The Danger of Unbelieving Believers | Michael Widjaja

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hallelujah it's gonna be in the house of the lord how many of you are excited to be here tonight can you wave your hands why because jesus christ our lord and savior he is seated on the most high throne amen he is the king of kings and the lord of lords you may be seated everybody i want to go through with the message and i believe i have a message from the lord and i pray that the message tonight will greatly encourage you but i want to give the warmest regards from our senior pastor pastor steven francis and sister angeline francis they're doing very well in their quarantine in singapore and the last time i spoke to them earlier today they said please give our warmest love and regards to all of you they miss all of you and i said on behalf of the family here in shelby we say we love them so very much so we keep them in our prayers amen all right and after you hear the word i want to ask all of you once again we're going to engage in prayer and worship again in the midst of all the things happening in the nation the church must not lose her focus our focus is on the throne room of god amen the bible says from psalm 121 our help comes from the lord our help comes from the lord touch your neighbor and said your help comes from god the help of this nation comes from the lord somebody say amen the church must understand her part her role that's why if you're only good at politics if the church is only good with twitter if the church is only good with facebook and youtube we are no good but if we know our role if we know how to intercede if we know how to pray if we know how to love if we know how to fight if we know how to walk in the truth of the word of god then we will see the establishment of the kingdom of god here on earth because you and i are the ambassadors of the kingdom so we want to make sure that our focus is right our heart is right our mind is right and as long it is on jesus christ the one the true living god the same yesterday today and forever i tell you we have the victory can somebody say amen amen so we want to pray we want to continue to worship we want to continue to fill the atmosphere of this nation with the praises of our god saying that god's will will surely prevail that the enemies the enemy will not be able to steal the enemy will not be able to kill the enemy will not be able to destroy for god has come to give mercy and grace over this nation and we are declaring that america will not miss her divine moment with god can somebody say amen [Applause] there needs to be zeal in the house of god i want to invite you when we pray later you come forward you want to dance you want to kneel you give your praise to god and we're going to declare that jesus is king amen open your bibles together with me from the book of hagai hey guys chapter 2 verse 6 to 9 and actually i had a message in my heart which i wanted to share for this midweek service but a day before election day on monday the lord helped me to shift and i understand why with all the things that is unfolding in this two days since yesterday i like to give messages titles to my messages so the message that the lord has for us tonight is called the danger of unbelieving believers that phrase just jumped inside my spirit on monday and the lord began to give me a download and god says that god is dealing with unbelief in this hour and that is a danger when believers are unbelieving do you know that you can be unbelieving believers because they are believing unbelievers it cannot be on a flip some people who don't know god who are not in tune with the one true living god they have more quote unquote faith than us the church you see that's why there are times it's easier to pray with unbelievers you come to a mall you go to a supermarket somebody who don't know christ when they're sick in their body you know the moment a believer comes and say you know what can i pray for you god can heal you you can find statistics shows 80 of the time they will say yes please pray for me but believers even in the church is difficult to get prayers for you see many times our attitude is sour many times we are not projecting the faith that we should project as believers because being a believer does not it's not defined by you being in a church service you can be in a church service but your heart can be so far away from god amen so therefore there is a danger with unbelieving believers god wants us to be true believers it means our life our conduct our thought pattern our words our actions will reflect the faith that we have in christ hey guy chapter 2 verse 6 to verse 9. you know what before that i want to share something with you i want to encourage all of you not even not only when you leave this place not only when you're here tonight but as you go home tomorrow morning when you wake up let us continue to pray over this nation america because the election is not about just a man sitting in the white house but the election is about the destiny of this nation the election is about what is going to become the fate of our generations to come what is going to be the future for the rising sons and daughters in this nation what is at stake is about whether this nation is going to be a god-fearing nation as how god wanted this nation to be america is one nation under god or this nation will become a godless nation god is interested with elections you know why because the bible says in the book of psalms 33 blessed is the nation whose god is the lord god is interested in who is in power over a nation it is very reckless for the church to say it doesn't matter no it matters it matters somebody say amen you know what before we look at the book of hagai open together with me islam chapter 33 and and we will find what the scripture says the book of psalm chapter 33 the bible says verse 12 very quickly ben thank you so much ben is very quick i like that it says blessed is a nation whose god is the lord the people whom he has chosen as his heritage it means if blessed is the nation whose god is the lord it means cursed is the nation whose god is not the lord we thank god that america was founded by the living god to be a nation that is under his rulership that god has raised up this nation for such a time as this so god cares because god cares we need to care amen we need to pray i encourage you for you to really pray and ask for the mercies of god so that the scale will tip towards mercy and i'm declaring yes the scale is tipping towards mercy because there is a praying church in this nation and in the midst of the great warfare that we're going to go through in the days to come in the midst of the great challenges that we have to get used to because the manifestation of god's power will be happening in the midst of the greatest trial if the church doesn't know how to persevere if the church doesn't know how to keep our ground if the church doesn't know how to continue to stand that we are in big trouble if the church is easily swayed by what is happening around us and we cannot see with eyes of faith we will be in great trouble in the midst of great crises we need to look up unto god for that's where our help comes from amen when jehoshaphat and the nation of israel was