THE CURSED (2022) Ending Explained

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what's up everybody welcome to fountain flicks on this inning explained we're looking at the cursed where in 19th century france a mysterious possibly supernatural menace threatens a small village when a child goes missing it's up to a pathologist to investigate the situation and exercise some of his own past demons in the process i initially thought based on the trailer and mentions of silver that this was going to be a pretty standard werewolf pick i was pleased to discover that it actually has its own a very distinct take on the werewolf lore and i mean the thing doesn't even look like a regular werewolf no hair for one it was in this aspect that the curse was most promising but it also boasts exceptional atmosphere with every foggy field filled with dread and it is quite visually striking in a kind of reserved way and perhaps at least partially because it was shot on film it's also a period piece and it's got that whole gothic horror vibe going on that i am always a sucker for where it might show some weakness is in the very casual pace at which things unfold it just feels a bit drawn out at points there's also some bigger concepts and deeper lore hinted at that don't get too much development and that is a bit of a disappointment as well but you know how we do things around here dig into every little morsel that is left behind so let's check out the curse breaking down the story everything we learn about the werewolf and its particular characteristics tied to ancient gypsy curses as well as explaining the ending and what it all means our story opens at the battle of some in world war one one of the largest battles of the entire war the soldiers are all down in the trenches donned in masks and face coverings but still coughing from toxic gases and a whistleblower sends the trooper running out into the battlefield the germans get an old school chain gun ready and absolutely mow them all down the medical tent is quickly overrun with soldiers suffering various injuries and get right into hacking off limbs tossing a foot casually into a bucket full of other random human pieces a doctor focuses on one soldier suffering from several bullet wounds and gets to removing them one by one the soldier starts mumbling something to himself that sounds like a nursery rhyme five for a wedding he repeats the doc uncovers something else lodged in there and pulls out a markedly different looking bullet importantly made of silver the soldier crooks something about eight for silver and then we leave the front lines of war to a more civilized country estate a woman steps off a carriage and asks a maid how someone is doing not good she sighs she looks around several photos of the family a guy there with kids one girl and a boy she hears the sounds of running footsteps and children playing which flashes her back to 35 years earlier we pick up with the woman charlotte and her brother edward when they were kids their mom isabelle steps in to break up the horseplay asking ed to stop teasing his sister concerning their parents relationship we really don't get too much detail but they do seem quite distant while she tends with the kids in the house he's out hunting he later happens upon her taking a bath and the pair say nothing he's not even like hey nice tits honey or anything i mean rude he just leaves without a word and she's clearly upset by the coldness displayed somewhere nearby the estate a band of gypsies make their way through the misty area and set up camp a woman asks her blacksmith associate to get the silver ready there's a storm coming and they've gotta be prepared she groans taking a bunch of silver coins in a box he melts them down over a fire and pours the liquid into bullet molds the blacksmith takes out a peculiar looking set of teeth also made of silver the woman informs us of the importance of these possessions they have protected it while it has protected them for generations she places the teeth down and begins an incantation noticing symbols etched into each tooth as her voice turns strange and echoey the siblings are still awake and overhear the adults talking and decide to sneak a listen it becomes immediately apparent that we're in the middle of a meeting made up of local landowners known as the elders and they have a problem with the gypsies that showed up out of nowhere they claim the area belongs to them and sheamus wonders if that's actually true the church guy is all yeah from 80 years ago but it's nothing that can't be changed in their favor wow real nice there church guy the topic of negotiation is brought up but they said the gypsies weren't interested in any kind of settlement other than being able to keep the land itself sheamus is adamant that they cannot let that happen and it does also impact everyone else in the room so they decide to pull the settlement money to hire mercenaries to take care of their little problem which seems pretty harsh but always pleasant church guy shrugs that a warning is usually enough the setup is pretty obvious here these guys know the gfcs do in fact have claim claimed the land but they're greedy and power hungry they don't give a [ __ ] but they are gypsies after all usually a bad idea to screw them over you know if anyone's gonna get cursed it's gonna be them these dilberts will learn soon enough as they descend upon the camp they do offer for them to simply leave but they are not interested in that case it's time for a brutal massacre of the innocent people and they totally destroy their entire camp the guys are not even remotely guilty even posing for photos clutching one of their dead bodies well that's pretty messed up they drag her up the gypsy woman the guy complaining she tried and failed to bite him with the teeth the head honcho has little sympathy spitting how dare they come up here with their fancy magic and trying to take their land she retaliates it is actually their land but he dismisses them not wanting their kind around here she then curses their dreams until they summon the dark one then you'll know what death is she threatens well yeah see i told you across the gypsy you're gonna get cursed my guy they throw an old coat on the