The Last Man... | SCP-2399 (SCP Animation)

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- [Man] Hello? Is thing on? We recording? [Sighs] Honestly, of all the things I thought I'd be doing up here. Well, this is just sad. To whoever you are, whatever you are, Hello! I am the last remaining man. And on behalf of my species and my planet, I applaud you for staying far away from us until now. We were genuinely awful. At least up until the very end. Nothing like an impending apocalypse to bring a species together. Of course, if they were still around I know they'd love to watch this. Particularly the O5's. Hey, guys! Go fu--(static) yourselves! You left me here. Completely alone. But we're past that, clearly. I'm gonna use any time I have left to tell my story. Since nobody else will be able to. Let's start at the beginning. (static crackling) (ominous sound) I was assigned to Protocol LEGIONNAIRE by the O5's about a year ago. At the time it felt like an honor. But all the training and the fallout, all the stress and pressure. It was nearly too much to handle. I mean, seriously, you'd think after years at MIT I'd already be qualified for space missions But... regardless, I was put through six months of training and briefing. Not that it helped clarify anything about this mission. It was completely unbelievable. And it was so highly classified, it was barely anyone I could verify the reports with. It was a small team, just Werner and myself. Through every briefing he was there with me learning about SCP-2399 and a threat opposed to mankind. - [Female voice] The aliens superstructure is capable of causing an SK-Class barren earth, end of the world event. Due to its remote location and the data we've collected it has been placed in the Keter containment class and the (mumbles) of destruction class. These classifications are not to be taken lightly. - I thought they were a bit heavy-handed with that part. But in hindsight, I guess they were dead on. They've been aware of it for decades, it turns out. These satellites monitoring it. Hell, this wasn't even their first mission to destroy it. First visual contact was made in 1963. Smack dab in the middle of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Over the next several decades of monitoring, the O5's got increasingly concerned about it. And for good reason. The massive mechanical structure was observed to have antimatter based weaponry. Which it was using to create spatial disruptions and atmospheric phenomenon. It was the cause of the Great Red Spot. A storm so large you could fit three Earth-sized planets inside it. That alone was enough cause for worry. But, then it began receiving transmissions from the depths of space. Another galaxy three million light years from our solar system. Probably from whoever, whatever built it. If it was even made by another entity. For about six years they've received a looping message which, through code breaking and translation efforts, was determined to be a command to repair itself. So it was learned that the SCP was damaged. Which came as a relief. But also it could repair itself autonomously. Which was alarming. After that, the O5's pushed this thing up their list of priorities. They built and launched the BARRIER Array which was a series of satellites designed to intercept any further transmissions it might receive in its intergalactic pen pals. All other information I learned about this thing felt like it was straight out of some science fiction movie. Even in its damaged state, it seemed to have a limitless power supply. Advanced electric magnetic shielding. Matter disrupting weaponry. And a precise tracking and targeting system. It was designed to destroy. And it was indeed repairing itself. It was hypothesized that it impacted Jupiter's moon Io before coming to rest at Jupiter's lower atmosphere. Some of them stayed nearby and others traveled as far as Jupiter's moons to recovery parts that the SCP lost. This lead to one of the first violent exchanges with SCP-2399. BARRIER Unit 53 observed one of the repair drones closing in on a piece of debris. It was quickly determined to be a part of the damaged communications array. Because of the nature of the specific component, and the ramifications of allowing its recovery, it resorted the BARRIER Unit 45 fire upon the drone with its onboard concussion batteries. Seconds after that attack we lost contact with BARRIER Unit 45. In a spatial anomaly thought to be originated from the SCP was observed surrounding it. We had to act fast. There was no choice but to terminate Unit 45 using other units in the BARRIER Array. It was forbidden to further engage the SCP or any of its drones using the array from then on. - [Female] Under no circumstance are any BARRIER Units to further engage either SCP-2399 or drones released by SCP-2399. - [Male Voice] So, unable to destroy any drones or interfere with any other way, we began to prepare for the inevitable prospect of repairs being completed. Switching to a proactive approach wasn't just an option, it was an absolute necessary. Because starting in 1996, the BARRIER Array began intercepting a new repeating message. - [Female