Herobrine keeps showing up in my Minecraft World... (Herobrine in Minecraft SIGHTINGS)

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what did you guys you see Hellgren what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm host dark and we're back once again on the Heron seed or should I call it the heron and no seeds as we've seen both entities on this world let me show you guys this head keeps gem scaring me it's been here for a while let me show you guys what happened in the last video we saw no jumping into this end portal that suddenly appeared here I have no idea where it came from I haven't gone in yet but maybe we should do that at some point anyways it's nighttime right now I should head to bed explore some more during the daytime so while I'm heading back to bed make sure you check me out on Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description while you're at it check out the minecraft server play that darks corner dotnet it's a cool server cool players some amazing builders at least in my opinion and then last but not least check out the merge that we have all the links are in the description and make sure you leave a like if you're enjoying the video so far and if you're still enjoying it by the end of the video make sure you subscribe don't forget let's write the head like 6666 likes on this video just a random number doesn't mean anything let's try to hit that many oh I got a donkey hey one like for this donkey that I completely forgot about let's see somebody in the previous video said that I could use slabs right here so I'm gonna fix that real quick I'm gonna put slabs right there so we can still fit through that with the donkey I don't know if I have any slabs so I'm just gonna make some I'm not sure if this works by the way so let's test it yeah it works awesome so now the spiders can come through here but we can up here laughing at me alright so as I said we're gonna do some exploring do I have a sword with me yes I do a diamond sword do I have food yes I do yes I do I got a lot of food okay awesome uh I got torches alright cool cool cool cool right well we're all prepared we should be good yeah let's exit through here this hat is really annoying I might remove it let's check out that end portal so I'm not gonna go into it just yet maybe in the next video I will hey let's say if we hit three thousand likes I'll go into the end portal in the next video promise [Music] but I think wait I haven't talked enriched yet maybe maybe it has something interesting under here let's see I don't have a shovel do i yes I do an Irish shovel Oh fancy ok I'm gonna dig completely around it what's this what is this a gift I don't remember there being a game down here okay it's just water interesting huh I mean I mean it seems normal but I don't know I never noticed this here before I just got out there we go some minecraft ASMR you already know peeps I like digging I like chopping wood and minecraft because the sounds are very satisfying like mining rock it sounds ok it sounds ok but digging oh that's that just sounds satisfying alright what was I doing we were digging under here yeah there's wow there's a lot of obsidian how deep does this even go maybe I should find that our first whoa it's still cool okay this is we found the bottom this is the bottom okay okay dig it out dig it out let's see what's under here guys I'm curious I hear lava could it be oh wait we gotta watch out could it be lava under here I have a lot of diamond on me you're like this and this okay this is I hope it's not lava because that would suck to be honest [Applause] nothing under here really wait I have a diamond pickaxe I could I could remove the obsidian wait wait wait wait let's let's let's get somewhere safe first not sure how long this takes to mine obsidian oh man we got a dig way more than this let's stay that obsidian with us we might be able to use it this is gonna take way too long I hope if there's something in the obsidian I hope you'll find it sooner than later that's Dimond wait does that makes why would I be diamond here is the beacon coming from the diamond is that is that where the beacon is coming from no it's not okay this is gonna take way too long we found a diamond black in this obsidian structure or whatever whatever we're gonna call it let's try to find a way back up or build one ourselves interesting I think if there's any answers to our questions we are going to find it in the end right I mean we saw no go in there but we still saw have a brain afterwards so heroin is still here somewhere so does that does that maybe mean her brain is on the normal world and no is in the end like that's their home - this is Aaron's home and that's nose home I don't know that kind of makes sense to me because no skin kind of fits the end in my opinion but I don't know what do you guys think let me know in the comment section if you agree or disagree and tell me why and if you have a different theory please let me know what it is maybe it's even better than mine play into so I think in this video I'm just gonna assume we hit our like target in the previous video cuz it did look like we were getting close to that last time I checked I think we're gonna have to go into the end now I had in my in my head I was thinking I should be prepared to go into the end I should have enough resources all that stuff to survive but now I have a different idea I could just put all my stuff and a chest over here and just go into the end without any resources or maybe just some stone stone tools