The Ultimate My Hero Academia Timeline up to Season 5!!!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
the time has finally arrived that's right boys today season five of my hero academia has finally dropped and i know we're all eager to see what this season has in store for us but there is a slight problem i know technically season 4 only came out like a year and a half ago but let's be honest it felt more like a thousand years ago for uh hello there reasons so i wasn't too keen on all the particulars of season four or frankly most of the other seasons of my hero and i know i'm not alone but don't worry manmade's got your back i went through the trouble of rewatching all of my hero academia with the sole intent of making you sound like a veteran my hero academia fan who hasn't missed a beat that's right today i'm giving you content you didn't even know you needed we'll go season by season breaking down what happened and i'll give you some intellectual sounding opinions you compare it to depressed strangers to sound like the most thought-provoking individual on your deviant art fan page so let's start with in a world not so different from our own everyone has super powers known as quirks well actually not everyone eighty percent of the population has a quirk and twenty percent don't which makes me wonder why does it feel like midoriya is the only person in the world without a quirk so far he doesn't have a single notable quirkless person to look up to and by quirkless i mean born and lived a full life quirkless i'm sorry i know we're just jumping in here but yeah like at his old school he is the only person in the classroom without a quirk which statistically speaking is surprisingly rare like one in five people don't have a quirk so in a class of 20 shouldn't that mean there are four kids without a quirk so does not having a quirk mean you have a disability or is it like an identification does affirmative action exist in the my academia world and if so do quirkless people get representation or do you think they get some sort of disability check in the mail for being quirkless and if so do people fake not having quirks to give government handouts or better opportunities for jobs what is the socioeconomic impact of corkless individuals in the porn industry is there quirk fetish porn and if so does whoops sorry i got kind of sidetracked there for a second where were we again oh yeah episode one zamadoria is born quirkless which is a problem because his one dream is to become a hero one of those industries that don't exactly take in quirkless individuals luckily for him though he meets all might almight is the biggest celebrity top dog number one hero who has literally the best quirk in the world and hey guess what it can be passed down to another individual which has been done eight times already making midoriya the ninth user of the quirk one for all zoe does a little training arc he inherits the quirk and uses it to pass the entry exam into ua academy the top hero school in all of japan oh yeah and did i mention every time he uses his quirk he destroys every bone in his body this will be important later sorry did i say later i mean now the very first arc after him getting into ua is a quirk test arc basically it's a basic training arc where everyone in the class uses their quirk to do a bunch of athletic tests the person in the class who scores the lowest gets expelled oh yeah remember how i said a bunch of tests and that a single use of midorious quirk leaves his body a mangled mess well yeah so he's kind of screwed here he does manage to cheese one test by focusing his quirk into his finger and only breaking his finger oh yeah by the way his quirk is basically immense strength i know i didn't cover that yet so yeah even with cheesing that one test he is still dead last and he gets expelled and then you know he turns villain and kills a bunch of people just kidding it was all a grand test by one of my favorite characters and my personal spirit animal izaba sensei the truth is he was just weeding out everyone and seeing if anyone was bad enough to expel just in general by the way he apparently expelled the entire class the previous year which is kind of even more terrifying than the latter situation but it's not a big deal because luckily everybody passed in his eyes and his eyes are final the next arc is actually an arc that gets overlooked a lot so let's overlook it ourselves i'm just kidding but only partially and the battle arc everyone is divided into teams of two but the only ones we care about are midoriya and urarka vs ida and bakugo basically this is the first time we get to see midoriya beat his childhood friend and current top tier douchebag bakugo in a fight but don't get used to it because bakugou will continue to beat midoriya's ass every time after this that's not even a joke that is just a fact and off to the final arc of the show the usj arc is where we finally get to meet the league of villains basically class 1a takes a field trip and the league of villains ambush them and fail to achieve anything of note but we do get to meet soon to be scary shigeraki the reason i call him soon to be scary is because he evolves into one of the most amazing villains in all of