Fall of Cybertron is UNBELIEVABLY good

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well after war of cybertron i was told very clearly that i was not allowed to not go forth and dive into fall of cybertron now if media has taught me anything typically if there's a one-hit wonder a sequel follows that ends up being complete trash and a cash grab however as i glanced over reviews and well your raving comments i realized that this time might be different now fall which came out in summer of 2012 to be precise was unfortunately and severely overlooked by so many as well let's be honest here i'm not expecting hands bro to pop out a bang roll right i mean sometimes you do get games based off of toys or cartoons that are decent you know lego star wars simpsons hit and run and obviously the one we've all played at least a dozen times say it with me now barbie racing ride but you see transformers and immediately assume it's some average poorly made game meant to capitalize on the fact that kids will just see it on the shelf and want it because they have the toys and that's when you play it and realize that those kids were dining like royalty and we are the jesters speaking of gestures follow me over on twitch where i stream basically nothing you'll ever expect me to oh and twitter too because i want to have like 100 000 followers but never post anything to convey an appearance of mystery i oh my gosh another three meg update okay we're gonna be here all night okay uh sit back relax everybody we're gonna be here for a while we gotta download this three megabyte update real real slow here the ultimate activision logo right there i wish they would do that intro still on call of duty oh lame they didn't have the cool hasbro intro for the last game just a picture are you kidding me holy i just kind of want to sit here this is like when you booted up skyrim for the first time you're like i'm not actually going to play i'm just going to sit here on the menu for a minute this is so good whoa what's going on here oh it's like restarting oh what's this okay why dude this is like better than the first three transformers movies let's just absolutely put 100 of our yearly budget into the transformers game [Music] it actually gets me so excited to play the game dude what are there dinosaurs in this game this is the most epic i've ever felt setting a safe frame size we have no choice bumblebee the war is lost leaving our home is the hardest decision i've ever had to make it has been a long painful war with the decepticons megatron mechatron well bumblebee's dead i need to test your retinal scanners follow the light halo combat evolve is that you take them out bumblebee okay okay i died you petty decepticons you're dressed in purple like the saints row characters do it dare you i've acquired the gatorade you all right can you make it over i can i i have the ability to press a to jump gee there sure are a lot of windows in here i hope something doesn't shatter the glass and suck all of my crewmates out into space insert gatorade optimus prime the gatorade is at optimal levels punch oh they're actually teaching me how to melee in this game nice look at that there's like a full-on animation for his weapon swap is it too much to ask for that kind of detail in games nowadays they don't they only haul assets okay you know how it is hashtag just transformers things a sprint button and it's not an ability i have to pick up though here's melee again they're trying to make up for not teaching you how to melee in the first game according to my transformers mecha brain calculations our ship is under attack you're telling me i can be truck oh no i could be smart car don't worry i have the power oh my goodness the syrian is a little janky all these arrows on the ground got me thinking this is some sort of mario kart track oh sorry i didn't mean to shoot my own men now you're ready blast and con straight back to cybertron yeah cons the derivative for decepticon equip the heavy oh bumblebee like bumblebee really like be gone you cons low ammo do you think low ammo is gonna stop me i've got unlimited low ammo what wait what i am okay i guess i am ugh i have oil all over my screen which means i'm murdering these decepticons well not optimus i'm coming but only as slowly as the game allows me to do i'm so close up this just buy me some time optimus use truck or something you use shia labeouf i don't feel so good mr prime wow now that is an intro mission to a game halting its production megaton is gonna pay for this six earth days you know i'm really glad they translated that for us uneducated petty humans you know what i mean you telling me i get to be optometrist prime path blaster that's a very self-explanatory gun i wonder what i'm going to do with this path blaster i get to be truck let's go out of my way decepticons optimus guy coming through i'll have you know i've been in a lot of movies and i've transformed a lot of times oh boy uh i'm a bad guy with like you okay thank you i mean i'm a good guy like you the designs in this game for the transformers are so sick they look so good assist ratchet press x we need to stabilize his power now fill him with gatorade they take the story to the next level they have you walking through an infirmary repairing your voice path blaster primary weapons heavy weapons i could have loadouts ah yes the neutron style rifle you want the honors optimism i