There is Only ONE God - The Godhead, CHIM and Amaranth - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] there is only one God in the elder scrolls one true God how's that for a twist all those Adria all those Daedra all these gods spirits they aren't the real deal there is only one God one above them all the Godhead welcome ladies and gentlemen to fudge Muppet my name is Scott and today we are diving into some of the deeper crazier and profound law that exists within the Elder Scrolls universe we are talking about concepts like Kim the Godhead amaranth the zero someing and a whole host of weird stuff as a disclaimer some of this law is drawing upon Michael Kirk Brides expanded works but interestingly there is much in game canon information that supports what is said in these works however not everything I talk about today is strictly canon bear that in mind so without further ado let's talk about this one true god if you have been watching our videos for a while you may have seen a neat little video about the elisha in order and we also had another one about dragon breaks which had some interesting overlaps they are in the description below and you can check those out because you may have no idea about the elysian order or their time breaking gods splitting shenanigans but you may have heard about the slave Queen Alisha and how she rose up and kicked the a leads to the curb winning Cyrodiil and the emancipation of her people this all went down way back in the first era thousands of years before the events of any of the Elder Scrolls games the reason she is important despite the obvious is how she relates to this idea of a one true God through an order that was created in her namesake the Elysian order this is a organized monotheistic religion meaning that they only believe in one all-powerful God one all-encompassing power and various Adria and Dedra are regarded as spirits or Saints all derivative of this one ultimate being when I first learned about the Elysian Order I thought it was unfounded and stupid of course the Adria and Dedra are their own beings and gods in their own right where is this one true God well this all gets pretty meta and it transcends nirn Mundus oblivion and even a serious this concept this one God transcends the endless void that is surface the Godhead the supreme being the God that is responsible for all of the elder scrolls the Elder Scrolls universe is a dream you may have heard this before there are various videos discussing it on YouTube it is the dream of a being only known as the Godhead it is the unaware dreamer he/she it has no autonomy in the matter the Godhead is in an unconscious state imagine you were to fall asleep and your brain takes you to amazing places and you honestly believe it is reality until you wake up and know it to be a dream it would be a similar feeling for the Godhead it is asleep dreaming and within it it is unaware of this fact but even as unaware as the Godhead is that it is dreaming it is still responsible for all of creation it is the truest and most powerful being within its mind was the origin of Anu and Padme and then created the souls or Al and surface which then did a whole bunch of metaphysical mingling resulting into theories and oblivion and Adria and Dedra who then went on to make mundus and then you've got Ellen FA and mortals and more and more divisions of a larger piece so all the characters gods and mortals are within the dream with various levels of awareness that they are in fact not real or just part of a dream a fantasy like the Elder Scrolls franchise is but what happens when certain parts of the dream certain individuals within the dream realize that they are part of the dream Kim and zero-sum we have talked more about this previously on a channel and it's likely if you've done some research into the Dwemer and the nature of their disappearance then you have surely come across the idea of kim and zero summing I'll give you the brief rundown so as you can imagine it would be pretty insanely crazy to realize that you aren't real and that you are in fact part of a dream so imagine right now you are sitting down watching this fudge mop at Elder Scrolls lore video and you come to the conclusion that you are actually within someone else's dream that you aren't real your simulated by some beings intelligence the absolute mind-boggling confronting realization that your whole life every moment everything that felt so real to you is a lie and you are just part of some guys dream how do you react well I imagine most people when confronted with the reality of it all go into full panic mode and do something we call zero-sum this is one of the most convincing Dwemer disappearance theories when they activated the new medium and tried to become a god they understood that life was all a dream that the universe was all a dream they were part of the Godhead and they could not logically justify their existence being the scientific race that they were and they zeroes summed erased from existence however there is another alternative one that requires a certain kind of person a certain kind of ego to achieve and I am of course talking about Kim the ability to look facts in the face every bit of evidence that tells you that you are not real and say with conviction that you simply M you are real this simultaneous and contradictory understanding that you are both within a dream and a part of a dream but also a separate individual is called Kim it is akin to becoming a lucid dreamer with the metaphysical understanding of the nature of the universe the dream the individual who insists that they are an individual in the face of evidence stating the otherwise can manipulate the world examples include both the tribunal god Vivek and Tiber Septim becoming Talos this is for example how Talos retro actively in the timeline changed to the lands of Cyrodiil from dense jungle to verdant grasslands Kim is an unimaginable power the ability to shape the dream but this kind of power would be lonely and strange everything becomes arbitrary to them they would become more and more disconnected over time from the people imagine you achieved Kim in the real world and you could do whatever you want to give yourself unlimited money superpowers all kinds of unimaginable things but eventually it would be likely that you'd become so far removed from reality that you no longer care about it you