Covenant: The Supremacy of God's Word | Michael Widjaja

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tonight i want to speak on covenant and i want to touch on this particular subject so if you like titles i'm going to speak on covenant there's a subtitle i want to speak on the supremacy of the word of god how we approach covenant and how we need to rest in the supremacy of the word of god understanding that the word of god is all powerful the word of god is everlasting the word of god is eternal the word of god cannot fail when all else can fail the word of god will remain somebody say amen and we need to understand that in these days god is calling us back into covenant god wants us to be strong in our covenant because everything about following jesus is about the covenant that god has made with us and the covenant that we have made with him our christian life will be empty if we don't understand that we are living a life of covenant because it is a covenant it means it's a relationship it means it's a partnership i want to provoke every single one of us in this room tonight not to just settle walking in a christian life that is because of tradition because of a routinity that you've been a part of for many years but make covenant with god if you have not made covenant with god if you have made covenant with god be strong in your covenant walk in that covenant honor the covenant and you will see that your christian life is going to display the fullness of who god is the ability of god to move in our lives is based on the covenant that we make with him when we make covenant with god we're saying lord i want to acknowledge you and i'm inviting you to come and to invade my life you see we need to welcome the lord because god will not do what he wants to do on earth if he cannot find somebody to agree with him the same thing with our lives we need to be in agreement with god when we are in agreement with god it means we are willing to say lord i'm willing to do my part because god has never backed out he will never back out from his part god is a covenant keeping god and i love there are like just bits that were spoken from his robin mr larry through the prayer just now when we when when when we it's mentioned on the 21st of november the 400 years of the signing of the mayflower compact it speaks of covenant do you know that god's covenant with america still stand god is a covenant keeping god god has not given up over america because the covenant is not based on the strength the perfection of america it is based on who he is it is based on the love of jesus it is based on the finished work of the cross it is based on the plans and the purposes that god has for this nation if we give up on this nation it means we don't understand that we're walking with the most powerful being that is never created he is who he is he is the first and he is the last he's the beginning and he's the end whatever circumstance that you're going through if you're in despair i want to remind you that god has made a covenant with you and god will not fail but we need to honor god with our covenant and we do that by saying yes lord i'm in agreement even though i have not seen it yet with the natural but it doesn't matter because it's already done and it is sealed by the blood of jesus it is sealed by the finished work of the cross somebody say amen genesis 21 verse 33 if you can open your bible genesis chapter 21 verse 33 so we want to talk about covenant and we want to touch on the supremacy of the word of god because the covenant that we have with god is because of the word of god it is because of the word of god that cannot fail it is because of the word of god there is a guarantee every promise that you read in your bible you must obtain it it is not automatic you have to believe it your faith needs to be aligned with it somebody say amen our faith needs to mature and our faith needs to grow faith will give us access into the promises that god has faith is the currency of the kingdom of god if you want to see the promises of god what you need is faith amen your faith needs to grow faith is not just oh i know jesus jesus is the son of god the devil also knows jesus is the son of god if our faith is just there based on knowledge and not experience it's not us jumping into the water with god we are no different than the devil we are no different than the demons that's why we are always living in a life of frustration you know why we don't know how to operate in the kingdom of god amen the bible says abraham planted a tamarisk tree a tamarisk tree is an evergreen tree you see it cannot wither it's everlasting if you plant a tamarisk tree you're planting it not for yourself it takes time to grow but it is solid it is everlasting people who plant tamarisk tree are known to planet for their next generation for the future generation in beersheba which means boshiba is a place of covenant abraham made a covenant with abimelech in this place of covenant abraham planted a tamarish tree and for the first time the bible records and called there on the name of the lord the everlasting god which is el olam somebody say together with me el olam the everlasting god the eternal god is more accurate it means god that does not have a beginning he does not have an end god who is outside of time god who is superior not determined by what happens god doesn't say oops i don't know that you're going to do that i was caught off guard god knows the end from the beginning that's the awesome god that we worship amen and i want to start tonight because something pretty interesting happened to me last week and i know you might might have followed a man of god by the name of dutch sheets and appeal to heaven prayer movement how it is crucial especially we are here now in this moment in our nation when you're contending for the destiny of the nation so you must know about the flag called an appeal to heaven you've heard about that and how god revealed that for such a time as this and god is revealing about covenant in this nation you know and you see that here you see the evergreen tree speaking of covenant a promise right evergreen tree long-lasting and everlasting god everlast so god wants us to know that how he sees america is from the promises that he has made how god sees america is that god intends to see the fulfillment of all that he has prophesied of all that he has decreed and declared over this nation and we haven't to come to agreement okay and i'm sure you know the story of how the lord revealed to doug sheeds and many prophets in this nation of how to pray and to start a prayer movement to bring this nation back to our covenant with god you know about that what once what's interesting i want to testify is that i believe this doesn't only speak to a certain individuals or leaders in the body of christ you and i as those that god has planted in