Do Not Destroy What You Build

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i pray that we will become the people of the world and of the spirit amen and that's not stephen france's vision it's jesus's vision that we become people of the world and of the spirit recently there was a i mean recently i i went to check a website of a of a a young church ministry that i at the moment i want to refrain until sometime when i'm doing my uh study what we don't realize church this morning the powerful presence of god that is in the midst of us we don't realize i'm i'm not allowed to say uh what i saw but i'm going to put it together at some time that i will tell you but we want to realize the powerful presence of god amen define powerful we all have to define what is powerful to you are you with me you can smell it's powerful or you got to give enough measurement to say this is powerful that's okay and so we have to come to a point god i don't want okay i want to have some powerful encounters with you because powerful encounters changes you and if you want your life to change then we must have that powerful encounters we cannot just have just enough no lord change me more amen i want to have more because if the lord is willing to give himself more then why are we saying no not that's enough i don't want to have enough i want to have more what am i selfish you can't be selfish with god when you have to have more quick thinking like the world god wants you to have more amen you can never go wrong when you have more of himself we are not talking about blessings we're talking about him how much more can you get wrong when you have so more of himself i can't i i can't remember anybody saying if i show more love to my children they'll they'll they will go wrong there are some donuts who speak like that there are some people who talk like that and they refrain from showing love thinking that our children will go wayward with love no one goes wavered with a genuine love and imagine when jesus shows so much of himself and he said come up to me amen i want to tap into that anointing and the grace of god when you have so much of jesus how can we even say let's see whether this is of god or not if you ever go into a restaurant and when you order a couple of dishes and let me see which one the lord wants me to eat today have you ever have you done that silly thing no when it comes to food no absolutely not but when it comes to god yeah we we suddenly we sound absolutely spiritual let's see whether god wants me to do today or not are you serious are you in drugs are you talking man the same thing speaks dual silliness when it comes to self oh that's god but when it comes to you performing up for god i will say take all that god wants you to have i want to tell bits and pieces but i believe that god is bringing about an alignment before he can release the train are you with me an alignment when when engineers are building a train track to release a train they they don't release the track or release the train after putting two tracks in and we'll see whether the train is going smooth or not they don't do that it is all engineered it's already planned they know what they're doing when it's all is good when the engineer on the ground it's all good then the second engineer will tend to release the train are you with me so god is building our tracks before he can release the train amen the question i want to ask you are you part of it are you out of it we all are praying god use us for his glory and when the train stops to say get on board you're not in and that's the time we will miss it and so i believe the time that i felt like as though god arrested us and said in the hotel to say now just be with me it's an important time for us to consider so let's turn to the book of proverbs chapter 14 and verse 1 to 4. i want to anchor upon verse 4 but i want to share with one two three four everybody who brought your printed bible come on look at somebody and smile give them a god bless smile okay all right okay some people who don't have anybody to smile to come and smile at me later okay okay are you ready all those who are watching online god bless you and i want to remind you if you as you're online sign up for the prophets conference and i know that some people could be talking about the prize and and all of that and uh you know it amazes me and this guy came to um to do uh one of the plumber that we call this guy quoted 15 another guy said i'm worth 25 dollars and another guy came and he told me his per hour is 75 because it's the quality of his work but then when we come to church we want to see the cheapest registration fee with the highest quality speakers and we are willing to pay for anybody we willing to pay for the dog to get injected for 1300 i know some pastors who are charging a thousand dollars for half an hour to play golf with them the big time guys i'm not saying they are wrong but i'm saying what's going on in the world and you know some of them pay thousand dollars to get to sit on the round table so that you are sitting at that senior pastor we have a round table free and i sit there forever nobody sits with me so this 129 dollars for you to register and spend three days with us people who walk with god people who walk with god and people who walk for the lord are important impartations of these end times are you with me i'm not trying to convince anybody to sign up but it's important for us to evaluate these processes robert zladin told me that don't worry harmony is coming no matter who's coming i'll be there to speak i mean that man used to have his own jet and fly around the world and he had millions of dollars in his ministry speaks to 10 to 20 000 members in churches and today he's willing to just come because i spoke about the revival in this county i spoke about the prayer in this county i said if all the big guys avoid this land who will bring revival into this place and it's not about them performing you know we releasing the seeds some sons and daughters going to pick it up i'm talking about that are you with me so i pray that all of us are in the same page running together amen and so those who are watching online sign up as soon as you can and those who are wanting to come please come i receive a call from a dear pastor friend from south korea she's coming for the conference so she's flying from south korea amen so we are waiting to show the southern hospitality okay i really don't know what that is but