SCP-3000 Anantashesha (SCP Animation)

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dr. Krishnamoorthy says Manabe I was wrong God's safe way it's not SCP 3,000 strong quickly consumes Krishnamoorthy 3000 disappears into the darkness and is no longer invisible on exterior cameras hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a SCP foundation by email class object SCP 3003 thousand also known as a Ananta Sesa is a massive aquatic serpentine entity strongly resembling a giant moray eel its size is impossible to determine but it is estimated to be roughly between 600 to 900 kilometers in length its head measures roughly 2.5 meters in diameter and sections of the body proper are as large as 10 meters in diameter 3000 is carnivorous and typically a sedentary creature only moving its head in response to certain stimuli or during feeding despite its sedentary nature 3000 is capable of moving quickly to dispatch prey however it doesn't actually need nutrients to maintain its biological function though its size is huge it is unknown exactly what happened to the prey it consumes but during feeding 3000 excretes through its skin a thin layer of a viscous dark gray substance classified as y 9:09 the Y 9:09 compound is a critical component in several modern and experimental and mystic compounds SCP 3000 is a class 8 Cognito hazardous entity direct observation of 3000 may cause several mental alterations the observer will experience inexplicable head pain paranoia general fear and panic and memory loss or alteration according to a log from site 1 v 1 s historical records written by dr. Eugene gets during the initial discovery of SCP 3001 spelt throughout the entire crew a biologist of the foundation named William felt the most ill he began sweating profusely and act more and more erratically at one point expressing uncertainty as to tasked he was assigned to handle when the crew finally came into contact with 3,000 William began whimpering and had to be sedated he muttered the word know over and over again as if in disbelief he would silent after a while as the crew approached three thousands head something had gone from Williams eyes moments after they observed the head of SCP 3007 Heisey and of being uncertain what they were supposed to be doing captain Ritter wrote it off as nitrogen intoxication and forced them to continue approaching 3,000 when the crews were fifty meters away from 3,000 it turns slowly to look at them at that moment William begins screaming and flailing shouting about how he could see it in his head other foundation personnel tried to restrain him but he got free and smashed his face against one of the portholes he hit it so hard he cracked the inner layer of glass the damage was bad enough that the crew had to surface and try to give William medical attention but he was too far gone at that point despite the trauma he still spoke briefly as he lay dying he said there's nothing nothing by the time they had reached the surface several hours later William was dead in the lodge dr. Eugene gets wrote that even now he can still see the eyes of SCP 3,000 to spite this incident a diving expedition was ordered to personally assess the creature and investigate the source of the big grey fluid that had been observed floating around its head the dive team was composed of three members of mobile task force's kingfishers all divers were equipped with high pressure suits as well as front-facing headlamps the water was dark and cold they were in position about five hundred meters from the head of SCP 3,000 in the water the team leader told the command station but they seemed to have some confusion over their callsign and they were not sure where they were going an awful headache like something's needling in their brain regardless command told the team to continue towards 3000 then all the divers were completely confused about where they were as they continued approaching one of the divers begin to utter ominous phrases concerning oblivion and dark eyes just at that moment command detected 3000 moving rapidly towards the divers and their radios went silent after 33 seconds of silence one of the divers finally answered to the radio according to the log the leader of the team said 3000 opened its mountain and suddenly there was the sound of a struggle through the other two radios only one of them remains the other two have been eaten by 3000 the one remained not being eaten claimed that it's extremely difficult to form thoughts while near 3000 he said that the fluid was seeping through the skin around its head about a metre back just looking at this stuff is making him feel like the room is spinning he feels nauseous and his head isn't working right he went to retrieve a sample and attached it to one of those little balloons and let it float up so command will be able to get it later after that he claimed that he knows he is dying and told the command station not to send anyone else out there it is so darn cool command continued to attempt to communicate with onine Bravo but Bravo grew increasingly unintelligible before eventually going completely silent Bravo's radio stayed active over the next three days an intermittent breathing could be heard until the radio ceased functioning in the beginning we have mentioned that SCP 3000 filiol class entity so meowth class s CPS are anomalies that the foundation specifically uses to contain other scps even the mere existence of the Kamiel class objects is classified at the highest level of the foundation and their locations functions and current status are known to few foundation personnel outside of the o-5 Council so how can a giant moray eel that messes up your head helps the SCP foundation in their operations the answer is in the dark gray substance classified as y 9:09 SCP foundation uses a large number of a mystic during their work it is vital for keeping the secrecy of the foundation inclusion of the why 9:09 compound has shown a marked