New Era Pentecost | Tim & Dutch Sheets

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hallelujah you may be seated when I heard that prophet Chuck Pierce prophesy that in 2020 there would be a literal Passover I heard Holy Spirit say when he when I heard him say that I heard holy spirits say right here there will also be a literal Pentecost there has there have been hundreds of Pentecost between the first one in the Exodus and our times they have been important times of celebrations remembrance and Thanksgiving for what God for what God has done but there are three literal Pentecost that activate a massive change on the earth there are three that are not just observation times or Thanksgiving times they are times that something was experienced and it changed something on the earth now we have had two of those and now today begins the third one the first occurred in the exodus fifty days after the first Passover there Moses took them to Mount Sinai I goes up on the mountain the people are camped around and and while he was up on Mount Sinai God gave him Ten Commandments and he began to download to him the Torah first five books of the Bible they came down and they celebrated this with a feast the feast of firstfruits the Greeks of course called it Pentecost the Sexson second literal or special or specific Pentecost when something actually was experienced and and happened to change things on the earth occurred in Acts chapter 2 50 days after the Passover when Jesus became our Passover lamb on that day Holy Spirit came he filled the believers with power from on high he filled them with authority or activated authority for them to rule and to reign with King Jesus he also gave birth in Acts chapter 2 to what is called the ekklesia or the New Testament church he also gave birth to a brand new kingdom the kingdom of Jesus Christ that outpouring has continued for more than 2,000 years now and it's life its power and it's precedence will not stop and they are continuing even to this day but now we have come to another fullness of times and the promise of the Lord is another special literal Pentecost era is do not just an observe an observance of Pentecost like I've observed for over half a century no we have come to one that is going to be experienced and it too will change things on the earth we have come to a appointed time of the Lord when Holy Spirit is going to pour out power from heaven in greater measure than has ever been seen before on this planet now just as the precedents reveal in the first two previous special to Pentecost now Holy Spirit is coming with the hosts of heaven again he is coming now with angel armies at a different level to assist us in far greater measure remember and I've taught this the last three weeks but specifically last week here it as we are setting up what this moment is about Exodus 12 verse 40 King James now the sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelled in Egypt was 430 years and it came to pass at the end of 430 years even the self-same day it came to pass that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt all the hosts of the Lord went out all of them not just people the hosts of the Lord hosts is survey a and it means a large mass or a large number of troops like in an army it refers to a division of many in a an army division and of course survey a is the word in the Old Testament for Angel armies the hosts the angels of the Lord the Angel armies were no longer needed in Egypt they they were assisting God's plan to break people free to break the people of God free out of bondage in captivity their assignment was helping the people of God break through so when God people went out they went out to to assist them to protect them to resource them Exodus 12 verse 40 the people of Israel had lived in Egypt for 430 years New Living Translation says in fact it was on the last day of the four hundred and thirtieth year that the Lord's forces left Egypt all of his forces left Exodus 12:40 message at the end of 430 years to the very day God's entire army left Egypt this was not the army of the people of God they were slaves they didn't have an army but God did and that army had been busy breaking them through to a time of great deliverance to take him somewhere that Angel army had been breaking out against Egyptian bondage against a nation that had enslaved the people of God and now he is gonna do it again in Acts chapter 2 when Pentecost was fully come Holy Spirit came to baptize God's people in power from on high he also came at that Pentecost with angel armies they appear as cloven tongues of fire hovering over the 120 that are gathered there often throughout the scripture angels are are seen as cloven tongues of fire they came to assist the kingdom of heaven breakout at Pentecost in acts 2 they came to assist the Apostles and the prophets in the first deck lesya to break open a move of God on the earth the angels assisting in the exodus did not die the angels assisting in Acts chapter 2 did not die and some of them are here today many of them are activating in this move of God they're all over it and the angels of God are being activated in this Pentecost in ways that we have never seen before they came at Pentecost in acts 2 to expand the kingdom they came to expand Christ's newborn ekklesia and now in this Pentecost this new eera Pentecost Holy Spirit is prophesied time after time after time that he was bringing division after division after division of Angel armies to the battle lines over a decade ago when Holy Spirit began to talk to me about angel armies for the first time one of the first things that he said to me was I am now coming to lead another camp on earth and this time I will be bringing far more of the angel armies to assist your breakthroughs now this third literal Pentecost is a bit different than the other two special Pentecost they were more localized the one in the Exodus targeted one nation Israel the outpouring in acts came upon Acts chapter 2 that outpouring came upon a local New Testament church in Jerusalem a rather small one of a hundred and twenty people though their effect grew in a massive way and eventually turned the world upside down at their time also outpourings in other times down through history have been mostly localized the rate the great revival in Wales primarily targeted Wales it spilled over a little bit but it was localized to Wales we've had great outpourings of the Holy Spirit in in Brownsville Florida and also Toronto Canada and a few other places but it was an outpouring upon those places or those regions but this one is entirely different there is not just 120 of God's people anymore in one Church in one city Jerusalem there is not just one apostolic hub to pour power from heaven on there are not just eleven apostles God's people are all over the world in nation after nation by the millions there are apostolic hubs prophetic hubs New Testament churches everywhere all around the world by the multiplied this outpouring the one we come to will not be localized to a particular nation or a church or a region this will be the very first Kingdom wide outpouring never happened before the outpouring in the book of Acts birth the church in Christ's Kingdom but that kingdom was small and