do i'm going to take all your guys's thunder so fast first kill is mine haha yes let's go whoa he has a dodge roll this really is just dark souls look at that you can't stop optimus when he swaps his firing hand like this your decepticons don't stand a chance against my left hand powers i'll have you know that my right hand is even more powerful than my left you really think you're gonna stand against optimus prime with the turret no i will stand my ground okay i'm going to get to bro i'm going to get to cover i'm getting over oh no you just don't expect these games to be this good and then you start playing them and you're just constantly wow by amazing gaming i'm gonna find that fuse and oh he never had a chance no he did not holds a pick up it's a bomb get them boys oh freaking zarya all from overwatch if i can have your attention please if you will look to the skies you will notice a semi-truck shooting you local semi-truck destroys entire battalion of enemy robots they should be just around the incoming around the incoming oh no oh no there's enemy variety in this game and he's killing all my men the first game didn't prepare me for this okay hold on look at my manual i shoot him in the back yup i've seen again i'm all right help i've cyber fallen and cannot get up oh holy those guys are tough man now your biggest problem is you were designed with massive glowing pipes on your back very shootable looking enter targeting mode wait what artillery strike this really is just gears of war it would appear that i now control the main flow of gatorade power supply it is up to me to give cybertron its baja blast press to pry open door that wasn't just a prime eye man that was an absolute destruction of the doors optimus just walking through here watching all of his fellow bots getting slaughtered look look at that look at all the oil splatter on the window that guy just got decapitated right in front of me this game is brutal man they're like all right we're just gonna take like what gears of war did with gore and then apply that to transformers and there's frickin oil splatters all over the place look at this guy he was forcefully vented he was not even what oh my gosh they've ripped off all these transformers heads and just mounted them on this wall hey idiots confirm target dagger i hit the wrong button i hope it hits hit him boys wait yeah i think i got a couple of them there go boys i don't you can handle the neutron style there is no forgiveness i am optimus guy no mercy i believe you are correct as i am somewhat of a scientist myself where is that i'm trying i'm moving as fast as my little transformers ladies can take me oh baby oh baby yep yep i do like this i do i do enjoy what is happening my frame rate might be tanking but so are those tanks my favorite part is when the decepticons tried look at them run you pathetic decepticons this is a nice horse one more boom baby and now just to finish off all these pathetic oh no no no no they've got this cannon running on comcast yo it's like the stairs from harry potter dude what no i order you help us in this dire time of need yo you're kind of bright can you turn off the flashlight your phone flashlight is on right now dude turn it turn it off turn it off he's using discord in light mode it's pacific rim guy he pops him like a freaking skittles roll out that's a kind of a cool entrance animation to a new mission this is so incredible all out of my way decepticons yeah yeah step on them everybody's talking about lady the mr cool or whatever from resident evil village nobody's talking about metroplex not these guys again run dude run he's coming for you no come on boy he's just murdering all my autobots come on yeah you gotta love all that oil splatter all over your screen you know it's not blood so who cares get him megaflex wow he's a he's a pretty handy guy to have around oh justice justice i'm so sorry for his language i did not mean to keep that i did not know that was in the game here hit like right there i'm sure that would be a really good place to hit right there you wanna know what i like about this game there's not a whole lot of aim assist so this game is pretty much for competitive players only did i get him i think i got him i think i got a couple of them at least metro man grab the turret then destroy it or just body check it metroplex plays hockey confirmed oh well these guys are about to get screwed uh hey could you thank you i that's exactly what i wanted you to do riot cannon that sounds like fun what are they doing up there hey you stop riding optimus says no i'm coming for you decepticons now that i've got this big beam thing oh frick oh frick no optimus no oh no my hud disappeared it's cutscene time surprise oh no it's the worst decepticon no no you don't oh man is this a halo 2 reference i think it is this is what you chose prime no it's not not even close yeah do your worst you think that hurts me they're 14 at walmart i will rebuild my army well actually that's a lot of blood right there hey megatron there's a window behind you you should probably use that right about now hey megatron i just wanted to let you know that there's literally no hard feelings between you and i you know for killing to my men right in front of me like hey starscream you're next decepticons return to base that's right star stream doing what starscream does best hey guy you can go now he's dead get out of here i