Akavir EXPLAINED! - Ka Po'Tun, Tsaesci, Tang Mo, Kamal, Dragons - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] off the coasts of Tamriel tracing the distant horizon bewildered locals spotted pirate ships when the vessels drew closer curiosity warped into terror for the men and Mo gathered on the shores these ships were not Tamriel ik their sails were unrecognizable and beneath them Manning the decks were bizarre and horrifying beasts they were unlike any creatures these early inhabitants had seen before some had rat-like features and others appeared canine but all seemed feral wild and hostile these early rumors were equivocal but they suggested the existence of a Kaveri cultures as yet undiscovered or perhaps even extinct this would be the first of many encounters the peoples of Tamriel would have with the races of akavir whenever they appeared it spelled trouble for Tamriel for a man or Myr to feel fear at the sight of a nak Avira ship is justified because akavir is a land of beasts no man or Myr lived there they say men once lived there but they would devoured long ago by the vampiric serpent folk of cycie the remaining subservient races like the goblins of the surrounding Isles were enslaved and harvested for their blood the continent is as merciless as it is mysterious and when the races of akavir are not attempting to invade Tamriel their warring amongst themselves hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet of all the lands of nirn none are as alien as the dragon land called akavir the inhabitants of this continent have featured many times throughout Tamriel at history yet to this day scarce little is known about them in this video we're going to learn all we possibly can about Tamriel's neighbor in the east we'll explore its nations races cultures and history let's get started in ancient times long before Imperial scholars kept records of key events the closest thing we had to histories were songs and stories The Legend of Larisa is one of these epic stories it may have happened it may be entirely fabricated or it may be heavily embellished but even the most unlikely tales have some root in reality there's no smoke without fire and in the story of Larissa's there's no shortage of fire as it spews in torrents from the more of a mighty worm Larissa's origins are not specified we only know that he's a hero from Tamriel and he battled an army of akaviri slave traders he was a renowned warrior and single-handedly slew hundreds of foes but his valor wasn't enough to turn the tide of battle as his army was routed and sent fleeing into the four winds the akaviri forces wrote chariots and pursued larae seus forcing him to retreat into the Moors Larissa's fled the lands of men and entered the Blasted Lands while not explicitly specified this is almost certainly a reference to a covere the dragon land at the heart of this forsaken landscape he met the worm the great scaly beast mocked the mighty blows of Larissa's enchanted spear it melted the shield fear struck gift of the Daedra boethiah with a single blast of its fiery breath Larissa is seeing that he could not defeat the creature by force of arms surrendered preying on the beasts pride Larissa appeared humble before it offering to be the worm slave and manservant Larissa is hatched a brilliantly audacious plan he noticed the worm was meticulous about self grooming for its scales Shon like oiled steel but there was one lone scale centered between the beasts great wings that was out of range and was thus dull and tarnished the worm conceited as only dragons can be was mortified by the prospect of his unsightly scale and lowered a wing for its manservant to climb so that he might polish the scale once astride the great lizard Larissa slid his dagger underneath the scale and into the tender flesh of the Beast though it spun and twisted in all directions the worm could not get at the hero finally it took to the air Larissa is clung to the neck with all his strength as the worm banked rolled and ov seeing that Larissa could not be shaken free the worm demanded that he removed the stinging blade Larissa answered fly straight on until you see a great army destroy that army and I will remove my blade with a great roar the scaled creature set off the akaviri army had no chance against the fire-breathing beast they have never plagued Tamriel since the battle was won but as soon as he freed the worm he would be devoured or worse he pulled the blade free and left from the beasts back the worm made chase diving after the plummeting mortal only Larissa was saved by Bowie fear it would seem the hero's deeds that impressed the Prince of battle and he was granted Boethius favour becoming his champion Larissa is transformed into a raven sleek and agile he quickly lost the worm in the clouds the fate of the worm isn't known but if the rumors are true the worm still lives and like many of akavir natives it nurses a grudge against all mankind after Larissa's deception the beast valve never to trust two-legged weapon bearers again akavir means dragon land and it's believed that all dragons came