anime to the point where when he is on screen he demands your attention and brings an aura of fear and respect with him just not right now he's got to go through some character development of his own his ass getting handed to him here being the beginning of that and that is the end of season one season one really is quite the joyride i forgot how much fun it is and how naive all the characters are at this point i'm not saying that in a bad way it just shows how much growth all the characters in the cast get throughout the series and re-watching season 1 made me almost nostalgic with how carefree and innocent they all are at this point in the show and do keep in mind that this is the shortest season sitting only at 13 episodes so handling all of that while doing a great job at establishing some of the key players in the show like midoriya all might bakugou shigaraki and like whoever the hell else all these other characters are don't worry they'll all get development later on and no one will be forgotten and completely left out oh man tell me you don't just instantly get hyped up the second you hear that opening my hero academia season 2 is probably my personal favorite season of the show and for good reason every arc in this season is just so memorable as well as this is the season where my hero really starts to come into its own starting to blur those lines between hero and villain so naturally the first arc of season 2 is probably one of the most popular arcs in all of anime never mind my academia and can i say i totally forgot that this wasn't just a tournament arc my bad obviously every year ua holds a sports festival and needless to say for a school as famous and prestigious as ua more than just the parents show up to this school sports festival so anyway let's go ahead and jump into the festival so naturally the first bracket is an obstacle course i actually really enjoyed this obstacle course because despite everyone using their quirks to get ahead midoriya just beats their asses with some good old-fashioned ingenuity he doesn't use his quirk at all and he still manages to snag first place which is kind of like the ultimate diss i just love how salty todoroki and bakugo are because of it the second bracket is the cavalry battle nothing of note really happens here there's some confrontation between midoriya's and bakugo's team as well as midoriyas and todoroki's team but midoriya mostly loses here actually midoriya nearly loses the entire thing and almost gets knocked out of the sports festival in this bracket but they barely qualify for the torment in last place because dokiyami is a bro leading us to the highly anticipated tournament that occurs in the sports festival arc there is so much i want to talk about here the fight between bakugou and doraka just how deep and passionate that fight is just makes me want to cry seeing how shaken up erica is knowing that round one she has to fight bacago the top student at ua the kid whose whole personality matrix is i'll kill you whose quirk is freaking huge explosions she has to fight this guy with a quirk that makes objects and people you touch weightless yeah you'd think this fight would be over in a flash like many of them in the tournament are but no uroka puts up an incredibly good fight against bakugou planning multiple steps ahead and setting up countless traps however we also see a different side of bakugou in this fight bakugou doesn't let himself be consumed by anger at all he actually takes a lot of caution in his fight against uraka and thanks to this caution and taking her on as a serious opponent he beats her i'm sorry i could go on and on about this fight but we also have to talk about the most notorious fight that's right boys we are talking about tetsutetsu vs kiroshima the most manly fight in existence oh yeah i guess i should also briefly touch on todoroki versus midoriya as well like anyone even really remembers that small fight this is a really key fight in the show because up until this point the main characters were concrete it was midoriya bakugou and all might but dodoroki is the first in a trend of developing psy characters into fellow main characters and they did a hell of a job todoroki's refusal of his father's half of his quirk was an interesting character development basically always forcing himself to fight at half strength it's through midoriya that he learns that he shouldn't handicap himself simply despite his father but instead take his quirk and make it into something he could call his own this fight turns into a great clash of ideologies where midoriya wins the argument but todoroki wins the physical fight it's such a great episode and i just love how the writers were brave enough to let midoriya lose a fight to prove a point i also do want to briefly touch on bakugou vs todoroki this is the finals fight for the tournament arc and we kind of get a reality check at this point once again bakugou isn't an opponent that todoroki can beat just at half strength so bakugou forces him to use his flames but todoroki stops halfway through even though he was just talk no jutsu'd by midoriya the reality of the situation is that people can't change on a dime and we see that be todoroki's downfall in this fight so best