DON'T KNOCK TWICE (2016) Ending Explained

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to found flicks you ever play that game ding-dong-ditch when you're a kid go and wring someone's doorbell and run off yeah hilarious right wrong because you just might ring the doorbell of an enslaved witch working for an ancient demon where the joke is on you this time because you're dead not so funny now huh that's the subject of today's ending explained don't knock twice where a mother struggles to reconnect with her estranged daughter becoming entangled with a demonic witch that seems to be attached to her this is one that I honestly hadn't heard of until doing the video but I've had a lot of people consistently asking it for quite some time and I can safely say that of the plethora of horror movies out there this is one of them its biggest problem being that it doesn't really stand out and isn't anything we haven't already seen before however it still actually has great atmosphere and camerawork along with better than average performances and a welcome and spooky as usual performance from Javier Beaudette but it feels almost like the directors studied too hard at the school of James Wayne the mastermind behind the conjuring universe and the filmmaker did admit it was an influence which can be felt in a generally positive way throughout as is extremely well-put-together production wise and spook wise yet it doesn't do more than what Wayne has already accomplished falling in his shadow without creating their own stamp on the style that doesn't mean the movie doesn't work as a whole because it actually does they have studied well at the heels of the conjuring series and accomplished many scares and scenes of suspense and some truly standout moments that are genuinely frightening I also admittedly can't see why people might be confused by the ending on this one because it does have a pretty huge twist in its final minutes this seemingly comes out of nowhere especially if you're not obsessively paying attention to every detail and word out of every characters mouths like I do but fret not dear viewer because that is why I'm here and after this video everything will make sense so let's check out don't knock twice breaking down the story everything about our demon and its rules as well as explaining the big twist and the ending our first scene gives us a very good look at the strange relationship between mother Jessica and her teenage daughter Chloe just gave up her daughter years ago due to drug abuse and several years sober and on a better track is hoping to repair her relationship with her daughter wanting to get custody and have her live in her ridiculously stately home with her new husband Ben and here the two are seeing each other for the first time since her mom more or less abandoned her Jess lays out her offer but Chloe is more than a little upset over the relationship thus far saying she needed her nine years ago but she didn't want her then just stammers to explain but can't find the words Chloe making her feelings very clear telling her mother - leave her alone and never bother her again really laying down the law there but it would be difficult to just jump back into being her daughter after their troubled history so it is this broken relationship that will have to be repaired as we see throughout our story somehow Jess has gone from junkie to successful artist and sculptor in less than a decade which is quite an impressive feat seen working on a sculpture in her studio with some random lady Trina holding her baby acting as models wrapping up their session Trina asked Jess to hold her kid and she places a strange symbol adorned necklace around her Trina assures her it's beneficial a Tallis whose magic will help her daughter see the love in her heart okay sure thanks for the magical thing lady I totally believe and trust you because wait who are you again elsewhere Chloe is out with her buddy Danny spotting some kids doing the childhood prank over here called dingdong ditch but apparently knocked down ginger in the UK this gives Danny an idea of the perfect place to up the ante on the game taking her to the remnants of a creepy old house now I've forgotten and developed over with a highway right next door we come to understand they used to come here and play the game on a woman called Mary who lived here and since her death the woman has become a kind of spooky local legend now considered to be a witch who had been taking children in town although as she's now dead there is no one to feed her demon however it's still trapped in the house just waiting for someone to knock one out to wake her and twice to raise her from the dead if you're the one who knocks then she'll come looking for you okay this demon thing uses doors as kinds of gateways between dimensions and it's all about the doors and knocking as we will soon come to see so if you knew all that and if it's even just a silly local legend that doesn't mean I'm gonna go right up to the door and knock on it twice in every like some complete [ __ ] you know it's just asking for it and that's the case here so I don't have too much sympathy for these two there are the ones that choose to knock twice but oh guess what after all that nothing seems to happen well except for the spooky ghost lady briefly glimpsed by Chloe looking down from the upstairs window don't worry about that probably but it doesn't take long for an evil force to come a-knockin at Danny's door floating down the hallway entering into his place and right over his head startled