Preparation in Good Times | Michael Widjaja

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hallelujah the kingdom of god is marching on the kingdom of god is moving forward dr stephen is doing very well please keep him in prayer every day fast for our pastors because as god is sending the prophet all around this nation we are trusting god that more towns ruler areas that are not in the map or not known to people they will experience the holy fire of heaven amen come on let us believe and agree that all 50 states in america will be swept away with the power of god it is time we see revival in our nation and it's not just talking about it it's praying for it contending for it fighting for it and we shall be in north carolina we do our part can somebody say amen the church must be seen by the world the church cannot hide the church cannot be hidden the church cannot respond the same way like the world covet has taken away the joy of simple things that we used to enjoy in many countries who are suffering through the new variants and you know news are coming that it's not only the delta variant now there's new variant that is showing up in countries like in indonesia countries like in india it seems like it's ongoing and it's not ending because of kovitz some things that people used to enjoy picnics with the family after church having a good meal in a restaurant they can't do that anymore some people won't even walk their dog anymore so things that we enjoy are being taken away because of this virus and this epidemic this pandemic it's not an epidemic it's a pandemic but i tell you if you don't know what else to do there is one thing that is always consistent and the same you can build the house of god because the house of god will remain standing the house of god and the kingdom of god is not determined by the situation on the earth because the agenda of god will always fall into place we must not forget that the god we worship in the name of jesus is the living christ are we so afraid the church cannot be afraid the world is gonna get worse but we need more testimonies of praying in walmart we need more testimonies of praying for the people that are around you you need more testimonies of being in the supermarket and holy spirit moving your heart to touch somebody and say jesus loves you and it is going to be you lay hands on them and the sick will be healed on the spot you lay hands on them and demonic spirits will flee in jesus name somebody say amen [Applause] people are saying you know we got to go back to the motto of house churches praise god for house churches but do you know that the book of acts happened churches gathered in houses because they cannot because the condition did not allow them to do so because they were in heavy persecution but when i read the book of acts even though in the midst of the persecution the gospel was still being preached souls are coming in in the thousands meetings are being held you know why because the bible gives us a guarantee two or three gathered amen covet is a direct violation of what god has said in his word two or three gathered there is power in gathering even in heaven the saints and the angels are still gathering do you know that heaven is not a place for somebody who enjoys private movements you have no excuse in heaven and say i am an introvert so leave me alone heaven is not the place for you the place of isolation is found in hell but in heaven you belong to a group of family somebody say amen somebody say amen i thank god for a church like jesus my king and many who are willing to say i will stand for the kingdom of god you know in the midst of covet restaurants big corporations are finding ways how they can survive you you don't read in the news because of kobe i'll shut down my business some small businesses because they don't have the manpower they don't have the resources they have to shut down but those who have the money the capital and the people they're thinking of ways and how they can expand people some companies are even taking an advantage of this situation trying to earn more income right how about the church why must the church resolve to shutting down why the church cannot have the mental mentality of being an excellent steward of what god has given because you know the church is an important aspect of our society because through the body of christ when god plants a church in a town in a city in that place you need to see marriages getting restored use fine purpose people are being directed to the will of god can somebody say amen souls will be added into the kingdom of god some churches have the resources we are blessed by god supernaturally god gave us this building at 409 pogba road but i know there are some churches for example in my home country indonesia they don't have the luxury of a place but that did not give them the excuse that they cannot grow i minister to a church that is in a very deep muslim city in the city of jakarta where there is no church building allowed the government will want nothing to do with a church building you cannot put a cross nothing you know where they meet in a gymnasium they stuffed 200 people in a room like our kcop room number one they stuff people like sardines but the church grew to 400 today their church grows because souls needs to be saved the agenda of god doesn't change the church who understands the mind of god will make best use of what god has entrusted when you are faithful with what god entrusts you now god can expand your territory our god is not in the business of shutting down our god is not in the business of decreasing our god is not in the business of slowing down our god is not in the business of trying to consolidate our god is in the business of expansion growth because he is the god of all gods the king of all kings the lord of the lord the god that will provide everything that is needed for his own glory i shared on wednesday about jehovah sharma when you have the presence of god it means what you do you realize you do it because jesus is inside of you god is with you the lord is here the lord is present then provision will come i was so blessed from genesis chapter 22 remember when abraham had to offer isaac to god you know what abraham said to isaac when