Minister Of The Flames Conference | Session 1

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[Music] i tell you this is what worship means we give him the glory i want to encourage this prophetic people who have a little bit of a weakness so i want to tell you what is that when a worship is going on we are tempted to hear god speak to me god give complete the worship why are you in between asking lord speak to me first speak to me let me feel this let me feel that we are here to worship him we are not to feel anything god will give you a word when he wants to give you a word because we want these uh needles receiving lord am i worshiping right you are right so we get distracted in between and that is the reason why instead of worshiping we are quiet and we are trying to feel get out of that give him all the glory give him all the attention tell your mind to shut up i'm worshiping the king imagine if we could come with that one focus one heart one mind that even my spirit should not distract me from worshiping the king how important that is of all the people who who must know how to worship the lord more is the prophetic community so there's no excuse you know do not forget our basics abc worship the lord god with all your heart soul and mind that is a requirement of the prophetic community we have no right to tell others to to worship if we ourself digress into the same thing and that is the side effects or the destruction of the prophetic people because they all the time wanting to hear something the only thing your heart must tell you worship the king amen in the last two and a half or three weeks our ministry and those people that i know in many different ways have been battling many many challenges unusual challenges in the last given three weeks i've been praying with them i'm praying for them in our ministry in singapore our ministry here different different challenges like as though you know when you step into an a cockroach invested area you don't know which one to catch everything is running from everywhere wow suddenly there is a infestation everywhere you see and the enemy uses that opportunity to distract and burden the people of god because god is about to do something the devil doesn't know what the something is he sees the activity in the camp and then it distracts us i've been praying and praying and praying why is there no breakthrough this time until yesterday morning at 8 30 in the morning the spirit of the lord god came upon me and the lord spoke to me about myrtle beach so i knew this is why we are battling all this time so i want to share with you the prophecy first and we're going to go into the word proper amen now again as i want to encourage you the prophetic community must love the word of god more than any other group of people because without the word there is nothing for you to work with the testimony of christ is the spirit of prophecy amen so when you don't love the word of god to study the word of god nothing else comes but you see sometimes what happens we shut the word too fast let's go into the spirit of prayer when the word is not complete the spirit will not come it is jesus who speaks through the word amen thank you for the very loud amen i was so touched oh you are here with me amen i want to thank the lord that without our team i'm incomplete i want to thank the lord all these guys who are here especially our sons and daughters who are here with us ministering together with us i want to thank the lord for each one for welcoming me into myrtle beach simondi mental group thank you god bless you this is what the lord says i am the ruling king the lord has to remind us over and over and over again who is actually ruling the earth because we forget we get so distracted with the ruling and the principalities and the powers we forget to keep even we forget to even acknowledge my king is actually ruling you see how sometimes we can just go off focus because we are fighting the battle with the powers and the principalities who will pretend as though they are ruling but the case of the kingdom is reversed not with him he's pretending by distracting the church with our needs and with our gifts and with our anointings and we take our eyes from the king and so when the lord said we've loud and a thundering statement i am the ruling king i tell you my friends everything on me just broke loose because you know what i'm standing with the king i'm standing with the king he shall prepare table before your enemy hello it doesn't matter which level or degree of principality is doing whatever you want to do continue i am serving my king no other king can stand with me says the lord and take my place says the lord i will destroy and break into pieces every other spirit that will try to take my place but my people have turned their backs on me their spirit is turned away from me and the lord asked me a question tell me why must i pour my spirit to a people whose backs are facing me yet i have not forgotten that my mercy is upon the city as the sun rises from the east once again my glory will shine i will cause waves of my power to come and sound the trumpet upon my people that those who hear my voice will come to me the lord said enter into the depths of intercession and travail and pray for my sons and daughters to rise up many want to build their ministry instead of doing my will the ax is set to the root and the tree that does not bear good fruit will be uprooted says the lord and then the lord said you see many times when he speaks to me my emotions get very stirred up because i'm picking up his emotion i'm picking up his voice my people want to have a fightless victory they are forever fighting the opposing spirits instead of being planted and rooted in me look at the comparison we are not paying attention to how deep we are growing we all the time fighting the opposing spirits from a weakening position when a tree is rooted and planted when storms come they will not be uprooted but my people are too distracted with needs and concerns of daily life and they are not growing in these times of need when they need to be rooted and planted in me and my word so i made a rule and so sorry the way he said is didn't i make a rule a bite in me and i will abide in you because they are not abiding in me they can't sense i'm abiding in them and then in a vision i saw can you imagine a a bodybuilder or uh i i don't know who's the biggest bodybuilder i don't know every year you got someone new coming up so let's talk about the rock you know who's the rock it's not from the bible mr twain johnson imagine his big arms i was used to look like that but i lost weight you know so imagine his arms holding something and twisting and breaking i saw the arm of the lord in the vision all the veins are coming and the muscles are showing and and and he's twisting and breaking and i was wondering what is the lord twisting and breaking and then i saw a vision of a female spirit which has a body of a mermaid i will catch her with my bare hands and squeeze her out till she has no more spot in this place if my people are willing to rise up so that this seducing spirit is one of the principalities of myrtle beach and then on my hand as i was walking pacing myself up and down in the room praying the sword of elijah came into my hands and the lord said i've sent you to break and break the power of the enemy and bless the church many of the building many of the buildings and churches are weak in their foundation says the lord they need to restore their foundation of my word and my spirit and the lord is looking for that one man who can stand in the gap then i saw serpents and scorpions and the lord showed me what does these two have in common they have poison both of them one hits from the front the other one strikes from the back when the poison is injected inside the venom the first thing that people will experience is hallucination and the lord said my people are hallucinating with the thoughts in the mind of the enemy and they still don't know the difference yet jesus said of peter get thee behind me