"The Day of Atonement" - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because [Music] and you know I've had to really pray as I studied for this lesson because there's so much here it's on the the day of atonement what the Jews called Yom Kippur Yom beam day Kippur meaning atonement and typically it falls in the month of latter months or latter weeks of September or October it could vary from year to year this was the end of the Jewish year now in most of the world now we believe that the the year will end and begin with the ending and beginning of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere but it didn't work that way for the Jews they were on a lunar calendar now they had a civil calendar and then they had this ceremonial calendar and according to the ceremonial calendar it would fall based on when the moon was lining up it would be somewhere near the end of September beginning of October and this was the high day of the year there we learned in our last study their religious practices revolved around the sanctuary why why was this well for Moses starting out in the wilderness there's in the desert this structure a tent sort of a mobile temple why would that be the center of who they are and their worship number of reasons one is God says thy way O God is in the sanctuary the way that God saves was illustrated in the sanctuary it helped him understand that they were separated from God it was telling them how to get back to God there's one door and there was one nucleus goal it was the presence of God we've been separated from the presence and it taught about how to get back to the presence of God it was the place where the cleansing from their sin took place it was a place where they would bring their offerings to God and they did their giving and so just it became the very core it was the the the Dynamo of their whole worship experience was this tabernacle later permanently the temple or the sanctuary once a year they had the most solemn sacred service and it was called the cleansing of the sanctuary now why do they need to cleanse it how many of you get kind of annoyed when you drive up the street and there's some new development they've got a nice white brick wall or some masonite wall and some kid during the night decided to become artistic with a can of spray paint and they vandalize this wall isn't that discouraging when you see that and then you know the owners come out they try and find some paint that's almost the same color of the brick and try and paint over this awful graffiti and then it becomes sort of an endless battle and it's really sad you know if you even go to the store and try and buy spray paint they want to see your social security number and your ID and it's all because of this it's just the the vandalizing so why did the sanctuary need to be Clinton's had it been vandalized somehow I'm buying gays I hear you say because of sin how did it get sinful now every day there's two kind of services in the sanctuary they had a daily sacrifice where the priest would minister in the courtyard in the holy place on a daily basis to go through and then they had special sacrifices on the Sabbath so there was a weekly you could say - but things were done on a daily basis and people would come confessing their sins we learned about that there were sacrifices that were made and when a person placed their hands on the head of the victim and they confess their sins and that lamb or that goat was slain and then some of the blood was brought in and sprinkled before the Lord where did the sin go when you confess your sin to the victim I went to the the lamb or the goat the oxen could even be a dove and then when they took some of the blood from that animal and they sprinkled it in the sanctuary symbolically they realized sin is not like some kind of hydrochloric acid it it was stored there or something symbolically that sin went where it's in the sanctuary and well that's sort of a build up after a while and you know the it needed a cleansing and so symbolically once a year there was a final cleansing representing that God does not want us to have an experience indefinitely of sinning and repenting sinning and repenting he wants to separate his people from sin will we be continuing to sin and repent in heaven so at some point that cycle has to stop is that right and so this represented that there's a time coming what God wants his people to turn from sin be separated and cyndi separated from them you know I thought it might be a good idea and I hope this won't be tedious for turning your Bibles to the Book of Leviticus Leviticus chapter 16 and I'm gonna quickly read through this chapter where you find 99% of the information on the ceremony called the cleansing of the sanctuary then just start with verse 1 I might do a little commentary along the way but you know there's nothing that really beats just reading the Bible now the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they offered profane fire before the Lord and they died some of you remember that the Bible tells us that they were only supposed to use holy fire meaning that fire that had first been kindled there on the altar when fire came down from God out of heaven and they brought some fire from the campground and brought it in before the Lord and put it in the censer and they had been drinking they were inebriated and half ninth in a house the two sons of Aaron no need AB and a by hew sorry got the mixed up with the sons of Eli they'd having a by you they went in before the Lord inebriated they took a profane fire and they started to march off into the holy place and lightning of some sort fire came down from God and destroyed them after that is when God is saying do not come at all times into the only place