DASHCAM (2022) Ending Explained

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hey how's it going folks welcome to fountain flicks on this inning explain we're looking at dash cam taking us all the way back to the start of the pandemic where we follow an abrasive improv musician who travels to london and upon rivals steals her friend's car and makes the wrong decision to give a ride to an elderly woman who is not what she seems i was looking forward to this one as is rob savage's follow-up to his smash hit debut host wasn't long before the big boys came calling enter blumhouse who jumped on board for his follow-up project while i did quite like hosts especially what it was able to accomplish with a small budget it even had some impressive visual effects and good spook moments as well my main beef is that it was just too short running at less than an hour in total is that really considered a full-length movie i don't know at least 80 minutes or something anyway so i was looking forward to seeing what savage would do next with a little more resources and backing behind things dash cam is similar in some ways to his debut it's another screen lifestyle setup all seen through the pov of annie's live stream and builds some good suspense and mystery along the way things turning out a lot more bonkers than i expected oh and guess what it's still only an hour and 17 minutes come on you can give me another 12 minutes buddy and it is packed with even more filler than its predecessor thanks to our hosts incessant freestyle raps this brings us to what might potentially be this entire movie's undoing as our lead character annie is one of the most obnoxious protagonists i've seen in a long while now you don't have to have your lead character be relatable but she is insufferable she's just a terrible person in many ways just kind of screwing over anybody or anything in her path and has some very specific political leanings that she never shuts up about it's weird as well because our lead character annie hardy in real life was in the band giant drag that i remember from like 10 years ago and after watching this it left me going wait is the real annie hardy like that or is it just the character kind of both as it turns out this is an exaggerated version of a real life persona and it does actually provide some quite amusing jokes and gags sprinkled in there point is it is a little tough to get through the first 20 minutes or so especially and then things are full speed ahead into a really exciting thrill ride of action and just bat [ __ ] crazy stuff there's also several aspects to the story that are left quite vague but there is enough evidence to figure out what the heck is going on here so let's check out dash cam breaking down the story including what is up with the old lady angela the weird parasite creature thing that shows up as well as explaining the ending ah of course a burns production which i will be obligated to mention every time this guy makes a movie i was saying boo worms oh mole man via the lens of a phone's camera a countdown informs us that we're about to go live on band car the internet's number one live improvised music show broadcast from a moving vehicle phew quite a mouthful there a few comments and viewers start trickling in and our host annie groans welcome to another day in paradise her show consists of driving around aimlessly and making absolutely horrible improv rhymes there's one guy that she seeks out in the streets who's been doing the same thing every day since lockdown started she lies in wait and up comes quite a sight a completely naked man riding a bicycle which she describes as majestic she can't help but relate feeling the whole lockdown thing has made us all go crazy exhibit a is this guy right here to be even more annoying as she drives by she screeches after where's your mask then it's time to kick off the heart of the show the comments give her a word to use and they work together to create a musical collaboration for reason why not fair enough she goes right into incredibly juvenile lyrics about having sex with your dad and when it comes to people who stay inside well they can sucker queef charming even talking about all the restrictions gets annie exasperated and she is determined to get out of dodge she returns home to pack and of course she can't forget her favorite maga hat oh boy she attempts to comfort her cat saying that she's feral just like they are with comments coming in wondering just like me hey you got someone to help take care of that cat or what nah doesn't matter i guess and he does at least relay that leaving the cat is the only hard part about leaving la the rest is a total [ __ ] she arrives at lax the emptiness of which is quite a haunting sight as she calls it a ghost town ghost only to bore the ghost planes she buys a clip to attach the phone to her hat and gives it a try joking about wondering just how did she get brain cancer she boards with her mask defiantly under her nose and when filming out the window flips off the la skyline on the way out why do you live there as soon as she arrives in london she's right back to singing another out-of-tune nightmare of verbal vomit informing us that she's made it to her friend's house in jolly old england she hopes things haven't changed since the last time she was here but the sight of a blm sign rubs her the wrong way