Walking in the Supernatural Session 2

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] big [Music] hi there [Music] yes good morning everybody welcome to jesus my king church the service is about to start could you just make your way to your seats thank you hallelujah god is so good isn't he i think some of you have come from other parts of uh the states i think we have somebody from south carolina from myrtle beach same state and where else texas wow charlotte charlotte maryland good to see you sister from heaven yes kentucky an atlanta oh yes god is so good and nevada it goes on and on and on praise god just want to share a scripture with you today about how good the lord is but can we all arise oh hallelujah he's so good thank you father thank you jesus christ foreign i give you thanks o lord with my whole heart before the gods i sing your praise i bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness for you have exalted above all things your name and your word oh father we are gathered here god to meet you to be with you to exalt you lord today as we worship you let it be like never before oh god we just want to worship with all our heart it is not lip service god but from all that is within us we want to worship you and praise you god so lord open our hearts god lord i thank you that you will come and abide in us that your love will just fill our hearts god as we sing love song to you father hallelujah we worship you lord we worship you father we praise you jesus christ [Music] oh father we want to exalt you god because you deserve a father for all the glory all the honor all the praise of god [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we thank you god [Music] psalm 106 praise the lord o give thanks to the lord for he is good for his his steadfast love endures forever let me read that again psalm 106 verse 1 praise the lord oh give thanks to the lord for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever come on let's give him praise in this house oh we thank you lord you are good lord and your mercy endures to river you are good what a beautiful god we serve in this house glory in this house lord jesus [Music] thank you lord good morning lord good morning jesus thank you for being in this house lord even before we start singing thank you for your angels that is present even before we start worshiping you thank you for even preparing this house lord yes lord what an honor it is to be in your presence god hallelujah we worship you god i just want to want to read this one last time and let's give the lord a mighty shout out praise because he is worthy amen amen praise the lord or give thanks to god for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever hallelujah [Music] we hallelujah you lord there is none like you and there's no one like you god [Music] oh we give you glory in this house jesus amen and i sing because you are good and i dance because you are good and i shout because you are good you are come unless that's before the lord this morning and i sing because you are good and not danced because you are good and i shout because you are good you are good to me [Music] from every mountain [Music] your kindness [Music] your kindness your love amazes me and i sing because you are good [Music] you [Music] [Applause] you are good to me [Music] nothing and no one comes nothing and no one comes and me we're close to you the earth and no church only reflects this truth [Music] one more time nothing and no one comes [Music] your love amazes me [Music] you are good [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are good you are good this morning [Music] my heart will share the parade [Music] my heart my heart will celebrate [Music] because you are good and i shout [Music] i want to encourage the dancers to come in front [Music] [Music] and i shout be quiet we serve that he is good you are good jesus you are good and in the sun and rain in the sun [Music] my my [Music] because [Music] hallelujah we thank you for your goodness and your mercy oh god [Music] [Music] oh jesus you are so [Music] we honor you jesus [Music] let forever bless your name o god that in the cry of praise we will proclaim your praises so jesus your praises we will shout out your praises in this house oh lord hallelujah [Applause] each and every [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me oh what a beautiful king we serve we praise your name lord jesus we praise your name oh god [Music] when you are lifted up all men will be drawn to you even those who are watching us live lord touch them let them experience your presence even at home guys [Music] we praise you we magnify your name glorify you let your light shine in this place jesus [Music] jesus [Music] one who is [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus you were the word at the beginning [Music] it what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus jesus christ you are my king what a beautiful name it is nothing comparison what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a beautiful name it is to know you [Music] jesus oh jesus jesus [Music] you silence the pose grave the heavens are roaring the praise of your glory for you are raised you have no need [Music] is [Music] the praise of your glory [Music] foreign what a powerful name it is what a powerful name is jesus jesus christ my key what a powerful name it is and nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is [Music] what a powerful name it name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] the same prayer we had last night [Music] thank you arise and shine for the glory of the lord has arisen upon you around [Music] [Music] for the glory of the lord has arisen upon [Music] for the glory of the lord has arisen upon you arise come on church you pray you pray until the glory of god until the light of god [Music] here i am [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] and the enemies [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] you know church i want to encourage all of us to lift up our voices the bible says did the kingdom of the lord suffer violence and the violence shall take it by the lord consent for your anointing as the lord i will not let you go unstill come on church let's learn how to [Music] continue [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] the heavens start rolling the praise of your glory for you are [Music] now [Music] what a powerful name it is what a powerful name is the name of jesus christ my key what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is the name of jesus of jesus christ you are my king what a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus we worship you we worship you [Music] rasulullah to worship you to honor you we are standing before your presence before whom we stand standing in the presence of the mighty god what an honor it is to be of audience of you god to sing your name to sing your name [Music] sing his name church yeshua [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] is true [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] confess [Applause] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] he is receiving on the glory like an instance like a sweet aroma one more time we say yours is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] jesus for the last two three minutes let's sing to him a new song church this morning [Music] what a privilege it is to know your name oh [Music] [Music] just a mention of your name every darkness will flee just a mention of your name your light comes in the darkness just a mention of your name every sickness will be healed thank you lord for giving us your name oh god yes you are yes you are the [Music] we glorify [Applause] the king of kings [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is the glory [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and on that day lord the tabernacle of god will be with men and you will be our god and we will be your people oh thank you lord just for last minute just let's just be in the presence of god foreign thank you [Music] jesus [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] father worship your father let the name of jesus be saturated in all of our being amen the bible says the lord came and dwelt amongst us in him was life and the life became the light of men this morning manifests your life that it will become our light we honor you in jesus name amen please be seated in god's presence just for few moments before the emcee comes up i wanted to share something where we're going to change the format of the service and i felt last night the same thing the lord said when the young children come before me it's been like sunday service in a different format we always enter his gates with praise we have to stir people up we have to encourage them you know and we have done that he said that's the format and then we enter into worship but the lord spoke to me last night and again he tell me but you see he said but now is the gathering of the matured saints where they have to enter into deeper worship the moment they come into my presence amen so we are not going to muck around in first few songs the next time straight away we come into deeper worship enjoying the graces and the beauties of heaven admiring him going deep because our hearts are prepared and the love of rings will be collected at the end of the service so that there is no interruption to the flow of what god is doing amen we can collect now you know because god is not interrupted humans we are because we know we are in the house of the lord even if i say amen doesn't mean amen to god it's amen to me are you with me because i think when god has planned something for the meeting it has to follow that format and we would be in one heart in one mind that we are here to know the deepest things of god amen amen and then god will bring us into that deeper things of heaven you say god i don't want shallow anymore bring me to the deepest side of the river there are two ways of learning swimming the right way is the proper way you start from the