this you know God's presence is holy his presence is a consuming fire it is a unique person on a unique time that can come in before the Lord and you must come by invitation you go into the presence of a king uninvited what was the decree remember the book of Esther and so going into the presence of a king uninvited was serious business God says I'll tell you when you should come and it was coming for a purpose a unique time a unique person a unique purpose tell Aaron your brother verse 2 not to come simply at any time into the holy place inside the veil before the mercy seat which is on the ark lest he die for I will appear in the cloud above the mercy seat the sarin shall come now this is not the cloud of incense that came from that altar of incense this is a cloud of Shekinah glory that is like a miniature what was on top of Mount Sinai when God gave the Ten Commandments cloud of glory right smoke and clan so it's like the presence of God was somehow veiled above the ark they call it the mercy seat during this time and verse it says I'll appear in the cloud above the mercy seat verse 3 the sarin shall come into the holy place with the blood of a young Bowl as a sin offering and of a ram as a burnt offering and they'll put the holy linen tunic and the linen trousers on his body and he'll be girded with a linen sash and with linen turban he shall be attired these are holy garments therefore he shall wash his body in water and put them on see the the very sacred preparation that's happening he was to be cleansed he was to do a sacrifice in his own behalf for cleansing and he was to put on these sacred cleanse garments when he came sin cannot survive in the presence of God and it says then it says Aaron shall offer this bowl for a sin offering for himself and make atonement for himself and for his house you know take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of meeting then Aaron will cast lots for the two goats one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat it's an important to understand these two goats are very different you've got the Lord's goat that goat dies and it's blood is brought into the sanctuary the scapegoat does not and we get a section in a minute we'll get to that the cast lots what does that mean well there's a few different ways you could do it you ever heard about people drawing straws and whoever gets the short stick or the short straw they didn't do it quite like that in the Bible they but it was the same principle I mean we flip coins if you only have two choices you can flip a coin you got three choices unless it stands on its edge it's not gonna work right when they were on the ship with all the sailors they cast lots to see who caused the storm all the sailors cast lots how do they do that they had a jar and it had a narrow opening big round bulbous jar or a gourd had a narrow opening and they had all these round stones that were approximately the same size and they get all white stones and one black stone for instance and then they would shake the stones and whichever one you know it was predetermined whichever one got the black stone they were the ones chosen if it was one so somehow they cast lots between these two goats and they shook out the stone and the one that got the black stone for instance he became the scapegoat the other one became the Lord's goat so they said Lord you pick which one they didn't just flip a coin or go eenie meenie miney mo Errol cast lots for the two goats one for the Lord and the other lot for the scapegoat and Arin will bring the goat on which the Lord's lot fell and offered it as a sin offering but the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord to make atonement upon it and to let it go as a scapegoat into the wilderness now that word atonement there is really talking about a purification that happens not that the goat is being purified but the goat is used as a purifying of the sanctuary now what we're going to get into here is really controversial how many of you know let me give you an example of how controversial this is did you know that when you read in Daniel chapter 9 the 70 week prophecy how many you're acquainted with that prophecy and it talks about the Messiah and it talks about the Antichrist that there are some verses in there that about half the Christian Church says is the Lord it's talking about the Lord and the other half says it's the Antichrist well you don't want to get that wrong I mean how much longer can you get it is that such a word but really I mean they're total opposites we believe the one who makes the sacrifice cease is Jesus he caused the sacrifice to cease when he died on the cross he's the one who confirmed the covenant and a lot of our Left Behind evangelicals they believe that one is the Antichrist who makes the sacrifice to cease who confirms the covenant the Antichrist confirming the covenant what Covington did the Antichrist ever make anyway so it's that's one of those things you know you say well you know is this symbolic or literal and what do you think about the seven trumpets and 144 and there's a lot of things that are sort of the in this spiritual gray area that we may not know but when you get God in the devil mixed up I remember I was preaching one time about Jesus and the Millennium and I became flustered and what I was saying and I got Jesus and Satan mixed up just in talking you know you're thinking one thing your something else comes out of your mouth to get tongue-tied and I was glad Karen stopped me she's don't change Jesus I said oh no no no you said you don't you want to correct that right what you know our two youngest boys their names are Stephen and Nathan and one time out in the courtyard they were really acting up this is a long time ago you know