moaning that's how you get a rock thrown through your window whatever this thing can just eat her already you know what i mean good lord lady she flips up a rock and just as suspected her butt still keeps his keys hidden underneath she heads inside and makes herself right at home and pours over a photo collage including them back in the old days cooing my old sweet friend she stylingly swings open the bedroom door finding her body stretched passed out and peaceful looking in bed she quickly ruins that when she gives him their classic silverlake handshake spitting in her hand and smacking him upside the head the shark startles him awake along with his even more confused girlfriend unaware of their new visitor thanks thanks for coming to visit annie after that stellar first impression gemma who you may recognize from host is not too friendly towards annie she blankly hands over some sanitizer which annie rubs right on her pants without a second thought she tells her that one of her viewers said that she's hot which does seem to flatter gemma but she is less than enthralled with another request for her to take her tits out yeah i wonder what kind of audience she has on this show probably a bunch of really cool guys and people and he gets abrasive putting the camera in her face and wanting to know what her response is to this obvious act of toxic masculinity it's all just kind of a joke to her is what it feels like jimmy gets more annoyed putting on a mask and cleaning the counter vigorously while annie freestyles about her believing the lies of mainstream media one track mine there huh at least stretch is excited to see her and the two have a warm reunion showing off he's wearing a giant drag shirt from their tour ten years back again giant drag being the band the real anna used to lead they didn't suck what happened why what is the other shitty freestyle rhymes they were not bad when it comes to the nickname stretch according to annie it's not because he's tall but because of something he would do with groupies on tour involving vegetables and certain orifices gemma is horrified and he plainly reassures her no no the nickname is because he's tall not because of annie's offensive nonsense he joins her for a car duet and it's terrible as always going on about looking for butt buffets and shoving stuff up his butt this master class in freestyling comes to a screeching halt when annie finds herself unable to find something that rhymes with orange yeah good luck with that i put my orange 4 inch door hinge in storage poor stretch has been facing some tough times thanks to the pandemic and is now doing food deliveries to make some cash annie is less than sympathetic immediately making fun of him for his plight she then shows off some [ __ ] crystal that she believes has powers in this case to help him with his erectile dysfunction when it comes to crystals when i looked at annie hardy's real life twitter she does actually believe in crystals making me believe again she's not just like a right wing nut bag she's a drugged out crazy person she continues to be a whirlwind of trouble in his life getting into it at a restaurant when she refuses to wear her mask pretending that she's wearing a new invisible one as she rants about people needing to see the truth the guy loses his temper and shouts for her to leave immediately her completely amused by the entire situation see it's really more just about [ __ ] with people i feel like than what she actually believes in any real capacity she's like you're dumb and i want you to think you're dumb and that's that's about it really things are now a bit awkward between the pals and she hopes that at least gemma will be happy to see her this does not appear to be the case as she appears out of nowhere attacking annie rather than even question her behavior and he feels no remorse whatsoever and decides to steal stretch his car telling these libtards i'll catch you later it's time for another ripe opportunity to throw down some beats this time about how smart she is and how she can't be cancelled by group think [ __ ] she's interrupted by stretch pissed off and demanding his car back which she immediately denies knowing anything about after hanging up on him she gets a new food order in and poses it to the viewers should she take the order or not i think we already know annie well enough at this point she is gonna take the order besides she's hungry anyway she makes it to the cafe and there she confides in her followers that they're the only ones who really understand her but also acknowledges that they really don't at all inside the place looks pretty questionable and definitely closed providing annie another opportunity for chaos she does at least try to shout out that she's here for a delivery before letting loose some comments tell her to check the register but hey she's got standard she's no thief she does find a jar of pickled eggs and for 20 bucks she gobbles down what she calls a kovic egg which actually made me laugh her high jinks are put on hold by a woman's voice bellowing for her to get out of here and he shows off the delivery and she excuses that they should have canceled it but they've been busy yeah it looks like it's really been popping around here the lady shoves her out the door any deriding her for not properly social distancing she then suddenly changes her tune and asks