THE CLEANSING HOUR (2019) Ending Explained

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hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this inning explained we're looking at the cleansing hour following two entrepreneurs that run a webcast that streams live exorcisms that are in fact elaborately staged hoaxes and on their latest episode they get more than they bargain for when one of their girlfriends becomes possessed by a demon this one is just a lot of fun a kind of modern take on an exorcism flick now utilizing the web broadcast angle that works quite well as the story develops into many twists and turns it stays entertaining and exciting throughout despite obviously being fairly low budget a big reason why it works is thanks to the acting the main trio are all perfect for their parts but in particular alex angelus as lane deserves a lot of praise as she has the most weight to carry with her possessed role and she is aces here though the demon does perhaps get a bit too talky and kind of undercuts the fear a bit but now well and i also enjoyed the ending that really goes for broke and actually surprised me which doesn't happen much so we'll be breaking down the story the important personal history that spills out over the broadcast figuring out just what the demon was really after and explaining the balls out endings we were brought into the middle of a webcast of an exorcism father max in the middle of the lord's prayer in an attempt to remove the demon from his latest victim he tosses some holy water on him that causes his flesh to sizzle max commands him to give him his name and submit to the cross he does comply making the bed rise up first before croaking bellath in a distorted tone and begins to read the holy words demanding he abandon this body and never return again to torment his soul the man beginning to bleed from his head and growls you are too weak to defeat me unfazed max reads on he yells and it appears to be seemingly a successful exorcism he turns to the camera to wrap up proudly declaring another demon vanquish thanks to the power of god and prayer and don't forget to follow us at cleansinghour and at father max on social may god bless you and the devil miss you he concludes the stream rolled right into an ad for some vatican approved prayer towels and already we get a pretty clear picture this is more about fame and money rather than helping people vatican approve towels come on max and we learned the production is a total farce drew calls cuts joking someone get that guy an oscar to the victim drew and max are lifelong friends but a rift has started to grow over time especially as max is overly obsessed with his online persona complaining of his account not being verified and the importance of that little blue check mark and doesn't even pay attention to drew who is hoping to branch out from the normal content but when max does finally pay attention he dismisses this as a bad idea and thinks that they just need to get edgier subjects like the drag queen dante he suggests max consults with his mighty big special effects guy and he of course has ideas for even grander effects than what we saw like sparks shooting down from the lights to make him look like the terminator or something sounds pretty cool actually he introduces his niece riley acting as their new pa currently a film student at usc max scoffs that he loves her look describing it as 2000's gwen stefani she unamused asks what the pay is her uncle's sending her off to check out the set another successful show in his belt max wants to go out to get hammered to celebrate but drew's fiance lane isn't interested and well neither is he until max drags him along convincing him it's a form of brand management it's a predictably miserable affair at the bar all about max screeching his way through some karaoke while the others are forced to sit by and watch the sound guy chris offers drew some pills which he turns down but when max asks him to duet on stage we see that he feels obliged out of their friendship to do so whether he wants to or not which is kind of his biggest problem at the moment is he really your friend or is he just [ __ ] you around afterwards some girls come up to max and hit on him saying they're as big as fans and wonder how a good looking guy like him can take a vow of celibacy which he admits can get really really hard innuendo and yeah he bangs her great priest right but he boasts that he's legit and always wanted to fight evil since he was a kid the church he says denied his ambitions of becoming an exorcist so he quit the church and taught himself feeling good flows within him she concurs as he drops his robe and gets back into bed going downtown but the moment is spoiled when an old hag appears sending him jumping out of bed stammering and asking if she wants some breakfast that's the last place you want to see a creepy old lady popping up to tell you that much meanwhile drew is still concerned and upset feeling that the show has peaked drew is also feeling pressured by his family to do something more normal for a career his father's sending him a pair of video glasses to come work with him she lays it on thick then max's only concern is himself and that he doesn't care about him thinking drew is actually getting played and that it's time to pull the plug preparing for the next episode chris who as you remember took some pills comes in looking pretty messed up and decides to make the painting of mary on the wall crooked for some reason mumbling that it's beautiful before hobbling off well that's weird must still be doped up or something out on the streets nearby dante is trying to find the studio but finds that his phone isn't getting a signal out of nowhere and continues to an alley as a person on all fours comes out from behind a pillar hmm that's weird he decides that perhaps it isn't worth it and tries his phone again to no avail the on all fours person pops out again sending dante running well the best you can run in high heels while the person is gaining on them approaching a corner the homeless guy bursts