shallow the cowboy way is to throw you to the deeper end we'll see you how you swim and somehow you'll swim out so sometimes god because the time is so short he's giving us the deeper ends of what he has for us amen and so i just wanted to know that this is how we're going to do it later in the afternoon as well as tomorrow morning we will enter into deeper level of worship from the start prepare your hearts and so if this time is precious with dr bruce and his wife sister reshma we want to have maximum time into that honoring jesus as per say amen i want to invite us to angeline come oh okay so i'm taking over the mc look at that the things i got to do i got a playdrum those guys are watching overseas there will be some kind of drama he knows that i'm i'm bidding all the wrong ways man so forgive me please sign up for the conference come and play for us thank you god bless you [Music] you know um you know when i was younger in uh tamil worship there's always drums right but we didn't we could not afford to buy drums in some places so we used to have bongo we used to have buckets that we will take the bucket and just play and give some kind of rhythm and so there is some kind of worship so every time there is something that i'm always beating around my mother would say can you stop can you put your hands still is it no way i'm playing for jesus i think that habit has not stopped yet and i hope it will not stop amen amen now before we hear the man we want to hear the woman we want to have sister reshma and give us a greeting before i'm sorry man you can't attend the afternoon service you can watch from the overflow it's meant strictly for ladies we want the ladies to have the full show how's that now before that let's put our hands and welcome to the reshma come and share with us some words good morning thank you so much for having us here in north carolina it's been a great honor and a privilege to be here and this morning i just want to thank god that we can gather thank god that we can get together and worship together and praise god for who he is amen and encourage each other because right now everything that we are going through in our personal lives and this in this nation we need each other each other don't we yes so um we have come here to great state of north carolina to just be with you and worship with you and share together and worship god together and be an encouragement and lift each other up and he's a faithful god that's why we are found here today this morning and god has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives and i just want to thank pastor stephen and his team and angeline for inviting us and as we were worshiping this morning i was asking the lord said lord what are you saying to these people and i have been hearing this word over and over and god has reminded me again that this is the hour of deliverance he is a god of deliverance we look through the scriptures how he has delivered his people from the beginning of times and then always god's people were encouraged to remember what god had done for them and remind their children and children's children and grandchildren and each other see we got to see the good things that the lord has done and how he has delivered us in every generation he has delivered that in the past he's delivering us now and he's going to deliver us in the future right and he is a faithful god and it is grace and mercy of god this is this is the way i see it what's happening among us because god is making it so clear for his people right now to make a choice he is making it so clear good and evil right and wrong it is right before our eyes i see the grace of god he is doing it for our goodness he he's doing it for us it's almost like there is no gray area anymore it is so simple to make the choice in our personal life and also in this nation it is so clear if we cannot see and we cannot discern that we need to look in our hearts that's exactly what he's doing he's making it very simple he's making it clear for his people so let's just worship the lord and just praise him and honor him and receive everything that he has for us amen so when we can go for when we go from here we just don't say that it was a great conference no when we go back from here we will be totally different i believe you you all are different after the season that we are going through in this nation and in the nations of the world we have been locked down but it has been a great time for us to connect to dig deeper and get to know the lord in the areas that we were not sure about because he is a god of deliverance he has always delivered his people he has always made a way of escape for his children amen so let's just together this day hear what the lord is saying and i'm really looking forward to sharing later today but this morning i just want to encourage you it is it is just awesome to be here to be able to worship god together thank you thank you very much thank you god bless you we just want to remind you that there are resources of dr bruce in that in the first room on the right side those are his books you got to grab it he didn't bring much and didn't bring many so please uh get it from him now how many of you were so blessed and you know the the picture that i had when he was preaching uh teaching last night do you remember the old telephone exchange box where they'll pull out wire and put it here pull out wire and put it there it was almost like that reconfiguring our traditional understanding of scriptures the way we think the way we have been taught contextualization that this scripture only means this to that and doesn't mean that to this but remember the lord is the one who wrote the word he has the power to pluck in here and then the life is still flowing through amen so last night god did a bypass to us he took some wires and put the other way and help us to bypass understand through the spirit of wisdom and revelation so this morning we want to have it more let's put our hands and welcome dr bruce allen the mic please oh that's a good way come on good morning please be standing i mean seating you know the word says we're changed from glory to glory doesn't it you know what that means change is glorious if you're doing the same thing every day you're in a rut you know what a rut is an open-ended grave change is glorious we're called to progress and to grow up into him and so if we're stagnating we better reflect and go back to the king of glory and say what what am i missing what's going on good place for an amen i mean i can say it myself but i want to uh continue on with rosh hashanah i shared a little bit last night about the encounter i had and let me reiterate something when i have an encounter on rosh hashanah that's what the lord is speaking and releasing to the body of christ it's not about an individual i gave you half last night of what he was saying and i'll reiterate that quickly the lord came and touched my mouth and anointed it in other words he's going to anoint your mouth to speak as an oracle of god but then he said and again only speak when spoken through don't be so quick to speak wait until you hear what he says to say and then say that and that's more difficult for those especially like those who speak all the time at ministry we learn certain things in scripture and we repeat them and we say them again but but don't do that we learn line upon line and precept upon precept here a little there a little every time you share a revelation from scripture it should increase there should be growth there should be an added understanding and revelation of what he's given you because god builds upon a foundation and seedtime and harvest is evident in everything you do as a christian let me just say right now lay aside finances forget seedtime and harvest and finances we've had that until we're deaf dumb and sick and tired of hearing it but if you want more revelation you release what you have if you want more anointing sow what you have if you want more love and compassion release what you have because god always refills and the flow begins to increase and that's being a steward of what god has graced you with but when we receive from god and we think we have the corner on revelation i got what nobody has and i'm not going to give it out then the revelation you have is not necessarily a revelation from god because he says freely you have received freely give i remember doing a a conference one time with an individual he was very difficult for me to understand i just couldn't quite connect with the way he did i said so we after the the nice service that he spoke i s we sat down i said you know i got maybe a quarter of what you were trying to communicate i what are you saying he laughed he said oh yeah i do that on purpose you know it usually takes people about a year to figure out what i'm saying and i just went thank you i don't want any more you don't have to try and be mystical you have to try and be transparent so that we can give away what god has so freely given to us be careful of that be careful of these cloistered groups that think we've got a revelation nobody has stay away from that that's not god so if we're changed from glory to glory then change is glorious the lord is saying a new thing in this hour i'm anointing your mouth with authority but don't speak unless i tell you to and then in this encounter he said follow me and i followed him and there were groups of people in different phases of life some some with sicknesses diseases challenges whatever it was and the lord said go ahead and minister and sort of the first one that was in bondage i said in the name of jesus demon come out nothing happened he said well try this one and i said be healed in jesus name and nothing happened and he said what you've done in the past is not going to work now he said now listen and i heard this still small voice and i said jesus sets you free and instantly they were free and he said every time you stand to minister wherever you go throughout the day you hear my voice and when you speak that you'll see my hand but if you