isaac his son was asking the father father where's the offering we're about to bring an offering to god but where's the sheep where's the lamb that we're going to offer abraham knew that isaac was the offering at that time the angel of the lord did not come just yet but when isaac asked abraham where is the offering abraham made a profound statement in that chapter the name jehovah jireh the lord provides was birth because abraham said god will provide for himself a sacrifice when we are in god's business it is god's business to provide when we are doing exactly what god is telling us to do you don't have to worry because god will provide what we need because god is in the business of providing for his own work god is not the one that starts a plan and asks you to pay for it when god tells you something to do you can be sure that god will pay for it in full can somebody say amen whoa the church must be seen by the world amen malachi chapter 3 verse 1 to verse 3 and this morning church i want to encourage you i want to speak about preparation in good times a few days ago i shared when i was walking to the office god dropped something in my spirit and it made me meditate when we talk about the joseph anointing we always picture joseph becoming the second-hand man in egypt with the sickness ring that the pharaoh gave him and he was so excellent in managing the wealth of the nation in the time of famine but many people forgot that joseph was able to do so because the preparation was not done during the bad times but in the good times many of the church in america is shocked because of the result of the previous election but you know i made a a contemplation to myself is that when things begin to shift and happen and it's not according to what we asked god for or as as of right now it's not yet in in in what we desire to see the manifestation when god gives us a period of grace when god gives us a period of good times what are we doing with it good times are not meant to be enjoyed good times are meant to be used for preparation you know what brought shiver down my spine is that if god starts this church one of the many that is building in these end times and we are privileged by god to be part of it to be part of the movement of god do you know that god determines the place where we are at we cannot take for granted the place where god is planting us in now we have to be successful in stewarding what god is asking or asking us to steward in a certain place when god places us to be prepared we need to finish the preparation process so when god says it's now time to shift you are already going through the period that god has ordained for you some people are jumping around from place to place because they are not willing to be shaped they are not willing to be formed the god is not god but self i mean a statement where the lord says that the lord in these last days are looking for people who lives in a lifestyle of sacrifice and not convenience anything to do with god will have an element of sacrifice we cannot measure how small or how big the sacrifice but there will be a sacrifice if you want to serve god but it seems now the modern day christianity doesn't like sacrifice god is good i must be happy everything i need must be given my praise must be answered convenience shows that god is us convenience always rely on what is good for us the timing must be right for us the you know the money must be okay for us the people that we meet must be clicking to us if it doesn't click with me i don't want but if you do the will of god there will always be an element of sacrifice your time will be sacrificed your heart will be sacrificed your emotions will be sacrificed can somebody say amen and now it's not about knowing the will of god but god is taking us deeper it's about how quick are we willing to respond it's not about obedience anymore but it's the speed of our obedience you know in the end times in the last days as we continue to progress in these difficult times ahead the church have no time to ask for one two three four five six confirmations when abraham was asked by god sacrifice your son abram did not say i rebuked you abraham did not say let me fast 40 days and 40 nights he knew the voice of his god and he says i'll do it lord the speed of our obedience can somebody say amen you want to know if you're progressing in your journey of faith it's easier for you to obey it's easier for you to step out it's easier for you to let go we can't take that measurement to ourself i'm being compelled and holy spirit when i was sitting there and the worship was going on and i thank god a confirmation from the song that we sang the first song that we sang in good times and bad times and today i speak about the preparation in good times many of us are here because you made a sacrifice you moved from mississippi you moved from texas from california from all around the world for what because you heard the voice of the lord and you obeyed and in obedience there are times you are brought and i will talk about in the message today don't give up because god who has brought you here will carry you through until you see the fullness of his plans and purposes but when you move the journey doesn't stop it just begun it just begun can somebody say amen the journey just begun the church must be different the speed of obedience must increase because god is going to do a quick work i'm telling you a quick word we don't have much time for the great revival that is about to come it's a set time if you are ready to be laborers in god's vineyard you will take part in the harvest we cannot write in our testimony from 14 years ago reality check you're in 2021 not back in 1998 or 2000 or 2002. i cannot rely on my testimony from 2003 when i gave my life to christ but many times you can only talk about them what about the testimony now what about what god is doing now what about what god is telling you to do now many people like to pride in something and obedient that we did five years ago six years ago seven years ago levels of obedience will increase testimony is current testimony is present because the god we worship is not the god of yesterday he is still working and he's still going to do many more things but are we willing to open