that is that what is southern hospitality love and smiles all free come on we give you free hugs how's that okay all right man some donuts and coffee it's all good in the book of proverbs chapter 14 verse 1 the voices of woman builds the house and but fully with her own hands she tears it down even though it's mentioned particularly to women and women may get upset about it you see the bible doesn't make any mistake do you know that right there as foolishness a man can do and the bible talks about it but there are also a certain aspect of foolishness a woman can do and the bible talks about it the bible did not mention gender equality even though we want for the sake of politeness we apply together because anybody can tear down a house or you can build the house but what's particularly interest and interesting in this scripture is the same woman or the same person for the sake of our conversation this morning the same person builds the house and the same person tears it down all in the midst of either wisdom or foolishness you know at times we are so with god we want to build the house of god we want to do this for jesus we want to do that for jesus you say oh you know if there are anything i can do please let me know and when we let you know you are not there because you desire but you're not available when your time comes you freak out there are people who will line up for their turn to be blessed and for their turn to be called and when their turn comes can you go first please he's freaking i'm afraid can you go first are you with me when their time comes they freak out because they are so afraid but that's the moment god is going to take you over you're going to have the same experience what every one of us had the time when god's hand came upon our life and he changed us to be a very different person the possibility that people's heart can change when they are spiked by the enemy a possibility when people's heart can change when they are disappointed wisdom will leave foolishness comes in it is possible to break the same family you build up it is possible for marriages to be broken when the people who are supposed to build it break it up that includes the church as well and remember it it takes a lot of hard work to build up a life isn't it and one of the things we learn as we grow up parents are involved in building our lives for children and when the children come to a certain stage they they learn the art of self-leadership they learn how to lead their own lives they learn the techniques of what makes them grow and what takes them to go down they have the ability to build it up and you still have the ability to destroy you have the ability to become spiritual or you have the ability to just be friend of the world you have this ability to either have wisdom or have foolishness and there is no in between where the bible is saying and then he says whoever walks in uprightness fears the lord but he who's devious in his ways despises him look at the second comparison either you can be upright and the fear of god will come inside you and you'll do what god wants you to do or the opposite is that you'll be devious in your ways and you'll start despising him in other words i wanted to look at the the way it says it doesn't say you despise god and then you walk away from god's ways it says when your ways are not right eventually to support your lifestyle you will start despising jesus it's the other way are you following him are you listening god is so clear that is why god wants us to watch over our ways because sometimes we are we're just sleeping out little by little by little and it becomes devious to such a point you'll start despising god then you'll talk about the bible then you will generalize almost everything why come to church church is everywhere church is there here there but you are no longer the church anymore your shine is gone because now we are trying to generalize so that this conviction doesn't go off anymore it's like taking off the battery from the alarm so that the alarm doesn't ring anymore the danger is the same but there is no longer any more battery are you following the same person now involved i'm not saying now i'm not talking about a woman i'm talking about a generally applied to a church how it is possible we can be building at the time and then we can also destroy some people say god asked me to come to church after that when they are living they just create a lot more problems when they are living because whatever they try to do or looked out for the attention you see people are not willing to wait in line that's the problem with some you got to keep in mind your turn will come are you with me because god chooses everybody according to his will and then the bible now says by the mouth of a fool comes a rod for his back but the lips of the wise will preserve them again another thing is presented to us the mouth of the full and the lips of the wise both things are still possible within a church environment why are we so concerned about the church because jesus is coming back for his church who is the church you and i not just a physical building but why then jesus is so particularly interested to land his feet on top of man's island the bible says it that clear it is not a figure of speech it is literal are you following it is so literal that it says that so as much as there is a spiritual connotation to who a church is that is also a physical aspect of it not everybody is called but when we are called we are investing our life because jesus died for it are you with me and is coming back for it are you following now we go to the main side of the main course the first three verses is an opportunity being presented before us either we can be people who are wise or people who are foolish either we use our hands to build it up or we use our scene him same hands to destroy either we use our lips to bless or we use our lips to destroy whichever way we yield ourself is either wisdom from god or foolishness from men now the bible says in verse 4 which we will learn this morning is where there are no oxen the manger is clean but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox when there are no oxen the manger is clean i don't know what people may think but probably this guy who was working out in the manger he would have appreciated to have a manger but he doesn't want any oxen because if there are oxen there's a lot more work to do so i rather have a lookalike menj but there is no