Voice] Unit is out of range of target. Proceed to planet number three. End system. - [Male Voice] The BARRIER Array prevented that message from being received by SCP-2399. In 2015, the message was updated and more urgent. - [Female Voice] Proceed to planet number three. End system. Priority is target. Cease repairs. - [Male Voice] If the array was still doing its job, nothing should have happened. But clearly, everything went to hell after that. When the thing just started to rise out of the gases of Jupiter's atmosphere, the O5's activated Protocol LEGIONNAIRE. Werner and I were ushered in as a last resort. The saviors of humanity. We piloted the vehicle of our deliverance to the moon. Planning to launch a defense toward the faceless metallic threat. It was a massive EMP. One that they hoped would knock down SCP-2399's shields. Accompanied by a volley of nukes big enough to wipe out our entire civilization a thousand times over. There was a little brightness in the world then. When the news went public people began channeling hope into our program. What other choice did they have? The world watched LEGIONNAIRE's first test launch. Jimmy Kimmel made electromagnetic post jokes. My nieces and nephews drew crayon pictures of rockets and explosions, arguing about which missile was the best. The Pope led the faithful in prayer in St. Peter's square. The Lord's angels made mettle. It was an end to wars. An end to pointless squabbles and politics. All the negative energies of mankind turned to purpose. With an outside threat so faceless, so impersonal, that all vitriol and hatred directed towards it became noble. Naturally, this was gonna be more successful than their last attempt, Project GIGAS. That was almost the exact same thing except they mounted their attack from orbit around Europa. Warheads, EMP's, enough resources that are required the combined efforts of 45 countries to create the whole payload. The results of Project GIGAS were classified. But clearly it wasn't what I would call a success. If it was, you wouldn't be hearing this message. So, without presumably failed attempt burning in my mind, I flew with Werner. He was much more helpful than myself, ever the optimist. Never losing faith in the foundation. Even when the whole thing went sideways, he told me they had to have a solution. - [Werner] Come on, have you ever known the foundation to put all their hopes on one single project? They gotta have a silver bullet. One more card up the sleeve. Something. - I admired his optimism but we were supposed to be the silver bullet. The whole payload, which I was deathly afraid of, by the way, was launched at the SCP as it hurdled toward Earth. We had the eyes of the whole world on us. And then suddenly, we didn't anymore. (buzzing slowly intensifying ) (silence) - In the months that followed, he got quieter and quieter. We only spoke when we had our rehydrated meals together. Then one day, he just left. Which you'd think would be a hard thing to do on the moon. Because where is there to go? I remember seeing him walking through the craters, heading toward the horizon. I opened a radio channel. Hey Werney, where are you going? (radio beeping) But he didn't answer. Didn't stop. Didn't turn around. Didn't even wave goodbye. Honestly, I didn't think he'd be the first one to snap. But he doesn't have to look down on Earth anymore. I had my daily call a little late today. That's what gave me the idea for this video. The cameras still work, amazingly. The sky is a swirling, roaring mass of dust and sulfur. Masonry and debris bouncing past like tumbleweeds. The leftovers of the human race. Same ol' same ol'. I might've gone a little mad on the call there. I'm kinda glad nobody was there to hear me on the other end. I started talking to Werner, asking him to come back. And to start telling off the O5's for doing this to me. But all I got was this same automated response I've gotten for months. - [Female Voice] This is an automated message from Site 19. We have a category one site wide failure. Contact alternate command for orders. - My family, my dog, my house, They're all gone. I'll never turn on the TV and, and see you say that LEGIONNAIRE worked. It blew up that alien piece of sh--(static) And it's not the end of the world anymore. No! It's right out there. A colossal mass of alien machinery is on my screen. Hovering amidst the roiling atmosphere. Covered in scorched marks from a thousand atomic blasts. And have to look at it everyday until I die here. To whoever you are, whatever you are, I am the last man. And on behalf of my species and my planet, you should've stayed far, far away from us. (static and ominous pulsing)
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 2,571,889
Rating: 4.958735 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, scp-2399, A Malfunctioning Destroyer, alien scp, jupiter scp, 2399, containment, containment breach, the last man tale, the last man, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-2399 origin story, scp origins, scp explained
Id: LMvIsyUzkZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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