we've been here a long time now and when they were little Karen pastor's wife she became very irritated to both of young that running around getting in the fountain or whatever they were doing I don't no but in her frustration she didn't know whether to call out Stephen and Nathan she said Satan come here so you don't want to get that mixed up but a lot of people mix up who is the scapegoat is the scapegoat talking about a sin bear for us a type of Jesus or is it a type of Satan and there are many who say well the Lord's goats the one who dies his blood is shed and everyone virtually agrees on that but because the other one it says makes atonement that also must be a symbol of the Lord but no no many Christians and Jews said no that was a type of the devil and we'll get to that in a minute but that's really important to understand it's one of the most important things we should have clear for this study but the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat verse 10 Leviticus 16 verse 10 shall be presented alive before the Lord to make atonement upon it and let it go as a scapegoat into the wilderness and Aaron will bring a bowl as a sin offering which is for himself to make atonement for himself and for his house and he'll kill the bull as a sin offering which is for himself then he shall take a sensor full of burning coals of fire from the altar before the Lord and with his hand full of sweet incense beaten fine and bring it inside the veil and I'll put the incense on the fire before the Lord that is in the cloud of incense that may cover the mercy seat that is on the testimony lest he die there's the light be smoke to separate the presence of God and they'll take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat the blood of what goat it's talking about well the blood of the sacrifice not the scapegoat before the mercy seat and he'll sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times and he'll kill the goat of the sin offering which is for the people to bring its blood inside the veil to do that blood to do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull and sprinkle it on the mercy seat before the mercy-seat so shall he make atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel because of their transgressions for all their sins so he shall do for the tabernacle of meeting which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness there shall be no man in the tabernacle of meeting when he goes in to make atonement in the holy place until he comes out that he may make atonement for himself for his household and for all the congregation of Israel all right I'm gonna stop there get into our lesson and then maybe we will pause again and read another segment of that now you know I realized as I was reading I don't think I read on memory verse yeah I did I okay we're gonna do it together Micah the memory verse in our lesson Micah 7 verse 18 and 19 and I'm reading from the New King James Version Micah the Book of Micah 7 verse 18 and 19 you ready who is a God like you hardening iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in mercy he will again have compassion on us and will subdue our iniquities you will cast all of our sins into the depths of the sea now at what point are all the sins cast into the depths of the sea has that happened as soon as you confess your sins I'm not answering that yet okay someone look up for me Daniel 9:24 so you've already got that duds give it to your microphone Jolene's got that here and while we're setting up for that I'm gonna read again Leviticus 16 16 he will make atonement notice for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel because of the transgression for all their sins so shall he do for the tabernacle of meeting which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness notice says he's making atonement holy place and it says Tabernacle for their sins what you can't miss here is that somehow their sins are connected with the tabernacle and holy place did we all get that somehow the sin is symbolically or in some way transferred there now there's two ways that we confess sin was many different ways but two ways I want to focus on one is you come before the Lord and you confess your sin the day of atonement was not just an individual confession it was corporate confession on say corporate I don't mean like a corporation I'm talking about a collective as a group of people with that in mind go ahead Joe why don't you read Daniel 9:20 Israel and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my god and it goes on says that the angel Gabriel appeared what was Daniel doing while I was praying confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel later in the lesson we talked about Isaiah's Tabernacle Day of Atonement experience and he says what was me this is Isaiah chapter 6 for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips you got the individual confession then you've got the corporate confession when we pray the Lord's Prayer do we say forgive me my sins or is it forgive us is that corporate or individual so something that's happening is this is not just cleansing an individual from the sand this is plenty cleansing the church or his people his nation from sin this is an all-encompassing thing they were to come together it's like when God said there in Solomon's prayer if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways sometimes it's not just about me it's about us as a people let me give you one more on that judges 10:10 and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord saying we have sinned against you because we have forsaken our God and served the baile worship so there was a corporate confession and so the day of atonement was not just for the individual that