oxen so it's clean and tidy and i've got nothing much to do when i go to work and there are many people like that they want the church to be clean and tidy no souls no need to come for prayer no extra inclinations of god lord it is so neat and tidy i don't have to do anything extra and i like that kind of church there are no souls to reach out to no deliverance that is taking place no emergencies no one is getting saved no one else is happening lord we keep our church that way please is that what we mean but there are people who want to keep the church nice and cute are you with me they don't like extra services and i i i i told you about a particular church where i see lives are changing deliverances are taking place uh people are becoming men and women of god in prayer i see youths lives are changing the particular church that i told you about and i was very interested why is that there is a extra dosage of god's power in that church i want to know what they're doing there must be a reason why god is pouring himself a little bit more than others so i went to their website and start checking things out and you know what every morning from monday to friday they have five o'clock a.m to 7 a.m prayer you see there will always be a reason why god is showing up extra than others because they are willing to seek the lord and i pray that our church will transceive to that point we started with seven and i'm still not saying everybody should come at the same time we can take turns to make sure that it's all in the lamb somebody say or only i will say amen oh no pastor is saying we should come together for prayer is everybody on board with me or not who am i inviting to pray all those who can't wake up please wake up somewhere along the line the church must become must be known as the house of prayer a house when people pray jesus does his miracles because in prayer we are telling god i need you more and this is what the lord said the other day which i said i told you that i will tell you next week the lord told me fast for three days before the conference starts together as a church and we will see the power of god in display during the conference i am not just inviting people to come and hear the speakers we are always hearing the speakers but we want to see more of jesus through their life are you with me and you know only god knows how many lives will be touched when people attend a conference many of the speakers many of them i i can tell you for once that in 1991 i was in singapore i was still in the military then um trying to find all opportunities to attend a conference hear from god train yourself one day i know i'm going to serve god right and no matter how tiring can be after my military service i'll check out from the cam at 5 00 pm and run to any conference that i got go sometimes i'll be in my military uniform and that was 91 when i met robert sladen the first time sitting in the back of a very big conference little did i know today we will share the same platform you see what god can do imagine our sons and daughters going through the same thing crying out for god and we create all these opportunities what are conferences conferences are seeding ground conferences are harvesting time conferences are fertilizers conferences are nursery time we are nurturing them spirit of god that is inside someone and we are stirring it up we are pro priya pro walking it up in a conference time people set time to seek god compared to the regular sunday service they take their annual leave they are set in their mind they know the conference sessions are going to be morning to night they are so ready for it they are they are going to have a marathon time with god and as they are running the spirit of god visits them only god knows which apostle paul is sitting in the conference only god knows which are the oral roberts or charles stanley or andy stanley or charles swindle or who's the john vasily only god knows who are going to turn up amen what a privilege someday someone says when eternity will record we went to that small little church in shall we and god touch me are you with me god can do those things one of the ladies who came to our conference um she has not visit i think she visited us here did she come i don't know maybe she'll be watching i was in canada the first time when god told me to go and with no money then anyway it's a long story the shorties i went there i was there my passport got stolen with all the money that i had on the first day on arrival praise god welcome to canada you know and i had everyday evangelistic meetings where the punjabis were touched by god the north indian people who are hardcore in uh in hindus right they were touched and one of this family that was touched that is more than 20 years ago today they are pastors now i forgot completely about it until one day this lady came and spoke do you remember who i am no when you came to canada the first time we accepted christ and today we are pastors oh my goodness i was probably 24 25 years old when the lord told me to go and i went you just don't know god can use the available person amen are you available if you say yes thank you she is saying yes everybody let me check my wife am i available you want to check with your husband very quickly before you say available yes or no do you go to check with anybody before you say yes to jesus are you sure you may get into trouble are you with me hey listen husband and wife i think our spouse must have enough freedom to say yes to jesus and then consult you later is that okay is that okay when there are no auctions i want to question ourselves right now god is that the type of church i want everything is so clean and neat and tidy and people are growing but no lives to touch no gifts to manifest no demons to cast is that the type of church that i want god no i want the second part of the story where there is the abundant of crops comes by the strengths of the orgs so now i have to learn who are the orcs that will bring the strength and when the strength comes there will be an abundance of crops god will release in that manger and that was the study in that after in that afternoon the lord said we are transcending the church say the word transceid we are going through the transition by the holy spirit amen and the word abandoned in the hebrew word rob like a robbery rob it it can simply means that it can be large in quantity that god can use us to build a church that he can grow as i said some people