if she has a car she brings her back inside and forks over a handful of cash for a simple different kind of delivery taking her to an elderly woman sleeping in the back that's fine annie quickly nopes out and the lady chases after pleading with her to do it and he argues that this is some kind of human trafficking stuff but instantly changes her mind when she's offered more cash she escorts the lady out boasting that she's actually a pretty great person and gets her into the back seat the old lady angela suddenly gets more lively and keeps trying to escape from the car forcing annie to turn on the child locks she is taking her to 214 timberline lane and asks her what's there but angela does not utter a peep regardless she pretends to involve her in callbacks with her latest hit and is suddenly taken aback by a foul smell and he grows genuinely concerned realizing that the lady has pooped herself they pull over and it's just as she feared annie sobs running out of the car while angela tumbles out onto the concrete she sneaks her into a restaurant to get cleaned up trying to figure out what her deal is and gets her first strange clue that something is not right here noticing what looks like an ariana grande tattoo not typically what you'd expect to see on an elderly lady more like a teenage girl you know i mean i guess everybody likes ariana grande right she then hears another voice of someone else in search of angela who pounds at the stall door her eyes turn milky white and the overhead lights explode and he runs out and the woman attacks her and she takes cover behind the counter she sneaks a peek over seeing the lady approaching angela while she idly flips the tv channels with her mind encouraging that she's here to take her home and he slumps back down trying to process things and the lady's body is launched into the wall wow so this old lady has got some kind of superpowers or something and he climbs over the lady who roars and grabs at her she fights back with a can bashing her in the face and flees out the back door annie is losing it wondering if she just killed that lady things take another turn when stretch shows up out of nowhere with the worst timing ever she's baffled how he was able to find her and it's like uh dude you're literally live streaming publicly at this very moment not really hiding your location very well he's frustrated with her behavior once more and she does her best to explain who angela is but well she doesn't really know that much either maybe antifa are part of some cabal well that really leaves a quite a range there this leaves stretch more fluster than ever what has annie gotten him into this time he's had enough and slams on the brakes kicking her out of the car as they continue arguing outside angela sits there looking calm and peaceful cars whoosh by and she eerily opens her eyes staring right into the lens to the viewer's horror blood starts to seep from her mouth the audience growing even more alarmed another light flashes by and this time when they pass angela has vanished completely everyone wondering what happened stretch returns to his car and starts cleaning up the poopies left behind groaning this is what happens when you let annie into your life a fog overtakes the windows and he's startled by someone pounding on it but we can't quite make out who it is he steps out hearing a tree branch cracking and sees what sure looks like angela bolting off into the woods he stomps after her and sees his phone has somehow started broadcasting the shock of which causes him to try and run but he winds up injuring himself way to go dude very uh graceful air he peers up into the trees and sees angela looming up in the branches of one he runs back to the car seeing that she's still up there he then contemplates his decision and the comments start to all rip into him for being a big old coward he changes his mind and decides to climb the tree to try and help the woman grunting and cursing her on the way up just about to reach her he grabs it a branch to snaps and he loses his balance sending him plummeting to the ground and dropping the phone while the live stream cuts off we see angela gently floating back to the ground and wandering off stretched soon after regains his bearings and a frantic annie appears shrieking she found us a shotgun blast crashes into the tree and they zigzag through to avoid the shots they hole up in a camper but first have to tin with stretch who finds a needle in his foot that they have to painfully remove they shut off the light and hide in the pitch black as the woman's flashlight breaches the window she enters and they try to stay quiet and out of sight she scans around the room but luckily for them she is drawn away by screeching elsewhere and clumps after the sound they wait in silent suspense which annie breaks in her usual demeanor asking if her friend has a boner classic the signal kicks back on and annie attempts to heal the aids in his foot by using the healing power of a tree which she then shoves right back into his face they get a surprise call from gemma and while he tries to have his private conversation she narrates with inappropriate sexual comments i know what a surprise gemma has something to say to her and annie begrudgingly takes the phone and starts to give what seems like a legit apology but tells her sorry that hypocrites like her are convinced