satan you do not mind the things of the spirit how is that possible he was so close to jesus at that moment he still can pick up the wrong sign how is that possible you see you are just how many feet away from jesus talking to him his glory is radiating yet he a peter he's picking up a signal from another kind that jesus did not even delay mind the manners or wonder what he will feel about it he immediately put a nail right to the head and said get the behind me satan you do not mind the things of the spirit you see what happens when we don't mind the things of the spirit it is so easy to switch with a spirit of hallucination you speak the mind of the enemy and the lord said my people are speaking like that sometimes they are speaking the voice of what the spirit is doing they speak the voice of what the culture of the place is doing they speak the voice of defeat and disappointment they speak the voice i've been there used to do instead of speaking the voice of god and then very interestingly the lord showed me a vision of a little baby you know within four or five months the baby will start teething correct and have you seen a baby teething or not why you're looking give me the strange look what is he trying to say you know the teething the teeth comes out okay what do you do when a baby is teething in fact you don't have to do anything the baby will pull everything to bite it is a dna you don't know where this baby knows all that it is an automatic response anything you give it will start biting including your hand mommy will be crying because now mommy is feeding milk baby is biting it's not just drinking suddenly it's biting because it doesn't know when to buy and when not to buy and so you have all the teething rubbers i was wondering why is the lord showing me this vision and the lord said even the youngest baby in the meeting will be given the power to bite the enemy do you realize oh my my eyes was filled with tears even the youngest person in the meeting will be given the authority and the power you know why because you are drinking of the divine moog you are being cradled by the hands of the almighty as long as i am asking you to buy no weapon which form against you shall prosper my brothers and sisters it is time to quit trying to build our ministry and do what jesus wants us to do we have to do what god wants to do we have to be so focused in his will once in a time of intercession i was with jesus in the glories of heaven lifted above the principalities and powers while i was praying the lord said now look at this small church the small church is praying in a small church there are needs every single thing they learn how to pray everybody starts the same way isn't it until they are being blessed until they just start growing until fame start coming until people start noticing until miracles start happening until money start coming in and so this small church is praying and praying and praying and then the lord showed me now i wanted to see what the demons are doing the principality is making a conference there how to stop this church this small church is more powerful in prayer than all the big churches put together now i've got nothing wrong with big churches okay the only problem is when you become big we focus in becoming big focus in people management and we forget about spirit management we think that prayer and fasting are for foundational reasons and it's not supposed to be the ongoing reason that is why whenever a church grows at least 10 percent of the people coming in must always be given or a department has to be set for prayer fasting and intercession ministry don't touch them for any other reason park them there because they are your gatekeepers the moment you remove the gatekeepers away the church closes down and the lord said now you look what the demons are going to do are you ready yes you know what the demons did release some souls to this church because the demons are holding back right holding back the growth holding back the blessing so this church is not letting go fighting and praying and winning souls now the only way to stop this church from praying that much is to give them some souls release from all the souls they are holding back from hell give them something and suddenly this church is growing they have stopped praying the moment they stop praying they become weak and then the lord told me even when success success comes to us and growth comes to us you got to be discerning where is this coming from don't get distracted in these end times the church of ephesians and laodicea they were very rich churches yet they went down the dream they lost the importance of spirituality and they were focused on that weakness they were focused on these and they focus on that so kovit is an important marker of the true strength of a church why because people are no longer coming so we don't have flatted scales markers we have the real marker now who are the people are coming to church anymore who are the real prayer warriors who are the real givers how big and strong the church actually is they are the true disciples isn't it thank god for another reason the borders are closed so that the local guys will rise up instead of always becoming a conference buff forever inviting others and we forget that god has anointed you to become that voice why people don't want to hear me they want to hear his voice so if i want the church to grow get him to come and we forget who is building the church and so kobe thanks to kovit speakers are afraid to come out thank you lord jesus you see a true man of god will come positive speakers will not come are you with me so i'm so thankful because of kobe now we are paying attention to our sons and daughters to rise up the pulpit is not littered by conference speakers it is filled with sons and daughters whom god is raising up we want to hear what god is speaking so we thank god in what the enemy wants to achieve god does a lot more amen and when things are not moving what happens prayer is restored back into the church when things are not happening is what is happening prayer is coming back in the church when he got nothing more to do prayer is the only key to go we are going back to the roots of prayer and somebody say amen if there is something so good we must be something we must always learn something that we must never let go it's a spirit of prayer that is why paul says pray with all kinds of prayers there are so many skills of prayer so many depths of prayer but the enemy what is the word that i wanted to use he like a parasite he knows how to disable humans the way to disable humans is to give them the parasite of pride so even praying more you can have a pride of a prayer warrior you know how much i can pray that's it you die right in the sanctuary on the throne you can die are you with me my brothers and sisters this is the time to walk in humility before the presence of god amen now turn with me to isaiah chapter 27 we will build our base of what the lord said and the word he told me speak now this is the second time i'm speaking this passage isaiah chapter 27. usually when i've spoken a message somewhere i don't like to speak about it again unless the lord tells me no this is for them you speak about it again isaiah chapter 27 verse one are you ready in that day oh you see the lord will punish with what his sword i have seen the sword of the lord it is something so difficult to define it is more admirable than the sword of king arthur and in fact i was distracted when i was looking at the sword not on the admiration of the sword but the way the lord was holding it the beauty of his hand like as though you are this apprentice who's there watching the master how is he holding it i've been given different swords but i remember in japan when the lord told me now i will teach you how to swing and how to use that sword even that we have to be thought because every movement is power in the spirit amen how much we must learn our reliance on the holy spirit instead of running away and doing our own thing are you with me what if we what if