this nation we have a responsibility to fight for the destiny of this land i need you to understand that it is not enough just to hear messages to help calm ourselves and just say you know what just because these men of god that woman of god this prophet that prophet have said it we should be good no god is willing to have your participation because god desires for all the church to come into agreement can somebody say amen so what i want to testify is that last week interestingly i have a package that arrived i did not order anything i did not so when i saw the package it's in my name and i said i didn't order anything i opened the package and inside the package was an everlast boxing gloves i didn't order no boxing gloves i don't know how to box but i knew what god was doing about the boxing gloves what he revealed to dutch sheets and the appeal to heaven movement i know about that i checked with my brother i checked with my fiance i checked with not all but almost everyone who knows my address where i'm staying at right now and nobody and everyone says no i didn't order you any boxing gloves so until now it's still a mystery who sent me the boxing gloves i don't know but when i saw that boxing glove i opened it up and god says put it on and i said lord what do you want me to do then god made me realize where our senior pastor the prophet is living at his home right smack in the middle there is a huge evergreen tree that is green huge and god says i'm trying to remind you my son pick up that boxing glove that has the word everlast on it in front of the evergreen tree begin to pray for this nation just like in genesis 21. so i stepped up for a few minutes and i start punching the air and i was serious with god i said in the name of jesus the giants of this land is going to get knocked down amen and i was excited because i said here i am and god says every single one of my people has a part to play you do your part begin to pray so i called a pastor friend from california it was prophetic how it happened in the conversation i didn't know when i called this pastor friend of mine it was her birthday but the lord says call and begin a call when we talk for a few moments the lord had me to release some prophetic words for her but we began to pray i said okay i'll be on the east coast you'll be on the west coast right now we come into agreement when we pray for this nation i want to encourage you whatever your role is wherever you are take part and do what god is telling you to do i said lord if i find out who sends me this boxing glove i can say thank you to that person as of now i don't know who sent me that boxing glove all i know it was a sign from heaven pick up that glove and don't stop fighting because i'm serious with what god is going to do in this nation and i want to encourage every single one of you be serious in your prayer be serious in you fighting for the soul of this nation and god takes it seriously amen i was greatly encouraged i said yes lord it means heaven is paying attention to what i have to say heaven is paying attention to what you have to say you don't have to be a well-known man or a woman of god you don't you don't have to be one that speaks in front of thousands to bring impact in the kingdom of god wherever you are whatever that you're doing if you're doing it in the instructions of god standing on the word of god it is significant in the sight of god amen so i want to encourage you as how god gave me that boxing glove in the spirit i want to also give a boxing glove to you and say don't stop fighting until we see the giants knocked down in the name of the lord jesus christ for god is a covenant keeping god somebody say amen genesis chapter 22 verse 17 open up this scripture when god make covenant we always look at abraham and the story about how god made a covenant with abraham of what god is going to do with his lineage in genesis chapter 22 verse 17 the bible says i will surely bless you this is the promise god reiterated the promise to abraham just like in genesis chapter 12 he said it again in chapter 22 you will read about how when god asked abraham to sacrifice isaac abraham passed the test by saying lord my hope my joy is not found in the son that you have promised me but whatever that you want me to do i trust in who you are i trust that you are a covenant keeping god it means you cannot fail teach me the ways of god when abraham asked god to teach me his ways many times when we are learning the ways of god we learn by obeying we learn by following the steps that god has shown us abraham might not have prayed the same prayer that moses did show me your ways but when we are willing to obey whatever god says we are actually being trained by god to know who he is to know the ways of the lord now in verse 17 the bible says i will surely bless you so when abraham passed the test jesus god almighty reiterated the promise of abraham and said i will surely bless you and i will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore and your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies i want you to underline that now god did not just stop by saying to abraham that your descendants will be as many as the stars in heaven as the sand that is on the seashore but god inserted a statement a promise to abraham that was not stated before when god says and your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies now there is an element of warfare there is an element of fighting and contending the blessings of god will not come in our life just like that you have to fight for it you have to contend for it hello if the church is going to be sleepy and sappy easily giving up i don't want no confrontation as long as false peace we learn about that we learn about many times the enemy will try to swayed us to be in a condition of false peace and we read that together from the book of isaiah and we learned together last time that i was speaking to you about a demonic spirit or a principality by the name of raptureke was sent to taunt and to mock the god of israel trying to dissuade the nation to believe the lie that says god cannot work for you in these days this enemy is operating trying to cause us to be discouraged no church for the promises of god in your family for the marriage that you're trying to contend and ask god for a breakthrough for the financial struggle that you're going through a spiritual breakthrough that you need well god says when i'm gonna fulfill my promises in your life your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies there is an element of warfare that came in when i search the word possess write this down in the hebrew is the word yaresh y-a-r-e-s-h and possess means you occupy who when you possess it means you occupy what does occupy mean occupy has two elements number one you have to kick out and drive out the old tenant number two after you