by mainstream media that they are anti-fascist stretch annoyed grabs the phone back while annie shouts after she won't let people like her have her own beliefs she didn't even say anything as they traverse back to the car annie continues her struggle to find something that rhymes with orange they flip on the headlights and angela is standing there in the road in front of them stretch wants to see if she's okay and annie argues well he's the man so he should go look he thinks they should just drop a location pin and call the police but she's tired of his cowardice and goes outside on her own she steps closer and angela doesn't budge she then gets right up in her face and immediately flips out at the side of the blood all over her mouth and when removing the mask annie is bowled over seeing just how much blood there is angela grabs her finger and drags it in her mouth tearing her flesh deeper causing a new deluge of blood to be let loose and in the chaos of the struggle he loses sight of the road sending them crashing head first into an oncoming car sure hope they wear their seat belts but i got a feeling for some reason that annie is not into that while the other passenger certainly did not as he is now lodged halfway through the windshield the car explodes behind him the man shrieking in pain he reaches out to grab annie's hand and she tries to comfort him but cannot uphold the facade for long and gets loose telling him to f off yeah good luck smashy she navigates through the smoke-filled environment and spins around right back to angela her eyes turn cloudy and she grabs her she breaks free and surveys the wreckage noticing bottles and strings attached to the other car and yep as she rounds the corner we see they were newlyweds or should i say newly deads and he does try to give the bride at least a little bit of dignity covering her face in a no liberal sweatshirt also made me laugh i have to admit hey at least she's trying in her very very weird way she does show some signs of humanity when coming to a broken stretch and she does her best to cheer him up the only way she knows how trading bars back and forth she says she's finally got something that rhymes with orange but i don't think that syringe quite works whatsoever sororange maybe just as soon as she's kind of cheered him up angel appears out of nowhere and grabs annie again tearing a huge piece of flesh off of her neck you're like hey get her get her sorry that's mean not a water to die or for the first time stretch overcomes his cowardly nature and steps into action two and then assist they run off down the road with angela not far behind hopping up onto the car's roof they attempt to flag down another car but they curiously don't even slow down and plow right into stretch well must be that other lady has tracked him down as he lies on the ground the feed comes back online and the audience is abuzz about everything happening they are optimistic seeing a flashlight approaching but it must just be the woman shouting she's gonna get you [ __ ] and he retrieves the camera and the woman opens fire growling that she can't run and he crawls through a sewer tunnel as the views climb higher and higher she turns off the light and waits for the lady to show up ordering her to give her back to me she's got a bargaining chip saying that she has stretch if you don't come out she's gonna blow his head off annie appears truly frightened and then there's a gunshot her assuming the worst butterbud is still alive screaming out for help she crawls out to the other side to get a better vantage point seeing the lady standing over her pal she tells him that she's just a child and calls him sick and you're like a child huh annie seizes the distraction to grab the lady's wheels and she sounds defiantly to eat my ass as it roars to life her triumph is short-lived as the lady turns her gun on the car and she careens out of control right into a pole the lady is just about to blast annie in the face but her buddy pushes the gun away just in the nick of time she tries to reach for the keys and annie impressively pretzels her wrists around the steering wheel brutally snapping it stretch tries to take the camera away but she insists they have to continue this is the best episode of the show ever yeah i bet not a very high water mark there they interrogate the lady about her murderous intentions and she spills that angela is not only her daughter but is only 16 years old and he admits to not being a math whiz but that doesn't quite add up here without there being some kind of benjamin button vagina scenario also funny the woman guides her to her phone and she takes it off on her own upon looking at it and he starts to uncontrollably laugh and falls to her knees she can't believe it's real in the photo is a much younger looking angela with the same woman also sporting the exact same tattoo that the older lady has they are definitely one and the same it appears that whatever happened to the girl has caused her to rapidly age into the form we see right now oh and there she is now her mother tries to approach her and angela's straight up rips her head off with ease they run back to the car and angela easily blows it over sending them hustling back into the woods stretch quickly runs out of breath and loses sight of annie separating them further angela drags him back towards her along the ground