out with wide eyes and snatches them up well looks like some real deal evil has found its way onto the show after all on set and with no word from dante drew is growing concerned that he's going to have to cancel the show but then considers that lane could play the victim as it's all just for show anyway and she was in drama club after all she gives in but their honeymoon has just been upgraded to bali telling him he better sell a lot of prayer cloths across the country in washington dc a well-to-do family is sitting down to dinner the young son bryce on his tablet his annoyed dad tells him to put it away and asks about school him saying that they learned about dinosaurs hell yeah that is a good school day boy just about to keep talking he's interrupted by a phone call dad apologizing and leaving sending the kid back to his tablet seeing he's waiting for the countdown of the stream to begin the show has spread elsewhere too like at the bar the same two girls from before chatting about max max arrives with some good news dr phil wants him on his show as a spiritual advisor sounding like he's already thinking of moving on to bigger things and leaving the show once again doesn't listen to drew whatsoever more focused on his latest booty conquest even showing his pal video of them on his phone great thanks feels a little uncomfortable showing me that but fine chris is still looking dreadful and after asking for a sound check blows chunks into the trash max ordering him to get cleaned up geez what did you take dude that was like 20 hours ago and you're still tripping balls threw straps laying into a chair assuring her this is no big deal and he will be talking to her through an earpiece making sure one last time that she's okay with this her laughing ha ha she's changed her mind but she's just kidding woo you are gonna regret that lady he pulls up an encyclopedia of demons known as the devil's database containing every demon known to man along with their history and how to defeat it riley makes fun of them for not streaming in 4k deeming them ghetto drew annoyed tells her hey go stand by your uncle get out of my face kid and she trips on a massive power line correcting them that they're actually called stingers not snakes as he said while she sure knows her set terms that 200k for usc ain't going to waste that's true though that is what they're called max is ready to roll asking where his queen is seeing lame drew tells him that she bailed and he's irritated worried that they needed more pizzazz his friend lays it out it's either elaine or no show and he's got 10 seconds to decide with no real option he instructs her to watch the monitors and follow his lead and it showed him a pretty over dramatic title sequence touts all the people that he saves referring to him as a powerful soldier of god and everything jeez max ego much he speaks to the camera greeting his followers and introduces sabrina and her fake history of abuse and pain tonight he hopes the audience's prayers along with his leadership can save her soul cutting to korea we're even across the ocean people are watching max's show but the other cop says he prefers the mendy project a little less supernatural stuff going on there probably i don't know i've never seen it everything is business as usual initially drew directing lane to act as though something is inside of her and cues the line to help me father max as max starts blessing her cue his other special helper that vatican approved towel a pop-up ad to purchase your own appearing on the screen and commands the spirit as part of his routine to tell him their name and to obey she groans smoke shooting out and chris drops the mic drew orchestrating in a hurry for riley to grab the boom to keep going telling chris to clean himself up again jeez bro get your [ __ ] together he splashes water on his face convincing himself that he just took some bad stuff concerningly the water flowing from the faucet turns to blood and when looking at his reflection his face is covered in a weird glowing craggy surface ghoulish hands reach out from the mirror sending him falling back and blocking his head man this guy is a mess then things on set take an uncertain turn drew cues lane for her next line but she doesn't respond everyone becoming confused at this point drew again asks her to follow the script and she finally whispers this is tight max gets right up to her and she repeats this in a demonic voice headbutting max about to lose his [ __ ] drew calms him down asking her to submit to his will she laughs lane is gone and she's gonna make him work for it calling him maxie which catches him off guard asking what did you call me she calls tommy over lane compliments his ink inquiring if he thinks he's some kind of tough guy and his tattoo out of nowhere bursts into flames that quickly covers his whole body one of max's precious towels only fuels the fire and even when riley uses the fire extinguisher same thing it makes the flames grow in intensity whoa okay tommy puts his face on riley's leg and leaves a severe bird melting her flesh everyone aghast at what just happened certainly not part of the show drew tries his phone getting the same error message as dante pryor noticing the views are starting to climb well maybe it's worth it now the demon says we're here to save her soul and sets the rules that if drew cuts the feed he'll kill the girl same if they try to leave leaving them only 49 minutes in the broadcast to lift the veils max tells them that she doesn't deserve this and to take me instead she grabs him asking if he really means that maxie offering that they can do their penance or become martyrs and digs her nails deep into his arm he tries his usual tactics of reciting verses but drew corrects that it's not going to work as there are specific rights for each demon they need its name max yells for it to say his name but she sees the fan deserves better putting it to the audience how should father max hashtag save sabrina leaving it to them to decide her fate max asks how they supposedly know god's plan them recording they were