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we'd never keep up with the orders if weary washed everything what's a dark secret and the most questionable practice in your profession which we regular folks know nothing about you know the people who write instruction manuals are user guides and things you buy half the time they've never even seen or touched the product some dude just sends us pictures a rough description of how it's supposed to work and that's it someone replied can confirm I made a translation for many of them for me I don't care if it's an endoscope medical equipment or if it is service manual for an elevator half of the time I just shove it to google translator and added special names for parts of the equipment without any prior knowledge about that topic only learning I do before translating is trying to find the images on Google describing parts in my language another reply instruction manual writer here although for software you know how there are always frequently asked questions I have no idea what's frequently asked I make all of them up young kids talk to their teachers coaches counselors or principals about their parents a lot and kids pick up on all the dirty little secrets six-year-old I have two daddies me that's lovely darling now let's play some piano six-year-old one of my daddies goes on long business trips and then mommy and I go live with my other daddy while he's gone me Oh erm let's play some piano many hotels often sell rooms multiple times I used to work in an airport hotel knowing that chances are some guests won't arrive due to missed or delayed flights so we sell more rooms than we have you have guests checking out from 3 a.m. due to early flights so even though the room is technically still theirs you quickly and sometimes poorly clean the room and tell the arriving unexpected guests or new booking there's a random computer issue in to wait 20 minutes and then check them into the departed guest room praying multiple times I've had to run a kettle under a cold tap to hide the fact the previous guests used it 15 minutes before the new guest arrives airlines do this with airplane seats too I once had a connecting flight while heading back to college which was luckily not a long flight and I had plenty of time they pulled this crap and initially wanted someone to forgo their seat for a $50 coupon I let it go up to a $250 direct check and then volunteered and they still tried to go with credit toward a ticket I only took the check and got paid that amount for a couple hours watching Netflix in the airport not currently my profession but ghostwriters in fiction John Grisham Danielle Steel James Patterson Janet Evanovich etc all those big names with a New York Times best seller every year use ghost writers who are never credited or mentioned it's barely even a secret it's highly unusual for a ghost writers name to be found anywhere within the book we are not on the cover the inside cover the copyright assertion or anywhere else the invisibility is kind of the point Patterson's an interesting exception in that he is sometimes nurtured ghost writers and eventually given them a co-writing credit but this is very very unusual air traffic control cue the Breaking Bad jokes a diagnosis of virtually any mental illness and a diagnosis of many physical conditions is disqualifying and will end your career for that reason people avoid doctors like the plague this is why doctor-patient confidentiality should be an absolutely unpierced bail not even for criminal investigations people already cheat around the system by not going to doctors all it means is they don't get treatment and suffer these policies never achieve their intended purpose but they did create a perverse incentive for people not to get help I ended up quitting a career because people all genders and ages kept trying to solicit me for prostitution young male massage therapist someone replied my auntie started her own spa about a decade or so ago I ended up learning massage and helping her with some of her bookings when she needed a break literally one out of ten of her clients generally middle-aged women would try to sleep with me or ask if they could ask me off it was so strange how many people who work with children teachers childcare workers etc don't follow confidentiality guidelines gossiping about families with co-workers talking about children's home situations creeping families social media etc any people who are supposed to follow confidentiality guidelines both my parents work in the penitentiary dad is a prison warden mom is a secretary at the probation office I grew up with discussions of the lives of inmates and people on probation around the table my parents would also discreetly point out to me people in the street they wanted me to avoid offenders katydid Oilers and druggies I worked in a restaurant and they told me the sweet old regular the waitresses like so much as an absolute pervert my dad told me he'd make holes in his pockets to touch himself customs broke her here every day hundreds of thousands of containers and air shipments arrived into United States territory the volume of customs entries entered everyday is staggering when we get licensed to be a customs broker we are trained and tested not just on knowledge but ethics we even take a pledge to partner with CBP to uphold the law and cooperate with them should we come across anything suspicious why so much emphasis on this customs can't actually screen everything coming in I'm oversimplifying but CBP basically works on the honor system you file an entry saying what the shipment is and they just take your word for it and release it this happens hundreds of thousands of times a day maybe at best customs can scream three to seven percent of what's coming in the rest of just way through I'm sure most notice but 99.9% of advertisements involving real people as acted and scripted even when the people being interviewed are indeed not actors they are prompted on what to say for example recently we interviewed a guy who won a car from one of our brands first round interviewer congrats on your win how do you feel guy uh really great it's a real surprise to be honest thank you after several rounds and coaching interviewer congrats on your win how do you feel died I feel so lucky to have won a brand car the design and handling is first-rate and I'm most impressed by the fuel consumption I will definitely keep on holding brand as my top car of choice have you ever started filling out a form for a quote on something insurance website or literally anything and then changed your mind and said nah I don't want to give them my personal