cuz if I die in the end it doesn't really matter I'll still spawn in my bed over here so I can do some exploring and if I die I don't really lose anything I don't have a lot of XP either so I guess in this video that's what we'll be doing I'm gonna put all my stuff in the chest and while I'm doing that make sure you guys follow me on Twitter snapchat Instagram all the links are in the description and while you're at it check out the minecraft server play the dark square on a.net got some cool players cool staff and every now and then I'm on it as well and last but not least check out the merch if you haven't already we got some pretty rare merch if I do say so myself all the links should be in the description hey don't tell me I don't have any wood my base I'm looking for wood guys I'm probably just being blind to wood planks is that really all I have huh this can be all the wood that I have maybe I iced wasted everything on slabs oh well doesn't matter this is enough to make one chest it's one Chad's gonna be enough I'm actually not sure there we go I'm a real hoarder I should probably should probably clean up my base a little bit so put all my diamond gear this this this everything okay we're gonna take stone with us though we're actually gonna get some wood because we're really running low I didn't I did not mean to do it huh wait I'm confused I'm confused I'm confused okay trees Lodge trees over there a lot of trees over here as well and this is closers let's go this way is it really closer though yeah it is definitely I used to have a chicken farm with a bunch of chickens no bunch of chicken I think that's the grass gram-gram erotically correct sentence I had the last chicken over there and I kind of started slacking and the eggs weren't really being I wasn't getting very lucky with the eggs so I pretty much ate all the chicken at a faster pace than they could like lay eggs if that makes sense so now I don't have a farm but it explains why I have so much chicken in my base why we're just gonna chop two trees how much time do we have left I don't think it really matters if you go into the end portal at night or during the day because I don't think there's a day/night cycle in there so we should be fine no matter what there we go all right I think that should be enough for now I'm gonna make some stone tools and we're gonna go straight into the end as we know it good wait can I can I take my donkey with me honest question let me know in the comment section guys I'm not gonna do it this time I'm not gonna experiment but can I bring my donkey with me to the end like can I just jump in there with him that would actually be kind of cool we have enough torches Wow we need some planks we need some sticks and bones may break my stones and we're not gonna need an X so we're just gonna make a pickaxe do pickaxes because you never know you never know we're gonna take half this wood with us as well we don't need this much food we need two swords of course what else could we need in the end I think this should be enough right [Music] ah but we're gonna bring some stone with us because you never know we don't need this much food all right we should be good now we are going into the end portal ladies and gentlemen let's see what's waiting for us in there we saw no going in there we saw a heron going in there and now I'm gonna go in there once again everybody I've never been in the end in a single-player world before so this is all gonna be new for me here it goes nothing okay interesting I did not know is this normal so it's it's not like the nether where you just spawn in a random place is it is this normal guys I mean it it almost looks too perfect you know what I mean okay I mean I'm just gonna assume this is normal if it's not guys let me know in the comments section even got some heads over here a bunch of Enderman there's supposed to be an ender dragons up I see it oh oh so this is where you get ender pearls of course make sense whoa whoa wait wait wait why are you attacking me I didn't what ah wait I thought Enderman didn't attack somebody told what was that what was that guys what was that you heard it right is that normal at once gang guys I'm a total noob but is that normal what I just heard maybe it's because I died in the end the end of Dragon still alive okay I don't know if I should go get my stuff no nevermind oh no oh no come on buddy I come in peace oh if I bunnyhop I'm too fast I just want to see if I can find her friend and no okay I don't I don't have I have no quarrel with you I have no quarrel with you you are not the man I'm searching for it this is this is fine I can just run around like this see if I find something out of the ordinary I'm okay with that as long as they stop hitting me I should have done this at in the first place I shouldn't have waste all that time making those tools why does it sound like the Enderman or the ender dragons right upon me oh go beam if oh oh oh no okay no no okay I'm on my last breath I don't think there's anything strange here guys except for all this stuff laying oh this is my stuff oops okay whatever we were just in the end guys we didn't see anything straight I thought I saw something out there one last try somebody one of my friends told me that Enderman in the end don't actually do anything so I think you trolled me so shout out to wherever that is if you watch the previous video you know exactly how we ended up here we saw her brain and no boat enter the end check me out an Instagram at dark corners TV check out the merch oh