increase in the stability and long-term effectiveness of the foundations and mistakes overall amnesty utilizing y 9:09 breakdown 78% slower than their standard counterparts in cold storage and 52% slower than their standard counterparts at room temperature additionally individuals administered an amnesty regimen utilizing y 9:09 show a marked increase in suggestibility memory clearance and a significant decrease in additional side-effects individuals treated with these M mistakes Express significantly fewer intrusive memories as those without Y 9:09 with some individuals exposed to experimental compound expressing no intrusive memories whatsoever even at the five and ten-year marks due to the effectiveness of these treatments with the addition of Y 9:09 the continued inclusion of the compound is essential to Modern Foundation and mystic application the SCP foundation has completely relied on the Y 9:09 compound with no means to synthetically reproduce it hence the at SAC protocol has been developed this protocol dictates the way the Y 9:09 compound is collected off of SCP 3002 way personnel are to interact with 3000 according to the brief framework of the procedure documented one individual d-class subject is to be administered a sedative and equipped with a high-pressure diving suit the subject is then to be tethered to a remotely operated underwater vehicle ROV within the aft airlock the airlock is to be flooded and the subject is to be towed by the ROV towards the feeding site upon reaching the feeding site the ROV is to disconnect its tether leave the subject there and return to the foundation submarine named PAF Ariminum throughout this stage as CPF era Mita should monitor SCP 3008 force if the entity begins to move away from the feeding site moon mission command will provide additional instructions during this phase if necessary during the feeding session no personnel are permitted to leave the air Amida without authorization from the mission command at a point after the total consumption of prey SCP 3000 will begin to excrete why nine zero nine near the foremost section of its body specialized teams of deep-sea divers are to exit the SCP F era Mita through the apt airlock and approach SCP 3099 must take place during SCP 3000 I jest of Period which is currently believed to be roughly two and a half hours after consumption of prey teams must return to launch craft before the end of this period during this period the typical effects of SCP $3000 beer though command should continue to monitor these teams for damage to their cognition after the collection of y 9:09 personnel are to transfer the collected substance to secure containers before returning to the surface the mission administrator onboard the air Amita is to monitor the substance throughout transport the following report concerns to doctors the foundation's level 3 researcher dr. Krishnamoorthy and a staff clinical psychologist dr. Manabe dr. manova was assigned to interview dr. Krishnamoorthy after he attempted to exit out the air Mitas Act airlock without diving equipment dr. Krishnamoorthy begins discussing how he feels disconnected from his mind and tired from trying to keep it together he's forgetting things having other people's dreams and faces he doesn't recognize places he has never been clearly his proximity to 3000 is greatly affecting him at this point dr. Krishnamoorthy couldn't remember his mother's voice but he recalls that she told him about a god called Ananta Sesa the king of serpents that lies beneath the god Vishnu in the cosmos when the light of the universe had gone out all that would be left is Anastasia dr. Krishnamoorthy believes that SCP 3000 he says in the interview with dr. Manabe I believe that SCP 3,000 is on Anastasia I believe that this this aberration this treachery against cognition is the result of us being in the presence of a God not just a God but a God who exists across all time all at once and even beyond maybe maybe some part of the nothingness beyond the edge of time is part of Anastasia as well after two days of containment orders were received to lift the hold order on dr. Krishnamoorthy in accordance to the terms of the at sac protocol three hours after dr. Krishnamoorthy was released from his holding cell the following incident took place dr. Krishnamoorthy stands near the entrance to the air amita's aft airlock while weeping and prepares to open the airlock door the interior airlock camera captures dr. Krishnamoorthy staring at the exterior airlock door for a full two minutes not moving an inch after two minutes he collapses on the ground as 3,000 slowly approaches the submarine dr. Krishnamoorthy puts on a high-pressure deep-sea diving suit and then moves towards exterior door controls and then exits the air amita's aft airlock SCP 3000 slowly appears out of the darkness reaches dr. Krishnamoorthy and his mouth begins to open era meatus sounds horns but neither SCP 3000 to notice 3000 moved to just above dr. Krishnamoorthy he appears to look up into the now fully expanded job 3000 dr. Krishnamoorthy says Manabe I was wrong god save me it's not SCP 3000 strikes and quickly consumes Krishnamoorthy 3000 disappears into the darkness and is no longer visible on exterior cameras rescue crews are recalled the crew begins to initiate acts act protocol before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art a big thank you to all of you you can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video check out our description below on how to submit I hope you enjoyed today's video which SCP do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the well please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 5,452,873
Rating: 4.9308376 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP-3000, SCP 3000, SCP foundation, SCP Animation, Anantashesha, THAUMIEL
Id: cmEZ-zqbswg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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