boy bakugou wins the tournament albeit begrudgingly leading us directly into the stain arc which holy crap these two arcs are literally back to back two of the most incredible arcs in my hair academia so meanwhile there is this guy named stain going around making a name for himself as the hero killer basically he ambushes some heroes and if he finds that any of them aren't up to his standards of hero he kills them damn uh season two don't mess around now if he does think that they are okay he just kind of beats him up and leaves them heavily injured so one day ida's older brother a hero known as ingenium is ambushed by stain and heavily injured like probably won't be able to walk again levels of injured so needless to say eda doesn't look fondly on stain's way of doing things and he intentionally takes an internship where he suspects the next stain attack is going to be also at the same time midoriya begins an internship with gran torino where he learns how to not break every limb in his body when he activates his quirk yay progress oh yeah and sugar rocky's in this arc too jigaraki sees all this hype around stains so he decides to bring him into his office and ask to see if he'd be interested in a partnership and staying politely declines i'm just kidding they hurl insults at each other until stain loses his cool and decides to kick shigaraki's ass then he basically calls him a loser and dips out so shigeraki being the sore loser that he is just dumps a bunch of nomu on the street so that when stain kills someone that night like he had planned to do it would all be overshadowed by his nomu destroying everything so sane goes off in the night looking for some heroes to kill when he bumps into ida who tries to beat him for the sake of revenge and loses but right before suffering any real harm midoriya swings by and saves zida the two fight a bit and todoroki joins in and finally they do manage to take stain down barely and trust me i do mean it when i say they barely beat this guy stain was a surprisingly strong villain but what makes this ark so good is what comes after of course once again we get some major development with ita where he learns that he shouldn't blindly seek revenge as a hero and to also rely on others in times of need and once again a side character becomes a main character but also staying marks a change in sugar rocky and the villains as a hole in the series remember how i said shigeraki unleashed a bunch of nomu with the sole intention of overshadowing stain well the next morning the news was all about stain and his manifesto shigaraki learns from stain he begins to understand that causing chaos for the sake of chaos will never get him anywhere and that he has to learn from his past mistakes and find a reason to fight stain is important because it shows us that shigeru rocky is a dangerous villain like no other because unlike most villains where they have set morals goals and don't learn shigeraki is young and is surprisingly open-minded and he takes a huge lesson from stain and begins to fight for something real just like midoriya must learn lessons from his friends around him so does shigaraki bringing us to the final arc of season 2 the final exam's arc once again in the final exams arc we see the class being split into teams of two but this time instead of their opponents being other students their opponent is a teacher and of course bakago and midoriya get teamed up and have to make it past all might it is an enjoyable few episodes it kind of opens up a door to bakago that we haven't really seen yet it's in this episode we see first hand that bakugou isn't just a ball of rage he's quite intelligent all things considered taking into account his immidoria's strengths and weaknesses and coming up with a plan to pass all might however where he struggles is communication he yells at midoriya a lot and doesn't make the details of his plan clear or that he even has a plan it shows that bakugou genuinely has a lot of trouble communicating and despite how aggressive he is to midoriya he does still incorporate him in his plans and values victory over his own pride even being willing to sacrifice himself to get midoriya past the finish line so they can technically beat all might i just realized bakago is a total cinderey isn't he god i really wish i didn't think of that now i immediately want to forget it anyway overall this arc is fun because we actually get to see all the characters finally use their quirks up until this point we only got glimpses of their techniques excluding a select few but we finally got to see all of class 1a's quirks applied fun fact i think that this is the first episode we see coda talk overall this season really is a gem and has aged extremely well two of the three arcs in this season are two of the most famous arcs in shonen and of course the third arc is still absolutely incredible i think what makes season two so special to me is that this is where the show starts opening up a lot i mean we get some huge development with shigaraki dotaroki also gets a large amount of development and the same is said with ida we are seeing more and more of the characters who are on the boundaries of being main characters being brought into that circle and