NOPE (2022) Explained

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everyone just a quick message before the video i ran into a bunch of copyright issues that resulted in the video being blocked completely like can't be released at all but i still wanted you guys to be able to see it so this is the best version i could safely release please enjoy hey how's it going everybody welcome to fountain flicks where the word for today is spectacle as we explain the latest from jordan peel now where we follow the residence of a lonely gulch in inland california who bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery that's right aliens for his third movie peel really feels like he's continuing to evolve as a filmmaker and this takes him squarely into a blockbuster style category it still retains his trademark horror elements but now really delves more into science fiction and perhaps surprisingly neo-western as well from what i've gathered this appears to have gotten a fairly divisive reaction with a lot of people disappointed that it wasn't a typical alien invasion flick i felt a little similarly after my first watch because it wasn't what i was expecting regardless i ended up absolutely loving the movie and it is simply an impressive feat of filmmaking the visuals are absolutely stunning thanks to nolan's go-to dp the score is incredibly unique and adds a ton especially as the story gets bigger so does the score and once more the cast assembled here is simply perfection with a special shout out to kiki palmer and steven nguyen who really bring their characters to life when it comes to the complexity of the story it's not quite at the level of us which nearly collapsed under itself in this regard but there still are a lot of different elements and themes and mysteries at play everything from filmmaking greed religion and the importance of respecting wild animals and i've also gotten tons of messages from y'all with questions like what's up with the gordy scenes or that shoe standing on its own and what is the deal with the alien that they dub jean jacket while we're here to dive into all those mysteries presented throughout the movie and figure out just what the meaning of everything is so let's check out nope breaking down the story it's many different questions and themes presented as well as explaining the ending and what it means we overhear the cast of a sitcom in the middle of filming an episode and it's gordy's birthday and an appropriate biblical quote appears on screen i will cast abominable filth out you make you vile and make you a spectacle it's kind of the whole movie we see this in action when gordy has a violent episode also seeing a shoe oddly standing on its own next to a motionless girl gordy enters and rummages around the stage his adorable sweater soaked in blood his attention is drawn to someone else and that's all we see for now yet the message is already clear you can't tame a wild animal and it's foolish not to mention dangerous to think otherwise in the present a new day is starting on the haywood family horse farm out in agua dolce california over the radio there's news of some missing hikers nearby who haven't been heard from in a few days already indicating that something nefarious is a foot in the area the head of the farm otis along with his boy oj as in otis jr tend with their stable of horses and otis is busy trying to train a new member it also sounds like the farm must be in dire financial straits ode is hopeful they can book a new gig if they nail this one they'll definitely get brought back for the sequel and won't have any more problems talk then turns to his missing sister emerald dad complaining that she's supposed to be here and oj is well aware only grunting back he's definitely a reserved man a few words then things completely change in an instant oj pulls out his cell phone and it starts to glitch out and the horse walker powers down then there's what sounds like a woman screaming in the clouds above and objects start whizzing down at high velocity something appears to have hit pops seen not moving on the horse as it trots away he collapses off the side and oj rushes to his aid they do make it to the hospital but it is to no avail otis is dead thanks to the objects mysteriously plummeting from the sky and it was a coin that went through his eye and into his brain that likely killed him it looks like all the objects that fell are similar metal personal belongings as back of the ranch he notices a key jammed into the horse's hunches the official story is that debris fell from a prop plane but we know there are more extraterrestrial things afoot we fade into a strange glowing plastic kind of corridor along with whistling wind the wind gives way to anguish chattering and screaming and the hall dissolves to a zoetrope kind of animation of a jockey riding a horse in the aftermath of otis's death it's up to oj to pick up the slack in the family business which it seems is a bit out of his comfort zone on set he does his best to get everyone to respect the horse mumbling to not look it in the eyes but he's so quiet that in the bustle of shooting no one really hears him the actress bonnie steps on stage with a horse and o.j pipes up again about needing a quick safety meeting he starts to give his spiel and is so soft-spoken that they can't even hear him speak up o.j luckily his extra outspoken sister emerald shows up to save the day she immediately and confidently takes command of the room and tells the storied history of their family it goes all the way back to that shot from the opening that was the first assembly of motion pictures in history and she complains