some of us we don't want the church to grow because we are tired of growth and we assign it well when the church grows they will lose their distinction not necessarily you know there are many men and women in the bible who grew because god told them to grow but they didn't lose their distinction so let's observe the right kind of people okay okay we all the time look at the negatives therefore we don't want look at the positives that god can do but it shouldn't center on one man if there is only one man it should center on it always and always should be on our lord jesus christ man is part of the game as long as they know it is god that we are following amen and so god says i can give the abundance that can come in largeness and quantity because in genesis 16 10 i will multiply your seed exceedingly we don't want that kind of a promise except when it comes to money i don't mind you multiplying my money exceedingly good when it comes to us being effective to touch millions i don't know i i tell you listen last year january uh not last year two zero two zero two zero two one eight one eight or one nine okay i i'm living on space time i just can't remember so angeline remembers for me sorry bless your heart so and uh the lord told me before we left to america he said all these years you prayed to touch thousands you see i didn't ask god to touch the whole world i did not ask god to use me around the world i did not i only said god use me in southeast asia at least and i drew i took a at the world map and it took a compass and singapore is a travel hub okay it's an international travel hub and i put a compass there and measured which country australia eight hours and i draw a round circle and if you draw a round circle around australia every other southeast asia country is inside it and i said god i pray that before you come and before i die use me for your glory at least in this circle that i can even fly two hours to another country and come back three hours to india and i still come back i can go five hours or seven hours to korea or taiwan and still come back or hong kong every other southeast asia inside and i for me that was the world because there's a lot of people who use the word world in a flattery sense but they have not even been outside the next door but they always pray god show me the world where in your dreams what do you mean you are reaching the world when it's a very it's a cliche of every man of god when they say we are reaching the world with our tv channel you know how many countries don't even have the money to buy tv so when you say you are reaching the world with tv what are you really saying help me to bring the gospel to the unreached who are you talking about god knows the difference between flattery and emotionalism and we got to get rid of this world the word called world unless you really mean it the first reach will be the rich that we can see because if god cannot entrust shall be to us why must he use us around the world in any way what is the word world to you you can ask a mother she will say my world is my family that's all it matters to them and if this is our world that god has given to us must we not be faithful are you with me and but before i came here i was in prayer and jesus came and stood there and i remember it was early morning we were kneeling and praying and the lord said now all these years you have prayed for to touch the thousands now start believing to touch millions oh my goodness what millions only dollars and cents that means it's going to be more hard work it requires more people to work together because no one man can touch a million but you see when there is an apostolic relationship there is a divine connection by working together each one of us are fulfilling the will of god in our individual lives are you with me we have to understand how an engine works the engine each part of the engine is doing in its maximum capacity in which it has been called to when you put together it all works and that's the divine synergy we must understand when god brings us to a place how it works that god will give us a position that it is possible to touch large amounts of people now one of the ways that god is using at the moment is through our tv channel i mean our youtube a youtube channel people from iceland i told you the other day and south africa and all the different countries they are watching we are so thankful we started with one subscriber today we have crossed to 11 000 over i think we have crossed more than half a million viewership it is small but it's big enough for us hello and those who are watching online listen if you can please take time to write an email to us to thank our media crew these are the guys who are doing the real work somebody say amen give the lord a clap offering for them god bless you oh yeah by the way those who are watching online please don't write email situation on in on youtube we don't read please write a proper email to us i'm a little bit of the old-fashioned guy okay i want to tell you something else which is very important to us right now listen carefully one of the hebrew word of the word rob is the meaning where you get the extension of time the word extension of time is important because when we are walking in the spirit and doing what god tells us to do he brings us into a supernatural timeline where the time in your life gets extended in quantum physics if i can say the word that means you will do more in a smaller amount of time than your lifetime put together and there are many people you know i've seen many people who are after retiring they pray god i've given everything else to the world now i'm going to give it to you help me to do more now to give that example think about the life of simpson he said god i'm willing to consecrate my life at this last moment of my life and bring me and he said when he couldn't see his hair grew and he said help me to go and feel the pillars and he prayed god just anoint me just one more time and the bible says more people will avenge in the last moment of his life than his entire life put together that is what it means the extension of time some people don't have extended time their life their clock is going downwards but god is able to give an extension of time and whatever time the world has stolen from the church in covit god will give us the extension of time that is why don't let kobet speak lullaby to your spirit and you go into a spiritual coma don't go into a spiritual