HOW TO CRAFT A $100,000 GOD SWORD! *OVERPOWERED* (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)

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hey what's going on guys he's logged odds if he look down at my hot bars a whole mess of things going on we got a compass it helps direct you we've got TNT with redstone torches could help slow things up everybody likes explosions right we've got ourselves fantastic sword capable of dealing damage to poor defenseless benzene we also have a lot of experience coming our way and not only that oh and did I mention we can fly fly yeah we could fly now what all these things have in common with one another the answer's nothing they don't really have anything done but what if I told you that there is a very special new sword that comes with a 1.13 crafting recipe that combines all of these special things I was recently watching my boy Preston's YouTube channel and on his channel we saw a video where he discovered this thing is beautiful it was fantastic and I had so many special powers well I caught wind of an alleged recipe that adds in a $100,000 sword complete with abilities that combine everything you just saw into one magnet now the pickaxe can join us on a day's journey but we've got a recipe one lock so straps ups in it's gonna be good old video makes you look like so although $1,000 pickaxe is a nice tool to have indeed it's just not enough so we're gonna get ourselves a 100 times more valuable sword sorry buddy you're gonna have to stay in the past we don't need you anymore what's starting from scratch that's what it takes we're gonna need some materials in order to make this $100,000 sword we're to use this cave apprentice a nice little cave system right over here we've been scouting out the area plenty of ores inside this baby and we got carrots yeah I guess we're gonna use the carrots to mine a weight well don't mind if I do save your breath no I mean honestly this pickaxe it's to value I don't want to use it for anything I like looking at it in my inventory no bar on it or anything you know I mean it's just better that way pretty it gets okay so let's turn the wood into planks planks the sticks most sticks oh you know we need iron we need a crafting table so we can actually craft a regular diamond pickaxe like I said we're gonna keep this as like I'm gonna put in my off hand so that it's always with us mmm it's like good luck pretty much all right well craft you put you in there good go the number one crafting recipe of all time the crafting well probably I mean most people probably use it there's our diamond pickaxe that's more our speed and now we do wielding magic look at this guy so to the caves we go we're gonna need to gather some obsidian so that we can get to the portal because in order to make this crazy sword the recipe calls for quartz you can only get quartz in the nether whoo it is dark in here wait I got an idea ah much better I got these new lights installed all I got to do is snap and it goes on and off don't ask me to turn it off by the way it's okay I think I just saw I thought I did well okay we got some coal will probably need coal for something I know it's always better to just get a little bit of everything I mean honestly everybody loves mining anyways that just feel the sheer satisfaction of watching your your inventory fill up with all these goodies and I love the experience sound we're gonna need a lot of experience in order to use this sword anyways it's only for experienced individuals namely need experience experience that's the experience enough I'll get perfect here we go we're building up the process grab a little bit of everything mmm that's nice we're also gonna need to keep our eye oh oh we're done what we really need is some iron to cook up so that we can get our hands on an iron bucket that way we can collect water because we need obsidian to get to the portal but like I said so it's nice to get out of supplies while we're waiting so now all we need is to go I left my crafting table upstairs we're gonna make a furnace we need to cook up our iron and we good to go whoa Wow where are we dude this is Owens there's more Dimond wow this place is unending only I've ever seen like a cave system like this before we have redstone we got gold we got a tall crafting table in hand no diamonds have showed up yet but every under or under the Sun is pretty much made its way lapis I needed you how can be now the last thing we need is to go ahead and just create a furnace turn it into that's a lot of diamonds oh yes even more on this side how many are there much much much lay down all right we got all the diamonds there's there's a lot of them I couldn't explain what happened to you you better you don't know anyways we're cooking up our iron we're very close to getting on a bucket of water and then we had another and get this sword on bucket in hand tub of water I don't really need these they're kind of just kidding the in fact let's just yeah goodbye no how about that we didn't even need a bucket we just mined this obsidian that is bad obsidian takes so long to mine my game is lagging too I just mined this and it's still there oh great no great you okay yeah right as I'm almost done double mining it we got ten obscene let's get the surface alrighty let's get rid of these placeholders one two three one I need a flint steel I would forget something well all we need is flint that's not as bad Oh Jack it's right oh it's like it was all part of the plan is oh dude is gonna take forever please get flit flit in the first strike zero deaths yeah there we go it only took a billion years now it's time to head into the net so we can grab ourselves from quartz because all we need from the nether to my knowledge anyways is simple quartz so thank you I don't grab you there we go thank you