god wants us to remain small and be faithful will we do that see we forget you see we always think that it must be big if god is there with you it must be big then jesus will lose all the game he paid attention to faithfulness and the depth he was building on his disciples and the goal was his desire for his disciples to make it big not for himself if every pastor if every spiritual father we have will have that level of purity in their hearts our sons and daughters will rise up not the special ones but the weaker ones because the bible says even the weak will put a hundred a thousand to shame somebody say amen and so this is that time in that day the lord will punish with his sword his fierce great and powerful sword alleviation now pay attention to the serpent three types of serpents being mentioned is just one verse the leviathan the gliding serpent leviathan the coiling serpent and he will slay the monster of the sea i wonder why this was given to me about myrtle beach therefore as i'm speaking i plead the blood of the lamb over you your family your children your properties on all of your interests no weapon which form against you shall prosper in the name of jesus in that day what is that that means god has appointed a day to punish we don't want punishment we just want revival you think that god will coexist with what the enemy is doing the earth belongs to god and the fullness thereof amen see the moment you think god will not clean up his city then you are thinking that god coexists with sin the moment adam and eve allowed the serpent to stain the purity of their communication with god the lord said get out of my garden you're done there is no other way you can come in without my blood because there's no coexisting james said that in the bible the friendship of the world is enmity with god there is no two ways about it i will punish in that day therefore i declare in the name of jesus god has appointed a day for myrtle beach and it's not that i'm here to declare maybe i'm already i'm just declaring what has been said all the time but it's not what god can do he's looking for his army he's looking for his people he's looking for oh yeah god that's a great word what must we do to activate the word can you tell me in america i don't know that's what i'm asking how many years must you study to become a doctor eight in singapore is about seven he has about eight why it why not two years i don't think so you will you will even show your hand to anybody who studied for two years man so because if you have an intention to become a doctor then you have to invest your life at least about eight years of expertise and studies and housemanship and be tested in all levels that is medicine in its focus so that one day you can become a doctor that means there is a time that you are sowing by the time you see the fruit of your labor is eight years what about the church are we patient enough to let the prophecy germinate to coordinate our ministry so that the word of god will fulfill when god says i will raise an army you're wondering where is the army see god says when i say i'm going to raise an army then you have to start teaching the world you have to start producing disciples you have to start teaching them how to be faithful you have to start sowing the word into their life that is the job of every pastor because there is no instant disciples you can't make disciples in a year are you with me see we are not willing to work hard enough deep enough without distraction the assignment god has given to us so that the army can rise up and be ready at a time when the lord is about to unleash his power but you know what's happening when the lord is about to unleash the power the army is not even standing behind because they are too busy lord where are you where is my anointing where's my gifts when are you saying this grow up bro i've been teaching you all this time you didn't pay attention so you see even a prophetic community can be so distracted with their gifts instead of focusing on our lord jesus christ and the lord told me because my people are facing their backs towards me so therefore why must i even pour my spirit among them you know what god does to put us to shame he can call me from somewhere else and say come and do this work he can call another guy from the street the fellow that you think is a hopeless gangster who doesn't fear anybody the spirit of god changes him to be an apostle overnight and he'll be going around preaching the gospel god can do those things the laws shall be the first and the first shall be the last therefore don't lose your race and keep running to where the lord wants us to run somebody say amen therefore we cannot say lord i want to be your army really then go through the process because you can't be made overnight you cannot grow overnight there is no instant army in the vineyard of god it's not about the authorities about your moods and your conditionings it's about learning how to walk above our emotions and the challenges that will happen and the need for money you know we all need money what if the lord tells you now move set everything and just come over god but what but when i say move everything follows you right but we have said more but to the king of kings and the lord of lords yet we say we are believing anything jesus said are you sure let's go through the test now let's do a checklist are you willing to be what god wants him to be why must we be part of this group that has turned their backs towards god the army doesn't raise up in that day that means god has a point in a day and that day will bring rebuke correction and restoration that day will be a day of challenge it will it will be a day of pain it will be a day of stress and you know what our people are so used to they used to float in their comfort the moment they have a little stress i don't want to serve god anymore the moment there is a little stress pastor we need to step down a little bit so that we can step up with the world a little bit more are you sure why is that the ministry is the first thing people give up instead of their job try doing that try thinking about it everybody that pastor my wife is expecting so i have to step down hello step down from what your wife is being blessed because you are serving god step down from what pastor we know we have to make our uh you know our our ends meet therefore i have to do three jobs so i have to step down from ministry what can you even believe that god can supernaturally provide for you as you have been faithful in the vineyard of god god is looking for that group of people who is willing to walk and will not give up on building his house until there is purity he will refuse to listen to the prayers of the ungodly because we the moment we say ungodly we think oh that's the people of the world out there are you sure anything that is opposite to godly is ungodly he said even my people have conducted themselves like the wicked isn't it wickedness i found in my church didn't the bible say that so that means even the people can be wicked so when you read the word wicked please don't think it can be outside people right within his house and so god is restoring that purity if not his glory will miss us and go somewhere else my brothers and sisters i speak with pain and burden the same burden and pain which you are carrying too because we must become the burdened bearers of jesus christ i refuse to bear the burden of my ministry i refuse to bear the burden of anything else i'm only given to bear the burden of my lord jesus christ everything everything else really is not really a concern if god has given me ten dollars then i will know how to do with ten dollars if he says son this month i'm going to give you five then i'll serve according to the five dollars because you are god is conditioning us to serve with plenty and with nothing amen god is looking whether can he trust his church to walk with him through the fire of wilderness to save the souls which are trapped in the realm of darkness but we are so distracted with our prosperity you see we are so