from this continent though some tales claim dragons also came to Tamriel from the northern continent of that Mora anyone with any knowledge of Tamriel history knows that the dragons were among the most mighty and prosperous races to grace the continent they are huge and powerful intelligent and gifted in magic as well as susceptible to the romantic feelings of Pride and melancholy they were created in a katashi's own image and would argue this fact in justifying their superiority over the other races of Tamriel with all of this in mind we can appreciate just how savage the land of akavir is in akavir it is rumoured that the dragons were entirely wiped out hunted to extinction by the sassy snake men the akaviri dragon guard which would serve as the precursor to the blades of the Sira Dilek empire hunted the dragons with astounding efficiency and skill meanwhile on Tamriel the men of Skyrim was subjugated and ruled over by dragons for most of the maratha era when the Nords rose up in Revolt thousands upon thousands died and the dragon war was only one when some dragons defected to the side of men we may not know nearly as much about akavir as we do about Tamriel but every detail we have points to one thing the races of akavir are formidable and dangerous and the races of Tamriel should thank the gods every day for the ocean between them and the dragon land so if we're going to delve into the races of akavir what better place to start them with the race responsible for systematically slaying the dragons thus I see snake foe this also happens to be the race we have the most solid reliable information on the nation of saisi means snake palace and it was once the strongest power in akavir before the tiger dragon came the serpent folk ate all the men of akavir a long time ago but still kind of look like them they are tall beautiful if frightening covered in scales and immortal though sources vary on the true appearance of this I see some say they are humanoid others say they have human heads and arms and the lower body of a snake some say they're actually entirely serpent from head to tail but the ikonics I see Armour which inspired the unique style of the Imperial blades and the skeletons inspectors seen over the eras in Tamriel would suggest that the saisi were bipedal and much more human-like in physique they are said to fight without shields using only swords specifically their daikatana blades of the free akaviri invasions two of which hitting the shores of Tamriel the cycie are responsible for the first this would go down as the most famous interaction between the two continents in the 2700 and third year of the first era cycie forces invaded Tamriel from the north landing in Skyrim before fighting their way south deeper into the mainland the invading Snake Men made it as far as the Jura mountains where they were crushed by the might of Riemann cyrodiil who had rallied the armies of Columbia and Nibin a under his banner the akaviri army surrendered legend holds that the sassy hordes heard Riemann's voice and fell to their knees swearing their lives to him and proclaimed him Dragonborn riemann incorporated these icy warriors into his empire serving as the nucleus of his army an organization named the dragon guard was born from the best and wisest cycie soldiers and they served the emperor directly this dragon guard would eventually become the blades thus icy would even rule the Empire during a period known as the akaviri potentate and one of these potent Eights versus you--she founded the fighters guild the first of these ruling potentates once sparred the son of riemann cyrodiil the third prince juliek this was before the cycie lay claim to the ruby throne back when being a potentate meant being an advisor to the human emperor in their battle we get a detailed description of the way the snake men fought there was a collective intake of breath at the sight of his graceful movements his sword seemed to be a part of him a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind him it was a trick of counterbalance allowing the young serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center of the ring in an offensive position this source would support the descriptions of cycie as being very serpent like in physique over the centuries I see lineages were gradually bred out especially after the fall of the akaviri potentate cycie family names still exist in serie dill but notable racial traits were assimilated long ago 800 years later in the second era 572 a second akaviri invasion would take place but this time by a different akaviri race the Kamal Snow demons the eponymous Nation kemal means snow hell and the legions of demons residing there spend the winter frozen solid but when summer comes they fall out with the sole intention of invading their neighbors the tang mo the Tang mo would always manage to stave off the attacks which likely played a part in the Kamal's change in strategy under the leadership of their king had assumed er Kemal the snow demons invaded Tamriel once again choosing to enter the continent from skyrim sources claim the