wait I forgot to put in the pumpkin put the pumpkin on your head check out the merch everything should be in the description shout out baguette good for helping with this video check him out on YouTube does this actually work you're not attacking me okay so I can actually explore the end now alright guys I know what I forgot to say make sure you leave a like if you want to see more no versus her brain videos and make sure you subscribe if you don't want to miss him oh okay but but oh no no no no wait wait put the pumpkin back on alright so dear they're both here no and hairbrained are in the end how am I gonna beat that oh you're kidding me okay wait alright guys this pumpkin is limiting my view but I definitely saw her brain on that tower up there let's just keep exploring maybe you'll find some strange structure or whatever in the end this is the first time I'm actually able to explore it without dying like 10 seconds what happens if I attack an Enderman can he still kill me even with the pumpkin on I mean of course he can with what kind of question is that Oh Oh there's nothing here just kind of interesting what is that sound that a normal sound once again everybody I've never actually been to the end myself like in normal gameplay normal survival I'm a Minecraft noob I know I've been playing it since like 2012 2011 even I'm still a noob so excuse me no sign of no-one hairbrained anymore I mean we both saw them earlier in this video they didn't seem to be fighting which begs the question are they enemies or are they working together get rip whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what's going on here I have never seen this before is this normal so all the Enderman cheese the ender dragon more that's crazy I what in the world what are you wait who's that wait was attacking me what are you trying to attack the ender dragon that seems kind of backwards I thought the Ender Dragon and the Enderman were on the same team oh oh that would have killed me that would have killed me how do I get out of here oh I have to die okay in that case please kill me who boss boom bah what if I put my food somewhere so I don't lose it cuz I'm cheap I'm gonna go back to the entrance oh my god this pumpkin is so annoying let me just put my food I don't want to drop my food I wouldn't just put my food here cuz if I fall down here I'll probably die if I ever go back to the end I can still get my steak back right does this fall actually kill me no I'm just gonna take off my pumpkin let the Enderman kill me oh my god didn't even didn't even let me but don't mistake we the same artists that didn't seem like they were fighting each other that seemed like they teamed up on me there's something if you going on here guys I was under the impression no and Herbert were enemies something here isn't adding up something here isn't adding up guys okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go in there huh well this is this the first time we saw them like actually standing next to each other it's usually I just see no or I see herobrine it I saw them next to each other I have to watch the video during editing cos that went way too fast now I'm lost I don't know what to do now guys is there as there may be a no shrine but you guys know off if you can tell me in the comment section because that's a hair branch shrine I don't know what the new shrine looks like if you guys do let me know in the comments and I'll try to make one what am I gonna do now I don't know honestly I don't know these guys I need ideas in the comment section well I actually I'm gonna take this pumpkin with me yes I lost a pumpkin in the end and I lost like five pieces of steak so I should probably go hunt for some more steak and see if anything interesting happens drop down yeah I left the door open this time I know [Laughter] let me get up let me get a diamond sword and I'm armed pickaxe there an X somewhere I need an X I need to ask a question hey hey hey designer X there's no X I have ayran no wood which freaking layer has almost no word after this many hours of playtime me make to excess just cuz why not how much time do we have should be enough I'm sure nothing nothing's gonna happen I mean when's the last time I got killed by something in Minecraft yeah let me get some wood so running out of wood hearing a zombie cat stupid zombie hey you can't stay in the Sun you have Sun allergy oh I see food let go Oh Gav I'm so easily distracted it's actually becoming a problem our personal life a food more food huh more food more food more food there was that it was that it was that it no I don't think so wanna bet gonna be some food up here somewhere hopefully I thought I saw something it must must have been my imagination then so long since I went this way home this world now that I think about it is there anything interesting here it's boring I think there's a village somewhere over there if I remember correctly maybe we can reach that village I don't have a compass - okay okay I should probably make a compass before I do that but I see some food gimme I want Gibbs yeah my now where's were some more more food I gave that I've been in or not no lights I don't really this many caves that I haven't explored guys this world was made in September of 2016 so to be really strange if there are all these caves nearby that I've never investigated cuz that would mean there's so much stuff I probably haven't found yet on this world [Music] back shot oh I'm hungry oh my steak I don't have steak oh oh okay we're gonna head back I see food