have driven out the enemy you take over when god says to the israelites you will possess the land i will give you canaan as an inheritance for you canaan was not empty canaan was not in a condition it's ready to be lived in no the israelites have to fight for the inheritance some of us might say but god you promised it already how come i have to go through the struggle it's not about that because through the struggle through the fighting process jesus god becomes bigger in our life we learn to rely on god we learn to humble ourselves before god and before even the israelites went into the promised land moses sent us 12 spies how many came back with bad news 10. many times we are disqualified when we lose the warfare in our mind the moment you're discouraged the enemy has an upper hand the moment you are feeling down it's okay to feel down but it's not okay to feel down and that feeling down creates a depression that becomes an oppression that's called a demonic stronghold if we lose that battle we are not even in the battlefield just yet that's why the mind needs to be subdued how we're going to talk about that about the supremacy of the word of god when you occupy you need to learn how to kick out the enemy kick out unbelief kick out doubt kick out fear kick out from the feeling of oh i can't make it you know what it's too late kick it out so that you can take over based on what god has promised you somebody say amen somebody say amen now i want you to be reminded of what pastor stephen spoke on sunday through the video from the book of ezra you don't have to open the book of ezra remember there are words that the prophet gave to us last sunday and i want you to pay attention to his words remember in the book of ezra chapter 4 put it up ezra chapter 4 verse 4 remember when the israelites were called to rebuild rebuild the temple rebuild what was destroyed then the people of the land what discouraged the people of judah and made them afraid to build verse five and bribe counselors against them to frustrate their purpose all the days of cyrus king of persia even until the reign of darius king of persia you see there are three things write this down discouragement fear and frustration now the church is warring against these we need to win we need to be on the offense and we need a fight pastor stephen used the word of reformation that is taking place a new breed that god is raising up in ezra chapter 9 verse 9 i'm just trying to review a snapshot of what pastor stephen shared what i caught in the spirit ezra chapter 9 verse 9. what does the bible say the bible says in ezra chapter 9 verse 9 for we are slaves yet our god has not forsaken us into our slave or forsaken us in our slavery but has extended to us his steadfast love before the kings of persia to grant us some reviving to set up the house of our god to repair its ruins and to give us protection in judea and jerusalem why must we fight for the destiny of this nation why must we continue to pray ask for the perfect will of god over this presidential election because an extension of god's grace is required and needed for revival yes that's what it's about some people carelessly say it's just four years four years can change the course of a generation do you understand what i'm saying here because of an extended grace and the steadfast love of god god is giving a time for revival do you know that in these days we are in the end times and things are not going to get easier things are going to get worse but the grace of god is being extended to you and me and this is the revival that will happen in these last days in the midst of chaos in the midst of great warfare we need to learn pastor steven mentioned of how the 31st of october is now recognized only as halloween it's a reformation day a reformation that took place that until now the power of that reformation is still sending shock waves of how a shift took place and brought back what was lost a reformation will remain because the reformation speaks of a legacy that impacts generation when we are in church we are not interested in just history lessons when we remember what god has done through the reformers and what happened 100 years ago 200 years ago 300 years ago it's so that we can learn strengthen ourselves so that we are prepared for our reformation you know i was reading recently just from my downtime i'm reading the story of john huss or jan huse the reformer from austria before martin luther ever showed up when i read the truth that he believed for now with all the revelation that god has released to the church in these days the revelation that was given to yahus it's elementary but yeah who's preached boldly in the midst of opposition he spoke the truth with conviction at that time until he was burned at the stake i said can that same fire be inside of me that the church will not waver but we will stand firm with the truth that god has given unto us to steward in this generation remember what god has done because the same things from the bible days every time a reformation takes place takes place god requires those who are willing to stand not on your own reputation but the supremacy of the word of god when janus was in jail he was brought to court and they slammed him left and right the only thing he keeps on speaking was one if you can show it in the word of god then i'll believe what you have to say for i will stand only what the scripture says can the church do that people of god we are called by god to go back to basic the prophetic cannot replace the word of god prophecies cannot replace the word of god we need to know the word of god personally we need to have the promises of god given by god directly to us because this will sustain us if our covenant with god is to remain strong we need to be rooted in the word of god can somebody say amen pastor stephen reminded us of how in the midst of contention in the midst of slavery god is reviving us god is stirring our hearts i'm telling you a revival is brewing in the house of god it is it is a revival is brewing within are we gonna take part in what god is going to do in these last days you know as i keep on meditating to some scriptures that i shared to you more new understanding has been given remember remember from zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 to 13. if you can put it at band zechariah chapter 9 verse 11 to 13. i talk about how god bends judah as his bow and he plays ephraim as his arrows remember that remember that and i shared about the word the rock of bending means trampling under foot marching and walking in a certain way it is a military term when god says i'm bending judah as my bow and then the lord had me to read from verse 11. it says this as for you also because of the blood of my covenant the church cannot be effective in us fighting our wars in the days to come if we don't understand the covenant that