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hey what's going on guys log that zip here you've seen us morph into a cat you've seen us morph into an ender dragon you've even seen us morph into the evil herobrine but today my friends things are a little bit different now don't let your parents know you're watching because this video is gonna get real dirty oh yeah real namely because we turned into dirt blocks today yeah welcome to Minecraft as a dirt block we are morphing into an actual block for today's mob more video not a mob the block weren't you listening I just told you that find out what it feels like to play Minecraft as though you were one of the most common and unwanted blocks in all of Minecraft just so you can find out the dirt blocks are actually pretty sweet and they come with their own unique powers I will be covering in today's video so stick around because it's gonna be a fantastic morph showcase and you want to see it turn into more blocks mobs or even items you can let me know by commenting what you want to see us morph into in the comment section of this video of course the like Reddy's always appreciated my friends and hey you're not gonna see the video if you don't subscribe so make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell my friends would be swell to be notified of the next Minecraft upload right as it comes out I upload every single day so with that my friends it's time to hit the ground running it's time to check out Minecraft as a dirt block courtesy of my boy Xavier dragon zr1 for he helped us turn into dirt block if you want to have more information by Hammond's gonna be linked in the description to find his channel where he's got awesome things including him custom combate mod survival yes please TT be anybody already know it's okay but all the same first things first you'll need a special hey for something special hey my special hi what about special hello come on figure the kids man think of all the different greetings come on these items together so here's what we're gonna need to get ourselves some sugar hey it's sugar and hey right 64 sugar and 1 hay bale will get you your very very special sugar hey it kind of looks like frosted Wheaties look at it's delicious got even a nice little green band instead of the red one ooh we'll use this in a very very special way hey throw this at a cow and the cow will give you some fertilizer after a short period of time of course yeah oh man your fertilizer joke stinks Xavier no really it was a bunch of crap come here Patsy I got what you need Betsy look at this little girl Betsy eating it up throw it on the ground you give enough of this hay to dear Betsy while she's shaking it up she's getting her body ready y'all honestly this terrible stop bouncer Oh Oh disgusting we got our fertilizer Wow as a big load girl we don't need this hey stop trying to it's like a tacky it's like a salt so what help me I mean it make sense we need fertilizer to bring things to life so naturally if we're trying to turn into a dirt block probably need fertilizer to bring the dirt block to life but that's only the half of it we need to find a villager and we need to find a specific villager a farm a villager and what are we gonna do with that farmer villager you say well nothing so it's not just about finding a farmer we need to find one that's actually farming this guy he's just hanging out you got the bad trades nothing special we need to get you over the crops hey mr. villager come over to the crops come on not at me yeah get on over here man I'm a stupid all right now would you pick up some of these crops are you gonna start planning things maybe do it do you think is he here we go it begins they're both going in yeah so we got a killer file then your time is now mr. farmer villager it stopped Heidi for the truth oh yeah we got what we needed growth serum now you could drink the growth serum as it currently stands and get some pretty sweet effects namely a whole bunch of jump boost and nausea and even some health boost but we want to use it to do something a little bit different instead better grab an extra just in case now-now-now farmer Joe I see you're being a good father you being a good Ben you're tilling the land you're collecting the crops that's nice and all now time to talk again just to show you you can drink the potion you'll get nausea you get a jump boost that's pretty much all that happens but you mix it with yeah it mixed with the cow poop and things will start to get a little bit crazy combine those items with some dirt in order to get us up some dirt block now I could just mine up 64 dirt but y'all know how that works already so we got 64 dirt blocks right here we don't get rid of these stupid can't why I guess I'll eat the carrots because I have a little bit I was gonna throw them but waste not want not right 64 dirt one firt and then a growth serum throw them all on the ground together look what you get boom boom boom purple glowing dirt everybody's favorite now once you got your special dirt block you're gonna make sure your hotbar is clear before you do any sort of morphing at all which is good it's kind of ironic that your hotbar needs to be clean before you do something with dirt but the whole point is we gotta get rid of all the fertilizer the growth serum growth serum that sounds awesome honestly like I kind of went drink it again like is it what kind of growth is it we talked at subscriber growth and so log gained 10,000 subscribers that day no one knew why but but I did the growth right right right okay I'm sorry where's jokes in the world we're gonna get rid of the rest of this get rid of the cop bar it's nice and good to go place it in the last slot to morph and remove it from the last slot in order to morph back y'all ready for this get a load get a loaf oh we are now a dirt