Dagoth Ur EXPLAINED - The False Dreamer, the Sharmat - Elder Scrolls Lore

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I am a sleeper, one among thousands...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rodeoaddict 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
what a feel you are and a god I will kill a god what a grand and intoxicating innocence how could you be so naive there is no escape no recall or intervention can work in this place come lay down your weapons is not too late for my mercy deep in the ancient caverns of Red Mountain lies a demon an echo of the past an entity so powerful that it even threatens the three living gods of morrowind this terrible demon threatens the land with unending blight a plague to wash across the continent it was only the prophesized reincarnation of the ancient Kaymer here oniy revoir the suitably named to neuro Vereen who would prevent his terrible villain from having his way this villain this demon was de goth earth the charme at foreign dag off as he was once known the Lord High counselor of the ancient great house de Gotha is one of the more complicated individuals of the Elder Scrolls lore a being which both died but defied a death anathema to the great tribunal of living gods ends the people who follow them de goth is their devil their great enemy he is what threatens all what is up ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott from fudge Muppet and today we are discussing de goth and all of the mystery that surrounds him this was a highly requested video and for good reason it is time to say that this guy is rather complicated but let's waste two no more breath and dive straight into de Gotha starting from only the most logical place the beginning like most religions and gods living or not there is a genesis a beginning and then forth come those gods or angels the characters of the mythology whatever form they may take as they interact and as a reflection of human nature they often divide and fight like Lucifer the fallen angel of the Christian faith de Gotha too had less than sinister origins to understand the context fully you must first be aware that the Kaymer were an elven offshoot who worshiped the three good Daedra Azura mephala and to boethiah as well as their many ancestors these karma in morrowind a place then known as res Dane formed the Great Houses of the climber and amongst them were also the Ashland er tribes without turning this into an intensive history lesson I will fill you in on what's happening welcome to the war of the first council an event occurring around to the 700th year of the first era the Dwemer aka the dwarves were having serious disagreements with the Kaymer the Dwemer were messing with the heart of lorkhan attempting to reach divinity and the Kaymer didn't like it so the once allied groups turned on each other the Dwemer clans formed their armies and so did the chyme of Great Houses the Great Houses along with the Ash lenders united under a great leader named inderal nerevar this war of the first council culminates in the Battle of Red Mountain which in true elderscrolls fashion gets really confusing by giving us multiple versions of events and it is often said that a dragon break occurred at this time making all contradictory events happen at once but then being reconciled in the timeline going forwards here is a little bit of trivia for you in a 2005 interview Douglas Goodall stated that during the development of Morrowind there was no official account of what happened at the Battle of Red Mountain when I was at Bethesda there was officially no answer no one knew what really happened they may have made up their minds by now but you'd have to ask a current employee so at the time of the laws creation even bethesda didn't have an officially correct version of events anyways let's try focus in on the common threads and in particular voron de goth of the great house de goth so we can understand the essence of his character in most versions voron de Gotha is a close friend and trusted ally of inderal nirav are details of Warren's early life are scarce and it's not until the Battle of Red Mountain that he becomes a particularly significant figure of history when do mock dwarf King and nirav are fight at Red Mountain the stories say they are both mortally wounded and/or killed the Dwemer around this point disappear as kagrenac tried to activate the new medium so in most events voron de Gotha is then entrusted with the protection of kagrenac stalls and the heart of lorkhan by in Doral narrow VAR it is important to note that in most versions voron de goth suggests that they should immediately destroy the profane and evil tools of the heretical Dwemer but alas narrow VAR tasks in with their protection and prevention of their use not yet confident in acting to destroy them narrow var leaves Red Mountain to consult the tribunal his advisors and they are his Queen almalexia as well as vivec and sotha sil he consults them about the tools of kagrenac and ultimately makes them swear to never use them in the profane ways the Dwemer would in other versions narva dies at Red Mountain in others he is murdered but regardless what ultimately happens is voron de goth is protecting the tools of kagrenac and the heart of lorkhan in some versions nair oviya end of the tribunal come to find a crazed de Gough driven mad by the tools and they fight resulting in de Goths death in other versions post NER Avars death the tribunal approached de Gogh but he refuses to hand over the tools claiming they are too dangerous and only he can be trusted with them but he is mortally wounded and driven off but let's tie all these threads together through some manner some experimentation it seems that de Gotha urbe came connected to the power of the heart without needing kagrenac tools in a way that even vivec could not understand voron de goth dies he is ended but this strange in abstract connection to the heart does something even crazier hence we have the creation of de goth earth before we move on let's get some necessary classifications out in the air if you watched our video on the one true god you might be familiar with the idea that the Elder Scrolls universe all exists within a dream of an unknowable being called the Godhead when a part of the dream aka a person becomes aware of this fact they either 0 some like the Dwemer which is the understanding that they are in a dream and they cannot rationalize their own existence therefore they cease to exist or you can achieve Kim which requires a very big ego and you need to be able to realize that you are in a dream and that you are part of a greater being but still be able to say that I am and believe you are still you even if contradictory to your understanding of the universe will take that somewhat confusing concept and reverse it then we have the curious case of de Gotha and the anti Kim as it is called amongst two people of the Elder Scrolls lore community so I do have an afterlife video planned as requested by many of you guides and I will talk about the dream slave more in that perhaps but the idea is that when a person dies their soul goes to whatever afterlife they believe in and then eventually their souls are reset and recycled but because of DAG offers unique connection with the heart of lorkhan something