distracted with little gems and little stones and everybody is flocking so that they can lose weight without exercising i've lost that inch in that glory meeting praise god can you please exercise you lose two more inches do you get what i'm saying so it's all that distraction that is coming and we are no longer focusing on what the lord wants so easy like little children remember our little children the moment you buy them the toy they'll never look at you until the toy is broken mommy oh now it's mommy yeah why because the toy you bought is broken and when you take the broken to fix they'll start crying thinking you are taking it away from them but your intention is to fix it back whenever god takes things away from you he wants to fix it back and give it to you he's not snapping it away from you are you with me in that day my brothers and sisters the bible says in this end time darkness is supposed to set in in this end time distress will come because jesus the master prophet said it somebody say amen therefore now in the body of christ i must learn how to grow i must learn how to minister in the sick of the distress no more the cloud of comfort there will be distress upon you and i must learn how to hold on to the horns of altar and serve god without giving up if you want to give up something give up your eating time give up your party time give up your hobby time maybe you don't have time to bring your son to the baseball game ask your friend to help and you go down on your knees and start praying because that's what the enemy wanted to do give up on him just for a second if the lord will give up on us for that second imagine what happens to us hud doctors cardiologists are so concerned if you miss a heartbeat in echogram hey no it's not normal you cannot miss a heartbeat why not there are so many bits like 89 79 hard resting rate it's okay to miss a bit no way bro this you can't even miss a bit how many bits are we missing for jesus and you want to still be so fully anointed how selfish we have become if the lord will measure our discipleship to the measurement of his anointing how many of us will pass the test today to the accuracy of his will therefore we humble ourselves and say god show us mercy show us your grace touch myrtle not because we want it to be big because we are your people on your side amen in that day that means the day is appointed to us we have not taught our people the truth of god's word we are still teaching them when you accept jesus you enter into a cinderella land you enter into a fairyland everything changes you know the pumpkin changes into these and that changes into that and there is this wonderland you will prosper and people think wow i can see millions right there brother can you see it oh people don't even want to wonder whether it's the soul projecting or whether the spirit is projecting nobody is questioning that do you get what i'm saying hello now i'm not against prosperity it is fun to be prosperous you need money to do ministry it is fun to do what god wants to do when you have the money i know all about that but you have to prosper in the right way your prosperity must not overtake your relationship with jesus are you with me how many of us will there even to say god don't give me more that i will forget you don't give me less that i will not even think about you give me my daily bread that every day i will thank you but somehow we feel that only when we have a lot more left in the reservoir of our bag that means god is prospering me are you sure the greatest blessing is when he walks beside your side the greatest blessing and god wants to know is this what you want today my people have turned their backs now i'm talking to you what do you want to know the bible says the sort of the lord ah i will talk about it maybe another day maybe tomorrow we'll see but i wanted to pay attention to the type of dragons that are coming here the leviathan the sword of the what kind of sword is that easy hard the bible says there are three qualities of the sword which the lord is carrying heart great and strong and if you do a hebrew study that nothing is good word everything is just distress painful destruction and judgment nothing is really good about the sword of the lord many people tell me that you know i receive a thought from the lord okay for what so that he can show off i carry the sword you know i carry this really that means you're ready to fight all the time you'll be in a distressed mode are you ready for that the burden and the strength of the church of the lord is transferred to you as a sword you are ready to draw out then you will be on an active mode all the time are you ready for that that's what it means when god gives us the sword are you with me we are distracted with the weapons of our warfare i am wearing the breastplate i am wearing the helmet i i'm wearing this are you ready to fight because here the lord said my people are so glammed by fightless victory we are victorious in our room until you step out therefore god is reminding us why he has anointed his army three maneuvers of the dragon that i want to pay attention and we want to pray together today listen don't be distracted whether you will get a word i'll be blessed we did not come today for that we are now standing on the lord's side lord put us on assignment mode put us on assignment mode tell me what pleases you and the assignment is not done then continue until it is done amen somehow we think that if it's a conference if it's the word of the lord then there will be my time what if we die to this my time it's just the lord's time that is why i did tell timothy brother are you sure you want me to come three types of dragon that is going to come and distract the people of god and god wants us to pay attention are we learning something tonight number one the fleeing serpent so some serpents you cannot just step and kill it it masters itself in fleeing and in the hebrew it simply means i i don't want to you know give you this pronunciation and all that it's it's called baryak if you really want to know but it means side to side movements just like the same like a a a desert cobra have you seen a snake in the desert it goes side by side it doesn't go straight have you see have you seen a snake it looks long yes yes you are american you have mercy i only saw it in the zoo oh side by side you know what happens to side by side that is the spirit in charge of creating miscommunication whenever you speak to them directly they will say but i thought you said this why are you listening to some other thought when i'm just right in front of your face why can't you say excuse me is this what you said no i didn't say that but they won't ask you they are listening to some other communication system right in front even husband wives can miscommunicate you know right in front of their face they are screaming so loud at each other yet they are decoding another voice when this spirit is at work miscommunication what is miscommunication is just that you missed to communicate what we were communicating you are missing it so it's called miscommunication churches have gone into jealousy mode fit mode anger mode because they just did not understand what the preacher was preaching but i thought this pastor was saying really i think the speaker's confirmed it is so loud what do you mean he thought why are you thinking why are you decoding straight instructions remember jesus said truly truly i say to you there's nothing to decode that this i say unto you on that day the very word that i spoke will come and judge you once i was taken to heaven in this experience that i had the lord was speaking something and the scriptures was flashing forward flashing forward flashing is as though like you're watching a movie you know scriptures are just like a projector you know when a preacher is preaching that they flash forward same way when jesus is speaking the scriptures related to his speech is fleshing forward and i was asking the lord why had this scripture flashing forward on that day of judgment when i judge my people