down but you'll eventually see bedrock which we've got right at the bottom there and we'll be able to find ourselves a new or type that's right ores that will spawn near bedrock if we're lucky enough to find it oh look there it is yo literally at y equals 1 the final spot this is a new type of bedrock or you can get your hands on ooh that's right except these guys are mean can we not thank you what we get den site that's right hey that kind of rhymed check out this it's basically a shard of bedrock they are extremely difficult to find I mean once you're down here in near bedrock level it becomes more common but even before that good luck finding more than a couple in a single area you'll also notice we were hit with certain effects when we picked up this den site mining fatigue and slowness oh look another perfect ooh but now it's taking forever to mine so yeah silverfish will start attacking you and nobody likes those guys just kidding by the way it wasn't the silverfish that are giving me the slowness in the mining fatigue it's literally the den site look we are completely cured of those things the moment we lose it but grabbing again makes us slow makes us fatigue makes us just suck in general but how about it the second ingredient for our final black hole ingredient we need to head to the end scattered around the end island is a special warping mechanism device tool to be honest I don't know what it is but it's known as red matter and it's the key to our final black hole ingredient and if anything it's the closest thing we have to the black hole before it's done look what happens when I throw items they literally get sucked right into the red matter doesn't matter what I'm throwing that matter is going pour blocks are having a panic attack man look at them but you can't just throw anything into the red matter and expect to get your black hole out of it it needs something quite special it needs TNT now if I were you I would make sure you defeat the Ender Dragon before you start messing around with all your red matter because otherwise you're not gonna have much to show Oh check this out we got our TNT we've got our redstone torch and look here's another red matter right here so all what you do is light this torch and let the red matter suck that TNT and baby you're gonna need more than one TNT though so why don't we oh you know just you know not too many just whoa if we've done it properly oh oh look you see oh man ooh nice we got it look at it right here this is our red matter wow I could see right through it you look good it's time to head to the overworld I did forget one specific key item you will need your hands on it's the nether star that you get from killing the weather but I'll spare you needing to watch me kill the weather for now it's time to craft baby y'all ready for this you're gonna need to get yourself one two three four five six den site as well as to read matters throw that nether star right in the middle and check out your infinity compressor this block is the key to all of our black hole needs before we can summit it in though we're going to need to fill this compressor with a whole lot of matter that's right this is filling up slowly in fact it took a whole stack of netherrack and it's only at 7% mass currently look at that good news for you though you can use other items to fill it up faster like for example den site throwing in a couple den site will change this to work a lot more quickly let's just Oh throw in a whole stack yeah yeah fill it up baby 21% thirty five forty nine keep it all coming now the moment it fills up you'll want to grab radioactive slime cuz look if you wait too long this is gonna go bad unfortunately it looks like I don't have my radioactive slime anymore we might be in trouble okay you stay put I'm gonna go to the swamp where it's a swap okay I got some quick it's literally slowing me down so much math still good all right here it is ladies and gentlemen place your radioactive slime right on top and then step away as this becomes a black hole before your very eyes oh gosh yo old man yo what's sucking me in no no no oh and oh wow where'd it go we got to find this thing before it gets too big oh I think I put it over here okay yup yup look at it it is literally sucking in all of the matter around it right now oh my gosh it is just going ham right now whoa there we go it's getting me sucked in again Oh seriously in creative mode - this is bad guys I forgot to tell you there are different forms of this black hole now we didn't do this fast enough it looks like this black hole is about to become an unrestrained black hole which is essentially unstoppable once it's been added to your world there is a way to harness this black hole's power by building a containment area around it similar to the red matter if for whatever reason you decide you want to get rid of this black hole then if I were you I'd suck in as much of the TNT right back into that black hole as you can because when you do that it actually causes the black hole to take damage essentially we're watching it get sucked in right now oh my gosh we might be too late here's a better view look at it going and going going we not we might not be able to stop it at this point if that's the case then literally your world is ruined and you can't do anything about it man it is literally imagine having to use this much TNT in survival minecraft to fix your TNT mistake yeah good luck guys I mean seriously everything is getting sucked into this black hole all mobs even flying mobs they're not gonna be able to escape the wrath of this dolphins sorry guys hope you're all enjoying yourself on the other side there even creepers which are pretty much the same thing with all these explosions not even slime stands a chance anymore it's kind of sad to be honest oh look the little baby's lives they die and then they get sucked in again hold I'm gonna spawn a bunch nice this is actually hilarious they all spawn and right below man we are feeding this thing yeah it's too late for this one but let me show you how you can contain one of these and utilize it for power no exaggeration this is how much iron you essentially need a hollow cube of seven by seven by seven iron blocks which means yes the inside can technically be empty that's where the black hole is going to go but you're also gonna need to get your hands on some iron bars as well once your containment area is looking a little something like this finish it off by placing some iron bars on the one open end like you see here why don't thing you'll want to do is place your black hole right in the center of this area all right before we do this black hole how we lookin ho my gosh it is still going nuts over there remember there's a mountain there well there still is it stay a little bit but anyways we've got our infinity compressor down right in the center here gonna go ahead and put an iron bar right back there fill that up once again and you can actually fill these up very quickly by just adding in red matter now what we're gonna do before we complete our black hole by placing the radioactive slime on top is in the center of the iron grate place a beacon right there once this guy is full well we're essentially done oh but he's not full