god has made with us because of the blood of my covenant with you i will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit verse 12 return to your stronghold or prisoners of hope today i declare that i will restore to you double wow because of covenant because of covenant then in verse 13 he says for i have bent judah as my bow and i've made ephraim its arrow and i will stir up your sons of zion against your sons of grace and wilt you like a warrior's sword a great separation is taking place in this revival god is cleansing the church and those who remain are those who knows the covenant that god has made with us who stands in that covenant who honors that covenant because of the covenant that god has made because of the supremacy of the word of god you and i will receive what we actually don't deserve a double portion of god's blessings of god's forgiveness of god's grace of god's mercy can somebody say amen and we talk about the word darak god bending judah darak judah threading upon it's a military term then the lord reminded me of a scripture that has the word to threat upon joshua chapter 1 verse 3. joshua chapter one verse three people of god when god is drocking if i can see it's the word if god is bending judah as his bow what god is trying to say people of god get ready to fight your weapon load up and get ready to fight that's what the word darak means when god bends judah if we are being bended by god it means god is saying to every single one of you gear up toughen up load your weapons and get ready to march that's what it means and joshua 1 verse 3 says every place that the soul of your foot will thread upon that's the same word darak every place that the soul of your foot will thread upon i have given you just as i promised to moses in other words god is saying to joshua if you want to possess this land it's not enough you just knowing my promise joshua gear up load up get ready for battle that's what god says so god is saying to joshua every place that you're willing to fight for every place that you're willing to strive for every place that you're willing to contend and battle i will give you god was not saying this to joshua relax relax just walk if you walk i'll give it to you no god was saying joshua if you're willing to fight for it it's yours how many of us are willing to fight for the promises of god the church cannot be timid anymore reformers are those that makes history but reformers are not timid people they are controversial people why they speak up when everybody is saying sit down they turn right when everyone is turning left now you tell me are you going to be pleasers of men or are you going to be pleasers of god get ready not foolish a lot of people stir up things but not led by the spirit we need to know what the word of god says god is saying to joshua get ready to battle and fight for your destiny fight for your inheritance because i have already spoken to moses god did not give joshua a new set of a playbook the ways are different but the promises is still the same how god dealt with joshua was different with god how how god dealt with moses but the principles are the same amen you know why it's important for you to know the word of god by yourself so that in the midst of false prophets that will rise up in these end times you will not become victim of ideologies of men and even doctrines of demons you can't blame it on the speaker you can't blame it on the church the speakers and the false prophets who spew heresy will need an answer to god but every single christian and believer must answer to god do you know the word of god if you can quote what prophets are saying more then you can quote scriptures right you're in the wrong track you need to befriend the world it's never wrong to ask for prayers you can ask for prayers but learn to gird up your loins and to fight your battles somebody gave a phone call to me one day can you please pray i feel down you know i've been asked by god to fight to battle and i've been fighting i'm warring against the spirit of facebook the spirit of elon musk the spirit of the pope and blah blah blah and all that they're trying to mention i said good for you i'm not interested in praying for you that's not how our god leads his people to warfare when you're caught by god a battle into war you don't have to spew your mouth and tell people about your war god will equip you when you are in warfare you know how to conduct yourself as a true soldier in christ people many times pick up the wrong wrong warfare because you are not licensed by god to be in that warfare amen know your part hold on to the word of god what is god telling you what is the word of god that has been spoken over you and the church needs to learn how to war with the promises of god you need to learn how to war with the word of god joshua chapter one watch this no wonder god kept on repeating over and over again will continue verse 4. it says from the wilderness and this lebanon as far as the great river the river euphrates all the land of the hittites the great sea towards the going down of the sun shall be your territory you see that verse 5 it says in verse 5 no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life just as i was with moses so i will be with you i will not leave you or forsake you verse 6 be strong and courageous for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that i swore to their fathers to give them verse 7. only be strong and very courageous being careful to do according to all the law that moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may have good success wherever you go verse 8 x the bible says this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success number one i want you to write this down the word of god is an instruction for you when god spoke to joshua in joshua 1 verse 2 and verse three god says this is your instruction every land that you thread upon it will be given to you number two write this down number verse four and so on the word of god is a promise for you you need to have both the supremacy of the word of god is important in our life because the word of god is our instruction number two the word of god is our promise we need to have both dimensions in our life somebody say amen now it says if you go back please ben go back to verse 8. the book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success the word of god is for your internal self and externally you need to speak the word but you need to meditate why is it important for the church to meditate the scriptures when you meditate the scriptures the scriptures will change us internally when you speak the scriptures the scriptures will change externally this is the power of meditation and speaking the scripture why is it important for you to preach the scriptures when you preach the word of god what you preach will change the life of others why do you