functioned at least initially in its beginnings it was small and functioned locally but now the kingdom's global now seated ekklesia s-- declaring God's word in region after region after region state after state nation after nation has been seated now the heirs and the joint heirs with Christ understand their authority at least the remnant does and now we see a functioning ekklesia in a functioning Kingdom meaning the training time is over it's time for deployment it's time for the anointing to deploy that brings us to now now Holy Spirit can pour out power from heaven on Christ kingdom ekklesia s-- this outpouring can come all over the world a literal Pentecost will now be seen kingdom wide not just a local church not just a local nation or a nation anywhere a kingdom and it's churches will now experience a mega Pentecost by necessity by by the sheer volume of saints and churches this outpouring has to be far greater than any ever seen and it will be so the plan of God this time is to soak a kingdom of ecla see as with power from on high his plan is to assist him with billions of angels in division after division after division his plan is to overwhelm the forces of Hell with a worldwide outpouring hell has never experienced anything like it before this will activate a worldwide move of God that hell can't stop and everywhere he'll attempts its strategies around this world now everywhere it attempts it's his it strategies it will now face a necklace eeeh with its Angel armies supervised by Holy Spirit and replenished by power that just keeps coming you're in the season of replenishing power now as I thought about this very special new era Pentecost and it's not just today we're not celebrating a day today we are beginning an era of outpourings I thought about today Pentecost Sunday 2020 and what the Lord has been saying there are so many prophetic words that that God has been giving pointing at this line of demarkation and I know of no one more capable to declare those times to us and talk to us about it then my brother Dutch he has prayed he has fought for these times right here I know he has yes he has been aggressive and he has worked tirelessly and I felt when I was thinking about I felt we need to hear what he's hearing from the Holy Spirit concerning this moment would you welcome my brother Dutch as he comes to share with you today thank you [Music] well today I've flown halfway around the country just to hear that I believe every word of it every word in every word we sang and every word he spoke I believe every word of it this is what we've been waiting for this is what we've been labouring for this and as he said not this day this this era this this is a launch today this is not a one-day celebration just as Passover is not a one-day celebration we celebrate Passover every day Christ is our Passover who delivered us covered us Pentecost so we're gonna celebrate a daily well it's good to see faces no problem with any of you with luring your face coverings but it's kind of nice to see faces for a change I still don't see many in the airport and the airplanes I'm we were required to wear them and so you never really know who you're looking at you don't know if they're mad or if they're smiling but you just you just smile back but you know they can't tell if you're smiling back you know so we just kind of nod and look away I'm gonna as Tim said talk to you about what I see happening what what I am hearing some of it will just be obviously from from my heart and what what I've what I've been hearing personally some of it will be from some dreams that I'll weave into this message that have been sent to me I've never been in a season were of prophetic horror wind like this I just I I weekly received two or three prophetic dreams about the nation that are very significant not just encouraging but filled with strategy it's almost as though Holy Spirit is saying I'm not gonna let you miss this I'm gonna speak to you in every possible way even when you're asleep and so the first one I'm gonna mention was a dream that Chuck Barris called me a few days ago and talked to me about a dream he had he rarely has dreams about me I don't know if Chuck is has a lot of dreams he's obviously a very significant seasoned mature prophet but he called me and said I need to share a dream with you that I had last night and in the dream he and I had felt led to go to Colorado for a meeting together and as you know we Minister a good bit together and we both lived in Colorado Colorado Springs and we were there when the prayer movement was was birthed there and so much of the prophetic movement in apostolic movement so we we arrived at the place of the gathering in the dream we knew that in this building there was going to be an outpouring the Holy Spirit it was almost as though we were we were going into this building to experience what he's been talking about that this great revival that's coming and as we got out our vehicles I looked at Chuck and I said let's go down this path here there was a path that led to the building and as we started to move toward that path he stopped and he said we can't go down that path there are jackals down that path and if we try to go that way they will attack us so we stomped and looked the other direction there was a wheat field and we decided though there was no path we had to make a path through the wheat field to get to the building and that was the end of the dream as we pondered this we both knew clearly the Lord was saying we are entering into a new era and the fact that he sent us to Colorado in the dream was was symbolic of the past the most recent outpouring of Holy Spirit that we were part of the birthing of the prayer movement and the birthing of the Apostolic the restoration of that and prophetic in the earth so much of it the leadership flowed out of that place and what he was saying to us was not that that was wrong or any part of it was wrong but that we can't rest on that we can't build by doing the same things we've moved into a new era and we're gonna have to we're gonna have to walk in what that arrow was producing we're gonna have to use what God did on that path but if we get stuck in that religious demons will attack us we get the way the way that you one way to lose or miss what God is about to do is to be so entrenched in what he did the methods and the ways of yesterday that you can't find a new path and so the Lord said to me you're gonna have to you're gonna have to walk in not just the Bridal anointing not just the priestly anointing of intercession you're gonna have to walk in what I birthed through that the ekklesia mandate yeah I think you're gonna have to be the church you're gonna have to be apostles and prophets you're gonna have to tap into fully what I did and not just talk about it you're gonna have to do it and if you don't you'll get trapped in an old wineskin mentality and religious spirits will overtake you this new path is going to lead through the harvest of wheat fields this was not about the parking lot it's about the wheat fields it's not about a path to the building it's a path through the harvest we're about we're about to see everything we've been crying out for we're about to see the billion souls we've been prophesied