do what you've always done don't expect anything to happen i said yes sir see we're not a computer that's programmed with a certain language that functions in the same way we're a living being that's supposed to hear the voice of god and flow wherever he leads amen and so this is a unique season this is a time where you and i have a privilege and the opportunity to walk in places and realms of the kingdom that no other generation ever has but it's going to be a new path it's going to be a new way if you study the life of jesus in the gospels you will find that he never ministered to anybody the same way twice now that's rather telling because we took principles from the scripture in the word and we made them patterns and formulas in the church and patterns and formulas together equate to witchcraft principles are foundational truths that have the flexibility of being under authority and moving where he says for instance i give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you does that mean you run out and jump on serpents and scorpions and start wrestling with demons no you're under authority you have a metron a sphere of authority that you walk in today and if you're obedient today it increases tomorrow because now you're entrusted with more but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want and again to walk under a to walk in authority you must walk under authority a sword in the hands of a weak warrior is not a threat to anybody the word of god in the hands of a believer who doesn't follow the voice of god is ineffective at best we have to be doers of the word the first thing you do is jesus said obey what i speak if you love me you will keep my commandments of my own self i can do nothing john 5 19 i only do what i see or hear the father seeing and doing that's how that works amen i've been keeping uh journals for years and the lord is just putting dropped thoughts in my heart i'm just going to read a couple of those too many people are living in yesterday's sin and fail to experience today's forgiveness we hang our hat on the past we're always looking back to the offense and we're not walking in the freedom of forgiveness today let it go yeah but you don't know what they did to me no i don't know what they did to you and frankly i don't care what they did to you i know what jesus did for you let it go yeah but they were wrong and i was right you have no you have no right to be right that died with jesus you have a right to forgive you have no right to be offended you have a right to forgive we put our rights at the foot of the cross when we went through the cross into the kingdom life because we died i'm speaking to what dr stephen said our mature individuals you have to understand these things if we're going to move forward today ministry time itself is not the time to be asking god for something we have not yet received it's a time for exercising the authority he's already given i said yes sir that's pretty good how can i walk in authority if i don't understand the authority he's given how can i walk in grace if i don't understand grace in my own life how can i walk with healing if i don't understand what that really signifies and is is a picture of there's so much in the word that god is releasing right now every time i open the bible anymore i get new revelation every single time now i've had that throughout my life but not like this i mean maybe a scripture here a scripture there but every time i open the word and begin to read i see something i have never seen before and the lord begins to invest deeper insight in revelation like never before that means we're in a season where god chooses to open your ears to hear the mysteries of the kingdom belong to you and he wants to communicate with you but you have to come to god with a teachable heart not with a preconceived idea of i know what this means no you don't know anything yet as you ought because he adds lined up online so if you come with a teachable heart he is speaking loudly and clearly right now we are on the greatest adventure that any generation has ever had we are going to see the return of messiah and let me say this first he's going to return in us because we're coming to maturity then he's going to be released through us and then he's going to return for us because the world has to see the reality of the kingdom because if all they ever had to do was hear we'd have been gone except for hearing is not the way we understand hearing wouldn't it be interesting if somebody had a visitation from jesus face to face and they said i don't want anything to do with you wouldn't that shock you do you know that happens today we've known people that jesus has stepped into the room and manifested himself openly to those individuals and said who he was told them he loves them and they said don't i don't want anything to do with you leave me alone now all of us would be shocked but we shouldn't be because every one of us has done it oh he might not have seen him openly but we've done it in our own hearts and in our own lives frequently when that still small voice comes and we've ignored him when that unction that uh something's wrong but i'm gonna do it anyway you hear the voice of god calling you come and read the word while i'm busy i want to watch this movie i'll get to that later every one of us has denied jesus sometimes multiple times a day so we can't judge those that we think have made a bigger mistake or missed god bigger than we did no we're all the same that's why we must have grace and mercy for one another amen say we i have a rule you could say amen or oh no you can say hallelujah hold on but you cannot say oh no hold on it's not allowed it's time we began to announce the interrupting power of the cross over generational issues in our life when we came to the cross generational issues were interrupted and canceled see there's been an argument in the church while generational curses generational this generational scheme and those are effective as long as you hold on to them but if you understand the power of the salvation the cross then that generational curse that generational scheme is broken the moment you died and came to jesus what's it going to look like church and i've been i've been challenging pastors around the world the last couple of years why have we instituted a religious metronome of how we do things in a certain order at a certain pace in the house of god first you must get saved then you must go to new believers class then you must be baptized then we'll talk about the baptism of the spirit then you can now work in whatever function in the church and if you're called to be a pastor we're going to start you here and we're going to go here and we're going to go here there is a process in growth but it's time that we said you're going to come to jesus and when you accept jesus in your heart all the curses of sin sickness and death are broken in your life you will be instantly healed transformed and transfigured you will be filled with the holy ghost and begin to speak in tongues you will be awakened to vision dreams and hearing the voice of god that's at the door of salvation let's stop spacing it out according to our slowness of concept and understanding because when you're born again and you're brought into the kingdom of god it's all yours now and when you give them that expectation and they accept christ they instantly are activated now you tutor them so they come to maturity in it but they started at the place where every one of us has the right to start but most of us had to go through this religious protocol this second day understanding of how it is done there is a process do you know when a baby is born maybe for the first few hours they can't see clearly but after that they can breathe they can eat they can make noise they can see they just don't have an understanding when you're born again it's all there you just don't have the understanding that's where the nurturing and the training comes but we should start at the same place you have the spirit of life at birth you have a spirit of god at the new birth i'm filled with the holy i'm not listen when you get born again you're going to be filled with the holy ghost and speak with tongues new languages of men and of angels we got to start hearing the voice of god and approaching this differently because he wants to do a quick work at the end of the age and the quick word to work isn't going to be the religious work amen or no jesus commanded things to happen as if he were in charge imagine that one of the things i like to do in our school is this so often we come and we bow our knee and we go before god and we're crying out to god and we're interceding and we're requesting and you know we're pouring out all of these things and the bible says to make your requests known unto god but you're supposed to come in faith we come as beggars and poppers begging and pleading for something god's already given us in the covenant i'll make it simple i'll give you a testimonial on life 1989 when i was still in the army the natural army not the spiritual army i injured my back severely i knew the word and so i said by the stripes of jesus i was healed i'm not receiving this and i stood on that word for over 30 years before the manifestation in the natural came and it was gone and when it happened a year ago december the first thing and i mean the spirit of god came in the room he came upon me i'm not given to emotional demonstrations but i began to shake uncontrollably because of his presence and i began to weep you just ask my wife i don't i don't do those things unless it's genuine i couldn't stop it and and it was gone and he said son when were you healed i said lord when i received your word and stood on it back in 1989. it took 30 years to i don't care if it took 3000 years i was healed at the cross he said let me give you a mystery i was the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world when were you healed i said father i've always had access to healing he said that's right but see if i had stuck with religion and