there when he wrote it drew searches the database with their clues so far encouraging max to do what he does best [ __ ] time's up and they ask drew what it's going to be and of course the comments contain all kinds of unsavory ideas settling on the most innocent of stripping taking his shirt off as the demon commands max is hesitant but drew tells him and not to worry as he'll keep the shot tight so no one can see anything and looks down seeing their viewers have cracked four hundred thousand yet when he is naked drew can't switch the angle giving the audience a nice shot of max's bum but the girls seem okay with it though he's all alright you had your fun snarling hardly and brings down the entire light rig and turns on the fixtures to all face him in a spotlight the hokey pokey song turns on the demon grumbling you know the moves which max does lifelessly at one point getting his hand caught in a spinning fan demon's a dick disappointed she asks for more enthusiasm sabrina and 500 000 people are depending on him drew goes to the breaker and tries to stop the stream a spark exploding out blowing him back and shatters one of the lights glass now all over the floor he's forced to put his feet on the glass max groaning in anguish although there is no relief the light's turning up even brighter and oddly the blood appears to go backwards as we flash back to the past with max and drew in jesus school he's drawn a picture of satan which brings the nuns ire calling it an act of contrition and similarly to now makes the kids get on their knees on what looks like a plank of soda bottle caps yeesh drew does his verses flawlessly but then it's max's turn his friend holding his hand in support as he struggles through them the nun shoving his knees down even harder well that's pretty harsh and we'll see more of this as the story unfolds and we learn what max's personal story really is behind the internet facade they're still hoping to figure out what this demon wants max believes that it's just to torture them but drew argues there must be a bigger play and remembers a word that it used after a query he finds that it means lies well no [ __ ] max bits but drew thinks they can still use this tidbit against it max does his thing telling the demon he will do its bidding and lie for them but still doesn't know what it wants it says perhaps it has already made its intentions known as lane and the demons struggle for control until lane starts choking on something max reaches down into her mouth and shockingly pulls out one of his prayer tells he thinks that maybe the demon wants him to tell the truth about their supposedly holy product admitting that the claws have no cleansing power and they're not even from the vatican but just cheap crap from china additionally the holy water is just from his bathroom sink and it looks like it's working he continues that he knew better and went with it ashamed of his actions and begs the audience for forgiveness then lane is back asking to go home drew asks her to just imagine those sweet sweet waters of valley and they'll be there soon and the demon takes her back choking again assuming there's something else trapped he reaches back into her mouth this time she chomps down on his fingers until severing them and spits a coin it drew he's not as innocent in this whole thing it turns out as he also has his own sense to confess he reveals that the last year he's been keeping the majority of their profits about 70 feeling the whole show runs thanks to him all max has to do is show up though max tells him i forgive you my son he doesn't forget telling him he'll pay him back with interest hallelujah riley randomly decides to make a break for it that goes about as well as expected the same statue that was set up for a special effect is launched at her stabbing in the back of her head the demon only giving a half-hearted shrug in response my bad i told her not to run the demon still isn't stopping chortling so many sins so little time a loud crash starts emanating from a cabinet nearby but only max it appears can hear it they suddenly have more pressing issues the broadcast signal's starting to get weak drew is on it and starts rearranging some ethernet cables in the back room lane momentarily returns that there is a bigger plan here and asks to be let out max laughs you really think i'm gonna fall for that drew finds the culprit a bunch of chewed up wires thanks to a rat chris reemerges mumbling he saw it the beast as the signal drops to one percent he manages to get things up and running at the last possible second phew there's still more tea from max yet to be spilled as they flash back to the past with the nun max again struggles with his verses and drew helps him mouthing along which the nun doesn't seem to appreciate and starts bashing his head on the desk man he's nunser hardcore and then he's back to the present chris describes the beast he saw a bird with fangs and [ __ ] a hairy body big ass tail part man and part goat this gives them a few more keywords for the database as things narrow down to a handful of possibilities chris hides in a stall trying to convince himself that it's all in his imagination no such luck a long limbed creature attacks from the other stall he scurries out and it yanks him back but he is able to get loose running into the main room telling the others there's something in there but they don't see anything a weird creature on all fours comes out chris grabbing a knife he hides behind max pleading to confess something and he rattles off some minor sins like taking offering money but gets frustrated knowing that it must be more he looks to the merry painting and asks chris to pray with him afterwards he opens his eyes and looks around they appear to be gone hey it worked oh wait it's back never mind he starts slashing at it but he's actually harming himself and keeps slicing himself up they attempt to stop him but he's too frantic and when it jumps on his neck he slices his own throat whoa whoopsies don't do drugs kids max still doesn't get it certain that he got all the words in