Dekusquad funny moments (dub/sub)

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yeah i have to remember all the work i've put in thanks to all my i'm actually going to be a hero or i'll just die [Music] are you okay additionally you with the unkempt hair you've been muttering this entire time stop that if you can't bother to take this seriously leave you're distracting the rest of us sorry you saved my life also i told you to call me sue ouch is your finger okay sure fine until the exam he was nothing a little bug i could crush if i wanted to if that's the case they must have known what was inside the usj before they warped it yeah but for a group with such careful planning there's one thing that really sticks out to me something that just doesn't add up they sent you here ah sweet um whoops i meant sue yeah they warped you to the shipwreck zone i kind of fell apart on you didn't it a little bit he's so serious is that you [Music] i knew you would come here alone the instant that buckle girl ran off by himself and engaged with midoriya your quirk allows you to float anything that you touch but i prepared for that by hiding every object in this room so you have nothing to use against me and i was lying no one's going home that was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the two are tests going to the station i'll join you guys it's her again oh you're the infinity girl i'm otaku let's see you are tanya eda and your name is ducky right midoriya uh yeah isn't that what bakugou called you during the fitness test he said right [Music] either [Music] [Applause] [Music] white rice is the perfect comfort food isn't it this is super good oh know all night's just as cool in person as he is on television i'm glad he's not threatening us with some kind of punishment like mr izawa we can relax ah you're sweating through your costume baccago definitely has a villainous side and that's exactly what we need to succeed in this mission hmm i need to temporarily devote myself to criminal intent yes i won't fail this trial and risk bringing shame down on the eder family name that means i must now embrace evil to become a hero behold i am the personification of oh hi good morning my name is tenya ita yeah i know i'm mizuku midoriya it's super nice to meet you me doria you realize that there was something more to the practical exam didn't you oh well my name's actually izuku that who's what kachon calls me to make fun of me that's some sportsman like oh i didn't realize that i'm sorry you know what i like deku it could make a great hero name plus i think it sounds kind of cute who just like that weren't you saying that it was an insult paradigm shift my whole world is upside down [Music] what's happening [Music] hero agency has taught me that much agency hold on what does your family do oh oh it's nothing you know i've been wondering something about you admit it you're filthy rich uh i was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family [Music] [Music] hey i recognize that messed up here falling boy oh my gosh it's that nice girl who talked to me i should probably be thanking you for going in and talking to him huh how'd you know about that oh i um what i stopped you with my quirk i'm sorry i didn't ask first but i figured you wouldn't mind me catching you isn't this all like way nerve-wracking i uh well yes i'll see you inside bye holy whoa i just talked to a girl [Music] i wonder if our teacher gave him some advice probably told him to start packing i'm here shetty wait who are you again [Applause] about me what is it also i told you to call me sue oh yeah right [Music] i can't believe we managed to get all of them at once i took everything i had to keep my composure it was such a gamble what if they'd had reserves under water that we didn't know you're creeping me out stop it gather round class 1a using your student numbers form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently it is kicking it into high gear as our class rep huh what do you think we're doing today besides orientation i wonder what our teachers are like i can't wait to meet everybody if you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now welcome to ua's hero course [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] tell me are you really all my secret love child or something am i what peter you were holding out on us i had no idea you could do that rest assured it wasn't my intention to deceive you i was just being strategic i merely wanted to show that i could compete with midoriya you're always trying to one-up each other if you're not on guard someone's going to defeat you so be careful you better not lose and make me look bad shinso i won't hey eda you did great out there oh uh whoa what's with that face huh my face [Music] who's on your list there are only 40 heroes will take us so after looking at their specialties and splitting them into groups that can start now there he goes again everyone i'm gonna do my best yeah yeah i said i'm gonna do my best got it you okay you kind of look like you're losing it now that i think about it there's something i've been meaning to ask my best [Laughter] i can't rely on anyone not this oh time you're still alone and you're the star team up with me person in first place so close who are you for the money you want to be a hero so you can get rich if we're cutting to the chase then yeah i'm sorry if it sounds greedy you two have such admirable motivations i hope you