Why You NEVER Look at SCP-096... (SCP Animation)

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I'm not a fan of the Broken Masquerade cannon but I loved this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/UnluckyAlison_ 📅︎︎ May 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Must watch, pretty scary. Just a SCP 096 story.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Onewileywest 📅︎︎ May 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
with her right hand pressed against cold steel dr. Kowalski guided herself through the darkness her steps forward were apprehensive shuffles she had a sleeping mask over her eyes but she found herself wishing she had brought a gas mask as well no one ever told her what this thing smelled like but no one who got this close to it lived to tell once when Danielle Kowalski was a young child she was afraid to go in the ocean her mother had warned her about stingrays and the fear of stepping on one had put her off swimming for more than a few years her father though do you believe people should be forced to face their fears he taught her how to shuffle her feet so the stingrays would know she was coming and they just swim away dr. Kowalski wondered if her father would have regretted teaching her to be brave if he had ever known the career path that bravery had opened up for her she could hear it now it's labored breath that seemed a mix of a whimper and a death rattle she desperately hoped not to accidentally touch it another step forward either dr. Kowalski was close enough to feel the heat of its breath or the tension was setting her blood on fire the instant camera in her left hand was unwieldy she hopes she didn't drop it because she wouldn't dare try to pick it back up snap but no flash if she could see the flash then she'd be in real danger this kind of Stingray doesn't swim away the process was painfully slow step forward step back turned the camera turn it down on this day this particular site was receiving its first official visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation after Japan after the foundation fell under the spotlight of every journalist on the planet the world was surely about to change with no hope of ever having something so useful as dr. brights amulet the photograph she had taken would have to suffice you've wasted an hour of my time already dr. Kowalski I'm sure you know it the next part of an interrogation consists of duty or former line of work so I would think it to be in your best interest if you would stop feigning ignorance and tell me where the scp-610 specimens are stored you were the senior researcher on that project you know the uninvited man who spoke these words inside dr. Kowalski's apartment had burned through three cigarettes since the interrogation had begun yes her life was in danger but she couldn't help feel most upset about the fact that the smell of a smoke was going to sink right into her furniture and carpet her eyes have been turned downward through most of this it wasn't that she couldn't look a man in his eyes and lie she was quite effective at doing that well she just didn't think he was worthy of it this man who introduced himself as agent O'Brien liked to smile he carried the demeanor of a battle-hardened general and looked the part short gray hair a square jaw and a tall build his patience for the former foundation researcher was waning too though the two masked lackeys he brought along kept his still as statues waiting and watching let me ask you agent O'Brien have you been so busy trying to find me that you haven't even kept up with the news just the Berlin Accords against weaponized anomalies ring a bell for you [ __ ] O'Brien stared past her glasses past her icy blue eyes he stared straight through her then he commanded one of his underlings hold our arm the masked man moved forward and grabbed Kowalski's wrist O'Brien seized the middle finger of her left hand at the base and drove the thinnest knife he had under her polished fingernail Wolski foiled a bit trying not to scream but she did and her heart race does she knew this would get much much worse the Kremlin hasn't ratified it yet so I don't think that Center will be too keen on doing that either let me be clear the Russians have everything they need to weaponize that skin disease all around Lake Baikal you don't think it's reasonable for the United States government no one to understand what could be used against us now I don't care what you think we're going to do with it I want those specimens when Kowalski had finally caught her breath and stifled her urge to scream out in pain again she pointed to her bedroom in her unharmed hand about a left Romanow envelope O'Brien nodded to his men who in less than a minute had noisily ransacked the room and returned with a manila envelope just as the researcher promised O'Brien grabbed the envelope for a look inside his satisfaction quickly faded what are these it began littering the floor with photographs now Kowalski would definitely keep her eyes turned up a Brian pause before discarding one just long enough to have a good long look I don't think this ugly guy with a twisted jaws anything to do with what I asked you for angry he put out his latest cigarette on Kowalski's neck she gasped as the agonizing burn momentarily left her breathless let me tell you a story because I think your foundation sure I thought they were powerful hiding the shadows but I think to explain to you why you're wrong he pulled up a chair from her kitchen table and sat down across from her Kowalski wouldn't dare whatever tail this tool on a dispute she only needed to wait now when I was up and coming I was a DEA agent in Colombia the late 80s part of the team hunting down Pablo Escobar I had a narco in custody and this little guy was every bit as uncooperative as you are now he kept repeating do you know who you're messing with he thought his cartel was all that he insisted they owned all the law enforcement in Colombia that they were the ones who ran meta-gene so I asked him if you run the city why do you bury your money why do you have to smuggle your drugs surely I said if you're in charge we peddle you supply out in the open you wouldn't up your guns and I pulled out mine and shot him in his kneecap and as he bled all over the place station floor I told him that's power I don't hide my gun it's right here for you to see doctor your foundation hid in the shadows but let me make it abundantly clear for you the power was always ours your anomalies belong to us your research belongs to us your life belongs to us so one more time I'm going to ask you what you did with the six-tenths specimens because the next finger of yours I take my knife to is coming off [Music] sir I think there's something outside the sound of a small Stampede could be heard approaching dr. Kowalski smiled and looked her captor in the I want to see real power O'Brien [Music] after a few minutes of pandemonium and agony it was quiet again I still shut tight she felt her way to the front door so much blood that soaked her carpet every step she took made us sloshing sound never mind the cigarette smoke the smell of what just a Kurt would never come out either [Music] run along now zero nine six there are worse monsters in this world at you hey everyone we SCP animate I just want to say thank you again for watching our videos every week the support everyone in this community has shown over the last couple months has been absolutely incredible and we want to give a very special thank you to those that decided to donate to our patreon page we understand the times are hard financially for a lot of people right now so we are unbelievably appreciative for every dollar pledged to us especially these patrons who are our highest donors this month Blake Michael Rio that saxophone guy thank you so so much for those that haven't checked out the patreon page yet you can find the link in the description below there are five different membership levels all with unique perks including sneak peeks at future episodes exclusive discord invites and access to vote on which SCP will appear in upcoming videos also make sure to tune in next week our episode is featuring a very special guest star thanks for watching stay safe I'll see you guys next week you you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 3,143,816
Rating: 4.9574332 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, SCP-096, SCP 096, The Shy Guy, The Shy Guy scp, origin of scp-096, 096, containment, containment breach, scp tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp origins, scp explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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