The Complete Naruto Timeline | Get in the Robot

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Not sure if it was posted already, searched and didn't find it.

Definitely one of the best recaps of Naruto 1 & 2

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/_pixelheart 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nice ty

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AwfulHokage 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

This may be the best explanation of Naruto timeline yet

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm wondering why Danzou has the right eye hidden like since the 3rd war but he got Shisui's eye around 5 or 6 years after that war. Any thoughts?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/franckok 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
huh so how long did you say no choice okay then 980 three years before Naruto's birth the world is locked in endless war soggy otsutsuki a celestial being comes to earth in search of the god tree she consumes fruit from that tree and is endowed with the Renea Sharingan a powerful eye base jutsu and becomes the only chakra wielder on earth she hopes to end humanity's wars with her newfound power we all know how that goes right Kaguya used the Rinnegan to cast the infinite tsukuyomi on humanity this genjutsu technique traps the whole planet in an illusion manufactured by its caster cog he has immense powers changer and she sees the infinite tsukiyomi as the only way to defend her power from usurpers but it also turns all humans into white zetsu's so yeah great plan she eventually decides to free some humans so you know the entire planet won't be wiped out but destroys their memories of the experience she has twin sons hagoromo and Himura who are also chakra wielders over time Kaguya gets greedy and once all that chakra that's been distributed to her sons for herself again in order to steal her son chakra she merges with the world tree creating ten tails the original tailed beast her son's wage battle against her and eventually gain the upper hand as kadhi is about to be sealed by her son she creates black zetsu a manifestation of her will who will survive through the centuries working to release Kaguya once again the twin seal the beast chakra within hagoromo making him the first jinchuriki and also seals ten tails remains the demonic statue of the outer path and cast them into space creating the moon hammer oh goes to the moon to guard the beasts body hagoromo otsutsuki remains on earth to train humans in the use of chakra he's known as the sage of the six paths and what is probably the cutest scene of all of Naruto he divides the ten tailed beast chakra into nine separate bodies and gives them names these are the Bijoux he tells the beecher though one day be reunited in a single form once again hagoromo has two sons Indra and Asura Indra the older son is a prodigy and quickly mastered chakra manipulation he's credited with creating ninjutsu and he is the ancestor of the Uchiha clan his little bro Asura is the original ancestor of the Senju and who's maki clans Asura grew up in the shadow of his talented brother but his good attitude resilience and strong work led hagoromo to choose him as a successor Oscar tells his dad that Indra is the obvious choice for successor considering his many talents but hagoromo points out that it takes more than raw talent to be a leader and passes his power six paths chakra on to Asura black zetsu is on the scene ready to manipulate indra he Stokes Andrews jealousy and suggests that he attack Asura to take the power for himself but Indra is no match for Oscar's new chakra and he is forced to retreat starting all generations long feud between the brothers descendants 783 years before Naruto's birth the first familiar face enters the story two hundred years after the Caguas reign Fukasaku the great toad sage of mount myoboku is born only to be disrespected by a couple of scruffy shinobi in the years to come and then a whole lot of nothing that is relevant to this timeline happens until sixty-four years before Naruto's birth when the warring States period begins clans fight clans in ceaseless attempts to gain power and the Senju and Achaia clans emerge as the most formidable as I send you an Uchiha Duke it out there our armies are whittled away requiring even young shinobi to join battle collar AMA send you is one such young shinobi he dies on the battlefield at the hands of an Uchiha his older brothers mourn his death and one of them Hacha Rama Sanju feels his death was in vain how sure our mole will carry this sentiment into adulthood ten years after that about 56 years before Naruto's birth a bunch of old people are born well they're old when they figure in an Arliss towards story but they're just like regular babies at that point I'm of course talking about that puppet lady Chiyo her brother Abbas Oh future creepy guy Danzo and the Third Hokage here is in sarutobi a young hashirama senju and Madara Uchiha have been powing around