Tau Battlesuits EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal whether it be michael bay's transformers having some hectic cgi battles or old gundam cartoons that are still slapping giant robotic meccas in any format are very very cool so it's no surprise that warhammer 40k is full of them every faction has their own version of a big metallic thing that can absolutely throw down yet for some reason there always just seems to be a big catch for the imperium dreadnoughts are only piloted by extremely wounded and mutilated astartes whilst only dead elder can pilot their wraith units necron destroyers are generally insane so it's refreshing to see the tower once again coming in clutch with their common sense making catch-free meccas that can seriously get [ __ ] done in a diverse cast of ways i'm of course referring to the tao battle suits today we'll go over the tower battle suits talking about what they are when and why they were made as well as some other fun facts about them we'll then go over each a different type of towel battle suit and what makes each model unique let's get into it in a galaxy full of gigantic death bugs roided up super soldiers and fungus that can bench press a truck short blue people with eyes that have piss week depth perception just aren't gonna cut it unless they have mechas which they do so that's why they're still around unlike the other racers who are all in decline and struggle to build new [ __ ] the tower have been joyfully mass producing and improving upon their mecha technology for many years now creating legions of units that can stand up and even surpass some of the tower's most obnoxious enemies need to blop a [ __ ] from 100 kilometers away there's a battle suit for that need to absolutely shred some tyranid tits in close range combat there's a battle suit for that need to punch a space marine so hard that his head explodes just to shut up the warhammer fans that say tao can't melee there's a battle suit for that i'm not joking more about the honor gauntlet later but i'm getting ahead of myself when and why did the battle suit first appear well as we know up until relatively recently with the rise of commander farsight as well as the onaga gauntlet the tower despised melee combat it was literally against their culture to engage in primitive hand-to-hand combat when they have laser pulse ion and railgun technology can't really say or blame them hence the first tau battle suits despite being arguably the most appropriate weapons of war for melee combat were ironically designed to avoid it by being mobile agile and packing a lot of firepower tau battle suits could jump into combat absolutely blow their load on your face and then jump out of combat the first prototype of a battle suit was like iron man's mark one it was powerful and it achieved its design purpose but it was slow and cumbersome hence after years of research the tao created the t series no not that cringy corporate youtube channel which may as well just be an indian offshoot of the platform this t-series was faster stronger and packed more of a punch like the iron man mark ii a big technological development that allowed the t-series to exist with the innovations in the anti-gravity motors which were these things that um that that helped make battle suits better however there was still work to be done and the t-series operated entirely on fossil fuels hence after a bit more tweaking the v series was created a further improved battle suit that used nuclear fission instead of oil to power the meccas unfortunately the v series leaked a bit of radiation hence all the battle suit pilots were getting cancer but after a bit more tweaking this problem was solved the battle suits were proving themselves time and time again in combat hence the investment in them continued it's important to note that the tao aren't afraid of invention and innovation like the imperium is hence they were full steam ahead eventually creating the modern day x series battle suits after the invention of the repulsor jump jet technology better anti-gravity technology and most importantly of all the nanocrystalline alloy if you don't know what any of that [ __ ] is or does don't worry neither do i all you really need to know is that the alloy was more or less a tau version of ceramide making battle suits equivalent to astardis as the tower have encountered more diverse and deadly foes they have created various x-series variants to help deal with all the [ __ ] that the galaxy keeps flinging at them before i go through each type of battle suit what does a tao have to do to actually earn the right to pilot a mecca in battle after all this [ __ ] ain't cheap only fire warriors which are the soldier class of tow society are allowed to use battle suits however the far side enclaves has earth cast members also in them because the far side enclaves aren't a bunch of racist [ __ ] but in general fire warriors must progress deep through their trial by fire [ __ ] me gw needs to work on their naming conventions to even be eligible to pilot the smaller stealth suits from there they must continually prove themselves to eventually be allowed to pilot the classic xv8 crisis battle suits and only upon completing the second trial by fire would they be allowed to lead a battle suit squad if a fire warrior becomes enough of a legend he may even be granted the use of expensive experimental weaponry for his battle suit hence allowing for unique battle suits to pop up so special characters don't just have to look like run-of-the-mill generic warriors but yeah just like most things in life if you want to pilot a wannabe gundam you gotta get good so what kind of battle suits are there well we don't have much record about the shitty t series or even the v series battle suits but there are plenty x series to go around first up is the xv-02 pilot battle suit this suit is very unique like only one has ever been made as far as i'm aware as it's basically a normal set of armor that allows a tower to directly interface with whatever vehicle he is piloting this is very similar to how the mechanicus tech priests do their [ __ ] the tao who uses this battle suit long strike can literally become one