Can Space Marines Join the Tau Empire? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal space marines are considered to be incredibly intelligent wise and steadfast their willpower is nearly unbreakable and they shall know no fear on paper this is true but every day previously loyal astartes are turning their back on the imperium and either becoming renegade pirates or just straight up interactive fleshlights for the forces of hell so it begs the question has an astartes ever betrayed the imperium for something other than the forces of chaos or themselves has an astartes ever joined the tau empire is that even possible would the tao triumph over the imperium if they discovered the method of turning in astartes just like chaos had done the answer to these questions is coming later in this video you impatient man this isn't tick tock all right also this will be my last video with this haircut for summer i'm going to try out a bit more of a funkier style so who knows maybe for once in my life i won't look like a privileged white kid i probably still will but worth a shot before we get started christmas is upon us and being the warhammer loving nerd you are you probably haven't gotten everyone close to you a present yet and that's where boxu box comes in boxu is a subscription service that delivers a box of japanese snacks and teas to your doorstep every month some of the snacks are kind of familiar and some will send your taste buds straight to the warp in a good way it's actually wild how japan is able to create flavors and textures that you didn't even know existed my personal experience with boxu has been great i brought one of my boxers to a beers night with the boys another one i've wrapped up for my parents as a christmas gift and the final one i eat whenever i feel like it because i'm an adult and that's what adults do on top of this anyone who picks up a boxing box now until the end of december will go into the draw to win a pair of free tickets to japan that's pretty sweet get it because japanese snacks sweet and yeah i'll go jump in front of her to get 10 off your boxy box as well as the chance to win free tickets to japan use my link and code magical below for 10 off cheers to boxy for sponsoring this video today we'll explore the question can the tao turn a space marine to their cause have they done so already what would be the impact on the setting if the tao had their own chapter let's get into it [Music] there are many things that go into the creation of a space marine sure you could just get a kid and load them full of jean seed and call it a day but they wouldn't even be half an astartes that'd just be like a nightlord to be honest the creation of astartes takes grueling trials that push your mind and body to the limit each candidate basically gets cumblasted in the brain on the daily a very vicious and thorough psycho-indoctrination program this gives an astartes an iron will and the ability to achieve great things under immense pressure it's also designed to keep an astartes loyal to the emperor and despite the whole horus heresy thingo as well as space marines still betraying the imperium to this day it's still actually quite effective the horus heresy was due to the primarks changing the psycho indoctrination so that new recruits value their gene fathers over the emperor hence after the heresy ended there has been no wide scale fall to chaos within the space marines it's rare that a chapter will randomly just say [ __ ] it give me that warp coke and go full chaos space marines know that chaos kool-aid is bad for the soul whenever a chapter falls these days it's due to either gross neglect from the imperium malicious bad treatment by the imperium extreme luck for chaos or a very long-winded and thought-out it's initial plot but still it does happen so if a bunch of riley tentacles angry horns smelly gremlins and contradicting birds can convince space marines to join their team then why can't the tower after all the tower reasonable welcoming and don't want to rape your soul it just seems like a much better deal on top of that space marines have fought alongside xenos against greater threats before so it's not like it's impossible for them to cooperate but despite this a space marine has never joined the tao empire and it seems like they never will not for a lack of trying the tale have tried very very very hard to convert a space marine to their cause there was a captured raven guard that the tower thought they could convert firstly they sent in an ex-inquisitor who had joined the tao empire he spoke to the raven guard about how the greater good would also protect humanity and that it was clear that the imperium was not a path to enlightenment for anyone the raven guard told him to get [ __ ] hence the tower resorted to more extreme methods to break him they used a lot of advanced machinery and various what appears to be like mind readers to break down his psycho-indoctrination however many of the mind readers died in the attempt and the machinery broke down and eventually the raven god was able to self-induce a double heart attack in order to kill himself before they could go any further so the moral of the story is that a space brain would rather end their own [ __ ] lives than join the tao empire the tower was so shocked that every method they tried achieved absolutely nothing especially against the raven guard who were considered some of the more sensible space marines so they declared all space marines to be high priority targets kill on sight take no prisoner so why is chaos able to turn space rings to their side if the towel arguably a much better option cannot well that's because kaus works different to the tower no [ __ ] the tower will try to turn your mind to their cause however a space marine's mind is heavily fortified all their indoctrination is designed for [ __ ] like tail brainwashing however chaos corrupts the soul and spirit it's subtle and