awake by growling noises as the door creeps open he sees a woman's reflection in the glass but no one is there a knock on the door brings him to check the peephole all shrouded in darkness at the end of the hallway a figure appears growling followed by an eye appearing right at the peephole calling his name and telling him it's coming then appearing inside telling him to run but Danny just kind of stands there flipping a light switch on and seeing nothing out of place still startled by a call from Chloe on his laptop apologizing for waking him well it is 3 o'clock in the day a morning lady most people are asleep now to be fair Danny feels off but before he can say more she leaves for just a moment long enough for Danny to get lifted and carried off by an invisible force Chloe's saying she thought she heard something at the door and noticing that Danny is nowhere to be found the door out of his apartment still open a black skinned figure appears growling right in front of the camera still no sign of Danny the next day the force turns to Chloe getting a surprise call from Danny telling her to run just as she's about to leave the faucet begins to dispense a black liquid into the sink the room suddenly cast in a red glow shadows dancing on the walls as long-fingered black hands begin to emerge from the sink groaning screaming and banging on the door for help some college RA or whatever opens the door in the room is back to normal though she's unsure of what happened she just narrowly avoided the same fate as Danny thanks to that guy opening the door otherwise she too would have been taken but the demon isn't about to give up on her yet and I guess being attacked by a supernatural demon and the blood and the sink and whatnot is enough for Chloe to consider the idea of staying with her mom for a while which must still be difficult even if their house is so freakin sweet so it's not all bad just admitting the past few years have been amazing for them but lamenting the only thing missing was her daughter but they're much-needed dealing with past emotions we'll have to go on the back burner as Chloe begins to realize the demon has followed her here and her mom has an encounter with the spirit of the woman Mary following anguished cries through the halls one night where she finds Mary sobbing clutching a knife apologizing in Polish before slitting her throat horrifying jets even more so when her face appears on a woman as she falls to the ground dying but it was all just a terrible nightmare telling Chloe about the woman she saw in her dream her realizing it is indeed Mary the strange woman that they pranked as children calling her ginger she never came out of the house but you could see her in the window on occasion going on to tell her about her recent experience there with Danny worried that she'll be the next to get taken Jess embraces her in her arms assuring her that she will protect her and she is safe here we'll see about that the next morning that tear lady comes back and is acting even more suspect than last time looking frightened by Chloe's presence and leaving in a rush only offering that she can't help her and that she is marked by something evil and leaves well thanks for clearing that up lady thanks bye we later meet detective Boardman in search of the now officially missing Danny but he also has a connection to Chloe via a missing-persons case many years ago that also ties back to Mary as children one of their friends Michael went missing and Chloe and Danny believe that it was Mary that took him and began to torment her endlessly by dingdong ditching her every night to the point that Mary couldn't take it anymore and killed herself but that's not quite the whole truth as to why she took her own life which Chloe learns after some good old-fashioned internet boogeyman research and comes up with exactly what we were dealing with here the ancient demon Baba Yaga an evil hag or dark mother figure who can open doors between worlds to claim the innocence you know usually children delicious delicious children however her powers are limited and she can't take her victims herself needing a slave or cursed soul to do her bidding so she can get her grub on these slaves can only be freed in two ways more rules first killing themselves or tricking someone into replacing them by having them do something truly evil and guess what this will come up later so try to remember this whole thing and this must actually be why Mary killed herself she was one of Baba Yaga's servants in the end the duties of bringing her people cause her to end her own life to escape it more than just the kids pranking her and as we've seen her spirit still is stuck here apparently and she does at least try to warn the victims that Baba is coming even though they never listen mom isn't buying any of this wild speculation calling it insane what do you mean mom I found it on the Internet it's rock-solid dude so they try to get back to some kind of normalcy spending time together in Jess's studio and opening a bit about the past for the first time jazz admitting that she wasn't there for her daughter and honestly felt it was better for her to have someone else raise her but Chloe doesn't agree obviously wishing her mother no matter her faults had taken care of her when getting a delivery just finds the studio has been vandalized everything on the ground and broken the statues adorned in odd black coverings she thinks it must have been Chloe but she knows it was the demon showing its presence to them both with a message scrawled in red