the prayer right and shouts what do you want from me some cables come down in a noose and a chair slides out underneath you want me to kill myself he asks clarifying no they want him to unburden his conscience she again puts it to the viewers to decide if he gets enough likes to reach 100 percent they will save him everyone quickly getting to work spamming as many hearts as they can he puts the noose around his neck saying he has faith in his followers and stands before them a defeated man who has finally met his match his grand speech interrupted by more pounding on the cabinet doors that gets more intense it opens and a hand comes out and growls it's the non-lady from when they were kids who gets right up behind him she whispers to tell the truth love the sinner hate the sin max continues flashing back and forth to them as kids he cries that he doesn't want to die and lays it all out there about the show that everything is a big act well except for tonight hoping that's obvious by now and that he isn't even technically a priest he was raised roman catholic but you have to follow the rules which he wasn't good at he admits he was kind of a dumb kid but it doesn't take smarts to know what evil is back to her bashing drew's head on the desk he intervenes just as a pencil falls to the ground and she falls right into it the pencil jamming into her eye and she screams this incident haunted him for years chalking it up to god punishing him for what he had done the closer that he got to the church he saw more hypocrisy and corruption so he quit the church and believing their lies and really everyone around the world is watching the show now 11.4 million viewers wow big success so him and his best friend created the show and didn't think it mattered if it was fake because people loved it and more importantly him although now there's blood on his hands due to his foolishness begging forgiveness for what he's done still not enough it seems the noose going tight around his neck he growls he told her everything and lane returns screaming as blood pours down her head max drops the stool getting strangled dink getting pretty out of hand here only drew able to do anything the chair falls and lane's face turns kind of mutated and weird looking she weekly calls out to drew you're getting played she says pull the plug remembering back to earlier when she said the same thing he decides to cut the feed realizing the demon needs a vessel as well as the crowd and the torture he pulls it and now on dead air yelling no one can see what you do now there's a moment of quiet with max hanging there the number's starting to drop sharply and the news drops letting max go the demon brings itself back up calling lane a clever [ __ ] and demands they put the camera back on understanding everything they've been told so far is a lie why would they believe them now and hey she's probably gonna kill them all anyway she goes them thinking they've got it all figured out but i see everything another keyword pairs down the results to the name eamonn ready to save the day and his friend he says to restore the feed the world will want to see this they haven't input the data yet sending drew to the books to find more info and quickly types it all in the cables come to life wrapping up drew and pulling him away from the desk snatching his dad's video glasses on the way thanks pops the demon says to lift the veil max unsure of what more there is to say but she's confident there's more as they flip back to lane and she stammers that before they met max and her dated ooh okay woo there you go they try to downplay it then he ghosted her and that she was going to tell him and everything his cell phone buzzes and max lies saying it was the wrong number and a video of max and lane being intimate together is broadcast for the whole world to see well that's awkward lane is pissed as max said that he deleted it but he mutters that he thought he did the cables go slack and drew confronts his friend asking how many pictures of his fiancee does he have on his phone and rightfully sucks him in the face the whole video reminding him of the karaoke girl just another conquest for max mad that he takes advantage of literally everyone max groans this is what it wants but drew is too upset yelling he treated him like a brother all his life but that he only cared about himself lane asked him to stop as he's going to kill him but the demon suggests he go for it if he does kill him he will let him and lane go he stops when seeing himself on screen and realizing what he's doing and flips the glasses on bringing up the demon's listing and starts reading she yells getting angry saying you can't defeat me and starts throwing stuff all around the room to get him to stop drew ending up pinned and can't reach the glasses he's at least able to bring it up on the teleprompter for max to take over and begins to recite verses about leaving this vessel sparks shooting out from the grid overhead hey just like you wanted earlier and it does look pretty dope the screens explode and the demon lets out an earth-shattering scream well it didn't seem to work yet again then after unpinning drew the demon breaks out of the restraints and starts beating the hell out of him going back to the glasses to read more to hopefully in this max uses a cross which she sets on fire and shatters the video glasses to try to stop them she sets fire to the studio but drew is able to get to the book sending the demon into a void of pain it appears black shadow like wings emerge and lane collapses to the ground the milky white shade fading from her eyes so maybe that finally did work after all jay's louise is a persistent demon she wakes up in a state of shock and confused drew embraces her as she sobs appearing back to normal oh there's still three minutes left in the show again putting it to the audience for what's next although while the verses were able to remove the demon from lane it just moves into another vessel hearing evil laughing as the crispy tommy gets back to his feet they're befuddled certain they set all the rights