the very words that i spoke will judge them no one can say i don't know the lord will say well it was right in your hand the only problem is we don't believe that jesus will do what he said he will do are you with me we don't believe because we have a western version of uh uh jesus that another guy have another version of jesus no that's only one version his version so this miscommunication is a serpent that goes side by side side conversations which he creates bitterness and embedded reaction and you know what remember offended people will offend others hurts and hurting others very interesting is the word in hebrew baryat simply means it's side door very interesting word psycho because you can never compute serpent to a side door and you know what paul said a peter said sorry jude said in chapter 1 jude chapter 1 verse 4 for certain man i'm reading from the amplified bible very powerful for certain men have crept in uh stealth fully in other words secretly by a sight door bringing to you wrong teachings to pervert the grace of god so that people will enter into a time of lawless lawlessness and immorality denying the lordship of jesus in the book of jude he talks about side door thousands of years before jude mentioned there is a fleeing serpent called side door communication are you listening and that's what people do when they go into ministries they go into churches some people go there not to support the pastor but to have another ministry right on there there and they're creating a side door you know what i think i think the pastor is wrong you mean you came that far to say that this is the right way side door teaches it is not about building the your ministry it is about opening side door to create miscommunication are you with me this is the work of demonic spirits it's called the fleeing serpents and then the second area that the lord was talking about is the word twisted or coiling in hebrews aquaton simply means it is torturous the hebrew word of this coiling spirit and then one day i i i uh uh years ago i can't remember when exactly i was having lunch at home and i decided to flip the channel and it went into discovery discovery channel and so happened that day there was an experiment being done with a python so what they did was to inject the python with small communicating devices to measure the strength of its coiling and then they had an artificial mannequin mannequin correct yes artificial human mannequin but create enough human sense to it putting an artificial heartbeat and creating some flesh and muscles and make it look very real and the heartbeat inside was beating enough and so they wanted to measure the strength of this python and what it does and so there are enough sensors placed throughout the bodies of the python to pick up scientifically the power of its coiling what's very interesting man one slightest movement one tightness of the coil one heartbeat that is beating properly one titan until the heartbeat slows down and the coil becomes tighter and tighter and tighter until he stops breathing the moment there is movement one tight again he doesn't kill you all one go and and and squeezes the person because then you will spoil the meal the more you breathe the more i tighten you can you imagine a coiling serpent will park itself in a growing church it will park itself in a revival church the more you are doing the more you are climbing up and it will start tightening itself little by little why my question is not what the serpent is doing my question is what brought the serpent there that is the attention we must be don't worry about the serpent i don't care about what demons are doing what brought the demons there what brought the serpent there to coil this person around there is something that is doing that is attracting the serpents around are you with me and this is what these uh twisted serpents do they will create a torturous burden and you know the word serpent in the hebrew means nakash whisper a spell what this serpent does when it's coiling is to whisper curses and spell and make people to have listen carefully are you ready you'll have a different narratives in your mind which is no longer the narrative of the holy spirit and that is why the moment if opener years to what the serpent was talking was the serpent screaming enough no the serpent was whispering so uh soft enough that she was the one who passed the message to adam adam did not even know what the conversation is all about she said you know what really god said why didn't he say hey stop speaking to my wife it was such a whisper it looked very deceiving maybe he was admiring the serpent because he didn't know being the first man he didn't know that serpent could be a tool of the enemy because he is the one who named it isn't it but he didn't know so when it came he didn't know a serpent can become the toy for the whisper to take place that is why he was caught off guard now god didn't even commend him on the off-guard situation why did god judge them because you broke the words which i gave you so you keep saying god but the serpent is there but i did speak to you what to do we are judged on our act of disobedience not the mount of temptations what you made is where we are just because before it came i've already spoken to you what to do you see my brothers and sisters if we are crying for more glory more grace then there is responsibility to carry in the level of the holy spirit and god is asking us to buckle up buckle up a friend of mine was in charge he went to you know in singapore we used every male child we have to go to the military for two years it's compulsory and so a friend of mine was in the rangers cars and he said you know you know when the fellas go into ranger cause when they they carry a automatic bragging rights and they will break a body the whole table there is nothing else they'll be talking about you know what happened so we'll enjoy listening because these are real stories right so one of their bragging rights was when they were trained to be a sniper thrown into the jungle of brunei singapore's training i shouldn't say i shouldn't tell you where thing about training we do have a base in america as well a couple of bases in america okay so anyway the jungle of brunei and they will be thrown into an area you have to have enough food for a month and if you don't have the food you got to kill whatever animal you got to do but your job is to stay up on the tree and your job is to hit the commander of the enemy camp that will come but they don't tell you when your job is only fire one shot to that one guy anybody who gives up within that month loses the cause and they tell how they eat sometimes they don't eat they have to urine in a uh in a plastic bag and tie it up because any slightest sound you'll lose the cost one shot and that's the target tell me how many people can be trained as spiritual snipers just taking that one shot and how many have that level of discipline in the spirit that is why not everybody can be trained in that prophet's level or prophetic level where god is just telling you don't be distracted your job is to take that shot and then go into a stealth mode now i can give you scriptures how the prophets do this in the bible your job is not to get distracted with any other thing the job is to fulfill the call of the father when he tells you and that is why jesus said i came here to do what the father told me what the father showed me so what i do what the father tell me to do is what i did and nothing else doesn't really matter how many of us can come into that level of surrender you see and the lord wants to know i will not pour my oil into vessels which are not worthy and so today we cry out to jesus help us to be worthy of god if not even the enemy see listen are you ready yes one of the training to overcome he will allow the serpent to whisper to you there's no overcoming without that so we will be infected by the virus and see how you are overcoming the same serpent that spoke to eve will come and speak to you as well things that happen in the bible will