that's a trend that will continue on with no one and i mean no one getting left behind or forgotten and i mean absolutely no season 3 kicks off with the forest training arc basically class 1a gets sent off to a camp to hone their skills out in the wild and it's exactly as fun as you'd expect a summer camp hosted by ua would be the wild wild pussycats are introduced and while they are all great can i just say god i love tiger that character is one of my dream cosplays one day essentially everything seemed good and their training arc was going well but everything changed when the fire nation attacked in this arc we're introduced to some new characters and by new characters i mean new villains most notably we have dobby toga spinner mr compress twice and magni along with muscular mustard and moon fish although you don't really have to remember these guys because uh well you'll see in a second basically these guys are the equivalent of class 1a but evil they all started working for shigaraki after the whole stained incident so basically the league of villains once again ambushes class 1a but with the hopes of kidnapping bakugo and tokiyami and convincing them to become villains and this was a super cool arc because for once the villains are very coordinated in their attack so far most scenes with the villains have just been like i want to cause damage to the city or i want to kill fake heroes but this attack from gigaraki was calculated they abused the terrain and their quirks to disable as much of class 1a as possible with an actual goal in mind kidnapping bakugou and tokiyami and they kind of succeeded they can't quite snag tokiyami but they did manage to get away with bakugou granted not all the villains escaped yeah those three i mentioned get taken down by class 1a and i forgot about this until i rewatched it but that fight between muscular and midoriya was hype i just got so pulled into that fight although i still don't really like koda i mean yeah his parents died in a tragic way but jesus stop whining just accept the fact that when you grow up you're going to be a shonen protagonist the forest training arc was frankly much better than i had remembered it it was fun but it was also the first time we see sugar rocky's squad be a threat in what their quirks do it also seamlessly segues into the next arc aptly named the bakugo rescue arc i mean i guess it would be seamless because you know bakugou just got kidnapped i'd hope that they wouldn't just mess around for an arc and then go rescue bakugou this arc ended up being my second favorite arc of the series right behind the sports festival arc and just slightly ahead of the stain arc it's an arc mostly focusing on the development of shigaraki of course there is a bit where midoriya todoroki ira go themselves to rescue bakugou and we'll get back to that but this arc is the first time it's revealed that shigaraki is pretty cunning he more or less has his squad because they believe they are following in stains footsteps even though he hated stain he's just using his name to pull in recruits and more or less trick them into working for him secondly we see just how calm and collected shigeraki's become bakugo totally contrary to everybody's expectations mocks him yells at him and rejects the idea of ever becoming a villain and when shigaraki releases his restraints bakugou hits him with an explosion for reference shigeraki is the kind of guy who will kill people for looking at him the wrong way so to see this change in shigaraki to see him take a deep breath and keep his cool so he can follow through with his plan it makes me so excited because the thought that he's grown so much in such a short time is terrifying he is growing at the same pace as a shonen protagonist he is going to be this terrifying villain and we see just how far he is willing to go to achieve his goals shortly after this heroes burst in and almost capture shigeraki and his gang only for him to be saved by none other than all for one once again if there happened to be any lack of parallels between midoriya and chikaraki this is the final straw shigeraki's mentor is none other than all for one all might's arch nemesis in this scene we see bakugo fend off the villains who are trying to capture him and escape while all might and all for one duke it out in a densely populated city so yeah a lot of civilians died either way midoriya and the gang managed to rescue bakuyo and we get one of my favorite fights in all of my your academia it's just such a powerful fight because it marks the last fight for all might before his official retirement and it sets into motion an overarching theme basically the responsibility of passing the torch onto the next generation we see all might pass it on to midoriya in this scene and in a way we see all for one pass it on to chica rocky in this scene this whole arc was just an adrenaline rush of crazy fight scenes and defining character moments that echo on throughout the rest of the show and god i love this anime so much leading on to the final arc of season three the hero license arc i'm not gonna lie after the intensity of the last two arcs we needed something chill and thank god they gave it to us now the hero license arc isn't exactly relaxing