information and then abandon the form before pressing submit if you think that stopped them from getting your personal information it didn't most companies looking to capture leads will capture your info in real time as you enter it into a form the submit button is just there to move you to the next step not to actually send your information to the company there is at least one water bottle soda can energy drink spray paint can sitting on a piece of blocking behind your drywall somewhere in your house I was working on a building a few years back the drywallers were peeing in empty drywall buckets and just leaving them in closets at some point the fire stopping guy comes in to do his thing and ended up reaching up behind a panel open pee bottle dumped all over him there are no words at a very large pizza chain restaurant that remains wildly popular we had these perforated pans for thin crust and stuffed crust pizzas they'd get washed in the dishwasher by the hundreds per day and at least half would still have burnt cheese and stuff on them well they were just stacked to dry when making new pizzas in those pads sometimes the pans that were left to dry overnight grew bits of mould around the burnt cheese we were told just to put the dough on top because otherwise we'd never keep up with the orders if we rewashed everything the manager said don't worry it gets cooked patting paperwork studies to slow an auditor down every data point all the minutiae of the calculations unnecessarily dense explanations of statistical methods that go on at length with notes about distribution fitting they auditors aren't usually very technical so they stop at each spot along the way without realizing they can throw half the thing out if you're good you can balloon a 30 page document into 100 in a matter of minutes a lot of the time the engineer you talk to about your project and decide to trust with it delegates it to cheaper contractors as soon as you sign the paperwork their job is new business all the big consultancies operate 100% like this you the client pay five times the rate of hiring full-time employees to get top talent and what you get a bunch of zero experience twenty year olds working at an office in India Bangladesh South America or Eastern Europe those senior guys whom you spoke to during the negotiation are justa pre sales team in the show Pony engineers the engineer will stay on the project for the first few weeks and the pre-sales guy will come and go for the full duration he'll be on a twenty five percent or 50 percent contract but he'll be paid a super high rate his only job is to take executives out to lunch and get more business as well as prepare excuses for when projects fail are delayed costs bloom he does not contribute to project delivery at all and they are not interested in delivering quality projects since bad projects create follow-up business fixing the screw-ups the true goal for the consultancy is to deliver just enough to get paid using the cheapest labor possible and then blame the inevitable problems on other consultants or external factors so the company has to hire them back for a version - every project I worked on as a Big Five consultant was like this so was every project I knew someone working on in every project I heard about from colleagues I work on a popular teen TV show all the lead actors do cocaine regularly and they often come to set high or show up to the set Li because they chose to party on a Monday night University professor here we don't actually read your entire answer in high school my teacher always boasted teachers just reading the name and giving the grade and how she would never do that myself and two other students wrote the exact same paper it was basically verbatim okay not really but it was rewarded to say the same thing person a god and a person B got a B I got a C Q the second round of the same exact paper mine was literally verbatim but paragraphs swamped I got a C again other dude got an a person B decided to keep his verbatim but it said the same thing pretty much obviously I couldn't say anything cause I didn't do anything on the six page paper but still services costs are based on how much money you look like you have I'm a woodworker contractor I come to your house you tell me what you want done my jumping-off point is how much the market will bear if I think you can afford a $4,000 solid oak bookcase that's what I will quote you I can make a cheaper version that I make less money on but why would I do that it's not that I'm just ripping you off I'm selling you a better product but in doing so I make more money so when getting a quoted can pay to be very direct about what you want to spend or you are going to be sold the most expensive version they think you can afford the real reason programmers have so many screens is because one of them almost always has Google pulled up on it no one knows what they are doing 100% of the time it's typically you always whom this should work or well hope this works documentary editor here this varies depending on the content / genre but documentaries can never be completely true the ethics of filmmaking is disputed among many theorists those who work on documentaries understand that they are almost as fictional as completely made-up stories again this depends on the project but some common practices like frank and biting splicing sentences and words to create a different message used especially in reality TV and really dramatic Doc's are necessary to making a documentary watchable there are hundreds of hours of footage and if you see or hear something in a documentary the creator's wanted you to be exposed to that over a different piece of footage this can lead to lives being destroyed whether a person is posed as the enemy or antagonist or they are displayed in a way that does not represent them accurately which is most if not all of the time I've had to take mental health days off from working because I become so worried about how these people's lives will be affected by my decisions Church worker here this may be specific to the church I work for but I think it's pretty common for bigger 1,000 Plus members churches they're two-faced they'll tell the janitorial crew janitorial services truly a ministry and it's so good and so important but guess what when the church needs to make cutbacks where some of the first ones screwed over we're the ones expected to clean until 2 to 3 a.m. on a Sunday morning after people have used the building until midnight as a woman I've straight-up been harassed by the guy pretty high up in the church hierarchy and nobody really has my back there are so many fake judgemental hateful people