our hearts and say lord have your way and not my way all of us has a potential it's time for you to give your best what are you waiting for we might think three years from now i'm gonna be here who said so we don't know when we're gonna leave planet earth god can move a prophet from singapore we have established a church there for nine years ministered for over 30 years and god says unplug plug into shelby north carolina but a person who walks deep with god is the one who's always ready by the command of god i my shivers was running down my spine when i spined when i was standing there i can't miss god's movement i can't take for granted where i am now i need to allow god to finish the process of what he wants to do can somebody say amen malachi chapter 3 verse 1 to verse 3. when pastor stephen was speaking on tuesday morning in the early morning prayer this verse just came to me and it became my point of study this week preparation in good times do you know when the book of malachi was written israel was out from exile and the temple was built but they were disappointed they said where's the prophecy of zechariah where's the prophecy of hagai that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former they were waiting for the temple to be filled with the glory like the time of the temple of solomon they were waiting for real manifestation like wow the one that you really can tangibly see like during the time of the tabernacle as being told by their forefathers but indeed yes the glory of the latter house really came in that temple a few hundred years later when the lord jesus christ walked on earth but the jewish people were expecting something else they didn't like jesus that's not what we are asking for we want to see the cloud we want to see the name of israel promoted and the nations around israel tremble but they miss their visitation the prophecy of the prophets came to pass the glory of the letter house shall be greater than the former it did happen you know why because in the temple that they built the lord jesus god became flesh walked in but the manifestation was not what they expect now the question is is jesus enough for us many times you're disappointed because the manifestation of what we are praying for is not like what we picture it means our mind is not looking at what is essential it's not christ it is the other byproduct of the presence of jesus do you know that the time when jesus came the land of israel was really peaceful the assyrians were not after them the babel the babylonians were not after them they were under roman empire and during the roman empire it was peaceful the land was peaceful israel was in a good time but the nation of israel have a habit when god provides one god gives them good they mess up until now the nation of israel a lot of things are going on in the middle east but they haven't good in in their nation but still they cannot see messiah still their eyes are blinded many times that's the condition of the church we wait till we are cornered to the wall we wait till we are about to fall off the cliff then we cry out to god people who say that i want the joseph anointing must be able to utilize the good times that god has entrusted yes every one of us have family problems we have financial issues things that we're asking god for you know what's the measurement of whether it's a good time or not when we see that the ways of the world will fail and there is no hope but christ we are in good times now compared to what is coming in the days to come we are in good times make use of the good times you can't be an effective preacher of the gospel during that difficult time if we can't preach now you can be a good effective witness in good times now when there is no knife on your neck and expect that spoon like magic suddenly you'll be mighty and strong during that difficult time the training begins now in the good time what are we doing with our time amen more sickness and disease is going to sweep this earth so what if we get infected die praise god see jesus but jesus gave a clear promise i will be with you you will trample upon scorpions you drink poison no worry the poison will not get through you somebody say amen if god wants you to still be alive on earth it is the jurisdiction of the king of heaven to do whatever is in his power to make sure that you're alive we say we are bought by the blood of jesus but we are more concerned about our own life as if he is a negligence father who doesn't know how to deal with his children somebody say amen malachi chapter 3 verse 1 to 3 behold i send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me we all know that this is the prophecy of john the baptist that comes in the power and authority and the anointing of elijah but look at that word behold behold means when the prophetic church show up on the scene everybody must be able to see a prophetic church makes an impact that is tangible i send my messenger before you messenger is known or many times is categorized as prophets ambassadors priests people who carries the message of heaven a prophetic church will do the dirty work for god you need to go the distance you need to pay the price and your job is to speak the word of the lord that's why the end time church will work together with the angels why because the angels are the messengers of heaven the messengers of god on earth must collaborate with the messengers from heaven because the message we carry is supernatural but malachi prophesied behold i send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me and the lord whom you seek can you imagine you we're going to read the next few sentences it sounds so scary but it's the people who are asking for this messenger right it says and the lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight that caught my attention this tuesday so the people of israel were waiting when when when when lord when is the messenger going to come when is he gonna come when is he gonna come but then when i read the rest of the sentence something doesn't add up because it says here behold he is coming says the lord of hosts but who can endure the day of his coming and who can stand when he appears for he is like a refiners fire and a fuller soap and