Pokemon Disappointed By Their Evolution (Compilation)

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[Music] oh boy i wonder what i'm going to turn into oh is that a second head hi i'm dog i have emphysema oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy a spoon why do i have a spoon why would my evolution include silverware i wonder what's the next stage for my elegant slender body and just like that diabetes [Music] what diglett's evolutionizing himself what who's saying that oh wow dude evolutionized itself into a freaking dukechio who are you get up you mug oh man i bet my two perfect arms are gonna get double jacked when i evolve oh god i'm an abomination hey guys what about me what about ol shuckle oh man i bet i'm gonna evolve any second now any second yep i swear to god it this just gives me another spoon god damn it oh nice i bet i'm gonna have tons of spoons when i evolve we're talking like nine spoons i bet or maybe maybe sporks oh man is this my evolution is shuckle no more yeah you evolution and just shuck the hell up come on we're gonna teach you a new move organ harvest yay yay i'm finally evolving i'll be more mature and i won't be sad about my mom anymore and now her skull is stuck to my head oh boy did i go up a level guys guys i don't think this is an evolution uh shell is just eating my tail eating my tail i'm pretty sure i'm just being attacked and people are hoping i'm too stupid to realize wait that's all that happened the colors of my body just swapped that's it maybe we'll finally have a body big enough for both heads huh darren i didn't ask to share this body with you eric what's up guys i'm skylar hey what's up pretty rather we get to share this mod right anyway could someone scratch my butt [Music] yay i can't wait to grow big and strong and oh god no why am i sexy why am i so sexy oh god you remind me so much of my mom why is this happening hey guys slow bro let me borrow his evolution after he passed out from blood loss pretty neat huh [Music] i'm done being a piece of trash time for me to evolve into many pieces of trash i should have seen this coming of course man really hope i get some eyes i can see and my mouth is bigger for some reason ugh evolving that sounds like some normie whatever oh god what is this what happened to my dark goth look no i don't shut up shut up time for us to finally hatch right boys a bunch of tree eggs just just don't make no sense what's next i turn into a freaking ice cream cone or something hey this evolution isn't so bad in fact i can even my time has come spoons go okay this potion contains every evolution stone if this doesn't make me evolve nothing will it's it's working i'm evolving [Music] oh my god oh my god i evolved into a ghost type oh [Music] oh boy i'm the cutest widow rabbit who ever was oh i wonder how cute my evolve form will be oh weird my hearing's a little off like there are biceps in my ears or something am i still cute looking hello wow i can become nearly anything the future is limitless for evie what in the living ship bro i could have been an electric fox but you turned me into a pink ribbon dog great great i'm the breast cancer dog now check it out guys i've evolved into a fiery wrestler pig i'm a samurai sea lion oh man i bet my final evolution will be super badass too oh my god oh my god where are my arms and legs oh nice popped collar mr no limbs why is this a thing oh i am 100 turning into a shark i am very excited about this i must have done something terrible to deserve this [Music] but i'm dead why am i evolving at all isn't evolution based on survival why can't i just move on to the afterlife and be with my family hey fellow ghost type nice evolution yeah me i'm probably going to evolve into a super ghost soon yeah got a second type maybe a water ghost oh an electric ghost oh boy i'm a fire ghost come on something cool something cool damn it i look like groucho marx a bag of concrete oh boy i can't wait to grow up fit and active and just like that diabetes diabetes huh tell me about it oh god am i a waifu jesus i'm a waifu pokemon aren't i might i smell your pokeball no you cannot sniff my pokeball ugh what perv is responsible for this sexy abomination i've become i only exist for weird horny teens wait i have to show you my deviantart page it's tasteful [Music] no more being weak little bugs for us we're moving on up oh god i i can't move i can't breathe oh god i'm trapped it's fine dude it's fine this is just temporary soon we'll evolve again oh okay but what if he doesn't train us because we're so worthless like this what's he gonna do just abandon us in a pc box that will never this is hell this is actual hell oh boy a new region are you my trainer ah yeah that hurts ow ow yeah oh boy hey not bad even got a sombrero somebody help i think there's an illegal immigrant over there donde estas your papers welp couldn't get much worse [Music] my child your suffering is over oh hi satan i i'm not uh never mind you have earned your reprieve i shall reincarnate you as anything you wish oh boy i want to come back to something with lots of evolutions i know the perfect form for you my dear shackle enjoy it you are now a ditto shackle while you cannot evolve yourself you can become any pokemon this is the best thanks satan oh come on you know so many pokemon are disappointed by their evolutions they think they're too ugly or too useless or too sexy but i think they're missing the point we can't control what we're born as but we can control what we do with the gift of life i'm going to use my powers to turn into a shuckle wow i did it yeah guys did you see you see you like my evolution i'm a i'm a shackle yeah sure whatever you say pal we're just gonna need those kidneys you got there oh yeah ditto yeah hi yeah um does anyone know where i could find a mega stone i'm having a dinner party and i really need some extra spoons for my gazpacho [Music] course you
Channel: Dorkly
Views: 6,670,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dorkly, lol, funny, pokemon, dorkly pokemon, animation, pokemon shuckle, dorkly bits pokemon, dorkly compilation, dorkly pokemon compilation, dorkly shuckle, dorkly bits shuckle, dorkly bits evolution, dorkly evolution, dorkly bits, gaming
Id: cDJnv52HHQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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