repeat itself again to you to pass the course we will be infected with the spirit of sight uh miscommunication that dragon will come that spirit will come the lord will test the church pass the test brother i stand with you really listen to the whisper first then we'll see are you with me i didn't know you did that listen to the whisper and then you decide which whisper are you listening the whisper of the holy spirit the gentle whisper of the almighty god or the whisper of the enemy and then the third is the other encouragement other challenge that the lord wants azu he noticed that the challenge is becoming closer stronger and stronger and this time he says the serpent that lies in the sea and that's the challenge of myrtle beach now the first two spirits are the ones that put the church at rest create hallucination that people will just turn around everywhere else so they will not pay attention to the real spiritual warfare the third one is the one that lies in the sea i was very surprised the way the spirit had the form of a human fish scales all almost you know like a moment that we have seen and the lord holding it squeezing you'll find in the book of revelation in chapter 12 onwards you'll find one third of the people of the earth will be swept by the tale of the dragon so that is the backward attack all the time you're paying attention to the hate some people are just that weak enough even the tail can put them down are you with me my brothers and sisters all of us are called to fight in the different game that god has given to you protect serve and build the house of god we've got to go through this idea a lot of us have still got this identity crisis who you are in christ if you can't even settle that then what are you going to fight you don't even know which army you're standing with after a while that's how powerful the demonic spirits of hallucination is i've never used in all these years of preaching demonic hallucination until what the lord told me how this poison will come in and you'll start wondering whether am i called by god am i really into what god is telling me am i really in the will of god are you with me my brothers and sisters if you and i are not sure how will we raise up our sons and daughters to be sure about the call of god because those are the infections of the demonic spirits they are infecting us and god is allowing us to be immune to their infection somebody say amen we are getting immune you see the more it's hitting you the more you are immuning yourself to what god is about to do and the serpent that lies in the sea you see the word sea or ocean in the bible always speaks of humanity it doesn't speak of anything else it speaks of humanity every time the lord talks about so there is a demon that lives in the sea that will try to bring carnality to glide itself through the circumstance of our life to hold people away and these are what we call the water spirits it is suddenly in the present day it has become very alive you see the problem with this church world is this the moment god tells someone about some revelation about a demon we now write a book about it we teach about it everybody get to know about it and everybody is binding it fighting it without even knowing they are strong in the lord or not without even knowing whether is that their assignment did god really tell you to go and fight that spirit oh no but it's nice to know why are you picking up a demon for no reason man you already have a hard time fighting yours you are dumb enough to fight another person's and you're wondering why god is not with me because you're on the wrong side in the wrong enemy's camp can you go back to your side please somebody say amen somebody said brother you are preaching just like jesus are you with me we have to realign ourselves to the will of the father realign our work to the will of what jesus said if not this anointing is about to give will not mature us at all it will keep sipping us it will keep leaving us the lord showed me the work of this seducing spirit the serpent that lives in the sea they hide they sleep they wrap around people to choke them and the lord showed me why pastors will become very powerless in the churches because the work of jesus is to choke the work of the people but you know what the bible says god will slay the dragon that's what the sword is for he said i will punish her i will slay her down and somebody shout hey brothers and sisters i'm just on my first verse the first verse is that powerful are you enjoying the word of god or not i am i'm enjoying the word of god because god reveals the work of the enemy amen you see once we overcome once we overcome what the enemy is doing once we go through the course of all the three serpents that will try to come we are aware paul said let us not be unaware of the enemy's tactics isn't it but you see we want to be graduates of the book then when the real practice starts we get involved in misargument argument you know what she said you know what you say you know what i say you know what you said and then we have whatsapp facebook instagram we publish it everybody instead of standing with the house of god yeah we are standing in the serpent we want to show the power of communication the power of who said it first the flesh comes in between and takes over now when you forgot you're a child of god it takes more time to put down the fire in the church killing one another than the fires of the enemy are you with me i have only one word for everybody who creates fires get out of the church full stop why are you arguing over and over again it is easier to work with people who are solid hard rock from hell and teach them the word of god they got more brokenness to grow up in jesus because they appreciate the forgiveness of god they appreciate the deliverance of god they appreciate what god has done in their lives instead of those who have so self-righteous they can't see anything anymore are you with me my brothers and sisters god wants to do so if i will overcome verse 2 isaiah chapter 27 verse 2 and 3 in that day sing about a fruitful vineyard our vineyard will become fruitful when i overcome the works of the enemy when god raises up the middle bridge that is why armies cannot be raised up with one meeting armies cannot be raised up with three days prophet school army cannot be raised up with a little bit of teaching here a little bit of teaching there armies cannot be raised up by listening to stories army can only be raised up when we learn the word of god go down on our knees and god will check whether your knees are bruce enough that is why i encourage everybody to buy the prayer jeans have you seen it it's very popular jeans have a lot of holes wow these are praying niece [Laughter] god says if you will overcome then i will release an anointing for you to sing about a fruitful vineyard i the lord look at verse 3 i the lord will watch over it i will water it continually i will guard it day and night then no one may harm it somebody say amen that's the church i want to look out for because they have learned the task they'll win the enemy they have gone through the cause because you have stood with me now i will make your vineyard fruitful i will pour my spirit over it i myself will water it i myself will become your god day and night and that no one may harm that ministry let's look out to become like that and that verse 4 god is reminding his people i am not angry with you look at chapter 27 verse 4 i have no rest in other words i am not angry with you will that i had thorns and brayers to battle i will march against them i will burn them up together i am not angry with you at all i'll read the niv how it reads i am not angry if only there were thorns and thistles confronting me i will march against them in battle and i will burn everything on fire what is god trying to tell us brother those are bible language i know what you're saying what is god trying to say this is what god is saying if anything that will hinder your growth i will pull out those wheats because i am watching over you you have