need to declare scriptures out loud in your home over your children what you speak out will bring transformation in the life of your family members and your community that's why if you keep on spewing negative words cuz words that's what you create but when you speak scripture that's what you create but many people are great at arguing scripture but we don't meditate and meditation means you study you think about you sleep on it you say it to yourself because when you meditate on scripture that scripture will change you to become a vessel that is more like him when you don't meditate scripture or you don't make scripture to be the meditation of your mind and your heart you don't allow scripture to change you you're only good at quoting or speaking scripture you become a loose cannon but if you keep on saying my christianity is just between me and god my prayer life just me and god i don't need to talk to people i don't need to evangelize i don't need to testify i don't need to preach then what will happen you are like a ticking bomb that is ready to blow up because it's just knowledge you need to go to eat daily because that food must be processed in your body imagine if you're just eating food but you never dispose that food you understand what i'm saying here you cannot preach the good news if first the scriptures does not change you that's why it's a testimony of what god has done in our lives every single one of us carry a testimony don't be satisfied when you are telling stories about other people of what god has done in other people that's not your testimony you're just telling stories lives are not changed no matter how simple your testimony if it is birth by what god is doing in your life no matter how simple it might be it carries a strong power because who's being shown god when you tell stories of people it's not god that you are boasting it's the person god says the book of the lord shall not depart from your mouth you must meditate amen amen it never changed in the new testament love god and love people love the lord your god and love people it never changed the principle is still the same do you see that people of god and the next thing i want you to jump to verse 9 have i not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you wherever you go verse 10 and joshua commanded the officers of the people this is very important he commanded the officers of the people watch this the word of god will always bring order in the house of god you know why a local church is important when joshua received what he received from god he spoke not to the entire people he spoke to the officers of the people the word of god will bring order and balance in our lives you can pride yourself by saying i've been in church for 25 years 30 years now someone told me you know i've been in church for so long and i am an elder in the church but that person is not serving that person is not taking care of the flock then i wonder you're an elder to who to yourself just because you want titles it's not titles it's the function why the church must return back to the supremacy of the word of god because god is going to bring divine orders just like in the book of ezra when pastor stephen spoke about reformation coming in the midst of slavery god raised up two prophets hey guy and who zechariah in the midst of slavery there is a company of prophets that god is going to raise up in these last days and these prophets are not measured because they call themselves prophets because they bring guidance they bring the word of the lord in the midst of the struggle they have their credentials the fruit of their ministry amen it's not enough of you just saying someone prophesied over me that's why i'm this no you are not you are not until god brings you to the maturity without you having to boost yourself the gift will flow out of you because it's not your work it's the work of holy spirit somebody say amen but if you want to be whom god has called us to be the word of god must have supremacy in our life do we take instructions from the word of god do we live by the promises of the word of god even the things that you want to achieve in life believers who believe in the word will operate differently from the world you don't just go through moments and big points in life just because you have to get something everything that you receive is based on the promise of god that's why you don't have to strive god will point you to the right house god will point you to the right spouse why you receive a promise from god you don't try to manipulate god this is what i want it is your will bless me no god spoke first before you make any decision you're waiting lord speak to me what do you say about this do you understand what i'm saying the big decisions in our lives we wait on god to make the decisions now i wonder why do people pride in somebody offering you food out of their kindness a fellow brother or sister in christ will you eat it i need to ask the lord first can i eat the food that's impolite you know that even people who are not filled with holy spirit no better manners than us sensitivity to the holy spirit is not a show off if you are sensitive to holy spirit you learn before you make major decisions you sit under the feet of jesus but your conduct is full of love let's get real with god if we are hearing god our life goes somewhere not us just priding her i'm spiritual doesn't do you any good trust me can somebody say amen so that's what god says to joshua deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 3 watch this in the amplified version it says this this is a secret that god gave and he humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know that he might what make you recognize and personally no what's that you recognize and you personally know that man does not live by bread alone but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the lord you recognize and you personally know you have to go through a relationship process to know that man lives not only by bread but by every word that comes from the mouth of god when i search the word live the word live in hebrew is the word shaya c-h-a-y-a which means revive restore and to live vigorously in the ways of god not just survive when i found out about this suddenly the lord brought me to john 14 remember jesus says i am the way the truth and the life you know what the life that god was talking about not just eternal life in heaven but you live a life that is so vigorous because why a revival broke inside of you he is the way the truth and the life when you found the way you walk in the way the truth get opened up to you when you allow the truth to possess your life god will give you the life in abundance that he intends it's not just surviving it is not just for you to live day by day but for you to fulfill the very reason that you're alive the kind of life that every