surrounded by the enemy the fact is the nation was surrounded by the enemy but when god gave a word through the prophet the king took action the king prays the king worshiped the king lifted up his eyes unto the hill and then supernatural help begins to come the same thing happened with joshua when they were going in the promised land it was not an easy take it was not an easy possession but he has to fight the israelites have to fight there is a battle that we have to wage for the destiny of this nation it is not going to come easy it is not going to come just because we hear prophets are prophesying we say okay because the prophets are saying we sleep and we don't do our part no the church must be on high alert the church must be praying the church must be standing on the wall post the church must be praying before the gates and saying god we will not relent until we see the fullness of your plan and your goodness manifested in our nation can somebody say amen as i was meditating at home today i was praying the entire day i said lord have mercy crying out of god my faith i said stir my faith i'm saying i'm standing on your word i'm standing on what you have given to your prophets right not only in good times we declare the book of second chronicles that says believe in the prophets and you shall prosper when things are going our way it's easy to quote that book but when things don't go our way it's not easy that's when faith needs to take over when we say lord we will hold on to your word we will hold on to what god is speaking to the prophets and we are believing that god will do what only god can do amen so as i was praying the lord showed me a vision and i saw there are three different ropes that came you know because it's the vision i cannot explain it in the natural nothing was holding the rope but i saw three ropes came three different ropes came and it intertwined to become one solid thick rope and i asked the lord what am i seeing god and the lord says the church needs to be careful of three things number one leviathan number two jezebel and number three unbelief and i believe with all my heart that this is the scheme of the enemy over this nation when we talk about leviathan we speak of pride discord and lies and that is what's happening with the media in this nation truth is being distorted lies is being spoken fear is being instilled jezebel we are very familiar with how the spirit works it speaks of rebellion witchcraft compromise and deceit and we see that lawlessness there are some people in this nation that wants lawlessness to be the principle and the guiding factor that moves our society the church cannot say well it's the end times it's bound to happen no we can't do that we have to pray because what is at stake is life that needs to know the gospel what is at stake is that lives that the very blood of jesus was poured out for if we think like that it means we are okay with us being saved but whatever happens to the people outside none of my business that is not the heart of christ god calls every generation and every generation that god raised up in that particular generation has the responsibility to seek the face of god to intercede to pray and to manifest his kingdom because jesus desires for all to be saved and if possible not even one will be fun in hell amen that is the heart of god and number three god says unbelief that's why i'm addressing this matter tonight because unbelief you know what the definition of unbelief is if you pay close attention to unbelief and and find the definition of unbelief and how this word is being used do you know that unbelief also means unfaithful and betrayal when the church walks in unbelief we are betraying what god has promised us we are betraying what god has given for us when we walk in unbelief we are people of god quote unquote but actually we are unfaithful unbelief is dangerous when we walk in unbelief we grieve the heart of god we might say oh god with leviathan and jezebel or we can we can point our fingers and say oh the manifestation is happening outside the church it's happening with the media it's happening with some of the ideologies that is being celebrated in this nation but you know unbelief is not found in the midst of the unbelievers but unbelief is found in the midst of the believers when the church is not praying when the church is not seeking god when the church is sleeping when the church is passive we are actually agreeing with the demons it's dangerous therefore i encourage all of you my brothers and sisters not only talking about this election but as how we walk and how we conduct ourselves in the days to come do not agree with the spirit of unbelief it's not easy for the past four or five months i've been praying with a family who's like my own family in indonesia i honor this man i treat him like my own father i'm very close with this man the past two years i had the privilege of traveling to a few different cities in indonesia and he came along and tacked along i had a relationship with this family with with with this couple i treat them like parents i love them i spent good time with them and and the husband was going through cancer we prayed we prayed we prayed i i begged god i said lord i held on to what god spoke through a word that was said by kennedy hagin lord you're able to heal the body first after you healed and if you want to take that person home you take that person home but last week after i went home from this midweek surface midweek's service my phone rang and i had news that this man whom i love has passed on i spent that night and the next morning coming before god i still give thanks because he's a champion the lord took him in the exact same day as his birthday exactly 53 years of walking with god not giving up he left the family and young daughters but he refused to give up and he says to his family even before he passed on he says no matter what happens to me whether i get my healing or not god is still good there is no reason for any of you to ever doubt that our god is a living and a good god and he says till the day i die i will give all my praise to him in the midst of great pain you know his wife will send me videos of him just singing in the midst of excruciating pain but praise will still come out from his mouth he lived his life to evangelize he'll go to campuses he'll go you know when he was going through cancer treatment he will travel to malaysia and get treatment in the hospital instead of just resting in his room he'll be going from room to room to pray for other people to receive their healing in moments like that i said to the lord oh god i don't understand as a person but god says i work in my wisdom and you know when he passed on the amount of the number of people who came to celebrate his life were so tremendous that the family did not even expect and there were so many people that were touched because of the legacy that this man left because till the very end he refused to let his passion not only his faith his passion his zeal for god he was on fire when he was young until the day the lord took him home he was still on fire i felt on on on on sunday in indonesia when they had the funeral and all i was following through recorded a message for the family but i felt like an impartation went inside