he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he will purify the sons of of levi underline that and refine them like gold and silver and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the lord then the offering of judah and jerusalem will be pleasing to the lord as in the days of old as in the former years can somebody say amen so the israelites were waiting for this messenger but god says you know that when this messenger comes he's going to bring fire he's going to bring purification you know why because the people of israel during the time of malachi they were anticipating god to come and give them the blessing that they're looking for but you know when you invite god's blessing purification will accompany the blessing no revival no breakthrough no glory will come alone glory will always go hand in hand with fire so god is saying you be careful what you're asking for the messenger of the covenant is coming and indeed jesus came he went to the temple right when jesus started his ministry he went to the temple when he came back to jerusalem before he went up to the cross he went back to the temple what did jesus do in the temple sing and dance he took his whip and he cleaned the temple you want the glory jesus will come with the glory but it will come like fire and you will refine that's what's happening if you've been going to the conferences or tuning in online the words that god has given through his prophet including our prophet dr stephen francis god is bringing a whip to the church he's cleaning his cleansing why because god is good in the good times he's saying prepare when jesus came into the temple and he turned the tables of those who are making the temple of god into a den of thieves it was good time because after jesus ascended to heaven not long after that the romans came in and they ransacked the temple and the temple were completely destroyed purification and correction and discipline is good it's from god somebody say amen the discipline of heaven is the extension of the love of the father this world today everything is labeled as child abuse you cannot say mean things to your children hello when discipline is needed discipline is needed i don't know about you i thank god my parents are here flew in from california my uncle and auntie sitting in the midst of the congregation from california i thank god when i was young i remember my my dad when i did something bad he'll smack me but it instilled good principle it instilled values how to stand up like a man how to treat those older than you with respect the law of this land many times is biting our own back in the name of human rights and all that right with jesus all your rights are being brought down to the cross it is not our will but god's will we live in a democracy but the kingdom is not a democracy you can't outvote god you can't protest boycott god you can't you want to boycott boycott all you want you'll suffer the loss but the kingdom of god is the rulership of the king there is order there is discipline can somebody say amen because god is going to deal with the corruption that is happening in the church if you see at malachi chapter 3 verse 1 to 3 and you read the following verses you will understand watch this that there is blessing that will come hand in hand with god's sanctification and there are two categories involved number one the levites who are purified and restored to their right standing with god you see that then the offering of judah right will be pleasing unto god he will purify the sons of levi so two people two categories will take place or two categories will be involved when god is coming to his church in this hour one there will be those that will respond with repentance but number two if you read down in the verses there will be those that will be judged because of the wrong response in their time of testing god says i will be a witness right to the sorceress i'll be a witness to the adulteress it's like a court session going on god says you can't escape anymore when there is a great spirit that god has given it means it's time for us to get our house in order it's time for us to get our act together can somebody say amen what is god telling you to do some of you have been receiving the talk from heaven serve serve if you really honor your king service to the king is not an option you cannot delay you know you get accepted to a job and your boss says your employment starts on monday you cannot call in and say i don't like monday i'll start on friday why do we do that with god not yet god not yet god he's a passionate father full of compassion and love but remember he's the king of kings and the lord of lords the church must know sound doctrine sound doctrine is manifested when the church knows what to do can somebody say amen malachi chapter 2 verse 7 to 8 says for the lips of a priest should guard knowledge and people should seek instruction from his mouth for he is the messenger of the lord of hosts but you have turned aside from the way you have caused many to stumble by your instruction you have corrupted the covenant of levi says the lord of hosts no wonder god is saying he's going to clean up first his priests and his prophets those who are part of the covenant god is going to ask for accountable accountability are people blessed because of us or our people stumble do people find the right direction to go or are they lost because of the words that we speak malachi chapter 2 verse 17 the bible says the lord whom you seek you have reread the lord with your words can you imagine that malachi chapter 2 verse 17. let me open in my bible because the tv at the back is not quite working malachi chapter 2 verse 17 the bible says this you have wearied the lord with your words but you say how have we wearied him by saying everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the lord and he delights in them or by asking where is the god of justice you know what is the priest doing in this chapter they're mocking god where is the god of justice where is the glory that you promised to us but they cannot see the sin that is hidden in their hearts people who really honor god will not complain but people who pretend to honor god will always find fault every little thing you complain and jesus says you have