day you're jumping yes lord more of you more of you that's the kind of life amen so when god says man lives not only by bread but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the lord god is not saying you just survive with the words that comes from my mouth no you will find the true meaning of life fulfillment of life when you eat the word that comes from my mouth that's what it means to live vigorously shaya that's the meaning of the word to live now do you know why in isaiah chapter 55 the bible says this beautiful in the book of isaiah chapter 55 it's a famous you know verse that everybody loves to quote isaiah chapter 55 i love this scripture the bible says in isaiah chapter 55 watch this i'll read for you okay from verse 8 to verse 11 something very powerful for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my way says the lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts jesus was trying to say you need to separate your own thoughts from me understand my supremacy don't put me in the same level as you i am above and beyond you that's what god is saying in verse 10 what does it say for as the rain and snow come down from the heavens and return not there again but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater when i read the scripture something caught me and i said it doesn't make sense you says that when rain and snow come down it will not return back up to the mountain where it flowed from but it what water the earth and bring forth and make it sprout that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater if it's snowing it means it's winter isn't it how come seats appear in wintertime it's not in winter after winter do you know when in winter seats are not dead they are sleeping under the ground if god is allowing winter in our life we need to understand the season it's not that god is not moving god is telling you wait god is telling you be patient because after winter is over that snow will melt it will water the earth the s plants or the seeds that are dormant will suddenly appear that's the word of god do you understand what i'm saying here people of god there is a time and a season to everything maybe some of you are saying how come i've been contending and praying and praying and praying and praying and praying not yet nothing is happening it's winter but in winter you need to make the necessary preparation for spring to come and that is the word of god the word of god will not and it cannot fail verse 11 watch this so shall my word that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return to me void without producing any effect useless but it shall accomplish that which i please and purpose and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it i researched the word what does it mean it does not return to you void write this down the original text of the word return means the word of god will not retreat the word of god will not withdraw there is a fighting element in the word of god so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void it means the word of god that comes forth from the mouth of god will not withdraw but it will continue to push and fight and gives you the strength to carry on until you see the accomplishment of what god has determined that word to do it's not just merely the word oops never mind it's not successful then the words return back to god that's not what it means god is saying i give you a guarantee every word that i've spoken over your life if you will just catch what i'm saying to you that word will give you the fighting spirit it will create the pathway for you until you will see me work it out in your life and then i search the word accomplish what does the word accomplish means the word accomplish the original hebrew of the word accomplished means it will create it will make a way because you know why the word of god must always correspond to the action of god in other words my word that goes forth from my mouth it will fight it will push it will not withdraw it will not relent until my power is displayed over your life if you want to see god work and act on your behalf then you need to stand and believe in his word because the word of god must always correspond to the actions of god always always if you want to see god show up strong in your life then you must be saturated with the word of god what is the instruction that god is giving you now what is making me strong moving forward jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 to 10 because that word was given to me in may of 2006 that is my baby fire strom can come my way as long as jeremiah 5 to 10 chapter 1 is in me i know god cannot fail everything that i do is based on the vision that god has that's why it's important you need to know what's your vision what is the scripture what is the word that god is giving you some scriptures will give you a long-term vision some scripture will give you the instructions for now during my ministry to indonesia i sought for the face of god and i asked you tell me why did you bring me to this land until he dropped into my spirit of scripture and i said to my team in indonesia this ministry will not do anything else except this because if it's based on the word of god it cannot fail but if it's based on gift and connections and ability it will surely fail what is the word that god has given for your life and you cannot receive the word if you are not pursuant of the word you need to balance when are you learning from people when must you find the time and the effort to seek god for yourself you need to balance it out if we become deaf to god if we don't listen to sermons something is absolutely wrong the word the word of god is supreme in our life when we learn to wrestle with the promises of god we learn about the timing of god every blessing that is released over your life must wait for the right timing it's one thing to know the will of god but it's another thing to know the timing of god do you understand what i'm saying here jesus says that's why it says it's not yet time the time will come it's not yet time the time will come sometimes the word of god will give us the strength that we need to keep on waiting and to remain steadfast in other seasons the word of god becomes the breakthrough point because that promise is for now that's the dynamics of the word of god operating in our lives covenant with the word of god is critical and crucial and i believe with all of my heart that this nation these days you and i is we are in a moment when god is saying return back to my covenant with you when everything is failing around you stand firm in my covenant remember what i've spoken to you remember what i've promised you stay faithful on the instruction that i've given you for now sometimes when i feel like i'm not seeing the picture what's going on god all god has to do he says what did i tell you last do this