so much and we go to the nether no way to get my hands on this sword oh it's gonna be exciting so here we are on the ends of yeah we'll need ten quarts and ten magma that's not matter we got one two three four five Wells quick hey I like that ten quarts 10 magma so magma blocks those hang out pretty much everywhere in the nether can we huh all right let's call things down try and find some common ground namely ground I could stand on when I take a whole bunch of damage now I'm magma where am i hanging out where's the cool spot too deep nowhere around here come on never close I don't know what I just have no idea why you said there we go that's what I'm talking about stay away from me I closed bad very bad all right here we go though this is exactly what we're looking for and I think that's ten is that 10 right there can we just did that's eight I can't count it's okay now we got 10 and I got five quarts from before I thought I got 10 quarts - I really don't know how to count that this is embarrassing well here it's it's fine it's fine 1 2 3 4 what I did it oh ok we missed that I was like I really can't count like something's wrong Dan just like that although mates will get some extra alrighty back we go it's time to use these two special items together grab ourselves very one you need in order to create the sword we're gonna start by crafting supports magma ooh this is intense look and hold on one two three four five sweet five magna blocks okay well we have plenty of those and we needed that for court okay so hold on one two three four five this looks like a new guy this is I don't remember this recipe yeah that's new looking quartz magma can I it doesn't even let me place it it must be like too hot or something looking at it though it's very very pink that's okay I love pink I love colors so we need to make four quarts magma and we also need to make a diamond sword that's why we went diamond mine a little bit earlier we'll get to you in a second so I think one two three no no one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three I miscounted I'm trying to sing a song I'm really good singing hey check it out check it out check it out one two three just like that we got four quarts magma throw the four quarts magma on to the side there we go we're back we crashed I don't know what happened doesn't matter look we got a new sword the quartz sword this is a cool sword indeed it's all pink and not only that for the sword does as much damage just a diamond sword that you just wasted making it so that's a good thing however it also has a lot of fire aspect attached to it so you know what we could do is something no no don't want some of the wither I want to use the sword let's summon a cow instead that's more my speed I'm Betsy Betsy I'm talking to you don't look at the horizon there's not enough things for you to think about for you to be pondering like that I want you to look right back at me right now bits yeah that's good dog ah you see you get fire aspect and that's really nice because it automatically cooks up Betsy without you having to worry about anything and not only that you can spam the sword where normally you've got a little cooldown rate under swords and the weapons and stuff not the case on this guy's an instantaneous Oh boom you just keep going in and that we can get multiple Betsy's going all the way ball-ball boom boom yeah y'all die in that cute but you're not there yet we need to use the court sword to get our $100,000 soldiers right yeah the one who does not know P God sir look in all its splendor it's beautiful I won't but got a craft at first in order to craft you're gonna need a court sword which we have for lapis lazuli which we had before we crashed and for nether stars which we've never had before our life cuz who in the right mind would kill for wizards especially at once me log that zip that's to loss the withers to I broke the button I needed that hi-yah come on three perfect and then look at mega I fought with it right there look at y'all hanging out with me oh they're my new friends we need your stars buddy I'm a star and you're gonna have to come with me can we need a bow hey guys hey uh y'all leave until they're all where's the fourth one oh here we go much better here we go baby that's one down yeah that's tutor okay this is taking too long creative mode you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go what are you doing yeah you got sorry man nothing personal this just took way too long just like that what's that my figures for nethers day and all the tick was destroying most of this world let's wake up da baby and by star I mean everything's been leading up to this mold the countless stood blocks the endless miny more withers than your body has room all see already placed lapis placed quartz sword placed ladies and gentlemen I present the Opie lap is never so reggae the $100,000 Opie God's oh okay it's time to use this thing you know long it took we do you you've been won the sword is amazing and it is quite Opie look we're in the sky now why so we can just kidding we wonder why they're not do anything there's no mobs nearby to show it off check this out we're bringing back Betsy I'm sorry Betsy it's for the bats a card take them out yeah see you can kill fish with this nah now I'm playing oh we go check out what it does look that is sick basically you've got a right-click ability with the sword that will blow up any nearby energy that this runs into it is fantastic the only thing that's not fantastic there's no entities nearby to use it on but we can solve that see like we got a little turtle right here now one of the other powers at the Opie God so it has is if you look straight up and right click you are launched into the air and you will slowly float down yeah instead a chance not even the baby by you