skipping rocks peeing in rivers and generally becoming friendly rivals as a friendship blossoms are Ashima and moderate our dreams of a future where children won't have to die on the battlefield their dreams aren't completely aligned though Madara believes that the world must be ruled by one leader to prevent war while hashirama believes an alliance between the clans is the better path to peace this mirrors Indra and asuras respective feelings on how to achieve our me.when madara and hashirama discovered that there from rival clans they're forced to make a difficult decision ashe rama remains committed to his vision of a peaceful alliance between the clans moderates are coming to pressure from his family says such peace is impossible to achieve through an alliance and ends their friendship the weight of this decision awakens moderates just fifty years before Naruto's birth the two rivals continue to meet in battle they eventually become leaders in their villages and hashirama soundly beats moderate and the Uchiha clan on the battlefield murderous brother izuna is killed by hashirama's brother tobirama and on his deathbed is Uno at Gabe's Madara his eyeballs gross allowing Madara to awaken the eternal mangekyo harsher Amma again tries to broker peace between the clans but because moderates brother had just been killed by tobirama he refuses hi Shama finally offers to kill himself to even the score if that will allow for peace moved by this declaration Madara finally agrees to a ceasefire together the two clans form Konoha declare a hashirama is eventually chosen to become the first hokage of the hidden leaf village Madara is unsettled by this and fears that the Senju will try to dominate the youichi huh in the same time period evil gawker a the village hidden in the stones is built who'd have thought one year later forty-nine years of foreign dollars birth madhuri uses his Sharingan to partially decipher a stone tablet that has been passed down through the Achuar / generation it was originally created by a hagoromo warned of the dangers of the infant tsukiyomi and the Rinnegan but black zetsu altered it in order to fool the Uchiha and is seeking the Rinnegan after reading what he can of it Madara concludes that Konoha is just a part of an endless cycle of war and peace true cooperation between villages is impossible the only way to achieve peace is to submit to the will of one powerful leader which sounds real peaceful and not threatening at all right with that toxic ideology in mind Madara decides to abandon Konoha around the same time suna gawker a the village hidden in the sand is formed and so kumigar create the village hidden in the clouds and kira gawker a the village hidden in the mist 43 years before analogous birth latera returns to Konoha determined to end what he sees as an experiment gone awry he has Kurama the nine tailed fox bijou under his control he faces off against hashirama once more and is ostensibly killed the site of the battle would be known as the valley of the end nine tails now free from moderate control rampages through Konoha karma is too dangerous to be free so mito uzumaki pasha Rama's wife volunteers to have Kurama sealed inside her becoming nine tails first jinchuriki about thirty five years before now Joe's birthday timeline gets a little fuzzy but we know that the first shinobi world war is raging the struggle to balance power between the five gradation OB countries creates enough tension but kaga to destabilize their momentary peace Hajer ama distributes tailed beasts among the villages as a way to show goodwill and offer balance when harsher ama eventually dies he names his brother tobirama as the Second Hokage tobirama goes on to create the ninja academy the Chunin exams and the Konoha military police force which is to be run by the Uchiha clan this attempt to demonstrate goodwill towards the Uchiha comes to be seen as a means of segregating them from the rest of society upon tobe Rama's death he appoints heroes and Sarah Tobias Third Hokage nearly 15 years will pass before another life-changing event occurs in Konoha 17 years before Naruto's birth a teenage toad she decides to devote his life to making the perfect bowl of ramen he'll go out and have found ramen ichiraku no no - his favorite ramen spot so why are we talking about to eat right now I got to give a shout out to anyone who looked out for Naruto before he became calling on savior taylor - you're a real one bro this one's for you around the same time a young Kushina Uzumaki is brought to kono hagakure to attend the ninja academy despite being a bit of an outcast at first casino happily adopts Konoha as our home over in kumigar curry the village hidden in the clouds our favorite octo ox 8 tails goes on a rampage because no one gets him five year old Killer Bee becomes his next jinchuriki little does eight tails know he's about to get a friend for life in Killer Bee despite his hosts very cringy rapping why does he have to rap near the end of the same year about 14 years before Naruto's