The DARKEST Dorkly Bit Animations Ever

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all right Shum and afresh and a squirtle for Gary excellent choice boys thanks professor hey Gary let's go outside and make animals fight smell you later Gramps [Music] let's get this over with [Music] [Music] I'll never forget your sacrifice my friend Robotnik will pay for this tails but how high I guess I can't die that that's fantastic saving the world is gonna be a snap it's all you buddy [Music] my last ring Dori I got this tails you did it you stop Robotnik and you save the world I've truly been blessed everyone I've ever loved is dead why must I bear this curse why won't you just let me die finish him no this man has fought with honor I've done enough hey honey I'm back you would not believe the day I had how was the tournament honey I'm sorry there's no cure for this level of dizziness he'll never fight in a tournament again hey buddy come on move it what kind of stuff is this sorry man but you gotta go I can't take it anymore I thought I was strong enough but I just I just can't hey we going or what I'm sorry but he's here for me and so he says I'm not going there and so I say get over Q so we meet again let's see if you can defeat my Pokemon this time uh.what got nothing to say huh but you didn't expect to see me again huh yeah I don't think we know each other really you don't remember having your Onix tackle a cubone a few towns back you don't remember that paralysis effect you don't remember continuing beating him after you shattered his [ __ ] spine geez then I'm so sorry David kid I'm here to battle not to hear you blubber I had no idea yeah didn't seem to care much at the time did you just walked away probably took your Pokemon to a pocus Center and got them all poka healed up real nice will nobody took marowak to a polka Center I'll tell you that much listen if I do not want your god damn pity just throw out your Pokemon go Onix gonna aim for the part of my spinal cord you missed last time marowak use double kick we have been over this blue first thing I'm gonna do when he gets here is walk back and forth real methodical like and then BAM that's when I walk into him maybe nah man I'm just gonna go for it I'm just gonna walk in one direction and hope to god I get her I dare that fat flower to jump on me oh man he will not know what hit him [Applause] what is that that that that could have been any flu tornado guys I think that was more how now I couldn't be open your eyes man that was Mario he skipped our level but then then what are we even doing here why did we build all these obstacles for him we've awoken angry son for nothing that's fine that's just fine we don't need him I was in World to 1 back in the first Mario he always took the warp pipe straight to world for one didn't need him then don't need him now yeah I didn't even want him here he probably would have just jumped over me anyways I were running through this level I'd kill all the guys in all the world I wouldn't leave anyone alive you'd kill more guys than he ever could how come you don't want to kill us with him did that fat ass seriously skip this world damn it [Music] [Applause] my key thank you Gerald gerald yeah it's me brother oh man it's been so long how you been Mikey I'm good I'm good real good really really good it's Mike now by the way Mike huh all grown up yeah you know gotta grow up sometime how you doing oh yeah you know I'm doing okay went legit got a trainer yeah look at you mr. evolved form I thought you'd be at Olga Reza for life uh yeah well so how's mom um okay Jer not great though you know I mean ever since dad passed use hyper Fang what no no not this one please please let's just run away do it bite him hard you don't understand ro it's okay bro we're okay you're a trainer Mon I'm a tall grass er this is how it goes I'm so sorry bro [Music] we gotta go Radek eight I love you bro punkin axe entry 1:32 bro okay but get your pacifier ready cuz it's time for the old babe Aladeen a fatality by mistake wait you did say fatalities right no fatality you made a fetus well oh I I didn't uh oh jeez hey Sonia check out this baller fatality I just saw mother of God why is her fetus on the ground exact science okay I just went back a few months too many you disgust me you monster come on guys next round is about to stop no no no no let me explain I slightly miss I cannot live in a room where this happen this isn't fair we all murder and maim each other every day so I turned someone to a fetus big whoop is that really a you worse an upper cutting someone to death oh no oh that is that is stop Sonia I know hey guys what's up gross Voltorb you self-destruct what you can't be serious do not talk back to me Pokemon now you self-destruct it's just a PG man I could take him I don't need to talk wait I forget are you a pokemon trainer are you well no are you the one who defeated Team Rocket and caught the three legendary birds are you please man no I'm not aren't you just so [ __ ] barely sentient pokeball with eyes that being a disobedient little [ __ ] right now oh well I guess I always knew it'd end this way can I please just call my wife one last time I I really need to hear