prophesying about come into the kingdom we're about to see entire nations transformed I agree fully with what dimmed said the earth has never seen anything like what's what's coming now this is not just a new season it's a new era it will be it will be broader it will be larger in scope it will be worldwide nothing is going to stop this and so we're gonna have to go down a new path and in many ways we have to make a new path because we've never been this way before we're have to listen to what he says some of what this looks like another interesting dream sent to me just a few days ago she said I had a very intense dream in this dream it's centered around the large miracle room that they are seeking to complete a glory of Zion in Texas Chuck's headquarters they have a meeting room that they use now for conferences and the congregational gatherings it seats 1500 I guess but it's a big large large building that they bought and in the middle is a room that when completed will seat about five thousand they've just been working on this over the last few years paying as they go they call it and I don't really know why they chose this title but they call it the miracle room maybe maybe it's because of the visions or dreams similar to what I'm gonna read to you here but this dream is about that miracle room and in this dream this person says Chuck and Dutch were in the room and many others were in the room dressed in scrubs they were like scrub nurses Chuck and Dutch were there with great expectancy the inside of the room was a miraculous environment and from this miracle womb he calls it now in the dream not a miracle room but a miracle whoo a birth thing is about to take place I saw Pentecost was it was the birth of the church it was the birth of a movement that is still taking place from this miracle womb many birth things were taking place as the womb birthed forth the miracles those in scrubs begin to deliver the miracles to angels the Angels would move at the speed of light to deliver them the miracle womb was constantly birthing he said in the dream there were body parts being births healings miracles releases of apostolic sending for people into their purpose and destiny there are thousands upon thousands of people in the ekklesia right now that have been frustrated because they know they've not tapped in fully into who they are and what God has called them to do but God has been preparing them in the hidden place and he's about to release them now into what he's been preparing that for miracles and the signs wonders miracles that we've been prophesying for a few years now that are coming about to move into that some of you have never put your hand on a person and and and saw a literal miracle through your prayer with your very eyes but I say to you this is the season you're about to see that you're about the you're about to see that in ways that that will astound you you're about to see it at times when you didn't know it was going to happen this is the hem of the garment season this is when people will brush up against us and we're in the supermarket we don't even know happening and they'll get up off the floor and say what did you just do to me that tumor just fell off of me or I can hear now for my body is healed what did you do to me this is a season unlike any we've ever experienced before this is when we manifest who he is in ways we've never been able to manifest before this is when Jesus will be seen around the world through his body the ectasy of the church like he's never been seen before people are gonna know it's not about us it's all about him you're gonna shake hands when with someone yeah we're gonna shake hands again you're gonna shake hands with somebody when you meet them you're not even gonna be thinking about spiritual things but power of God is gonna hit them when you shake their hand they're gonna be delivered just because you touch them signs wonders miracles extraordinary miracles translation you watch and see if you don't hear reports people are gonna get up in the morning and say yeah I really go to that village and preach the gospel last night or was that a dream I'm going to say this to you the again the earth has never seen anything like what's coming and it's not because of who we are and it's not it's not just because we've asked if we want it it's because of who he is and what he wants he is very intense and he is very determined to bring in this harvest and if you think any stronghold any demon any dictator any king any government agency or any group of people is going to stop him you are very very wrong [Applause] he will not be stopped there were also the birth thing of finances property resources for ministries in order to reconstitute the nation that's in the dream because the Greek word in the New Testament for restore as a piccata Stas and it means to reconstitute the Constitution of something the way it's made the way it's supposed to be the way it's supposed to function this is the reconstituting restoring things back to the way they're supposed to be he's going to restore people back to what they're supposed to be he's going to restore prodigal zs-- back to what they're supposed to be he's going to restore bodies to what they're supposed to be he's going to restore cities inner cities nations into what he determined they're supposed to be the restorative resurrecting recreating power of Most High God is about to be released on this planet like never before Chuck would speak to the womb and decree what was to come forth through birthing Dutch would speak words of spiritual understanding over each miracle birth this was happening in such intensity that the scrub nurses would have to be changed out frequently in order to rest this is this is not about Dutch and Chuck this is about who and what we represent or picture this is about the body of Christ the ekklesia this is about the fivefold ministry this is about the intercessors this is about the apostles and prophets this is about the what God is birthing has been birthing and is going to be literally bringing forth through the prayer of the Saints and you better just if you're an intercessor you're coming into your finest hour because this is not going to just be priestly intercession this is going to be apostolic intercession this is going to be declaration and decree you're gonna decrease something you know get away ten years to see it happen now I love that part of that song erodes he is who he says he is and he's gonna do what he said he would do and the ekklesia that he that he has now prepared will indeed be a glorious church that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against I said in a meeting recently and I suppose I got some looks I'm supposed to people some people thought it was heretical I said if Jesus had returned before this point in time that that passage would be alive we have not seen the glorious church yet that the gates of hell can't prevail against the gates of Hell have prevailed we prevail they prevail it's been up and down touch-and-go but I tell you we're moving into an era where you're gonna see manifests that a group of people around the world the exact lesya he talked about that the gates and the government of Hell will not prevail against because of who