Everything You Need to Know About The My Hero Academia War Arc!

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so as indicated by the latest chapter of the manga my hero academia's once long awaited war arc has finally concluded we made it guys it has really and truly been one hell of a ride and because so many of you have shared the weekly experience with us we figure a recap of all that has transpired is in order as a solid understanding of the past may lead to more solid predictions for the future and speaking of the future we are doing our damnedest to make sure we are in yours as of late the official plot armor twitter and instagram pages have been reborn to bring you more of the anime and manga greatness that you've come to expect from us which now includes all the latest news surrounding the various series that we love so that even beyond youtube plot armor has you covered check us out at plot armor yt but with that being said how about we cover the topic of this video well despite the war arc officially beginning with chapter 258 it was a few chapters prior with 245 that thanks to the diligence of hawks and his involvement with the villains the number one hero endeavor was warned of the impending threat via encoded text which is to say that this war in of itself was a pre-emptive strike on the part of the heroes to avoid the truly unstoppable destruction the paranormal liberation front had been preparing for the situation being so precarious in fact that although the public safety commission had been preparing in secrecy they had hero corps students across the country be brought into the field with professional heroes in order to gain experience against real villains over the course of the 4 months that they had to prepare for months being just before shigaraki would emerge in a more perfected form from there the villains planned to cull all heroes from the country presumably including hero hopefuls as well all major cities would be dealt horrific blows leading to a state of lawlessness wherein their more charismatic members would claim the political world they would then provide mass-produced weapons to the populace and promotion of self-defense all in hopes of leading to a state of the world very much like when quirks first came into prominence and the laws just could not keep up and in all this chaos shigaraki would arise as a king of it all as the second coming of all for one and so as spring break was just about to end all the class 1a students suddenly realized that they all had trips planned for their work studies on the same day which was a day that would change all their lives forever our focus begins with jakku general hospital and its founder kyu dai garaki believed to be quirkless garaki was described to be a whimsical yet charitable man that promoted community-based quark medicine gaining him the respect of many but thanks to a tip-off from the public safety commission he was caught with a miniature nomu in 4k and so the heroes knew that they had their guy and by the way this is the same hospital and man that discovered deku's quirklessness however that does not necessarily imply that a quirk was stolen from deku in fact it's more likely that one wasn't considering the delicacy of the overall process but i digress the sensitivity of the situation made it so that the heroes needed to strike simultaneously across the board now with the possession of johnny the warp quark nomu the various high-end nomu and the incubating shigaraki the hospital battle needed to be successful no matter what which is why the likes of endeavor wash crust miriko ryukyu and eraserhead were all made to go here and at that they would easily make their way to dr garaki giving him reason to flee but with the activation of the erasure quirk it would be revealed that garaki was in fact not corkless and actually possess the very same age-defying quirk that had kept all for one alive for so very long leading true man to deduce that beyond the nomu the technology the doctor provided to all for one was that of artificial quark replication it was believed then that they may be able to win the battle without shedding a single drop of blood on account of the nomu's necessity for instruction miriko the number 5 rabbit hero would then break her way through the morgue and into the nefarious doctor's lab as any hope of avoidance would simultaneously break down as several nomu abomination would jettison from the ground and begin their assault the doctor the heroes had captured was a replicate produced by the double quirk of twice as apparently this double had been handling gauraki's day-to-day business for months as a guraki proper was busy focusing on sugar rocky here we would see the life's work of the doctor a laboratory filled to the brim with replicated and stolen quirks and several high-end nomu still in the testing phase but even still shigaraki was to be his greatest work and masterpiece and so he would rush over to jonny as a means of escape while mirko absolutely destroyed any and all no move before her in a single jaunt destroying countless collected quirks and the ever useful johnny unintentionally in one fell swoop making a mess of the place she also killed off some high end nomu with the same move as above the rest of the heroes on the scene would engage in fights of their own and the number 6 hero crust was also facing some nomu on his way into the morgue miruko would begin her assault on the doctor who'd think to unleash jihai and nomu despite knowing them to have been untested requiring several hours to truly stabilize but miriko is an absolute beast and just swept in to break his arm but would be thwarted by mocha a little nomu with a copy of the double quirk possessed by twice from there the hai and nomu would arise and the doctor would begin to flee the fight between miriko and the high end was beyond savage and although she was able to kill one she did end up losing her left arm they'd go on fighting like this for some time but eventually the high ends would begin to adapt and stabilize to the point where miriko just wasn't landing her hits anymore but the sheer fact that she was able to hold her own against several of these creatures at once for five whole minutes is unreal and definitely serves to place her amongst the strongest characters of the entire series but in realizing her own predicament mirko would do the dash but rather than running to safety she would run toward shigaraki to stop his incubation making this one of the most heroic moments in the series as she would be pierced and cut into all over as she drew