gone gone oh the list goes gone and done best day of my life it cost experience so the moment you run out of experience all the right clicks go missing mmm but through the power of creative mode if you sneak and right-click the fireball trail will go to the nearest entity which happens to be right over here you say they love oh I got him anyway so not only does he look instantly takes them out not only is it a homing fireball but any blocks in the way of the homing device will be deleted you'll see that the grass is saying it's all gone get in the water please bad embarassing but like watch look right it's applause in order to reach where it needs to go it just went all the way through oh my gosh fantastic Wow it's still going look at that's so cool it will go through any block solid oh not just to reach its target that is so much fun we gotta figure out another way to use it yeah watch shooting to the air sneak find your nearest target where did it go where's the target go target went over there so now we know where our next target is keep sneaking towards it right and then check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out now that we know where the nearest entity is we know where to blow this poor thing up so what is it that's over here what is causing all the blocks to blow up Jews it just went forever oh my gosh hold on a second where it did it oh I bet do we kill it yeah got him that time poor little porker you keep looking up and get some serious height let me look look we're above the cloud right now and we're just slowly just drifting down where it's isn't it just isn't it just grand Oh oh wow fell a little bit nice worst this sword is so Oh P it is the best hold on can we oh wow go through the water I think it's trying to find a corner that's like in the caves we gotta see what this all about hold on what kids is it straight is it straight down straight down oh wow can we just yep yep yup yup yup Wow taking us to other creatures underwater under the cave systems even so look you can use this to discover where caves are in Minecraft well no one does things so expensive think how many diamonds you could find if you just knew exactly where caves were at all times it even has a desert tempering device desert temple Oh there what is I didn't even see it over there yeah now I want to see how this works with no water oh look I got him again I just love blowing stuff up it can't go through see the regular missile one does not only the homing missile does sometimes you just got a deal with the hard truth and it's not always gonna work out in your favor is this a village right here are they going to the village like look this sword has led me to so many things yes yes sorry villager you gots to go uh-huh I'm gonna start firing off I seen it where he needs to die hey I love it oh I love it so much oh this is the best look at him over there unsuspecting do you even use it near mobs go now would it clear all of our experience you see we're gonna set it to zero levels no more XP right click doesn't do nothing it's got another power that we haven't even covered yet y'all ready for this check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out attacking other mobs we'll get experience you'll get experience back look at this we can instantly start firing up once again oh yeah okay so look though we've got low hearts look what else it does in addition to experience attacking mobs will give you regen - are you kidding me it's life steel you're stealing the life from poor little Betsy sorry Betsy I blow you up to finish her off I love this sword time for true show of this sword power okay that's too many okay too many okay good okay good that's play we gotta get a couple of these guys and of course sheeps and black sheep okay perfect so now we got everything we need to have a grand oh we go I'm gonna clear all my you see look I'm gonna game on right now game of survival we're gonna do just fine I'm attack you oh boy one that's strong yeah oh boy yeah Wow hey stay back seriously Wow I'm gonna kill these guys oh I don't know if I can be trusted with this sword this is kind of a very important thing to have hundred thousand dollars for this thing would you buy one I don't know I don't know if I would it's it's like I said the great power great responsibility y'all seen spider man I was sure huh but my friends that's it hundred thousand dollar Opie's sword take that $1,000 pickaxe not as kidding it's sweet I don't even know how pressed magic get his hands on this guy but all the same pretty impressive impressive it is impressive and impressive alright enjoy today's video y'all know what to do people I got it huh we need to find more one thousand ten thousand one hundred thousand 1 million dollar objects leave some suggestions as to what you want us to discover that and if you join this video make sure you subscribe hit that Bell get notified of every single every single one every single video I do rise it comes out my friends oh man I ran a thing to blow up with I got attack you once all that we're good enough I hurt my hand anyways will seal it
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,462,306
Rating: 4.6721854 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, op, sword, minecraft sword, minecraft sword craft, minecraft op sword, minecraft op sword crafting, 1.13 update, crafting table minecraft, 1.13, minecraft 1.13, crafting update, new crafting recipes, new crafting, minecraft crafting update, minecraft new update, logdotzip, minecraft update, advanced crafting, new minecraft, new, funny, comedy, minecraft 1.13 update, gaming, no swearing, new update, changed, custom, secret, workbench, new crafting table, crafts, diy
Id: 8K3bPd3P1pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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