could be accomplished on a daily basis it was for the nation as well as as well as the individuals now just in the book of Revelation to show you how this principle and how central this day of atonement and the sanctuary cleansing was I want you to notice three scriptures very quickly for instance Revelation chapter 1 verse 12 and 13 I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man clothed in the midst clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band now who is that that standing among the lamb stands as Jesus why seven lampstands where do you find seven lampstands otherwise it's in the sanctuary of play-in in the holy place of the sanctuary I jump with me to Revelation eight verse 3 I love hearing the rush of pages turning and another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given unto Him much incense that he should offer it with prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne now there was an altar in the courtyard but this is an altar that has incense offered on it before the throne the throne the type of the Holy of Holies so what altar is this the altar of incense alright so you've gone from the candlesticks you've got the altar of incense go to revelation 11 you notice we're moving sequentially through Revelation revelation 11 19 then the temple of God was open in heaven and they now this must be talking about what part of the temple the center and there was seeing the Ark of his covenant was seen in his temple and there were light means noises thunderings an earthquake and a great hail now something I want you to notice is the last part of that verse they're lightnings noises thunderings an earthquake and a great hail you know the Bible tells us when Jesus comes at the time of the second coming there are thunderings and lightnings and earthquake and a great hail so here you've got the Ark being revealed immediately before the second coming or simultaneous at least with it and so here you've got a sequence that is happening it's like you in Revelation are moving through the sanctuary towards the presence of God and then you know what it says at the end of the book God Himself will be with us so it starts out we're on the outside and you're moving in all through the book of Revelation is talking about the journey back into the presence of God it's happening in the context of the sanctuary the vision that John has in Revelation is in that context now the reason the Day of Atonement is very important is because Christ ascended into heaven following his sacrifice back in 31 ad and he was his sacrifice was declared victorious the disciples worshiped him in the upper room he said all hail they held him by the feet and they worshiped him and after he ascended forty days later to heaven when he said I will come again he had been working as our high priest as anyone questioned the Bible's very clear in Hebrews that we have a high priest the earthly high priest was a type of our high priest our high priest after the order of Melchizedek because Jesus didn't come from the tribe of Levi he was a unique high priest all the other high priests pointed to and he is now at the right hand of God ministering in our behalf the type of his ministry for those first 1,900 years from the time he ascended would be something like what a priest did on the daily basis but before Christ comes back there is a heavenly day of atonement that was a time of judgment the people would humble themselves when only the priest went in and there is this sacrifice all the sins had stored and the people were praying for complete separation that they were cherish and sin in their lives the priest could die in there matter of fact I've not read it in the Bible but I've read it in several extra biblical sources that the high priest used to wear a blue cord around his ankle when he went into the Holy of Holies because nobody could go in there and it was sort of an emergency procedure what if he should be an older priest and have a heart attack no one could go in and get him and so you know it's like when they had to get go cover up Noah in his tent rather than look on their fathers nakedness Shem and Japheth put a garment over their shoulders and walked in backwards and it's like how do you go into the presence of God you know there's something else I've gotten my lesson here that I think look with me in your Bible second chronicles 7 verse 1 and 2 when Solomon built his temple 2nd chronicles you got to read this this is you don't find this in Kings when they dedicate the temple you'll only find it in this verse 2nd chronicles 7 verse 1 and 2 when Solomon finished praying is dedication prayer on the most magnificent of all the earthly temples when Solomon finished praying fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the temple and the priests could not enter the house of the Lord because of the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house it was like a gigantic arc welder in there with a glory of God and they just couldn't go in they couldn't survive it so if the high priest should die or have a heart attack or if he went in with sin in his life unconfessed like NIDA having a bite you something could happen and so they had a cord around his ankle and if he didn't come out in the proper time and it seemed like he had bells on the bottom of his garment you know they could hear him the little bells tinkling that meant that he was going from place to place and sprinkling the blood and ministering for them if they didn't hear the bells and too much time went by they pulled his body out and said nobody could go in it was that serious well on a daily basis it was like what the priest in the holy place that's what Jesus did for the first 1,900 years the last age of the church you