of me what was that impartation i said god i'm going to pray even more so that those who experience sickness in the body they will experience supernatural healing somehow something stored inside of me and say just because i might not see the manifestation that i desire in this man it does not mean that my god has stopped healing the church cannot give up just because of what we see happening around us our faith must be rooted in the word because this is yea and amen i'm going to pray for more people i'm going to pray until i see the manifestation of what you say in your word because god you're not a liar so that if the church easily gives up if the church even easily gives in and we become disappointed nothing is wrong with god but something is very wrong with us and this is a problem that the bible says will happen in these last days before we go back to haggai open second timothy chapter 3 verse 5 and i want it in the amplified version please man ii timothy chapter 3 verse 5 if we are passive we are walking and i believe because god wants the church to be active i have to boldly declare it if you are a passive christian and you think that it is okay just for me to come to church go to church do nothing for god leave me alone pastor don't talk to me don't ask me to serve as long as i'm coming to church i give my tithes and my offering in the basket i'm good i'm sorry that is not the christian life that god is looking for because if you're passive you're walking in unbelief if you're passive it means you're sleeping you're being unfaithful so the one who have given all his life for you is a betrayal without realizing that's why the promises of god cannot manifest that's why the power of god cannot manifest because our lifestyle does not match the faith because why we are passive for although they hold a form of piety through religion my goodness not false for although they hold a form of true religion they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it what is the it their conduct beliefs the what the guinesses of their profession cannot believe what is genuine in their profession avoid all such people and turn away from them it means many people come to church they say they believe in jesus they do what normal christians quran could do but actually they don't believe in the genuine power of god they don't believe in what the word of god says they hold a form of piety they have a form of true religion it's not like they're working worshipping someone else they say they worship god and the bible says with these people who look religious who smell religious who sound religious but they don't believe in the genuine beliefs that they have of what the word of god has to say the bible did not say tolerate the bible says avoid have nothing to do with them it means there is a seriousness that god has against unbelief can somebody say amen now open haggai chapter 2 verse 6 to verse 9. for that says the lord of hosts yet once more in a little while i will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land next verse i will shake all nations so that the treasures of all nations shall come in and i will fill this house with glory says the lord of hosts come on stay together with me god is going to fill this house you are the house of god with glory somebody say glory glory not fame not money glory going to a church that looks big with the right equipment that is playing the right song that is doing the right moves that is saying the right thing cannot compensate the glory and god says in these last days when god is going to shake once more he will fill the house of the lord he will fill your life individually and us as the body with glory and what we want is glory can somebody say amen verse eight what is that what does verse eight say next verse the silver is mine the gold is mine declares the lord of os so god is saying if you desire the glory you don't have to worry what you need to build the house of god you don't need to worry what you need for you to survive and live because god does not only want you to survive but god wants you to thrive if you are pursuing the glory god says everything that you need belongs to me you have access verse 9 the latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former says the lord of hosts and in this place i will give peace declares the lord of hosts can somebody say amen where can we find peace in the perfect will of god where can we find true peace when we're walking in the place that god wants us to walk in the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former i enjoy reading books about men and women of god like mariah would would error amy sample mcpherson a a allen william brennaman you can name it i was not alive far from being alive during their generation but i didn't have the faith to say to god lord i want to see it happen in my generation because you promise the god that we serve is not the god of the past many times christians are just happy when we quote the past when we talk about history how about now how about what god is about to do you know why it's not as easy as talking about the past because if we want to see god move in this generation and in the days to come there is a price that we have to pay amen when i go to church i don't want to hear people telling me about history i can buy a book and read it for myself i want people to tell me what does the word gotta say for this generation for my time now for such a time as this will we have the faith to believe god lord we are going to get there because you don't always you don't work backwards you move forward you're going to do greater things that's what the bible says this is the heart of god this is what god desires a similar chapter let's open hebrews chapter 12 verse 27. hebrews chapter 12 verse 27. god is going to do great things god wants to give his glory back to the church and we are seeing an increase of his glory because you know why the end times like i keep on saying and declaring it's not a sappy sad time but the end times are exciting times to be alive in christ jesus in the midst of the trials in the midst of the greatest storm we're going to shine bright for christ we're going to see the manifestation of who he is in ways like never before we're gonna go through struggles don't try to run don't try to escape some people quit from working why because we're in the end times and then you're begging for food nothing wrong with god you're the one who need to rethink i tell the youth go to school work hard succeed oh by way in the end times that's why you need to be light and soul in the midst of the greatest struggles god tells you leave it behind do it god doesn't tell you anything keep on working giving your best and show the world that you can be a child of god walking in a different value many prophetic people they flock prophetic meetings but when you ask them what do you do with your life nothing i'm like a hippie no gold no value no family you tell me you want to shine for christ i don't think so the prophets when they speak the word of the lord they are living in a life that god has appointed for them they thrive they succeed many people try to copy other people that's why you fail your secret copy what jesus is doing hear what god is doing amen prophetic does not mean flaky i need