don't think less of me now not at all your goal is to support your well-being which is a perfectly admirable ambition to have [Music] what are you doing here lunch you want to eat with me that's adorable oh sorry sometimes i don't realize i'm talking out loud when i'm taking notes it's not every day i get to see incredible quirks from people outside our class uh actually i've been taking notes on everybody in our class too here's what i've got on your zero gravity you know deku i've always known that you're amazing you've got so much drive and focus in you and the sports festival's reminding me of that hey deku let's team up are you sure everyone will be after me and my 10 million stupid points tell me you're not kidding if we run away the whole time then we'll win right um you're either overestimating me or underestimating everyone else here anyway it's better to team up with people you like there's something wrong he looks so gross you're much too noisy i know you're worried but i've got to focus on surgery now surgery go on get out of here but surgery is a big deal with an egg well this wound they just leave me to it so naturally we're all getting fired up well those are some interesting moves you have to be excited too right midoriya oh yeah of course i am and also nervous [Music] let's do our best in a sports festival maraca well what happened to your face seriously what's up you're normally like the most laid-back girl ever [Music] i love that guy isn't he awesome his agency's close by so i got to go to the door one time he sure get along well are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die calm down so it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way sir isn't it a hero's job to save people this is why you're not a full-fledged pro yet it's obvious you weigh and endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough what a shame you damn much todoroki listen he's right i'm next so this is it my fight it'll be okay i don't think buckago would use the full power of his explosions on a girl right yeah he would [Music] that's beautiful so noble bravo bravo she's not here because of some hero fantasy she's more grounded than any of us impressive moves as usual oh man you've got also in there too i told you to call me this isn't good we're trapped gotta figure out how to get out of this okay come on what would gekko do at a time like this hey not right now i'm thinking about azuku midoriya i isn't that sweet is it because you like quirk is awesome she's floating everything but her in the equipment so what do you think of my babies are they just precious units can be manufactured you know excellent mobility your babies are amazing hops to me i'm the one who's making this float guess i should probably buy some outdoorsy shoes for this thing oh that's smart me too the guide said your shoes should already be broken in though but wait perhaps it's a mistake not to factor utility into the equation but you passed congratulations thanks you too eda oh taco what were you talking to alyama about right before the end of your match against 13. uh oh well is it because you like him like him it was nothing you got it all wrong what's the matter with you [Music] most we were never going to separate you that was just a logical deception we used a logical deception he tripped us all i should have expected this mr izawa this is the second time you've lied to us aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you uh a little blunt there tanya don't worry sounds like you went through a lot you get some rest i want to hear everything later thanks gravity we're about to start oh sorry i'll see you back at school i hope i didn't bother you much bye was that a boy um yeah but it's not like that i can't believe i talked to a girl on the phone it's like she was whispering in my ear then i'll be in the spotlight part of the team that everyone is keeping their eyes on my super cute little babies will inevitably be seen by the big company ceos who are tuning into the sports festival and following that line of reasoning this is the best way for me and my marvelous gadgets to get recruited could you slow down a minute did you bring babies here i mean you two will oh she doesn't care about me allow me as the chief of police to thank you you know you could have started with that todoroki looks like it's just you and me left yeah so what are you going to shop for today i want to find a few heavier wrist weights so i can up my training i mostly just need bug spray is it because you like him how about what whenever i'm involved someone's hand gets all messed up it's something wrong with me am i cursed i didn't know you had a sense of humor this isn't a joke i'm like the hand crusher or something i don't know what your goal is when it comes to this child but it sounds to me like you shouldn't be sticking your nose in a delicate situation you tend to cut to the heart of people's feelings it can be annoying right sorry about that you guys your hands aren't moving we'll never make the best do if you stop now if we're in teams of two boy there are 20 of us but five in extra lessons if there's even a hint that physical combat might break out i'll make you retreat immediately so in other words i'm your watchman exactly what we needed we have to consider that we could be attacked at any moment yeah you're right stealth mode you're standing out even more midoriya [Music] yo fool what you looking at this is me incognito