Country Cemetery Tour #4 - The Oldest Cemetery I’ve Visited

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today i am bringing you the latest installment of my country cemetery tour series again i found a lot of history in this particular cemetery and this was actually a suggestion of one of my viewers after one of my last videos in the series so thank you for that another historic figure a couple of ties to our country's history the grandfather of abraham lincoln is actually buried in this cemetery so we're going to take a look at that on a personal note we have just hit 8 500 subscribers i can't thank you enough for that i really really appreciate you watching and joining my journeys with me yeah this particular cemetery is just outside of louisville kentucky so we're going to take a look at that please stick with me until the end of the video i have a very fun announcement to make something i'm going to be bringing to you that's been requested but as of right now let's go to just outside of louisville kentucky for my latest country cemetery [Music] okay as you can see by the sign this is long run cemetery and on these grounds uh you have the long run cemetery this was actually known at one time as long run baptist church and cemetery the church is long gone we are going to look at some of the history of that but you can see back behind that tree that's where the cemetery is we're going to be making our way up there in just a moment also you will look here on the way there is this brick standing this structure here with a um historic plaque that tells a little bit about the grounds it says right there you stand on historic grounds i'm just going to be honest with you as far as my channel goes this is the oldest cemetery that i have ever visited what i mean by that is most of the time when you find an old cemetery or visit old cemetery in kentucky you're looking at the 1800s i actually was able to find there were several people buried here that were a part of the american revolution you're dating back you know you've got some time there uh so i'm going to be showing you some of that and really a lot of the unique stones in here along with a few other little tidbits that i think you will enjoy so we're going to take a look at that now you can see here there is a gate a little fence on the outside of the cemetery we're going to be making our way into that in just a moment but yeah you can definitely look and see the age here of uh what we're seeing now as you first go into the gate on the right i thought this was neat uh this was actually grown from an acorn of a tree in which abraham lincoln gave a speech so again one of my last country cemetery tours had some ties to abraham lincoln and so does this one so we're going to be looking at that but yeah it says this is a acorn girl from a tree in which he delivered a campaign speech now if you look right here you will see this appears to be a foundation of sort now there's two parts of history associated with this particular place that we're looking at right now this is actually the remains of long run baptist church a very early church was organized in this area and you know it amazes me that there are some remains even left from this but there are and i do take several looks at that and uh you know i just find it neat you know in the united states we don't have a history here as long as a lot of the other countries do in the east so we really don't have ancient ruins here but as far as the united states goes and as far as kentucky goes this is about as close to ancient ruins as you're going to find here but this actually this whole area was placed on the national register of historic places in 1975 so yeah the history is just amazing here and we're going to be taking a look at a few other things but i do want to show you some more of the foundation now something very interesting associated with this this land was once owned by abraham lincoln's grandfather and the ruins that you're seeing the foundation actually was the site of where abraham lincoln's grandfather's cabin was so not only do you have the history of it being the long-run baptist church you've also got the history of that's actually where abraham lincoln's grandfather lived so very very very neat a couple of uh pieces of history there that i mean you just don't find that in you know every cemetery you go to for sure so i'm taking a look at some of these stones right now and you'll see you know really some of the names are hard to read i'm trying to get in there and zoom in on some of those but you can see just very standard standard stones here we're going to just take a look at some of these and i'm going to zoom in and we'll see what we can what we can see here there were a few different names that last names that kept coming up on the visit so i don't know if this was a family cemetery at some time i don't really think so because everything seems to be tied back to the church so i'm sure they were just members of the church but here is what i was really one of the things i really want to show you abraham lincoln which you know modern day abraham lincoln the burial site of abraham lincoln's grandfather and you can see there he does have the uh the american revolution plaque on the left so and here's something that is another piece of history associated with this particular ground there was a skirmish between abraham lincoln's grandfather and native americans on this particular site and this is where abraham lincoln's grandfather lost his life he lost his life in that skirmish and it said that abraham lincoln's father actually witnessed this but we're taking another look at the uh the stone that says abraham lincoln of course parentheses lincoln may 1738 to may 1786 paternal grandfather of abraham lincoln and uh richard chenoweth i just wanted to take a look at this as well he was a captain in the revolutionary wars when the american revolution and like i said there were a few different ones that do few different graves of people in the american revolution in this particular cemetery which is amazing because you just don't see that too often especially in one place lincoln's grandfather's buried just outside of the foundation of the old church which would have been his cabin a video this if you look there is around the perimeter of this small plot there's three or four maybe five different stones in here and of course you can see right there some of those have been broken but inside the perimeter of this there were a few different graves but we thought it was neat but you'll see the last name sturgeon and i see this i've seen this a lot simpson sturgeon 1773-1822 they uh there's a lot of sturgeons a lot of last names of