a voice so I didn't say ball toward you say goodbye to your loved ones I said bolt or blow yourself the [ __ ] up right goddamn down please just just tell her I love her and my son tell my son to be strong yeah I'm not doing either of those things in the arms of an angel [Music] Sheila it's me I don't have a lot of time I'm trapped between a bomb and some blocks and well just want to hear your voice one last time don't cry Sheila I need you to be strong for me for the children put Timmy on the phone Sheila put Timmy on the phone listen son you're gonna need to be the man around the house and take care of mommy and the baby daddy's gonna have to go away for a little while okay champ I'll miss you too son I'll be waiting for you all at the gates of heaven remember I love you and I'll be with you all wait a second I have the power glove powerup I can throw bombs did you hear that honey I'm going to live I'm going to home so I hear you're single now hey hey over here yeah you the unattended ten-year-old won a battle the legendary bug catcher and his unstoppable Metapod uh uh I would but I really got to get to Mountain move who scared why don't you come within two steps of me in the direction I'm facing and say that that's okay uh I'm sort of in a hurry but I'll definitely be back though that that's fine I got lots of the things I can do in the meantime that's not just gonna stand here and wait or anything [Music] yeah you're back finally ready to battle are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm the pokémon champion I don't got time for scrubs like you I'll smell you later bug fetcher no that insult doesn't make sense we have two battle-hardened hot and hotter stupid I don't think that I can't take it because it took so long to bake it no way that's a real song MacArthur Park 1968 are you okay I think so that's how it's gonna be no no I need you to be brave okay get your night caps what just get it out there's no time cut me loose pop oh no the line board support is both not enough listen you've trained for this you could beat this damn town on your own it's too late listen when you find the Condor that stole our eggplants kick its ass for me okay I don't care about vegetables I care about you doing nunna I can't I love you I won't forget you oh sweet an eggplant whoa a polar bear watch out we did it we defeated la voz and thus saved the future world in 1999 ad from a horrifying apocalypse should we go check out what 1999 is like now that it's been saved absolutely I'm sure it's a glorious paradise freed from the terrifying doom that would have been its fate if not for us [Music] glory and power to the pig king I guess I still have some time before I disappear seems like it should have run my iPod you know I always wanted to go out listening to kiss from a rose oh my god yeah I know it's silly no no no I love seal I live for seal no kidding sometimes I just turn off all the lights in my room light a few candles and get lost in his voice it's like he's there with me you know you need to treat yourself to that every once in a while I know right it's like my little escape I hear yeah I've got two kids at home boy can they be a handful they're a blessing though aren't they they really are hey man sorry about the whole trying to kill you thing ah don't worry about it buddy we really probably shouldn't have taken the eggs in the first place so you know you know pigs and birds really aren't that different when you oh god I'm so sorry Shh [Music] run free majestic creatures you came all of us this can't be Sonic where are the rest of the animals Oh God you didn't you couldn't I hate them I hate them all Oh God why why we didn't think anyone was coming you don't understand you could never understand it was less than two minutes minutes to wait two minutes to weigh [Music] [Music] can you believe we got to work this weekend hey I could use the extra hours Sheila was laid off and our mortgage ain't gonna pay itself emergency emergency please evacuate now in an orderly fashion this is not a true Ritz we're going fifty care center on the third storey it's every couple brother south okay everything's gonna be kids we're gonna play a little game I'm gonna jump out the window and you're gonna land on top of me okay you have to land on me even if it looks like I'm hurt all right okay tell my wife I love her [Music] for once I wasn't a coward Daniel Daniel [Music] [Music] did I hear where the scarf is now they turned me into this monster [Music] I'm silhouette you're edgy cool badass archrival no knowledge enough I wear black you see the edgiest color of them are your wear plumber form very edgy we're different no no it was all a dream we're not on the my sake I've got from that the owned by Sega Mario we don't bioW be saw me do you want to lock into you play brah [Music]
Channel: Dorkly
Views: 7,903,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dorkly, sonic, dorkly bits, dorkly bits dark, darkly bits, tails die, dark pokemon, dark sonic, dark videogames, funny rusty, pokemon funny, mario funny, sonic funny, funny game animation
Id: EqT08J7SEX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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