but no villains are trying to kill everyone in this arc and you know what that's something we haven't gotten in a while basically class 1a goes to a facility where a bunch of other students are attempting to get their hero license well provisional hero license the catch being that all these students from the other schools are second years except one and class 1a is a first year class and not to mention that they also have the drop on the ua students because all of their quirks were publicly televised at the sports festival the only reason they really get to participate as first years is because they are from ua and they are very special needless to say no one is on their side and the odds are stacked against them other than that nothing major really happens in this arc we get some development for todoroki where he has to deal with the fact that he was a jerk to others in his past so he needs to start learning how to work together with people even if they don't like him and secondly there is a bit with bakugou where his communication problems hurt him and inevitably everybody in class 1a passes except bakugo and todoroki dotaroki because he let his emotions get in the way of the objective and bakugou because of his communication problems also i know this episode is technically filler but i'm so glad that we got an episode where momo got to be momo by the way momo is best girl but if you disagree with that that's okay like her cork is totally overpowered and she's super smart but doesn't get much screen time so i'm glad they finally gave her a little bit of love in this arc overall this arc is just kind of a light-hearted arc i mean we do get one small scene with toga but other than that most of the villains set this one out i mean help even our best boy kodak gets his provisional license and may i say he got upwards of two whole lines this season i'm just saying they're definitely fast tracking him to be the next main character i mean come on let's be real i mean look how cute this so the first stark of season four is the overhaul arc i know i know technically this arc started last season but it was just the tip and i asked some friends and they all came to the consensus that just the tip doesn't count this arc more or less begins when twice tries to recruit overhaul another large-scale villain near the size of shigaraki to work under them not knowing who he is turns out overall had different plans and a squirmish breaks out where magni is killed pretty violently too this sets the tone for the entire arc up until this point none of the named characters with genuine screen time had been killed or even had a real death shown on screen the overhaul arc is different as we will soon see meanwhile midori gets recruited to join nadai's agency nadai being a past sidekick of all might who has the power to see the future and boy does it look dark this only really happens because mario sticks his head out for midoriya oh my god i haven't even introduced the boy wonder muriel yet tldr is muriel was the previous top contender to inherit the one for all quirk and i mean come on look at that smile of course he was no but in all seriousness his quirk is insane and he's also this ball of joy and smiles now of course once midoriya joins dynai's agency as an intern we soon find out that he's on the tale of overhaul overhaul has been up to some bad stuff in essence he's creating a weapon to delete quirks and to do that he is using eerie a small girl whose quirk is freaking overpowered she can rewind humans and the idea is that she can rewind someone's genetic code to before humans adapted to have quirks i think i'mma be real it was explained and i still don't exactly get how it works either way magic science bullets made from her blood mean no quirks at least that's what i got from the explanation so while the good guys are planning out their raid on overhauls hideout shigaraki decides to meet up with overhaul to work out an alliance it's pretty hilarious and context rewatching that scene overhaul just basically talks down to shigaraki and makes fun of how bad he is at planning things out they need to learn how to always be a step ahead of his opponent it appears that overhaul doesn't know what dramatic irony is but you'll get a lesson on it soon enough don't worry so they come to an agreement to let overhaul borrow toga in twice later it's revealed that chicaraki is actually scheming against overhaul he's obviously planning to get revenge on overhaul for talking down to him and killing one of his comrades and ironically enough in this scene we get to see just how great of a leader shigaraki has become there is this whole touching scene where he tells toga and twice that he trusts them and you almost forget that this dude is the main antagonist of the show so after some planning sure enough the radon overhauls hideout begins with nida's agency leading the operation working in cooperation with multiple agencies and their interns and hey look who would have guessed other members of class 1a are here as well i'd love to say that they all get great scenes but in reality only midoriya and the most manly man kiroshima really get any love in this arc sorry guys maybe some other time either way they raid the hideout