or he's so lucky that sheep is so lucky if I had food I would have gotten the Graham berry juice if you know what I mean or now it's taunting me oh that's not ah no they're lucky I will be merciful today but if I see you around these parts again look at how much food there don't get greedy Oh or sheep these sheep got lucky this sheep got unlucky I'm sorry you can't run bro you can't run bro I'm too fast even when I'm hungry right okay we're heading back at a very slow pace look at there and my last am I even going the right way yeah I am right I honestly I can eat raw meat right what does that do it does that make me sick oh I can sprint now hey I did not know that go back I died I died I died okay okay I think I'm going to ride way not sure though it would be really funny if I saw down with the caseta now right wink wink or I see the end portal that beacon is actually really useful for now getting last gonna put the steak in the stove or oven whatever you want to call it and then I guess we'll stick around the base see if we see anything and who knows maybe we'll visit the other base in the next video again we have four bases on the seat we have this base dead base all the way over there we have a base over there with like a nether portal and a an obsidian pyramid that I haven't visited in a long time so we should probably visit at some point and I have a really small base that I used like once over there and then I have like an in the water base that I lost I have no idea where it is I didn't save the coordinates okay where's the goal there we go oh this is making me hungry IRL what is that what is that sound did you guys hear that what was that guys I don't recognize that sound can someone tell me what that sound was it did not sound a like a cave sound what was that and do I even wanna know I just got my food this time I know I left the door open okay from now on I should close every single door Oh finally artist up everyone welcome to dark corners Amira's dark as you can see we are back on the urban world in Minecraft on version one point 13 on the latest aqua edition well I just started the world I'm not sure what to expect it's been a while since I last played on here so while I'm figuring everything out make sure you leave a like make sure you subscribe and make sure you follow me on instagram at dark runs TV so this is the aquatic update which means as soon as I leave this chunk I should be seeing the results of the update I can already see the fish in the water can actually huh I just got the fish that's amazing so I can kill fish maybe we can find an underwater abandoned abandoned shipwreck you know all that stuff should be in this world and who knows maybe we will even see our bread maybe I'm not promising anything wow that's a lot of fish this almost makes me want to get a portion of with can I let me see wow I can actually see on the water that's amazing Wow Wow I didn't you guys if you've seen my old seams you know I always hated how I couldn't see anything when I was in the water and right now it's actually pretty clear like I can actually see I can actually see in the water that's really awesome okay let's get back into the boat I'm actually not sure what I'm doing here this is the new update I guess we'll just collect some resources play survival see if we find anything new see if we have any strange sound strange side things maybe we'll see no maybe we'll see how a brain you know just another regular minecraft Monday I've already added guys let me know in the comment section which other entities I should search for which kind of videos you want to see in Minecraft maybe there's a specific horror map you want me to play just let me know in the comment section maybe there's challenges you know I'm pretty bad at Minecraft so doing a challenge might actually be pretty funny just let me know in a comment section or on Instagram hello doc oh I'm gonna bring you with me gonna go down no no I'm not gonna go down to that case never mind let's see do I have I have food we're gonna go to my other base mmm-hmm smell of the day and we're gonna see if we find anything on the road there I think that's that's a good idea and then you know what we can do we can check out the end portals we'll go over there we'll see if there's anything new then we're gonna go back to the end portal see if anything changed there because the last time we saw her burn and no no clickbait they were they were in the end so I think it would be smart to check that out before the end of the video give a like if you agree you know I actually missed minecraft back when I was a pluton minecraft every day at some point I got kind of bored by it I was like oh I don't want to play Minecraft every day it's not fun anymore I don't want to make a video that I'm not enjoying that I don't enjoy making but now that I don't play it as much it's actually kind of fun like it should be so once again let me know in the comment section what you want me to do in Minecraft and maybe I'll do it maybe I won't but hey you won't find out until you try every shot you don't take ass miss you miss every shot you don't think excuse me sorry the English in this is not so good eh [Music] that's chicken I should probably forms of food see this is pork chicken pork chicken I'm gonna make good use of you you know minecraft is laggy Mojang if you're watching this why are there not enough vegan options in Minecraft bro come on it's so easy so easy to get me but it's not easy to get vegan through the Minecraft I'm not vegan I'm taking of