block and we're even holding a dirt block and look at me like it's jumping it's hilarious looking yeah y'all ready for this honestly the dirt block will leave a trail of dirt stone wherever you walk as well as a just gross graphical dirt so look at me we're walking around we're leaving dirt all over the ground and more than just dirt we're actually leaving some nice dirty look you see it's slowly there we just keep moving around we got a nice little dirty trail you'll see in just a second look look at its nastiness it's dirty it's supposed to be dirtiness and gross as you walk around it clears eventually with time you can see it's disappearing but the whole point is wherever you walk around as a stair block things start getting dirty nasty Wow look at this infinite dirt it's just whatever would wanted you also met with a few different powers namely dirt and more less than power with it remove gravity earth bending and bury and we all be telling you all about those beriberi soon get it cutest look at that hop I know I still can't get over it so it's honestly adorable like I feel like I'm bounced around like a little dirt block sure whatever now you also have infinite saturation so if you notice we can run around and sprint at full dirt block speed which is the same as full human speed but we'll never lose any hunger so you're probably wondering okay well how do you happen to lose any damage then if you've got constant saturation that's just it as a dirt block you will not be able to heal with the conventional foods you cannot eat food as a dirt block because your saturation never goes down however you can still take damage and this is the healing process that is involved throwing dirt heals you try it out huh we got three different mobs here we're gonna let him wall up on this just a little bit we got we got silverfish hey buddy buddy I've what he just what did you he just disappeared what his half in there hey stop it wait wait where'd he go do we just kill him why okay here's the better thing to do I've teleported myself upwards and as you can see here we're now damaged and we're not healing anything even though we got full saturation it's terrible so how do you heal well you feed yourself by dropping dirt on the ground and look at the health right now we're healing ourselves just by dropping dirt the most useless block arguably in Minecraft now heals you as a dirt plug oh this is awesome now what kind of freak eats itself to heal though well I guess you do from now on PS holding the dirt block gives you a lot of strength I'll see you're very stealthy no one expects this bit no one expects to be attacked by a dirt block I mean it makes sense why would you no suspecting dirt block you ever walked into Minecraft me like well I hope these guys over here don't show us a rough time huh so get a load of this spawning the husk you don't even know we're here can't see us can't do anything right yeah he can kind of look at me but that's about the extent of the conversation he's not gonna touch me he's not gonna do anything else not even the witches hey you ugly look at that well yeah you little warriors no she's like one me hey put them in the dirt pure gold stupid woods that's the power we're gonna talk about the second man this guy just won't die you still here that witch getting damaged down there it's ridiculous anyways now for our next power which is the power of gravity oh yeah hold the item in your second-to-last law degree inventory to disable gravity now you're a true minecraft block you know what I'm talking about you've never played minecraft before because you already know that blocks do not obey gravity in Minecraft and the dirt block is not an exception hold on just grab some food for later nice just floats around as a dirt block you have the ability to completely disobey the laws of gravity when your power selective currently we're moving dirt block we can jump we fall we take damage this and that you dig but the moment you've got this baby selected look at us we're now obeying gravity and by obeying gravity I mean we're not obeying crowded we're banging the Minecraft rules of gravity we can walk around as a dirt block and place us near our dirt block homeboys look at this hanging now honestly who wouldn't want to do it so we can use this to our advantage by doing numerous different types of things like getting over this wall so don't mind if I do we're just gonna go ahead and gravity block of ourselves and slowly get up the swamp oh it's so great I love it so much now if you want to add any points top gravity you just scroll off the gravity item and then there gravity is back in place you won't put back on you just scroll back to it you can kind of use this to very very reason to control where you look we got the air dirty your pollution hey somebody issued me a carbon tax dodge oh is that jug over your head okay well hey let's just get over the wall already so we can carry on to the next Paris man that was easy a dirt block could never fail this parkour it's true this wall wow what a joke it should have been 10 blocks higher to be honestly then we missed a chance now we could take off our gravity section here and not have to worry about being a gravity boy or look at that no really look at this we're gonna try without gravity then we'll try it with gravity so you can see yeah the best alive at parkour well being a dirt block I mean the other guy you might have to say a chance but now we can't even sink if we want to perfect right well I've just taken damage good thing I got some dirt this next power is amazing I mean honestly the gravity of this situation is earth moving holding the grass block lets you lift the earth use this to bury your enemies that's right you see this puppy right here earthbending don't mind if I as we slowly lift all the ground around us in an attempt