odd happened in his death he is stuck outside the cycle of death and reincarnation he is awake in death and when he sleeps he dreams of reality projecting himself aka de Gotha into the reality of mundus what it boils down to his de goth her achieved the opposite of Kim a so called aunty Kim because instead of coming to the realization that he is part of the Godhead and all a part of some other beings dream he believes that all of reality is part of himself it is for this reason when you destroy the heart of lorkhan dag off earth simply disappears there is no body no remains no ectoplasm because he doesn't actually exist within reality in the conventional sense it's almost like de Gotha herb believes he is the Godhead like being the being in which all reality exists stick around because I will try and clarify further I get that it sounds kind of strange but bear with me let's read sermon 15 of the 36 lessons of vivec and I'll chime in with commentary to guide you through there were the days of res Dania when Kaymer and Dwemer lived under the wise and benevolent role of elms avi and their champion the water tour so this opening line is referring to the time of the climber when arms of e aka almalexia sotha sil and vivec along with their hot at all AKA inderal nerevar ruled when the gods of velov would retreat unto their own to mould the cosmos and other matters the Horta tour would at times become confused this is saying that when the gods of vel off meaning the good Daedra Asura mephala and boethiah would sometimes not be and doing their own godly things with the cosmos it left in Doral narrow VAR without guidance and this guidance would be replaced by his tribunal of advisers the vac would always be there to advise him and this is the third of the three lessons of ruling Kings the ruling King will remove me is maker this is the way of all children his greatest enemy is the char Matt who is the false dreamer char Matt here is what vivec refers to de Gotha errors and he is titles were false dreamer alluding to what we were talking about before the idea that de Gotha is dreaming of reality believing everything is him but in fact everything is part of the Godhead the true dreamer you or he is the shingle Horta tour but where the wrong walking path but where the crime of benevolence behold him by his words I am the char Matt I am older than music older than music is alluding to his position as the ultimate being the music being the fabric of the universe this is implying he is its creator it is part of him he is older than it because it originated from him of course this is false but regardless let's keep going what I bring is light what I bring is a star what I bring is an ancient see when you sleep you see me dancing at the core it is not a blight it is my house I put a star into the world's mouth to murder it tear down the pylons my blind fish swim in a new phlogiston tear down the pylons my deaf moons sing and burn and orbit me I am older than music what I bring his light what I bring is a star what I bring is an ancient see you alone though you come again and again can unmake him whether I allow it he's within my wisdom go unarmed into his den with these words of power agar tock Padme Kim a alte dune or do not the temporal myth is man reach heaven by violence this magic I give to you the world you will roll is only an intermittent hope you must be the letter written in uncertainty the ending of the words is almsivi the final passage from the sermon is referring to narrow Vaz incarnations of the narrow Vereen though you come again and again and the narrow verrines destiny to unmake and correct the wrong of day of Earth it is also referring to the achieving of Kim reaching heaven by violence but honestly I feel that it would be better serving you guys by dedicating an entire video to the 36 lessons of vivec but for the meantime let's stay on track so we've established that voron de goth died but has a strange connection with the heart of lorkhan as a result of this abstract connection in death as a soul in the dream sleeve he dreams of reality and has come to the crazy delusion that all of reality is part of him rather than he being part of the godhead de Gotha is then projected into reality and now threatens morrowind but why well the simple way to find out is to read de Gothas plan written by the tribunal temple basic objectives and steps that have been revealed through extensive interrogation of captured sleepers into other sixth house cultists this is the temples best estimations of his intense one establish a theocracy in morrowind based on the worship of the newborn god a Kulik on the second new medium to be created by de Gotha from the heart of lorkhan and a body constructed according to the principles and rituals pioneered by the Dwemer kagrenac established the ancient heirs of house de Gotha as the god priests of a cool akan and to the sixths house of de Gotha or as the dominant political power in morrowind through charismatic conversion unites the Donmar under the guidance of de Gotha to battle against the foreign animals who hold morrowind in subjection to expose the false worship of the tribunal and destroy the ecclesiastical authority and power of the temple three extirpate all remaining individuals of inferior and mongrel races from morrowind for drive the empire from morrowind five recover ancient territories stolen by skyrim and are going six extend the worship of a colic on to all nations of Tamriel through subversion and conquest many of these objectives are achieved with the blight and the divine disease also known as corporis carried along the ash storms of Red Mountain as well as with the assistance of these six housed cultists and his ash vampires to put it lightly dag off is actually insane and he is incredibly dangerous because of his beliefs his sense of entitlement to the domination of reality is spurred from the deluded idea that he is reality or more correctly reality is part of him this makes him dangerous his ideas his motivations are not grounded in reality and the fact that he also has godlike powers and is connected to the heart of lorkhan only makes him more so dangerous of course this great crisis is averted in the narrow Vereen fulfills the prophecy destroys the heart and with it dag off earth he is erased from reality that ladies and gentlemen is de Gotha explained to be honest this is the bare bones that gives you the simplistic understanding of him the 36 lessons of vivec dag offer vivec himself Kim amaranth etc it all gets really quite metaphysical and abstract so it kind of makes it hard to explain them simply but regardless I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have left with a better understanding of the devil of Red Mountain thanks so much for watching guys give it a like if you enjoyed my name is Scott from fodder Muppet and are we back to nerd out with you again next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 697,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red mountain, dagoth ur, sharmat, chim, dragonbreak, chimer, tribunal, morrowind, skyrim, skyrim lore, morrowind lore, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, dagoth ur lore
Id: gsE_lL-dcbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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