common sense i got healed the moment the pain left that's not true that's not faith i was healed the moment i received his word and believed it are you seeing what i'm you're hearing what i'm saying i'll even take you a step further i heard this story not long ago we teach on this again on the sanctified imagination there was an evangelist in a in a meeting some years ago and he came to a certain church and the the pastor's wife had very power poor eyesight her eyesight was fading and she had these really thick glasses and every person that had ever come through the church they'd always line her up and pray for her and nothing ever happened so she was kind of hiding in the back she didn't want you know she didn't want to be marched out front and you know feel like a failure and he was there three or four days and eventually he called her up and she went oh here we go and he says close your eyes now in the name of jesus i command your eyes to be healed he said now can you see she opened her eyes and he said i didn't tell you to open your eyes close your eyes now can you see it i didn't tell you to open your eyes close your eyes she said what he said when you see yourself healed with your eyes closed when you open them they'll be healed that's the power of your sanctified god-given imagination if you see his word as truth in your life you'll see it in your life see we're always going to god begging and pleading for what he's already given why don't we come to him thanking him for what he's already given that's called faith there's a big difference oh god so-and-so is in this predicament this one needs healing oh god please i said father i thank you your word is true i thank you by the stripes of yeshua that one is already healed i just stand in agreement with your promise it's done and you do that for yourself lord i thank you that i've already been healed i thank you that i have access to the covenantal promises of the kingdom of god i thank you i can see i thank you i can hear i thank you i can come and go freely i thank you lord i can taste and do you understand we there's a difference stop begging for what he's given you start receiving by thanksgiving what he says is yours and we've always come to god in the church begging and praying for power when we're seated with him in power and we pray from that position there's a big difference we must understand who he is and who we are in him and if i'm going to understand who i am in him i'm going to understand the authority he functioned under is the same authority i must function under amen if i'm in right standing with god then i can't be in any better standing with god i say that again if i'm in right standing with god then i can't be an any better standing with god if i'm already seated with jesus in heavenly places i can't go any higher i might get kicked out of heaven like somebody else did see it where do you see yourself in the kingdom well no you don't look here the natural realm doesn't define your existence the realm of the spirit does if you allow it you have to learn to see what he says as real in your life and when you do it becomes real in your life in the tangible sense not in just in the faith and promised sense faith is really an interesting subject you know we talk about the sea of glass before the throne of god you know what the sea of glass is you ever wondered well it's glass we could no it's a substance called faith god sees through that substance through down to the earth and he sees you through the uh this substance of faith that's why he sees your potential he sees the end from the beginning and we're just look up through that very same substance you see the god of creation through that substance called faith do you know that everything god did was by faith amen that wasn't a trick question everything god does is by faith everything he created was by faith that means you're created out of the substance of faith because he spoke and you became and he couldn't have done that without faith see you already are faith now you just have to learn how to use it how much faith you got well let's see i'm almost 71 inches and he wants to show you things you've never seen before i'm made out of the substance of faith wow everything i touch then is i release that faith because don't you you lose dna you touch anything has you dn you can see this everything i touch i touch with faith i touch my faith and i release faith and something happens there's a frequency to agreement with authority is light right you know light is a frequency it resonates at a certain frequency god is light when we agree with the frequency of his light of who he is we come into alignment with that frequency we're no longer out of tune we're now into the correct frequency okay that's where he's told me to go let's do this got to turn it back on this light goes out but god's light never does let me see how we're doing that lord okay how to see your destiny from god's perspective the old testament refers to seers with two words two hebrew words and jose jose c-h-o-z-e-a both of those words indicate that the primary function of seers is to see the concealed realm that's what seers do they see the concealed realm or things that god shows them in proverbs 25 2 it is the glory of god to conceal a thing but the honor of kings is to search out a matter you are kings and priests god conceals the revelation the treasure in his word but it is your glory to pursue it and dig it out because god responds to passion and so if you become hungry and you want to know him you begin to search out a matter and he sees your passion and he releases the light or the revelation to you amen intercessors you should know this seers receive revelation knowledge through the invisible angelic realms of visions trances and dreams this is old covenant yet seers are called to relate to god through the intimacy of faith hope and love that's how you relate to god faith hope and love an atmosphere of peaceful meditation allows seers to enter into the spiritual perception of visionary sight or we could say it this way as i said yesterday worship becomes a portal a doorway an entryway into the realm of the spirit when you fix your heart on god with expectation and and you're inclining yourself that way you will begin to connect because what you focus on you connect with it opens the door so you hit a certain frequency in worship especially when you come into alignment with the worship of heaven boy it's amazing what happens and when that happens things begin to change in the room do you know the realm of the spirit is just a different frequency of light that's why your camera sometimes catches things that the natural eye doesn't and you're going whoa where did that come from i have a picture on my phone maybe i should have brought it of an angel captured on a photograph i mean you can tell this is an angel matter of fact rest me in my bag is my phone maybe you can give it to mike and give him the photo it's in the side pocket no no there you go and so it's just a different frequency of light but you and i can exercise our spiritual senses so that we begin to discern or to see that spectrum of reality and we're always talking about the kingdom of god is way up there no it isn't it's all around us right now it's just a different frequency of existence a frequency by the way where you already are well you're seated together with him you just haven't learned to exercise your spiritual senses to the extent that you can interact with both realms now all of these these descriptives i'm giving of seers in the old covenant reply are applied to the prophetic or the intercessors and occasionally god would touch on others to have these encounters but in the new covenant every one of you was born again into what remember the relationship adam had before they divorced god that's why god hates divorce by the way they decided to break covenant with god and go to a covenant with the tree of knowledge of good and evil the devil so what did they do they broke covenant and their spiritual eyes became darkened but the second adam came and brought us back into that relationship and guess what it didn't change and relationship with god his heart has always been relationship is face to face and he never changed and so when the second adam came and said it's finished i've restored them back to their position of relationship with the father now you have access you can see we just haven't been told that and we don't necessarily believe that because we haven't really gone to the word and asked about that but the truth is you're born again you can see if you so choose the angels in this room jesus has been walking here different things that are taking place when i was in my early 20s i was 21 working at tbn in tustin california with paul and jan crouch that was an education by the way and um they would always have the prayer counselors you know and before the every show it was a live show that's what made it fun you never knew what was going to happen we'd all get together and pray with the prayer counselors and the uh the crew and we'd pray and so you developed friendships and there was a woman there named virginia ran she was like a mother to a lot of us and one day on a saturday she said listen i'm going to this special meeting would you like to go and i thought yeah that'd be cool so we're going down the freeway 405 was it 405 605 in southern california and she's driving along i'm looking out the window and she went ow and i looked over and i saw something but i didn't say a word because we're doing 80 miles an hour on the freeway see you don't talk and she i said what's the matter she said i had a pain in my back last night and they prayed and it left but it's there again and i said oh is it right there she said oh my god that's exactly where it is how do you know i said oh god told me i said begone in the name of jesus and this demon that was sitting on her shoulder stabbing her flew out of the car hit the slipstream and went phew and she said oh it's gone at least he gave me enough wisdom not to say there's