that everyone remembers the man that put the footage together yet not the black jockey it's actually their ancestor alastair haywood meaning their legacy goes all the way back to the foundation of film itself as she points out since motion pictures can move they had skin in the game she moves on to the safety portion making sure to respect and be cautious around the animal concluding with a cheery let's have a great shoot she then throws in a final pitch of her own hustles rattling off the many many set positions she can do wow as we see these siblings personalities could not be any more different despite her writing the course she leaves oj on his own and things go awry once more he weakly requests to take a quick break but no one is listening and he tries to call out for assists all the muscle causes the horse to freak out and kicks up some sand spooking up the actress well shoot that's all it takes for them to get canned and we see how much of a struggle it's going to be for oj to carry on the family business especially if his sister isn't really involved it does seem like there's quite a gap between the siblings with her doing her own thing back in the city while he is completely focused on the family farm to his surprise she wants to come back with him but he's still upset from them getting fired she doesn't want this glum version of her brother she wants the fun one complaining that this does not make her feel loved they make their way back out to agua dolce along the way passing by a ton of those inflatable dancing guys sky dancers they're called apparently and they pull into something called jupiter's claim marked with a bucking horse and stagecoach display out front she really must not have been out here in a while asking what happened to gold rush and oj explains that they went bankrupt and it's been this for the past three years it's a kind of tacky western town featuring something called the star lasso experience others are gathered around a well the winking well that features a special kind of camera at the bottom that can snap photos and m accidentally photobombs them unfortunately due to their situation o.j has been selling horses to this place glumly telling his sis that he sold 10 so far but he's confident that he can get them back he wants her to stay outside for his meeting calling her a liability and he chides her for promoting her side stuff on set yet she clarifies this is her side [ __ ] and believes he's more of the liability here well she's not totally wrong based on what we saw he relents to let her join him and we meet ricky aka jupe who flirted with fame as a kid actor back in the 90s and parlayed his role as kid sheriff into his current business o.j boasts that he's brought lucky their second best horse and curses him as well as himself for losing focus on set but well can't fire himself him is distracted by all the showbiz paraphernalia around and can't help but fangirl out over ricky's career oj tells her to clam it but we can see that ricky is more than happy to discuss his past they finish up their business and while he is selling lucky wants to discuss a plan to buy the others back ricky is cagey at the prospect giving a blank uh totally after considering wonder why that is for some reason that he can't get the horses back then something in the collection really catches her eye a cover of mad magazine parodying the gordy's home incident from the opening once more ricky is happy to talk about what you might think would be a sore subject as he was part of the cast of the show and was even on stage during the attack he has more to show off saying that he usually charges extra for this and reveals a hidden room filled with more forbidden memorabilia there's a photo of him and his co-star's first signature exploding fist bump and even has gordy's birthday hat and that shoe still mysteriously standing upright ricky details that the show became an instant hit in 96 but then during the shooting of the gordy's birthday episode boom 6 minutes and 13 seconds of havoc the network tried their best to bury it but it was an official spectacle people were obsessed oj does recall this happening and due to gordy's freakout they can no longer use chimps on film anymore it's true that you can't use chimps anymore but obviously not because of gordy's home nice real life parallel there though in the many years since the show's cancellation its fan base has only continued to grow a foreign couple even paid him 50k to stay in his weird shrine room for a night there are quite a few themes brought up in just this scene alone first of all just what a spectacle is exactly something that is technically bad but people are still fascinated by it the same goes for gordy show in the first place they are pretty much exploiting the chimp for entertainment purposes and also of course to make money this then mutated into the notoriety surrounding the attack which interestingly ricky has gone on to benefit from personally he's basically using his own past trauma in order to make a quick buck we come to understand he has a very complicated relationship with his past trauma as he recounts an snl version of gordy's home rattling off era appropriate cast members for each role and naturally chris kattan played gordy actually does sound pretty funny the whole setup of the sketch is that every time someone mentions the jungle gordy freaks out ricky chuckles that katan just crushed it and then there's a quick flashback to him as a kid shuddering in terror and then him sighing out that it was some legendary [ __ ] this once more reinforces the ideas of play here snl made light of what for him was a real bonafide