he is you need to get rid of any theology that allows Jesus to lose you need to get rid of any theology that says we're just barely gonna make it to the end and then maybe he's gonna come and rescue us we are part of an ever-increasing kingdom and a king that cannot be defeated and he will do what he said he will do you got some books on your bookcase at home you need to get rid of so yes we're moving into a literal Pentecost season comparing the Lord as I prepared process prayed about this message what do you want to do what do you want to say just keep hearing the word announcement this is a day said this is an announcement this is not a teaching it's an announcement he is announcing what he's doing what he's about to do where we're headed where we're moving I've been hearing the same thing many prophets of being here been hearing the same thing Tim said just as we experienced a literal Passover we had not just celebrate historically the cross and farther back the picture of that through Passover but we're gonna we're gonna literally need to come under the blood covering for protection from a plague but just as they just as as we experienced a literal Passover the prophets as he said I've been hearing we're going to experience of literal Pentecost Passover is not complete without Pentecost we're not saved just to get to heaven we're saved to go to the next step and be endued with power from on high baptized in fire partnering with the king on the planet to turn the world upside down that's who we are [Applause] clean ash sent me a dreamer just a few weeks ago many of you know my friend clay this came shortly after the Lord had sent us an assignment to Valley Forge to pray Valley Forge of course the headquarters of Washington and his army and in the middle portion of the Revolutionary War it was over a winter most of you know was a brutal brutal brutal time poorly clothed often no food a miracle just a plague they experienced 2,000 died they a miracle they survived but I'm sure that in the Providence in the sovereignty of God he planted them at this place named after a forge because prophetic picture the scenes is that God wasn't he was not just preserving them during this time he was doing something with them he was forging something he was there that a new level of discipline perseverance the ability to work together the army be really became an army at Valley Forge it was really the devastating winter of Valley Forge that God used to turn them into the army that was able to birth liberty and freedom so when he sent us back there soon as they're through a dream go to Valley Forge and pray it couldn't go as a group as we intended originally because of the lockdown shutdown but a couple of us went and others joined with net across the nation by phone since that day God keeps talking to me about forges I've had no less than seven dreams sent to me over the past few weeks about furnaces forges and blacksmiths he's going the extra mile to assure me that in this fiery affliction in this difficult time that even though the enemy has come to steal kill and destroy there is a purpose that God has that he to override all of this he is not behind this virus God is not in heaven throwing viruses to the earth to kill old people in nursing homes but just as with Joseph's he said you had this purpose but God has a higher purpose he's going to use what you're doing to bring me through this as pure gold he's going to do what he wants to do in spite of what you're doing and so during this time and he's just keeps going out of his way to say to me don't be afraid I am doing things through this time this is not going to hurt what I'm doing in the earth I'm gonna use it to further what I'm doing you just stay in your quiet place with me and I know many have suffered and I'm not downplaying the suffering and the financial loss and and and lives that have been lost not in the least but I am saying to you through all of the destruction and all of the darkness God is doing something and before he's finished you're gonna see that he took something very evil and he brought good out of it and so this dream says I dreamed last night they'd used some of the team is this shortly after again shortly after I was at Valley Forge I dreamed last night you summoned a team of people to meet you at model Tennessee at the town model Tennessee there is no longer a model Tennessee when he sent me a dream I said clay you know where this place is he said I've never heard of it it was in my drinking so I had to Google found out what it was it's in Google it has to be true in the mid-1800s there was a model Tennessee and there it was a great furnace very significant large furnace called the Great Western iron furnace he says in the dream when we arrived you were at an old but huge iron furnace he didn't even know in the dream the name of the Great Western on first I I learned that by studying it online he said in the dream you were at a big iron furnace it was fired up and the iron was heated to a melting point you instructed us to help you informing and engraving metal plates shaping them and we were engraving in the plates were poured the dream and while still very hot we began to engrave them the engraving said and I quote despite the present hardships the United States is a birthplace of the ekklesia army being forged for the new era what's today's date May 31 the next sentence says by June 2020 in the dream I'm quoting out by June 2020 this dream occurred in mid-april by June 2020 the ekklesia army will emerge with a rejuvenated spirit and a confidence to function as a well-trained fighting force you may not want to hear that again but I'm gonna read it again despite the present hardship don't you love God what God says despite what the enemy is trying to do listen to me that's what he's saying [Applause] despite the present hardships the United States is a birthplace of the ekklesia army being forged for the new era by June 2020 the ekklesia army will emerge with a rejuvenated spirit and a confidence to function as a well-trained fighting force and I say to you that's what is emerging now today in June and the rest of this era and Satan's not going to be dealing with a group of people he's dealt with in the past and if you don't think demons are nervous right now you need to understand why there's so much warfare in this nation you need to understand why there is so much hatred against the president it's not because of who he is it's because of what he represents it's because of the stand he's made for life and for Israel and the church and life pro-life it's a spiritual war and the enemy knows what God's been up to and the I'm sure he doesn't like the fact that God has had a bride and that we've learned how to worship at higher levels and relate to him and and be a body and I'm sure he doesn't like that but I'll tell you this much as much as he doesn't doesn't care for that it's that that distaste and dislike he has for that is nothing compared to what he's feeling right now when he thinks about the fact that God may now have a true legislative army of people on the planet that understand the authority he has given to them and who he's made them to be [Applause] and I will tell you he is terrified and mad as hell I