blacksmith and jam sticks behind his arms and brutally chop off his hands and feet filling in these stumps with hay they're making their own real-life scarecrow again kind of disturbing y'all they then kick the old lady into a body pile and bury her alive while she still clutches the teeth well there you go the elders ass hollery and greed has cursed everyone involved way to go cheers isn't it even more abundantly clear when charlotte has a nightmare as the woman said she would curse their dreams she finds herself out in the murder field and strangely drawn to the scarecrow otherworldly whispering fills her ears seeing flashes of them burying the body she starts furiously digging at the earth and the scarecrow shoots its head towards her which brings her out of her dream in the nearby settlement a weary traveler comes into the end for a room for the night he asked the keeper guy about any gypsies in the area knowing that he must be on the same trail as what's happening here his gypsy inquiry as well as writing down him being a pathologist in the guestbook already gives him away to the local officer alfred who joins him at the table he tells him he knows about what happened in gabadon asking how he's been since then john doesn't answer and alfred changes the subject to them needing a good doctor around here but there's not much need it turns out except for cholera which jon snidely points out he can't really help with anyway pretty big historical reference with a cholera but alfred also mentions the beast of jedong which is an actual occurrence in french history although it occurred many many years before this story was actually set the province was terrified by a man-eating animal for decades and even the kingdom of france got involved definitely seems like something similar is going on here ed then has his own poison dream seeing smokey plumes out in the field he too comes to the scarecrow hearing screams and then whispering he digs up the set of silver teeth hearing a raspy growl he turns seeing the gypsy woman standing ominously out in the distance she starts floating towards him and he screams now awake but outside at night well that's weird sleepwalking boy the next day in town the kids are all jumping rope and singing the same rhyme that we heard the soldier chanting each jump has a corresponding number five for wedding six for birth and seven for a curse that's buried in the earth on that timmy stops jumping gravely telling him he's seen it meaning timmy has seen his own buried curse and takes the group out into the woods swearing them to secrecy they continue out into the fields from the dream and asks how many of them have had dreams about the scarecrow each kid sheepishly raises their hands implying that they along with everyone else around the settlement probably are all sharing the same nightmare timmy surprises well in that case let's dig it up like the dream wanted them to time to get our hands on some treasure well not exactly treasure but no okay they argue on who's brave enough to do the actual digging and ultimately it settles on timmy to do so ed says he has a bad feeling and weakly leaps on him to try and stop him to no avail he pulls out the container everyone begging for him to stop now but he strangely can't appearing compelled by a force the whispers grow louder and his whole body starts to shake clearly overtaken by something he jams the teeth into his mouth and veins appear on his face he immediately turns and attacks the boy ripping the flesh from his neck the others flee for their lives still hearing his pain screams charlotte gets her parents help and they bring back the mostly unresponsive ed back home and call for a doctor the doctor shows up noticing the curtains are all drawn isabelle excusing that the boy said the light hurt his eyes doc determines that he was bitten by an animal and that the wound has become infected he's done all he can for now assuring them he'll be back in a few days to check on him that night charlotte has another nightmare seeing flashes of them jumping rope and then her brother getting bitten the scarecrow comes down off his purge to say hello causing char to lose her [ __ ] startled awake she hears talking coming from her brother's room finding him gasping and muttering breathlessly she pulls the covers away seeing what looks like tree branches crawling all over his body she rushes to get her parents and yet by the time they come back ed has vanished only a trail of blood and bandages left behind the villagers joined together to comb the forest including timmy this is all your fault tammy word of the missing lad quickly makes it to alfred and then in turn to john he doesn't understand exactly what he wants him for but alfred mentions they had a recent gypsy problem in the area and this could be the connection that he's been looking for while paying your respects to the church char runs into timmy who calls her over to the confession booth he at least seems to not remember what happened she tells him what he did with the teeth and despite everything she has kept her oath to stay mum he reads from the bible regarding judas and the fee that he was given in exchange for jesus the man counting out 30 pieces of silver for his delivery timmy believes it is the same silver given to judas that was used to make the teeth and this bizarre curse has been spreading in one way or another since way back then giving it a much more religious connotation timmy has grown quite holy in the aftermath of the incident and hands over another bible page believing that she might need it and as for the teeth not to worry they're here on precious holy ground however all that new faith doesn't do much good as it turns out for spotting what looks like ed at the edge of the forest he follows after naturally winding up at the field he hears what sounds like an otherworldly animal cry amongst the grass something unseen stark's right for him and quickly attacks him on the way by he barely even notices that it nearly tore his hand completely off he stumbles back into the woods happening upon an old cabin of some sort he pulls out a bible page for comfort but it doesn't provide much timmy getting overwhelmed by the briefly glimpse creature out there there's