know got the age of Ephesus and Smyrna and Philadelphia those represent different phases or ages of church history the last age of the church is called what Laodicea you know what the word Laodicea means a judging of the people and when that age of the church began we believe that was 1844 Christ entered into his final phase his Day of Atonement type of Ministry of cleansing God's people that's also when our movement began where Christians came together from many different religious backgrounds they said let's get back to the Bible not only cleansing of the heavenly temple it was a cleansing of his Temple on earth don't you know that you are the temple of God we ye are the temple of God not just your body but it says ye are the temple of God collectively we are living stones in that temple and he began to cleanse his people from all these false teachings that had come in over the Dark Ages and when that's complete he's coming back he'll stand up and at that point God's people need to be purged from their sins so now's the time what should our attitude be as a people what was the attitude of the Israelites during Yom Kippur even Jews today they spend twenty five hours in prayer some of them stay in the temple all day long it's supposed to be time of humiliation humbling putting away of sins seeking after holiness reconciling with others that they've had odds with it's just really a very serious time of saying hey prepare to meet thy God o Israel it was the end of the year and so we as God's spiritual Israel should have at least that kind of attitude of we're living in an age of higher expectations you know people think well you know if I live back during the time of the Apostles when Jesus was here when he walked the earth I could see it'd be really important to live a godly life but you know it's such a sinful world right now and it's so hard to be holy right now and God doesn't expect as much of us today as he did of them back then because after all Jesus was there with them that's not biblical you can't support that Christ said these things that I have done greater things than these will you do because I go to the Father does the Lord expect less the same amount or more from his people in the last days more I won't respond that let me ask a question another way is the devil the same better or worse at tempting God's people in the last days he's better at it which means he's worse right do you all agree with that has he been practicing so is he getting better at it where sin abounds does grace much more abound and so if the devil is getting better at what he's doing is he beating the Lord or King God's people get better at living like Christians the Lord is going to come for a people that have proven to the universe and the devil that it is possible for us to be Christians and be christ-like and so this is a time we're living in an age where we are to be seeking after that that holiness all right moving right along beyond forgiveness is our next section beyond forgiveness Hebrews 8 verse 3 someone look up for me Hebrews 8:6 who has that got a hand right here let's get you a microphone now the primary function of the high priest was to mediate between God and mankind do some of you remember those old cookstoves whether it was electric or gas there were three settings on your the plates on your stove you remember those three settings were low medium and high why was medium called medium medium means in between it's where you get the word mediator it means a go-between and Jesus is a mediator between God and man that's why he's portrayed as the ladder that connects heaven and earth and so the high priest was to mediate that's what Aaron's symbolized all right go ahead please read for us Hebrews 8 verse 6 I think we're ready Hebrews a team stinks but now he has obtained a more excellent ministry in as much as he is also mediator of a better covenant which was established on better promises all right now why are the promise is better because God failed his first promise no the first promises are dealing with symbols of you know goats and sheep types Aaron being a type of Christ those aren't as good as the real thing the first promises are based on types and symbols the promises now are being realized with the real Lord and the real sacrifice that he offered and so Jesus is a mediator of a better covenant what's better the blood of a lamb that's a symbol or the blood of Jesus said really does take away our sin and so Christ is a mediator and that's the work that the high priests represented let me read a quote to you from that classic book patriarchs and prophets this is by the way page 357 I think it's in your lesson the blood of Christ while it was to release the repentant sinner from the condemnation of the law was not to cancel the sin it would stand on the records in the sanctuary until the final atonement so is the type of the blood record in the sanctuary I'm sorry so is the type the blood of the sin offering removed the sin from the pin in it but it rested in the sanctuary until the day of atonement now some of you were going huh you mean when I tell you out I'm sorry for my sins and he says you're forgiven that I'm not really forgiven not totally forgiven no you're forgiven but the record of your sin is not destroyed yet I might get pulled over for speeding I might go to traffic court and they might say we're not gonna put this on your record so the insurance company is gonna raise your rates but you know if I get pulled over again in another six months the record of my first speeding is still there how many of you know that they will not treat you if you repent and go to traffic school they'll say alright we're not gonna let your insurance company raise your rates we're not going to post it