this hairy looking demon sitting on your shoulder where i'd have been on the other side praying for you now that was a sovereign thing god did but that's how he began to teach me how to see i would see ugly things i'm not talking about people by the way ugly things but there was a grace on my life it never scared me it was just like oh that's weird what is that lord what are you saying you know and of course you're kind of like what do you want me to do i always asked he said nothing i just want you to be aware bind it warn somebody this went on for years and he taught me never to do anything unless he gave me permission to do something and i remember the story of this brother had gone to a spiritual mapping of your city los angeles for you know and they're going to take the city for jesus and we're going to go region by reading all these wonderful steps in victory here and so he said you know you go to a you go to a conference you get pumped up like wow and you start flinging around the things you you think you know that some of the stuff you learned well he decides he's going to bind the principality over la and he's going down the freeway and so he starts going after it and all of a sudden the demon manifested in his car and started and he's screaming and he has cuts and his shirts torn and he's by the side of the road lord what's going on he said i didn't give you permission to do that that's not your metronome of authority you do what i tell you to do that's an angel that's a charismatic prayer center in jakarta indonesia and a muslim taxi driver dropped off his fair he'd never been there before he thought it was kind of pretty and he snapped the picture and went and i'm sitting with our friend freshman i in singapore who came from jakarta who's born again spirit-filled and when this thing came and he went wow look at this different frequency of light the camera picked it up the naked eye didn't somebody just tried to tell me that's a bird yes i said if that's a bird i am never going to indonesia again you might pick me up and use me for dinner man so to see the concealed realm david said it this way one thing i have asked from the lord that shall i seek that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and meditate in his temple david prayed for what jesus gave you did you hear me david prayed and longed for what you got at the new birth you dwell in the house of the lord the word says know you not that you are the temple of god and the spirit of god lives in you you're the house of god you're the temple of the lord together we're a little bit larger so david prayed for what god gave you so if we are the the dwelling house of the lord he lives in me then the second part is true also we can behold his beauty we can see and we can meditate or imagine in his temple with our sanctified imagination this is how you learn to see you close your eyes you focus on jesus with intent you pro you press into that how by focus and intention with expectation and pretty soon something begins to transition and you start getting pictures flashes and when you understand how god's communicating with you pretty soon you can bring that back and go and step into it and now your visual capacity is unlocked and you begin to walk in that all the days of your life hallelujah beholding jesus or meditating upon his word is the act that brings transformation to the heart and mind brother neville used to teach this he i mean i used to joke with him you know i said you learned this back in the 70s i don't know if i like you or not but he had to work for it i had to work for it why because i was born with the gift of perceiver i would prophesy even as a child before i was even saved because that was the gift god put in me it would scare my parents friends like what is this kid i didn't know i just thought it was normal every one of you has a gift but is it surrendered to god or is it surrendered to the world everybody that's why you have psychics they have a prophetic gift but they've given it over to the devil and they serve him rather than serving god but if you bring them back into the kingdom with that gift they're pretty sharp and now they have a discernment because they've walked in the negative so long they understand it and they could well that's not god god doesn't waste anything in your life you might waste your life on anything but god doesn't waste anything in your life if you're redeemed [Music] beholding jesus or meditating upon his transformation of the heart and mind for what we behold we become joshua 1 8 romans 12 2 2 corinthians 3 18. so let's gaze upon the son of god keep him fixed before you he even told you to set your affection your attention on things above not on the things of the earth yeah but i'm in the world i've got to function in this world yeah you'll function a lot better if you hear the heart of god and do what he says you will save years of striving in the flesh if you just be obedient to the spirit you'll overcome and walk in victory years there was something when i first got saved you know i had been brought up before my dad was saved in any of us and because of where he had come from he used to tell me you're no good you'll never amount to anything i'm not going to be surprised if you don't end up in prison you know how that wounds so you feel you never measure up so what do you do you cover up with lies and innuendos and falsehoods you think try to be somebody you're not you put on all this garbage and you're never free to be yourself because you yourself obviously doesn't measure up and you don't want to be rejected anymore and it took me years to walk that out as god began to show me truth in his word i don't fault my dad because that's all he knew he changed bo he changed he was a walking bundle of love he still is he loves everybody absolutely changed but until i know the truth the truth couldn't set me free but once i learned the truth i had to walk it out to get free i had to apply it i had to cast down every voice and every imagination that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and i don't have the knowledge of god if i don't spend time in the word of god so there's a transformation the washing of the water began to wash away all of the filth of the stain of death sin sickness and disease we have to see ourselves the way he sees us i can not because i think i can i can because he says i can means to look and see as in a vision to gaze view experience look upon behold discern or to perceive by the spirit i was a perceiver but one day i heard a testimony that sparked my faith and i went i heard father hagin papa hagin say i was in a meeting one time and i was up there ministering and all of a sudden jesus appeared on the platform in front of me and everybody else disappeared disappeared i was in this cloud just talking to jesus and i went he saw jesus i want that oh i want that i mean god sparked something in me a passionate desire and you know i would go and and share with the pastor some oh i really want to see jesus no yeah that's not for today then why are you listening to hagin you say he's right but now you're saying he's wrong make up my mind and then one day i was reading second corinthians chapter 12 verse one it's not right that i glory or boast however i like that it gives us license a little bit right well okay that's two then i will come to visions and revelations of the lord and that's that that little verse right there out of context oh that's right that's an intellectual way to approach scripture you know some people read the scripture in the greek some in the hebrew i read it by the spirit that jumped out and went bam and that was god saying you will come to visions and revelations of the lord and i went oh yeah and i couldn't share that with anybody because i was no brother god doesn't do that anymore i used to get so frustrated why do you follow god that's dead doesn't speak and never interacts what is this a history lesson no he's alive and that that began to stir in me and i just started pursuing god quietly because i couldn't tell anybody no brother god doesn't do that i got so frustrated after a while i said lord what do i say to people that say that he said just agree with him i said oh okay brother i don't believe that god doesn't do that i say you know i agree with you you do absolutely be done unto you according to your faith and so i just began to pursue god and it was through the study of the word and the passionate pursuit of god that he began to open my eyes and give me understanding from scripture that it belongs to all of us it does matter of fact in our school of translation we have a dear friend now but michael van vlieman if you're watching michael i'm telling on you and when he first came to minister with us to perth he'd written some wonderful books i mean i i i don't really usually read other people's books that deal with the subjects i'm teaching because i don't want the influence of their revelation i want to receive from god so i'm just careful that way but i finally read his book on his seeing angels and i read it and went wow this is really good it's so simple the way he communicates that it's so easy to grasp and i thought i'm thinking i'm about a page 100. i gotta contact this guy just talk with him and then i got a little further and he started talking about me and i went oh now i can't call him because that would be kind of like i said but man he communicates well and i had two of his books so i started reading the second when i was like man this is good i i doesn't matter i got to contact him but he had no authors page i said okay he mentioned something about facebook i hate facebook by the way that's just me i want to save face and i i went and looked there he was and nine months earlier he had tried to connect with me friend me so it's not easy to be my friend i guess but i i never look at it i went oh so i thanks we got his phone number we started talking and i just liked his spirit so gentle and teachable and so hungry for god that's my clan by the way and so i said have you ever taught