birth Konoha starts the second shinobi world war so good job moderate I guess Colonel hakurei soon Agha cray and yogacara wage battle in omega cray the village hidden in the rain which lies between the three countries Omega carries leader Hanzo not to be confused with Danzo battles with Konoha forces leaving three powerful Konoha shinobi Jiraiya tsunade and orochimaru as the only survivors the three shinobi originally trained together as gaining under sarutobi which might account for their prowess in battle tsunade's main man Dan kado dies in the war setting Tsunade on a path to becoming a gambling addict because that makes sense as the second shinobi world war rages on Jiraiya comes upon three orphans and I'm at Gawker a and takes them under his wing these orphans are Nagato yahiko and Conan O'Brien unbeknown anyone Madara gave Nagato one of his Rinnegan when Nagato was a child which is gonna get real important in about 30 years meanwhile nine tails jinchuuriki Mito nears the end of her life and passes on her B jutsu Kushina Uzumaki several years later ten years before Naruto's birth Kushina is hidden apt by Kumho got gray in an attempt to steal nine tails luckily kushina's ninja academy companion and Jiraiya's former men teaming not Joe Nami kaze saves her his rescue marks the beginning of a romance between the two and is proof that there can be healthy relationships in Naruto here that Sakura do you hear me meanwhile Annamma got courage Riya leaves his team of Nagato yahiko and Conan O'Brien three years after taking over their training they form a group called the Akatsuki whose mission is to bring the war to an end one year before now it was worth a certain glasses-wearing orphan shows up in Canoga it's none other than Kabuto Yakushi meanwhile the third shinobi world war rages when will it end monado's team of Kakashi Hatake obito uchiha and Rin Nohara are on the frontlines Rin is kidnapped and Kakashi and obito fight to rescue her Obito awakens his Sharingan in the process Kakashi loses an eye but they make it to rim a cave-in occurs and obito sacrifices himself to save Kakashi from a falling Boulder as he dies he gives Kakashi his Sharingan to replace his injured eye however it turns out that Obito isn't actually dead Madara has his goopy goon I left my goopy goon white zetsu on the scene ready to revive Obito and nursed him back to health and create eventual villain in the process a shounen has taught me anything it's that all it takes to create an Opie villain is a life-altering trauma I guess any villain really which brings us to the masked man himself Tobi Obito adopts a pseudonym Tobi along with his iconic Whirley mask posing as moderate Tobi attempts to form an alliance with the Akatsuki promising to aid them in their mission of peace at the same time Hanzo and Danzo seize the organization as a threat and seek to and the Akatsuki uprising they battle the Akatsuki and the fight ends with yahiko's death yahiko asks Nagato to continue the Akatsuki legacy of peace Nagato believes that peace can only be achieved by showing humanity how horrible life would be without it so he takes on the pseudonym pain and begins engineering a worldwide catastrophe you know in the name of peace sometime later rain is abducted by Madara who seals his Abu three tails inside her essentially making her into a ticking time bomb three tails will emerge as soon as ran and Kakashi returned to Konoha understanding the stakes ran asked Kakashi to kill her in order to prevent three tails from destroying kana Kakashi refuses but Rin later commits suicide by jumping in the path of Kakashi's Chidori unbeknownst to Kakashi and Rin a healing Obito / Tobi has been watching the battle from the sidelines Kakashi faints after realizing what Rin is done and obito secretly steps in to Massacre the animation Obi who caused the death of his loved ones nonetheless he still blames Kakashi for not saving Rin by the fall the third shinobi war comes to an end after which the Third Hokage sarutobi appoints Minato is the fourth Hokage so he can retire just a few months before no to his birth in suna gawker a the village hidden in the sand the one tailed beast shikaku is sealed inside Gaara while he's still in his mother's womb he's born shortly thereafter but his mother dies in childbirth finally on the 10th of October three days before my own birthday Naruto is born to Minato nami kaze the fourth Hokage and his wife Kushina Uzumaki nine tails second jinchuriki because it's Libra season what up Naruto his birth coincides with a lot of drama in Konoha Obito now under the guise of tobe returns to the village shortly before Naruto is born and extracts nine tails from cucina because her seal weakens when she enters labor Minato forces Toby out of the village but with nine tails free from Toby's control the Fox spirit rages through the village Minato fights nine tails and during the onslaught he decides that the only way to save Konoha is to seal nine tails in his newborn son nine tails chakra is too immense for the infant so