LAMB (2021) Ending Explained

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hey how's it going folks welcome to found flicks on this inning explained we're looking at the quite bizarre iceland set tail lamb where a childless couple discover a strange unnatural newborn in their sheep barn that they decide to raise as their own but sinister forces are determined to return the creature to the wilderness that birthed her as i mentioned the main feeling of this one is just plain weird i'm sure you guys are aware of the term slow burn but that usually means that it's building towards something bigger this one just kind of idles on by for its entire run time feeling kind of dreary and dreamlike as a result i'm sure this is intentional as this overall comes across like a kind of fairy tale of sorts it's also extremely vague about the story and its intricacies and it really doesn't go into detail about much at all leaving us with many questions about what it all means but one thing i do know for sure is their faux daughter the lamb human hybrid ada is just freaking adorable the overalls oh my goodness so for this one it is definitely a make your own interpretation of things kind of style yet there are some aspects to it that i feel can be determined conclusively that's why we're here today trying to answer as many of those questions that the movie leaves us with so let's pay a visit to iceland with lamb breaking down the story and its ties to mythology just what the deal with ada is and explaining the abrupt ending that leaves many many things up in the air we open out in the blustery snow on what must be some kind of large beast pov hearing a low growling and it's pretty high off the ground it approaches a group of horses that are instantly driven away at the site nang and hoofing in terror at a barn housing several lambs they all stare intently as the thing enters once it grows closer they rush to squeeze through a fence and moments later one lone lamb steps out collapsing on the ground and heaving we can put together from this that this beast creature has impregnated the lamb and just like that it's back off into the snowy night at the nearby farmhouse maria is joined by her bearded bow ingbar and she's distracted by something out the window still hearing the creature growling outside we also hear on the radio that it's christmas which might seem trivial but actually is important in understanding the meaning behind the story in the end somewhere in extremely rural and gorgeous iceland the couple live a simple hard-working life working the land and taking care of the farm including all those lambs it appears to be birthing season helping several pop out some new little babes in a dinner conversation ingbar brings up how scientists have determined that time travel to the future is theoretically possible but for her she's more hopeful of being able to return to the past we don't know quite why that is yet but there's obviously something that has happened that the couple are still traumatized by though there seems to be one more lamb still pregnant acting restless when she checks on it but is unsure after checking its belly the couple are feeling some sense of pride beaming that this year was better than last year and in fact every year on the farm has been better than the one prior they're killing it at this farm life thing y'all their dog starts barking and looks to be focused on that one lamb in particular for some reason they realize it is pregnant after all and this birth isn't as easy peasy as the others really requiring some elbow grease to get that thing out of there something about it seems to disturb them and she takes it in her arms immediately but we frustratingly do not get a good look at the critter just yet they wrap it in a little blanket seeing its lamb head and they feed it some milk that the baby gratefully suckles down and what must be for the first time in a while everyone appears happy giving her husband a big smile maria is instantly smitten with the lamb cherishing it in her arms humming to it and bouncing it around ingvar enters with some concern on his face but says nothing about the site and continues on alone on the tractor he lets his full feelings come pouring out getting overwhelmed with emotions and breaking down in tears while repairing the tractor his pup calls him over to something a piece of broken rope on the ground and it must have been that same lamb maria finds it on the side of the house bleeding out the window and doesn't budge an inch when told to move catching the little lamb's head peeking inquisitively outside they're now treating it like their full-fledged own child sitting on the couch snuggling with it while watching tv like any other couple with a newborn her mother continues to voice their displeasure back to bleeding out the window man that is one sassy land while she's out in the tractor maria asked ingar to stay with a child but he doesn't listen heading off to do other work when she returns his negligence proves problematic they search the house for the lamb who they are now calling aydah and there's no sign of her after searching through the incredibly thick obscuring fog they discover her down by the riverside along with her persistent mother it looks like she must have been the one to take ada and was trying to actually get it away from the couple now we also finally get a good look at the thing it is a lamb human hybrid mostly human body with some lamb one arm and of course the head boy her mom has returned to express its annoyance further with his unholy setup but maria isn't interested bellowing it for it to go away it's basically their kid now no matter what anyone or nature might have to say on the matter the maternal connection continues to grow stronger her taking ada out for a drive and making her a little flower crown maria beams when putting it on calling her beautiful and see that aydah has grown quite a bit already wearing a little jacket and everything it's actually pretty adorable freaking nature though as often happens when things are going well something inevitably comes in and threatens to screw it all up this time that takes the form of ingbar's deadbeat brother first introduced being dumped out of the trunk of a car by some people and left on the side of the road yeah probably it is some bad business based on that your friends typically don't throw you in the trunk is all i'm saying maria has a strange dream of aydah's mother whining as usual and then strange fuzzy images of the animals with glowing eyes that is weirdly kind of spooky she wakes up and is determined that she knows what she has to do she takes out the troublesome animal and puts it down with a rifle to keep this deed a secret she drags the body out of ways and buries it there so now we already know that she's not gonna let anything get in the way of being with her new daughter and that will be tested once more seeing that peter has made his way to the