just did that for all the religious spirits watching them [Applause] let me just read one more before I'm come back to that dreaming but let me let me read a portion of another dream that refers to Pentecost in a hidden way sent to me from Gina Gina gulstan I dreamed I was traveling with my family and we stopped to get gas it was very dark raining there were gloominess over all the people sounds like today walking through the airport on airplanes like traveling with a bunch of zombies the nation in turn nation is in shock spirit of fear is taken over the world on my way in to pay for the gas I saw an advertisement for a book that was being sold inside I'm gonna mention all the facets of the book because a lot of time to develop this but the title of the book was hope and the subtitle was I'm lighting up the darkness as I immediately knew I wanted to purchase the book thinking everyone needs to read that I reached into my pocket in the dream she says and found the $50 bill rolled up in an old receipt when I went inside I found to purchase the copy of the book and paid for my fuel the money then returned to my family just thinking about this dreams and Lord with this all bet I'm just reading I read through quickly that I found the $50 bill wrapped in an old receipt I'm thinking you know what do you what do you what is this all about it I'm not thinking much about the $50 real until Holy Spirit said you do know that when I give someone a prophetic dream every detail is significant my eyes just went to the 50 dollar bill and the old receipt that paid for hope light overcoming darkness and fuel for the journey and Holy Spirit reminded me that 50 is the number of Jubilee to think to the significant things in scripture Jubilee when all the slaves went free all the land was returned to its original owner and every debt was forgiven every 50 years Jesus fulfilled that he was our Jubilee he is our Jubilee it's okay to celebrate Jubilee years every 50 years symbolically make up your deal of it but every year is a jubilee year now because Christ is our Jubilee and he paid the price so we could go free and he set us all free from our captivity and he forgave all the dead and he's returning everything to its rightful owner Jubilee is the cross Jubilee is Passover and what he paid the price on the cross and became our Passover lamb and gave us Jubilee he made an announcement he said it is finished and Holy Spirit reminded me the Greek word there is the word in Greek is not three words it's one word it's the word tetelestai it doesn't mean death and in the scriptures do not say that Jesus just barely whispered out the words you've seen the movies it is finished and then dies and that's not what happened at all it was not a death what he said that it was an announcement and the Bible says that he cried with a loud voice too tensed I could have been speaking the Hebrew word ha ha very similar the word I saw he's actually is a direct quote from Psalm 22 31 a saw is the word and Hebrew for creation to finish or accomplish a task and creation when he said he may have actually used the Hebrew word he may have said I saw I have finished what I've been said to do come forth new creation but I happen to believe he probably well let's just say maybe use the Greek word does John recorded to tellus die this was the word stamped on the invoices in the marketplace of that day for the phrase paid in full the receipt what you need is already paid for reach in and get the old receipt and grab the fifty grab pass over grab Jubilee everything you need for hope and for light overcome darkness is wrapped up in that old receipt and it's also the number for Pentecost just let that sink in okay paid in full I paid through your do believe and I paid for your Pentecost everything you need all the fuel for your future you find there I mean hurry we may not get out of here by then and I was told take as long as you need she went to the car then she said I've got to go do something she walked through another doorway in the dream after she bought the book of hope and light overcoming darkness and paid for the fuel with the cross and Pentacles she went through a door I'd entered what appeared to be a carpenter's shop inside there was a woodworking bench and lots of tools appropriate for the woodworking trade along the back of the shop was a solid rock wall this was built out from a cliff or a mountain back wall was a solid rock wall and the other walls built around it you really don't have to be all that prophetic to know who the carpenter is in the solid rock this is Jesus's workshop in the dream he's doing something mister Jubilee is doing something preparing something situated in front of the wall back wall with its tip going through the rock was a very large bellows so the bellows were in the carpenter's shop but they went through the wall was blowing into the other side dutch tree was operating the bellows i was in the dream it's not about me it's about the ekklesia partnering the holy spirit the wind it's amazing dream about Jesus and Holy Spirit working together it was so large these bellows that I had to jump up and grab a handle and pull it down and then back and forth like that like so all my strength to do it continued to do it through the rest of the dream never stopped the bellows was being used to pump wind to stoke a fire that might be Pentecost it might be a picture of Jesus the carpenter sending the promised I'm sending you your helpers yet we're gonna get this done pump wind to stoke a fire located inside a cave that's on the other side of the wall being used as a forge the rock wall that made up the backside of the woodworkers shop where Duchin the bells were located was actually a part of the cave I knew that inside the cave on the other side of the rock wall were many blacksmiths who were forging various weapons and instruments he's been busy making what you need now he's been preparing in you weapons instruments he's been shaping gifts in you holy spirit has been very busy and when it just looked like we have not been accomplishing all that much it's because he's been doing more in the church than through the church for the last few years but he's been preparing a group of people to launch them out of the out of the furnace out of the fire out of the blacksmith shop into the earth from the car the carpenters about to release an army we're gonna have every gift we need every tool though I wasn't inside that cave I could hear hammers pounding pounding the metal on the anvils and I could hear the sound of the wind coming from the bellows I knew it was very busy and sparks were flying as they worked quickly to forge the tools and the weapons the forging of these items felt urgent and time-sensitive and I knew that as they finished them they were carrying them out of the cave to be used immediately fast forward it's not gonna get to every things that's not unusual I could read you 25 dreams this morning about what God's about to do one of the things he's been doing in these drink with these dreams is he keeps sending me dreams that have to do with past revivals he's not saying to me through this that this will look like that or that we are to model something after this what do his dreams have been saying is that he's