Minato steals some of it within himself using a jutsu that takes the caster's own life Kushina dies shortly after the seal is completed leaving their own show an orphan on the day of his birth Naruto grows up not knowing who his parents are or that he's nine tails jinchuuriki sour Toby becomes the Hokage again following monado's death four years later Itachi Uchiha a precocious shinobi and Sasuke's older brother awakens his Sharingan after watching his friend ten mazuma murdered by a masked man learn who that could be when Naruto is seven years old his future buddy Gaara is going through some rough times in the village hidden in the sand Gaara and shikaku are deemed too dangerous Garzon father the Kazakh gay orders gaara's execution gaara's dearest friend and confidant yashamaru is ordered to carry out the murder betrayed by the only person who has shown him kindness Gaara retreats further into his rage and self-loathing he kills yashamaru to save his own life but suffers a mental breakdown in the process around the same time another child finds a new mentor Kabuto is manipulated into killing no no the person who took him in as a child he meets Orochimaru while he's still grieving and Orochimaru offers to train him Orochimaru has spent the past several years doing horrifying human experiments and developing techniques to get power and extend his life one such experiment involves kidnapping and experimenting on orphans Yamato who we'll talk more about later on is one of these orphans Orochimaru injected the orphans with hot Rama's DNA hoping to awaken wouldn't release jutsu a technique of harsh aramas that allowed him to suppress jinchuriki but Yamato is the only one of the test subjects to survive and activate the ability when Kabuto hits the scene he turns out to be the perfect sidekick and it's totally down to help out with the experiments the two work to perfect Edo Tensei or summoning impure world reincarnation a jutsu developed by tobirama and hashirama that allows its user to reincarnate dead people using a human sacrifice and some DNA from the deceased the next year Itachi is tapped to join root an underground branch of Konoha s military run by Danzo he acts as a double agent against the Uchiha reporting his clans plans for a coup to Danzo and the Third Hokage before the massacre Itachi meets Toby who he believes to be moderate Toby agrees to assist him with the killings / Itachi's agreement with Danzo Sasuke is the sole survivor however as a result of the trauma of his family's death Sasuke is marked with the curse of hatred the curse that the Uchiha clan bares and is said to have been passed down from Indra himself his cursed with manifests in Sasuke's edge lord demeanor and dark menacing chakra when Naruto is 13 years old the story begins in earnest with the ninja Academy's graduation exam Naruto fails it for the third time he steals a scroll containing forbidden techniques including the multiple shadow clone jutsu which he quickly masters but the whole scroll thing was of course a setup his main teacher Mizuki tricked him into stealing the scroll to get Naruto kicked out of the ninja academy another teacher Ruka catches wind of Mizuki plot fights him Mizuki is defeated and enraged Mizuki reveals that Naruto is hated because he is nine tails kana has greatest folk Haruka steps in and allows Naruto to graduate from the Ninja Academy a few days later the ninja graduation Day ceremony takes place and a new batch of students are in their rank among them are Sakura Haruno her frenemy you know Yamanaka sasuke uchiha master strategist Shikamaru Hinata Hyuga bug man shino aburame dog man kiba inuzuka beautiful butterfly choji akimichi and best of best Boys Rock Lee after the final exam which occurs a few days later the new graduates are grouped into teams Kakashi leads team 7 which consists of Naruto Sasuke and Sakura Kiba Shino and Hinata is team 8 and asuma sarutobi except Shikamaru Choji and Ino as team 10 training commences and within a couple months team 7 tackles its first mission they have to escort a bridge builder to the land of the waves along the way we get the first wild battle in Naruto team 7 faces off against Zabuza and is charged Haku this fight has got to be one of the best first encounters in all of manga it showcases the first of many complicated tragic villains who become a hallmark of the show team 7 prevails but not before learning what it really means to be issued up like so many shown in Naruto follows up the graduation exam with another exam the Chunin exam just about six months after achieving gaining rank a more seasoned team seven attempts to become Chunin or journeyman ninja in order to do so they must face off against gaining rank shinobi from all of the five villages in the second stage of the exam Naruto Sakura and Sasuke encounter Orochimaru tomorrow trounces them and brand sasuke with the cursed seal of heaven a curse mark that heighten Sasuke's physical abilities in chakra but messes with his mind over time Kakashi puts an additional seal on the