kemal were in search of a personal object to name the ordained receptacle Windhelm was sacked and then the demons crossed the border tomorrowand here they ward with Nords Dark Elves and argonians before finally being wiped out by a tidal wave summoned by the Living God vivec remnants of the kemal popped up a few centuries later in Cyrodiil but were quickly wiped out again seemingly the most amicable of the akaviri races are the tang mo people of the thousand monkey isles these monkey folk of all shapes and sizes are described as kind brave and simple not the kind to mount full-scale invasions of foreign lands when they aren't busy fending off assaults from the snow demons they're keeping to themselves the komali of the tang most primary adversaries but it said that the cycie are just as adamant about enslaving them though they were once enemies mysterious akavir claims that the tang mo monkeys have actually formed an alliance it's with another akaviri race the kaput on Tiger folk and that brings us to the race I believe maybe the new superpower in akavir the Capitan Capitan means tiger dragons Empire and as the name suggests rumors have crossed the ocean to Tamriel that these cat folk have discovered a means to become dragons to what extent this rumor is literal remains a mystery for neither the tang mo nor the capitana have ever been seen by modern Tamriel x : certainly skeptics will claim it as a metaphorical transformation as mortals can't simply learn to become dragons but stranger things have happened the cat folk of Capitan are ruled by their divine leader Tosh Rocca the tiger dragon under his reign the Capitan have apparently become the strongest Empire in akavir exceeding the long-standing dominance of the sassy snakes the serpent folk however remained the most powerful at sea but will that matter if the tiger dragons learn to master the sky sometime after the cycie consumed the races of men living in a covere they attempted to do the same to the Dragons hunting them near to extinction before they could completely wipe the Dragons from the dragon land some survivors sought refuge in the tiger Dragons Empire and a war was waged between snakes and tigers both sides fought to the bloody end both sides weakened greatly but it seems as though Tosh rocker learned some secrets from the dragon refugees before they were wiped out entirely Tosh raka is said to be the first of the kaput on to successfully transform into a dragon and now he's the largest dragon in all of nirn striped orange and black full of ambition when the sassy are destroyed completely he plans to lead his tiger dragon army across the water to take Tamriel in a wash of fire and blood the grim reality for Tamriel is that they will likely only discover more about akavir when one of their races inevitably decides to mount a new invasion there's very little the people of Tamriel can do except wait the Empire is faltering the Dominion have their own priorities for domestic expansion and the times where the living gods could rescue Tamriel from the brink of defeat along gone in the middle of the third era Emperor Uriel Septim the fifth set his sights on akavir taking the full source of cearĂ¡ Dill's Navy across the sea but the conquest was an unmitigated disaster akavir had not been kind to the invading men and it seemed the very elements were against them storms ravaged supply lines communications were severed and the sigh seesnake men were scrupulous in their destruction of the Empire's army report suggests that Uriel Septim v was not as fortunate as Riemann had been in ancient times and the snakes did not bow before him and praise Him as Dragonborn the few survivors of the expeditionary force told of a heroic last stand by the Emperor and the temple agen which allowed a remnant of the 14th - retreat - survivors of the 10th arrived in September that night having slipped through the enemy lines during their undisciplined victory celebration these men confirmed having seen the Emperor die cut down by enemy arrows as he rallied the Tempe's shield wall and so while the powers of tamriel whittle each other down until they are blunt and brittle the foreign forces of akavir seemed only to be growing in strength in a mortal's limited perspective the Aldmeri Dominion may seem like the greatest friend or perhaps from another point of view it's the Stormcloaks but I'd wager that the true danger lies in the East not in Morrowind or Black Marsh but far away in the east beyond the horizon in the land of beasts and Dragons in mysterious akavir and there you have it guys a collection of all the information we have on the alien continent of akavir I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching I've been drew and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 149,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, akavir, akaviri, akavir lore, tsacei, tang mo, kamal, ka po tun, ka po'tun, akaviri weapons, dragonguard, dragons lore, reman cyrodiil, tosh raka
Id: l1Udey8LEHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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