on the floor she's mine after this Chloe is ready to pack herself and go though before getting the chance the demon makes another attempt for her that night first luring Jess out of the house the outdoor lights shutting off behind her as inside Chloe is awakened by knocks searching the house for her mom Chloe encounters Mary who warns her to run as before which also signals that Baba is on her way soon barricading herself in a room that won't stop the knocking the closet door is opening behind her and a dark body starts crawling on the floor towards her Chloe now trying to get the door unstuck squeezing in between the crack just makes it in time just as Baba is about to get her foot fling the door open everything now back to normal with the door open Jess is obviously starting to have a handle on how this thing operates and the two set out to remove and burn every door in the house which is a good idea but proves ineffective the next morning when trying to leave and a door has been placed in the spot the still burned door from Mary's house opening out to a forest on the other side seeing the world of Baba Yaga an invisible force grabs Chloe lifting her in the air and flinging her into a china cabinet then dragging her across the floor towards the doorway her mom hangs onto her for dear life and manages to hold on hard enough that the force gives in and retreats the outside again turning back to normal unsure of what to do they take the opportunity to get help from that trina lady who seemed to know what was going on but I'm not sure why exactly she trusts her so much and when presenting her with Chloe's research trina dismisses it as definitely not being baba-yaga and saying you can't believe everything you read on the internet then pretty much derails their investigation into a completely different direction removing the idea of Mary being a witch altogether but in fact an innocent woman accused of a crime she didn't commit and her spirit is seeking revenge on Chloe for knocking on her door all the time all those years back the only way she says to save her is to find out who really took that kid Michael and encourages Jess to listen as Mary could provide her with guidance in her search hearing all of this Chloe takes off and Rob reaches out to detective Boardman in search of answers wondering if there were no other suspects other than Mary what made him change his mind about her being guilty he clarifies he did it that the case was simply closed and he still believed her to be responsible yet never had any evidence to prove it as Jess returns to her car she seems to get her first clue from Mary a piece from her broken statue the baby part sending her back to her studio finding a random box chock full of relevant information related to Mary's case where did this come from and how did she get ahold of it it's just like poof magic box of secrets here you go she also inside discovers a USB stick containing video footage of boardman aggressively interrogating Mary about the missing Michael getting pretty severe and making the old woman break down in tears all of this is making just start to believe Tara and thinks all detective Boardman might not be as on the level as it appears as Boardman returned Chloe to the Children's Center they are more than a little concerned about what Chloe has been going on about since coming back and questioned Jess if she's back on drugs again she's frustrated just wanting to protect her daughter then drawn to pictures on the wall several featuring Boardman with groups of kids one including Michael learning that he has volunteered there for years and is adored by the children but just thinks back to something he said earlier that 99% of the time it's someone close to the child that takes them now fully believing he's the one behind the kidnappings and busts Chloe out of the building sneaking out of the back though the reunion is unceremoniously cut short when standing over some maintenance doors they open on their own Chloe falling down into the void and she's gone at least jess has a pretty good idea about where she might be Mary's house why is Lee not using the door but breaking through a downstairs basement window and crawling inside her foot landing perfectly on a piece of wood with nails sticking straight up digging deep into her soul oh that's probably gonna get infected who knows the last time this basement was cleaned probably never hearing noises from upstairs she believes it might be Chloe no it's the cops who have tracked her down but before leaving just make sure to knock twice on the front door putting her on the demons watchlist as she's dragged off the prison there she has a tense confrontation with boardman accusing him of taking Chloe and Michael wondering how many more he's taken over the years while Boardman's showing that he genuinely cares for Chloe and believing that jess has lost it in his back on the drugs chides her for ruining her daughter's life nine years ago and refuses to let her do it again he also doesn't respond to her accusations only assuring her that they will speak again soon and moving her to a cell by chest doesn't intend on sticking around la digging into her still fresh foot wound to gather some blood to write a message to the demon calling it to her Baba arrives moments later crawling down the wall behind her and is just about to grab her before vanishing the door changes to now leading her to the forest as we saw earlier just stepping through and finding herself outside looking around and bewilderment at her surroundings she stepped