he crawls until he finds himself at a metal fence he climbs over it and rolls over the side of the hill he peers back and there's no sign of angela and see that they've stumbled onto an old amusement park he attempts to make a call but there's no signal so he's back to trying to find annie and gets a fresh clue in the form of bloody prince on the ground he follows the trail through the area seeing it is quite a large amount of blood he comes to a teacup style ride and annie is holed up in one not looking so good he does what he can to arouse her awake but she's unresponsive i mean that is a lot of blood loss but there's always the hail mary of the silver lake handshake he spits on his hand and whacks her good bringing her back instantly it's like a it's a miracle how does that even work it did work but she's still pissed groaning that it's not funny and calling him a narc seems like you can dish it out but can't take it a annie he didn't have to come back and help her especially after all the [ __ ] she caused you know regardless she hides in the bathroom leaving him alone with a creepy ass looking tree there's a clank from somewhere and creepy carnival music starts wafting into the air annie appears in a rage lashing out at him she reclaims the phone exposing angela right behind him think she would have seen her before because she was standing right there i don't know could have been teleported or something you never know with angela and he escapes into a hall of mirrors and comes to stretch on the other side they try to follow each other's voices and are able to reunite amongst the reflections at this point the mask has completely dropped and it's annie in need of a pep talk from stretch quite a change from what we've seen he knows exactly how to appeal to his sensibilities reminding her of what she's always told him her balls are bigger than his i know she sobs and he asks how small his are so small she replies that's enough to get her back to her old self especially after he bonks his head and she can't help but be amused the levity is literally shattered when angela breaks through the mirrors and violently rips out stretches throat annie pants back out to the parking lot and breaks into another car she drives off pounding her hand and frustration over losing stretch now an emotional blubbering mess wow she might be a real person underneath all that after all the biggest twist i ever saw coming she nonchalantly pulls out a nice calming cancer stick not noticing the red glowing figure gaining on her tail angela leaps on the roof and quickly dispatches the vehicle an exasperated annie grabs her camera just as angela is briefly seen breaking in through the trunk seeing she's right at the edge of a body of water she takes a moment to pontificate on why it is that god hates her lust rage blasphemy she starts and angela shrieks grabbing her from behind biting and chomping on her even if sustaining more injuries annie is able to get her tangle up and some seat belts to keep her at bay for the moment she places a bag over her head encouraging her to wear your mask [ __ ] okay by now i kind of get the humor because once more i was like yeah that is kind of funny angela groans sending the car into the water and then lifts it high into the air it then comes crashing down right into the water the car quickly getting flooded angela reaches at her and annie gouges it through the face with a headrest but does at least apologize for doing so ah thanks no problem the roaring water floods over and annie gasps her way back to the surface while she's still catching her breath we see that as not the end of angela eerily flying out of the water and into the sky now morning annie is still a mess sniffling and howling fairly into the trees she climbs another fence and finds herself at a stately looking building off in the distance she tries the door to no avail but when looking around finds a sliding door unlocked it's strangely empty but quite modern and nice looking inside with no one around she decides to make herself at home declaring this is now her house feeling confident again she flips through the mail and does a freestyle this is my house where i'll stay at 214 timberline way as soon as the address leaves her lips annie realizes that she's exactly where she was supposed to be going in the first place same place she was supposed to take angela and all a force slams the door closed and she's in a room covered in pages of what looks like a religious text and she turns around to a bunch of bleary-eyed looking people they all slit their throats in unison and angela emerges and he gets her through the mouth with a knife and drives it deeper and deeper into her face she boasts that's what happens when you mess with annie but she's overwhelmed when a tentacle-like creature emerges from her face she runs into what looks like a church hall hearing loud snarling following behind her she runs down the hall into another much darker and dingier area she throws up some fence to act as a protective barrier and a white creature attacks her through the lynx its hand resembling what we saw coming out of angela and he runs off accompanied by eerie howling echoes behind her she comes to another area filled with cars now getting that this cabal in a sense just as she suspected has been claiming victims and hiding the evidence in several cases so