close but just then the number one hero endeavor would join the fight the likes of eraserhead present mike and crust would now fight against the high-end horde as miriko would do it the tank would shatter but it wasn't entirely destroyed with endeavour taking her to safety it was clear just how severe her injuries were as he would then have to cauterize her wounds to keep her alive and just as the doctor decided to awaken shigeraki present mike would finish what miracle started as his loud voice would break everything and in honor of his fallen friend who had been taken advantage of would punchy doctor right across his face following this shigeraki's heart would stop and the heroes would flood in to kill the remaining high end nomu from there we shift our attention to the mountain team here a grand collective of heroes would come together to face villains while their commanders were still having a meeting now while the backline was made up of heroes and training the front lines would actually have a few students whose quirks were deemed to be particularly useful in this context with that the heroes would begin their charge as cementos would in an instant break the estate apart and expose it to interior assault the battle would then commence where not a single villain was to be able to escape meanwhile secretly inside the estate hawks would make his move against twice he believed twice to be the single greatest threat to their victory and deemed him a target of particular interest a betrayal that took twice by surprise and shook him to his core however hawks offered him an eventual fresh start because even he knew that twice was a good person at heart but twice would refuse questioning if hawks truly believed himself to be a hero hawks expressed that he did not want to fight but twice expressed that he did not give a damn he was more than willing to give his soul in exchange for the happiness of the league twice would then make double after double but it was futile hawks would destroy them just as fast he had no chance but just then blue flames would flood into the room dobby was here apparently he never believed hawks from the beginning and although hawks was up against his natural weakness and had lost the majority of his feathers his speed was still in a league of its own as he'd make his way to and fatally stab twice in the back however just before he died twice managed to let off a double this double would manage to make it to toga and mr compress killing a hero in the process it was then that he would give his final goodbye his final words being an apology as he would fall apart in toga's arms but the fight between dobby and hawks wasn't over just yet somehow dobby knew the secret identity of hawks and when asked would provide his identity as well adding that more than anyone else hawks should have been keeping his eyes on him as he would then continue to stomp hawks out before tokoyami would come to his aid the two just barely making it out with their lives shifting yet again we have the mental scape of shigaraki here he would see his family again through his destruction-filled memories then being beckoned by all for one to accept his power and approach but as he did this his family would hold on to him shimurana in particular his grandmother telling him to never forget but he would disregard this and continue forth telling them not to reject who he is as a symbol of fear shigaraki would arise the city team at this point hadn't encountered any dangers and were instead evacuating residents down to the animals as it was to be a counter-villain battle zone momentarily but just then deku would hear the voice of the first possessor shikaraki was coming and it was up to deku to stop him mass decay would begin the entire lab would break away and the heroes would begin rushing to escape but during this a high-end gnomo would grip onto a racer head intending to take him down as well but then it would happen crust would save him by sacrificing his own life with a smile and a thumbs up everything would be destroyed with some unfortunate heroes getting caught up in the wave of destruction shigaraki's awakening would level everything it would then get to deku and company who would then do everything they could to save civilians and get to safety shigaraki then calling on giganto machia to bring everyone to him as endeavour would immediately confront the man this fight was ridiculous shigaraki would begin to get a feel for the quirks collected by all for one as he boasted absurd levels of regeneration yet he wasn't satisfied what he needed was one for all and unfortunately he could sense exactly where it was and with deku knowing himself to be the primary target he would rush off away from the others with bakugou now following along now because nobody knew what the hell one for all was endeavour was very confused why deku of all people would be the target but deku promised to explain later as shigaraki would rush towards his direction immediately catching up to the two just as quickly as an overwhelming fear of death would consume them but luckily gran torino would then be there just in the nick of time to save them meanwhile eraserhead would keep his eyes trained on chicaraki keeping him from using his various quirks shigaraki then telling his minions to kill every person that they see the fighting would continue and sugar rocky would just continue to strike fear into the heart of everyone because even with a racer head looking at him his body modifications were major enough to be reminiscent of all might himself as he would then strike the pose of all might while standing atop endeavour and ryukyu meanwhile a horde of near-high and nomu would come to life shigaraki would then begin to target eraserhead for obvious reasons but deku and bakugo would not let that happen as they would enter the fray as well despite deku being shigaraki's target as well from here they would then all gang up on shikaraki and give him all that they've got and in the midst of this shigeraki's face would begin to split as the voice of offer one would leak out speaking of one for all and his little brother to the surprise of shigaraki and deku the will of all for one was strong but shiguraki would reject it and again blow after blow the fighting would continue now going back to the mountain team everyone would do their best to stop giganto machia from leaving the scene and in trying to do so midnight would become severely injured and unable to move because of this she would communicate to momo that power isn't something they can depend on to take machia down