tragedy almost kind of erasing his pain in the public eye so to speak yet ricky still struggles with what happened back then as a kid and it almost feels like he broke that day and hasn't ever quite recovered he's really overcompensating to cover up for that deeper drama the siblings return home and o.j grumbles that he has work to do yet emma is able to convince him to hang out she remembers when they were kids and what was supposed to be the first horse that she ever trained named jean jacket however they got a gig on scorpion king and dad trained him himself to her disappointment she also remembers watching from the window and he never looked up at her once but oj did giving her the i've got eyes on you jester from below she tries to iterate that she had a point but loses the words and he concludes the point is they are both hard-headed that's it yeah we can sense that m feels like she was overlooked by her dad in favor of oj this could also be what caused her to eventually want to walk away from the family business she didn't feel like she truly belonged o.j acknowledges that despite his faults their dad did something when he made this place he changed the industry and he refuses to let something that significant go now also really understanding how important this place is to him she's confused noticing that ghost is out of the stables and we get our first title card well second after the movie title ghost oj joins the creature calmly asking him what's good at the house his sis cranks a record and he shouts for her to turn it down but it's too loud for her to even hear and while he's distracted ghost takes off he pilots an atv deeper into the property hearing a distant persistent howling noise he opens a gate leading to another area and spots four lights in a formation in the distance a voice crackles out that sure sounds like ricky what if i told you every friday for the last six months my family and i bore witness to an absolute spectacle the voice starting to get distorted the lights begin to blink and then get more intense they're shrieking from somewhere above and the winds get stronger back at the house the record slows to a stop and the electricity blinks off for a few moments before roaring back on the shrieking sound returns and oj sees something zipped between the clouds they confirm from the security cameras that the electricity did cut out and she can tell that something is bothering him he inquires is there a word for a bad miracle nope she tells him he goes on about what happened to their dad the whole prop plane thing never made sense to him then earlier he heard ghost make a sound like no other horse he had ever heard before and she wants to know what it was he saw all he can say is it was big and fast but too fast and quiet to be a plane she gets serious is he really saying what she thinks he's saying yep there might be some sort of ufo out there thusly they take a trip to what i recognize as the burbank fries which hilariously happens to be ufo themed sadly fries is no more they see an opportunity on their hands if they can get some legit proof of a ufo that could lead to a huge payday this could be their key to becoming rich and famous for life uh-oh here we go again exploiting spectacles for personal gain they know there already is tons of potential ufo footage floating out there but it's all fake and low quality they're gonna get what no one else has before the money shot the oprah [ __ ] undeniable proof once and for all what you might call an impossible shot more on that a little bit they ring up their new security system with the board associate angel he offers to help them set it up but they refuse and he scoffs that they won't be able to do it but it's no big deal for him they do end up enlisting angel's help and he has an emotional breakdown over a recent breakup she isn't interested asking how long is all gonna take and takes relief to go get some stuff once installed oj keeps asking him to point the camera up you know towards the sky and does so for each and everyone around the farm angel's pretty sure he's already got things figured out casually informing oj that they don't call them ufos anymore they're uaps now back when that footage got declassified a few years ago people started paying more attention and in what he believes was a coordinated effort they change the name in order to cause people to lose interest and apparently at work oj can only grumble a cool in response and angel tells him to check out ancient aliens yeah that's definitely a reputable show in returns from her track and has pretty much stolen a display horse from juice place for them to use as bait ricky shows up soon after and they have an awkward exchange regarding it they play it off as not being his and he invites him to check out his new show the flyer quickly blowing out of his hand laugh my ass off there he informs them that it's this friday and gives them a big thumbs up which they all return in befuddlement their new system in place angel is desperate to know what's really going on here she cryptically tells him that he'll know soon enough and he offers to remotely monitor the fees which they both shut down immediately he finally does take his leave when they promise to give him a five-star rating on his service and we got our next title clover oj constructs a makeshift object similar to the kind of mirror thing as dudes on set with the horses and then here's something in the nearby barn he goes in and shuts down the power yet as soon as he starts to walk away it kicks back on he turns around hearing chittering and squeaking what looks like two little creatures step out and he pulls