another snarl and it's bye bye to timmy john and alfred then make it to the manor and sheamus has to inform them that things have only gotten worse since he called for them and takes him out to the site where timmy's body was found the kid has been mauled to all hell maggots already feasting on his flesh he peels back his jacket finding the page for ezekiel 22 now caked in blood john identifies that he was definitely killed by a wild animal a wolf based on its size for alfred this is enough to conclude that ed is also dead he clarifies he's now trying to be insensitive but there's a much wider spread collar problem with huge ramifications going on but jon on the other hand decides to stick around a few more days sheamus fills him in on the little they know about what happened to edward he was bitten and then was suddenly gone he's concerned for the other families in the settlement as he is responsible for all of them and is hoping that jon can find a way to resolve this grisly situation he meets isabel and they take him to the boy's room as well as around the house leading to where he left via the back door there jon notices a kind of substance caked on it and stares suspiciously out into the foggy forest out of an abundance of caution he tells the family to board up the windows and doors on the ground floor as there could be something very dangerous hunting out there that night jon as the others before has his own familiar scarecrow starring dream he too is driven to dig intercut with flashes of the gypsy woman being buried he pulls out the teeth and digs deeper finding her decomposing body a softer voice calls his name seeing what must be his wife and daughter giving him a happy wave he confirms as much later but we understand he lost both of them in the previous attack mentioned at the end to imply a further connection between the two the scarecrow appears with his family and wraps his arms around them leading them away then a ghoulish form of the woman appears and shocks him awake during another silent dinner charlotte has a startling question are they going to die seamus shuts her down wanting no kind of talk like that besides jon is here to help us find him you gotta stay strong girl john collects a sample of the stuff off the door and observes it under his microscope upon first appearance the cells look like they're dead that is until he pricks his finger and adds some blood to the sample upon introducing it the other cells spring to life going right for the blood his science time is disturbed by a loud thud and when slicking around the house he catches a peak of the creature just outside he and sheamus step out them spotting what looks like claw marks on the door a baffled sheamus wonders what kind of animal tries breaking into homes john admits that he won't know for sure until they set up a hunting ground to catch the beast with all these startling developments sheamus sets up a meeting with his landowning buds explaining jon is here to catch and kill the animal one guy is less than impressed asking him what pathology is exactly john describes it saying that bodies speak after death and he listens while pathology or forensic science has been around well before this story takes place it was only coming to prominence around this time i mean they didn't even believe in germs until around now stupid science tell me to wash my hands oh sure there's invisible little guys crawling all over me right dude yanagan references the beast javadon and then he happened to be stationed there while in the army he is starting to believe that the same thing there is happening here the other bearded guy clamoring in that case bring in the army the only problem is they won't be sent in until there is an actual confirmation in spite of all the mounting danger a trio of poor souls are forced out into the fields to help out things go south quickly when callum wanders off into the woods and the other guy jacob hears strange wrestling nearby anne-marie gets increasingly frightened and calls for jacob she spots him kind of slumped over there and tiptoes closer something is still there feeding on him and viciously bites out his body violently flinging it around she gets an eyeful of the beast and she attempts to flee it leaps on top of her chomping down on her neck caleb is able to fit it off with a stick and gives her time to run but he is quickly gorged she stumbles back to town blankly relaying that she saw a dragon or something out there that looks more like a dragon than a wolf that is true hearing this jon has more concerns namely was she bitten once more by the time they get to her room she's flown the coop just like edward did before now jon knows what's going on here with certainty they need to round up everyone in the church to limit exposure laying it out plainly sheamus and his people are being hunted wandering aimlessly around the forest anne-marie is completely freaking out she falls to the ground screeching and branches start to crack out of her back she wades into a river unleashing another scream then the branches drag her under the water they all wrap around her and reaching towards the surface before they completely cover her body in a kind of cocoon everyone else is wrangled up in the church except for a sleepless john and isabel who have a revealing chat he spills about the specifics regarding his family javadon was plagued by a wolf two people were killed in the first week six the following and that's when the army came in the first time he saw it it was covered in fresh blood just outside their village he rushed to their aid but it was too late 13 had been killed by the beast including his wife and daughter she gives a tearful apology and hopes that they were at least able to catch the wolf he continues that a short time after that a band of gypsies came to town and said that the curse had had its revenge and now was going to be contained in gypsy silver he tried to follow them after they left but eventually the trail went cold it really sounds like this roaming band of gypsies is kind of wandering around cursing a-holes along the way and presumably went from javadon to here spreading the curse to an entirely new location isabel does have an inside scoop regarding a potential