sturgeons in this in the cemetery so i don't know if they're just big members a big part of the church or what but i didn't notice this one this is john son of and i don't know that little you got the stone there you got that concrete surrounding it that almost looks like it was added later i wouldn't know why unless you just try to sturdy but it was just on the outside of the perimeter of the cemetery i wanted to look at this one too you'll see uh yeah you can see the age starting to to take control of that one and again i want to look here if you see the stone there the one we're looking at looks like just um you know standard stump there's that concrete block poured around it and maybe it is original i don't know but if you've seen anything like that let me know in the comments i don't i'm not saying i've never seen it but i just seen so many in this one particular cemetery it makes me think that it may have been added later to try to add some sturdiness i don't know i wanted to pay tribute here as well edna greg he was actually enslaved at one time and was a member of the long run church uh you can just see some information about his life on the plaque and there were a few of these i thought this was a great touch there were a few of these plaques that were throughout this cemetery we'll take a look at a few of those i wanted to pay honor to this gentleman and take a look at his stone as well but as we go through this i do want to you know take special note of those plaques and those were great to have and i'll uh i'll show you those as we as we go along but edna greg i just want to give some honor to uh to edna greg today and then kind of in behind his grave you'll see another collection of gravestones here and you can tell that some of these were actually organized as families because the same last name kept popping up if you look on the forefront there i'm going to i'm getting closer to it the stone closest to the screen right now did have a little lamb on top of it we've made reference to the country cemetery tours before most the time that represents a grave of someone that's that passed at a young age can't really get a name on that but i did want to go ahead and zoom in on that because just about every country cemetery tour that i've done has had that in there a gravestone with a lamb on it so we're just kind of looking at some of the the general scenes there's some more of the sturgeon last name while we're taking a look at the stones i do want to ask everyone please leave me a comment below let me know what you think about videos like this so far i've got a great response it seems like that is what a lot of you want to see and uh you know there there are unique cemeteries around here and this one's about not two and a half hours from where i actually live just outside of louisville kentucky i believe that the community here is called eastwood if i'm not mistaken i could be wrong but i believe that's what it was also if you stick with me to the end of the video i do have a fun announcement coming up about some things associated with my channel some requests that i've got in the past so that's going to be at the end of the video we really appreciate that this is looking back towards the front of the cemetery here so i'm now in the back looking back towards the front and you can see that's just a um a unique arrangement of the stones here and there was no most the time when you go to especially newer cemeteries the stones all face one direction and that's definitely not the case here they were in here all different ways so you can see here when trying to zoom in on some of the names but yet the ages is evident i mean you can see you can see some of the age there was uh father aj sturgeon 1841-1907 uh as far as age of the graves you're not gonna see too many newer than that honestly there may be a few in here but for the most part i mean you'll see burials 1700's and like lincoln's grandfather that goes back or the 1800s rather lincoln's grandfather goes back to the 1700s that's just stuff you don't really see too often here just given the age of kentucky itself you'll see several within the uh you know the 1800s but 1700 you just don't see that too often here i know further in eastern part of the us the the more established places the colonies and things like that i mean it's more commonplace there but not so much here see the last name bryant i did see several bryants in here also you'll see uh 1932 and it's you're just not going to find too many newer if any than some of the early part of the 1900s but we're still kind of at the back looking back towards the front that's going to come into focus a little bit there here is another you may want to pause that and read it this is another historical marker and this benjamin bridges was actually a part of the american revolution as well so it's another hero of the of the revolution see seen several of those in here now this i thought was neat this was another structure kind of built but you go in here and you you look over top of these stones you'll see there's several barrels in this little plot i just think it's neat how the plot is kind of built up but thomas sturgeon once again we have another veteran of the american revolution he passed in 1849 born 1762 so again just another example of the age that you're going to find in this cemetery one of my viewers i mentioned there earlier in my intro one of my viewers or if i didn't mention i meant to one of my viewers actually recommended this after i paid a visit to the cemetery that abraham lincoln's uncle in it which was you know kind of a surprise find so whoever that was i greatly appreciate you giving me the suggestion i love getting suggestions on my channel i found some great places just through the suggestions of my viewers so thank you for that if you have any suggestions in this area if you're from this area leave me a comment below let me know of what i can uh where i can visit you know i'm all the time chasing new places and history to tell i do want to take a moment here samuel khan another veteran of the american revolution so there were several i didn't really count i don't know how many there were but i would say four or five anyway american revolution soldiers in here i thought this stone was neat there was a lot of neat architecture that you could find unfortunately weather and age has kind of reclaimed a lot of these so you know you didn't really see as much architecture in here simply because of the age i mean it was you know like i said the old place you can see right there and that tombstone is broken in half and someone just kind of leaned it back we're just taking a look at some of the names in here you can see the flowers