passed the test i've commanded you to become fruitful i'm going to release a new anointing called worship because the bible says sing to become a fruitful wine that is why i mentioned to you don't get distracted with your gifts and your discerning when it's time to worship worship the lord don't ask for a word kenny can you give me a word please can you tell me what's going to happen what's the hurry bro tonight god can even speak to you why do you want to know now i want to have a word because i want to exercise my gifts is that about you today there will be one loud guy from singapore it is his day let him do his day you just enjoy the teaching of the word amen you see we have forgotten to play that role but you know it is less stressful and it's easy to receive my brothers and sisters can i can i ask you this question do you think god owes you and me anything do you think he has to speak to you because you're fasting you know why you can't hear because you're always in a stress mode what is he god saying what is he god saying can you just shut up and just enjoy worshipping so that when he wants to speak he speaks and if he doesn't speak let the name of god be praised and you know what happens you get to hear when you're taking a shower so i've given up telling god when to speak to me he can speak to me when i'm hitting the shower he can speak to me when i'm hitting my bait he can speak to me while i'm eating he can speak to me when i'm walking he has the right to speak to me and interrupt me anytime i don't have the right to tell him when to speak i'm at his disposal even till today i cry to jesus and say god will you pull my shirt and say come son i want to talk to you please help me give me that grace we tell god what to do i don't know from which world we have learned how to decree and declare are you sure you want to tell the king want to do you know the scripture is the old scripture till today we have problems with that understanding concerning the work of my hands command ye me remember the king james version and so we have learned how to interpret command me concerning the work of my hands but that's not what it says he said concerning the work of my hands do you dare to command me why are you telling me what i should be doing will you command me that is the connotation in hebrew there's a question mark there because we are no longer reading the bible we are reading the sermon of another person you see so we have allowed the faith fathers to establish what they said has become the bible now we are no longer reading the bible on our own and so we are confused he said i got to declare i was surprised when i was in a meeting and this lady is dick i declared to you god to do this oh i wanted to run away from that meeting i said god that's not me there is sir i don't get me i don't even dare to decline decree to you how damn will you command the king because we we got excited with teachings right we think that if you don't declare and you don't decree you won't get it but jesus said i'm your father before you even ask i know how many times do you have your children telling i declare and decree dinner on the table come on try that voice and opinion in your house i want to see how you behave you will go into revelation mode get out from my house [Laughter] you are such a human yet you have such a pride that who how dare you stay in my house and declare degree to you how much more the heavenly father who has given you the grace and the anointing instead of using it the enemy you're using it all for your own purpose why can't we just simply come to the trust of his name he knows even before you ask so we want to settle let's realign ourselves and say father realign me towards your will so that the enemy will not find a landing spot around me something the only thing the devil cannot come close to you if all that you want is jesus he can never come close to you because he doesn't have that you see if you ask for money the devil has got some money man if he asks for fame he's got some fame if he asks for the wealth of this world he also has some wealth of this world in fact he can give you the power to be the top of this world but if you ask for jesus he can't give you that if he asks for souls he can't give you that even god you ask for the stronger needs to bow he doesn't know that if you pray god give me humility that's alien language in the kingdom of darkness the bible says seek first the kingdom so that our hearts will not be corrupted therefore today we come with that purity that this serpent has got no more bearing in our somebody say amen when he said you are my fruitful vineyard simply means he cares for us like a garden i'm not good in gardening i don't know why when i splash water they die they don't like my face i'm not sure sister grace comes and takes care of some of the gardening works in church and in our house that's amazing verse 5 says this time you make peace with god are you are you hey are you enjoying the word of god or not are listening to me or listening to the word of god which one look at verse 5 oh thank you father verse 5 says remember verse 4 says if there is any torn thistles against you i will burn it if there is an army i will march against them if there is anything else come against you i will burn it up all together and then verse 6 verse 5 says or let them take all of my protection let them make peace with me now that is the power of intercession make peace with god god is asking us tonight make peace with god there is no reason why god has to touch the entire myrtle beach when his people's backs are facing him so now the lord is saying take hold of me make peace with me pray seek the lord and then when you seek the lord verse six says in the days to come jacob shall take root oh look at that seek the lord until you take rude build the lord build the work of god until it takes root israel shall blossom and put forth shoots and fill the whole world with fruit look at the process now the root the shoots and the fruit there is a process of time we must invest and grow until we become what god wants us to become we are too worried in the process let me give you a challenge which the lord gave me years ago when some ministries when they invited me they said stephen don't pray just prophesy your accuracy is that sharp we have not seen people who are prophesying like you but you just preach don't preach the word just prophesy i say sorry brother if it's not for the word i'm not coming i don't need to admire my gift man admire this this one this one and i brought this matter to heaven when i was talking to the lord he lifted me up and he said son come i want to talk to you the lord asked me how many books have i given to you how many books do you think we have in the bible 66 books so if a pastor is required to preach in all the books of the bible instead of their favorite scriptures if you take one book a bible a year to preach to the congregation how many years does it take to finish oh it's a long task bro it's too long some will die even without finishing because some people came to ministry when they are 50 years old right so it's not going to happen so let's take two years two books in a year how many years 33 years still a little bit long time three books in a year how many years 22 if i'm 50 by the time you finish what god told you to do you are 72 now you are still teaching the books of the bible how many pastors are here and what is your task what's your commitment is the word but how faithful have we done it if there's a man of god you don't even have time for the word what time do you want some more i'm so busy reaching out to soul but that's not your primary call your primary call is to be with him and represent him to the world why are you representing yourself why are you representing your ministry now what do we do when the church congregation come we throw dead bones we have some congregation some people are like dogs man you throw any bones they will come and lick it and say wow it's nice there's no even meat and i'm saying it with politeness because god