curse here as the gypsy said they had a claim on the land but sheamus steps in putting his foot down there will be no more talk of curses john sets out in the morning alone to set up traps in the woods mostly by where timmy was found he hears some suspicious sounds glaring out into the fog he comes out into the field where the scarecrow lingers flies now gathering around it and goes right for the dirt noticing that it's been dug up already he gets back to work laying out more traps and digs a big hole for a spike-filled contraption he gets more flashes seeing his family being placed into their graves and then anne-marie with flailing tree tentacles he suddenly comes too right outside the cabin remains there's a snarl from over the wall and he sees the milky limb there of the creature he gets into position to try and trap it the beast bursting out of the doors just missing his neck and tumbles right into the trap he hurtly reloads his gun stupid old muskets the creature is trapped impaled on several wooden spikes and he fires upon it the shot ring through the countryside they log the body back to the house and unwrap the strange creature everyone in disbelief at the site tom gets started on an autopsy then after some serious labor manages to cut open the skin he moves the flaps back seeing what is distinctly anne marie in there covered in a fleshy bubble john must have been through this before and says that there is no saving the girl at this point they never come back the same he forces saul to take the shot however painful it is to put the girl down so now we understand with certainty how the curse spreads anyone that gets bitten and survives ends up changing into these somewhat werewolf-like yet also hairless creatures this also means that the same thing must have happened to edward as sheamus is starting to piece together always secretive shame is pleased with him to not tell his wife but john is more interested in what else he's hiding asking about the shared dream and the woman buried in the field he tries to brush it all off as simply nonsense but he points out her cursing the land is no more absurd than what they've all just witnessed and that it all started with edward he will keep killing and anyone bitten will also keep killing until the revenge is satisfied yet in spite of all the evidence sheamus still tries to play innocent randomly the next day someone called nana is leaving the house and i'm pretty sure we've never even seen this character before now just kind of came out of nowhere but charlotte is at least upset i'm like bye grandma i guess who are you didn't even have any lines or anything jon turns to isabelle for answers regarding her husband's actions and she presents the photo that they took at the massacre as she points out it's the only trophy of his he keeps hidden in a drawer damn john remembers the page that he found on timmy thinking he must have known something about the silver he reads an underlying passage as the silver is melted so will you be melted in its midst and you shall know the lord has poured down fury upon you yep silver is bad they returned to charlotte who finally breaks her oath to timmy and produces the page that he gave her it regards judas and the whole 30 coins thing from earlier and now he thinks just as timmy did that the teeth were made of the same silver originally given to judas the question now is where is it the church as charlotte remembers the teeth are just sitting in the confession booth timmy used oh yeah nothing to worry about there just evil cursed teeth just hanging out john tasked the remaining elders to call alfred they need to get the army up in here stat oh and a blacksmith as well time to make us some silver bullets a mousey made in east has to brave the treacherous perimeter to collect some clothes drying out in the line continuously peering anxiously over her shoulder the wind picks up flapping things everywhere and she sees some pretty gnarly feet there underneath as soon as she notices it the creature attacks her splattering blood all over the clean linen ah man that's gonna be a pain in the butt to get out she is severely injured but still alive which we know at this point isn't actually a good thing the change is imminent meanwhile john melts down the jaw to fashion some silver bullets to destroy the beast later sheamus returns unsuccessful from his hunt and a niece tries to play like everything is just fine not sure why exactly perhaps extreme dedication to her job i mean she must know they're hunting some kind of beast you just saw it lady john has been busy setting up fires to get a more accurate potential shot and it's only now that anyone notices the bloody laundry he comes down asking about the maid but sheamus still proud and stupid growls that he just wants him to leave jon is through playing games the creature wants you and your kin and reminds him the gypsies did have a legit claim to the land he argues that he took it around more like stole it and well as a result he lost his son he damns his selfish actions as it was thanks to people like him that he lost his family isabelle tries to temper the situation she just wants her son back he volleys to sheamus to explain edward's fate and he only tells him again to get out jon feels like he's finally realized his role here he initially thought he was tracking a beast that killed his family but now understands that he's more like a caretaker putting this thing back into the box before it can kill any more people and says he's not going anywhere until the army arrives denise is not looking so good bleeding out from a bite and hyperventilating and the treaticles start to crest from her back it's sheamus that hears her moans through the vents and grabs a gun tracking the sounds to the maid's room he opens the doors and it appears that she's gone already like the others finding her bed empty the wind whistles and the new beast appears knocking into the floor and chowing down isabel and john happen to run into each other again this time over a squeaking teakettle and he wonders where is sheamus he fires and kills the creature but a fire has spread through the room isabel points outside saying sheamus went that way and he trails after sending her back to