about to take all the past revivals and the things that he accomplished through those revivals and all of the gifts and all that he poured out and he's about to bring all them together into one great outpouring of his spirit so back to model Tennessee where he said by June 2020 this will happen the next part of the dream says each of these plates with that message and bossed on them we were instructed to transport the plates while still hot to the Red River meeting house in Kentucky where they would be submerged in the water there to cool before they were distributed to the nation the Red River meeting house was in many ways the birthplace of the Second Great Awakening it birthed the cane Ridge revival these revivals was so powerful by the time he got the cane Ridge tens of thousands of people made pilgrimages from around the entire region to cane Ridge we're talking we're talking early eight mid 1800s now we're not talking today the news spread by word of mouth not by media they had to walk ride horseback travel and covered wagons they came by themselves but they brought into our families until the hills of cane Ridge had thousands and thousands and thousands of people camping they would have 10 15 20 preaching preachers preaching at once because they didn't have a PA system so they just have to preach as far as their voice would would go and then another one will be over here doing the same thing somebody be up in a tree standing preaching somebody being on a wagon somebody sitting on the back of a horse anywhere they could get a little height and they'd be preaching in people they said we're scattered all over the hills of cane Ridge you could see bodies everywhere shaking under the power of God speaking in tongues and birth the Second Great Awakening which saved our nation the glory of God was so strong people would say later in life bear me a cane Ridge where I touched the glory Cemetery spring up around the church not by design just by people coming bringing grandpa to cane Ridge to bury so many people wanted to be buried there that they ran out of spaces and it's so they started saying well that bury me on top of grandfather and when they finally had to rearrange things and move bodies a few years ago because of erosion etc they found some graves with four and five bodies stacked on top of each other because people were saying you must bury me at cane Ridge where I was touched by the pool where I found Pentecost and in the stream he says these plates taken to Red River the birth of this revival and saturate they soak them in the water of awakening before you release them to the nation because what he's about to do is not just deliver a message this message is going to have something associated with it that's more than words it's power it's the glory of God it's the fire of God it's Jubilee it's Pentecost take him to the Red River and soak him that dream sent to be about Azusa Street Red River meeting house Wales cane Ridge and once sent to me recently about cane Ridge to dream about me and a man named Ray Hughes some of you know who Ray is he's from the hills of Kentucky he's a product he's he's a he's a son of those revivals he studies him he loves the Red River meeting house he loves Wales cane Ridge he's a wonderful redneck admittedly this dream says Dutch I dreamed last night this occurred on May the 7th I dreamed last night you took a team to cane Ridge to decree into the land there in order to bring forth the power of Pentecost that was once released there go and decree there that a release of the same power of Pentecost that was released there is now being released again into the land are you listening to me [Applause] we arrived in several vans ray Hughes was there preaching and he called you up to preach this was not planned when we arrived there was a significant handful of people there the original meeting house a log church is still there at Cambridge so we went to that you can go visit it you should go sometime before you die significant handful of people there you and Ray began to tag preach he preached some odd preach so that a son of that state and my calling is to the entire nation and a synergy begin to flow regional and national ray as a national ministry now as well an international but in the dream I believe he represents that land there what God did we begin the tag for each and the preaching went through the night little seeker 45-minute service I just had to get that in when the Sun came up the next morning there were people surrounding the ridge as far as the eye could see the power of the Spirit would fall people were slain and began to speak in tongues just like happened years ago you and Ray kept at it for three days and nights then ray and you started a fire tunnel you know the fire tunnel is different people ten or so people on each side people walk through it there by lays hands on them if it's a good one the time to get to the end you're sloppy with oil and staggering and falling all over the place I tell people with fire tunnels don't try to catch them and be good nice about just dragging out of the way the Messier gets the better yet clean the carpet with space there's oil everywhere you can't just do a little dab you have just you have to saturate him or it doesn't work we kept at it for three days an ice started a fire tunnel to release what had been stirred up in them the fire tunnel took 24 hours to complete and finished at midnight you too rested around a fire when the Sun came up there were thousands more new people there the man came to you both told you he's buying each of you a new motor home to rest him because you couldn't leave yet the dream recycled over and over he kept seeing it all night until I saw in the last version he says an issue of USA Today I don't think about the paper think about the prophetic the USA Today that's why God chose us to pay that paper to do this I saw a USA Today which said after 44 days and nights of preaching at cane Ridge Kentucky America burns with revival and the pockets of a fiery awakening burning across the nation are spreading bringing public life to a pause think maybe there's another pause coming if you can hang in there I want to do one more drink I'll take ten minutes [Applause] I love this stuff I love these drinks this was sent to me in April I dreamed last night it's clean ash again I dreamed last night he sounded a clarion call for the ekklesia together at the city gates that's all about government necklace iya the government of God the legislative arm of God his kingdom government on the earth ekklesia gathering at the gates gates in scripture in ancient days were symbolic of government that's where the ekklesia would meet because gates symbolize Authority that's where it was a determine what could come in what could go out clarion call for the ekklesia to gather at the city gates in the meeting were hundreds of seasoned fathers and mothers of the faith Jim Hodges our spiritual death came and I walked with Jim for almost 40 years 35 plus since we were kids some of you didn't even get that he must be hungry on the platform or other leaders men and women that carried true Authority and it had brought forth significant influence this is a very generational dream you begin to speak on the