speaks to us in parabolic language which we will understand better than scriptures you understand what i'm saying are we treating the very people that we love with the bones of the scripture instead of giving them the meat of the word of god the onus is upon us to spend time in the world now that's not for everybody for those of us are preachers of the world you have no other business than to spend time in the world and preach the meat of the word so now ask yourself a question some of you are in the ministry for 30 years 20 years 25 years of whichever year how many books have you already completed because we always gravitate towards the easiest books i remember one church man i was preaching and i said let's turn to habakkuk and the guy said what habakkuk i said what do you mean have a cook is the book of the bible my father never said it and he was so naive and he said he's so loud and the pastor he didn't even want to look at me now i'm sorry bro there's something really wrong are you with me and i'm not saying about if you are in church for six months that fellow has been there for 20 years not once he heard the word habakkuk ever in the preaching i want to encourage us let us go back to the world the word will manifest jesus if you abide in me and my words abide in you then i and my father will manifest ourselves to you it's already 9 30. timothy said it's 11 i think did you advertise 11 o'clock oh man that's i won't go there because you guys are resting and listening i'm the one who's working now but i i i don't want to continue tomorrow so that we can hear a fresh word from the lord okay can we just finish it very quickly so now the lord says you must take root and then verse 9 11 the lord promises to perch the nation from her wickedness pagan altars will be crushed to dust look at that verse 9 therefore by this guilt or look at that measure by measure verse 8 by exile you contended with them he removed them with his word look at that what rough wind but you know what the hebrew word says fierce breath i didn't understand this until when i was in japan about two or three years ago the lord said he showed me the works of the enemy and he came and breathed out i was surprised why was he breathing out i said father i don't understand why why are you breathing out he said go and study my breath you will know what my breath will do even the breaths of god carries the power of heaven no wonder he wants to teach us the bible says in the book of psalms he trains my fingers for war every movement and gesture there is power to it are you with me he removed with his fear of breath in the day of the east wind therefore by this the guilt of jacob will be atoned for when does this happen when we overcome that serpent when we are restored in worship we are restored in the vineyard we are restored in the world then he now says now i will remove the guilt of jacob to be atoned for this will become the full fruit of the removal of his sin when it makes all the stones of the altars like chalk stones crushed to pieces look at that all the pagan altars you see the problem if the these are latest issues that i'm telling i'm not i'm not smoking the church man that's not my my business jesus died for his church i'm not gonna smoke it out but i think you can go demon hunting instead of building your altars you can go around destroying the altars of the enemy when when the enemy looks at you don't have an altar at all when you don't have the altars of the fire of god you can't even destroy the altars of the enemy we have paid attention of destroying altars all the time but god is paying attention whether your altar is burning with my fire and so i want to encourage us today let god restore us let god perch all the wickedness in verse 11 and i feel very strongly it's a last trumpet call that is coming to myrtle beach and i kept trying not to say about it over and over i try not to say but again and again the same thing keep coming look at verse 11 when it bows are dry they are broken women come and make a fire of them then look at the next line for this is a people without discernment therefore he who met them will not have compassion on them he who formed them will show them no favor what does that mean when my people will become foolish again now my mercy will be withdrawn because his word has been set out verse 13 says a great trumpet will be blown and the presence of god will come and people will worship the lord look at the last verse in that day a great trumpet will be blown those who were lost in the land of assyria and those who were driven out of the land of egypt will come and worship the lord on the holy mountain at jerusalem what does that mean when the great trumpet will be blown in myrtle beach there will be a revival of evangelism there will be a revival of souls coming back to the house of god there'll be a revival of all those who are backslidden hiding in the church and there are many people who don't want to come to church because they are so broken they are so disappointed god will gather them and they will form up house fellowships new fellowships it will just suddenly be a birthing process they will not look like new comers they are the old-timers restored by the mercies of god and somebody say amen all these blessings are going to come upon myrtle beach if today we will stand in the gap i want to ask you to stand up with me just for 10 minutes if you will press on in the spirit with me is that okay today we are not going to get distracted with you any other gift of prophecy about anything more let's stand in the gap and say god let your will be done let's stand in the gap and say god realign my heart realign my calling realign my the call that you have in my life remove what it is not important i used to be young and i think stupid now i have grown up helped me to mature amen let me ask matured prayers no more silly normal little baby type of prayers are you with me let's get out of that you are with me what must i do now amen are you ready come and fill this place with prayer right now riba rama shande muramanda rabba kabab i plead the blood of the lamb i plead the blood of the lamb upon myrtle beach upon the house of god upon the churches that i gathered here bulimia i see many churches in the spirit now now i don't know who they are i've never been here before i don't know any name of the church before but i see this church or this or many other church like this are empty and i'm asked the lord why are they empty the lord says that some of these churches want to do a church plan they placed some church plants to have the name how many churches they have for the sake of the name but they are not investing in the spirit therefore though the building is there the places are there my glory is not inside cabo tunes santa come on somebody standing the right gap right now somebody lift up your voice of intercession somebody oh shake the power of the anime in the name of jesus i am the ruling king of mortal venge in jesus name [Music] i see the sword of the lord in many men of god whom god has given to you now i want to encourage you bring the sword before the lord he will sharpen it for you [Music] we pull down the power of the gliding serpent in the name of jesus the power of the coiling serpent in the name of jesus the power of the monster in the sea in the name of jesus i find you to go elsewhere you have no power because jesus you told me today even the birthing teething of the child is as powerful to bite against the power of the enemy so i pray for a new anointing to come and rest on your people right now in the name of jesus lift up your hands and ask the lord to fill you with a new anointing with your filling the new power to fill you the new authority to fully the new passion for the world to fill it a new passion for the fire of prayer [Music] remedy [Music] a
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 2,425
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 49sec (5449 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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