to keep on saying that because if not we're going to be dangerous because you know why on the outside we look like believers but we don't believe because we pick and choose what we want to believe don't be proud just because you think you can hear the voice of god god can speak to anyone he wants to speak to the key is not that you can hear the voice of god is that you're willing to obey what he says if you're not willing to obey sorry i'm not interested because the voice of god is precious the voice of god brings you to a direction the voice of god leads you into green pastures the voice of god brings you into the path of righteousness for his namesake somebody say amen in the book of hebrews chapter 12 verse 27 it says this phrase yet once more indicates the removal of things that are shaken that is things that have been made in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain wow that's good can we read it in the amplified classic please ben i love what it says in the amplified classic what's this now this expression yet once more indicates the final removal and transformation of all that can be shaken that is of that which has been created in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue that is why believers must go through the transformation process of god things need to be removed out from our lives so that the unremovable the unshakable the unchangeable kingdom of god may remain and continue many times god begins a good work in us but it seems like it stopped you know why it cannot continue because it's competing with some things in our life that needs to be removed that needs to be changed our point of view needs to be changed and i'm talking tonight about unbelief god wants to do greater things in your life but we gotta ask god lord help me to leave behind my unbelief because unbelief affects how you speak unbelief affects what you do who you associate with how do you do the things that you do if you want to see a greater measure of god's glory then let's ask the lord together lord remove transform what needs to be taken out of my life so that your kingdom your kingdom will remain not only remain your kingdom will continue to thrive our testimony needs to be brand new with god we cannot keep on standing on testimonies that we gave five years ago amen we need to continue to advance every day god wants to do new things in your life and mind can somebody say amen many times all the church we all want to go deeper and we say lord take me to the holy of holies that is the desire that we have as believers and god longs for us to go deep with him in the holy of holies but the lord is reminding us tonight to not walk in unbelief to become unbelieving believers and sometimes we need to go back to ground zero before the people of israel can enter into the complex of the tabernacle they have to go through the gate and there are four different colors as a curtains that covers the complex of the tabernacle jesus says in the book of john chapter 10 verse 6 to verse 10 and i will read it for you ben if you can put it up in the message translation john chapter 10 verse 6 to verse 10 before we can have a deep relationship with god before we can go deeper with god we cannot forget the gate and the gate is important the gate is important why is it important because jesus told this simple story but they had no idea what he was talking about so jesus tried again i love the message he says this i'll be explicit i am the gate for the sheep all those others are up to no good steep steelers sheep stealers every one of them but the sheep did not listen to them i am the gate anyone who goes through me will be cared for will freely go in and out and find pasture whoa just let that sink let that sink i came so they can have what before that i miss a sentence a thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy but i came so they can have real and eternal life more and better life than they ever dreamed of isn't this powerful many times we are so interested with the things inside the tabernacle lord more anointing lord more power lord more anointing we want the anointing we are so concerned with with the worship the prayer how to do it you know the songs that is being sung we are so interested with all the things going on in the tabernacle we forgot about the gate because jesus is not just okay lord you died for me you shed your blood for me i'm good boom then you go in we want everything that the hand of god has but we have no interest in who he is in his heart in his mind in his nature because when we go through the gate it is not just going through the gate you need to become one with the gain you see that because through that gate what does the bible say we freely what go in and out and find passion that is the access for us to have the fullness of what god desires for us what is that get to know jesus get to know who he is get to know what is his desire get to know what is in his mind if let's say we ask a simple question to a believer this day do you know what jesus wants what would your answer be that simple question if i ask you right now do you know what jesus wants we can have a billion answers right many but if we go back to the word what does jesus want what is his will for us the church to love him with all of your heart soul mind strength to love others more than you love yourself and jesus give the commission go and preach the gospel and you disciple the nations but for us many times discipling people preaching the gospel is not of importance no lord it's not spectacular enough we miss the mock we can learn about the supernatural but i come to find out in my brief journey in the ministry the supernatural will only manifest when you walk in the desire of jesus and that is when you choose to live a life that preaches the gospel because the power of god is found where in the gospel you cannot have the power of god outside of the gospel because the gospel is a very heart of jesus that's why we can make that statement if we're going to be alive as a remnant in these last days why i made a statement on sunday some people laugh is it that we're competing who can live the longest no why in the midst of crises when a brother or a sister is in need of food and you only have one can of food in the midst of crises like in the book of acts in the midst of persecution they salt everything they have so that others can be fed and others can have what they need if we don't have the right mentality why does the lord have to sustain us and hold us safe in these end times we become hoarders me first i first and we miss the entire point and then we call ourselves remnant we need to go back to the heart of jesus what is in the mind of christ because in our pursuit of intimacy with god we must have an experience with him we talked about on sunday how no i think last week when it is jesus who decides who he wants to reveal the father to you cannot go and find the deep things of god if you don't befriend jesus and befriending jesus is not just us saying he loves me i love him i spend time with him no it's more than that sometimes people will find you strange and weird when you have to do something that god wants you to do that's befriending jesus your life will go into a direction that's the price of why because i'm obeying the voice