original intent of our nation America was created by God yes I said it created by God to be the strongest greatest voice of the gospel the earth would ever have I could take the time and and show you prophecies and statements of founding fathers about I'm not going to take the time to do it but it's true you begin to speak on the original intent of our nation you spoke from history past moves of God and current trends you stated that during this pause God was recalibrating our hearts to him you stated that once the recalibrating was completed a reset would take place you admonished those gathered there there must be a fresh baptism of consecration that it was time for the fathers of the ecclesia to release the spirit of adoption on sons and daughters and that we were to baptize them and wash them with the water of the word as they were baptized Jim Hodges then addressed us and instructed that disobedience would release a fresh inheritance to those that have been held for such a time as this and there's an example in a picture he did that with me he baptized me as a son and said this is my son with whom I'm well pleased now read another part of this just a second but when God when this excuse me when this dream was sent to me and I saw the phrase the spirit of adoption and the father's decree this over the sons and daughters I knew immediately what God was referring to because the spirit of adoption in the New Testament it's not what we think of as adoption in our day it doesn't mean that that a child it's not a part of a family has adopted into a family it's not what it means the word was used to describe a child because they're different words for children in the New Testament there's babies nay Piazza's pi Dion's toddlers technology majors who else's sons Potter's mothers fathers it's when a child already in the family has been trained by the father and other leaders is now ready to take on the family business move into the full authority of the family the family finances the family business and as a part of a cui oath ISA we are son theseare placing placing into sonship they they did a ceremony in which the father would call people from the city together because he was about to make it public announcement so everyone would know this person now has the authority to represent our family fully and so he would baptize this son it's not a gender thing it's an authority thing just like bride is not a gendered thing if I can be the bride ladies you can be a son brides an intimacy thing with Jesus sonship is an authority thing it's not a gender thing but even he would he would baptize this person publicly and then he would stay this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased and this is what happened at Christ's baptism the father spoke from heaven and he was making a statement is this why Jesus did not begin his ministry until this happened because he waited for the father to say you are now released to your assignment you're not just my child now you're a son unto us a child is born but unto us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders the government is on the shoulders of the son not the child and so when the Lord speaks to us about the spirit of adoption in Scripture he's saying we were predestined to be a duck into the adoption as sons and daughters in other words God chose you for a purpose and his plan is to mature you from a baby to a fully matured son and daughter at which point in time you are now able to be a functioning member of the ecclesia taking the authority that he has given to you and fully representing him on planet Earth [Applause] and Hebrew in the in Romans 8 it says Earth is groaning and travailing for the manifestation of the sons of God he's took it he talks back and forth in that chapter about children and sons he said all the children are heirs but not all of them are led by the Spirit that the sons the high officers are led by the spirit and he says there the earth is groaning and travailing not for the father's kids not for the nay piasa Spidy odds Technos the earth is not groaning and travailing for God's children to show up the earth is groaning and travailing waiting for mature sons and daughters of the king to show up because they've been given authority now to fully represent him with complete authority speak in his name and do whatever he wants done on planet Earth now when you get to that level of authority you do more you did more than just receive you do more than enjoy the benefits of being in family you're now a representative of him and when you get when you walk fully in this this is when we get to the point where we can heal the earth the earth is groaning and travailing nation's poverty ridden nations plagues deserts starving people trafficked people hungry babies they're waiting for the ecclesia to come into their region with so much authority that they begin to shift and transform entire nations that's where we're going they just finished reading this and I'm I'm moving on Richard once you come up if you want to bring your team Tim grab some folks and come up here we're gonna pray we're gonna pray Jim Hodges and the dream began to speak and he said disobedience if you begin to decree and release your sons and daughters into this you do know God's been preparing 45th 30s 20s some teenagers out there the greatest world changing generation planet Earth has ever seen it's waiting now to come forth he addressed us instructed that disobedience would release a fresh inheritance to those that have been held for such a time as this he didn't baptize me as an example made that decree instructed the Assembly to go and do likewise this is time mothers and fathers to shift your focus to the next narration and gym begin to chef Pharaoh let my people go religious system let him go bondages iniquities savory let him go and the whole assembly began to chant Pharaoh let him go communism let him go humanism let him go false gods of religion and idolatry let go [Applause] he then spoke that God would reconstitute our nation as we followed the cloud by day and the fire by night then I saw a Time magazine this time it was time don't think Newsweek don't think time it's time a Time magazine cover that said millions baptized into their inheritances the spirit of adoption is if all America what we know we are moving into this next installment Pentecost we found the receipt the $50 bill we understand Jubilee we understand Passover we understand Pentecost we believe in you your awesome and amazing your unstoppable your Creator God you're the eternal one you created time you who declare the end from the beginning you lead Angel armies the beloved of the Father the king the conquering king holy one we believe in you you are the fuel for the future [Music] you're the carpenter [Music] holy spirit you are not confused you are not intimidated you are not alarmed and you're not trying to figure out what to do next you're in complete confidence and control and you know exactly what you want to do now and how to do we just decree that we announce that the Church of Jesus Christ the echo SIA of heaven on earth is now prepared to move forward into a new era that fire an unending wind the bellows of heaven are about to blow and stoke the flames and as