far she crawls into one car amongst the collection and the parasite returns crawling over the windshield she makes her way over to the passenger side and slowly opens the door seeing its long red tentacle fingers reaching over she looks for another ride and sees stretches there with the hole in the windshield she rushes over to retrieve her bag including her precious keyboard don't let the party die she gets into the car with no issue but it doesn't have any wheels so well in frustration she kicks the car setting off the alarm and drawing the parasite right to her hiding behind another one she gets a good look at the back of the thing's long worm-like tail as it crawls off she inadvertently sets off some funky beats on her keyboard and the parasite descends upon her with it under a car she kicks off the jack and the car crushes the beast didn't see that one coming a homie she then takes her keyboard and bashes the thing repeatedly in anger with it seemingly dead she gets into the car and does a sigh of relief that it's all over the show only now comes back online and the audience is full of even more questions regarding stretch's whereabouts and did anyone see that lady's head get ripped off yeah they missed a bunch of juicy stuff there only annie will know what happened in its entirety on good news according to the comments ariana tweeted back the show is getting huge as the numbers continue to climb and he slowly turns to the camera and does one last freestyle annie are you okay killing him like oj if the gloves does not fit you must acquit and if your name is annie hardy you must be the [ __ ] and she's suddenly overtaken by a coughing fit possibly the rhonas the story ends on this moment until annie interrupts the credits to provide her signature vulgar freestyles for the cast and crew you know more butt stuff and whatever pretty uh creative when i first watched this i felt like this lasted forever so on round two i timed it 109 to 116 of the movie's entire short run time is just annie doing her shtick again like we had enough of that i don't know can this savage dude even make a standard 90 minute movie it seems so easy to add more to the runtime especially like found footage kind of things and maybe that would have helped the overall experience flow better just like come on dude it's not even that hard and it does feel like savage has honed his style further here over host but is still not quite there but it's also funny because when the actual credits start they change to a giant drag song and i'm like oh hey that's actually pretty good and while i don't admittedly know the lyrics by heart or anything there's not even one mention of butt stuff it's almost like it is possible to take the time to write good songs instead of just making up terrible [ __ ] on the fly and this could have actually been funny that's the whole point as some of the satire kind of ends up being later like i thought of somebody like the lonely island writing an anti-lockdown rap verse and i was like uh yeah that would be amazing and could be actually really clever anyway outside of the questionable music there's the very vague story it's more like a string of situations that we learn little pieces of along the way you know what is going on here exactly there is enough evidence presented including confirmation from savage of what unfolds we know the first time we see angela she is already looking frail and weak but still multiple times presents those superhuman abilities that means she is still quite strong and agile considering her outward appearance then there's the revelation that angelo was actually a 16 year old girl who went missing in the past few months and her mom was trying to hunt her down she also thought stretchy and annie were somehow involved in the kidnapping hence the trying to kill him and everything so considering the weird creature guy is known as the parasite we can determine that it needs a host to realize its full capabilities or powers it also quickly ages or sucks the life out of its host so it would frequently be in search of a new body to harvest that's where annie enters back to the beno cafe selwyn yes the same seance lady from host presents her the opportunity to deliver angela but where she was sending her was right in line to make annie become the parasite's next host luckily she was able to take out the deteriorating angela and encounter the parasite in its original weaker form without a host this allowed her to crush it and beat it to death putting an end to this strange parasitic entity for good that brings us to the conclusion of this inning explained for dash cam but don't forget before we go you can see me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by stating them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you think of dashcam and its ending did you prefer this over host let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time i'll be at the butt buffet
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 579,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashcam 2022, dashcam movie, dashcam ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoiler, review, annie hardy, host, found footage, parasite, monster, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: rya4cicMtY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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