farm and presumably witnessed the whole lamb burial thing ingar later encounters his bros sleeping out on a couch in the barn and wormley invites him in for some food maria on the other hand is a bit more standoffish at the reunion smirking your back again but does give him a hug ada steps in looking bigger than ever and you can tell peter is like what the is happening here especially with how casual they are about the whole thing ingvar excusing that she's not used to being around strangers almost teasing the level of absurdity of things here maria and aydah share a playful bath together her splashing her faux mommy all watched in befuddlement by peter in the mirror he confronts his brother about it just what is going on here dude to which he only replies happiness before walking away aydah comes in holding hands with maria to wish uncle peter a good night and he tries to speak up again but gets shot down you can stay for a while but don't interfere with our lives he warns he does at least lend a hand on the farm and it's planning season aydah is there down by the river staring at her own reflection in the water's ripples literally it seems trying to figure out just what she is when maria offers the guy some coffee things get a bit weird with peter him trying to touch her face she pulls his hand away and he doubles down on his greasiness bringing up seeing her in the bath and insinuating that she left the door open so that he could see i imagine this is not the first time peter has tried something like this i mean he's clearly not the best guy and this most likely is at least partially why maria is not such a fan of him she accuses him of acting childish and he fires back they're the ones being childish playing house with an animal while cleaning up some stuff in the barn peter happens upon a drum kit and surprisingly has some skills on the skins he finds an unexpected audience in ada watching nearby and peter further shows his lack of respect for the family pulling some grass out of the earth he offers it to ada cooing come here my little sheep ingvar is pissed at the sight demanding to know why he can't leave a good thing alone and snatches the child away he doesn't back down shouting back is not a child it's an animal since he thinks his brother is in the wrong here peter decides to take matters into his own hands grabbing a rifle and leading ada away from the house innocently holding hands he trains the gun right at her ready to put the abomination down but we don't know if he fired maria wakes up later feeling something is off after noticing the empty crib she frantically searches the house and surprisingly finds peter snuggling with the child see even he couldn't do it she's too cute it's almost like she's just this innocent pure creature of love that you cannot help but become enamored with maria goes to pay her respects at some gravestones on their land and as we might have suspected amongst the three is one mark for ada certainly they lost their child tragically in some way and maria has been struggling with this and aydah the lamb one is acting as a stand-in for the daughter they lost the point is they don't care if she's a lamb thing or whatever to them they have the one thing they wanted the most aydah has returned to them later ingvar puts her to bed with an appropriate story regarding a perfect princess no one was as sweet and mild as her i had a feeling that this might be a real story and that is the case demolim i'm sure i butchered the pronunciation of that an icelandic fairy tale regarding a princess and a prince that was transformed into a swan thanks to her niceness he gets to return to his human form it's actually weirdly difficult to find much info on this after some searching so it must be a tale very specific to iceland the connection to the princess and aydah are clear and this further expands on that pure sweet soul of love thing that she represents he grows quite emotional reading the story and there's a flash of him out in some wetlands with his pooch and he calls out for aydah we don't see much here but perhaps this is when they lost her and he feels some personal responsibility for what happened having their own little lamb princess also has a positive impact on maria and ingbar's marriage seen smiling staring off at their precious child little aydah even helps out on the farm everyone just exuding happiness and satisfaction the family is back baby peter steps up to help with ada as well taking around fishing and teaching her some rhymes even though he admits they didn't really help much in life the time alone allows them to make love after what i'm sure has been a very long break aydah and peter return with fish the couple there drinking and playing cards having a grand old time again the vibe here is very different from those opening dinner scenes much more open and relaxed they rope in peter to do some drinking as well and watch a stickball match which they are quite into seeming to upset ada when ingvar deems all the player to be losers so they switch to something a little more upbeat maria pulls out a vhs tape featuring a music video starring none other than peter he sheepishly asked him to turn it off maria laughing look how cute and cool he was yeah what happened to you man he could have been a star with moves like that he joins in with his on-screen persona and remembers all of the choreography by heart the beat kicks in and they start dancing with aydah everyone quite amused but aydah still looks a bit uncomfortable and leaves without anyone noticing they're too busy dancing really getting into it and ingvar comes in with more booze she runs outside of the barn the dog they're watching it around the corner and stops hearing that low breathing the beast has returned the dog runs after it and it sounds like it gets attacked she flees from her father and once more gazes upon her reflection considering where does she belong especially as she does seem to be happy here with the couple the others are completely oblivious getting real loosey-goosey play on some sports of their own ingvar goes to block a shot and tumbles over wisely deciding that it is time to get some sleep aydah appears at the door and he calls her over to crawl in bed while he falls asleep in the kitchen with peter he starts getting a bit flirty again and tries to grab her but she again pushes him away immediately so he plays his trump card asking if aydah knows that she killed her mother making things suddenly quite tense she leads him on breathily telling him to come and takes him around the corner and starts making out with him it's all a trick pushing him through a door and locking him in the room he yells out annoyed that this isn't funny and pleased for her to open up rather than comply she takes a seat at the piano playing louder and louder to drown out his moans out in the fields we get confirmation the dog was indeed killed and their kitty is out there too poking their head over