yet well you guys fatty okay radioactive slime right on top close that up ASAP and witness as this becomes a black hole and not only that but manages to maintain constraint y'all ready witness nice notice no blocks are being eaten up by this black hole and not only that but a very special beacon of dust is showing up right next to this beacon nevermind the slime he's still affected by gravity believe it or not if I were to leave this I'd be affected by it as well you can see not too much though because for the most part the black hole is contained but nearby mobs well they're gonna have a little bit of a bad time once again if you want to figure out how to get rid of this black hole you're gonna throw some TNT right into the center of it but again if you also happen to break this lovely little containment area it doesn't take much for everything to start going wrong just witness goodbye beacon y'all ready oh wait just ate me oh great well I wanted to show it actually destroying the area around it but it looks like it's already begun look at that now we've got two black holes next to each other yeah this is not a good idea let's instead show you a great idea how to use its power alright so here we are at the black hole research lab interesting choice of lab block wood splinters definitely not clean but what is clean is this nice contained black hole we can peek inside and it's looking real good in there real empty devoid of anything any purpose any meaning oh sorry just kidding deep again anyways we can place glass nearby this area see this beam of light coming out the beacon that y'all saw earlier well we add some stained glass to it we can activate certain abilities and here are all of them and you'll want to keep an eye out for your favorite type of stained glass because each one gives the black hole different abilities as you can see the beacon over here is concentrating all of the black hole's energy down to this beam and so the cyan glass block will extend the length at which this concentrated power emits without that it only reaches to here you'd have to manually add additional matter to the black hole in order for the beam to reach longer or you can use some science stained glass to artificially increasing next up is blue stained glass this will freeze blocks look at that instantly snow look at you my goodness what a process freeze ooh very cool oh that time it didn't work it looks like it needs to be all boy good right make sure you do it at least otherwise things get bad yo was trying to get rid of this stuff drop look I guess I could oops I gotta break this could they go through there anyways but gentes stained glass will push nearby entities he's getting pushed see oh yeah I'm getting pushed too I'm even trying to get him to come to me oh my gosh he looks like he's doing some kind of hilarious dance or something do the jitterbug huh whoa but yeah it's good don't copyright any please because I'm so good at singing this weird looks like it only works on entities because these guys aren't really getting pushed in the same way the meanwhile back at the ranch all these moths go nuts mad pal we're gonna make a Betsy cannon y'all ready boom I didn't do anything oh great now they're just getting stacked up purple stained glass will pull entities as you can see I'm stuck in it's terrible I I literally use so difficult is escape oh my gosh hold on a second can we just yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no I took hey come on Betsy come get your weight hungry girl huh nope can't do anything right worse now all looks you want it so bad you're not gonna get it okay okay somebody help me I feel like I'm going through a wormhole or something let me out yo-ho-ho you're gonna love this one green stained glass will grow crops first of all look how fast the dirt becomes grass yes love it mm-hmm and then we have to put some water hmm unless ah ha I placed it wrong see look at that instant crops night I don't need bone meal anymore except when it takes longer you know gray won't break blocks like it literally vaporizes them look at this gone gone gone gone trying to find practical use for this probably be better if the you know it broke it and you got it as an item cuz then you could attach to a cobblestone generator and just fully get this loaded up but yeah another case light blue will provide a speed boost we got speed four wouldn't you knows you can set this up to get the ultimate Olympic jumps it's something yellow gives night vision oh my gosh it's nighttime okay break this now look what's flash oh gosh terrorize how do you manage to just keep looking at it well I mean your eyes are a little derpy I owe you all gosh he's being possessed somebody help if you're brave enough to set your black hole containment facility right next to a village you can put in some lime stained glass and get hero of the village to constantly being applied to you so you couldn't Theory set this up right next to a hole made villager farm Gaza that's messed up pink it gives regen aged Wow pain okay place you on in look at this I'm healed nice healing regen for dude I could get behind this look yeah yeah keep it coming definitely doesn't feel like regen for feels like oh there we go oh I was obviously not stood in the right place for that to be happening geez Oh perfect this is just as well so the brown one gave saturation so look at that now I'm nice and full ooh love that that one's probably my new favorite red they'll give strength can we just I just love that the black hole is working it's a strength boost by standing on this guy strength to boost you suck Betsy and finally the black one will give weather effects to set this puppy up near some mob farms and go to town on them yes drag is which color we missed it but you can't now again you can obviously add your own matter to this black hole wouldn't recommend doing it necessarily like this oh my gosh that literally looks so sweet I see did such a great job on this man ever seen and the more stuff you add to it ultimately the more of a beam length you can get and you can actually see this black hole is literally growing right now this is oh gosh I just made it too oh no oh man no I dude what you gotta be kidding me so there you have it ladies and gentlemen black holes dreams of nightmares something I don't know it sounded pretty good what other mysterious entity wonder of the world would you add to minecraft let us know in the comments below who may end up adding it actually that'd be pretty cool huh and it is a
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,935,247
Rating: 4.8434782 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, black hole, blackhole, black, minecraft black hole mod, hole, black hole destroys city, minecraft black hole command, black holes, minecraft black hole, minecraft blackhole mod, disaster, natural disaster, mod minecraft, mod, mods, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, gaming, minecraft challenge, challenges, new, challenge, funny, game, maps, map, functions, command, commands, diamonds, minecraft 1.12, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, no swearing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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