coma don't let the devil induce you into a spiritual sleep oh it's all is good i don't have to attend church anymore i don't have to go to pray meeting anymore this is this and it is that and you are so accustomed to get your life back because oh it is all about church everything is about church so now i get my life back the day will come you and i will stand before the judgment seat of christ and i'm not saying it's fear god is not saying be a be a you know i don't know what there are asian words that i can say but like it's not like go mad like as though there's no life he came to give you an abundant life give to caesar what belongs to caesar and give to god what belongs to god that's all he say are you following and if you say you love jesus then show some love by serving god doing something show your intentions don't just attend but be part of the house of god are you with me you see when you love something and you want to serve you will be there to serve it can be known but you are just well i'm just attending attending why it's not a show man it is not a circus you did not buy a ticket what are you attending we are talking about the house of jesus i wish i could say he only selected me but that's not the truth he called all of us to become his sons and daughters probably i think it's all your fault that i came to america you are tired or you're not changing through american preaching so god has to bring a spicy asian one [Laughter] it's all our fault in joshua chapter 9 verse 13 the scripture says and these bottles of wine which we filled were new and behold they be rent and these our garments and our shoes are become old by reason for the very long journey the word very long is called the extension of time in the book deuteronomy it will say while the children of israel walk through the wilderness their shoes did not get old nothing broke it's called an extension of time you get into a quantum physics of a supernatural time that you will do more things in your lifetime than anything put together the question is when would you say god i'm ready to serve you give me that portion we will not appreciate what a lifetime is until the clock is going downwards isn't it we take it for granted king executive he was praying and he was about to die and the prophet came and said god has given you 15 years extended time that's all you've got imagine if you are like jesus you have only three and a half years to live and you know that's all you've got every person you meet you want to make sure you're on the will of god isn't it think about that my brothers and sisters the extension of time and i believe that god is going to release to jesus my king church the extension of time that we will do more in in a shorter given time what the father wants us to do and that is why i think and i'm not bragging in any way humble enough to tell you the same thing god brought us here to keep focusing on what we are supposed to do according to will of god now there is one more scripture which it is too uh sacred for me to share now i'm i'm waiting for the right day to talk about it because it it chills me it's like the spirit of god comes all over me each time i think about it so i'm going to get out of it for a minute because it has to do with what the anointing that came on me just now while the worship was going on i want to ask the question god is willing to give us the abundance of crops if we are willing to serve him in an extended time if you are willing to work i'm not saying that let's build the church crazy and make a name for ourselves i'm not really interested but let jesus shine you see somehow people human are human they only come when the light is shining there are 400 church buildings man in cleveland county in kings mountain it's about 90. all of us are supposed to shine all of us are supposed to let the beacon shine so that people could see they know where to go when they are in darkness but when the church has switched off its light where will they go do you want to hear an important encounter that i had in heaven do you want to hear one this was more than about 20 years ago you see in my natural thinking it is 20 years ago but in my spirit man thinking it is just happen so that is why even though it is 20 years ago the fear of god that i carry becomes a lifetime i always get that as a reference because it's like it just happened you know you get what i'm saying we were praying we went to a a church to pray with a senior prophet another brother and me the senior prophet has he's a man of encounters always taken up to heaven very regularly i was having sporadic experiences each time i come before the lord and the other brother he don't have those experiences so we went to a church which is just for the sake of example this this uh stage uh area is the church right so we went there the corner he took off his specs while we were praying we all knelt down to pray it's supposed to be a 15 minutes pray it's just supposed to be a blessing prayer before i left and jesus came the moment he came he said come i'm going to show you something we three of us were taken up now we were standing outside these gates of heaven uh if you are watching and you uh and you have this problem are you sure it is from god you can die in doubt if you like but this all real i've gone through these strikes i've i stopped convincing people anymore if you don't believe just too bad not anybody have seen their uh uh what lights the dancing lights in northern atmosphere what is that what northern lights come on it says simple words why can't you speak in english man why can't you simply say northern lights what do you have to say aurora lights why okay not everybody have seen it but they do believe can't you just believe heaven when i say there is something like that oh i have not seen it before you will when you die was taken up to these kids of heaven that was fun bro time to time we got to smack doubts out of our system okay why god doesn't show you go and ask him i didn't pay any money to see it but the more i see the more you pay the price okay it's not a game so i'll show you why why he showed me that i was taken up and the lord spoke okay the gates of heaven was so large and huge as though i'm standing beside a tall building you know i was admiring the beauty and the um the craft or the the skill of the way the door was designed and the anonymous size of it i was looking at it and jesus came when he stood there was such a intense prayer intense