get her kid as the house is on fire he discovers sheamus down on his knees who admits he sees the same flames in the dreams of his actions every night he also knows that since he was bitten he is going to change and tells him to tell his family he's sorry he lays down the torch lighting the alcohol and is quickly engulfed in flames the girls are about to head downstairs but have to change course when encountering the edward beast it stomps around outside the door and passes right by both doing their best to stay silent once it goes by they take the moment to flee john escorting them outside he knows they need to get to the church and in the forest they come to nana's overturned carriage along with several mangled bodies hearing growls approaching they get to the ground for cover but shar cannot stay quiet having to live feet away from her precious dead nana the creature shoulders the carriage and jon readies his gun it rounds the corner briefly before retreating for the moment as though it didn't want to attack them it's like they're not guilty you know what i mean the three make it to the church and update the others on the ever worsening situation sheamus is dead and the manor is on fire timmy's dad is tired of waiting and wants to kill the beast but jon tries to convince him of a better plan they have something that it's afraid of silver bullets they need to wait into morning and then they'll draw it out and take it out once and for all this appeases them for now and jon informs isabel that her husband wasn't a total [ __ ] after all he did say he was sorry whatever comfort that gives you at this point she still wants to know if her boy is lost to this nightmare they're not sure john sighs that he can't say it's not looking good but we haven't seen what happens if the beast is shot with a silver bullet specifically isabelle takes a knee to pray and offers anything that she can for just a little mercy from the lord everyone else is asleep and she hears strange sounds and then howling coming from the front doors the voice changes to edwards innocently asking for mommy's help and to come and get him she is fooled by the ruse and flings the door open as the others start rousing awake a few try to close the doors but the beast is already here stepping out of the fog and rushing inside it's an immediate bloodbath of madness the beast taking out several of the group and also provides a convenient way to get rid of the surviving elders a body is flung at jon causing him to drop his silver slugs cutting between the wounded soldiers from the beginning and the werewolf attack war is like werewolves isabelle shouts to her son that's enough and john urges her to get out of the way she changes the stand still and he fires the bullet right through her and into edward she very dramatically collapses to the ground intercut with the silver bullet getting extracted from the mysterious soldier in the introduction isabel looks over seeing edward in his original form has returned then we're back in the war zone the doctor noticing the man's dog tags reading off edward lawrence i think i honestly didn't even pick up on this the first time i watched this but edward is obviously the kid turned werewolf but at the battle we're seeing him 30 years later a grown-up edward now on the front lines of war the silver bullet was still lodged in his body all these years his about weekly reaches out to her son and takes him in her arms then seeing him in the present getting his face covered up now dead for good but as a child he gasps back to consciousness and turns to his mother crying knowing that she's gone now we look back on john's recent conversation is it possible to bring him back we know now that it is possible apparently thanks to shooting the beast with a silver bullet we saw with anne marie that the original human is still in there but john thought before that there was no salvation again the difference being the silver bullet it allowed ed to essentially be saved from his fate and also assumingly prevented him from changing back to his monstrous form ever again in the aftermath jon boards up the remnants of the estate and charlotte hands over the three remaining bullets she tells him that similar to timmy ed does not remember anything the boy there quiet and shell shocked jon goes to talk to ed telling him that they're going to come live with him to which he silently agrees john gives him a big hug assuring him none of this was his fault we then brought back to the present and see what older charlotte was doing here she approaches a much older john now and a voice tells her it's time we then return to that same picture of the three of them from before we can piece together that the kids must have lived with john until adulthood and well at least in some way was able to get his family back too bad for isabel though and see these silver bullets are there all four as we remember young charlotte handed over three which means that she must have in the present day visited her brother's body in order to retrieve the final one since they use the teeth to mold the bullets and they are still in their possession they have effectively stopped the curse for good there's no way for it to spread similar to what jon said earlier he's become like a caretaker putting this curse back into the box before more people get killed and he did succeed at that for at least 30 years as we see some nice jab hopefully charlotte will take up the task after he passes don't want that hairless beast getting loose again that brings us to the conclusion of this ending explain on the curse and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflakes what did you guys think of the curse and its ending what's your favorite werewolf movie obviously american wolf in london maybe one after that i don't know let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,567,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the cursed, the cursed movie, the cursed ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, werewolf, kelly reilly, review, spoiler, cursed, meaning, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: wrmMsMsOCs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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