out his phone another appears from the side and he literally nopes out but he steadies himself to get some footage waiting for them at the corner a little face peeks out followed by another right behind him he reactively sucks them in the face knocking their mask off seeing that it's a kid underneath turns out i was just ricky's kids playing a prank on him for stealing their horse and they let clover out when they leave oj goes to retrieve the loose horse while in watches on from the monitors a praying mantis pops in a frame and she freaks out then laughing at herself for being scared just about to head to bed she gets an urgent call from angel about the bug she's irritated that he was watching their stuff he knows but this is important camera a is down as an ancient alien's down o.j grabs clover's reigns but he refuses to budge and gallops off leaving oj on his ass the win picks up and a full-on tunnel of dirt sucks up the decoy horse with a streamer of flags now sticking out of the cloud she steps outside and shouts the update to her bro it's in the cloud and he only in response king have understated this guy there's a much louder howl and she screams for him to make a run for it he runs away seeing a round shadow gliding through the clouds right over his head he makes it to cover in the barn as it flies right by and then zips upwards and the lights all cut out at the house and the call drops meaning this thing is close by em notices the one camera is still on and she attempts to knock off the bug to no avail the saucer reemerges the wind picks up creating the dust tornado and clover is sucked up into the sky there's more shrieking heard from within and she catches a glimpse of it off in the distance and only now does the bug inconveniently fly off well now we know for sure they've got some kind of ufo or uap on their hands here and it appears to be dangerous as it sucked up clover however they were unable to get the money shot they were after that encounter is more than enough for him to want to get out of here but oj will never leave the farm saying he's got work to do in the morning and mouth to feed she does decide to stick around and they reach out to the crusty cinematographer from their previous shoot antlers yeah that's his real name he is definitely old school working on a flatbed editing bay and notice that he is scrubbing through predator versus prey footage him tells him that they have the project of a lifetime and he growls hopefully not in his lifetime our first potential clue that he is in poor health they struggle to convince him to hear them out until she lays it out a particular way they are in search of the impossible shot this has him intrigued but you know it's impossible that's the whole thing she divulges that something is out here in their home and is certain that he's the only one in the world that can get it on tape he waxes that's her dream to chase the one where you end up on top of the mountain with all eyes on you that's the dream you never wake up from and he hangs up angel makes a surprise appearance and is in disbelief when he gazes out to the vista holy [ __ ] it's really declares on the monitor he fast forwards through the day and one cloud conspicuously never moves oj looking back realizes he's probably been looking at the same cloud for the last six months and never even realized it they did technically get it on recording but it's still not good enough not oprah good angel gets grave there's an alien spaceship in that cloud but oj argues that it doesn't move like a ship so what if it isn't a ship at all and now is gordy's time to shine as we see more of what went down that fateful day it's another normal day in the grind of tv production as they perform the scene about gordy's birthday present poor rick has a small one while his sister mary jo enters with a huge package she sets it down and a bouquet of balloons rise in the air one pops and it's a sound that causes gordy to initially snap and as it came from mary jo she receives the brunt of his outrage we float through the backstage area the place looking like it was emptied in a hurry we then approach the house set hearing gordy chittering and hopping up and down as we round the side mary jo is grunting in pain and gordy climbs up on the couch little ricky terrified under the table mary starts to move and the chimp returns to pummeling her and viciously tearing her flesh off the dad comes downstairs and tries to keep him at bay commanding for him to sit he's not a dog he tries to ride and gordy chases him down hearing him getting attacked off screen rick is paralyzed in fear and the shoe continues to stay impossibly erect now this shoe is probably one of the biggest questions left in the whole movie and it could be interpreted in many ways there's the idea of the impossible that the siblings are in search of and this could be another example of that there's also the phrase of waiting for the other shoe to drop which in this scene never actually comes this also ties back into ricky as well as this didn't happen it represented how this impacted him and still does to this day it could also be kind of a distorted memory thing that's how ricky remembered it and it didn't actually happen his memory became influenced by his display in the present gordy returns turning his head right to ricky he gets up to the table and appears that he smells his familiar scent he begins to hoot in excitement and reaches out a bloody hand for one of their signature exploding fist bumps the boy weekly returns then shockingly a bullet rings out and gordy is put down right in front of him adding a whole other layer to the tragedy for