keep on doing that that becomes the guiding factor for me to keep on holding on amen during this fight and this struggle that we are in as a nation don't waver and doubt stand on the promise stand on the covenant before i close my message i want you to open this second kings chapter 22 to 23. the lord brought me to this story about a king in the bible by the name of josiah an eight-year-old these days we are also contending for eight years of the fullness of what god wants to do isn't it i was greatly encouraged when a few days ago god says you meditate on these scriptures second kings chapter 22 and 23 in the same story you can read in ii chronicles chapter 34 and 35 about a king by the name of king josiah the book of second kings chapter 22 to 23 there are some things that i highlighted here josiah was eight years old when he began to reign and he reigned 31 years in jerusalem his mother's name was jadida the daughter of adiya adayah of boskath versus and he did what was right what was right in the eyes of the lord and walk in the ways of david his father and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left wasn't this the same instructions that god gave to joshua stay on course don't turn right don't turn left what made king josiah successful was one he kept the covenant he honored the covenant i'm going to continue reading okay then you continue to scroll in the 18th year of king josiah the king sent safan the son of azaleah son of mashulam the secretary to the house of the lord saying go up to hilkiah the high priest that he may count the money that has been brought into the house of the lord which the keepers of the threshold have collected from the people and let it be given into the hand of the work men who have the oversight of the house of the lord and let them give it to the workmen who are at the house of the lord repairing the house that is to the carpenters and to the builders and the masons and let them use it for buying timber and quarried stone to repair the house verse 7 but no accounting shall be asked from them for the money that is delivered into their hand for they deal honestly you know what the first thing that josiah did there's a point in his life when he decided i want to build the house of god remember what pastor stephen said on sunday make it your intention to build the house of god when people now is being tricked by the trojan horse and that is kovit 19 of hiding and squirming away people of god built the house of god breakthrough over a nation will always happen when the house of god is being built god is calling you and me in these days to build the house of god that's what king josiah did verse eight and he'll hear the high priest set to safan the secretary i have found the book of the law in the house of the lord and hilkia gave the book to safan and read it when you built the house of god god begins to reveal to you the secret of his word the same book of the law that god says to joshua do not forget to speak it to meditate it this book was found in the temple the same book the same the book of the law doesn't change but guess what if you jump to chapter 23 and read verse 2 there is another name that god gave to this book it's not just the book of the law what does it say second kings 23 verse 2 and the king went up to the house of the lord and with him all the men of judah and all the inhabitants of jerusalem and the priests the prophets all the people both small and great and he read in the hearing all the words of the book of the covenant that has been found in the house of the lord so what was the book that god says to joshua don't forget to speak it don't forget to meditate it the covenant the promises of god the promises of god must be supreme everything in our lives that covenant that we make with god and that god made with us is enough to carry us through until the very end we cannot pray for america saying lord we did it right we are praying enough i ask you back the question what is the measurement of praying enough 42 hours 68 150 it's not based on our prayers but it doesn't mean we don't pray it's based on what god has spoken to us that's why we pray we pray not to strangle the hand of god we pray because we say we trust you and we're in agreement with you that your word is yea and amen that's why you pray why do you pray at home for your children non-stop because of your word lord the covenant that god has made with us go back to chapter 22 ben and verse 11. i want you to read it at home for yourself so you read and you have a better understanding of the story when the king heard the words of the book of the law he tore his clothes and the king commanded hilkia the priest and ahikam the son of safan and akbar the son of mikaya and safan the secretary and isaiah the king's servant saying go inquire of the lord for me and for the people and for all judah concerning the words of this book that has been found for great is the wrath of the lord that is kindled against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book to do according to all that is written concerning it when we find and go back to the covenant that god has for us our life will only be marked with one thing repentance a life that is saying lord no forgive us you we want you if we want to see the fulfillment of the words of god church repent repent from our wicked weeks seek the face of god he promised he will heal our land the repentance of one king gave a grace period for the inhabitants of judah because god says what the previous kings did will not cancel my wrath but the bible in this chapter clearly states during the reign of josiah god had mercy over the land because of the repentance of one king wow god gave a mercy for a generation because of one king that returned back to the covenant who chose to say i want to honor this book the book of the law and the book of covenant if you continue to read in chapter 23 i'm gonna jump again verse three go back again ben second kings 23 verse three it says this and the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the lord to walk after the lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies his statutes with all of his heart and all his soul to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book and all the people joined in the covenant isn't that powerful isn't that powerful and if you continue reading down i want you to jump to verse 21 then in the same chapter verse 21 and the king commanded all the people keep the passover to the lord your god as it is written in the book of the covenant the feast that the king restored was covenant passover when god said to the children of israel you will live and not die before king josiah the last time the nation was celebrating passover was in the times of the judges how many years passed by before they honored the blood we are given by god the opportunity to return back to the