but if you get another one they're gonna dig back into your computer file and say you know you've been three times speeding and I'll say but-but-but you forgave me that first one they said well it's still on the books we didn't find you for it we didn't release but it's still there now some people are struggle they see you you mean when I confess my sin he doesn't cast it in the depths of the sea and it's never discovered never looked at again no follow me let's suppose you have a person that says Lord I'm sorry for my sins they genuinely repented they accept Jesus Jesus comes into the life and they serve the Lord but then for whatever reason they say you know I'm just tired of serving God and they turn to drugs they run off on their wife and run off with a girlfriend and go into a life of crime and just say I'm not gonna live for God anymore when they stand before God in the judgment are they accountable only for the sins that they committed after they back slid or are they accountable for all the sins they ever committed I'd say oh I don't see anything in the Bible that tells us that there is a partial forgiveness for the Lost let me read something to you from the Bible that I think will explain that Ezekiel 18:20 for Ezekiel 18 24 but when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and this is a man he's righteous he's godly he's on his way to heaven right forgiving righteous man but he turns away from his righteousness whether you say it's turning away from righteous deeds or turning away from the righteousness of Christ that doesn't matter he's turned away and he commits iniquity and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does shall he live all the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed because of them he shall die let me give you another example in the Bible there was this is really important song I'm dwelling on it this is a very important point because what I'm talking about here is when you confess your sin to Jesus and you're forgiven you don't get to keep that forgiveness unless you keep it 100% you remember in the parable of the unmerciful debtor that you find in Matthew chapter 18 this man has a terrible debt he cannot pay he pleads for mercy he actually tells the king forgive me and I'll pay it all back the King shows him mercy he's forgiven he forgives the dead well that guy instead of going out and just praising the Lord and being nice to everybody because he's been forgiven this incredible debt he goes out and finds a fellow servant takes him by the throat and says you owe me $40 paying me back I'm throwing you in jail his friend says look have mercy on me I'll pay you all back $40 I can do it he wouldn't have patience with him threw him in jail to be tortured for $40 when the King found out about it he had that wicked servant drugged before him and he said I forgave you ten thousand talents because you asked me and you would not forgive your fellow servant $40 when he asked you now you're gonna be punished for all ten thousand talents do you see what's happening here he doesn't say well now you're gonna get punished for the other fifty cents that you didn't pay back since I forgave you there ten thousand talents says the original punishment that I had set aside will be reinstated because you did not retain my mercy is that clear you've on another example this is important to understand because you're gonna hear a lot of Christians up there gonna say what you folks believe that somehow the sins are stored until there's a day of atonement don't you believe that it was finished at the cross yes I think the work of Christ providing salvation was a hundred percent finished at the cross what we do with what he's provided is the issue here see what I'm saying one more example there is this man named Jimmy I of the tribe of Benjamin when David was fleeing Jerusalem because Absalom was pursuing him shamea through Rome threw stones and cursed David and David when he was dying he told Solomon he said look I've forgiven SH Mei but he's a rascal you got to keep your eye on him if he turned on me he's liable to turn on you because he thinks that Benjamin should be the monarchy and so after Solomon became King he brought Shem ein he says look my father forgave you and you'll get to keep your forgiveness on the condition you never leave Jerusalem because he thought he'd go out and stir things up with the tribe of Benjamin he said all right fair enough I'll stay here he couldn't handle it after a couple of years his slaves ran away and he went down to Gath looking for his slaves and it was told Solomon shimmy I broke the conditions of his mercy Solomon brought him before he said didn't I tell you in the day you leave Jerusalem you're gonna be executed as long as you obey me you're forgiven of what you did to my father but when you break the rules your forgiveness is withdrawn and you're gonna be punished not because you left Jerusalem you're gonna be punished because you curse the Lord's anointed David and so his sin that had been forgiven because he did not abide by the conditions of forgiveness was withdrawn now that ought of it's very enlightening they ought to make you shudder so you live 80 years like a Christian you only send for 10 years now you're 100 years old don't worry about the math in this I'll often do equations at an equal one hundred and fifty percent and but you decide the last five years of your life you're just gonna turn from God do you only in the judgment suffer for five years of sin or your life is ten all of your righteousness that you have done will not be remembered isn't that what we just read that ought to be a motivator some people think well you know as long as I God's gonna weigh my good deeds with my bad deeds and if I had more