poor little ricky this deep-seated trauma does seem to still stick with him to this day seeing him now looking off in a daze probably stuck remembering what happened for the rest of his life which of course he also capitalizes on as well his wife comes in and can tell that he's nervous giving him a gentle massage on his palms she asks him to rehearse one more time and he takes a deep breath what if i told you he begins we move on to our next card lucky before hearing the rest with word of a looming storm angel wraps up all the cameras oj then happens upon a flyer from ricky amongst a pile of poop and a look of determination crosses his face telling the others he's going to get lucky back at the park amber gets the crowd warmed up for the inaugural edition of their star lasso experience and we really focus in on the icy machine for some reason must be sponsored or something although the idea of cactus flavored icy does sound delicious ricky then takes the stage asking for a round of applause for amber for putting up with his craziness i'm sure there's a lot more going on behind the scenes there that we don't really ever see and then gives an extra special thanks to his old co-star that's right mary jo is in the crowd she did survive the attack but it left some serious permanent damage looking like most of her face is just gone hidden under a veil he then turns to a cage covered in a green sheet and whispers to himself that he's chosen he then launches into the speech that he was rehearsing which we also heard the first night oj encountered the alien lights what if i told you that in an hour from now you'll leave here different he explains that for the last six months his family bore witness to an absolute spectacle one they'll be seeing for themselves soon he takes them back to the first night that he saw it right in this spot he came to wrangle his horse trigger and could barely see due to all the fog but he swears on his family's lives that right at 6 13 pm which coincidentally or not is the same duration as gordy's violent outburst he saw what was no doubt a flying saucer he believes that they are being surveyed by an alien species which he refers to as the viewers now they haven't come out of their ship yet but believes that they do trust him or otherwise he chuckles none of them would be here now in just about an hour they are going to change all their lives we also get a peek at some ready to go merchandise and the design is an odd combination the head part really resembles the two film reel setup of classic 35 millimeter cameras and the furry bottom none other than gordy a weird collision of these things that make up who ricky is but before the big show called out his boys to do their own routine first worryingly we see the dangling flags knowing the alien is nearby he sees its shape amongst the clouds and its suction beam comes to life amber plays it off they're giving us a real show today huh if they're ready we're ready ricky proclaims and cues the guy to start the show he opens the cage and lucky does not move amber asks the crowd for a little bit of patience trained animals can be unpredictable uh yeah as we've already seen a few times the audio slows and the ic machines cut off oh it's coming the wind gets severe and the entire crowd including ricky instinctively look right up at it in disbelief the roaring grows louder and they are all enveloped in the swirling cloud we then get a peek inside of the vessel and it is as oj suggested not an alien spaceship but an alien lifeform based on appearance they are sucked into another chamber there's a sharp thud and we see the weird plasticy hall from the opening and it appears that they are inside its digestive system and it's pretty tight in there there's a deep squelching sound and the walls begin to constrict tighter around them amongst the gutty works the flag streamer looks like it's stuck somewhere in there and they all scream in panic before being crushed in the dust so yeah not a ship at all but indeed a living thing big surprise there this also recontextualizes what ricky was up to here he was basically doing the same thing the creators of gordy's home did exploiting a wild animal to make a quick buck o.j arrives after at the eerily empty ghost town and makes his way towards the theater and there are a shitload of icy cups all over the ground i mean like only icy cups what the heck seriously there weren't even that many people there jeez at the arena he hears lucky nang still in his cage he smacks his lip to call him over and the entity isn't too far away hearing it whistling in the distance there's several quick popping sounds along with screams he stays back and keeps trying to call the horse and the alien returns coming right down upon him it kicks up dust everywhere and overtakes him destroying the stage he comes to later that night and the storm has rolled in and lucky lives up to his namesake clomping right up to him he gets him loaded up and calls m to tell her of the newest revelation he was right it's not a ship it's alive it's territorial and thinks this is its home just then the power cuts out an angel's van comes to an abrupt stop he scrambles inside grabbing a knife relaying that they are in trouble the whooshing goes right over the top of the house noticing the rain changing into sheets as it takes position still hearing these screams from within there's a roar more screams then the voices all stop at once yep they've been digested then stuff starts raining from the sky various bits of things like a part of a sign from jupiter's claim a car key and coins now we get that this must have been what caused that stuff to rain down