all the vegans viewers watching right now I'm taking a few guys all the vegetarians all the vegans I got your back we need some halal meat to swallow damn son Mojang got me eating halong bay I'm gonna cut it out with that silly jokes now excuse me any parents watching I'll I'll cut a lot please don't please don't and subscribe your kids for me wait where's my oh there it is I have a second base here guys I kind of lasted that kindness says how long I haven't played I was thinking of switching over to Pocket Edition cuz that runs way smoother for me wait a second what's my zombie doing here zom bro didn't I kill zambra like four or five videos ago I'm pretty sure I killed him that's interesting okay well good to see you Sam bro I have no idea how that's possible but whatever got some gold who is there some more food I could use some more food maybe in here Wow I was cooking up some steak damn sir I love my past self for putting that steak in there so you've got this long hallway that we saw her grinning I think we saw no somewhere I can't remember where than where the no sighting was it might have been all the way downstairs I'm not gonna go all the way down in the mind oh do you see me my plan right now is I'm gonna just no we're gonna check out all the rooms I'm just gonna get my donkey and I'm gonna head over to the other base hmm nothing out of the ordinary here right good dog oh I think we can go away I don't want to get lost in this mine system oh I already got lost where's the ladder where's the ladder oh there it is coo coo coo coo coo come on up with me come on come on up where's my dog where is the dog oh I miss my dog scooby-dee whoop no seriously where is my dog maybe maybe I accidentally clicked him down here but I don't think I saw da go aren't they supposed to just teleport it you're stuck somewhere that's weird is that a glitch my dog I wait maybe if I walk out of here he'll spawn at some point okay so guys my dog just got a wolf whatever you want to call it just kinda disappeared it looks like he should be able he should spawn like behind me or something right that's how it usually works this has never happened to me before but then again this is the first time on a new version so maybe it's a glitch okay guys let me know in the comment section oh is that my dock oh that's the other dog that dog was already there that's weird I should probably close the door while I'm at it there we go I'm gonna go to bed hopefully my dog spawns by the morning all right I'm just gonna oh no no doc Wow you guys don't think Oh ouch ouch that's better okay we're just gonna head back to the base hopefully I'll get my dog back at some point I don't know where hopefully hope I didn't lose him maybe he's in the end maybe no took him maybe hairpin took him but why would they do that right guess we'll find out soon enough we're gonna head over to the end portal maybe we'll even go into the end or how creepy would it be if I actually found my dog in there hella creepy luckily I'm on a donkey show so it shouldn't take too long oh I forgot I can't sew whoa that's a lot of fish I can't swim with it whoa that's a lot of fish I can't swim with the donkey um every time I say the word donkey I feel like Shrek and I don't think I have to explain why I just do donkey get out amis I'm not even gonna do that I cringe can I please dark don't forget to that out I'm gonna forget to cut that out or bro I'm gonna create so hard when somebody mentions that I'm just mumbling rambling at this point oh what's up what's up whoa why did my donkey stop but never had that happen either 1.13 is strange I have all these new things happening but I'm not sure if they're glitches or they're new features or just old features I've never noticed before probably the that last one aha very likely actually okay I'm gonna make this jump whoa No well that sucks that really sucks ah well hope you don't drown just stay there sorry donkey okay let's head over to D and portal got the shrines lit up all is good where's the important hello where's the end portal the shrines are here portal should be here I am very confused the aunt portal was right here I know it's been a while since I played on this world but it's not been so long that I forgot where the end portal was it was not an art look it was right here you guys know that hmm very interesting indeed obviously guys we have a mystery on our hands if you guys want me to solve it together with you guys make sure to leave a like make sure you subscribe and let me know what your theories are in the comment section cuz usually you guys know better than me hope you enjoyed the video once again everybody thank you so much for tuning in for another minecraft Monday and I hope to see you next Monday as well thank you very much for watching and I'll see you later dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 3,629,018
Rating: 4.7747374 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft at 3 am, minecraft countdown, top 5 null sightings, top 5 minecraft sightings, null sightings in minecraft, minecraft null sighting, herobrine sightings in minecraft, dark corners, do not play minecraft at 3 am, herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine sighting, minecraft herobrine, scary minecraft seed, finding herobrine in minecraft, scary minecraft challenge, top 5 minecraft, herobrine documentary, scary minecraft video, i found herobrine in minecraft
Id: DqRpKpApQig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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