you release the gifts and anointing and tools and weapons you've been building we are ready to be sent into the earth and the scrub nurses are ready in the birthing room is ready and it is worldwide worldwide necklace sia bride army government all over the earth [Applause] come baptize us now fresh in a new immerse us in holy spirit we decree not only the reconstituting of America but the reconstituting of the earth your Kingdom invading nations opening eyes dethroning strongholds principalities powers awakening hearts thank you for who you are and what you're doing [Music] the ekklesia rises in agreement with Lord Savio the Lord of Angel armies the commander of heavens hosts the commander of the ecclesia the hosts of the Lord's people and we invite your plan to this planet we ask you Lord that you will pour out your spirit we ask God that you will pour out an anointing to prevail upon the ekklesia to rise in boldness that will startle this world we ask God in all 50 states throughout Canada throughout the entire world throughout the apostolic hubs the apostolic and prophetic networks Lord would you come now and activate a kingdom outpouring and outpouring Lord upon those that would not back down there stood for your calls and now we say Lord in Jesus name pour out your spirit upon this world poured out on your kingdom pour it out on your churches Lord pour it out on hundreds of thousands around this world right now pour it out on pastors Lord that have plowed those fields and made those things we declare Lord a welcomed as the Holy Spirit to the United States of America we welcome you we welcome you to this world again come with fire come with wind from the core four corners world we say the bones will now live the wind of God the breath of God he breathed upon them and let the exceeding great army rise in Jesus name we decree Lord today from this moment on we step across a line of demarcation and we will not go back we cross that line and we move into an era of new Pentecost about pouring after outpouring after outpouring replenishing fire replenishing anointing replenishing a 90 in Jesus name may the fire of God come upon pastors around this world may your fire fall on evangelists around this world may your fire fall on your teachers Lords may your fire fall on the prophets light their lips with coals of fire may the Apostles be lit with the fire of fresh vision we declare Lord we step across that line today and we will not go back I was in North Carolina back in 2002 and I heard Bobby Connor prophesy about this move that we're talking about right now and he made a statement and every now and then somebody will make a statement that will carry with you the rest of your life and he said only this time unlike everything else that we've experienced and seen and the models we have seen people will not be drawn to a place they will be drawn to a person in this revival and so father we declare during this time when the enemy would try to cover this earth with darkness that you let your people shine you have declared us to be the light of the world but let us shine in a way that illuminates the face of Christ on the earth pour out your spirit to empower us to shine the light on the cross that makes everything new in Jesus name Lord I declared that there be no fatigue and the intercessors that we no longer get all of our identity and the asking but now it's time that we get our identity into receiving in Jesus name [Music] hallelujah licious began to pray in the spirit Iike tiara Braavos Akita rapava sikita Ariana Minassian a bit about Mizuki to get a better positive alianna Bryna benefit each tear a bit of icky-sticky to caracas a very venomous hosta and IANA breed of a cicada Gandhi and Abydos de una batalla de Bravo super Gandhi economist O'Toole Anna Massey s-salam I own a promise economist together and every reverse it again reverse et anima versa tele and opposite Ola and a massive a cinta each Ababa sonde s anima nonsti father we stand here today in a synergized place to see the acts put to the root of things that have held us back in Jesus name that things that are severed today will never rise again in Jesus name we declare that centuries old assignments fall in Jesus name we say that things that have were operated through generations fall apart and disintegrate in Jesus name we declare a release from state to state to state and in its place we declare the synchronizing a sweeping change in the name of Jesus changes be changes be changes be in Jesus name father we declare for the synchronizing of the generations through the ecclesia we declare for the alignment of the generations in male and female from race to race and from generation to generation to - run - run and break change in the mighty name of Jesus we say so be it sell me as I was driving up through Cincinnati this tennessean driving through Cincinnati yesterday suddenly as my wife was reading about the experience of my son-in-law and our grandchildren they were at the Space Center in Florida for the launch of the SpaceX rocket all of a sudden I heard the Holy Spirit say the sound that that is a symbol of something he said that the sound that's being heard in the spirit today is the blast of the thrusters that are attached to the ekklesia that has launched it it's no coincidence that was supposed to take place last weekend but it was postponed until this weekend and he said son pray for the ecclesia to keep their eyes on the vapor trail because that's an indication of where she's going she's going upward and she's going into a place of spaciousness a place without borders a place where limits are destroyed and restriction is driven back so father in the name of Jesus we thank you for anointing the eyes of your people anointing the eyes of the ekklesia so that they can see clearly where they are and where they are going in the Holy Ghost Father thank you that your branding you're taking the force from the from the fires are in the furnace in your branding upon the consciousness of your people that it has been paid in full let them know like they've never known before that it has been paid in flow hallelujah Jesus the reason why the launch took place this weekend instead of last week there was a delay why was that delay so that the highest authority in the natural world could come into agreement with our time and the Declaration was made last weekend by the President of the United States who I think is the highest authority in the world but he had to declare last week in the church the ecclesia is essential it's essential let him go let him go let him go and then we move into the launch the launch so we declare from this house and around this planet logic lesya launch launch into the new era launch into the new times launch launch launch into the nation's launch into the world launch in the government launch in the media launch let the ecstasy Lodge [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 75,623
Rating: 4.8665981 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, rachel shafer, jen tringale, raise the bar, new era pentecost
Id: bmEEulsQ1ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 29sec (5789 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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