who hide behind the guise of Christianity people who will lock people out of the building and laugh at them they tell that people who aren't dressed presentable enough to sit in the back if that person isn't run off by their frozen hateful stares I used to work fast food not gonna say where every single person I work with had tried marijuana but that's lame so let's take it up another step in reality the majority of people come here for work because we have nowhere else either we grew up in poverty and never had a chance to go to college we commit crimes in our youth that we regret or struggle with drugs and alcohol in my Northwest state a raise from minimum wage to $10 like we got because of the virus we're essential workers and are rewarded for working in a crisis but when you go to a fast-food restaurant just think about why we're there yeah we made mistakes yes we're facing consequences but they aren't bad people my coworker who was an ex cartel member with face tattoos was nicer than most of the elderly white customers I met he's twice the man as many people I've met the people here are coming for a second chance funeral director you can buy a casket from Costco for 20% of the price that I'm going to sell you one for about 70% of the cost of the funeral is overcharging options and leading you on to feel guilty if you don't take them we have a lot of fun when we don't deal with customers but we never had that fun with bodies copyrighter most of the articles you read on the internet are written by us we have no idea what we are talking about we get the topic google it and reword other articles into a new one all we have to do is make sure we include a few SEO words I've written articles for HVAC companies movie and TV reviews tons of different merchandise sales and so much other stuff I've forgotten it fits a blog post online it's likely fake want a good example go read the descriptions on Netflix you know when you are checking out and the store offers to round up your total and donate that to a charity well the company is using this to pay into their own charity with oversight costs etc who then pays into another charity they are also then using this charitable donation as tax offset you are much better off choosing a charity yourself and saving the 10 cent each time and donating it at once to the same place you get a small tax offset and know the money is going to a place you have researched I used to manage an Asian supermodel for about five years I was frequently brought along when she met with other celebrities usually Western sometimes other Asian I was still teaching her English as I am native and I am fluent in her language to ensure she understood everything and didn't make any major cultural faux pas I don't know if this qualifies as dark per se but questionable for sure I won't name names but many of these actors musicians etc also have other businesses and brands they would sit down and offhandedly formulate what fashions trends they would start soon so that they could have Goods waiting to be sold to accommodate people participating in these trends that they themselves started they would also plan out propping each other's business plans up by reinforcing the trends with appearances comments to fashion magazines etc the first time I heard this kind of talk I thought they were just being full of themselves as they are very prone to do anyway and then I saw the effects of the talks happening a few months later over and over this is what will have people wear in the fall started production yet next week send me the sample when it's ready I'll make sure my demographic is on it your concert in New York City is in June right yeah medium here's my managers number she'll make sure I get it in time for the show lots of performing musicians don't ever really get over stage fright many of them take beta blockers to help with nerves although it's less about the mental side of it and more the fact that you physically can't perform if you get so nervous that your hands are shaking that's what beta blockers help with you'll probably still feel anxious mentally but any physical effects like shaking or sweating will be gone not really a dark secret as there's not usually bad side effects of beta blockers but I guess some people might see that as cheating in a way personally I find it kind of inspiring knowing that lots of people struggle with the same thing as me and there's a solution that isn't just suck it up and deal with it alarm / camera tech for residential and business the monitoring center you pay for is a light there is a pretty good chance no one is responding or it as being sent to a call center handling tons of calls but that doesn't matter because the police won't usually dispatch for unconfirmed alarms if at all the gear is stupid cheap and easy to install I literally had one day training and just looked everything up on Google or YouTube it's all in there including install and override codes for most systems since the 90s most of the stuff they sell you is pretty worthless you are better off monitoring and servicing your system yourself you can get it all on eBay for pennies what you'll be charged by your company even used can be reprogrammed and set up fine if you really want to be secure get a good dog but tons of you are locked into years of contracts over basically $30 worth of gear airline worker here let's just say if your bag is in transit from the belt to the aircraft or vice versa and it falls out of the bag cart because we have crappy transportation equipment that bag will most of the time sit on the road for hours rain or shine before it is picked up and sent on another flight to the same destination also yes bags are thrown and not a damn supervisor cares unless it's slammed with a purpose like a wrestling move or something when you go into a phone shop to get a new mobile and we ask if you are an existing customer it is usually because our best deals are reserved for new customers also if we tell you we are out of stock on a popular phone it is sometimes because we're down to just a couple of the device and are saving them in case we can use them to close a deal with a new customer if you want to get the best deals you usually need to change to a new provider you could walk out of my store after I tell you we don't have any walk into the store next door and transfer your number to a no-contract plant with them then walk back into my store saying you want to bring your number across from a competition and I will somehow discover a phone in the model and color you wanted was out the back after all schools will lower their admittance standards for international students