with a ship that he's flying hence he is an ace pilot next up is the significantly more common xv15 stealth suit which is a small yet high-tech mecca that allows the tower piloting them to go invisible these stealth teams will then penetrate deep into the vulnerable orifices of the enemy territory if the tower going to ambush you sabotage you or just [ __ ] in your cereal chances are they'll be wearing a stealth suit when they do it the xv22 stealth suit is an experimental variant currently only used by a small handful of tower commanders as it is expensive and difficult to manufacture the xv15 stealth suit is actually in the process of being replaced by the newer and better xv25 stealth suit this is due to the fact that some ultramarines were able to capture some xv15s and uncover its weaknesses hence making the taoshit the bet enough to innovate a new suit so there you go there's also the xv17 battle suits that have [ __ ] all lore but apparently they're good at infiltrating so yeah moving onwards we have the xv26 vanguard void battle suit which accurately describes what this battle suit does it's designed for void warfare mostly exploring space hulks these void battle suits contain a shitload of miniaturized technology focused around the more close quarter combat nature of the space hulk finally we have the first real mecca on this list the xv9 crisis battle suit which is the ultramarine of battle suits combining speed strength agility and a shitload of firepower the crisis battle suits are carrying the team very hard when it comes to staying relevant on the galactic stage this battle suit has a shitload of variants including the iridium variant which basically covers the cockpit of a crisis suit and a powerful iridium alloy this was made in response to the imperium constantly just sniping battle suit commanders with high caliber weaponry that could easily penetrate the suit's hulls then there is the xv81 and the xv84 variants which only serve to add more firepower to the suit such as a smart missile system and other cool sci-fi stuff a much doper variant is the enforcer battlesuit which is larger faster sleeker and carries bigger guns basically better in every way hence only special tal commanders can use these the cold star variant has been modified for void warfare so much more airtight next up is the xv88 broadside battle suit which sacrifices mobility and agility for a shitload more firepower think of these as walking artillery pieces rather than battle meccas after that we have the xv9 hazard battle suit which is basically just a better version of the crisis battle suit however it's a lot harder to use which has caused some of the tau zoomers disapprove of its more hipster design the pinnacle of taos stealth technology is the xb95 ghost keel battle suit unlike normal stealth suits which have to make quite a few sacrifices in order to remain camouflaged the ghost keel is able to bring its whole arsenal to bear whilst being even more stealthy it can avoid nearly all senses cannot be seen by the eye and even when revealed can't be locked onto if you want to expose and pin a ghost kill down it will launch a fuckload of flares and electronic pulses to throw you off allowing it to escape or just straight up blow to kingdom come with its girthy cannons not one to mess with another fan favorite we now have the xv 104 riptide battle suit this boy is a chungus and a half towering over the crisis suits the riptides are the new playthings for the tao empire the fact that this runs on a dark matter nova reactor should really spell how far the tau technology has come since they were using literal oil to run these things a lot of riptide suits as well as their variants such as the ravana and yuvrara use new spicy weaponry however prototypes generally have a few bugs and glitches to sort out just like how the total war warhammer 3 launched with a bunch of bugs that total war warhammer 2 spent years fixing the riptides are back to giving their pilots low key cancer if they push them too hard oh well what's a bit of cheeky cancer compared to holding off a horde of parasitic space dinosaurs next up is the kv-128 storm surge belonging to a new class of battle suits these being ballistic suits this is a walking guns platform acting a lot like the broadside battle suits but much bigger they are the broadside equivalent but for the riptides if that makes sense like [ __ ] it it doesn't matter all you need to know is that this thing will one shot you so bad that your parents will feel it years later and finally the kx 139 tauna supremacy armor holy [ __ ] this thing slaps it's the closest thing the tao have to a titan and it is designed to wipe out imperial knights and smaller titans like a titan this thing is not very agile or mobile which doesn't matter it's not designed to fight hectic [ __ ] anime battles it's designed to stand there and absolutely shred the ever living [ __ ] out of the bad guys look at that triple cannon on its back god damn dude it seems like as time goes on more of these ballistic k-series battle suits are popping up and i for one am keen to see the first ever genuine town titan when the mad lads decide to put one together i mentioned the onaga gauntlet before which is a melee weapon variant for battle suits and i want to quickly talk about it when commander farsight started vibing with melee combat he commissioned the earthcast to create power fists that could be attached to crisis battle suits hence farsight was no longer the only tower that could melee the gauntlet stores a huge amount of potential energy which is unleashed when it connects with its target allowing crisis battle suits to punch through enemy tanks with ease however as melee is still against town beliefs this effective weapon is pretty rare if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of hentai including what do you know big titty towel girlfriend stuff hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more mecca content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 205,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: VwYawJzHLJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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