tears that was going so i was weeping and i was crying before the lord and then i was there he was okay imagine this the way yeah you are i'm facing any he pointed his right hand there and he said look on that sea the dark sea where the people are floating and i immediately looked up and i was there was a dark ocean imagine it's a atlantic ocean in the night okay no land thousands of people i'm just saying the word thousand could be millions i don't know but thousands of people screaming and the waves are going up they're they're about to sink but they can't sink it's like the dead sea okay this is not fun i try to sink myself in you pop up just like that if anybody want to kill themselves they must choose that sea she never will it pops you up again okay it's not the dead seas the dead sea right salty dead sea yeah okay so thousands of people screaming help and help and help and the the lighthouse beacon was no longer shining so they lost their direction and they don't know how to come and i was weeping when i saw it must be the souls that i've forgotten to reach you know you can get so distracted with your success you forget the lost souls you can get so distracted with your blessings in your house in your car and your sorry i almost wanted to say dog nope nope not personal okay your animals and my chickens and any loose focus of what god is showing you property can become an idol we can say come to our church and see the building are you sure see what if glory god's glory is not inside what is that to see i mean he's i was weeping and i was crying lord forgive me and tears and tears was i couldn't say it's like a pool of water man right in front of me jesus immediately looked at me and said this is not what you think it's not the souls it said stand up and i stood up and i stood beside him look at all the ocean the people he said do you know who these people are these are are you ready these are my servants who are far out from the will of my father darkness has prevailed them on the day of judgment they shall be judged how do you think i'll feel at that moment man oh goodness why do you think from the day we came till now i keep saying let's do the will of god let's do the will of the father because anything done outside that will is not accepted anymore and the lord said and and then after talking all this and spoke a lot more things and he said now come into the joy of the father open i went in and that's where i saw a lot more things how okay i want to tell you one thing is that okay one of these things that i was shown i it was like an um a big large projector like a screen like like a tv you know and the [Music] created uh and all of that who was teaching the angels to who the the angels were teaching to babies to children who died without the knowledge of jesus christ to people who never had the opportunity to accept jesus or know jesus some who are mentally challenged those who are defects that they cannot process salvation that and and children who are aborted um people who never had anybody telling them about jesus you see god's love goes out to people because no one can go to hell or even go to heaven without making a choice some never had the choice no one went to the unrich people group and told them about jesus some people died early and they'd never had the opportunity maybe in an accident or in a cave or in the ocean we just don't know do you understand they all are adopted and they grow up in heaven with the knowledge of the entire bible being thought by angels now this entire group was sitting there in the front i saw little children little babies i saw youth who were for different reasons than sitting there sitting there and when i was watching the picture from behind but i was told very specifically you cannot turn and see you see in heaven is very interesting the moment they say you can't turn you you're frozen you cannot willfully turn you can't okay behind this is my story this is my chapter i'm coming i'll say lord you know i cannot turn by at least can i know i am nowhere i'm coming i'm coming to tell you how i build it imagine the little children who have a first-hand experience from noah are you with me we've got our own church nova man he's just doing sitting here brother gary has been for the last two weeks fixing the men's bathroom i tell you today it looks like a hotel five-star hotel thank you well in this church we are wondering what the man is doing we are fixing up the toilets one man you represent all the men brother [Laughter] in heaven when the lord said then he brought me back that was a three and a half hours experience he brought me back the time was 2 am when we open our eyes what shocked us was remember i told you one of the prophets he took out his packs it was at that corner three of us in the same kneeling position we were at the opposite corner of the building when we open our eyes the specs was there god literally shifted our physical bodies to prove to us it was god who visited us that day the fear of the lord came look i want to look at one scripture for you to see in matthew chapter 7 are we learning something this morning look at matthew chapter 7 and verses 21 not everyone who says to me lord and lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the word the one who does the will of who now how serious do we take this kind of scriptures you see on that day many will say to me lord did we not prophesy in your name did we not cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name then will i declare to them i never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness that means it is possible to serve without the will of the father it is possible to do the christian works without god's will it is possible to show off our gift and talents without god involved in your life are you with me our gifts and our callings are under the subjectiveness of the will of the father he decides how and when he should do and if we already tell you what you should do give your life feeling that void amen god has shown me what is the call for my life and i'm going to give my entire best and the day i take it back or whether he takes it back is the day i stopped breathing there is no other way to go back there's no such thing called retirement you retire when you expire okay hello some of you must sign your certificate i want to see that you wrote there i retire and i expire amen you see when you give your half time to god you're going to get half time blessings