that killed pops presumably from the missing hikers from the beginning and it looks like the being can't digest non-organic matter blood starts raining down the windows and then down the steps in a very haunting visual in the flashes we can see the thing hovering over their house and it is huge oj pulls in it reaches the barrier that causes his truck to shut down he can't make out exactly what's happening and then notices how the water is falling around the house they keep waiting and the rushing water fades the being is on the move it goes right for oj in the truck and it appears to be moving away he cautiously opens the door looking up and well it's right there directly overhead he closes the door back up uttering another nope at the frightening situation he glances up again and the display horus plummets right through the windshield covered in blood it finally got the thing dislodged starting to creak and bellow all they can do is wait for it to move along and sometime in the morning the power comes back on o.j gets the truck into gear noticing mary joe's scooter up on the roof the others see that he's coming she's ready to leave but angel argues they're only alive because they stayed here he tiptoes out of the truck and sneaks his way over to the van he opens the door panting for them to come on and just as they run out these songs slows to a stop above the swirling clouds are back and o.j has another revelatory moment recalling the importance of not looking a horse in the eye thinking that it might be the same thing here if you look in the eye it's a threat that's the whole thing it looms right over him and he forces himself to stay focused on the ground it moves on and they hoof it to the van and quickly get on the road they hide out at angel's place in the city taking a break with some ganja and vr games but oj is still focused on the sky now i swear antlers is still busy with his predator prey footage and overhears a story on the news about what happened at jupiter's claim meaning the word is about to get out about what's going down in their backyard during dinner it's clear that the others are wanting to discuss anything other than what happened but he's still preoccupied with a creature he brings up his theory about not looking in the eye and it won't eat you and the others complain for him to read the room he continues on regardless every animal has his own rules and angel argues they don't know [ __ ] she tries to apologize is that what he wants and he tells her to stop that [ __ ] and own the moment but warns that their moment is about to pass them by and they won't have anything to show for what they've been through angel invites him to stay at his place but as usual oj is undeterred from his duties at the farm she groans at his consistent attitude and begins to walk off but gets a ding on her phone from antlers now convinced they are really onto something when he shows up he notices the unmoving cloud thing too right off the bat and now knows with certainty that they are not lying he wants to know how he can see it and they know that it's going to get hungry again all they have to do is ring the dinner bell they know what it doesn't like that fake horse messed it up good and even think this trick actually made the creature mad they also know it's not their fault it's here that falls on ricky he started feeding the thing he thought he could contain and control a wild animal which is a no-no you've got to enter into an agreement with one angel is curious how to do that with an alien entity and oj suggests they call it jean jacket after that horse em was supposed to train all those years ago antlers is all why don't we just feed it some fresh horses then but of course the siblings are not into that idea well then who is going to get the star out of the trailer me oj responds resolutely they sketch out each other's positions respectively around the area and then set their plan into action also to their favor antlers has brought along a self-made no electronics imax camera so there's no worry about losing power this time emma's stoked beaming i told you he was for real and shares an impassioned round of high fives with her bro ready to go get the shot they first do some training with lucky to get him used to bright colors flailing around and see why that is as m waits outside the nearby store using all those dancers to snatch him up in order to power them angel steals a bunch of car batteries left behind at jups and then him gets to doing some sewing they know we all know what happens when the people come they'll try to take everything for themselves what we're about to do can never erase that and thanks to the training lucky is now used to being around his new inflatable friend they know since jj is an animal it has a spirit that can be broken and antlers tasks him to break its spirit and i'll get the shot antlers then starts to recite the lyrics to one-eyed purple people eater that takes on a very different vibe thanks to his raspy tenor they each get into place and o.j dons a bright scorpion king hoodie and places a mask on lucky confident jj will not mess with him we then presented with our final title jean jacket as they anticipate their final showdown they have a little camera base camp set up for angel and antlers who we see sneak some medications again implying that he has some sort of terminal illness and his time is growing short m puts on a record and they blare it outside over the speakers they then bring all the inflatable dancers to life flanking the road antlers marvels at the exquisitely stupid side before his eyes and begins to crank to get the camera rolling o.j goes out