we read the lord because your prayers are not pure you're not interested in doing what is right in the sight of god what do you want i just want to see the good stuff but we are not willing to sanctify we are not willing to live a holy lifestyle this is what's happening the bible says in the book of malachi chapter 3 verse 1 to 3 the offering of who the offerings of judah and jerusalem verse 4 will be pleasing to the lord are we are living a life that is pleasing to the lord somebody say with me the word pleasing the bible says that enoch lived a lifestyle that is pleasing to god hebrews chapter 11 verse 5. i want you to open this scripture i want you to see enoch was the first to experience not tasting death no president before enoch by faith enoch was taken up so that he should not see death and he was not found because god had taken him now before he was taken he was commanded as having pleased god enoch lived a life that was pleasing to god the question is how during the time of enoch there is no scripture to guide him there was no bible to guide him the understanding of salvation by grace was not yet there abraham did not show up in the picture just yet so how did enoch walk pleasing before god the next verse in hebrews 11 gives you the clue it says verse 6 the bible says and without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to god must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him the key to living a life that is pleasing unto god is seeking god for yourself until you find him the bible says faith comes from hearing the word of god the question is who's speaking the words to enoch so that faith can be formed inside of his spirit mystery right god himself the angels god has a myriad of people beings saints angelic hosts that he can send to minister unto us but enoch lived a life that is pleasing unto god by faith it means enoch you know enoch is a picture of being taken it's like a picture of the church being raptured right but you know it says that can we go back to verse five the bible says the bible says in hebrews 11 5 enoch was taken up so that he should not see death i want you to pay attention to the word taken up taken up means enoch had no choice god's choice prevailed in his life people wants to be raptured but rapture is not your choice it's god's choice you can argue all you want pre-trip mid-trip post trip doesn't matter the question is are you ready will god really take you up enoch was taken up you know taken up is a place of surrender enoch does not say wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm not ready come back later he did when god says time to go enoch says i'll go enoch was taken up because he did not see whatever was on earth his own family his children his wife whatever he had was secondary to god that's why he was taken we want to be raptured i want to be raptured but i need to run my race well so that i'm really raptured because enoch was taken up so that he should not see that he did not take himself nobody has the power to take himself of herself it was god somebody say amen enoch lived a life that is pleasing we can be giving a sacrifice don't write in the sacrifice god needs to give the grade whether it's a sacrifice passes or it fails it's scary now we have lowered down the standard so much we say as long as i do something for god accept it lord accept it it's for me accept it that's what caiden did you know cain gave the best that he could with what he had but he missed the whole point because he's not obey the standard that god was looking for many times that what we do this is my best lord take it or leave it if it doesn't meet the standard no matter how good it can be in our side it is not accepted by god can somebody say amen faith is cultivated in intimacy and the remnant who lives by faith really by faith where you're willing to step out when god tells you to step out in the midst of darkness god will take us up the word taken up can also mean in times when we are being cornered in times of danger god can create portals of escape for us somebody say amen i want you to open one scripture this morning as i was coming to church i was really blessed by it proverbs chapter 16 verse 24. some somebody learning something today man my heart was just on fire because i know god is doing something when god sends a prophet like brother sadhu to this place the church must be ready the word of heaven is gonna come to us before he comes it's not about the man of god it's about jesus that will show up in this place we gotta get ready we better be ready gracious words but i like the new king james version it says pleasant words are like a honeycomb sweetness to the soul and health to the body now we know that pleasant does not mean good for your ears but pleasant like how enoch walked pleasing to god is a lifestyle of consecration it means words that brings correction works that words that bring truth is like a honeycomb the discipline of god always brings redemption there was an experience i had before i shared a word i was about to preach at a church and i said lord the word is not nice and i don't know how the people is going to respond the lord opened my eyes i saw a jug of honey if you seen the cartoon we need a poo just like that the honey was poured i said how come am i seeing honey i thought i'm gonna see liquid fire god says in the end times the truth of the word the truth of the discipline of god that will bring the righteousness of god is sweet to the mouth of those that will listen it will bring what sweetness to your soul your emotions will not be heard the discipline of god has the supernatural way to mend you it will not leave you feel broken unwanted that's your flesh but if your spirit is always saying lord molt me the discipline of god will bring tears to your eyes because you know god cares for me but not only sweetness to the soul your emotion and my emotion is important but health to the bone without your bones you cannot stand without your bones there is no structure to carry the beauty of your face the smoothness of your skin the bone is not seen but it's the most solid in your body so the word of god is a dual aspect it will nourish your soul it will give you the sweetness that your emotions need but it will