curse mark in hopes of combating its negative side-effects after making it past the first three stages and into the preliminaries the exams are put on hold for a month so the contestants can train up Jiraiya meets Naruto and agrees to take him for a month of special training and Kakashi does the same with Sasuke Jiraiya removes the seal that has been blocking Naruto's chakra flow in hopes that will allow him to better control nine tails he also teaches Naruto how to summon toads from mount myoboku meanwhile Kakashi teaches Sasuke's Chidori technique they return to Konoha for the third part of the Chunin exams which are interrupted by the Konoha crush orochimaru's mission to destroy the village however it eventually emerges it's to nagakura is just a pawn in a larger plan devised by Danzo in the Akatsuki to destabilize Konoha and get rid of the Third Hokage in the fourth Kazakh Agha Orochimaru unleashes his edo tensei technique resurrecting the first to hokage hashirama and tobirama sarutobi dies defending konohana from Orochimaru although his last attack costs Orochimaru the use of his arms as Konoha searches for a new Hokage Jiraiya and Naruto set out in search of lady Tsunade Hacha Rama's granddaughter one of the sannin and a potential fifth Hokage for Konoha along the way Jiraiya teaches knowledge of the Rasengan technique but he only manages to learn the first stage Jiraiya and Naruto find Tsunade was become a degenerate gambler in the years after Dan's death she refuses to return to Konoha until Naruto makes her a bet if he can master the Rasengan technique in one week Tsunade will come back course Tsunade loses the bet and becomes the fifth Hokage cuz that's how that works after the dust from orochimaru's invasion settles Sasuke challenges Naruto to a fight having grown jealous of Naruto's rapid development Naruto eventually agrees and they use their new techniques against each other Kakashi intervenes and deflects Naruto's Rasengan and Sasuke's Chidori into two water towers Naruto's tower is completely destroyed while Sasuke's towers just kind of in Sasuke takes this as a sign that Naruto is beaten this jealousy deepens and he decides to leave town Kakashi finds him again and urges him to stay but before Sasuke can make a decision he encounters four shinobi from the village hidden in the sound sasuke uses his curse mark during the battle and the sound for reveal that they have cursed marks too they convinced Sasuke to seek out Orochimaru in order to gain more power Sasuke agrees and leaves Konoha in the night Naruto Sakura Shino and Shikamaru go after Sasuke when Naruto finally encounters him it becomes clear that Sasuke will not return to Konoha and his embrace darkness thanks in part to the curse of the Uchiha Naruto and Sasuke face off Sasuke awakens his Sharingan for the first time since childhood and Naruto experiences the one tailed transformation for the first time Naruto fails to defeat Sasuke and bring him back and all of that from the graduation exam to the Chunin exams to orochimaru's invasion all happens when Naruto is just 13 huh after being defeated by Sasuke Naruto meets with Jiraiya who warns him about the dangers of the Akatsuki they've strayed from their mission of peace and have become a gang of brutal mercenaries Naruto agrees to study under Jiraiya some more and they embark on two years of training then we have that staple of so many anime a time skin and like all time skips an anime our friends and enemies use it to level up naruto increases his control of nine tails and sasuke ingratiate himself with Orochimaru the Akatsuki haven't been sleeping either they've decided to begin hunting and trapping Vishu in the husk of ten tails the demonic statue which Madara has summoned from the moon there chillingly successful and extract five tails from its jinchuriki han and seven tails from its jinchuriki Fuu killing them in the process at 16 years old Naruto has left his days as a ninja academy failure behind him with the Rasengan and better control of nine tails under his belt Naruto is turning into a very formidable shinobi at the conclusion of his training Naruto and Jiraiya returned to coma team Kakashi reunites without Sasuke to rescue Gaara who has become the fifth Kazakh a guy in the wake of his father's death during the Konoha crush the Akatsuki still managed to capture Gaara and extract his Bijoux shikaku killing Gaara as a result in the Akatsuki scathed Chiyo that old puppet lady fights alongside Sakura against saucer II a member of the Akatsuki and Chios grandson Sakura and Chiyo prevail and Chiyo uses a special technique to revive Gaara by giving her own life Kakashi is hospitalized following the mission because he overused his monkey key of Sharingan a new team Kakashi is formed while he recovers headed by Yamato is what releases why he's chosen to replace Kakashi he alone can control Naruto's volatile bond with nine tails sai a member of Dontos underground organization root also joins the team their next mission is to attempt to find intel on Sasuke's