when you give your internal time to god that's all you get but when you give your fool to god you get the fullest measure of god amen god is going to give us the extension of time because man i don't want to be the guy who's floating out on the sea lost away from the will of the father i want to know where i'm leading i want god shine in our works it can be foreign to the language we have heard it can be very foreign to the language that i've heard growing up because we all supposed to reach the world absolutely right we are supposed to reach the world define what is that and that's the problem that we don't know how to define one day can i tell you one more thing what jesus taught me i was reading the book of acts and i asked jesus how come you see when jesus was living in palestine the biggest population of those world at that time was egypt africa india was already existing then china already existed sri lanka already existed some of the uh ancient europe areas already existed they were all people were living already somehow the ancient men travel in different places okay but why didn't jesus go and reach out to all these people he walked towards egypt and he was in palestine and he went because he's all in one spot and that's all he did for three and a half years he walked around he he did not take a boat to go to any other nearby countries at all he only had 12 but he told others to reach the world he himself he didn't go so i wanted to know i spent many years searching i said god i was from a hindu background i came out from the idols i danced for these uh uh the idols and and you told me to follow me and if you want me to follow you show me that you are the true and the living god i don't want to follow someone and one day someone tells me there is another salvation guy tell me that you are the one you know that you are not one of the gods you are the only one there is no one else beside me are you following and i said i only want to do your will not anybody's will not my will your will why did you do this ministry this way why didn't you go out why didn't you bring the message out why didn't you go and speak to inherit and why not you know those kind of interactions why didn't you have only 12 when you could have touched a lot more guys one answer that's all the father told me to do that was his answer i did not step out of my boundaries what the father did not tell me to do every day was a day of assignment that is why jesus said i only do what the father shows me he said in the book of gospel of john i only speak what the father tells me think about those assignments because he's only got three and a half years to leave and my brothers and sisters dark times are coming on the face of this earth god has given us the extended time to serve him therefore we have to do exactly what god wants us to do let's not muck around this time singapore government has already announced that probably the country will be going through wearing masks for four years because it's not about the country it's about the world coming through can you imagine that we are here free but there if you don't you can be fine you can be many people have been charged in court for not wearing a mask one is social responsibility another one is forced to and and make people believe as though a nuclear bomb took place somewhere a biological you know it cannot be that you're not poisoned when you're eating right i wanted to think about this for a minute here the bible says it's so clear if you're not in the will of my father reaching out to souls is that the will of the father absolutely praying for someone is that the will of the father brother come now to uh africa can you come and preach now that one you must seek the lord whether god wants you to go that is the part you have to pray general application everybody is to reach out to everybody when you are invited in places with this just beyond your comfort ground beyond the call beyond the anointing of an endurance or whatever not use wisdom and prayer one of the very famous thing i always tell fellas when they come with me for missions when they go to foreign land don't eat street food but some people's appetite doesn't stop you know what they do they eat and they fall sick like a dog and they can't serve god anymore for the next one week and they call that i suffered in the mission field i was willing to do anything for god the love that i had prompted me to eat that food oh i've seen people turn that stupid act into a missionary story of sacrifice my jaw dropped and i'm listening to the uh what really are you with me my brothers and sisters the lord wants us to pay attention what we are doing and what we should be doing and only god knows through our obedience churches around us could be touched by the fire of jesus christ we don't have to be anybody we have to be a brother and a sister who sparks the fire up somebody say amen the word the bible says much strength comes in this much crops come in the strength of the orcs so the word strength has to do my question is we all want to know is the church anointed is the leader anointed is the pastor anointed is the worship jokey is he anointed the question is am i anointed to sit in a place of anointing am i am i anointed to follow jesus to do what god wants me to do think about this for a minute my brothers and sisters don't treat this moment with jesus another passing by time jesus said to the people of israel they did not know the hour of visitation all the scary moments man that we are into gay and the word that god can give the word strength are you ready are you ready are you learning tell me what i just said oh the last word oh that's good okay the word strength you know what the angel appeared to elijah and told elijah eat this food angelic food eat this food because the journey that he about to take is going to be a far journey that is 40 days and 40 nights it's going to be too far you need to eat this food the moment the food was given to him there was a supernatural strength that sustained him for that 40 days and 40 nights are you with me now what if god is giving us the strength that comes from the word of god the meat of the word of god the milk of the word of god the honey in prayer the butter that comes through meditation of the word of god because the journey that is going to challenge us ahead of us is going to be long and tiring god is reminding us today much abundance of crops comes in the strength of the orcs let me show