he said no i said what i said listen we're going over to perth australia to teach in our school over there of the supernatural will you come and teach he goes really i mean he was shocked like you'd invite me sure i said he said what do you want me to teach i said well these are the subjects he says well i don't know any of that stuff i mean he's not really i said well what do you know he said spiritual warfare i said okay you come and teach that he goes oh okay so what did he do he sat down and wrote a book i don't like him it's very hard for me to write books but he just sits down okay go home so he he comes over now on the way over because he's been doing this right on the way over he's praying and mike's a prayer he would work 60 to 70 hours a week and pray all night many nights in a row because he so desperately wanted to know god and to see and to go and then pastors would say tell us how you do that well you know i pray brother i'm a pastor don't you know i'm busy i don't have all the free time in the world like you do oh okay free time no you don't have free time it belongs to god lord what are you saying what are we doing now father now father come bless me in what i'm doing is father what are you doing that i can be blessed in anyway so he came over never spoken before i said okay you got the next two hours and he stood up and said i'm so excited to be here and you know god's been and i'm sitting there going and reshma and i look at each other cutting a whoa so he taught for two hours and he said he had these tremendous testimonies like oh i had to there's the break rest was teaching next i said come here let's go sit outside i said mike you got to be a little more alive that no oh okay and i said and i like your testimonies but i don't believe any of them what i said you didn't give me a foundation because your testimony without the foundation of the word means nothing i want three to five scriptures based uh for every testimony that is biblical he went oh i said that's it go ahead he got up the next time said i'm really excited but he was teachable and he started digging in the word and putting the foundation of scripture and understanding what the word said so that he could put it in context and here's the reason i say that having an encounter without a foundation is dangerous at best because if it doesn't line up with the word of god it's not the god of the word well there's things that are not written down and extra biblical everything's in the word you know that there's nothing extra biblical how do i know that because god told me and showed me in scripture we learn here a little and there a little if it's god it will be in the word you just haven't discovered it yet and so until you discover the foundation of truth in scripture until god confirms it with his word so he does much better now now he's i'm really excited we're getting there got you mike the second word jose means to behold the vision stargazer or to gaze into the realm of the spirit with approval and agreement a prophet that sees or a seer seers receive revelation beforehand as they wait upon the lord's powerful manifested presence dr francis is a seer he sees beforehand when i see it's not something i'm supposed to go minister most of the time he's trained me to come as an empty vessel and while worship's going on i'm saying what are we talking about lord i don't plan a message beforehand if i do nine times out of ten he says put that aside that's not where i want to go so i've learned to just trust him why because i want to be led of his spirit and so he said years ago you study the word to know me and when you know me you have life you don't study the word to give a good book report to a bunch of people that need life and so i study the word and the overflow of my relationship is what i can release and when i release that overflow of life it becomes life bible college you're taught three points in the close tell them what you're going to say say what you're going to say tell them what you said and hopefully you even believe it we're not motivational speakers we're life speakers so seers their revelations come through their ability to rest in the realm of visions dreams pictures angelic messengers and trances etc now i have those experiences but that's not where i move from that's an added benefit of being born again that's an added benefit we've all heard these songs lord open my eyes lord i want to see jesus i used to sing that i like that song and the lord said stop that what he said i've already opened your eyes quit begging me for what i've already done oh ye of little faith so i sing it differently you've opened my eyes lord now i see jesus i see we don't even realize it's built into our culture in the church unbelief and we think it oh it feels good because of the worship i love worship i used to lead worship i'm a worshiper but you know what there's certain words i won't sing even old some of the old hymns i love the old hymns but i won't sing i cling to the old rugged cross there was a time i left but you know why you don't cling to the cross you go through the cross into the kingdom life if jesus clung to the cross we wouldn't be here today because he never would have resurrected well that's semantics oh yeah i'm a weird guy we have to be cognizant that's why jesus is saying only speak when spoken through consider a matter before you answer a matter seers interact with the spirit realm that's normal why are you cast down o my soul and why are you disquieted within me hope in god for i shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance psalm 42 6 oh my god my soul is cast down within me therefore i will remember you from the land of the jordan and from the heights of mount hermon from the hill of mazar [Music] deep calls unto deep psalm 42 at the noise of your waterfalls all your waves and billows have gone over me now let me untangle that for you the breath of god merges with the spirit of god and of a person and a creativity is a result the breath of god and the spirit of god merges together and creativity is the result the breath of god and the spirit of god merges and something's created or i could say it this way the voice of god and the revelation of god is released through you when something is created speak by revelation remember when jesus and the disciples were walking down the road and jesus said who do men say that i am while some say you're this prophet some say that and he says yeah but who do you say i am well you're the christ the son of the living god jesus said to peter flesh and blood hasn't given that to you but my father who is in heaven and upon this rock i will build my church now understand this you're the church what he was saying is peter on the rock of revelation that you receive i build the church on the rock of revelation you receive god builds you the church that's why it's so important to receive revelation from his word and when you speak forth by revelation and make declaration something's released and that builds so we've got to stop speaking by in intellect we've got to stop speaking by degree or or you know man's wisdom we've got to receive revelation from the word and make declaration from that revelation and something's established of kingdom that will never fail and that's been the failure of the church because we become performance oriented rather than obedience oriented for years traveling the world and i've been trying to teach this for many years and i would ask pastors all over the world and people well are you guys led of the spirit oh amen yes amen you know you'll be there sometimes for a week and so i'd watch yes we're all led to the spirit okay so what are they doing get up give announcements gonna do some worship take an offering maybe give a couple more announcements do the program you got 20 minutes god to say anything of important close the meeting pray for people and go it was the same pattern in the charismaniac churches i said okay where was the leading of the spirit in that uh well no we believe in the leading of the spirit i said well where was the leading of the spirit you've got a formula this is how you always do church so that's how it's got to be now i'm not against tradition that are led to the spirit where's god's freedom in in your midst i mean we've been to meetings come on halfway around the world and say brother okay you got 15 minutes okay well i had agreed to go i'm under authority i just say father what do you say do you know god can do more in 15 minutes than you can do in a lifetime and if you hear the voice of god his presence came in that time and they're standing there going what do we do he said i was told we have a program my favorite words do whatever i mean you got 15 minutes because we got to do the program i said okay i did nine minutes came in so strongly as tangibly and the pastor came back up said whatever he says to do do it and i said i did back into the program but that's the way we're trained that's why i like what i see here just go with what god says who cares about the structure according to our intellect we want the kingdom of god and because you steward that so well you're going to see breakouts of the kingdom like you've never imagined seers interact with spiritual realms of heavenly creatures beasts lights winds and a host of heavenly beings and angelic messengers you know there are there are creations in the realm of the spirit some of them would scare you to life if you saw them i mean creatures we've never seen but they're glorious amazing there are angelic beings unlike anything you think you know not like that their languages are so varied and so amazing you know one of the angelic languages is numeric that was wild and yet you can understand it when god's god's gracing you with his like and i was never good at math that wasn't for me when i was in school i was busy with figures not math not good but you know when god touches you when god touches you you understand okay you'll get there so seers seers have developed an intimate relationship with the lord jesus who is the only true