the grass what are you doing kitty maria comes to a sleeping bar giving aydah a kiss and tenderly rubs his face taking advantage of the moment she decides to get rid of peter ordering him that it is time to go she drops him off at a bus stop and forks over a handful of cash that he begrudgingly takes before hopping on board well good hopefully that takes care of that lousy deadbeat brothers get lost stingvar wakes up later and impressively it looks like ada has prepared breakfast all by herself i mean there's no one else here so who else would it have been you know it's just funny to think about she's really learning a lot she definitely has a high intelligence and comprehension despite never actually speaking she takes a seat watching a meet and clutching the cat also adorable almost too adorable really they go out for a walk and ingvar helps teach her how to navigate the area so she can always find her way back home using landmarks like the mountains or the river so she can get home even if there's fog which they have a lot of around here apparently he attempts to get the tractor started to no avail sending them back up the trail and off to check on the fishing nets maria arrives at the empty house hearing some odd noises in the distance followed by a gunshot sitting or sprinting towards the sound but who the heck is firing and at what we quickly see that it was ingpar that was shot bleeding profusely from the neck little ada watching on helplessly a much larger lamb dude is there wielding a gun who must certainly be the beast from the opening and technically ate his father he continues bleeding out with ada there cradling his chest somberly the lamb man drops the gun reaching out a hand to ada pulling her away ingvar weakly tries to hold on to her but loses his grip watching as they trudge off towards the mountains hand-in-hand she gives a sad look back tears welling in her eyes as ingvar breathes shallowly unable to do anything tragically by the time maria makes it to him he's already dead she lifts him taking him in her arms pleading to know what happened but he's already gone she starts taking in the situation and squeals in sheer misery she stares off into the vast wilderness and tries to assure him everything will be okay rocking his body in her arms she then stands up looking around considering what to do now that she's lost everything she held dear things end abruptly at this moment and really leaves us with an inconclusive feeling what comes next for maria well we'll circle back to that and start with probably the biggest question what the hell are these lamb people what is the deal with that even introducing the dad at the end left me even more curious about the species whole deal i thought you know maybe he's like a mythological creature or something like that when pressed for answers on the matter the director admits he doesn't know either there is no direct reference or adaptation it's just a lamb dude apparently the entire project started entirely from this visual something voldemort had on his mind for a long time and the story as it were was developed around this central visual figure as we know from how the story plays out it's almost like it's purposefully telling you as little in detail as possible the intent to leave things open to our own interpretations rather than anything concrete so while we don't know much about the hybrids beyond what's seen on screen and that they didn't originate in any local folklore there is certainly a fairy tale slant to the story unfolding as a kind of moral affair tying things back to christmas there is some inspiration to the story from icelandic christmas folklore where unlike the jolly santa they have the evil witch grila who will take you and eat you if that's not enough she has 13 sons known as the yule lads who come and snatch you or do bad things to you man i love how dark this stuff is compared to american christmas stuff it's kind of fascinating and hilarious so with that background in mind i'm sure it's no accident that the beast first visits them on the holiday it makes it all feel like a kind of task for the couple to see what they do we come to understand just how much they are unable to move on from losing ada and quickly take the lamb child in as their own but you know technically they are taking something that isn't theirs that's where the kind of fable or moral side of things comes in and then of course she murders a mother in cold blood so there's that too she perhaps in a way knew what they were doing was wrong but was too entrenched in having their family back as a whole to care she wasn't gonna let anything get in her way that's why it feels like the ultimate outcome of losing ada and her husband is a kind of karmic punishment for the wrongdoing it was just a matter of time until they had to face their comeuppance it was just a matter of time until they had to face their comeuppance that brings us back to the final moments with maria in the aftermath of losing everything it's a brutal outcome to be sure but it seems that she might understand why this happened or why she in a way deserved it that would also explain why she doesn't go immediately running after aydah she has learned a lesson thanks to this crazy experience the whole fairy tale moral of the story in a way don't take what isn't yours so when it comes to maria and what comes next while i might have initially considered that she was devastated it feels more like she has finally learned to give up what she can't have her daughter back that inability to move on is what spurned this whole thing in the first place nnumi agrees on the character's ultimate fate that it's less bleak entirely but more of a painful hope she comes to understand that happiness is fleeting it's all on borrowed time and really believes that thanks to this experience she is starting a new chapter in her life finding the grit to know that life will go on despite all the pain she started the film closed off which shunted her healing process she was blocked in the end she's wide open so in that way it is the beginning of something new again i don't think i would have been able to glean as much from that final moment as nume but it really does enhance the entire point and intention behind the story well that brings us to the conclusion of this inning explained for lamb and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of lamb and its ending do you have a different interpretation of things let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 750,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lamb movie, lamb ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explaination, meaning, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, noomi rapace, iceland, monster, backstory, mythology, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, lamb, folktale, folklore, ada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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