power of the blood of jesus believing that god is going to save this generation you know what reformation is needed reformation in the body of christ when king josiah brought reformation during his days his primary assignment was he tore down all the altars of all the false gods he broke every altar that was that were raised by the previous kings to foreign god and he brought the nation back to honor the one true living god don't tell me god can use anybody just accept the result it's about this nation returning back to the truth of the word of god that life become begins since conception it's not about the economy it's about the values of the truth of the world and america returning to her roots of being one nation under god the destiny of this nation cannot be separated by the fact that the god we serve in the name of jesus is the god that has formed this nation when the enemy is trying to make this nation a godless nation we need to fight back like josiah tear down the altars of baal and asherah and say we are returning to our ancient path where we honor the blood of the lamb somebody say amen watch this in verse 25. you know what ben from verse 23 love it but in the 18th year of king josiah this passover was kept to the lord in jerusalem next moreover josiah put away the mediums the necromancers the household gods the idols all the abominations that were seen in the land of judah in jerusalem that he might establish the words of the law that were found in the book that hiltia the priests found in the house of the lord verse 25 watch this before him there was no king like him who turned to the lord with all his heart with all his soul with all his might according to all the law of moses nor did any like him arise after him this is pretty cool for heaven to say nobody before josiah and after josiah who did all according to all the law of moses if god is looking for reformers in these days can god find us to be the king josiah for our generation wherefore josiah the word of god is supreme all i want is for what god has spoken to be returned back before we close now open ii chronicles 34-35 the same story but there are some things written in second chronicles that will give us a better understanding of what's happening in the reform of king josiah ii chronicles chapter 24 i mean 34 and 35 34 and 35. okay ii chronicles chapter 34 verse 33 watch this and josiah took away all the abominations from all the territory that belonged to the people of israel and made all who were present in israel serve the lord their god all his days they did not turn away from following the lord the god of their fathers this is awesome if god is about to extend a grace period to this nation we need to use this time wisely so we will see america return back to god and america will be saved king josiah's reign was the time when god began to raise up the prophet jeremiah he lamented and he cried he lamented and he cried did judgment still come he did but there was a grace period during the king the reign of king josiah that god extended grace to the people during that time god raised up prophet jeremiah and god raised up a prophet by the name of hulda a prophetess by the name of hulda khulda is known to still be a relative of jeremiah a woman prophet and a man prophet they prophesied the word of the lord and you and i know about jeremiah he prophesied in the midst of false prophets being rampant in the land telling the nation false words not from god in this time in this great spirit that god has given i want to echo the word that pastor stephen gave last sunday there is a reformation that is taking place in the prophetic movement of righteous prophets that will not be afraid to speak the word of the lord and it will not only be men prophets but god is going to raise up women prophets the prophetess men and women to rise up together a reformation is taking place will we become that prophetic company that god will raise up for such a time as this in the midst of the grace period declare the word of the lord declare the word of the lord church if we are not willing to take this period that god has given us to get our act together will we be ready for what is coming in the days ahead if god is allowing restoration and healing to take place in the land returning back to the ways of god you do understand that the battle will reach even more in the days to come you do understand that right so the church cannot be complacent everything is fine even after the election once the election is decided and we're going to see the turnaround that god promised the church cannot say that's it my job is done our work has just begun amen amen to bring this nation to bring your family to bring your life back into the ways that god has ordained for us let's start from us as we leave this place tonight will we say lord the book of the law your word is supreme i will choose to believe your promises i will choose to stand on the instructions that you have given because your covenant keeping god you never lie i will do my end my part to keep the promise that i've given you return back to the covenant our personal covenant our covenant as a people our covenant as a nation amen if you have forgotten what god has spoken to you maybe 25 years ago put it into remembrance put it into remembrance and say lord that word is more than enough to sustain me moving forward from today can we all stand in the presence of god it's interesting the prophetess hulda in both second chronicles and second kings it's mentioned that she is the guardian of the ward wardrobe i wondered why wardrobe so i searched the original text for that word wardrobe it speaks of a covering she was the guardian of the garment or the covering in these last days in the book of revelation says that the righteous deeds of the believer will be that pure linen that we are going to wear through prophets of god will be zealous to make sure the bride is pure and clean god is raising up a true prophetic church in these last days instead of trying to extort the church instead of trying to make money out of the church but god is raising up a breed of a prophetic company whose goal is only one to make sure that the bride of christ is free from spot and wrinkle we are in days of reformation we cannot miss what god is doing amen how many of you and i are willing to say lord i will stand on the covenant because you are a covenant keeping god that your word will remain so i invite you right now to just speak to god from wherever you are with your face your hand lifted up before god renew your covenant with god renew your commitment with god
Channel: Jesus My King Church
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Id: xN3Dl0F63kE
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Length: 77min 8sec (4628 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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