to survey the dancers keeping an eye out for any down that would indicate jj's presence he finds one down deeper in the gulch and it springs back up blaming it on a faulty battery then there's a soft chittering and oj can feel that jj is nearby then a wrench is thrown in the plan when a random ass person shows up on a motorcycle and rides up to the house m attempts to shoot away and excuses that they are running tests for a commercial he notes that the whole valley here comes out as blurry on google maps they are really out in the middle of nowhere he turns his camera on her asking what happened to jupe and all those people giving the terrifying news that he's from tmz oh boy that means the rest of the press can't be too far behind also an amusing tidbit to point out as tmz stands for 30 mile zone an industry term describing a 30 mile radius around la if a shoot goes outside of the tmz it tends to up the cost of production also funny as the ranch's location would technically be right on the border of the zone she tries to warn again not to go that way but he does not listen and he zips right into the danger zone angel ponders what will happen to an electric bite that hits an anti-electric field in the opposite direction and the biker hits the radius getting quickly launched off his bike he did survive the crash but starts screaming in agony oj rides over to try and give him a hand his sister urges him not to do this and the signal distorts away the guy keeps groaning asking what happened and o.j tells him they've got to get him out of here but make sure to keep your eyes on him antlers runs out of film and gets angel to help him quickly change reels or as fast as you can really since with film you got to get out a tent to prevent light exposure and everything the electronics were back on and the guy doesn't get why he's not filming o.j sees the chance to actually get the guy to safety but he's more preoccupied with getting a photo there's no time as everything powers back down he keeps crying for his camera and the entities whoops in and scoops him up crying oh god as he's taken the others get a new reel in the camera but it looks like they just missed the feeding but jj soon returns turning his attention to oj the shadow falls over the ground and the big hole is right above his head he stays steadfast and doesn't look up as a suction tornado kicks up and sucks in a dancer he puts his hood on with two eyes on the back and the others know that he's about to do his big run here's their chance oj picks up speed riding through the audience of sky dancers jj is back and right on his tail he keeps going even with it there and the electronics going out in waves he pulls out a flag and parachute from a bag sending it out behind him hoping to get it to gobble it up jj turns on its side seeing the outside layer kind of rippling he leaps off shouting for lucky to keep going and jj flies off upside down angel whoops triumphantly and m is excited they finally got the shot right well the feed got cut when the biker was taken but they should have it on the film camera right wasn't that the whole point the answer is they do they changed the film and thusly would have caught oj's whole run yet antlers does not answer he's still compelled to get that impossible shot he knows it's going to be magic hour soon and he heads off on his own with a camera this harkens back to what he accused him of earlier climbing up that mountain of the impossible and the dream from which you never wake up from he's compelled at his core to make this happen for real and stomps up the hill they keep calling in asking if he got the shot or not and without antlers angel takes over as operator on their main cam he sees jj darting ahead and getting closer it comes right up to him and he stares dumbfounded and then screams getting sucked up into the beam but does manage to capture the whole thing so good job he got that dream shot he was after and perhaps gave him some solace in its achievement before he died then jj returns for angel and unleashes his tunnel a tarp blows over him sending him tumbling away down a hill it starts popping and turns to him it then rips the roof right off and launches her into the air just out of range angel crafts a makeshift protective layer wrapping the tarp around himself along with some barbed wire jj comes back and sucks him up tearing out more fence posts along the way and his scheme appears to work as jj spits him out however it appears jj took this as a threat and begins to change physical forms wow good for him didn't even know he could do that and it shifts from its more flying saucer s shape to a more strange writhing billy one almost sail-like in a way its new appearance has sparked a lot of discussion in particular the idea of it possibly being a biblical angel there are some similarities and looks based on different renderings and angels do generally have two different forms there's also the whole eye thing here don't look in the eye but with angels it's like humans can't take their wondrous appearance or whatever i'm not sure if i think it's supposed to be a literal angel but i'm sure these references are deliberate it's more that jj like an angel is this impossible being to behold in every sense of the phrase oj shouts pretty good to the bike seeing it is right behind the stable and he hobbles too lucky seeing jj now looks completely different than before m is unable to get the electric powered bike going and he whistles to jj to get its attention giving her a knowing nod a weird green square appears in the middle of the sail thing oj gives m the eyes on you gesture which she emotionally returns he