location the new team 7 goes to a rendezvous point on a bridge once there Yamato poses a saucer II who has a planned meeting with Kabuto Orochimaru and Yamato attempt to kill Suri and soon learn of Team sevens deception guru toe battles Orochimaru incise links off to complete his real mission Danzo has asked him to gather intel on Orochimaru and kill Sasuke during the battle we see Naruto transform into his four tailed for him for the first time on the battlefield after the battle the rest of team 7 discover sighs mission and go to orochimaru's hide-out they find that Sasuke's gained the upper-hand oversight team seven narrowly escapes death at Sasuke's hands and returns to Conan the Akatsuki extracted another B's you two tales from yugito meanwhile Sasuke grows bored and decides to kill Orochimaru before striking out on his own Sasuke succeeds but not before Orochimaru attempts to take over Sasuke's body using the living corpse reanimation technique Sasuke turns the tables and instead takes over Orochimaru having defeated Orochimaru Sasuke creates his own team out of orochimaru's toady's suigetsu hozuki carrion and jugo their mission to kill Itachi and believe it or not we're still in Naruto's 16th year hard being a teen anywhere but Naruto really has it rough man this is over and I'm a goth grade Nagato now going by pain and his crew are continuing their agenda of waging war and creating chaos paying uses a special ability to resurrect six dead shinobi and fight through them using his Rinnegan and a technique known as the six paths of pain whoo what a okay Jiraiya goes to sort them out and once there he realizes that pain is in fact his former mentee Nagato and one of the most heart-wrenching battles in all of Naruto Jiraiya is killed by pain meanwhile Sasuke finally has the encounter with Itachi that has been so many years in the making after deceiving his brother for so long Itachi reveals that the youichi ha assassination was the work of Danzo and then another hoochie Tobi passing as Madara helped him complete that mission Itachi also reveals that his work for the Akatsuki is a deep undercover mission and that extended use of the mangekyo sharingan which he possesses leads to blindness he must steal his brothers eyes to activate the eternal mangekyo sharingan the brothers duel using their most powerful attacks Sasuke is weakened by the fight which allows Orochimaru to escape he attempts to retake Sasuke's body but Itachi kills him which removes Sasuke's cursed mark Tachi approaches seemingly to take Sasuke's eyes but dies after touching Sasuke's forehead in a loving gesture from their childhood as a result of the loss of his brother Sasuke awakens his monkey Kyo Sharingan tobe nurses Sasuke back to health and eventually gives him Itachi's eyes awakening the eternal mangekyo sharingan of course naruto has to unlock some slick new techniques - or else this wouldn't be shown it after learning of Jiraiya's death he goes back to Mountain Ile beaucoup to learn senjutsu the sage arts since killing Jiraiya pain is hunted down and killed 6 tails jinchuuriki whoo Taco Time now only Naruto and Killer Bee eight tails jinchuuriki the main freak pain then launches an attack on Konoha in search of Naruto and nine tails after a battle that leaves Kakashi dead pain discovers that Naruto is on mount myoboku pain decides to destroy Konoha out of frustration Tsunade summons her slug familiar cuts you who divides into mini slugs to heal all of Konoha is injured she distributes all over chakra through katsu which leaves her in a coma pain unleashes a devastating jutsu that levels the city just as Naruto returns the long and honestly very amazing battle between Naruto and pain wages on until pain gains the upper hand he asked Naruto if there's another path to peace other than the one he's chosen before he can answer Hinata intervenes trying to save Naruto and is ostensibly killed the tides of the battle turn again eventually Naruto tracks Payne's physical body down until now he's been fighting against pains paths the six dead shinobi that is able to control remotely after fending off a final attack the two meet and talk about their former master Jiraiya ultimately Naruto decides to spare Nagato even though he killed Uriah saying that Nagato his death would only continue the cycle moved by this declaration Nagato rethinks his life's work and uses the samsara of heavenly life technique to revive all those who died in his attack on konohana he gives his own life in exchange with Tsunade nekoma Danzo takes advantage of the vacuum of power and his name chicag a candidate just in time for a go cog a kite on or summit of the cog ace before he goes he named Sasuke an enemy of Konoha and orders his assassination at the summit the other cog a accused Danzo of orchestrating the Konoha crush with the Akatsuki as well as manipulating other cogs Danzo denies it but the summit is interrupted when Sasuke infiltrates and attacks the COG game Danzo flees only to be tracked down by Sasuke and Toby in the ensuing battle