since schools depend on their money to stay afloat the more cuts the system does towards the public system the worse this gets not only do you have lower teaching standards just by having outdated infrastructure and bloated classes but the mean skill level of your classes is also lowered I've seen students attend classes who are completely unable to speak any English when I say any I mean any they had to start with hello my name is I you he she a chair desk table weeks into their program and because of the way class hours and modules are constructed it is impossible for them to take two months off to take full time language classes to solve the problem so they have to waste everyone's time and money there's for months and months while failing everything stockbroker honestly nothing dark or questionable but maybe a harsh reality not really advertised no matter how good your investments you are unlikely to get rich no matter how good you are if you aren't already well-off 10k maybe a lot to you and sure you can turn it into seven to nine percent more year-over-year but seven percent of 10k is seven hundred dollars versus 1 million of assets growing 7 percent being 70 K it's really a rich person's playground as they can afford to lose it breaks my heart to see poor people in middle class risk everything they have to turn it into a little more I'm proud to help with it but it's an open secret being poor just means you'll be slightly less poor in most cases people who come in with $1,000 or less seriously if that's all you have you're just never going to see any life-changing amount of money also if you haven't started saving for retirement by 30 you're going to retire much less well-off than you'd hope you need 1.5 million saved to a 50k a year to live off if you retire at 65 and live 95 years $750,000 just to be poor the rest of your life in retirement save for retirement people it's not a joke former retail pharmacy technician I received many forged prescriptions for strong narcotics for otherwise seemingly young healthy patients in hindsight it's really sad because I'm witnessing the opioid crisis unfold before my eyes but the pharmacist has full discretion to pretend we don't have the drug in stock turn people away or straight up call the cops we will literally put on our acting game and keep these people at the pharmacy until the cops arrive a lot of the talking points about how expensive lawyers are or how plaintiffs lawyers get unreasonably high payouts for doing little work is driven by corporations trying to discourage people from suing them for example most plaintiffs lawyers are working entirely on a contingency basis meaning that they advance all costs with the risk of no reimbursement and don't see a dime unless they win and almost all we'll give you a free consultation but by spreading the false narrative of it's going to cost you to even talk to a lawyer about that big companies discourage you from even consulting one and finding out the truth similarly the narrative of plaintiffs lawyers getting unreasonably high fees for cases is also designed to misrepresent the truth for example you hear a big companies say this class-action got 2 dollars and 50 cents for each person but the attorneys got $250,000 or something but the only reason the attorneys got all that money is because the company went balls-to-the-wall litigating over $2.50 racking up attorneys fees on both sides when they could have short-circuited the whole thing from the outset by saying you got us here's your money and paid next to nothing in attorneys fees plus 2 dollars and 50 cents times a million people is a lot of money meaning that the fees were justified by the total amount hurt and that the case was not so insignificant to begin with but by controlling the narrative companies make it seem like it's unreasonable to be mad that they stole millions from consumers and that's it's even more unreasonable for someone whose job it is to take on all the risk and then get paid based on a percentage of what their results are sure there are windfall cases but usually those cases are needed just to offset the ten other cases where you took a haircut on fees it's like putting $100 in a slot machine losing ten times and then hitting one jackpot on your last turn to make it back to $100 and then having the casino say he got $100 for a single game of slots this is ridiculous until you're forced to give back $90 of what you won how likely are you going to play again sometimes we learn something the day before we teach it to you as someone who started an instructor position a month ago this is reassuring I have been in the industry which I lecture on for 10 years I have a broad skill set but when it comes to teaching the actual theory of why I'm doing what I'm doing it's back to the textbooks for me first week I was only a paragraph a head working on week five and I'm nearly a whole week ahead being honest and upfront with the students works best I've used the let's take a break so I can clarify some of my notes or hey everyone will have to come back to this once I understand this subject matter well enough to relay accurate information or something along those lines if I were to attempt to BS my way through they would see right through it and it would also be a disservice to them in myself I worked in logistics trucking rail ocean and air freight everyone lies about everything all the time having been the person to deal with freight forwarders and logistics in general y'all were the bane of my existence I know whether screws everything up but I cannot tell you how many times I was told the ship was on the water only to find out later it actually left two days to a week later than that but as frustrating as logistics were my distribution centers for one particular distributor made me want to pull my hair out daily they wanted their rules followed implicitly but God forbid a vendor had their own set of rules that needed to be followed for pickups from their facilities there was never a dull moment on either side of that spectrum thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification Bell for more uncomfortable truth click the right box for the most evil corporations playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 223,394
Rating: 4.8941936 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts business, reddit industry secrets, Industry secrets, unethical business practices, business secrets, Reddit secret, shady business practices, shady business, reddit business stories, reddit business tactics
Id: C7IcSex4INg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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