watch it you park skid line so wrong you got to stick your chin out more you talking to me we're just a few scoundrels cruising for hot girls close enough good morning after being attacked by the league of villains twice in one school year oh hey there deku i was just wondering where you were don't run in the halls you here for costume improvements too oh uh it's been a while huh class one eight right uh yeah i forgot all your names already uh izuku midoriya i'm tenyaida the man you tricked into being a walking advertisement during the sports festival never heard of you well i'm busy developing new babies so bye [Music] oh my your body's much more muscly than it looks if you're wanting to cool down your legs then why don't you just run with your arms instead stop messing around world are you talking about really banish you you know violence oh i never asked are you changing part of your costume a little i don't want to feel sick anymore no you don't say in that case you've got to try this out how do i feel like it's about to explode just handle [Music] we're finished if we stay put oh choco ur he really trusts you a lot you know huh come back naked girl don't follow her oh man why not also you two are actually you right huh what are you talking about well earlier that girl transformed into uraraka's clone oh she didn't get that too madaria that's what you're concerned about of course [Music] that's not it it'll look different ben is back i think he's so flexible i can see his shape in my head right now so in order to bring this up to the ultimate move level [Music] that's not it let's go around and see who has the coolest room no way you can't go in there it's almost everywhere you're such a fanboy well i admire him this is embarrassing whoa it looks like a library in here a class rep for you you'll find nothing odd in here you have so many glasses of course i do i expect them all to be destroyed during training we've got these kind of floor mats at my home they're much more comfortable than hardwood this isn't your house you remodel this entire room in just one day with hard work you are a beast look what i'm saying is let's all work hard at our training and be good friends again okay sue i'm sorry thanks for telling us how you feel it's okay i apologize you shouldn't feel bad sue listen i won't make you sad again me either we promise [Music] sir i was wondering if you could improve the cooling devices in my legs if that's what you're in the market for try this baby on oh it's an electric booster for radiators that can coolify anything that gives off heat sweet baby number 36 helps me there's nothing wrong with my boosters [Music] oh i never heard about these about those work studies i wasn't scouted so i wonder if i'll get to participate in one maybe we can go to the places we did our internships i'd be totally down with doing that i hope i get to do one just one day i've been completely left behind that's what you're thinking right house arrest you don't call me that it's mean guys i'm sorry for all the trouble i caused no sweat deku thanks for your hard work all he did was vacuum and what's with those steam nostrils i'm sorry i disappointed you right well i'm glad you learned from your mistakes follow the rules from now on i'll catch up with everything i fell behind on these pedestrians that's the fighting spirit do it man looks like our class hierarchy is collapsing [Music] isn't this great todoroki you don't have to just take it easy relax the hierarchy [Music] yeah well you know this is a lot so many people have helped me get to this point and some of them went through a lot of trouble to do so meaning how do i put this it's like this is proof i've matured and gotten stronger and it makes me so happy i need to show this to my mom and all might as soon as possible i'm so psyched i've been looking forward to this camp all semester deku oh yeah it's definitely close huh so close hey what's the matter i'm just a little hot is it hey there my name's midoriya i'm from the ua high school hero course it's nice to meet you what a low blow you fiend of a child a punch to the scrotum is unforgivable the last thing i want is to hang with some wannabe heroes wannabe how old are you kid before you become a hero you should learn how to be a good human data [Music] foreign foreign [Music] yeah sorry about that i'm kind of a fanboy looks like you're having fun deku or a rocker what are you doing here it looks like you're having fun you said that oh my god [Music] foreign [Music] don't even try it there's no way you'll get a better score than i did yeah you're probably right i'm not so sure only one way to find out i guess yeah you're probably right foreign yeah hello what are you doing midoriya it's way past when you were supposed to be here oh [Applause] heroes aren't supposed to cry i don't know i figure that heroes cry when they need to don't they here uh you want half of my soba and i've got extra beef stew thanks you guys green onions yeah sure wasabi yeah [Music] foreign foreign this is okay then if i may do you have any idea how worried i was for all of you it was awful what have you never returned take your own advice and chill out [Music] surprises foreign [Music] foreign [Music] supplies [Music]
Channel: Everything In a nutshell
Views: 6,988,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yi_xm6kVmLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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