correctly but there's a few problems it seems first of all max is no real man of god you gotta have faith to ward off evil and it's been well established that max is a total fraud in that sense compounding that with the issue that he's not actually aiming as i suggested but a much bigger boy on the demon list stroking that it was my list oh whoa so it's actually the devil and then begins to transform into his true form hearing flash tearing it slops away revealing monstrous claws and hooves his head now adorned with some serious horns its entire body all cracked glowing skin and much larger too and i mean yeah they suggested it before but that is definitely the devil in the flesh which is pretty serious we're not dealing with some run-of-the-mill demon guy this is the big daddy over here even max now realizing they are in way over their heads chuffing it's too late for that lane says to cut the feed while max is still focused on himself questioning why me to the devil he gets right up into the camera frame the viewers stunned all around the world like whoa dude that's on tv right now what in the hell bro the devil chants in a demonic language as the show's broadcast timer counts down to zero just in the lick of time way to go devil he bites the line and cuts off the signal and uh wow i really did not see that coming afterwards drew revives an unconscious lane asking what happened he was hoping that she would know as they are still a bit confused by what the hell is going on here and she did mention a few times about wanting them to cut the feed asking there's gotta be more to it than that right but unfortunately she can't remember though we get to see for ourselves the devil's ultimate plan as everyone's watching eyes have turned a telltale milky white now all possessed and they go violent on everyone around them brutally slaying people all around the world perhaps most alarmingly is our young watcher byron who slays his mother with a kitchen knife and then goes to visit his father to wish him good night hiding sheepishly behind a teddy bear he comes into his office not just any office but what looks like the oval office hearing his dad being referred to as mr president the boy quickly pulls out the knife and slays president poppy hearing gunshots going off and bodies studying back in the studio the police and emergency services have arrived drew promises lane that the show is cancelled well now what she asks he takes out her engagement ring and places on her finger and kisses her forehead and max also got what he wanted precious precious love in the public eye his social media now a healthy 4 million followers and he's got his ever important blue verified badge after all hooray i guess because it sounds like hell on earth was unleashed basically thanks to the show continuing around the world and learning of widespread violence and death as well as martial law being declared clearly this was the devil's plan all along though there is brief mention of a miracle cured so maybe things don't necessarily go to a full-blown worldwide apocalypse scenario after all and they are able to make those afflicted turn back to normal but still that's some pretty serious damage done there so when it comes to the whole story of play and just what the devil was doing while possessing lane he knew all about the phony and relatively popular father max and decided to use this to his advantage as more and more secrets and lies came out the audience kept growing larger and larger reaching millions by the end and in that sense is exactly what he wanted to get as many eyeballs on the screen to spread as much violence as possible they were basically being used by him the entire time for this purpose they thought that atoning for their sins was helping but it wasn't really doing anything and if anything was just helping the devil spread his reach further through these means it is possible that they could have put a stop to his plan if max actually had faith but you know no such luck there or if they were able to pick up on who they were actually dealing with things could have gone differently as well and hey everyone knows that satan is the king of lies so they really kind of blew it there i have to say and this is what made them such easy pawns for the devil to prey upon the end is also a bit weird because it feels like there's some pretty serious questions still lingering like where did the devil go after biting the cables it's just weird that after all that he just does his thing and he's like peace out y'all he really just disappears and we don't actually really know what happens to our surviving crew either like they just go to bali on their honeymoon even though they spread this death worldwide just kind of weird you know regardless of a few little things like that i still really like the ending and it's quite unexpected in game for the story it was a big swing for sure and despite some holes still was quite satisfying well that wraps it up for the scene explain for the cleansing hour while not perfect i still thought it was pretty interesting and a thrilling experience overall and did a lot with pretty limited sets and everything too which is always impressive in my book so nice job to damien lebeck and the rest for this one hey maybe we'll get a sequel or something i could actually see that working kind of keep going where the story goes from there they gotta track down the devil where'd that devil go that's what i want to know seriously did you just go back to hell i don't know maybe he's working as an insurance salesman now i have no idea and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of the cleansing hour and its ending what would you maybe like to see in a potential sequel let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 2,148,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the cleansing hour, cleansing hour ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoiler, exorcism, new horror movie, shudder
Id: xBUMU5iNz10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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