in to Baba's world she's now guided by another voice that of Danny's though we never actually get a good look at him as he's still trapped in the demons world after being snatched up chasing after him - Baba Yaga's cave entrance deeper inside Chloe is housed in an ancient looking cage hearing strange shuffling sounds emanating from underneath as hands reach on to the bars and a face pops up her little friend from when they were kids Michael who somehow hasn't aged since being trapped in this world all these years but that won't matter much longer the hacked appearing and grabbing Michael gobbling him up Chloe helplessly watching from the cage moments later Baba recedes and her mother finds her smashing at the latch to get her loose seeing Baba has returned now at the cave mouth they quickly scurry away into a claustrophobia inducing tunnel the demon right on their tail swiping from behind and then appearing on the other side attacking Jess until she's drawn away by someone knocking it's Boardman now at Mary's house and he has inadvertently performed the knock ritual the door of the house granting him access to the caves hearing the girl screaming for help inside he's not too far behind coming across Chloe's now empty cage as the two come out to the front doors still open and decide to make a break for it Chloe keeping the door open to allow her mom to get out but Boardman isn't as fortunate getting grabbed by the demon pulling him back inside and the girls sit by and merely watch not doing anything to help whatsoever though Jess still believes him to be the kidnapper so she probably thinks he deserves his fate and at least she and her daughter are safe for the moment that is the next morning Ben returns from his business trip finding the house in disarray and wondering what the hell happened coming across a person dressed in white waiting for him then demanding to know who they are and threaten to call the police we then switch suggests and Chloe as they come home later seeing the woman was Trina her plastic suit now covered in blood clutching that case Fox tied to Mary tossing it along with Ben's corpse in her truck seeing a branded seal scar on her chest it abruptly vanishes all of which will make sense in a moment Chloe and just discussed Boardman just maintaining that he was indeed a Batman and deserved what he got what Chloe continues to disagree as she did actually know the man saying that he was good and always protected them even more specifically she mentions Michael and seeing him getting eaten by the demon so that was definitely her doing and not the detectives this information causes just to begin to understand her fatal mistake as casting doubt on the detective was Trina's doing flashing back to those ever-important two ways to escape servitude told you it would come back just in time for a big twister Oni somehow only now do they realize that Mary was Baba Yaga's slave and Trina was as well tricking Jess since the very beginning starting with bestowing her the necklace and her intent was to escape her slavery by tricking Jess into doing something horrible which was allowing Boardman to get taken just simply allowed him to be taken because of what she thought about him this turned out to be an accurate Jess had effectively done something evil by being tricked into it and it was obviously trina who led her step-by-step to believing him responsible her being the one that left a statue piece behind along with that magic box of info everything was to lead her to wedding Boardman died and right on cue the necklace trina gave her begins to glow brightly quickly burning the same emblem into her skin that disappeared from trina showing us that she's succeeded in her plan and has transferred the burden of serving baba-yaga to Jess the door to the room opens and her new master Baba appears beckoning for her bomber the two finally came together and bonded his mother and daughter after so much pain and strife only for an ancient demon to screw the whole thing up ain't that always the way even though just did prove herself a worthy mother willing to do anything to save her daughter ultimately it didn't matter as she got duped by evil though we know Chloe is really at fault here she shouldn't have knocked on the dang door in the first place well I hope you're happy because your mom is bound to a demon servitude thanks to you and based on the ending I'm gonna wager Chloe is gonna be the first one taken so learn your lesson kids don't knock on anyone's door ever or just don't do it twice usually I knock like five or six times I mean who knocks twice anyway so knock safe out there kids because sometimes a prank is just not worth the hassle this brings us to the conclusion of this ending explain for don't knock twice hope all you guys that requested it are happy to see this one and I'm happy to take requests of any kind for movies or TV shows just send them my way on any of my social media accounts at bounce licks and I just might do them might take me like two years to get around to it but I will do it what did you guys think of dope knock twice and it's ending let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 3,034,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dont knock twice, dont knock twice ending explained, ending explained, twist, baba yaga, ending, explained, final scene, trailer, explanation, katee sackhoff, scary scene, foundflix, foundflix ending explained
Id: TkU7KL3Omj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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