you a scripture during judgments what is going to happen isaiah chapter 2 the book of isaiah 2. we look at the verse 19 and then it's also written in 21 and then it's also written in verse 10. the same type of statements are written three times so let's take 19 and the people now during the judgments that god is going to bring about the glory of god on the face of the earth two types of people groups are going to be there and you'll find two types of migration that is going to take place number one and the people shall enter into the caves of the rocks and the holes of the ground from before the terror of the lord so when god is going to throw his judgments on the face of this earth people will run into the rocks now literally it can mean rocks but the bible always says the rock of christ the church becomes the rock of salvation it becomes a rock of defense so when the end time is coming when god is judging there is going to be a explosive of evangelism people will get saved they run they will see jesus christ as the lord and the savior they will run to the church and say hide us from the terror of the lord because we know jesus is lord how what must i do to get safe some people are going to get saved because they love jesus some people are going to get saved because they fear jesus whatever the point is they're going to get saved somebody say so the world is going to see the terror of the lord but look at what the church is going to observe from the splendor of his majesty the world is going to see the terror the church is going to see the glory of god two sides of the coin at the same time at the same time line kobe is going on absolutely but which side of the timeline are you standing are you standing on the side where the world is seeing the terror people are dying by the logs or are you seeing the glory of god people are being healed the church is waking up everybody's seeking god everybody's seeking the word and they're saying god heal me everybody is learning to become people of prayer which side of the line are you standing thing is for sure whichever line you stand you will see the either sights of god you see and then the bible says when he rises to terrify the earth i don't know second coming looks very glorious remember the old days photos of the second coming and rapture the photos in the internet you can search the rapture the family together will be look doing this really even the husband and wife and the children all of them like a family and there will be pictures like they're all like brides gloriously taken up like a swirl wind like a vacuum cleaner but yeah the bible says the coming of jesus is going to terrify the earth he's going to come as the king of kings and the lord of lords i'm not permitted to tell you one of that episode that i saw how the second coming is going to be i was taken up one day when god gives me that grace i will tell you okay we are going to witness that is why our church must get ready for the influx of souls that is going to come we must get ready for the abundance of crops that is going to come in it is not about the church becoming what can i do to attract the people what can i do to keep our church members interested then we have to come up with different tricks to keep them excited is jesus not good enough tell me husbands and wives fathers and mothers what kind of activity do you have in your house to keep your children stay in the house come on do you do tricks circus flim shows do you act do drama like what i'm doing but we have to do everything like this every sunday to keep people inside the church we have to sell the church programs almost to the same people every time what happened where the glory of god is dwelling and people should come flogging into the church are you with me the church has become like a cinema theater what show is going on today and who's acting isn't god's glory good enough you see when we take the drama out then people will become real and authentic are we god to take the mask off that we will become real and authentic before god's presence are you with me if we are strong run together if we sleep and fall let us carry everybody up and stick running together somebody say amen or by the abundance of crops where god will bring that abundance to our lives are we anointed as the question we want to ask the lord showed me about the end time evangelism the end time financial breakthrough that comes because of the strength of the orcs i will tackle it the following weeks because you see in that moment when i was arrested in a sin augustine hotel in that moment all these downloads came and i knew that god is preparing us for something big that is going to happen amen ask the neighbor who am i have you asked your neighbour find a neighbor and say who am i okay done i want to see who's saying or not okay husband and wife talk to your own husband white blood are you talking to other people for hey larry did you ask who am i come on okay the other person please answer back you're nobody i don't want to make a point you don't have to be anybody for god to use you you just have to love jesus enough you just have to love jesus enough to be say god use me for your glory amen and i pray that god will use us to touch someone that someone in heaven will come and say i was saved because of that brother who told me but who's that guy nobody knows him but he's the one who told me about jesus i pray that we will be that group that god will choose us and then god will bring about a revival in this place that many of you have been praying for 25 years that god will use us for his glory can we all stand up together we're going to pray the fire of god came during worship and it surrounded me like a ball of fire as i stood in the front and i could not really walk very much is that this fire wants to visit all of us all of us will desire all of us will cry out to jesus hi friends are you feeling discouraged or is your soul in a dry state strengthen your spirit on the go listen or watch the sacredness of god by dr steven francis just plug in the usb device on your laptop tv or even your car's infotainment system as simple as that to feed your soul order yours today at you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,834
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Id: AuNeo5aHVLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 59sec (4259 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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