of jesus we cry for revival the church cries for revival how many of you want to see revival i want to see a revival but revival cannot come unless we ourself is in revival i wrote this in my notes the definition of revival it is important to know that the definition of revival is not just a series of outpouring or crusade meetings but the meaning of the word revival means to bring back to life consciousness vigor vitality strength and a flourishing condition revival is not just people crying under the power of god no revival means you have a zeal to live every day a spiritual awakening to quicken restore renew hope and confidence revival means to activate or set things into motion to make something operative or valid again wow revival means to renew the mind revival means to rejuvenate reactivate resuscitate and revitalize revival is for everyone revival is for the loss the prodigal the brokenhearted the one struggling through doubt and unbelief the one who is in desperate need of a miracle revival is for the revolutionary the reformers revival is for all those who desire god i have enough of my life i want you in my life then that's when we can have revival over our nation if we look at revival and revival as just church meetings we can go back and we celebrate what god did in the azusa street revival in the many different revivals but what remains from there what remains from there the lives of people they are touched the lives of people they are renewed and transformed that's the legacy that continues if we want to see a great revival happen in the days to come we the church first needs to be revived because god will spark the fire god will lit the match but you and i are the one who needs to maintain the fire so that the fire will continue burning god gave us glimpses through the many revivals that happen in the world many of the revivals ended because of the individual because of a person am i correct in these last days before the great outpouring that will happen in these in the days to come that's why god is bringing a transformation in the church a church that is exactly like who he is is it possible it is yes that's why god is giving us the grace to say lord transform lord change me lord mold me so when the fire and the glory of god comes we become vessels that will be ready to receive the new wine instead of the new wine spilling out the new wine will become one with us the skin and we will have the best that god desires for our generation can somebody say amen for example when we are now just going through this election if we look at the news we look at what's happening sometimes you say oh god what's going to happen but we're not going to let unbelief rule the church we're going to say jesus your word is ye and amen think about the disciples when they saw jesus hanging on the cross and it is evident that he died and he was placed inside the tomb what was the attitude of the disciples i thought of that today but will we still have the heart and the zeal to say lord i want to continue to believe i'm not going to stop believing because god's way is not our way and we need to quit or stop trying to figure out how god works but instead agree with heaven by doing our part amen we talked about the great commandment matthew chapter 28 verse 19 to 20. and when they saw him they fell down and worshiped him but some doubted then it's matthew 28 17-20 in the amplified classic i want you to read this and when they saw him they fell down and worshiped him but some you see that word there will we be part of those who believe or those who are there we're there but we doubt you know why we doubt lord it's not like what i thought it looked like that's not how it should be in my understanding that the bible says but some doubt a jesus approach and breaking the silence imagine these disciples were seated jesus was standing there they try to be polite but god knows what's inside of them god knew that some of them their heart their belief was not in the right place but jesus approached he broke the silence and said to them very strange instead of saying why do you doubt what's wrong with you here i am jesus says all authority all power of rule in heaven on earth has been given to me and then jesus says next verse go make disciples of all the nations baptizing them into the name of the father son and holy spirit teaching them to observe everything that i've commanded you and behold i am with you all the days perpetually uniformly on every occasion through thick through thin through struggle through victory to the very close and consummation of the h i will be there with you and the church say amen amen isn't that powerful i pray in jesus name if there's some of us that many times we're still living in unbelief if you are still doubting whether can god do that miracle for me in my house whether god can you really do that with my life i don't think i'm good enough i don't think i'm worthy enough i pray today that the very word of jesus will vibrate within your spirit man that god is commissioning you because the key to you success being successful in your walk with god is not because of your own merits and strength because all authority all powers has been given to christ that's why you got to know christ you cannot try living a godly life without christ that's why we fail we strive hard oh i fail again oh i fail again you know why because you're doing it out of your own strength and you're not finding the strength from a deep intimate relationship with who cries and what's the only thing stopping us many times we doubt him we doubt that he can do something with our condition with our finances with our children but thank god jesus does not have this attitude and say because you doubt you know what you're not quite qualified let me find someone else who believes god is willing to work with us you know why whether our spiritual state now is strong or not if we will make the stand to obey what he says and out of that quote unquote childlike faith okay lord i'll go what jesus says will come to pass in our lives that is the power of obedience obedience is not for god's benefit only obedience is for your benefit when we learn to obey it unlocks an understanding of who he is in our life when i think about that what a righteous fair and just god we serve nobody can say that we have a deeper walk with god because we are more anointed no god is not requiring that just the simplicity of obedience it could be as simple as you forgiving somebody in your family that you have held a grudge for many years amen mark chapter 16 verse 14 to 20. afterward he appeared to the eleven apostles themselves as they recline at the table watch this watch this mark chapter 16 verse 14 to 20. both times when god spoke about the great commission you know how we're going to fight this unbelief we're going to fight this unbelief in these last days if the church will experience that revival of being whom god has called that to be because watch this after what it appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table and he rebuked them for and their hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen this proves to us we can hear the message of what god is going to do it does not immediately qualify us jesus spoke to his disciples before he died i'm going to