backs lucky up and the green thing turns to him continuing to further evolve its appearance as it chases after we lose oj completely in the dust although it's far enough away for him to get power and she is able to get the bike started zooming her way across the planes over to jupiter's claim she does a sick akira style power slide coming to a stop right at the winking well she proceeds to undo all the restraints on the big inflatable jupiter setting it free into the air and she's confident that'll [ __ ] up jj good she digs through the dirt for coins and feeds them into the well camera the big juke floats right over the top of it and jj falls for the bait it opens its mouth of sorts and m keeps cranking the well getting more shots of the action chanting imma take you to oprah it exposes the grassy layers within which must be part of that digestive hallway scene earlier jj collects a balloon and hungrily attempts to ingest it immediately this creates a problem with his gutty works causing the entity to burst in a puff of white smoke em looks on and wondered declaring nobody [ __ ] with the haywoods its strange body continues floating in the wind and jup's happy trails recording comes back on indicating that jj has been put down for good interesting that she basically created her own rudimentary animation each still could be stitched together to create a motion picture hearkening all the way back to their ancestor alistar from all those years ago a group of people swarmed the scene and they must be reporters him starts to cry and relief that they did get their oprah shot in the end also to a relief she looks out and oj is there looking quite like a heroic cowboy amongst a fog so when we try to put everything together what are our biggest takeaways feels like it all goes back to that opening bible verse regarding spectacles is by mocking or throwing filth upon something or someone that we turn them into a spectacle this through line is seen repeatedly throughout from gordy at the beginning and then with jj as well in both cases they are wild animals that are being made into a spectacle to get people's attention and make money even to some degree the haywards are guilty of this as well as otis senior said at the beginning if they put on a real show they'll bring them back for more work the same basic idea represented with each titled animal in the story it certainly all pertains to that but i feel like it's really speaking to this concept on a grander scale beyond trained animals in film because these spectacles come in all shapes and sizes and they come and go in the new cycle every day another perfect example is planted right under our noses with o.j as in the infamous o.j simpson murder case this was certainly another spectacle with a real tragedy at the center but people all greedily found a way to capitalize off the incident that feels like the grander idea that peel is addressing here even more specifically with juke he unknowingly or otherwise falls into doing the exact same setup that led to his life-breaking childhood trauma it seems to point out that a lot of times we never learn of the potential danger behind these things and keep going back over and over all in the hopes of exploiting another spectacle for cash though there is a bit of a caveat when it comes to the haywood's positive outcome as they didn't choose to engage with jj in the first place that was all on ricky he encountered this thing and saw something he could use it was only when otis senior was killed and they realized this thing was in their backyards the siblings had to get involved and while they're dealing with this why not make some cash on the side this makes them at least less suspect when it comes to them benefiting from jj in the end they also as we know were long overdue for credit the family hadn't received so i think they're ultimately absolved there's also the dangers presented of a predator-prey relationship in many forms throughout we know that horses or chimps can be triggered into violence we already see how people still use them anyway it feels like jj is taking that idea to the next level how would humanity react if we encounter this unbelievable potentially interstellar being you can bet someone would try to make some money off that thing and any of the potential danger is brushed away at this prospect yeah we don't know anything about the entity the point made is that it behaves no differently than any other wild animal as far as creature specific behavior we see it can take on a flying saucer-esque shape and then it's much more billowy balloon form as though its saucer shape was turned inside out it also seems to only be able to feed in the ship form as jj turns back into this when trying to ingest the big juke so again all of its behavior is based on these basic predator prey style instincts if it feels threatened it attacks just like any other wild animal whether that is a monkey or an alien balloon with that we reached the conclusion of this in-depth explain video for nope don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you think of nope and it's ending do you have any other theories about what went down what's your favorite jp flick let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 528,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nope ending explained, nope 2022, nope movie, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, alien, jordan peele, jean jacket, keke palmer, gordy, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, review, spoiler, backstory
Id: oqg4MwctV-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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