didn't know robots could go that flat take him out oh so now they've got stealth transformers this is this is good and they've got silent takedowns oh i think i hit the wrong button yeah yeah i didn't realize there's a different button for assassinations it's not just melee oh is it my transformer a little oh it is oh what this is so cool execute oh wow just rip his head fleeing off oh it is such a rookie mistake for you to have left your partner all right hang on if i can just maintain stealth just for a little bit here i believe they've lost me never mind come on boys what you guys got obviously missiles but i am not going to make a scene it'll be fine it'll be nice and quiet [Music] see the epitome of stealth all right so if i could just keep sneaking my way through the facility undetected holy freaking day what is that they've literally sent a guest after me now this is where i use stealth i don't think it saw me it definitely saw me wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on i'm being stealth i don't know where i'm supposed to go i just kill it i'm just gonna kill it let me let's restart this just real quick let me just real quick let's start all right now that i've killed you you're not allowed to tell your friends i'm here and stop jamming me where oh no yes way to go stealth space doesn't exist this is so weird it's as if the ancients thought the planets were spherical not flat wait a minute dude that's my house that's where i live no i'm completely invisible to the naked eye there's no way that screw it i'm just driving i i don't i don't even care anymore the game has changed all right this isn't a stealth mission like they wanted it to be i am this is about me now this is about what i want it's okay i'm winning i'm gonna win this bad boy world's first completely zero stealth transformer stealth mission oh please tell me i can execute oh that makes it so much easier my boy just woke up a million sleeping battlestar galactica fans oh dude it's just a single player overwatch match except the enemy team is actually competent freaking they just keep spawning them on the bomb i'm shooting the bomb unless maybe these these transformers are actually just giving up maybe the transformers have just realized how pointless this all truly is are you okay decepticons has has starscream led you to feel this way why are you guys trying to destroy a bomb oh look now you've done it the bomb is on fire does that not even the least big concern you make it responded uh luckily i know how to drive a manual all right here's the bomb on the bomb this stealth mission just appears to be getting louder and louder nice job you stay here keep an eye out what no not called cliff jumper for nothing you stay here i'll take the plunge later that's cheating dude what a superhero landing does that mean that transformers are superheroes wait new objectives survive the insecticon horde you're right cliff it should have been you i don't like metal bugs no there's so many of them yeah screw this place i'm not hanging around here with a bunch of giant demon bugs get on my way take your time xbox don't push yourself too hard here good man done good today xbox 360. you've met your maker transformer bugs i will destroy all of you kill all the bugs earth defense force baby what am i shooting at here oh oh wait we're back to the surface i'm trapped i'm trying to figure out there's so much happening here cliff what what why were you up there in the first place why why were you there we should have brought our insepticon spray am i right all the bugs are drowned and dead that's all i need to know we're smooth sailing from here on out what is this wait what [Music] oh dancing transformer best transformer there i think i found the lights i'm seeing some heavy metroid's prime inspiration here don't get all jumpy they're in spaces yeah they can't get out of there there's no way oh i really hate this never mind clam what are you doing get my jump on never forget that i am in charge shockwave i suggest you intent on your visit what should it be faster i'm really glad i grabbed the shotgun for this part flip stop shooting the nests you're spawning them i'm going i'm racing today bugs are officially road killed or were they considered that before i feel like they work these bugs never get a these are the true strengths okay they're really killing me now heal up oh good they fly now you're not supposed to fly you know what other cannon time i don't know what this does okay there are a lot of bugs here i'm pretty sure cliff shot all the net there's so many bugs in here out of my way i'm blowing up your home turned me around yeah it's like 10 frames of pure goodness this reminds me a lot of the halo 3 warthog run i can hardly see what i'm doing this game just keeps managing to go from best to better every mission [Music] because i put a bomb on the bigger bomb there it is the autobot transport carting away my energon don't you mean our energon starscream we need to divert the transport off the main road and into a sky ambush led by starscreen what now i gotta play the decepticons just undo the first six missions of the game real quick dude the gameplay is fun the story is great the characters are good everything is good man all right i have a plan the plan the plant is not looking good anymore all right we're gonna do a little straight feed mission here let's get cruise on by oh there's two