insidious really emphasizes the saying the path to hell is paved with good intentions here's a scenario a space marine is ordered to kill his brothers who have committed heresy in order to protect an imperial world the space marine disobeys his orders causing his chapter to be declared a renegade from there it could take centuries or even more before that chapter even considers turning to chaos in that time they would have been cut off from supplies hunted down and slowly killed off by imperial attacks before finally being so bitter that they accept cows as a weapon to avenge the wrongs that have been committed against them that's if they even decide to join chaos in the first place there are multiple chapters in the galaxy that are still 100 loyal to the emperor but through bad luck or the inquisition just being their usual [ __ ] selves these chapters are declared renegade i even did a video about them because there's quite a few some people have said why don't the tao just make their own space marines and it's a valid question the tower have captured and killed quite a few astartes in their time so they've definitely been able to dissect quite a few they're also very smart smart enough to understand human anatomy and the workings of a gene seed but here's where the issues arise firstly the tao don't really like [ __ ] with dna and biomancy it's been shown that the tau could artificially extend their lives using gene therapy and manipulation but this was actually banned by the ethereals as a tale who could fiddle with their lifespan and body could technically ascend beyond them it was only until commander farsight led his people from the ethereals to form their own civilization that the tower actually basically started inventing their own rejuvenation treatments so the first issue is that the ethereals probably wouldn't sign off on the tower learning enough about biomancy to be able to make space marines another issue is the logistical cost the tower would not be able to make gene seed full stop gene seed requires dna of a primark which requires dna from the emperor as well as the emperor's extreme knowledge there's just no way a towel could recreate it hence any gensie they got for their tau studies project would have to be taken from the corpses of fallen space marines as the tao haven't killed that many space marines alongside the fact that tower weaponry isn't very good when it comes to preserving gene seed in a dead space marine they would have very little gene seed to work with but let's just pretend they hit the jackpot the ethereals allowed it or more likely the far side enclaves wanted to give it a shot they stumble upon a case of a thousand fresh gene seed and bring them home they implant their human recruits all of whom have been dna tested to ensure maximum compatibility and the success rate is quite high the new tower studies learned quickly are brave on the battlefield and very powerful these tower space marines are then deployed against the raven guard and are completely [ __ ] destroyed as i said the genesee that gives a space marine their physical power is only a small slice of the pie the cycle indoctrination extreme recruitment process and brutally small success rate of creating a space marine is essential to their success to be able to be thrown from a drop pod into the middle of a battle against the greatest horrors the galaxy can throw at you and not even hesitate takes some serious balls or a lot of autism the tau space marines might be physically strong and capable but when stress tested against real space marines would crumble and burn the time and resource cost of creating and arming each tower space marine would also probably not even be worth it on top of this when the imperium catches on to what the tower doing the tower threat level would dramatically increase and a large crusade fleet would wipe out their entire race in a handful of years i like the tower but even tower fans have to admit that the tower's current existence relies on the fact that they're not seen as huge threats by the imperium hence any imperial invasions of the tower like the damocles crusade were not overly serious affairs reverse engineering advanced and sacred imperial tech would be a one-way ticket to the come zone for the blueberry boys it really all comes down to the question do the tao even need space marines to be competitive in the warhammer 40k universe would having them make them a galactic threat that isn't just alive because the big players are too busy fighting each other rather than them not at all the tower aren't small and weak because they lack transhuman super soldiers they are a new race they have short life spans and they breed slowly their lack of warp knowledge combined with their small souls and no psyches also means that they're faster than light travel is super [ __ ] it's very hard for them to expand their empire having space marines will not fix any of these main issues if i was the tao i would invest more into capturing and breeding navigators so that their warp travel didn't suck such massive balls also goes without saying they should figure out how a geller field works in the meantime i'm glad the tower don't have space marines not every faction should just be like a reskin of another at the end of the day they have literal mecha gundams to help them fight their battles what else do you need if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai including this new piece of a jean steeler spelled you know j-e-a-n for copyright reasons as well as the fact that she will most certainly steal your jeans hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more bluish content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you on the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 460,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: j7c7_l_kduQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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