and things that are [Music] carved into the uh are chiseled i guess into the stone so that's very very neat [Music] john thomas khan we've seen a lot of cons in here too and that was one thing that was a suggestion from some of my viewers on these country cemetery tours is trying to get a better look at the at the names the problem i run into on that is the age on some of the stones it's just hard to see some of the names but i'm trying to get there a little more another marker there and the markers weren't just to show people and burials they are also to show um you know just historical landmarks and things like that you may find of interest i thought this was very interesting warfield young 1815 to 1865 this was the great uncle of harry truman so another historical figure that has ties to this cemetery so we have two different us presidents that have relatives in here harry truman and of course abraham lincoln so i thought this was very neat warfield young just a very simple simple stone but relative of harry truman so i thought that was a very neat find i love i love finding this type of history especially the unexpected i mean you just just never know where you're going to find and all these cemeteries whether there's anyone famous in here or ties to anyone with fame they all carry history and uh to me and one of the best history books you can read is going right here to a a cemetery now we're up towards if you're facing the back from the front this is up towards the left side and we're making our way kind of back to the front gate but you'll see here again these little plots that have families in them so we're looking at those i'm going to kind of pan around here and take a look a lot of simple stones i mean there wasn't anything too elaborate in here but that just reflects the area i mean i know this wasn't what you would call a very wealthy area there's another one you can see that's broken it's just been kind of leaned back up but yeah this is a this was very very historical i just really appreciated the history in this uh you can see martha v there and i believe that says mary mary jane it looks like so those are uh i think those were wives of the uh of the same person so obviously one wife had passed and he had remarried so they were put together but you can see i was commenting on this you can see that stone right there that was probably an expensive stone especially for this area that and for this day and it there was just kind of fell over i mean it just things just you know they just don't last forever i thought this was neat with the uh with the finger pointing up i'm not sure what that is a representation of maybe you do let me know in the comments if you do [Music] but yeah long run baptist church it was so neat to be able to see everything here uh the cemetery the site of the former church and also the site of abraham lincoln's father's cabin in this area i mean it's like the the play if you're if you're ever here go read that plaque out of the front of the cemetery because this is it says you're visiting historical grounds you are i mean this is i mean this was there's a lot of tragedy that happened here i mean like i said the skirmish that ended uh lincoln's grandfather's life happened right here and from stories his father witnessed all that so yeah just a very historical place and you know historical enough that it's on the national register of historic places so if you're ever in the area i would suggest looking it up if you're from the area i should go pay it a visit i would love to know what you think about this particular visit so let me know in the comments i wanted to go ahead and record this too i love the the fencing or the gate whatever you want to call it you can just see the age and the history and all that and uh of course there's like a couple burials on the inside but i mean those you just don't see that anymore not not anything new so again another another part of history there just the way this this particular grave is is designed with the gate and all that so you know i wanted to show that as i thought that would be neat for you all to see i love bringing you these country cemetery tours it has been a joy to be able to do this and i love it because i'm seeing things i've never seen before it's really not all that far for me it gets me researching and exploring and now this was a gorgeous day to be out so i want to take another look here we're back towards the front and i'm just kind of panning around to show you in its entirety what the cemetery looks like i'm getting ready to um yeah you can see there that's very i mean it really is picturesque i'm glad to be able to make this visit i'm going to show you uh told you there was announcement coming up i'm going to make that in just a moment if you haven't subscribed to my channel please click subscribe join me on my journeys we've had a lot of growth here like i said we've reached over 8 500 subscribers on our way to 9 000 and i hope that's just a brief stop on the way to 10 000. please like and subscribe comment leave me a comment below i love to read the comments i love to hear from you i've had several people ask how they could help the channel i never want to ask for anything without giving something in return i've asked have had people ask me if i was ever going to have merchandise like t-shirts and such well here we are i am launching the whit docs apparel store mostly t-shirts and things like that on there long sleeve shirts hoodies that kind of stuff if it's something if you want to support the channel support my journeys i'm going to put a link in the description of where you can go to look at some of this stuff and i would love to have my t-shirts and my logo out there in the in the public i also want to do some things in the future where maybe i give some of this stuff away because i i want to uh yeah i like doing that kind of stuff so again i want to thank you all for watching i greatly appreciate it i'm gonna put all the links in the description below i will see you again soon
Channel: Whittdocs
Views: 56,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Famous graves, famous gravesites, famous graves 2020, famous gravesites 2020, famous graves on YouTube, famous gravesites on YouTube, Abraham Lincoln gravesite, Abraham Lincoln grave, famous graves of Kentucky, famous gravesites in Kentucky, gravesite tours, country cemeteries, country cemetery tours, long run cemetery Louisville Kentucky, cemeteries in Louisville Kentucky, long run baptist church Kentucky, Louisville Kentucky cemeteries, Louisville Kentucky famous Graves
Id: qT68IlwjZX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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