Origin of the The Plague Doctor... (SCP Animation feat. The Volgun)

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what do you cure exactly excuse me it's a simple question you're a plague doctor what is the plague you cure are you a seeker of truth or dare where are mysteries so what do you cure exactly the pestilence of course you always say the pestilence like it's some grand truth if it was so self-evident why is it everyone asks you the same question the pestilence is responsible for more death and destruction than any other disease afflicting this world right what you can't tell me what it is can you I did not feel it did you say you can't if you could you would have or you'd have told someone else but not once have you named your boogeyman anything other than the pestilence of course I have my own theory which seems to be more than you have I must return to my experiment your experiments will still be there when I'm done learning about you but since we're talking about them why do you kill people I do not I cure them of the great pestilence no you kill people let's be clear about that at least though you've killed many less since the foundation put you into a box the pestilence is nearly eradicated here the doctors the guards you know what I think it's freewill I mean it could be life itself it could even be an actual disease one that only you can see but I guess it's freewill no you wouldn't to be free of it yourself you'd have to excise it cut it out and never return to it tell me why did you kill dr. ham he was your friend my actions did not need to be explained he was infected he was thinking about retiring his daughter was about to go off to college and he wanted to take some time off maybe quit entirely you killed him as soon as he stopped blindly following orders as soon as he chose something that his superiors at the foundation didn't choose for him what he should suddenly failed to see here is a knife better than any he could've hoped for stricken as he was with the pestilence I have always done what must be done without regard for my personal feelings Ray Vuitton is cured you are confused I'm not confused I was there when you were made what things like you they crop up in the dark places where I can't always look but it was sunny that day hot the stink carried for miles I don't stop these questions and interruptions are becoming a nuisance if you are so hopelessly confused are short [Music] this is you before you became a monster it's subtle watched closely the moment you chose to change is coming up is sick carrying the same thing that's killing everyone else in your village he's come here to make some money off the dying in the dead but he's about to join them and look at you so different back then far more selfless more giving watch this he's about to die and you're about to make a decision he knows he's infected he knows he's putting you at risk he doesn't know you're immune a quirk of genetics that you probably still wouldn't understand makes you one of the luckiest members of your generation if you are almost anyone else you'd be dead in less than a week instead you have an idea you're going to make some money you're going to feed your family off a farce you ride the horse carrying death with you as you go hassled to castle town to town village to village house to house well go on are you any comments on all this the people required remedies the pestilence is still not cured yes those are the faults you're developing on this journey you pass by hundreds of people and at some point they stop being people to you they become qualities but at last you've made a grand circuit you are home you have enough money to last several lifetimes you and your family will never go hungry again and this is where you started to lose your will to go on there in that town your family is in there aren't they your wife your daughter you walked into the house without a thought for your own safety perhaps you'd already abandon your desire for self-preservation the smell of rotten flesh was overpowering and you found your wife there laying dead on the floor chunks have been taken out of her arms and legs animals stop you left them here to fend for themselves no warning you couldn't take the risk this is what the money bought you you are petrified by grief shedding tears no one could see under the mask the veil of what you had chosen to become then the noise in a dark corner of the house stirred you from your sorrow why are you showing me that you recoiled as you saw her face coveted blood she's just like you shares your quirk she couldn't get sick and she was better off for it she was the one pure thing remaining why should the rest of the one would be like so it's your mission to rid the world of the bubonic plague I don't know what that is now the pestilence sir have you no heard would I be telling you this whole time yes yes the pestilence I'm there for the man you ask such questions will be able to grasp the importance of my work of finding the kill but now my fear you may be plagued with it instead plagued with the pestilence or free will do not mock me sir your phantoms and tricks do not scare me I must return to my work and require a new subject fine I suppose we've reached a conclusion I understand how you cannot clearly see what you are pursuing because you do not understand yourself intruder my purpose has never been more clear you confuse your purpose with your identity this Drive you feel to find a cure or even the perception of a disease in the first place they never originated within yourself this judgment is a waste of my time you can never understand the visionary work where I'm completely but if you must keep casting down these thoughts of what you imagine I am let's do it in my laboratory know it find me quite useless as a subject what you perceive as genius these thoughts too complex for anyone by yourself to comprehend is simply tunnel vision I understand now there are dark places that even I cannot see and things like you come out of that ducts I was wrong my fascination with you appears to be completely unwarranted you've never once made a choice that was yours you're just an echo of a man [Music] thank you all for watching the video and thank all these people on screen for supporting via patreon if you want your name on this list check out our patreon page in the description below if you want to see your name on this list pledge to clearance level 4 or 5 GM REO Martin Blake Michael pumpkin pyromaniac and that saxophone guy are our highest donors thank you all for helping make these videos possible last but not least I want to give a special thank you to the Vulcan for guest starring in this episode I'm sure most of you and the SCP community have probably already heard of them but if you haven't make sure to go check out his channel again you can find the link in the description below see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 2,330,667
Rating: 4.9590435 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, SCP-049, SCP 049, plague doctor, plague doctor scp, origin of the plague doctor, origin of scp-049, 049, containment, containment breach, ashes ashes we all fall down, ashes ashes we all fall down tale, we all fall down, we all fall down tale, scp tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp origins, scp explained
Id: X_u-KjlU0-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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