strengthen your structure it will strengthen your man of faith so that you can walk in a more steady pace and not falter can somebody say amen that's pleasing words and i thank god for that i thank god for that somebody say amen preparation in good times now we're gonna look from the life of joseph are we learning something this morning church if you are somebody say yes encourage me a little bit okay everybody's looking at me so stern [Music] makes me think that i say something wrong oh god help me genesis chapter 41 verse 8 okay genesis chapter 41 verse 8. when i was meditating and contemplating on the time of preparation i saw the timeline of joseph now is after he met the pharaoh in the palace i love the story of how he received the multi-color code from his dad he was thrown to the well brought to potiphar's house thrown to the jail right awesome story of a journey of trusting god but then i saw something from a different light of how we prepare in good times joseph was incredible i'm telling you he is amazing so in the morning the spirit of pharaoh his spirit was troubled and he sent and called for all the magicians of egypt and all its wise men pharaoh told them his dreams but there was none who can interpret them to pharaoh do you know that god will bring discomfort to the people of this world god will bring turmoil to the earth just to promote his people when the world is going bad the church should respond differently yay god is about to show up [Music] the church of god lives with joy in peace that cannot be bought by anything because when the world sees problems the church will see opportunity because our god has all the solution he has all the answers so before joseph was brought in the palace pharaoh's spirit was troubled now the spirit of the world leaders are troubled the spirit of the country is troubled church do not be troubled your promotion is at hand that's what happened here the spirit of pharaoh was troubled he had a dream but nobody can interpret them god is stirring the nation to set up a promotion for his people you know the joseph that god is raising up in these end times is people who know how to prepare at any given time god did not give a clue to joseph get ready in three days you will be called to the court the morning he woke up joseph get up he needs to be in attention he's ready can we be called to action like that the church is a family yes but the church is also an army the drill sergeant will blow the bugle you cannot say five minutes you'll get slapped in the face by the drill sergeant thank god our god doesn't slam he will remind you gently but joseph was ready in any given time because you know why he passed the test in potiphar's hell he excelled in the jail he excelled there was an excellent spirit inside of joseph you know why because god abides in him have you ever read in scripture once joseph cried out to god or prayed then how did he get the anointing you never once read in scripture joseph prayed to god deliver me o god no but god is present inside of him you know church those who are really walking with the spirit of god it's not those who pride i pray i fast i do this and i do that if you really are praying and fasting it will change and shape you nobody needs to know people will know the moment you are called to action your words carry authority you can't fake it because it's birth from a place of intimacy with god but many times the church likes to show off the spirituality but there is no meaning i pray five hours a day in the presence of god but the moment you pray for other people uh uh uh maybe you're not praying you're snoring for five hours a day because the formation in us as we do things that is consecration towards god will produce dunamis power within when it's called to action boom it will be like a sharp sword that will pierce joseph did not have to pride his praying seeking god he was excellent in what he did he was working in a foreign land for a foreign boss who doesn't believe his god but yet he lived his life in such a standard that the wisdom was flowing the moment he had to stand with the number one man he knew exactly what to say that's the anointing of joseph can somebody say amen write this down two components of the joseph's anointing two components of the joseph anointing okay let's open the scriptures together so we can see it shall we genesis chapter 41. okay genesis chapter 41. verse 16. joseph was about to share i mean pharaoh was about to share his dream and look at joseph joseph answered pharaoh it is not in me god will give pharaoh a favorable hence from the get-go he knows where to point the glory it's not me i'm dependent on god i can't do it it's only god do you see that go down okay to verse 33 from verse 25 to verse 32 you will see joseph interpreting the dream of pharaoh but now verse 33 this is what joseph counseled pharaoh now therefore let pharaoh select a discerning and wise man and set him over the land of egypt the joseph anointing speaks of this two factor discernment and wisdom why do you need both the prophetic will empower you to discern when joseph interpreted the dream of pharaoh that was the gifts of the prophetic operating in joseph but now you see joseph is not only telling pharaoh what he dreamed but joseph gave a solution verse 34 it says let pharaoh proceed to appoint overseers over the land and take one-fifth of the produce of the land of egypt during the seven plentiful years look at that in good times preparation begins joseph said for you to be able to survive the bad times when the good times happen start to collect and fill your storehouse that's wisdom that's wisdom verse 35. the bible says and let them gather all the food of these good years underlying that that are coming and store up grain under the authority of pharaoh for food in the cities and let them keep it you see that preparation begins in the good year many people knows what god is about to do that's the discernment but many people fail the second part to have wisdom to know what to do wisdom is knowing what to do the supernatural ability to act and prepare you see in the good years and in the bad years during the time of joseph who was the one behind it god god is in the good times god is in the bad times that's why i