good deeds I don't have to pay for so many bad deeds oh you're either forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus or you pay for your own sin yeah isn't that terrible thing doesn't know he pays for some and you pay for some I'd like it that way but it's either a hundred percent one way or the other jesus said if you're not with me you're against me so that's really important to understand if you understand that principle you'll see that there is a library there is a record where sin is stored lack of a better word and in the final judgment those that have been consistent in trusting in Christ and following Christ they then are completely declared citizens you might say or whatever analogy you want but if they found that they're hypocrites like Judas who followed Jesus for three and a half years but in the end Jesus said it would be better for that man if he was not born Jesus has not been Judas is not going to suffer just for that one sin of betraying Christ he's going to suffer for his life of sin because he denied the forgiveness of Christ which means he's got to pay for all his sin all right I spent a lot of time on that now I got a hurry the ACO the the scapegoat now we read about this scapegoat the scapegoat even the ancient Jewish rabbis understood it was a symbol of the first angelic sinner the first angelic rebel who would that be as for who we call Satan or Lucifer the devil Beelzebub apollyon I mean take your favorite name for the archer villain this is a symbol for the devil who instigated all sin in the universe the devil did and some people say well but the Lord made the devil so he somehow accountable now God made a beautiful angel named Lucifer with a free will and he chose to rebel the seeds of sin originated and were spawned in him God cannot sin everything God does is good everything God does is perfect it's so important to know but he made Lucifer free and Lucifer chose of his own to rebel in the final judgment do people pay for okay can sin let me say this differently can I be responsible to some extent for your sin yeah if I encouraged you to sin did it's Charles Manson in jail because he murdered he actually didn't commit the murders did he he inspired the others to do the murders but he's still imprisoned isn't he who inspired all the evil in the world instigated it the devil does he have to bear responsibility for that so what better party I'm in Satan gonna be cast into a lake of fire does it tell us in Revelation get someone look up Ezekiel 33 6 all right you can read it for him like really since you got it all right go ahead okay zekiel 33 6 but if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned and the sword comes and takes any person from among them he is taken away in his iniquity but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand all right here God made Lucifer the chief of the Angels he was supposed to guard the good of the universe and yes people will be taken away for their own sins but at whose hand does he require the guilts the one who is responsible and Satan is the party that is responsible that azl that scapegoat is the one upon whom the sins of the people are ultimately transferred it's not slain like a sacrifice the Lord's go Jesus died it is carried off into a wilderness desolate places you know the Bible says when the Lord cast the demon out the demon goes in desolate places and the devil said in mark chapter five do not cast us out into the nothingness and so this goat was taken out you know one it's not in the Bible but one legend is that this capable person who would take the goat out would find a high precipice and kick him off and make sure he didn't come back because if that goat followed them back into the camp that was the worst omen possible that somehow their sins had returned and so this was to represent completely and forever separating God's people from their sins now is Jesus forever going to bear our sins then that goat that forever bears the sins that bears responsibility that never comes back cannot really be a type of Christ you you can read in Hebrews now let me see here Hebrews 9:27 as it is appointed for men once to die but after this the judgment so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many to those who eagerly wait for him he will appear the second time he's coming back apart from sin he's not coming with sin for salvation after the day of atonement sacrifice Aaron offered another sacrifice for his family to represent he was clean because he had been touching and dealing with things that were impure the sins of the people Christ is coming back clean so who ultimately takes the sin to the lake of fire Satan it's all finally transferred you know Jesus suffered gifts for all of our sins but there's a responsibility for sin those who do not repent bear that responsibility does the devil ever repent so it does he bear responsibility yeah right so I just wanted to make it clear who the scapegoat is it is not Jesus the skate the Lord's ago represents Jesus the scapegoat represents who Satan or the devil and with that we're out of time now you might be thinking pastor Doug there's so much more in the Day of Atonement you didn't get to do not fret friends I looked ahead in the lesson I didn't want to cover everything because the other lessons cover a lot of that let me remind you we do have a free study guide just ask for it no turning back we'll send it to you it's offer number 146 and God willing we'll be together to study about the subject again next week god bless
Channel: Aaron
Views: 5,975
Rating: 4.8319325 out of 5
Id: 9b50___JlWs
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Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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