gateway or door to the spiritual realm now let me show you something jesus is the door right we know that okay the two of us know that it says in psalm 24 7 lift up your hands o ye gates and be you lifted up you everlasting doors the word everlasting is the hebrew word olam olam is a favorite word of mine to journey and to vanish time without limit you step outside of time your everlasting doors are an eternal doorway an eternal gateway be lifted up you everlasting doors there are doors that are eternal that step outside of the realm of the natural into the eternal okay when you open up these everlasting doors the king of glory shall come in when you're born again and you invite him in you've opened an eternal door okay ecclesiastes 3 11 he has made everything beautiful in his olam time wait wait wait wait god has made everything beautiful in the realm of eternity the eternal realm talent time without mind vanishing point properly concealed vanishing point actually so the everlasting doors are properly concealed vanishing points time outside of mind and so he's talking about time here time vanishes into eternity or when you step into eternity time has vanished and then he says this in john 10 9 i am the door so jesus is this everlasting door that's a gateway outside of this natural realm of time into the eternities if any man enters he'll be saved and he should listen to that he shall go in and out and find pasture jesus is the door and we have access in and out of that realm that's what he says that's how you see in the spirit because you're seeing outside of time into an eternal realm and you can go and you can come back and didn't jesus say the works that i do you can do also do you notice in the english and in the hebrew excuse me the greek well we can do the hebrew two of the aramaic it's a continual present tense it's not past tense what he's doing you can do what he's doing you can do the first thing he's doing he said i ever live to make intercession that's your first ministry this house shall be called a house of prayer oh i kind of didn't see that before you need to and jesus is stepping from that dimension into the natural realm and appearing before millions of people in this hour do you know that so many being saved that way so many having encounters with a a spiritual manifestation but you know what he's begun to do in resurrected bodily form he's stepping into meetings now and everybody's seeing him and he's ministering to individuals well i don't know if i believe that that's okay thomas didn't either but it's happening and it's going to happen in this church that's what the lord told me last night because when you make room for the king of glory the glory of the king comes this is the end of the age the last day the season of maturity and the release of the kingdom in his fullness the foundation has been set and he wants to interact with his people and bring us to maturity we have access to all that he has and all that he is and access isn't just positionally it's possessionally yes i know it's true well that's good a lawyer came and said young man your grandparents your grandfather left to you his whole estate he's got mansions yachts airplanes all of these things here it is wow that's cool it's all mine it's all mine yeah could you send an uber to pick me up please time's that flight to uh why how much is that airplane ticket positionally he had all of those things possessionally he didn't walk in it because he didn't receive it well i don't understand all that well good you don't have to you don't have to when god called abram out of er the celtics and said i want you to journey and just just head out and i'm going to make you the father of a nation how's that work i don't know but i'm going and see when he began to walk by faith he began to see he began to understand he began to walk into his destiny but until he took that step of faith he had no understanding when gabriel came to mary he said the holy ghost is going to overshadow you and you're going to be pregnant and his name's going to be salvation jesus how's that work i'm not married i have never been with a man and then she said well i don't understand but be it done unto me according to your word nine months later she understood see you've got to believe and receive before you understand welcome to biblical christianity not intellectual christianity i've got to understand because god's got to fit this box of my intellect he can't yeah one thing he can't do is get that small no i'm kidding but he said quit trying to put god in a box you receive you believe and receive by faith and god begins to [Music] move brother what's your name you yeah david that's a good name stand up david what do you do okay good enough i saw over your head a dark cloud and it seems to be an obscuring of what god's wanting to release in your life you know it's kind of like what direction what's going on and you haven't been rooted and grounded yet in your destiny the way god wants you to be rooted and grounded and because there's been a lot of distractions and a lot of unknowns you have been distracted but god's saying hit the breath of his spirit is now blowing away that cloud and you're coming into a broad place of fruitfulness and blessing and where you've had difficulty hearing him before and understanding the direct direction because there's things in your heart but they're not what you're doing right now god's going to make a way where there is no way and he's going to remove what he needs to remove and establish what he wants to establish and what he has in mind for you is beyond what you've ever conceived of and you're going to be a blessing to many rather than the norm of existence you're not called to be normal that's why you've always seen things differently that's why you've always thought differently that's why a lot of people never understood you and said whoa what are you talking about because you've always marched to the beat of a different drummer but god's the drummer and you've been in sync and so the lord says rejoice for the hour of your deliverance has come and you're about to step forth into that destiny amen does that bear witness with you good the cloud moved amen [Applause] jesus is the door when believers enter the realm of the supernatural through jesus their youthfulness and strength are renewed like that of the evils he's our light in our life the presence of the living word not the spoken word not the redundant historical word not the book report word the living word the revelatory word when the presence of the living word renews their minds a literal physical and spiritual restoration process takes place in the presence of that anointing what does that mean you're restored back to the mind of christ when revelation comes you're restored back to the mind of christ and it was patterned in adam it was lost but ratified in jesus and established a better covenant than even adam had it's better now and so you restored back to that place of relationship and understanding amen then we are given beauty for ashes and words of restoration for the ashes of others isaiah 6 13 61 3 jesus said my sheep hear my voice or know my voice and i know them and they follow me oh there was a key phrase they follow me you know why that's so important to me because for the first 10 15 years of my christian walk i knew i had a destiny and i was going for all i was worth say come on gotta hurry up and it never worked i had a t-shirt said crashed and burned so many times i forgot how to count them because i kept running ahead of god with my zeal and exuberance and lack of maturity and trying to accomplish what god said and it never worked thank god when he was releasing me to my destiny the calling i had when i was 14 years old a prophet to the nations he said don't you ever knock on doors or advertise never ask for a meeting said okay he said never break your word when you agree to a meeting so if you come to a church at 10 and then a church of a thousand says can we have these dates you say no because you already gave your word because you don't serve madam and you served god and he said never ask for anything i'm your source i said okay lord and so then a good friend of ours was an evangelist for many many years he was mightily of god was in relationship with over 400 churches and i told him what god was calling me to he said well you know i'll write a letter of recommendation to 400 churches for you i said you will i said oh that's great sent out 400 letters not one response the lord said i told you not to do that i said but i didn't do that he did he said you agreed to do what i said not to do i said forgive me god see you've got to do it god's way you've got to stop trying to help god you've got to step back and let god help you that was a tough lesson especially when you're younger you're like but you can't be that way as you're older you're kind of like uh but hopefully as you mature you're just peaceful and god says it you do it and you're not worried about the results because the results aren't your problem if you're obedient it's up to him jesus is the only way the only truth in the holy light he's the soul gateway that leads to god who alone grants eternal life seers mirror god's actions prophetic gestures are very important i'm going to tell one story i'll finish shortly when we had brother sadhu come to our conference in spokane the first time he came you know i always liked to keep things light brother sidhu was very everybody was afraid of him and i said poke the bear man just poke the bear and so i was always having fun with him he got off the airplane and he says oh you've gained weight you have to understand singapore every time you go to singapore they say oh you're so fat you're like excuse me and finally after i got to know them and became friends they said oh you gained weight you're so fat i said yeah but you're so ugly at least i can lose weight and they would laugh and i would but i mean it was just weird i said you know in our culture that's kind of don't do that let's go clothes shopping no i