to slowly but surely clear the world and terraform live and take out any mobs giving us trouble look it's so nice we're raising all the land underneath us hey little big hey stupid yeah oh well I mean I wasn't trying to oh no he's suffocating what have we done oh all right well it's lunchtime Oh am their block I can't do anything about this well sure y'all been spared for now mr. pig nothing to eat here just kidding you're going down to the ravine Park say yeah yeah let's have some real case examples here Huskers toast which is getting stitches and so officiated okay my book but it's time to Earthbend and suffocate oh this place oh yeah you too you stupid what's down there did we get him no he's laughing at me clearly didn't work yet hey idiot I'm trying to talk to you come on now there we go yeah ho ho yo that's it they're all going under right now curious to see if you'll change the path as I walk alongside it because I think it depends on how close you are to dirt before it actually has any chance of earth bending and lifting nearby blocks cuz let's see we do over here all these start getting lifted instantly it's lift baby settle it cuz I'm funny right anyways now alternatively you don't want to Earthbend and ruin the landscape around you with all these random just blocks floating all over the place and waiting for you to be eaten up on a second quick food break perfect you can instead use the stick right here the berry stick you can use it to very efficiently I to use that joke I'm sorry I forced them onto the ground it's less messy this way so yeah we already got our mob experiments to mess around with so silverfish dun dun dun witch witch witch husk us cus cus cus Oh singing jingle bells you can attack these kind what the heck just happened we got water if I dance T attack the mobs to slowly sift them all underground and just like that they are buried and start to suffocate now as a dirt block you're not actually that strong you have to use your ally aka the entire earth around you to assist you with killing mobs instead but needless to say I would say it's more efficient than actually bothering with attacking them all you got to do is set them underground once and instantly they are completely out of your hair I mean really look at its we gonna go in on them right now I could not tell you why things continue to turn into water around me but we go is good no worry about it stay away from your brakes they're all suffocating they all asked for it this is what you wanted this is your fall Yoho I'm sorry I'm getting a little into this okay the whole point is oh look he's coming back for revenge it's almost like he's a zombie well they'll suffocate e - Oh best day of my life look at him no going down then they're like spasming because they can't reach the air yo this is kind of morbid let's get the heck outta here so y'all ask him about the cobblestone why is it brown why is it dirty why is it nasty gross oh well I'm gonna explain and by me I mean these sides the last feature is turning cobble into dirty stone dirty stone slows mobs that stand on it cuz well you know just go with it so every time you walk over cobblestone it will turn it into dirty stone which will slow the movement of all mobs that happen to cross it's bad y'all ready hold on a second we're gonna spawn in a husk and you can see I'm a punching one so he knows him there hopefully yeah you see look gets on the dirt gets hit with that instant slowness it's beautiful and I accidentally keep earth moving and ruining the ground underneath me hopefully the husk no no no don't go in the water I need y'all to stay I'm the dirty cobblestone look at this let's slow things down a bit folks get a good look at ya oh yeah strike a pose girl oh that's dirty get it the dirt block look I'm a normal person okay I'm not a freak so now that you had your fill of making dirty cobblestone and polluting the air with your dirt paths and eating dirt barring innocent creatures if you ever want turned back into a normal human again boring all you got to do is get rid of the last morph slot in your inventory put it in any other slot and you'll instantly turn back into yo human self again extremely accessible and if you want to see this released as a download y'all know what to do my friend drop a like on a video baby and you might see this come to the java dish in Minecraft that you play very very soon but then we're gonna leave things off right now amazing dirt powers we turned into a dirt block for today's episode so what I want from you guys is in the comment section this video let us know if you want to see us turn into any other blocks in Minecraft or maybe even one of the items instead doesn't always have to be mobs or friends let me know by leaving a comment of course leaving a like on the bay thank you so much for subscribing and hittin that Bell to be notified the micro videos right as they come out my friend special thank you once again to Xavier for making this awesome more if you can find out everything you need it's gonna be in the description this video have a go of my friends enjoy the dirtiness we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,196,503
Rating: 4.8710489 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dirt, block, dirt block, minecraft dirt, minecraft block life, block morph, minecraft as a dirt block, dirt morph, morph, morphing, minecraft blocks, blocks, realistic minecraft, minecraft life, minecraft how to, how to, op, realistic, minecraft functions, function, custom command, commands, minecraft commands, custom, command, mod, showcase, minecraft mods, mods, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft 1.12, 1.12, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip,
Id: uFyvzbf2CkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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