that they need to put him to sleep meanwhile several villains would begin to converge on her her final words being to momo that she trusts her judgment as she thought to herself what a fine leader that girl will be one day with this momo would take charge and create a number of sedatives for her comrades then using most of the combined quirks of class 1a 1b and chiketsu hai they would challenge giganto machia and actually get him to fall but sadly this would only last for a moment as giganto machia was able to literally blow them all away however this opportunity would allow mount lady to keep the behemoth's mouth open as these students would charge in and with that kiroshima would be able to scale the beast and manage to get the sedative in his mouth back to shigaraki the fighting would intensify gran torino would be taken down following that sugar rocky would flick the quark destroying drug at a racer head with more force than a loaded pistol as before it could spread without hesitation a racer head would cut off his own leg and in the very moment that he flinched due to the pain shigaraki would begin to peel his face off before being thwarted by the introduction of shoto to the fight from there that would only become worse as giganto machia would make his way through various cities towards his master and at a certain point throughout all the fighting shiguraki would recognize that his rebirth was premature and his body was certainly struggling to keep up for this reason he would seek to end it all with mass decay and in reaction to this deku would finally use the quirk float while bringing everyone else up with black whip something that he had trained with some of his classmates while maintaining the secret of one for all and at this point he was just beating the brakes off of sugar rocky but with this level of damage output he was running the risk of losing permanent use of his arms but he did not care he would not stop he could not stop because that's what this power was made for he was giving it his all and then some plus ultra but when deku least expected it shigeraki would lash out with several tendrils towards him and with this in an instant bakugo's quirk would awaken allowing him to make it over there pushing deku out of harm's way and instead sacrificing himself a sequence of events that caused deku to lose all sensibility as he went berserk towards his enemy as the very face of shikaraki would split apart to reveal that of all for one who was smiling then gripping onto deku as we would enter the world of one for all here all for one would attempt to core shigaraki into obedience as the spirit of shimanana would come to deku's aid as he himself could not yet move in this space a battle of will would then ensue for control over one for all as even the first user would join in speaking to his brother all for one then speaking at length about just how worthless deku is and how he is their greatest mistake but the first possession would deny this and say that they believed in him to the utmost degree as deku would lunge forwards and the two would be repelled from one another now before makia made it to the battlefield togo would leave in search of uraka as the death of twice left her with some questions questions she was then able to find the answers to and at this point shigaraki and all for one just could not agree and it was a mess one that nejide and ida would join in on just before makia and the league would do the same now as this fighting was going on a broadcast would make its way across the country the confession of dabi or should i say toyatoroki as he would unveil the truth to endeavour and shoto's dismay suddenly endeavour would fail to move an inch but another top hero would act in his place as best genius would enter the battle as well subduing the villains with his threads but he wasn't the only one as muriel would come to play as well having had his quirk recently restored by arie with a flock of near high and no moon now on the scene too because at this point everyone was just joining in they would all fight like crazy and just as machia began to rampage yet again the sedative from earlier would finally kick in and he was down for the count in realizing that predicament mr compressed would sacrifice his own flesh for that of his friends and at some point deku passed out but would awaken to realize that he had awakened the quirk of the fourth user danger sense but with the opportunity provided by mr compressed sugar rocky would awaken once more this time with all for one in charge as emir hai and nomu would rush into their rescue leaving mr compress and gantomachia behind as he would swear to see deku again once shigaraki's body was perfected and the heroes would try their best to stop shigeraki's escape to no avail elsewhere the heroes despite the looks of things did emerge largely victorious having apprehended nearly 17 000 individuals however over 100 were still at large and in the end shigarak's desire for destruction cost society severely that day in ways that can never truly be undone and so where things go from here will surely be interesting to behold because it doesn't seem like we're slowing down at all let us know what you thought about this arc in the comments it was all levels of crazy and so i can only imagine what horikoshi has in store for us next be sure to subscribe to plot armor because we will be covering all of that and more and if you want even more head on over to our patreon page where we cover even more anime and manga even korean ones this year is set to have a whole lot of interesting anime come out so you won't want to miss out on our unfiltered reactions because when it comes to bringing you some of the best my hero academia content on the platform plot armor has you covered as always i'm slice of otaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day i love you [Music] foreign
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 431,517
Rating: 4.9606242 out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, boku no hero academia, my hero academia manga, my hero academia war arc, my hero academia war arc explained, my hero academia war arc ending, my hero academia chapter 297, my hero academia manga 297, my hero academia recap, my hero academia war recap, my hero academia manga war, my hero academia manga war arc, my hero academia explained, my hero academia season 5, plot armor, plot armor my hero academia, anime, manga, mha explained, mha war arc
Id: WxhACfvIV_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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