and for the most part the plan works pretty well we get a really cool fight scene between sun eater and some guards we also get an amazing fight scene with fat gum and kirashima versus two of the elite fighters in overhaul squad and of course we cannot forget the amazing fight between mirio and overhaul mirio just absolutely lets loose and almost takes overhaul down himself granted thanks to those magic science bullets muriel loses his quirk yet that doesn't deter him and he keeps fighting without a quirk what a total badass yeah that just kind of shows how much of a beast mario is either way midoriya finally shows up and he decides to take overhaul head on even though nighteye has seen midoriya's future and knows that midoriya dies in this fight but fate be damned midoriya takes overhaul in this gorgeously animated fight and beats him ending this arc once and for all well sort of but not really one of the main reasons their plan worked out so well is because toga and twice more or less just kinda let the heroes in they helped a little with overhaul but they knew to betray him at the worst time and that strategy led to overhaul being captured that and god my favorite scene in this arc is where shigaraki intercepts overhaul being transported and as revenge cuts his freaking arms off so he can never use his quirk again you know since his whole plan hinged on removing quirks from heroes and shigaraki brings up the hypocrisy of him using his own quirk to do that so gigaraki was like i'm gonna make an honest man out of you and uh removes his quirk through one method or another and also he takes the nine remaining magic science bullets that were being transported as well i'm just saying but that is the perfect way to use dramatic irony overall this arc was fantastic it was the first major arc to really go this dark i know i didn't mention this but night i dies here this arc really is about how hard it can be to be a hero and that there's tragedy on both sides shigeraki lost magni and midoriya lost nidai this arc is a painful lesson to both characters and forces change out of each of them the overall arc is by far the darkest arc in the anime and for that i greatly enjoyed seeing how all the characters managed to push through but it also leaves a lasting mark on all the characters afterwards nine eye and magni are both dead and they're never coming back not to mention miriam originally the number one student at ua academy is now quirkless and they don't know if he'll ever get it back this arc was intense and it was up there with some of my favorites in the show but if i had to voice one minor complaint i take that back maybe not minor i almost have to call it major but where is coda we need more koda in our lives he still hasn't gotten anyway the next arc is technically not a filler arc but it totally feels like one especially considering it's only two episodes long the remedial course arc basically it's an episode or two where chudaroki bakugou and the other two who failed the hero license exam have to take a remedial course to get their license the course is play with children and have them look up to you which ironically enough is definitely a weakness that bakugou and todoroki have but luckily enough they do get through it and yay they have their licenses sorry i just have to say that if i were to rank all of the arcs this one would have to be in last place mostly because it just feels like it should have been a b storyline in another arc not its own arc but luckily enough it's really short plus it's still pretty funny to see bakuyo and todorooki struggle with talking to children now we finally get to talk about the ua festival arc probably has one of my favorite openings for my hero academia this arc is like a nice deep breath it feels like a wind down arc from the seriousness that followed the overhaul arc the villain is a fellow youtuber named gentle criminal luckily he isn't a killer or anything he just does villainy for the clout evanito and you know what i respect it basically ua despite some pushback decides to have their usual school festival with the concession that if anything suspicious were to happen like for instance a villain tries to break in the festival will immediately be cancelled this condition makes perfect sense because it's pretty clear that shigaraki is working against uh academy with a particular hatred towards class 1a and midoriya so general criminal is like if this video gets one like i'll break into a school festival now smash that subscribe button so meanwhile class 1a plans to do a live band performance for the festival mostly because they want to put on a huge event for the rest of the school to enjoy since they feel kind of bad about everything that's happened because of them which yeah it kind of makes sense also there is this adorable little subplot where they are trying to get eerie to smile so they're bringing her to the school festival as well so by happenstance the morning before the festival midoriya goes out to get some last minute supplies and just kind of bumps into gentle criminal on his way back so naturally a fight breaks out gentle criminal is captured but midoriya manages to keep it on the down low so that the festival can go on and we get to