understand the song that we sang earlier when brother james led us and right now in the good times and bad you are god alone you don't change we need to discern good time what must i do in this good time third time how am i supposed to apply what i deserved from god god was behind both the good time and the bad time why he has his purpose he created all this scenario in egypt so that the children of jacob can all migrate to egypt they will be sustained in times of difficulty and god was preparing the scene for the exodus from egypt to the promised land he set up the entire thing you know how i know right before joseph died he prophesied you promised me that's why when his brothers was crying forgive me forgive me forgive me joseph says enough enough enough it's not you it's god why you need to come here i was sent by god to go before you to prepare this place to sustain you but joseph prophesied before he died the moment it's time for us to live back to the land promise to abraham isaac and jacob bring my bones with you joseph saw the big picture that is the discernment that will come on the endtime church somebody say amen somebody say amen you know one of the strategy it says here the bible says this pharaoh dream that the cows both the fattened cows and the cows that were about to die they all came from the nile do you know that the nile speaks of the abundance of the world all right the nile is abundant with water everything that you can imagine grows along the now river but there will be a time where the resources of this world will dry up the world is about to see whatever that the economists the politicians can think about is about to come to an end the world will comes to wits and they don't know what else to do at that time god will show up what's coming in the days to come evil will rise and greet in the name of social justice will continue to increase but nothing will change the situation will remain bleak i was meditating first the pharaoh saw seven fat cows right then seven ugly skinny cows came and the ugly skinny cows ate the fat cow but the skinny cow becomes fat it did not and that is what's going to happen in these last days people will be motivated by greed and evil they will think when they have certain things they will be satisfied that's why with all the movements out there in the name of whatever justice that is done wrongly it is not bringing the relief that the people is needing because the relief can only come from god the world will continue to find ways thinking that if i do this if i eat the good stuff if i get it i'll be fat no you will still be impoverished because the solution can only come from god that's exactly what's happening when i saw this this is the condition it's a prophecy of what is to come in in the days ahead and joseph gave the clue to pharaoh he says you take one fifth one fifth is 20 we know in the book of malachi god says the tithe is how much 10 don't rob god bring it to the storehouses isn't it in the book of malachi it says that the word storehouse is being mentioned so there is food in god's house the preservation in egypt was stored in storehouses but there is something about one-fifth 20 you know what the lord is saying the end-time church to survive in these last days go the extra mile go double i'm not talking about your money i'm not talking about your giving your energy go double your consecration go double your worship go double why in preparation for the bad times the good times now for you enjoy enjoy it so more sacrifice more play more study more learn more why it's preparation for the bet i caught it what wisdom from heaven good times are meant for us to gear up because you know god is going to come with the sword is the church really functioning or not if the church in this hour is doing nothing to win souls and there is no result that can be seen because quantity like i said many times will always quality will bring quantity you cannot say quality quality quality but there is no quantity quality and quantity goes hand in hand you have quality you will have quantity somebody say amen somebody say amen growth has always many things to do with quantity you have a good product you create one or two because people are buying it you're not gonna be stuck with two right you'll have four six eight ten why because with quality comes quantity the the progress of the church must be measured somebody say amen go extra mile with the giving of your life as an offering before god you know the prophetic trains us to live accurately not to entertain ourselves we can be so entertained but our lives are still blinded but the last days prophetic church are those entrusted by god to lead and to steward his house in the times of famine times of difficulty is coming and the world will be coming to us if you're willing to be used by god in the bad times somebody say here i am volunteer in the good times because in the bad times they will come to you it's a problem if in bad times we are also trying to find a source of hope the source of hope is already within us amen there's so many souls to go around if you want to be used by god to be an extension of his kingdom learn at least all of us pray for one person daily when was the last time you call somebody and say can i pray for you encourage them preach the gospel start from walmart and ingalls and the places that god sends you amen wherever they may be is the souls that matter in the eyes of god can somebody say amen the remnant will be gathered this is the hour that god is forming true unity within his house jesus my king church is like a parable of what is happening in these last days god will gather his people from near and far who are like-minded unity needs to be found in the house of god in the presence of god why is our worship very important i thank god for kovit you know one reason why because before covet people come to worship service because they want to hear concerts now it's not about concert it's about the worship to the kids some people are crying out i miss that moment yes because zoom cannot do it youtube life cannot do it you need to be gathered in a place with fellow believers somebody say amen this is the hour that god is forming unity in his house before we end can you please just write