come back didn't he say that to them yes he said you can be hearing the message but nothing happens in our life they were there they were reclining at the table they were eating with the lord they recognized oh that's you jesus yeah yeah but something inside of them is not right it's not aligned verse 15 and he said to them what did jesus say go into all the world proclaim the gospel to the whole creation verse 16 whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned 17. and these signs somebody say these signs will accompany those who believe if you believe these signs will accompany you so don't tell me that these signs will only happen to the prophets and the apostles and the pastors and the evangelists and the teachers no no no if you believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak in new tongues 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them they will lay their hands on the sheik and they will recover verse 19 what does it say so then the lord jesus after he had spoken to them was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of god next verse and they went out preached everywhere while the lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying i want you to pay attention then go back to verse 19. so then the lord jesus after he had spoken to them was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of does this verse sound familiar for some way didn't we just go through a series from dr stephen francis from the book of psalm chapter 110 when jesus says sit at my until i make your enemies to become your footstep when does god make his enemies to become his footstool when the church walks in her destiny and calling when god says now psalm 1 110. remember what we have learned a few weeks ago in psalm 110 it says this the lord says to my lord sit at my right hand until i make your enemies your footstool the lord sends forth from zion your mighty scepter rule in the midst of the enemies when you and i walk in the commission when you and i walk in signs and wonders when you and i go preach the good news baptizing them in the name of the father son and holy spirit when we disciple the nations and teach them what god has taught us when the signs of the gospel manifest in our life that's when the enemies of jesus is being placed under his footstool so who's the key component the church the body of christ that will manifest the glory of god because who's going to get the glory not you him he's going to get the glory because the ruling church will enforce and manifest his kingdom of god like never before so don't tell me the church will be hidden in the last days we will not be hidden the church will be shining so bright that's why we will translate that's why we will do the supernatural things you know why because the church will be unstoppable more souls will be brought into the kingdom of god in these end times through you and me can somebody say amen can somebody say amen that's why we need to align in agreement with the heart of god that's why now god is revealing the secrets of what is in his heart that's why jesus says in the book of matthew 11 i talked about it briefly last week on wednesday come to me those of you who are what weary and heavy burden and i will give you rest you know that rest does not mean sleep when god gave rest to the children of israel it was when they ruled in the land that god has given them you have rest in your life when you possess all of god's promises in your life you find rest when your children and your babies are worshiping jesus you have rest when your finances is being reconnected to the will of god you find rest when all that the devil has stolen from you must be returned to you a hundredfold resting means the church is in a place of dominion rest it's not just you sleeping do nothing rasa is not taking a break no resting means all that god has for you it's yours joshua and the children of israel rested when they possess the land now do you know why jesus says come you're tired you're weary you're tired of your old life you're tired of just being like that you're tired of a christian life that makes you go nowhere you're tired of just coming to church every sunday but nothing new is happening with you nothing exciting is happening with you you've been striving you've been working hard like in the book of hagai you've been trying to build you'll be trying to give but your money's like going through your pocket and there's a hole underneath your pocket god says come to me and i'll give you rest you'll find rest when you pick up my burden because my yoke and my burden is easy and light when we choose to do the kingdom of god when we choose to pick up the burden of jesus when we say yes to what god commissions us to do that's the beginning of us getting all that god has for us that's rest that's rest if we want rest we got to work hard when we got rest we're going to say lord i'ma live my every day doing exactly what you tell me to do that's rest i will give you rest you're tired you're weary i'll give you a better way can you imagine every commandment that jesus gave it's not for his own benefit it's for your benefit it's for you why must you preach is for your own sake why must you give is for your own sake why must you forgive is for your own sake why must you persevere it's for your own sake that's how the kingdom of god works matthew chapter 6 verse 33-34 powerful but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things everything that you need it's not going to be given that's not what it says it will be added to you it will be added to you it means what you think you need it's not your primary need your food your clothing no no your desire that's not your primary need your primary need is the kingdom of god amen amen all these things will be added to you verse 34 therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself sufficient for the day is its own is its own trouble now let's read it again amplified version i love the amplified version ampc you got it bad but seek aim you aim at and strive after when you seek you don't just blindly do just because it's a religious thing you do you need to get your aim right and your aim is right when you know it's the will of god but seek aim at and strife after first of all his kingdom and his righteousness what is his righteousness his way of doing and being right the principles of the kingdom the values of the kingdom and then all these things taken together will be given to you besides isn't that powerful remember righteousness is not perfection but righteousness is obedience and we learn together obedience means you don't miss the mark obedience means you do exactly what god told you to do not more not less don't try to be creative with god exactly what we are called to do that's the position we need to be precise in our walk with god seeking the kingdom of god means in every circumstance we long to see god's kingdom come and his perfect will be done on earth seeking the kingdom of god means lord i have other concerns in my life but when you see somebody who needs your prayer you choose to pray for that person first you might be struggling you might be struggling with something you might be praying and asking god for a breakthrough in a certain thing but you wondered lord why instead of you