see eerie smile which is just absolutely precious now this arc is often overlooked and i have to admit i kind of overlooked it myself the first time i watched it but this arc makes some really interesting points first is the character of gentle criminal gentle criminal attempted to be a hero but he was shot down due to flaws in the system which eventually left him feeling jaded so naturally he lashed out to get attention and affirmation from his peers and the best way to do that was to become a villain obviously gentle criminal isn't an evil guy we see him take the dive in hopes of saving his partner la brava but this arc shows how the flaws in the hero industry can inadvertently produce villains and that the line between villain and hero can be a very blurry one luckily this arc is a very wholesome one but it being wholesome is more or less a way to introduce us to this idea this idea that there are people who could have been heroes but were turned villains due to circumstances involving the hero industry luckily gentle criminal was still a good guy at heart but that's not a rule it's an exception and i'm positive this idea is going to be built on in further arcs leading us to the final arc before the beginning of season 5 the pro hero arc the pro hero arc is very short only two episodes long so far but for being such a short arc it is surprisingly impactful granted it's not quite done yet but we won't go into detail about that because that's spoiler territory this arc follows endeavour of all people you know that guy that abused hitaroki and is technically his dad well now that all might officially retired from being a hero endeavor is officially announced to be the next number one hero in this arc we see endeavour struggling to fill the void that all might left originally wondering if the right call is to imitate all might but in this arc he realizes that for him to truly take over as a next number one hero he has to carve out his own path whereas all might's victories and symbol of peace was brought on by overwhelming power and a huge smile endeavor will bring peace through persistence endeavor doesn't have seemingly limitless power but he's the type that will never give up this arc is about endeavour coming to that realization and conquering the negative public perception that comes with his past that and also the amazing fight with enomu this is probably one of my favorite fights in the entire series like i know that's a pretty bold statement but trust me it's that good now i know this arc is not over yet but it's still very impactful and i am truly excited to see where it goes oh yeah and hawks is in it need i say more and that is it we are all caught up to season five of my hero academia this re-watch was actually very fun my hero academia has some pretty good rewatch value as a lot of things make much more sense with context i feel like this rewatch actually made me appreciate a lot of the arcs that i originally didn't care much for so obviously the show still holds up and i'm extremely excited to see how season five is going to turn out even though my boy evanito keeps talking about it on twitter i still think it's going to be amazing i just can't wait for that 20 episode arc all about coda to hit no but on a serious note this show is one of my all-time favorite anime and for good reason from the large cast of well-developed characters to the world design the animation soundtrack the villains and the fights the fights are definitely some of the most exciting scenes i've experienced in anime not to mention despite this show being a shonen our characters tend to not rely on the power of friendship and being shown in protagonist but by being exceedingly clever everything about this show is just so well crafted and i'm glad that a show that excels at so many things is this popular season five will almost certainly be another amazing addition to this already phenomenal show it's bound to have profound character moments countless twists and gorgeous fights that are sure to blow us away so anyway who else here is excited for the netflix adaptation [Music] hey hiding weird question does it count if it's just the tip huh [Music] hey next does it count if it's just the tip hello does it count if it's just the tip i'm sorry bro it counts under don't don't think about it does it count if it's just the tip uh uh yes with a question mark sorry about this tip gang out there i'm with you i'm supporting you i would say very specific unfortunate circumstances could make it yes but generally no okay i'll take that god damn it peace [Music]
Channel: Manime Matt
Views: 24,941
Rating: 4.8511481 out of 5
Keywords: Manime, Matt, Anime, Reviews, manimematt, Midoriya, The Ultimate My Hero Academia Timeline up to Season 5, My Hero Academia Season 5, My Hero Academia Recap, My Hero, boku no hero academia, boku no hero academia season 5, Boku no hero academia recap, The Ultimate My Hero Academia Recap up to Season 5!, My Hero Academia recap season 1-4, My Hero Academia Timeline so far, My hero academia timeline seasons 1-4, Boku no hero timeline, Boku no hero recap, My hero academia recap
Id: VGdQfeHHRew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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