this down in the good times what must you do four things number one you make the necessary preparations joseph told pharaoh in the good years take one faith and store it up ask god what is it that he wants you to do now if god is telling you to do something do it do it i share to you testimony of a prophecy that came to me from pastor stephen about getting a seven seater by the grace of god it came to pass and you know i tell you i don't understand why the urgency but when god says prepare you better prepare god will provide what you need you know in his supernatural way the same day i found the seventh seater my car was sold and the car was not released remember i hit a deer the deadline was given at this date you will receive your card it kept on drag one day one day and i knew god says i'm not gonna give back the car unless you get the seven seater first so god is training us if god is telling you to do something don't delay do it make the necessary preparations now don't make the preparations because you are led by your own compulsion but be led by what god is saying number two be fruitful this is the time for us to work as hard as we can be fruitful let your spiritual life be fruitful and all aspects of our life be fruitful in the time of the good times joseph married and had two kids manase and iphraim fruitfulness when the children was born it speaks of fruitfulness in the good times be fruitful we thank god for andy and shay who's pregnant and war is coming you know why i i had a lady come to me and say once i'm not gonna have kids why because we're in the last days so what fear grip us that we are afraid we are even afraid to receive the blessings of heaven can we trust god enough that he will take care of us number three the name of the first son manasseh it means what i have forgotten all of my pain because god has blessed me number three in good times deal with any loose ends in your life deal with unforgiveness deal with disappointment deal with whatever that is holding you from the past because the moment god puts you in the new place if there are some stuff undealth with is going to resurface again we are in for an adventure with god you know any things can happen in the days to come i can only imagine oh there's a song i can only imagine i can only imagine if we have 40 days of prayer service in jmk nobody can get out of the get off the floor and will be swept by the glory of god are you ready not going to work for 30 days getting fired are you ready you see we are in for an adventure with god if we don't learn to surrender now when the great move comes we'll be thinking twice number four in the good times see the fulfillment of god's plans and purposes in our life in the good times make sure that our life is on target that our life is not wasted doing things that god did not ask us to do in the good times the remnant is not waiting the remnant is not silent the remnant is busy somebody say amen in the good time the church will release hope in the midst of despair and you know the great harvest is when the world will turn to jesus through his people because of joseph the bible says the nations came to egypt to buy grain not good will you see that they did not pass the food freely joseph created an economy system you want food you buy it is an apostolic authority that the church will have in the days to come when the world will run out of supply and resources people will come to the church and they will be discipled do you know why they buy because they need to learn the value of the food they're eating the kingdom of god is not free flow free free free the cheapest no you pay for it why there is value you need to value god's provision so what was joseph doing not only relieving the hunger of the people he was teaching the people how to have the mentality not only to survive but to excel in life somebody say amen they will buy grain from us amen in the good times we prepare for the bad times i'll close by saying this when we allow god to take us into this journey when he's purifying us when he's shaping us when he's cleansing us you know at the end we can stand before god worthy remember when joseph began his journey the focus was on him you know the dream i had you know what i saw you know what i thought but at the end of the life of his life he didn't care about himself anymore joseph ended his life with focusing on god's purposes for his people we have truly matured and this is my prayer and i ask the lord and i pray that this is all of our prayers that at the end of the day we will be so god conscious we will be so people conscious as long as other people are blessed as long as other people are saved no matter what happened to us it does not matter anymore i think that's when we can say like what paul said it is no longer i who lives but christ who lives within me amen we are still in the good times bad times are coming no matter what's happening in your life god is great god is bigger just focus on his will focus on his plan everything will be taken care for you can somebody say amen time is running out though we don't have much time let's make good use of the time judgment is coming to the church the false pastors will be kicked out ministries will start dying off because why no fruit churches closing down it's not the will of god no don't look at the end times and think everything is so bleak it's bleak for the world for the church is victorious we got no clue why it takes the supernatural power of god just walk first live first when the chip comes you cannot buy you cannot sell does that mean you're going to die no does it mean your business is going to close down no how many of you believe that god can multiply what you're selling without your suppliers having to send it to you what's too difficult for jesus nothing it's about the principle of saying i will not trade jesus for anything else he is my source he is my everything jehovah the lord is present let's stand in the presence of god
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,151
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Id: QE-1H1CiiEQ
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Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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