making me focus there you're telling me i need to give i need a serve that's seeking first the kingdom of god whatever jesus brings your way that becomes your primary concern because the clue is when you seek what is in the heart of god when you get your heart aimed at the right place and you give your best in that area what is your concern is no longer your business but it's now his business when you lift up your eyes to him you don't worry about who's trying to attack you who's trying to take away things from you who's trying to pull you down because now the eyes of the lord is watching you and is responsible for you we need to get our focus right you know why we strive because instead of looking at what he says we're looking all around and your capability of protecting yourself is very limited but when you choose to lift up your eye the eyes of el shaddai covers you 360 degrees amen this is a principle this is a principle that's why when we hear of many testimonies of mighty woman and man of god who walks close with god it seems lord how come their life seems to be reckless it's not reckless because they found the secret they know that god is not only my front guard he is my rear guard amen when i focus on you jesus when i aim i aim at you and one thing that i'm striving for is you you are whom i'm striving for i need food i need clothes but instead of striving for that i'm gonna aim at you lord and jesus says when you aim at me everything that you need i'll add them to you that's how we can walk in true contentment church we are called by god to be a house of power jesus miking church every one of us is called by god to be a house of power we all know the scripture from acts chapter 1 verse 8 when god says i will give you my power i will give power it is the dunamis of god dunamis speaks of strength power ability that comes from him but you know when i was searching the word dunamis there are many interesting definitions to this word power dunamis means an inherent power power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature or which a person i think experts and puts forth power for performing miracles moral power and excellence of soul the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth power consisting in or resting upon armies forces or hosts when we walk in dunamis power it is not just the manifestation of the gifts of holy spirit but literally the whole arsenal of heaven is available for you the angel armies are there for you you need to perform miracles miracles will flow out of you you need wisdom to manage your finances the financial blessing will follow you because dunamis is given so that the mission is accomplished but you shall receive power when holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses in jerusalem judea samaria to the ends the very bounds of the earth dunamis is only available for witness if you're not a witness no power if you are willing to witness you cannot witness if you're not there you cannot witness something that you don't see you don't hear and you experience if you witness it means because you are a witness do you understand what i'm saying you are witnessing because you see you experience that's why as believers without intimate relationship with jesus no matter how long you stay at church you won't grow no influence it's all superficial you can try to talk highly but the anointing is not flowing you know why it's out of knowledge not experience and the power is given to us when we witness it it says there and the word witness witness the original greek word means martyr witness means people who are so sold out for christ no matter the cause the power is made available for you we cannot be automatically sold out for christ to get there when you go through the process of god first god is going to ask you to give up something and many times giving up is the giving up of what our own pride self-image being looked down by somebody by choosing to forgive if we can't go past that stage how can we be given a task that's even more difficult because god knows where we are at he'll take us there slowly but power will be received by those who are witnesses because you shall be my witnesses you know i love the name shelby s-h-e-l-b-y i talked to mr larry a few months ago one day i was meditating the word shelby before i came to north carolina i don't know i didn't know that a city existed by the name of be and the lord says i'll give you a prayer that you can continue to pray for shall be when you mention shall be is no longer s-h-e-l-b-y but it's s-h-a-l-l-b-e shall be a place of healing shall be a place of deliverance shall be a place where the glory of god will manifest that's what god wants for you and me to become don't be satisfied with just s-h-e-l-b-y let's make this let's make this place s-h-a-l-l-b-e where it shall be done in this place as it is in heaven when you receive power oh we need power and i thank god the vision that god gave to pastor stephen francis for jesus making church one of the statement is we are a house of power prayer praise and power we are a house of power oh we are not going to if power shows up we are good no it is the destiny of this judge and every believer who believes the word of god you shall receive power will we be bold when we pray now expect healing to take place you don't see it doesn't matter pray and believe it first until you see it come to pass in the book of james chapter 5 verse 13 to 18 just a few more scriptures before i end are you blessed tonight by the word of god james chapter 5 verse 13 to 18. some of the scriptures that really really spoke to me in this area of how we need to be believing believers instead of unbelieving believers james chapter 5 verse 13 to 18. you know when we talk about the fruit we want to have the fruit right you know the fruit means both the fruit that is written in galatians chapter 5 the characters of christ but do you know that fruit of your righteousness it also speaks of the power of god and the glory of god that is manifesting from your life there is fruit because when all the powers and the gifts begin to manifest and flow who gets the glory jesus when you walk right before god when you walk in the stature of christ who gets the glory jesus i remember pastor stephen saying we need both we need the fruit and the gift we need both we cannot neglect one but many times people like to only be in one extreme we need both jesus says in the book of john chapter 4 the father is looking for true worshipers who worships in spirit and in truth you honor god you serve god in the manifestation of the spirit but you honor god and you serve god by being rooted in the truth you need both somebody say both james chapter 5 verse 13 to 18. it says this watch this is anyone among you suffering let him pray is anyone cheerful let him sing praise this is a biblical truth our prayers must result in healings our praise must be an expression of what god does in our life verse 14. is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord verse 15 and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick and the lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins he will be what's that not only the conversion of souls not only the conviction of people but supernatural miraculous signs and wonders and healing