may think for example that if Talos is such a powerful being who has achieved Kim why does he not help the races of man to beat the Thalmor the question is why does it matter to him to tylose it is all a dream initially he may have helped by doing things like turning Sir Adele and to fertile grasslands but as the realization sets in why would he bother why does he care for any man any mortal for that matter it's all a dream to him it's all fake all smaller parts of a larger God the Godhead it's dream I believe that after a while after having achieved Kim that you would realize a triviality of it all and instead search for something higher and try to uncover the grander mysteries of the Godhead rather than playing with matters of mortals and having your way with the dream I think this is the reason why individuals like Tiber Septim and vivec have slowly removed themselves from the realms of mundus oblivion and the like because they simply no longer care the Epiphany has eroded their sense of care for the world and its inhabitants it's not relevant it is a dream after all they don't believe in its realness you don't really care if people die in the dreams that you have because it's not reality so you should have a firm grasp of Kim now quick summary you come to the metaphysical epiphany that your entire reality is a dream you included you have two choices come to the conclusion that you're part of the dream and it in fact not real therefore you zero-sum accepting that fact or you stand in the face of this realization in state that you are in fact real an individual achieving Kim but what happens after Kim what is the end goal how do they uncover the mysteries of the Godhead or transcend this larger God the one and only God that encompasses the dream that would be through the next big step amaranth this stuff gets crazy like I said and all of this has many interpretations and people agree and disagree about all this kind of stuff in the little details but essentially what I think most people would agree on amaranth is the way out the only way to escape the Godhead to remove oneself from the dream of course before amaranth one must achieve Kim and when one achieves Kim they usually have a whole lot of ego and a lot of fun doing as they will but eventually they likely become disconnected from the affairs of the universe and instead seek mysteries higher well this is where amaranth comes in as I understand it amaranth is where an individual who has achieved Kim somehow sacrifices itself as I have heard it described to become a new dreamer a new Godhead if you will so they have their own dream a new universe is created within their head they become a separate entity removed from the Godhead stream but they become the unconscious dreamer precise methods and ideas about amaranth are very hard and there is no strict how to wiki guide for amaranth these are very complex and strange topics but I will help to reclassify all the terms and summarize so that hopefully this video will help you a lot when dealing with some of the crazier elements of the Elder Scrolls universe so the or Burris the Elder Scrolls universe in its entirety is all part of a dream of an unconscious unknowable being called the Godhead everything is just a division of this Godhead Anu and Padme being the first aider and Daedra so on all the way down to mortals all the visions of a dream when a certain division a god or a mortal or any conscious element of the dream theoretically comes to realize that it is not in fact real but part of a dream it either zero sums rationalizing its non-existence or it manages to marry the contradictory ideas that they are both real and within a dream resulting in Kim and finally amaranth is one who has achieved Kim but then becomes the dreamer the amaranth of a new dream outside the dream of the Godhead there is just some light ideas for your brain to mill over while you eat your breakfast so if we actually step back to the Elise in order with the Prophet America and his teachings while understanding the concepts of the Godhead and Kim who actually come to the realization that in fact the elysian order is the religion that got closest to the truth of the true nature of the universe they believed in the one one all-encompassing God in that spirits Adria and Daedra were all just aspects of this one greater being so in actuality the Elise in order with this belief is technically the most enlightened group to have ever set foot on Tamriel however the Elysian Order has been long gone for a millennia and they were quite the brutal regime causing much suffering for Tamriel but perhaps ignorance is bliss perhaps it's better that the Elysian order and its teachings have been buried in the past perhaps it's better that the people of Tamriel remain unaware of the dream remain unenlightened because otherwise everything made zero-sum or perhaps they could achieve Kim and utter madness breaks loose perhaps the Godhead wakes up from the dream and the Elder Scrolls universe ceases to exist the realm of possibilities would be endless but nonetheless it does not matter in the grand scheme of things most of the inhabitants in the Elder Scrolls universe will never know of anything more than Adria Daedra man or elf their lives lived completely unaware of this ultimate truth what did you guys think of all this the revelation of the one true god the Godhead perhaps this is the truth of your own reality perhaps it is all a dream and maybe one day you will achieve Kim become lucid and realise that you are just within someone else's dream a kind of simulation it's the craziest stuff let's see this all unfold in the comments like the video if you enjoy crazy concepts like these thanks so much for watching guys subscribe for more of these Elder Scrolls lore along with content for upcoming RPGs like the outer world and cyberpunk 2077 you can reach us on social media linked in the description if you so desire my name is Scott from fight Robert and I'll be back to nerd out with you again in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 447,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godhead, alessian order, amaranth, chim, zero-sum, michael kirkbride, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim, skyrim lore, one god, crazy lore
Id: dWmCmxi2e28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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