Danzo reveals that those bad vibes we were getting off him this whole time were very valid because he's been hoarding other people's fancy eyeballs on his arm Danzo dies at Sasuke's hands for a good reason after the attack the COG a agreed to form the Allied shinobi forces and army a comprised of all the Five Nations fighters around the same time Kabuto finds and confronts Toby Toby tries to kill him but Kabuto counters by using hence a to resurrect a bunch of dead Akatsuki as well as the real Madara Uchiha he forges an alliance with Tobi and agrees to lend an army of edo tensei fighters including moderate achi and other familiar faces to Tobi as long as Tobi gives him Sasuke at the end of the battle and then as a 17th birthday gift for Naruto the fourth shinobi world war begins god Naruto doesn't know it yet the kaga whisk him and Killer Bee to a remote island for more training I was actually a ploy to keep them away from the battle and to keep their Bijoux out of the Akatsuki hands when they learn about the deception Naruto and Killer Bee worked together to escape and join the battle they quickly encounter Itachi and Nagato who have been reincarnated they're forced to fight Nagato and Itachi help them counter their attacks and Itachi even manages to free his will from table with no control from here on out the events of the fourth shinobi world war are kind of a clustered but it's a great cluster you get to see pretty much every hero and villain you've met along the way at the peak of their powers fighting to save or end the world nothing more climactic mad cousin Kabuto messed up Edo Tensei we even get a few final moments with some dearly departed characters except you're right I will do my best to summarize the most essential moments of the battles but definitely go back and reread or rewatch it yourself because there is so much I couldn't include here like how moderate drops a whole meteor on the battlefield twice so yeah please give it a rewatch on the main battlefield the Allied shinobi forces aided by Naruto shadow clones root out and seal yama toes reincarnated fighters the COG a decided to try to take down moderate themselves and Naruto and Killer Bee break off to fight Tobi who is using pain six paths technique to resurrect the other jinchuriki to fight alongside him during the battle son Goku the four tails and not the Goku you know tells Naruto that they wish to be released from Toby's control and helps Naruto remove the black receiver that Toby uses to suppress the Beast meanwhile Sasuke follows a reincarnated Itachi to a cave where Kabuto is hiding and controlling his resurrected army Sasuke attempts to kill Kabuto but Itachi points out that even if Kabuto is killed his army won't be defeated they must instead force Kabuto to release the arrow tensing the Uchiha boys wage a mental battle against Kabuto trying to outwit him so they can force him to undo his way jutsu oh my god they eventually prevail and Kabuto army disintegrates Madara manages to escape being sent back to the grave by unsealing Yamamoto's edo tensei after laying smackdown on the COG a Madara goes to find Toby elsewhere in battle toby uses chakra from the gold and silver brothers two warriors reincarnated through arrow Tensei who carry some of Karuma chakra after an encounter with the Beast hundreds of years earlier that chakra combined with one of eight tails tentacles allows the demonic statue of the outer path to begin its transformation into ten tails during the fight Kakashi discovers that his Sharingan is linked to Toby's they both teleport to the same dimension when using the comely technique while in this dimension Kakashi realizes that toby is in fact Obito hmm let me stop real quick Madara reaches the scene before 10 tails transformation is complete he fights Kakashi white guy Naruto and Killer Bee and when 10 tails is awakened e'en Toby jump on its head in order to control it the allied shinobi forces joined the fray and obito is forced to retreat into another dimension using his come week when he's knocked from ten tails head sasuke still hasn't made it to the main conflict and said he manages to reincarnate Orochimaru using one of orochimaru's curse mark he asked Orochimaru to help resurrect the first four Hokage so they can counsel him on which side of the battle to join the Hokage could convince him to defend Konoha and they all go to the battlefield Obito rides 10 tails into the fray facing a barrage of attacks from the Naruto Killer Bee and the Allied shinobi forces after launching many devastating attacks on the Allied forces Obito attempts to wipe them out once and for all using a tailed beasts ultimate attack that's pretty much a concentrated chakra ball he fires the tailed beasts ball from ten tails aimed at a short-range killer bee and Eight Tails forced the tailed beasts ball back down ten tails thrown injuring it in the process Naruto then distributes nine tails chakra amongst the remaining allied shinobi forces giving them a boost Minato having been reincarnated by Orochimaru