i thank god for covid because of kovid the church must be so full of zeal to see the manifestation of physical healings yup if sickness or disease is the crisis if covet is the crisis even virus is the crisis then the church must have the anti the or the anti-venom the church must have the solution what's the solution healing so why are we afraid in the midst of crisis healing in the midst of famine in the midst of people lacking what should the church bring prosperity in the midst of division in the midst of chaos what should the church bring order and peace and unity the church must have the solution not the church becoming the same like the world amen i am now in a place i'm asking god i'm asking lord moving forward let healing be in manifestation in greater measures because that's power i i and i thank god you know the word of god we're going to talk about the scripture later on before i leave before we leave so now i'll give you the scripture when sign and wonders follow you like what mark 16 and matthew 28 says signs and wonders and miracles the power of god is not given to validate the messenger the power is not there to validate the speaker but the power is there to validate the message itself nothing to do with you because the power gives testimony that the gospel of jesus christ is true is valid it's alive nothing to do with you so if you pray for the sick nothing happens don't be discouraged worst case scenario you're embarrassed that's it worst case scenario i'm embarrassed but the truth remains we need to be bold in how we pray in the days to come that's what the bible says next verse please therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed you see how healing keeps popping up everywhere for the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working verse 17 elijah look at the example that james gave elijah was a man with the nature like ours and he prayed fervently that it might not rain and for three years six months it did not rain on the earth verse 18. then he prayed again and heaven gave rain and the earth bore its fruit when believers walk in sign and wonders when believers walk in the supernatural that's what we're aiming for the divine order of god will be established on the earth thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven somebody say amen power will only manifest when the church have authority and authority will only come through maturity and character remember in matthew 28 jesus says all authority has been given unto him we're not going to talk about authority tonight but only through the authority of christ can we manifest the power of god you cannot get authority unless authority is given to you because authority is the authorization for you to use the power of god and authority will only come through our maturity when jesus can say that you can be trusted it's not us presenting ourselves to him and say trust me lord trust me it is the father who says i can trust you amen that's why it's important for us to be more like him because in ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 for he raised us from the dead along with christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with christ and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in christ jesus wow we can only be in that place of authority with jesus if we become one with him it is the prayer of jesus jesus says father as i am one with you right what did jesus pray for his disciples that they too will become one that's the prayer of jesus you know what will unite the church in these end times when we walk in the glory we will not be fighting about what denomination we are in what church we are part of how good your pastor is what's the size of your congregation no more we will be united when we walk in the glory because you cannot fake the glory when we walk in the glory when the church walk in the glory no matter what our differences might be we are one the glory of god the glory of the latter house will be much greater than the glory of the farmer god has set us up for such a time as this think about the potential that we have but let's go back to this question before we end tonight do we believe or are we going to walk in our unbelief and we fool ourselves thinking that we are believers but our life is so far from reflecting whom god has called us to be then we settle for the mediocre we settle for services without the power of god we settle for services without the glory of god if you're so hungry for god every time we're in a worship service every time you're in your church you will pour your heart you cannot stand to just stand there and do nothing in worship because you are crying for the glory do we believe do we believe because we must be filled with power if power is not with us what gives testimony to the message of the gospel of jesus because god has given us the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the kingdom means the manifestation of who god is just one last verse and i'll end hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 to verse 4 in the amplified classic version watch this since all this is true we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truth that we have heard lest in any way we drift past them and slip away verse two for if the message given through the angels the law spoken by them to moses was authentic and proofed sure and every violation and disobedience received an appropriate just and adequate penalty verse 3 how shall we escape appropriate retribution if we neglect and refuse to pay attention to such a great salvation as it's now offered to us letting it drift past us forever for it was declared at first by the lord himself and it was confirmed to us and proved to be real and genuine by those who personally heard him speak verse 4. watch this besides this evidence it was also established and plainly endorsed by god who showed his approval of it by signs and wonders and various miracles manifestations of his power and by imparting the gifts of holy spirit to the believers according to his own will this is your seal you need to have the power of god signs and wonders and various miraculous manifestations the impartation of the gifts in our life that will validate the truth that we carry will we believe that we are living in the days of power and i'm beginning to see it i want to testify to you i receive a text message from a young man got my phone number from a pastor this young man said i stumbled on one of your sermon from 2018 on youtube midway you were speaking on youtube my right hand jilted up to heaven and i began to shake and i was filled with holy spirit and begin to speak in unknown tongues i said lord that's pretty cool if you can do that from a message from 2018 god knows what can be done in the days to come amen are we willing to believe the church whose unbelieving is dangerous because you know why we are no good for the kingdom of god but the church who believes we too are dangerous because the kingdom of hell must tremble when the believers walks in the conviction of our faith amen let's stand in the presence of god hallelujah
Channel: Jesus My King Church
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Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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