don't fit into things like this but he came and he says oh you've gained weight i said look who's talking he said okay we covenant together next year this time we'll have a six-pack i said brother sidney i've got a six-pack i just walk in humility so we started having fun so he comes in the first night and he says he said i was praying last night and abraham came and visited me i said of course he did you know i read about him but yeah that was normal of course he did yeah and he said this this and they said well that's that's good he said and as he was leaving he said oh and tell bruce and i went i made the addendum list boy i'm no i'm somebody now heaven knows about me and he told me what well we go out and worship that's where i get with god i didn't know which direction i was going i was ministering that night and i started seeing things and i'm going okay and the lord handed me a huge ruby and a cup i said okay what's this all about he doesn't you know i wait for an answer i'm not impatient i've learned not to be impatient he might tell me next week next year next month who whatever so when i got up he said give the ruby to sadhu and i went oh you got to be kidding me i mean he just talked with abraham and here i am with my pitiful you know little prophetic thing here but you know what he's so gracious dr steve and his wife are so gracious and you need to be because we're all growing i said brothers to do this ruby this is what it signifies and the lord said give it to you and he just put his hand out and closed his eyes and then the meeting went on and at the end of the meeting my dad was taking him back and forth because he wanted time with him and he didn't want to he said can i go back to the room now and i'm like uh yeah okay both freshmen are going ooh he's really ticked off something happened and we're thinking all night he's offended what did we do i shouldn't have given him that thing he came back the next day and said no you don't i said did we offend you he said no you don't understand when you handed that to me i was once again released back into the council of heaven he'd gone through a season and he started telling me this whole thing and he went i went prophetic gestures prophetic gestures well i might look foolish it's too late you already do that's the person next to you they'll tell you who cares what people think that's why it's important for me when god shows me things we're going to do the prophetic gesture because that activates faith when you do something by faith something happens and changed his life and it changed my life the person who got the cup drank it got drunk as a skunk somebody else came up to help him and he hit when i went can i have one of those it's simple simple obedience you know there's people that will misconstrue that but you follow god you mirror god's actions so that we give them entrance or manifestation into the natural realm and that reduce releases god's presence to establish himself here on earth amen okay thank you so seers communicate as extensions of god's limitless and ex limitlessness and his expansion they're used by god to bring into existence what god brings out displays or reveals through the breathing in and out of the ebb and flow of the spirit's creativity by being obedient and doing hearing is doing seeing is doing i'm giving you a key it took me years to learn so let's close with this i know i got five more but it's not time as a matter of fact the lord said that angel with the basket with five left you're supposed to give them out after we leave but here's what i'm seeing there's angels in this room behind each one of you i've seen this a number of times they have new mantles fresh mantles impartations from god and so i want you to stand up now listen if you're willing to receive god's willing to invest but if you don't want to receive be honest god respects honesty more than putting on a facade but what i want you to do and don't do it until i say now we're going to close our eyes we're going to focus our heart our intention and our expectation upon what god wants to release to us and these angels are going to put this mantle on us some people feel it some people don't it doesn't mean you're more spiritual than others if you do or you don't we all receive by faith not by experience but it'll change your life and when we do and i tell you they're doing it put it on make the prophetic gesture or if it's a wrap ladies do it that way but put it on and something is going to be imparted in your life today that will unfold over the days ahead some of you will know it immediately and it will begin to expand immediately some of you are going to walk it out a little bit longer but i'm telling you god's doing a new thing so close your eyes focus your heart your intention and expectation upon jesus now lord jesus according to your word according to what i've been hearing and the expectation that i have that they're having right now as these your messengers place these new mantles upon your people i thank you for transformative experiences transition into kingdom life like they've never known this is the mantle of sonship which speaks of maturity this is the mantle of a joint heir with jesus not a child in training this is the mantle of coming to fullness of stature now they're putting it on go ahead and receive it look at the color feel the texture well brother that's just my imagination stop that look at the color feel the texture embrace that father let them feel the resonance of that the light lord i thank you that your word is true and as they took this step of faith even though it might look foolish to the outward man but to you it's faith and i thank you father they have received by faith and are now going to understand in this process exactly what you did seared into their hearts put it in the good soil father that it might spring forth and i thank you lord even in the short days ahead people will look at them and say what happened to you there's something different something has changed and they will know by that confirmation father that you did a new thing bless them with this i pray thank you for it father in jesus name and all god's people said hallelujah where are we amen you know when they say god is good see when you say all the time that means you can never complain again okay let's just stay in the presence of god let's worship this one song before we give our offering before the lord we worship you we thank you god come on just lift up your eyes to jesus right now lift up your hands freely worship the lord worship him in the beauty of his holiness [Music] hello [Music] come quickly be done the same on earth [Music] [Music] [Music] let her your sister glory your sister kingdom he yours is a kingdom yours is the glory forever [Music] is it's the glory forever [Music] is the glory [Music] forever [Music] thank you father father thank you for your word today god i pray god that every word father will be planted as seed in our hearts oh god thank you father for your revelation god that will take hold of us god we love you jesus lord we want to worship you with our tithe and offering right now can we have the ushers to pass the envelopes around [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] father we thank you lord for giving us this opportunity father to sow a seed lord father i pray that every seed that we give lord will bless the man of god that you brought today father give us a heart of giving lord and i thank you father that every every seed that is sowed oh god i thank you god that will be multiplied father in your kingdom we thank you father in the name of jesus amen can we have the ushers to pass the bags around as we continue to worship the lord [Music] exalted you will never be so tense you are worthy of praise [Music] before you to worship and praise you all my days exalted [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you are worthy of honor and praise we adore you god [Music] you yes jesus to worship and praise you all my day [Music] [Music] worthy of [Music] you and i will never stand before you to worship and praise you all my days adore you [Music] you [Music] [Music] to worship you and to praise you all of my days all of my days thank you god for giving us an opportunity to swim in the river of life removing all cares concerns for tomorrow that while we are in your presence everything that is pressing us will be on the pause [Music] nothing can still these moments away give us a glimpse of your glory our spirit man sitting with you we thank you lord [Music] father we pray that every word that has been spoken will be sealed inside and we pray in jesus name prepare us for that which is to come tomorrow as well as the latest meeting that god we will continue to munch on what god has spoken to us in jesus name bless every giver from your heart we pray amen i mean god bless you god bless you so one of the things that uh guys we're going to break it for lunch and then the latest meeting is at 2 30 the latest meeting is in this hall for those who are uh husbands don't know what to do walk around our garden pick up some rubbish away and throw it away you know do something active you know don't worry you got things to do okay don't be like a lost cat just walk around do some work okay otherwise look forward to come ladies be here the man you can be in the coffee house there is life transmission and good food i think okay we'll see you back at 2 30 okay god bless you now i want to encourage you don't discuss about your problems don't discuss about your petty things don't lose the anointing that is invested in you one of the ways it happens is to ungodly each other let everything that you discuss be for the upbuilding and up upgrading for someone else amen god bless you see you soon amen you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 10,646
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Id: EK4AP6unIFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 20sec (9500 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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