and Sasuke steps in to restrain ten tails Obito then re-emerges onto the battlefield and tries to control ten tails once again moderate steps in attempting to resurrect himself at the cost of Obito's life in order to become 10 tails jinchuuriki Obito resists him and seals 10 tails in his own body instead Obito eventually expels ten tails so it may transform giant tree in an attempt to enact kaki his original plan of locking earth in an infinite tsukuyomi the tree draws chakra from the allied shinobi forces the more chakra it draws the faster a Rinnegan I will blossom on top of the tree bringing about the infinite tsukiyomi as the tree grows naruto b and Gaara attack Obito and used their power to draw the other tailed beasts out of him this leaves oito vulnerable to attack and black zetsu does the deed he takes over Obito and forces him to perform this on sora of heavenly life technique but thanks to the demonic statue chakra Obito manages to survive when a white zetsu returns moderates Rinnegan to him he's able to reseal the beast including eight and ninetails into the statue reviving ten tails once again he becomes ten tails next jinchuriki Naruto is dying as a result of nine tails extraction so a resurrected Minato steals the part of nine tails chakra that he holds back at Naruto black zetsu rain erupts a transfer but in the confusion Obito breaks free of black zetsu's control reconsiders his life of evil and rescues naruto elsewhere on the battlefield another change of heart takes place and Kabuto heal Sasuke who is dying after receiving a critical blow from Madara on the verge of death both Sasuke and Naruto encounter the sage of the six paths who rejuvenates their chakra and endowed them with a special power he gets a SCADA reinigen and naruto the power to harness the chakra of all of the tailed beasts father I can't stand up to the duo's newfound powers so he tracks down Obito in order to reclaim his other missing lyn agon as soon as he has it he returns to the battlefield and cast the infinite tsukuyomi sasuke manages to protect himself and the other members of Team seven from the technique black zetsu re-emerges and takes control of moderate he summons Kaguya to take over Madara Kaguya transports herself and the others to her own dimension to fight them still unable to face off against Naruto and Sasuke the combined power Kaguya puts them in separate dimensions and focuses on fighting Naruto in the meantime Sakura teams up with a repentant Obito to reunite sasuke and naruto kaguya launches a final attack on sasuke and naruto but Kakashi and obito protect them it cost Obito his life but Obito temporarily in Dallas Kakashi with his among kikyo Sharingan together all of team 7 attacks Kaguya and seals her in her own dimension team 7 and Madara are returned to the real world and the fourth shinobi world war comes to a close but of course it can end that he like for naruto and sasuke we have one final battle to fight back in the real world Naruto and Sasuke can end the infinite tsukuyomi however Sasuke decides he must kill the COG a and the tailed beasts before doing so so he can become a supreme power in the world in order to enforce peace clearly he has not learned anything from this whole saga Naruto disagrees and faces off with Sasuke once again at the valley of the end they fight to exhaustion ending the battle with a mighty punch that causes both of them to lose their arms when they wake in the morning Sasuke acknowledges Naruto's victory luckily you only need one arm to hold hands which is--what's-- Naruto and Sasuke must do to end the infinite tsukuyomi they end it and the world slowly wakes from the jutsu Kakashi becomes the sixth Hokage and with Naruto's support he decides to absolve Sasuke of his crimes finally at 25 years old eight years after the end of the fourth shinobi war Naruto succeeds Kakashi as the seventh Hokage achieving his lifelong dream so what did we learn today that all it takes is an evil space alien a scrappy orphan and some untamable spirit animals to make one of the most loving stories of all time and even though Naruto's timeline stretches back a thousand years all the wildest battles take place over like three to four years does that mean I could have made this video a lot shorter no sure hey I'm your Dewey thanks for watching getting the robot if you like this video please subscribe there's so much [Music]
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 7,657,810
Rating: 4.8800397 out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Timeline, Complete Naruto Timeline, Naruto Pain Arc, Naruto Shinobi, Naruto Explained, Naruto Shippuden Explained, Naruto Abridged, Naruto Shippuden Abridged, Naruto Shipuden, Naruto Filler, Naruto Anime, Anime Explained, Anime Timelines, Jiraiya, Sasuke, Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha, Itachi, Pain, Orochimaru, Madara Uchiha, Sharingan, Rennegan, get in the robot
Id: jJhQIwZ05lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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