MalO ver1.0.0 | SCP-1471 (SCP Animation)

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it's going to be a dreary one today and there's a high chance of rain so make sure you grab your umbrellas on your way out the door we're looking at scattered thunderstorms across travis county and thank god it'll be a welcome break from the heat if you're one of the lucky folks who are working from home it's going to be a perfect day for a cup of hot cocoa while you work in a bathrobe huh thanks for agreeing to me with me on such short notice all these memories started coming back to me now it's hard for me to focus on work of course will i expected this to involve the mallow software after what you said on the phone but you said your problems are more related to your sister correct would you like to start by elaborating on that well she was the one who introduced it to me it was a dare i think i mean it's been so many years the details are kind of fuzzy to me now that's all right what parts do you remember might need a little background on a relationship first she was my caregiver after our parents died in a car wreck i depended on her for nearly everything and i trusted her completely she was only five years older than me but i felt like she knew how to navigate the world much better than i did she was lively and colorful and brought enough light into my life to keep things from being too depressing after our parents passed i think she spent a lot of time trying to find ways to keep me happy and entertained that's how the whole mallow thing started i was 16. you know how teenagers are i was moping around the house and she tried to cheer me up hey well check this out i heard about this app at work today it sends you pictures with this cute creature photoshopped in the backgrounds is this in that park that you go to all the time yeah i think it uses your gps or something so it knows what places you go too often so far i've gotten once at the park work and that cute coffee shop by the library isn't she adorable uh she yeah i named her cassandra okay well cassandra needs a shave hey be nice i'm trying to share something that i'm enjoying with you you want me to put it on your phone why it's just some furry thing that they're trying to hoax you into thinking is following you cause it's cute come on you know if you showed this to your friends they think it's cool too i guess but you know my phone doesn't exactly have an app store like yours how do you know it's safe i bet we could find it this app seems to be getting popular and i'm sure it's fine my app store checks every app to make sure it's safe before pedaling it let's make a bet out of it if you think it's cool after having it for a few days then you have to come shopping with me this weekend and if you don't then i'll take you to that one movie you've been talking about the one with the fossils or dinosaurs or whatever well this sounds kind of lame but sure you got a deal i see so you had apprehensions about it but did it so you could see a movie hey if it wasn't for him taking that bet would have been a good call or her if you want to take sarah's version of him he always looked more like a male to me but we never went to see the movie because you started to realize what mallow really was no sarah did she had downloaded about 12 hours before i did so she went down the rabbit hole much sooner than me and she had it much worse how so a couple days later she pulled me out of school in the middle of the day my education was really important to her so i knew it had to be something serious when i got to the front office she just grabbed my arm pulled me out to the parking lot and okay this isn't funny anymore have you seen cassandra anywhere other than in the pictures will no what are you talking about you look pale are you okay she's actually following me will yesterday i got pictures of her but i was in the photo too i got a few more of them throughout the day and i know you're going to say i'm paranoid or crazy but just listen i tried to delete the app but i can't find it on my phone it's just gone whoever made this used it to track us will then and they're here now they're watching us i'm positive she's near will what how do you know i can see her around every corner just out of sight it started this morning i woke up and i swear i saw her standing at the foot of my bed but when i turned to look she was gone is it just gotten worse will i i don't know what to do oh god don't open that it's gotta be her it's gotta be here we both really panicked after that we rushed out the car locked it behind us and ran home then sarah barricaded us both in the bathroom thinking it would keep us safe that doesn't surprise me it's a common reaction for people to cloister themselves away when they start seeing mallow in real life trying to keep it out it takes time for them to realize that it isn't bound by earthly physics or logic right that part took some getting used to you the bathroom was actually really bad spot for me because the way i started seeing him was in mirrors and reflective surfaces at least the ones that are big enough to show him i've gotten used to it since then but eventually i started warming up to his company i mean i'm fine with him now so that's why you say you're here because of your sister well yeah she never got over the panic that she got from seeing cassandra it just got worse she wasn't able to sleep and she started losing weight her life basically turned into a walking nightmare she wasn't at all the same person that she used to be she barely even acknowledged my presence in the house thinking back on it i'm actually surprised she was able to tough it out as long as she did before she killed herself she killed herself yeah did i forget to mention that she killed herself about two weeks after the day she pulled me out of school that's uh unusual not many people have such an extreme reaction to mallow the majority of people i've counseled about it are like you dealing with past trauma related to it but largely accepting that it's a part of their lives now i don't think she ever had a chance to get used to it it took me weeks to get past it and losing her made it much more difficult it sounds like she didn't have enough time to realize that it doesn't do any harm right he's never been malicious in fact i've come to think of him as a companion of sorts [Music] he tries to talk to me in some strange non-verbal way i can't seem to figure out what he's saying though that's also quite common do you think if your sister had the chance to get counseling she would have pulled through hmm that's hard to say she wouldn't even talk to me about it after a while and i don't think anyone could have gotten through to her i'm sorry that wasn't a very professional question for me to ask it's kind of a counselor's curse to hear about other people and wish i'd had the chance to help them let's refocus the conversation on how it affected you it's all right i'm here to talk about her too how would you say her death affected you you were still quite young when it happened correct if you'd call 16 young sure she left me enough money to get through the rest of high school i got by that's good to hear but what about how it affected you emotionally i guess that's the part i still haven't really processed so many years have gone by and well i still blame myself to some degree why i opened that text message in the car when she told me not to if i hadn't she might not have gone off the deep end there were many factors at play in that situation well it's important to remember that the direct cause of her suicide was mallow not you but i exposed her to it no quite the opposite actually she was the one who recommended it to you but she didn't know any better and that's the point nobody does otherwise this wouldn't be much of a problem for so many people so just how many people have you counseled about malo anyway well i can't really discuss other clients with you but it's a more prevalent issue than you might think again let's refocus the conversation on you will i imagine you were too young to seek counseling regarding your sister's death when it happened especially being an underage teen living alone could you tell me why you decided to come to me about it today will will is everything all right what oh uh yeah sorry he was just trying to tell me something again you can see malo in this room right now he's reflected in your window i can never tell what he's trying to say what is he doing right now if you don't mind my asking he's uh pointing to the ceiling and shaking his head hmm i've heard about a lot of mallow behaviors but that one's new to me if neither of us can interpret it it might be helpful for you to assign your own meaning to it to get a sense of closure well i guess if i had to choose something i'd like to think that he's saying that he's sorry about sarah but she's happy somewhere else now everybody thanks for watching the video i want to thank all our loyal patreon backers who help make our content possible including this group of people on screen now who are the highest owners you can find our patreon page linked down below you'll also find a link to our scp merch store that has all sorts of sap gear and apparel as well as our scp podcast redacted thank you all so much for watching make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and i'll see you all next week you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,230,322
Rating: 4.9667449 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, MalO ver1.0.0, MalO, scp-1471, MalO ver1.0.0 scp, MalO scp, origin of scp-1471, scp 1471, 1471, containment, containment breach, Bananazilla tale, LurkD, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-1471 origin story, scp origins, scp explained
Id: Uu9bd6d-GFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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