of them back it up back it up come on i was like a drop the bridge on those things decepticon fun fact number 72 decepticons have force push do you think low ammo is going to stop me do you think no ammo is going to stop me brawl do not blow up the facility bro you're dropping my frame rates to unplayable levels okay decepticons the time to attack is now wait what starscream blast off hide their defenses the transports guns will shred you to bits i have no patience for your cowardice onslaught all right well let's watch them get absolutely decimated here oh they've got star destroyers quick get a local sith to bring him down oh man their mission intro sequence is never fail it's a little bit laggy i'm gonna be honest with you the cars are flipping around me imagine having a giant tank that doesn't have destructible exterior gears that would stop the entire thing this is a great mission a remake of this would be great any day now oh you inferior massive tank with easily exposed gears what will you do what i've halted you oh you'll fly i guess you can fly all right there fellow autobots i'm gonna commandeer this here airship i will pull the lever and there's nothing you can do about it uh should i have pulled this lever wait did my guy just yell during repeated gunfire there are very few action games i've seen actually implement that i made a mistake maybe not maybe not oh oh saved myself i probably should have transformed for this part um that doesn't look good ouch ouch ouch ouch i guess don't mind if i do mount a giant turret that's on a floating gun ship oh i just shoot it okay just shoot it bank left or right you know he's trying his best he's got some spirit unfortunately he sucks and you aren't dead north big surprise out of the way inferior bots run in fear bring out my shield dude what that's such a cool shield try me there's assassinations with him do it try me idiot punch your stupid car ludicrous good ludicus burn strike poor transformers hey guys i'm just here to uh destroy your ship you can dude that is like the ultimate move they literally troyed they trojan horse to the ship well except the autobots knew the trojan horse was the enemy but told you to still the mission is lost who are you to define me starscream encapsulates like the perfect discord and redditer mod just dump your trash anywhere he doesn't care uh oh he started better get moving yeah i'm in no hurry to please starscream so far his leadership has been a complete disaster they didn't find me operation oh wait a minute am i rebuilding the big guy i'm reactivating the gatorade inhibitors there'll be power in this facility for years to come assembling transformers oh what now assembling transformers carefully now stay on target it's perfect you know i am done with listening to starscream i'm just gonna freaking rebuild megatron well i gotta quickly charge you up here megatron gotta make sure you all juiced up for your big battle upstairs decepticons a new age is upon us god are the failures of megatron all right starscream i'm coming for you hey everybody it's me it's megatron i'm back to hover oh damn he's gonna hover now man who left this giant steaming pile of trash here hold on megatron needs his juice he needs his capri suns your allegiance is just the most annoying transformer ever created isn't he who dares to disrupt my coronation coronation starscream this is bad comedy i am your true leader now and i order you to attack megatron that is truly humorous starscream because i can hover now i'm gonna destroy him oh never mind wait wait wait wait i messed up i messed up i thought i had to redo guys redo oh stop it guys stop do it at me no i was supposed to hover never mind megatron's dead long live starscream for the last star scream i can hover now albeit for a limited time there we go that's probably what i was supposed to do and now i get to just murder all of starscream simps i'm really trying to find out where these guys are oh they're just hiding like the cowards they are so true all the biggest of roasts i am not quite sure what's exactly happening that works pretty well okay i thought this was gonna be like a power trip mission but they are genuinely like hurting me really bad right now oh i can be a tank even at a measly 15 fps i will still defeat all of you i have no idea what these guns do that i'm picking up but they seem to be working okay starscream your big loser sit down is there no one left who would challenge this this pretender to the throne press ls to shut starscream up starscream your mockery of a rain is over oh you will pay for this mechatron run you coward decepticons megatron has returned it looks like i got the good ending again [Music]
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 1,775,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Transformers, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, Transformers Fall of Cybertron in 2022, So I tried Fall of Cybertron, Remember War for Cybertron, Remember Fall of Cybertron?, Gaming, Meme, Memes, Gameplay, So I tried, Transformers video game, is Fall of Cybertron good?, War for Cybertron review, Is Fall of Cybertron worth playing, Fall of Cybertron gameplay, Xbox, Playstation, Kevduit Fall of Cybertron, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, War for Cybertron
Id: OtjTnBTNwnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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